Am i paranoid quiz
Paranoid Personality Disorder Test - Get Instant Results!
Personality DisordersPersonality Disorders
Do I Have Paranoid Personality Disorder? If you excessively distrust others and experience intense paranoia and suspicion, you may be suffering from Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD).
Medical ReviewerRandy Bressler, PsyD
Who Is This Paranoid Personality Disorder Quiz For?
Below is a list of questions that relate to life experiences common among people who have been diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder. Please read each question carefully, and indicate how often you have experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.
How Accurate Is It?
This quiz is NOT a diagnostic tool. Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by licensed health care professionals.
Psycom believes assessments can be a valuable first step toward getting treatment. All too often people stop short of seeking help out of fear their concerns aren't legitimate or severe enough to warrant professional intervention.
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Paranoid Personality Disorder FAQs
How long does it take to diagnose paranoid personality disorder?
To diagnose paranoid personality disorder (PPD) a doctor will start by performing a complete medical history and physical examination. The doctor might use various diagnostic tests to rule out physical illness as the cause of the symptoms. If the doctor finds no physical reason for the symptoms, they might refer the person to a psychiatrist or psychologist, who will use specifically design assessment tools to make a diagnosis. Personality disorder diagnoses are typically made in individuals 18 or older. People under 18 are typically not diagnosed with personality disorders because their personalities are still developing.
Who can diagnose paranoid personality disorder?
Only a trained mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, has the knowledge and experience to diagnose paranoid personality disorder. You may use self-assessment tools like Psycom’s paranoid personality disorder test as a first step to identify if you may be experiencing symptoms of the disorder, but a formal diagnosis can only be made by a licensed mental health professional or doctor.
How is paranoid personality disorder diagnosed?
Paranoid personality disorder can be diagnosed by a mental health professional or doctor. If your doctor finds no physical reason for the symptoms you are experiencing, they may refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist for a thorough mental health evaluation. Your healthcare provider will use the criteria outlined in the DSM-5, a specifically designed interview, and other assessment tools to consider a possible diagnosis.
What causes paranoid personality disorder?
The exact cause of paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is not known, but it likely involves a combination of biological and psychological factors. Research has shown that PPD is more common in people who are closely related to people with schizophrenia, suggesting a link between to the two disorders. Other environmental factors, such as the impact of early childhood experiences, are also thought to be part of the development of PPD.
What does it feel like to have paranoid personality disorder?
People with paranoid personality disorder (PPD) have a hard time trusting others and often believe others are using or deceiving them. This can cause people with PPD to feel like they always need to be on-guard or skeptical of the intentions of those around them. For some people with PPD, it can feel like everyone is against them. As a result, they are reluctant to confide in others and are hypersensitive to criticism.
How is paranoid personality disorder treated?
Many people with paranoid personality disorder (PPD) may not seek treatment on their own accord, either because they do not see that their behaviors are out of the ordinary or because they are distrusting of other people, including the healthcare professionals wanting to help them. Treatment for PPD is usually centered on psychotherapy. While there are no specific medications to treat PPD, medication may be prescribed if symptoms are severe or to treat co-occurring conditions, like anxiety or depression.
What is the difference between paranoid personality disorder and schizophrenia?
While both paranoid personality disorder and schizophrenia share the symptoms of mistrust in others, withdrawing from society, and being out of touch with reality, schizophrenia differs from paranoid personality disorder in that delusions and hallucinations are present. People with paranoid personality disorder may have unfounded beliefs about the people and situations around them, but these are not a result of actual delusions or hallucinations.
- Cleveland Clinic. Paranoid Personality Disorder. Accessed 4/21/21.
Notes: This article was originally published June 16, 2021 and most recently updated January 24, 2022.
3 Minute Paranoid Disorder Test
Instructions: Below is a list of questions that relate to life experiences common among people who have been diagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD).
Please read each question carefully, and indicate whether it applies to you or not.
The IDRlabs 3 Minute Paranoid Personality Disorder Test (IDR-3MPPDT) was developed by IDRlabs. The IDR-3MPPDT is based on the work of Dr. David Rawlings and Justin L. Freeman, who created the Paranoia/Suspiciousness Questionnaire (PSQ). The IDR-3MPPDT is not associated with any specific researchers in the field of psychopathology or any affiliated research institutions.
The IDRlabs 3 Minute Paranoid Personality Disorder Test was informed by the PSQ’s criteria for Paranoid Personality Disorder as published in Rawlings, D. & Freeman, J. (2015). Measuring paranoia/suspiciousness. Schizotypy: Implications for Illness and Health, DOI: 10.1093/med:psych/9780198523536.001.0001; Rawlings, D. & Freeman, J. (1996). A questionnaire for the measurement of paranoia/suspiciousness. British Journal of Clinical Psychology; Tiegreen, J., & Combs, D. An examination of sub-clinical paranoia in a correlational setting. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 8 (3), pp. 320-331; Freeman, D., Bentall, R., & Garety, P. (2008). Persecutory delusions: The assessment of persecutory ideation. Oxford University Press.
The work of Dr. Rawlings and Freeman has also informed some of the diagnostic criteria in the form of the widely used psychological instrument, the PSQ, for clinical use especially by qualified mental health professionals. The present test is intended for educational purposes only. IDRlabs and the present IDRlabs 3 Minute Paranoid Personality Disorder Test are independent of the above researchers, organizations, or their affiliated institutions.
The 3 Minute Paranoid Personality Disorder Test is based on a famous and well-regarded inventory for the assessment of the clinical concept of Paranoid Personality Disorder, which is a cluster A personality disorder. However, free online tests and quizzes such as this one are solely initial considerations and cannot provide accurate assessments of your potential personality disorder. Hence, the test is intended to be used for educational purposes only. A definitive mental health assessment can be made only by a qualified mental health professional.
As the publishers of this free online 3 Minute Paranoid Personality Disorder Quiz, which allows you to screen yourself for the signs and symptoms of this personality disorder, we have strived to make the test as reliable and valid as possible by subjecting this test to statistical controls and validation. However, free online quizzes such as the present 3 Minute Paranoid Personality Disorder Test do not provide professional assessments or recommendations of any kind; the test is provided entirely “as-is.” For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.
Psychological test: How paranoid are you?
in Psychological tests, Personality and character tests
published Psychologist
Paranoia is a mental disorder manifested by excessive suspicion, a tendency to see malicious intent in a random coincidence of events and build conspiracy theories. Are you experiencing a similar condition? For prevention, we suggest you take this test. Remember that if you have any suspicious symptoms, you need to contact a medical specialist!
Find out more about yourself with this quiz.
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Test for paranoia and its degree
Fear and suspicion are natural reactions of the psyche to danger. However, what about those who have them even in calm situations? Intensified negative emotions noticeably poison life, limiting it and making it monotonously gray. However, fortunately, paranoia as a diagnosis is extremely rare. This psychosis is not that difficult to diagnose, unlike other mental disorders. Therefore, this test for paranoia will help determine its presence, degree and prompt further actions.
1. Do you consider yourself the only person who knows some special truth that other people cannot understand or comprehend?
2. Is it true that sometimes you are so charged with your ideas and the need to convey them to the unknowing outside world that you literally cannot sit still and strive to act immediately?
3. Do you think that the whole world is facing a very serious, perhaps even mortal danger, to which everyone closes their eyes or which no one knows except you?
4. Do you believe in at least one theory of state or even global conspiracy?
5. Are you an independent person who lives an independent life, has a job with sufficient earnings for a normal life, satisfies the need for communication?
6. Do you have a strong feeling that you were sent to this world with a specific, extremely important and dangerous mission and that you are the messiah, the savior of mankind, or something like that?
7. Are most of the people around you either extremely dangerous and suspicious, or blind fools who do not recognize the obvious?
8. Do you consider yourself a person who is rightfully unappreciated by others who simply do not want or are not ready to recognize your achievements and / or talents?
9. Do you have hallucinations, incomprehensible visions, “waking dreams”, a sense of distorted reality, a lack of understanding of who you really are?
10. Did your personal ideas, which no one else wants or can understand, come from your childhood/adolescence, and not already as an adult?
11. Do you have any theory of your own that is not supported by mainstream science or the government? This includes both theories with a small number of fans, and with the complete absence of those.
12. No. - 5 Do you consider all your former and current partners to be traitors, even if you do not have clear evidence of this, such as videos, photos, frank correspondence?
13. Do your states of fear, suspicion, acute distrust give way to states of apathy, alienation, complete indifference to yourself and the world around you?
14. Are you ready to constantly and loudly defend your theories, prove them to people, even to the detriment of friends, relatives, your own life and its well-being?
15. Do you feel that (practically) all of your failures were slyly set up by your enemies and/or envious people to prevent you from achieving success or helping others?
16. When you are on a sparsely populated street and a person is walking towards you, do you sometimes think that he is definitely going to you or that he definitely wants to harm you physically/morally?
17. Have you ever been called a paranoid maniac (or something like that) seriously by at least three people?