Single as a..
8 Awesome Quotes about Being Single ...
8 Awesome Quotes about Being Single • ★★★★☆
By Jelena
Quotes About Being Single might not be THE thing you’d want to read right now, when you’re hurt, feel a bit out of place and maybe even slightly scared. But you should because, unlike most quotes about being single, these could actually prove that's really a good thing. In fact, some of these inspiring quotes about being single have actually helped me realize what I’m doing wrong and I hope, or even better, believe they could make you feel great, too! So, here are my 8 favorite ones:
1 “Sometimes You Have to Stand Alone to Prove That You Can Still Stand.”
The first of many cool quotes about being single you’ll have a chance to read now and maybe THE one to remember and share with people who have just ended a relationship that lasted for years. You see, we sometimes forget how it feels to be single and we tend to shove our relationship problems under the rug thinking that’s less painful than being single again and completely ignoring the fact that singlehood does have its benefits as well.
Sure, it takes some time to get used to it again and you feel weak and vulnerable at first but then you say – Hey, is it just me or the earth is not crumbling under my feet? You cool down, you learn an important lesson or two, you realize that being single again doesn’t mean going back to square one but moving forward and it makes you even stronger!
2 “Single as a Dollar and I’m Not Looking for Change.”
LOL! Now if this doesn’t make you smile, I don’t know what to say! This short quote is fun, meaningful, it’s bursting with confidence and makes me start thinking about all those cool stuff single people get to do. You know – flirting, casually dating, going out hoping you’ll not only have a great time but spot a cute guy to flirt with… the whole shebang! It’s a lot of fun, isn’t it? Maybe it becomes boring over time but hey, a charming babe like you won’t stay single for long so enjoy it while it lasts :)
3 "Being Single Used to Mean That Nobody Wanted You.

Exactly! After all, Sex and The City gals know everything there is to know about being single and they certainly have been on this world long enough to be able to tell the difference between modern times and ahem… well… times when being 25-30 and unmarried was a synonym for being doomed. So, take Carrie's advice and make this one of your favorite quotes about being single! Why? Because it’s true!
4 “It's Really Hard to Walk in a Single Woman's Shoes. That's Why You Sometimes Need Really Special Shoes.”
In fact, you can buy special shoes every week if you want to and you won’t have to answer a bunch of questions or suffer the “I know you don’t need them but I’ll save my words for when we get married” look. LOL! And special shoes always need a special bag, don’t they? After all, now when you don’t have to buy him birthday/Christmas/Valentine’s Day presents, there should be more money left for those perfect stilettos you’ll need in order to strut down that path of singlehood feeling sexy, confident and ready to take on the world!
5 "I Must Learn to Love the Fool in Me the One Who Feels Too Much, Talks Too Much, Takes Too Many Chances, Wins Sometimes and Loses Often, Lacks Self-control, Loves and Hates, Hurts and Gets Hurt, Promises and Breaks Promises, Laughs and Cries.

Call me crazy, call me a narcissist, call me whatever you want but I really think you need to love and respect yourself in order to be able to truly, deeply love and respect others. If you are very insecure, if you can’t accept yourself for who you are, if you often compare yourself with others to the point where that becomes a kind of an obsession then you obviously need a mirror and some soul-searching – not a new boyfriend! New boyfriend won’t make you perfect because you already are - you just need to see that! Spend time with yourself, learn to love the real you, let that bubbling personality show, love others for their success, not for their failures and before you know it, you’ll be the type of person you’ve always admired. A girl that’s confident, a girl that knows what she wants and a girl that isn’t afraid to get it!
6 "Some People Are Settling down, Some People Are Settling and Some People Refuse to Settle for Anything Less than Butterflies."
Ah! Sex and The City script writers – I love you guys! This is one of my favorite quotes about being single, a quote that kind of carved itself into my mind and something that has always helped me to make a decision on whether or not my current relationship was doing it for me. You see – we are often forced to settle for less and in most cases those decisions have nothing to do with us – shoes, bags or clothes that fit our budget, job that’s less than we deserve, an apartment that’s less than we’ve dreamed of… So, ask yourself this - when it comes to love, do I want to SETTLE?
7 "Life is Not about the Breaths You Take, It's about How Many Times Your Breath is Taken Away"
Enjoy the moment girl, enjoy the butterflies, enjoy everything that makes you happy and don’t spend your precious minutes, hours and days thinking about a person who was never able to truly take your breath away and made you lose your breath fighting or, ever worst, crying! Yes, I am very well aware of the fact that not everything in life comes packed in a shiny wrapper but, hey, things shouldn’t be all bad or dull either! The decision is yours to make and, as far as I’m concerned, I’d rather spend three days breathing fresh mountain air, smelling wild flowers than three months trapped in a moldy cellar!
8 "Being Single is Getting over the Illusion That There is Somebody out There to Complete You and Taking Charge of Your Own Life.

I think I’ve already covered this one but hey, this is one of those fabulous, inspiring quotes about being single I just couldn’t skip! You don’t need anybody to COMPLETE you because you most definitely are not a half of a person. Right? But let’s take a look at that from a different point of view, shall we? Would you be happy with somebody that’s not a whole person? Would that person be happy knowing that he or she is getting a half? What you are looking for is a person that will love you with all the flaws and the virtues, a person you would love back for all the same reasons. So, use your single time wisely, explore new aspects of your life, work on your own goals, work on yourself not because that will make you more attractive but because you love yourself. And your companion for life will come along eventually and take your hand gently, without pulling it. But, hey, by then, you’ll know that you’re not a leader nor a follower but a bit of both, depending on the situation ;)
Aren’t these quotes about being single awesome? You see, I told you they would be worth a look! So be happy, keep your head up and don’t obsess over who decided to “call it a night”! In case that decision wasn’t really yours, well, who cares, they did you a favor and that’s all that counts! Hope you liked my interpretation of these quotes about being single as well and I’m looking forward to hearing from you and learning more about quotes you like!
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Be Proud of Your Single Status with These Quotes About Being Single
Being Single Quotes and Sayings
Being single is perceived differently by different individuals around the world. What you make of this time also makes a great impact on your next relationship. This is a time to re-discover you, value who you are as a person and believe that you deserve more than just to settle for anybody. Some of us choose to be single while some become single as a result of a break-up; whatever the reason is, it is not a time for self pity. It should be a time to be happy and enjoy making yourself better. Inspire yourself with some quotes about being single so as to find the strength to enjoy the freedom.
Being single is the time to become better, not being stress over finding love.
Happiness should be a priority, better be single and happy.
Being single is about being independent.
It’s wiser to stay true to yourself rather than to commit to a lie.
Being single gives you the chance to take control of your own life and stay in control.
Being single basically means you are accountable to no one but yourself.
You can’t love anyone before you love yourself.
When you are single, you own everything; so you are richer.
The freedom is greater when you are single.
Being single is about not owing anyone any explanation.
Some alone time is also a necessity.
Hahaha……being single is not permanent.
Your feelings are safer when you are single.
Being single is great but, as humans we all appreciate being loved.
Respect yourself enough to choose being single over a bad relationship.
Stick to freedom until it’s worth it to let go of it.
Believe in yourself enough to wait for the right person
God always knows the right person for us, so wait for His time.
Quotes about being single inspire us to appreciate this period by loving ourselves more.
The one who deserves your heart is out there, just believe.
Text of the song MashninBand - Lonely as translation, lyrics, video, clip
Leftover moon lying in the skySpiky stars, sand in the eyes
I am a spectacle lover, sitting without bread
Looking for yesterday's meat in my teeth
Yesterday was a holiday, free dinner
Healthy soup in a healthy body
From under the winter wind I came outside
Sober, like a doctor, and cold, like a corpse
Nobody needs it, superfluous, like garbage
In the chains of habits, a prisoner of St. Petersburg
I walk around the city of three revolutions
Lonely, like Lenin
Lonely, like Lenin
Clouds, silvery, like Mercedes
Rushing along the muddy rivers to the arrow
Neighbors were waiting for a night arrest
I was invited to help get ready
I hid quietly in the entrance
Take a couple of pictures as a keepsake
However, he was caught by the capture group
At gunpoint and beaten with a baton
New change of season
Fat birds shit on my hat
I observe the grimaces of nature
Lonely, like Stalin
Lonely, like Stalin
Asphalt skating rink will melt in spring
White nights over the black lake
Don't be shy - take it and keep quiet
Was born a cog? - Become a bulldozer
Master of sports in cat and mouse
Climb without soap into any bowels
Good bet more than a tower
There were no blacks in the White Guard
In the summer I burned my skin in the sun
Fat oozes, smears clothes
So I walk where to go
Lonely like Brezhnev
Lonely like Brezhnev
The holiday ends with drinks
Spots on the tablecloth, ashes in the saucers
I'll go to a woman with big tits
Just to get laid
The moon is completely covered with mold
Ripe stars fly like from a tree
To live in the world of course, it's fun
Many people are sure of it
Barely waiting for the last step
Will burst at the seams and the heart will fall apart
Soon, probably, I will lie down in the ground
Lonely, like Yeltsin
Lonely, like Yeltsin
Lunches of the moon lying in the sky
Prickly stars, sand in the eyes
I am a lover of spectacles, I sit without bread
Looking for yesterday's meat in the teeth
Yesterday was a holiday, free dinner
In a healthy body - healthy soup
Out of the winter wind, I came outside
Sober as a doctor, and cold as a corpse
Nobody needed, superfluous, like garbage
In chains of habits, Petersburg prisoner
I walk around the city of three revolutions
Single as Lenin
Single as Lenin
Clouds as silvery as Mercedes
On the muddy rivers on the arrow rush
Neighbors waited for night arrest
I was invited to help get together
I hid quietly in the dark entrance
Take a couple of pictures as a keepsake
The capture team however was caught
Taken on a fly and a bit with a baton
New season change
Thick birds do not shit on the hat
I watch the grimaces of nature
Lonely like Stalin
Lonely like Stalin
In the spring, the asphalt rink will melt
White nights over the black lake
Do not be shy - take it and shut up
Born a cog? - You will become a bulldozer
Master of Sports in cat and mouse
Climbs without soap in any bowels
A good bet is more than a tower
There were no blacks in the white guard
In the summer I burned my skin in the sun
Salo oozes, smears clothes
So I walk wherever I have to
As lonely as brezhnev
As lonely as brezhnev
The holiday ends with drinks
Stains on the tablecloth, ashes in the saucers
I will go to the woman with big tits
Just mutually fuck
The moon is completely covered with mold
Ripe stars fly like from a tree
Living in the world is of course fun
Many people are sure of this.
Barely waiting for the last step
Cracked at the seams and the heart falls apart
Soon, probably, I will lie in the ground
As lone as yeltsin
As lone as yeltsin
Five myths about loneliness: is it really that bad?
- Claudia Hammond
- BBC Future
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Loneliness is often called the main problem of modern man - they say that in the world it has already grown into a real epidemic. But is it true that things are getting worse?
At some point in life, each of us feels lonely. For society, this can grow into a real problem, and in some places it has already grown: for example, a new minister has appeared in the UK government - for loneliness.
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- The peak of loneliness? The age at which we say goodbye to youth
Loneliness is a serious thing, it causes many troubles, but at the same time it is surrounded by many myths. Here are five of the most common.
1) Loneliness is isolation from society
Loneliness is not at all the same as being alone. Loneliness is a disconnection with the outside world, this feeling that no one around you understands you, and you do not have real, meaningful relationships with people.
Insulation may play a role, but it is far from being the only one. You can feel lonely in the crowd - and, conversely, you can be absolutely happy when no one is around. (When the BBC did a study on how people relax, it turned out that the five most popular types of recreation are associated with loneliness - not in the sense of feeling, but when a person is alone.).
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Sometimes you even want to be alone. However, if you do not have the opportunity to spend time with people who understand you, then loneliness falls upon you.
2) An epidemic of loneliness is now raging in the world
The problem of loneliness, of course, began to pay more attention, but this does not mean that the percentage of lonely people has increased compared to previous years or decades.
Using data from studies dating back to 1948, Christina Victor of London Brunel University found that the proportion of older people who experience chronic loneliness has remained the same over the past 70 years (between 6 and 13% admitted to feeling lonely all the time, or most part of time).
- Loneliness in modern society: search for oneself or illness?
But it is also true that there are more and more lonely people - simply because the population of our planet is constantly increasing. And the more lonely people in the world, the more sadness.
3) Loneliness is always bad
People suffer from loneliness. However, it is good that such a state is often only temporary and far from always negative. It can signal to us that it's time to make new friends or try to find a way to improve existing relationships.
Image copyright Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Image caption,Do older people really suffer from loneliness more than others?
Neurologist John Cacioppo believes that the ability to feel lonely has gradually developed in humans - so that we would like to maintain relationships with others.
He compares it to thirst. When you are thirsty, you look for water. When you are alone, you seek the company of other people.
For thousands of years, people have survived in communities, in cooperation and mutual assistance. So the survival mechanism pushes us to social connections.
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- Facebook: monetization of human loneliness?
Although loneliness is usually a temporary condition, it is true that when it becomes chronic, the consequences can be severe.
There is evidence that it affects our sense of well-being, may impair sleep, and lead to depression.
This feeling can lead you into a vicious circle: the more alone a person feels, the more he withdraws from society, which in turn makes him even more alone.
Studies show that if a person feels lonely, the risk that a year later they may experience symptoms of depression increases.
4) Loneliness leads to health problems
This myth is somewhat more complicated. You may have come across the statistics that loneliness is detrimental to health: the risk of heart disease and stroke almost triples, those who are lonely have higher blood pressure and lower life expectancy.
Photo credit, Stephen Pond/Getty Images for Sport England
Image caption,First time ever: UK Loneliness Minister Tracey Crouch
This is all pretty serious, but a lot of this research is only a short time frame, and we we cannot speak with confidence about the indispensable onset of the severe consequences of loneliness.
- "There is nothing worse than loneliness": stories of young people with disabilities
Yes, people who have fallen out of society are more likely to get sick. But the opposite can also be true: a person is placed in a situation of isolation due to an illness that prevents him from communicating with others.
Alternatively, lonely people may be listed as less healthy in the statistics, because loneliness deprives them of the incentive to lead a healthy lifestyle.
5) Most older people suffer from loneliness
People experience more loneliness in old age than at other times in their adult lives. But, as Pamela Qualter of the University of Manchester found out in her review of scientific research on loneliness at different ages, there is another peak of this state - at the time of growing up, during adolescence.
Meanwhile, studies show that 50-60% of older people rarely experience loneliness.
Image copyright, Getty Images
Image caption,While loneliness is usually temporary, the consequences can be severe if it becomes chronic
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We still don't know much about loneliness. The BBC decided to help scientists and is conducting an online survey, the questions of which were developed by psychologists from the universities of Manchester, Exeter and Brunel in collaboration with the Wellcome Collection (a London museum dedicated to the links between medicine, life and art. - Note translator ).
The survey is open to people from all over the world - whether you are old or young, feel lonely or not.