Am i transgender ftm quiz
Are you FTM transgender? Try the most accurate test!
Love and Relationship quizzes -» What is my sexuality? -» Am I a transgender?
15 Questions - Developed by: - Updated on: - 316,267 taken - User Rating: 4.1 of 5 - 43 votes - 287 people like it
When you arrived on the planet, you were assigned a sex based on what you looked like on the outside. But now, do you sometimes, often or even always feel that the adults got you all wrong? Do you want to take a quick, easy test to see whether those feelings are something more than just the tomboy blues? Here it is! Try it right now - I hope it helps. The main thing to remember is, you're awesome no matter what!
Do you feel uncomfortable about your chest?
Yes, it isn't masculine, and it should be
Yes, it is too big/fat
Yes, I have had negative experiences regarding it
Do you feel uncomfortable about the area below your waist?
Yes, it should be a penis, but it isn't
Yes, it's ugly
Yes, I have had a negative experience connected with it
Yes, I hate having periods
If you had the opportunity to transition hormonally, would you?
Yes, definitely.
I'd feel much more myself that way
Yes, but only because I want people to take my trans identity seriously
Yes, because it would be safer/I would be treated better as a man
Would you ever consider having top surgery (the removal of the breasts) or bottom surgery (the formation of a penis)?
Yes, and I want them both
Yes to both, although I have my reservations
Yes to top surgery, bottom is too dangerous
Yes to bottom surgery, but I don't feel like I need top. I'm OK with binding
No to both
Did the beginning of puberty make you feel uncomfortable?
Yes - but then, I always felt I was born in the wrong body
Yes, my body stopped really feeling like my own
Yes, but only because of the way people started treating me
No, I didn't start feeling uncomfortable in my body until I got into puberty/after puberty
No, and I still don't feel uncomfortable
When did you start questioning your gender?
Before grade school (3-4 years old)
In grade school (5-11 years old)
In middle school (12-13 years old)
I didn't start questioning until I was at least 15, but I did show significant signs of having a male brain since a young age
I didn't start questioning until I was at least 15 years old, but I never had any indication before then of being trans
Is the idea of gay intercourse between two men attractive to you?
Yes, but only because I think of myself as MLM
Yes, and it kind of makes me wish I were a gay man
Not really.
Even though I like men, the idea of two men having sex makes me uncomfortable/just isn't my thing
Not really - I like women
I'm not interested in sex
Is it sexually stimulating to you to see/picture yourself as a man?
Yes, I think it would be hot
Yes, but only because I'm a top and I want to be able to feel it
Not at all. I want to look male to feel comfortable, not to indulge a sexual desire
Not at all...I'm not into men
Not at all. I'm not sexually attracted to anyone, let alone myself as a guy
If you could wake up tomorrow and be a biological male with no way to reverse the process, would you?
Yes, I would finally feel like I'm in the right body
Yes, but I would have my reservations
Yes, I would look much hotter as a male
No, I would prefer transitioning medically over being a biological male
No, I would miss my current body and feel uncomfortable in that one
Do you dress more typically masculine?
Yes, because the clothes tend to fit my body in a way that makes me more comfortable
Yes, just because I like the style more
I dress pretty neutrally
No, but the feminine clothing I wear fits me in a way that still makes my body look masculine
No, I wear feminine clothes because I'm comfortable with highlighting my female features
3 Minute Self-Evaluation for Adults
Self Tests
Gender dysphoria (formerly called gender identity disorder) is a diagnosis used to describe individuals who exhibit a strong desire to be of the other gender. Take this gender dysphoria test to determine if you have gender dysphoria symptoms that could lead to a diagnosis.
Medical ReviewerRandy Bressler, PsyD
Who Is This Gender Dysphoria Quiz For?
Below is a list of questions that relate to life experiences common among people diagnosed with gender dysphoria—formerly known as gender identity disorder. Please read each question carefully and indicate whether you have experienced these thoughts or exhibited these behaviors for at least the past 6 months.
Note that this quiz applies to gender dysphoria in adults and adolescents (past puberty). A separate quiz is available for Child Gender Dysphoria.
How Accurate Is It?
This quiz is NOT a diagnostic tool. Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health professional or doctor.
Psycom believes assessments can be a valuable first step toward getting treatment. All too often people stop short of seeking help out of fear their concerns aren't legitimate or severe enough to warrant professional intervention.
Your privacy is important to us. All results are completely anonymous.
Alchemer is a professional survey software tool with extensive question types and countless other features. Please take my survey now
Adult Gender Dysphoria FAQs
Answers provided by Francisco J. Sánchez, PhD, an associate professor of educational, school, and counseling psychology at the University of Missouri.
What is gender dysphoria?
The sex that a physician assigns to a person at birth is generally based on external genitalia, but the person’s gender identity—their psychological sense of their gender—does not necessarily match their sex assigned at birth. The term “transgender” refers to a person whose gender identity does not match their sex assigned at birth. Gender dysphoria occurs when a transgender person experiences psychological distress because of the mismatch between their assigned sex and their gender identity. 1
While it can start in childhood, gender dysphoria may not be experienced until after puberty or much later. When this happens, it is called adult gender dysphoria.1
How is adult gender dysphoria diagnosed?
A person who feels they may have gender dysphoria should start with a visit to their doctor. The doctor may then refer the individual to a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or another mental health professional. A set of diagnostic criteria will be reviewed with the person, explains Francisco J. Sánchez, PhD, an associate professor of educational, school, and counseling psychology at the University of Missouri. “If the person meets enough of these criteria, they will be diagnosed with gender dysphoria,” he says.
According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the criteria for being diagnosed with gender dysphoria include the desire to change one’s primary sex characteristics (genitals) and/or secondary sex characteristics (such as facial and chest hair in men or breasts in women), and the wish to be of another gender. 1
Can gender dysphoria be self-diagnosed?
Although there is a lot of interest in this topic today, “you can’t just go to a doctor and say, ‘I have gender dysphoria,’” says Francisco J. Sánchez, PhD, an associate professor of educational, school, and counseling psychology at the University of Missouri. “There is an assessment that you need to go through before a determination can be made.”
Can gender dysphoria start in adulthood?
Many adults who present with gender dysphoria will say that they believed for a long time prior to their diagnosis that “something felt different,” says Francisco J. Sánchez, PhD, an associate professor of educational, school, and counseling psychology at the University of Missouri. “But they chose not to tell anyone about it until they were around 40 or 50 years old,” he says.
“There used to be some sociocultural differences between those who were diagnosed in childhood and those who were diagnosed as middle-aged adults,” Sánchez adds. “Some of these trends included white (non-Latino) patients and those attracted to women waiting until later in life to seek help. But these differences may be lessening now that there is greater awareness of and support for transgender issues.”
Sánchez notes that a small number of practitioners continue to believe that if a middle-aged man feels that he has gender dysphoria, it could actually be autogynephilia, which is a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female.2 However, this is a highly controversial concept that has been deemed harmful by several professional organizations.2
Can gender dysphoria be caused by trauma?
Gender dysphoria is not caused by trauma, says Francisco J. Sánchez, PhD, an associate professor of educational, school, and counseling psychology at the University of Missouri. At one time, it was theorized that gender dysphoria—like same sex attraction—was the result of childhood trauma. “But there is no reputable, scientific evidence that this is true,” he says.
Can gender dysphoria go away?
Yes and no. Once you are diagnosed with gender dysphoria, it becomes part of your medical records, says Francisco J. Sánchez, PhD, an associate professor of educational, school, and counseling psychology at the University of Missouri. “With sufficient treatment, the diagnosis may qualify as going into remission if a person is no longer reporting distress due to their identity,” he explains. “But the diagnosis typically remains in their records.”
How is gender dysphoria treated?
Although several professional organizations have offered guidelines (recommendations) for working with transgender and gender non-conforming patients, no major US medical or psychology organization has established official standards of care. There is an international association—called the World Professional Association for Transgender Health—however, that has developed standards of care that many practitioners refer to. (*Note: Standard of care distinction requires a higher threshold typically requiring empirical support and is adopted as a consistent response to a presenting concern. Deviating from a standard of care must come with well-supported justification.)
In general, people diagnosed with gender dysphoria are offered individualized treatments that can include hormone therapy, surgery, and counseling or psychotherapy. It should be noted that psychological attempts to force the transgender person to be cisgender (which means the person’s gender identity aligns with the sex assigned to them at birth) are considered unethical by some associations.1
How common is adult gender dysphoria?
In the US, the American Psychiatric Association estimates that as many as about 1 in 7,100 people assigned male at birth and as many as 1 in 33,300 people assigned female at birth meet diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria.
Around 0. 6% to 0.7% of the US population identifies as transgender. Many transgender individuals first experience gender dysphoria early in childhood. In fact, some 73% of transgender women and 78% of transgender men first experience gender dysphoria by the age of 7.3
Can you develop gender dysphoria late in life (late-onset gender dysphoria)?
It’s possible, but not probable, says Francisco J. Sánchez, PhD, an associate professor of educational, school, and counseling psychology at the University of Missouri. “Most people with gender dysphoria would have sensed something earlier in life,” he says. Still, some individuals may first notice feelings of gender dysphoria as late as middle age, Sánchez says.
- American Psychiatric Association. What Is Gender Dysphoria? Page Last Reviewed November 2020. Accessed June 14, 2021.
- Lawrence, Anne A. Autogynephilia: an underappreciated paraphilia. Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine. October 10, 2011. (Requires subscription.
) Abstract accessed June 14, 2021.
- Zaliznyak, M; Bresee, C; Garcia, MM. Age at First Experience of Gender Dysphoria Among Transgender Adults Seeking Gender-Affirming Surgery. JAMA Network Open. March 16, 2020. Accessed June 14, 2021.
Notes: This article was originally published June 16, 2021 and most recently updated October 15, 2021.
The transgender category grew by 75% and became the 7th most popular in the world - the 9th annual statistics of Pornhub
Pornhub once again shared statistics on the preferences of users of its site. This information is suitable for those who work with the dating vertical and also sell adult products.
You will find statistics on requests, preferences, demographics, devices, as well as 20 geos and tastes of the inhabitants of these countries. Some of the points in this material will surprise you very much. nine0003
Disclaimer : These are statistics published on the Pornhub website. The article does not promote non-traditional values, attitudes or tastes.
Pornhub's Top Searches for 2022
Each year, the Insights and Pornhub team look at their visitors' searches to see which content has been the dominant content of the past year. By the way, popular Pornhub searches often depend on trends, culture and world events.
Visitors to porn sites increasingly want "real" porn
This year's top trends are reality porn. The number of searches with "real" increased by 169%. And the popularity of the amateur category decreased by 19%. Pornhub suggests this is due to the increase in quality videos from amateur models. And users are looking for real homemade porn.
Searches for "real amateur homemade" are up 310% in the US and 179% worldwide. The most common queries in this section were "homemade swingers" and "homemade threesome". nine0003
Over the past year, the number of search queries that contain the word "real" has grown by 42%. At the same time, the most popular search queries were "real orgasm", "real couple" and "real massage".
Women watch videos for "reality porn" 37% more often than men. This is their 12th most popular category. For men, the query "reality porn" is in 15th place in terms of popularity. The same trend was found on PornhubGay, where the "reality porn" category climbed +8 places in the rankings to enter the top 20 gay male categories. Searches for "homemade" also rose by 33% among gay visitors. In four countries "reality porn" was the #1 category: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. nine0003
Transgender people take over porn sites
The transgender category has grown by 75% to become the 7th most popular category in the world. Transgender people have become the #1 category in Brazil and the third most popular in the US and Italy.
Searches for "FTM" were 8 times more popular than "MTF", with "transgender threesome" and "transgender surprise" among the most searched. Men view transgender videos 22% more than women, and women view the "Trans male transgender" subcategory 115% more than men. nine0003
Visitors aged 25-34 view videos featuring transgender people 34% more than other age groups, while those aged 35-44 view 25% more videos. Also searches for "FTM" grew by 202% among PornhubGay visitors.
Interest in group sex is only growing
The Threesome category grew by 34% in 2022, became the 4th most popular category in the world and was in the top five categories in 17 of the 20 countries with the highest traffic. Orgy videos are 113% more popular and gangbang videos are 88% more popular. nine0003
Women are 40% more likely than men to watch 'Threesome' videos, 29% more likely to watch 'Gangbang' videos, 25% more likely to watch 'Double penetration' videos and 12% more likely to watch videos with orgies. "FFM" (female, female, male) was 84% more popular than "MMF" (male + male + female), but women searched for "FFM" 24% more than "MMF". The Threesome category was 115% more popular among visitors aged 18-24 and 68% more popular among visitors aged 25-34 compared to other age groups. nine0003
On PornhubGay, interest in the Gangbang category grew by 67%, in the Threesome category by +52%. And the category "Group Sex" itself became the 3rd most popular category of porn among gay visitors.
Outdoor sex is popular even after COVID
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the category "Outdoor" has grown by 121% to become one of the top ten worldwide. She was the best in the top 20 countries with the highest traffic. Searches containing the words "outdoor" increased by 23%, while the words "outside" grew by 17%. nine0003
The top search term for the topic was "outdoor sex", followed by "outdoor anal", "outdoor cruising", "outdoor creampie", and "outdoor quickie". Women view videos from this category 11% more often than men. Gay men are 40% more likely to watch outdoor porn compared to straight men.
Searches for "camping" grew by 62% worldwide, with "amateur", "tent", "orgies" and "shower" being the top search terms. Searches for “travel” grew by +32%, “hotel” by +17%, “nude beach” by +23% and “sex on the beach” by +28%. nine0003
Searches for positions
Searches for "lesbian scissoring" increased by 151% worldwide and by 96% in the US. At the same time, women were 155% more likely than men to search for "scissoring". "Scissoring" is 46% more popular among visitors aged 18-24 and 32% more popular among people aged 35-54.
The next most popular query is "amazon", followed by "69", "missionary", "lotus", "spooning", "helicopter" and "cowgirl". 13% of women have a popular query - "cowgirl", and they watch videos with this query 21% more often than men. Men are 58% more likely to watch videos for "doggystyle". nine0003
Foot fetishists are here to stay
“love her feet” queries are trending all year long and this has made “Feet” the most popular fetish-related term in 2022. The Feet category was viewed 38% more than the previous year and was 145% more popular with women.
The number of searches related to the feet increased by 31%. At the same time, “footjob” became the most common request. The most common queries were "nylon footjob" and "pantyhose footjob". The top search terms were "feet worship", "feet licking" and "femdom feet". Visitors aged 25 to 34 viewed the Feet category 58% more than other age groups. nine0003
Femdom is getting even more popular
The "Bondage" category has gone up 3 spots to become one of the top 20 categories in Pornhub. At the same time, the number of searches for "femdom" and "female domination" increased by 28%, and the additional searches for "pegging" and "strapon" became one of the most popular this year.
The query "lesbian domination" was the most popular in terms of the category of domination. And the requests “mistress” and “goddess” were more common than similar ones, but addressed to men. Women watch the "Bondage" category 30% more than men, making it their 17th most viewed category. nine0003
Searches for "cuck" and "cuckold" grew by 18% in 2022, and "cuckquean" grew by 130%. The most popular search terms are "bbc cuckold", "cuckold cleanup" and "cuckold wife".
Most popular searches in 2022
Hentai continues to rank first, followed by japanese. The query "MILF" has changed places with "lesbian": now it is one position higher. Then comes the "pinay" (Filipino woman). So most people's ideal porn is Japanese and Filipina lesbian MILFs? nine0003
'ebony' and 'massage' began to drop in rankings. They were replaced by "big ass", "threesome" and "latina".
The searches for "blowjob", "cosplay" and "trans" also grew in popularity. The queries "anime", "bbc", "squirt" and "joi" remained in the top 20, but their popularity has fallen.
Most Popular Pro Porn Stars on Pornhub
Abella Danger became the most popular porn star, pushing Lana Rhodes to 2nd place. Now you know who to use on creatives for teasers for penis enlargement creams. nine0003
Angela White moved up three places in the rankings to become the third most popular pornstar on Pornhub. Below were Eva Elfi and Riley Reid. The top five pornstars have over 7.1 billion video views of all time.
Most Searched Amateur Models
US Residents Preferences
In 2022, "lesbian" was the most popular search term in the US. Porn for "ebony" and "latina" has become more popular in terms of views than videos for "asian". In 2022, Americans liked videos more for "big ass" than "bbc". The query "big tits" moved up four spots in popularity, while the query "BBW" dropped four places down. nine0003
By the way, people's tastes depend not only on the country, but also on the region. The US is a great example of regional differences:
Alaskans like “breast expansion” porn more than other Americans, and those in South Carolina like “GILF” videos.
Which countries have the most traffic on Pornhub
The USA is the country with the highest daily amount of traffic on PH. Then comes the UK. But France is ahead of Japan and became the third country in terms of traffic. More porn was watched in Mexico, Germany and Egypt. Belgium also returned to the top 20 - the last time it was in this ranking was in 2017. Five years of abstinence is a serious time. nine0003
These 20 countries account for almost 80% of all Pornhub traffic.
How much time people in different countries spent on Pornhub
The average session duration on Pornhub decreased by 1 second and now stands at 9 minutes 54 seconds. Considering the countries separately, the duration of the session has increased in most geos. For example, in Japan, Germany and Sweden as much as half a minute. Canadians, on the other hand, completed their tasks 20 seconds faster in 2022 than they did in 2021. The same goes for Filipinos, who spent an average of 32 seconds less time on the site in 2022 than they did in 2021.
To increase the CTR of creatives, use approaches from expensive geos to cheaper geos — parsing creo from spay to gamble in Germany #7
Visitors from Egypt had the longest sessions — 11 minutes 12 seconds. But the fastest country is Mexico, their session averaged 8 minutes 45 seconds, which is 31 seconds less than in 2021. But now we know where to sell pills to improve potency.
Women spend 6 seconds more on Pornhub than men this year. But this is less than the year before. Because in 2021, the difference between men and women was 14 seconds. nine0003
The most popular day to visit Pornhub is Sunday and the less popular day is Friday. The peak time for watching porn is from 22:00 to 01:00, but on weekends, the viewing time shifts to the morning hours. The least traffic is on Tuesday at 5 am, and the most is on Monday around 23:00.
The most popular categories of porn in 2022
Search terms depend on current trends, but Pornhub's 100+ video categories are the same all over the world. Categories can give a clear idea of the types or genres of porn that people watch the most. nine0003
There has been a major change in 2022 with the categories "Lesbian" and "Ebony" moving up one position to replace "Japanese". The "Threesome" section rose 6 positions at once and became the 4th most popular category in the world. And "Anal" became more popular than "MILF".
On the map you can see which categories were popular in different countries:
"Ebony" is still the #1 category in the United States and throughout most of the African continent. In Canada and Australia, lesbian porn is preferred. "Japanese" is the main category in most East Asian countries, while India and neighboring countries love Indian porn. nine0003
"Reality" was the top 1 category in only four countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. And only in Russia the category "russian" was viewed most often. By the way, of all the statistics, this is the most sudden result.
Men's and women's preferences
This year's No. 1 categories remain the same for both men and women: "Japanese" for men and "Lesbian" for women. The popularity of the "Ebony" category has increased for both genders, rising +4 positions for women and +2 for men, making it the second most popular category. nine0003
The Reality category also became popular with both men and women, entering the top 20 most viewed for the first time. The same happened with the "Outdoor" and "Babysitter" categories for both genders.
Women are 155% more likely to watch videos from the "Scissoring" category, 87% more likely to watch "Solo Male" and 78% more likely to watch "Pussy Licking" videos.
Women are 40% more likely to watch "Threesome" videos and 37% more likely to watch reality TV style videos. Compared to male visitors, women are 34% more likely to watch hardcore videos and 29% more% watch group sex more often.
All the pornstars most watched by women are gay or bisexual. And 46.7% of gay porn views also come from women.
Share of female viewers on Pornhub
In 2022, the proportion of female viewers rose to 36%, up +4% compared to 2021. In the Philippines, Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina, almost half of Pornhub's visitors are women. In Canada and the USA, 29% of female viewers, while in Germany this figure is lower than in the other 20 countries - 26% of women. nine0003
Age of Pornhub visitors
The average age of Pornhub visitors in 2022 remained at 37 years old. At the same time, the age group from 18 to 24 years old increased by +2%, while the age group from 35 to 44 years old decreased by -2%.
Egypt made it into the top 20 countries for the first time this year, and nearly 65% of the visitors from this geo are between 18 and 34 years old. The Philippines and Brazil have similar proportions of visitors aged 18 to 34, while Canada and the United States have slightly higher proportions of visitors over 35. nine0003
Different generations prefer different types of porn. Gen 18-24 visitors are 115% more likely to watch videos from the "Threesome" category, 72% more likely to watch "Cosplay" and 58% more likely to watch "Cartoon".
Gen 25-34 visitors are +143% more interested in Asian porn, +58% more watch Feet videos, and +33% more likely to prefer porn with tattooed women. They are also the most likely to view transgender videos (+37%). nine0003
Visitors aged 35 to 54 are 65% more likely to watch videos from the "Creampie" section. They are also 19% more interested in fisting and 17% more likely to view the BBW section.
People over 55 are twice as likely to watch videos from the "Handjob" category and 39% more interested in porn from the "Small Tits" section.
Movie parodies, cosplays and pornography
Fantasy plays a big role in pornography. People are not just looking for nudity, they are interested in scenarios that lead to sexual contact. It's only natural that fans will want to see their favorite movie characters in sex scenes. Therefore, porn parodies and cosplay are the most popular genres of adult films. nine0003
"Harley Quinn" is still the most requested search in 2022. Next comes Star Wars, which has more than doubled in popularity over the previous year.
Also in the top and Marvel characters - Black Widow, Wonder Woman, Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. Favorite DC characters are Batman, Spiderman and Deadpool.
Video games, characters and porn
Fortnite is still the most searched game on Pornhub, while Overwatch and Genshin Impact have surpassed Minecraft and Pokemon and are now in the top 5 searches. Cyberpunk's rating increased by +12 points, Summertime Sage by +18 and Valorant by +21. Games that have declined in popularity include Roblox at -2, Among Us at -10, and Final Fantasy at -2. Call of Duty's popularity increased by 6 positions due to the re-release of the game in 2022. Who are all the people who like Among Us more than Final Fantasy or Mass Effect? nine0003
How Holidays Affect Pornhub Traffic
People schedule their masturbation quite regularly, choosing the most convenient days and times to visit Pornhub. Holidays greatly impact Pornhub traffic as people have to adjust their regular schedule to travel, attend events, and spend time with family and friends.
For example, on December 31, from 18:00 to midnight, traffic around the world fell by 40%. The drop in traffic around the world on Christmas Eve was 32%, and on Christmas Day - 15%. nine0003
Curious about how their traffic has changed during the 2022 FIFA World Cup matches? During the match between Belgium and Canada, almost a quarter of Belgians gave up pornography, while in Canada the drop was only 7%. Brazil and Serbia were the most equal, at least when it came to the ratio of sports fans to Pornhub fans. In both countries, traffic fell by 40%. Now it is clear who is really rooting for their country and was worried about the whole evening watching TV. nine0003
But the traffic in Australia increased by 6% during the match against France. Apparently, they got rid of stress.
Porn preferences by country
A separate section is devoted to statistics on twenty popular countries of Pornhub. We will tell you what the inhabitants of these geos prefer.
Creo chickens to Italy can increase CTR by 2 times — analysis of gamble creatives from spay #4
In the USA, the query "lesbian" overtook "hentai" and became the number one search query. 'ebony' and 'latina' have also become more popular than 'asian'. The popularity of the queries “gamer girl” also increased by +813% and “reverse cuckold” by +396%.
United Kingdom
In 2022, "milf" videos overtook "lesbian" as the #1 search term. The query "anal" has become two positions higher in popularity. And "asian" and "big ass" went up four places. Searches related to "ebony" fell -8 positions, while "gangbang" rose three positions.
The top search terms in France remained "francaise" and "hentai", while "milf", "lesbienne", "amateur francais" and "anal" moved up to the top 5. Searches for "poupee sexuelle" increased by +363%, and "real rencountre" also grew by 255%. nine0003
"Japanese" is the #1 search term in Japan. The query "uncensored" moved up +4 positions, ahead of "amateur". 754% increased interest in "car sex" and 612% in videos for "face riding".
The top 5 search terms in Mexico have not changed in 2022. Topping the list is 'hentai' followed by 'lesbianas' and 'milf'. Search queries for "espanol" rose by two positions in the rankings, and "colombiana" by +16. "Threesome" was the second most popular video category in Mexico, while "Transgender" was the third. nine0003
In 2022, all of Italy's top 5 search queries moved +1 position. At the same time, "italiano" leads the list, followed by "milf" and "amatoriale italiano". Searches for "gang bang italiana" increased by 278%. There are 114% more "transgender" searches.
Germans love homemade porn. Requests "german" and "deutsch" top the list for several years. Searches for "big ass" rose by three positions. There was also an increase of 833% in search queries for "curvy german", another +487% for the query "german public". "Anal" is the most popular video category in German. Germans are 408% more likely to watch this kind of porn. nine0003
In 2022, "milf" ranked first in searches in Canada, ahead of "lesbian", displacing "hentai" from #2 to #3. Searches for "big tits" moved up two places in the rankings, "big ass" went up three places, and "gangbang" went up six places. All of these queries were in the top 15 in terms of popularity.
In 2022, "pinay" remained the number one search term in the Philippines, while "japanese" moved up one position to become the second most searched term, ahead of "pinoy". "Japanese" is the most viewed category in the Philippines. nine0003
"trans" went up six places, while "gay" went up 13 places. "Transgender" became the most viewed video category in Brazil. Brazilians are 92% more likely to watch brunette videos and 86% more likely to watch transgender videos.
Popular searches in Spain are "transexuales" and "futbol" (soccer). Visitors from Spain are 117% more likely to watch transgender videos and 63% more interested in videos in the Handjobs category compared to the rest of the world. nine0003
Popular searches for the year - "football", 442% more and "real amateur homemade", 350% more often. Visitors from Poland watch videos from the lesbian category the most and prefer brunettes to blondes.
The Netherlands
Over the past year, searches for "threesome" have risen by four positions, while videos for "Indian" have risen by 18 positions. Popular search terms include "festival", "pizza delivery" and "bouncing boobs". nine0003
Threesome videos are the second most watched video in Australia. Residents of this country most often watch Asian, Indian and British porn.
In Ukraine, queries "lesbian", "MILF", "anime" and "hard" have grown in the ranking and entered the top five most popular. In 2021, “russian homemade” was the most searched search term in the country. But its popularity dropped by six positions, and the search query "Ukrainian porn" grew by +84 positions and entered the top 5 in the country. nine0003
In Argentina, "argentina", "hentai", "lesbianas" and "MILF" remained in the top 5, just as they did in 2021.
In Colombia, the search term "colombiana" ranked first in popularity over "hentai". "Threesome" and "Transgender" made it into the top five most searched video categories in the country.
Egypt is in the top 20 for the first time. The queries "egyptian sex" and "arabic sex" were the two most popular queries in the country. Visitors from Egypt on 890% are more likely to watch Arabic videos.
"Swedish" and "MILF" are still the most searched terms in Sweden. At the same time, "lesbian" moved up +12 spots in the rankings, while "big ass" moved up one. Searches for "handjob" and "redhead" are up 426% this year. Swedes also became 65% more into Arabic porn and 48% more into fisting.
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Sex reassignment from female to male FtM at low cost in Indus
Sex reassignment surgery is a completely different process. Through this procedure, a woman or a man is completely transformed into another gender, for example, if a woman wants sex reassignment surgery, after accepting the sex reassignment surgery, she will become completely male. Her body will turn into a male body. And she can experience the other sex. There are gender reassignment surgeries and procedures that he must take if he/she wants to turn sex into sex. nine0003
Not every transgender person wants to undergo gender reassignment surgery. But still, a number of gender reassignment surgeries are being done. People who want to convert MTF (male to female) and (ftm) ( gender reassignment from female to male), they choose medical operations to transform their gender. They focus on the top or bottom or cosmetic surgery.
Why is floor conversion necessary?
Some babies are born with an indistinct and indeterminate penis. There may be a great atrophy of the penis and testicles to the extent that it is similar to the external female genitalia, or vice versa in the increase in the size of the female external genitalia to resemble the genitals. This remains critical for parents. Is the child treated as a woman or a man? nine0003
people do gender reassignment from female to male (ftm) and female to male (FtM). When they feel the other gender inside. They want to feel and experience the other sex in the same body, then they require gender reassignment or cosmetic surgery.
Female to Male Gender Reassignment : Procedure ( ftm )
In female transsexuals ( FtM ) operative procedures are usually performed at different stages: firstly, subcutaneous mastectomy, which is often combined with hysterectomy-oophorectomy (endoscopically). The next operative procedure consists of genital transformation and includes vaginectomy, horizontal urethral reconstruction, urethroplasty, and penile reconstruction usually with a forearm radial flap (or alternative). After about a year, a penile prosthesis (erection) and testicular prostheses can be implanted when sensation returns to the tip of the penis. The authors provide an up-to-date overview of the various gender reassignment surgery procedures that can be performed in female-to-male transsexuals (FTM). nine0003
Transsexual patients have an absolute conviction that they were born in the wrong body, and this serious identity problem leads to great suffering from early childhood. Although the exact etiology of transsexualism is still not fully understood, it is most likely the result of a combination of various biological and psychological factors. As far as treatment is concerned, it is generally accepted that the only real therapeutic option is "fitting the body to the mind" (or female-to-male gender reassignment - FtM), because trying to "fit the mind to the body" through psychotherapy has been shown to facilitate severe suffering for these patients. Sex reassignment usually consists of a diagnostic phase (mostly supported by a mental health professional), followed by hormone therapy (through an endocrinologist), real life experiences, and finally the sex reassignment surgery itself. nine0003
In terms of eligibility and eligibility criteria for these surgeries, WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health Care) standards of care (SOC) are universally recommended. 1. It is generally recommended to stop all hormone therapy 2-3 weeks before surgery.
Two major surgical procedures for female-to-male gender reassignment (FtM) of transgender patients to be considered here are (1) subcutaneous mastectomy (SCM), often combined with hysterectomy/oophorectomy; and (2) the actual genital transformation, consisting of vaginectomy, reconstruction of the fixed part of the urethra (if isolated, metoidioplasty), ureoplasty, and phalloplasty. At a later stage, testicular prostheses and/or erection prostheses may be inserted. nine0003
1) Mastectomy fm
Due to hormonal treatment, the operation performed in women and men (FtM) has little effect on breast size. That's why the doctor prefers to do a mastectomy. This procedure allows the patient to more easily live in the male role. The goal of female and male mastectomy (FtM) is to create an aesthetically pleasing male chest, which includes removal of breast tissue and excess skin, reduction and alignment of the nipple and areola, obliteration of the inframammary fold, and minimization of chest wall scarring. There are many methods that can be used in this treatment for female to male gender reassignment (FtM). A mastectomy is the removal of the entire breast. There are five different types of mastectomy: "simple" or "complete" ftm mastectomy, modified radical ftm mastectomy, radical ftm mastectomy, partial ftm mastectomy, and subcutaneous (nipple sparing) ftm mastectomy. nine0003
"Simple" or "total" ftm mastectomy
Simple or total ftm mastectomy concentrates on the breast tissue itself:
- The surgeon removes the entire breast.
- The surgeon does not perform an axillary lymph node dissection (removal of lymph nodes in the armpit). Sometimes, however, the lymph nodes are sometimes removed because they are in the breast tissue taken during the operation.
- No muscles are removed from under the breasts. nine0420
Modified radical mastectomy fm
Modified radical mastectomy fm involves removal of breast tissue and lymph nodes:
- The surgeon removes the entire breast.
- An axillary lymphadenectomy is performed, during which levels I and II of the axillary lymph nodes are removed (B and C in the illustration).
- No muscles are removed from under the chest.
Radical Mastectomy fm
Radical mastectomy is the most common type of mastectomy:
- The surgeon removes the entire breast.
- Levels I, II, and III axillary lymph nodes are removed (B, C, and D in the figure).
- The surgeon also removes the chest wall muscles under the breasts.
Partial Mastectomy fm
A partial mastectomy is the removal of the cancerous part of the breast tissue and the normal tissue around it. Although a lumpectomy is technically a form of partial mastectomy, a partial mastectomy removes more tissue than a lumpectomy. nine0003
Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy fm
During a nipple-sparing mastectomy, all breast tissue is removed, but the nipple is left alone.
2) Sex change from female to male (ftm): hysterectomy
Hysterectomy is the second option for the transformation of a man from a woman. Not all transgender people want a hysterectomy. It depends on the choice, but it is a very important part of the Female to Male Gender Reassignment (FtM) procedure. An abdominal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus through an incision in the lower abdomen. Your uterus - or womb - is where the baby grows if you are pregnant. A partial hysterectomy removes only the uterus, leaving the cervix intact. A total hysterectomy removes the uterus and cervix. nine0003
Sometimes a hysterectomy involves the removal of one or both ovaries and fallopian tubes, a procedure called total hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy.
Hysterectomy can also be performed through an incision in the vagina (vaginal hysterectomy) or by a laparoscopic or robotic surgical approach—which uses long, thin instruments passed through small incisions in the abdomen.
An abdominal hysterectomy may be recommended over other types of hysterectomy if:
- You have a large uterus.
- Your doctor wants to check other pelvic organs for signs of disease.
- Your surgeon thinks it is in your best interest to perform an abdominal hysterectomy.
There are several reasons why people need a hysterectomy other than female-to-male gender reassignment (FtM). The reason for the hysterectomy is female to male gender reassignment (FtM), desire, your feelings. Since your feelings are like a man, but you are in a male body, it is like a man in a female body, and this is the only reason for a hysterectomy in a female-to-male sex change (FtM) operation. Let's understand the reasons for a hysterectomy. nine0003
- Gynecological cancer. If you have gynecological cancer—for example, cancer of the uterus or cervix—a hysterectomy may be your best treatment option. Depending on the specific cancer you have and how advanced it is, your other options may include radiation or chemotherapy.
- Uterine fibroma. Hysterectomy is the only definitive, permanent solution for fibroids, benign uterine tumors that often cause persistent bleeding, anemia, pelvic pain, or bladder pressure. Non-surgical treatment for fibroids is possible, depending on your level of discomfort and the size of the tumor. Many women with fibroids have minimal symptoms and do not require treatment. nine0420
- Endometriosis. In endometriosis, the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other organs in the pelvis or abdomen. When medical or conservative surgery does not improve endometriosis, you may need a hysterectomy along with removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy).
- Uterine prolapse. Descent of the uterus into the vagina can occur when the supporting ligaments and tissues are weakened. Uterine prolapse can lead to urinary incontinence, pelvic pressure, or difficulty with bowel movements. A hysterectomy may be required to treat these conditions. nine0420
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding. If your periods are heavy, irregular, or long each cycle, a hysterectomy may provide relief when bleeding cannot be controlled by other methods.
- Chronic pelvic pain. Sometimes surgery is a necessary last resort for women who experience chronic pelvic pain that clearly originates in the uterus. However, a hysterectomy does not provide any relief from many forms of pelvic pain, and an unnecessary hysterectomy can create new problems. Seek a thorough evaluation before embarking on such a major operation. nine0420
A hysterectomy stops your ability to get pregnant. If you think you might be pregnant, ask your doctor about alternatives to this surgery. In the case of cancer, a hysterectomy may be the only option. But for other conditions—including fibroids, endometriosis, and uterine prolapse—you might want to try less invasive treatments first.
3) Creation of the penis and creation of the testicles - FTM
Creation of the penis is the third and the steps to gender change from female to male (FtM). Penile implants for the treatment of erectile dysfunction have been continuously improved and improved over the past 40 years. More than 300,000 cisgender and transgender men have undergone penile implant surgery, with about 20,000 penile implant surgeries per year. Penile implants provide an erection by serving as a replacement for the spongy tissue (corpora cavernosa) inside the penis, which normally fills with blood during an erection. They come in a variety of diameters and lengths. nine0003
After creating a penis, you can enjoy and fulfill your sexual desires. This is also the last step towards becoming a male body. Penile implants come in many types, but the most widely used in sex reassignment surgery is the "non-reinforced penile implant". One or two bendable and "positionable" rods are inserted into the penis. The rods have an outer silicone coating and an inner stainless steel core or interlocking plastic connections. Non-inflatable (or semi-rigid) implants are always strong. They can be bent into different positions for upright and flaccid conditions. These implants are the least used of all types, about 10% of the time. nine0003
How it works : To get an erection, simply bend your penis into an erect position. To end an erection, tilt your penis down. Erections can be of varying degrees depending on how the penis is curved.
- Easy to use: bend it for an erection and bend it down when not in use.
- Completely hidden in the body.
- The simplest penile implant procedure. nine0420
- Least expensive.