Sociopath vs introvert
Sociopath World: Sociopaths = introverts?
Sociopaths = introverts?
This is an interesting op ed from The Atlantic about introverts. I identified with a lot of the descriptions. I know a lot of sociopathic leaning folk seem to be extroverts. Maybe it's possible to have both extroverted and introverted sociopaths, and they just differ in how they spend their off time?
Do you know someone who needs hours alone every day? Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk? Who has to be dragged to parties and then needs the rest of the day to recuperate? Who growls or scowls or grunts or winces when accosted with pleasantries by people who are just trying to be nice? . . . .
If you answered yes to these questions, chances are that you have an introvert on your hands .. . .
[A]fter an hour or two of being socially "on," we introverts need to turn off and recharge. My own formula is roughly two hours alone for every hour of socializing. This isn't antisocial. It isn't a sign of depression. It does not call for medication. For introverts, to be alone with our thoughts is as restorative as sleeping, as nourishing as eating. Our motto: "I'm okay, you're okay—in small doses."
There are some allusions to sociopathic ways of being ("many actors, I've read, are introverts, and many introverts, when socializing, feel like actors"), although introverts deny being misanthropic. But do you know who has even more in common with introverts? Aspies. I thought this Aspie take on introversion was especially entertaining in light of recent events:
Admittedly, if you take enough abuse and feel slighted enough times by colleagues and peers, it is a challenge not to become cynical and misanthropic.I personally find I dislike trying to deal with people more each year. The majority of people might be okay, but it seems that one lousy person will find a way to abuse or insult me given the opportunity. Why would I want to deal with a large group knowing even one jerk is present? Unlike other people, I have a difficult time, a nearly impossible time, forgetting such abuse.
But I'm not shy. I'm not introverted. In fact, my problem is that I will try to defend myself when I perceive an attack. (I don't always perceive an attack, sadly, until it is too late to undo damage.) So, my "introversion" is really an attempt to avoid people and conflicts. It's not a desire to be alone because I like being alone, it is a desire to avoid being miserable later.
Many people with ASDs start to seem introverted because that's an easy way to cope with life. If I stay at home, there is less risk of sensory overload, emotional overload, or general social conflicts.Alone is safe. And, thankfully, I don't feel "lonely" or "isolated" -- when I feel "trapped" it is not because I want to be around people, but because I want out of the city.
Sure, I realize I was isolated from peers and colleagues. But my desire for connections was practical; I realize social connections do matter at school, in the workplace, and within organizations. Unfortunately, I lack the social skills to develop the relationships that might help my career(s).
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Differences between introversion and anti social behavoiur – Psych3Go
Introversion vs. anti social personality disorder
I choose this topic, introversion versus an anti social personality disorder because it is interesting to me and I thought it befitting one introvert writes about this. I should write about this because I want to achieve my full potential while also deepen my knowledge of this field – psychology – and help people so they know nothing is wrong with them and just that they know difference between a mental illnesses and a personality trait.
In this modern world, people are becoming more and more aware of the mental disorders, but we are still not there. Often they are romanticized and people that are average may tend to think that something is wrong with them. It is important we differentiate introversion from anti social personality disorder. Personality trait versus an illness. I, myself, am an introvert and sometimes it can be hard when people are wondering what is wrong with you when you are ‘’quiet all the time’’. Some people just express themselves differently.
Facts about introversion
There are a lot of people who enjoy solitude of mind, a way to recharge their inner batteries for the upcoming battles. Those people often daydream and explore the depths of their mind, constantly pushing the boundaries. Not really prone to chit-chat, but likely to indulge into conversation about the origin of life, time travel or something among the lines. Something that challenges mind. Introverts often develop hobbies likes reading, writing, being computer wizards or some activity in the nature. It’s not that introverts don’t like people or that they are shy, they are relaxed when surrounded by a closer circle of people whom they can trust. A worthy companion.
*Good listeners*
Introverts are really good listeners and they often see details that are in plain sight, but others don’t notice. That’s why their sense of humor is sharpened. Some of the best comedians are in fact introverts. Other famous people that are seldom in larger groups of the same specimen are J.K. Rowling, Albert Einstein, Marissa Mayer, Audrey Hepburn and Alfred Hitchcock.
Some might however see them as distant, unreachable or incompatible. We live in a society where socializing is encouraged, moreover, it is a necessity. On the other hand, if given a chance they can accomplish great things. They just process a bit differently and when they are alone, working on self-improvement that is how they rest and relax, getting ready for the day after.
It’s not that they don’t like people, they do, just not everyone. They can feel who is on the same page as they are and choose to dwell into getting to know those few.
*The feels*
Similarly to artists, they can care and love more deeply. They feel the feels. And also appreciate loyalness.
Here you can check which category you are into.
Facts about ASPD
On the other hand, there is a real anxiety disorder often confused with introversion. And that is anti social personality disorder, ASPD. Symptoms are common before the age of 15 and they are manifested in *aggression towards people, as well as animals, *destroying property and *violating the rules in general. They often disregard rules they most people follow, slightly making them seem like anarchists. And the feelings of other people, lacking remorse for the consequences of their deeds. The people suffering from this condition often use different kinds of drogs as well. They often lie as well. The exact reason as to what causes isn’t known yet, but it’s likely due to the genes or a stressful event in life. It could also be due to a different brain development. Symptoms are listed in DSM V. – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and if recognized person should get a treatmant. The effect will depend on their wiligness to participate. There are two ways to therapy – psychotherapy or talk therapy in which individual would talk about ther problems and urges with a competent psychologist. It doesn’t always work out, so the option number two is medications. There aren’t an exact pills for ASPD, but medication like anxiolitics are prescribed in its treatmant.
Here you can check if you have ASPD.
In conclusion, people who suffer from any sort of mental disorder need help and they shouldn’t feel alienated, but supported and loved.
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I am currently a student of psychology Here I am on a trial for writing new blogs and stuff ( I write in my spare time also) I think this page can really help people and make psychology interesting
Sociophobe, sociopath, introvert… So who are you really? — ZdorovyeInfo
Many people confuse these concepts and call themselves social phobes, simply because they like to stay at home rather than go to parties. We figure out in which case the love of loneliness is a nice feature, and in which cases it is a reason to visit a psychotherapist.
You are more likely to be an introvert if…
You just love books and cats more than people. It has always been that way, since childhood. Alone with yourself or in the company of your closest friends you relax. In principle, you can "go out" and chat with new people, but it takes a lot of effort. And why is it needed, if “among their own” it is so good and calm.
Introversion is just a trait. It does not cause any psychological discomfort, and does not need to be treated by .
You look like a social phobe if…
You are sickeningly scared to ask the cashier for a package. Speaking in public causes shivers in the knees, a desire to emigrate to Australia and settle on a farm alone. Walking past grandmothers sitting on a bench is an impossible task: they will probably think badly of you and, probably, even laugh.
You may not have always been like this. Once upon a time, the need to communicate with people did not cause horror: it seemed normal and natural. But then some traumatic event happened, and your character changed. Now it seems to you that everyone around him is laughing at him, looking askance, condemning him. Even compliments are like mockery.
But at the same time, the need for communication has not gone anywhere.
You sincerely want to join the team, build relationships, find friends. But how to do this, even if it’s scary to ask for directions on the street, and it’s easier to wander the streets for half an hour?
Social phobia is a serious problem that needs to be addressed to a specialist. There is evidence that up to 20% of patients suffer from alcoholism, 16% - depression , and 23% attempt suicide.
You're probably a sociopath if...
People often compare you to Cumberbatch as Sherlock in the first season. You do not put other people in a penny, you live exclusively for your own pleasure, and you absolutely do not care how others look at it. And I don’t care in the sense of “Gossip about me, okay,” but in the sense of “Did I destroy someone else’s life? Phew, think about it." Friendship, love, compassion, shame - all these feelings are not familiar to you. But on the other hand, you are perfectly able to imitate them when you need to achieve the goal.
Sociopathy is a personality disorder , but sociopaths themselves do not suffer from it at all and consider themselves infallible. No effective means for treatment have yet been invented, however, there are how many methods that can partially correct the behavior of such a person.
A psychotherapist or psychiatrist should deal with the problems of sociophobia and sociopathy. How to choose a good specialist? To get started, read article , “How Do You Know If You’ve Been Seen by a Bad Psychotherapist?” .
How do sociophobes differ from introverts?
Many people know that introverts do not like to be in a crowd and prefer individual tasks to team activities. At the same time, among them there are excellent leaders and well-known motivational speakers. Social phobes are reluctant loners who often suffer from their condition.
1. Introverts are born, but become social phobes
Introversion is an innate feature. Introverts relax and recharge their energy alone or in a narrow circle of close people. Social phobia, on the other hand, is an acquired quality. Life experience convinces such people that others are unfair, envious and treacherous.
2. Social phobes avoid all contact
They rarely go to parties and public events. If they still decide to “go out”, they avoid face-to-face communication, try to find a secluded place where they spend time alone with their phone. Such people rarely answer calls, preferring to receive sms and voice messages.
3. Sociophobes can be extroverts
Paradoxically, you can be energized by communicating with people and at the same time be afraid of them. For example, you might want to go out to dinner with co-workers but are afraid they won't want to talk to you, or you're thinking of throwing a party but you're afraid your guests will give you an unfavorable impression.
Clinical psychologist Helen Hendriksen observes: “It is painful to feel uncomfortable both alone and among people. This situation seems hopeless."
4. Introverts love solitude, but social phobes do not.
For an introvert, solitude and solitude are necessary conditions for relaxation. The social phobe avoids communication for another reason: in order not to feel disappointment and regret. By shielding themselves from communication, such people reduce the level of anxiety, but do not experience the joy of loneliness.
5. Social phobes worry too much about what others think of them.
Introverts prefer to be themselves instead of wondering “what Princess Marya Alekseevna will say.” They are self-sufficient and in most cases are not prone to perfectionism.
For people suffering from social phobia, any appearance in society is an attempt to meet certain standards and look better than they really are.
They say to themselves: "I must not be silent during a conversation, as if I have nothing to say" or "In a conversation with the owner, I must say something entertaining and witty. " Social phobes spend so much time and energy trying to impress and deal with anxiety that they cannot focus on the conversation itself, get useful information or enjoy communication.
6. Social phobes practice "safe behavior"
People with social anxiety often blame themselves for their lack of social skills. They say: "I don't know how to keep up a conversation", "I'm so awkward." Because of their self-doubt, they resort to "safe behavior": hiding their eyes, speaking too quietly, smiling all the time and talking in a fawning tone.
According to Helen Hendriksen, these people simply underestimate themselves. They are great listeners because they try to talk less about themselves.
If social anxiety is holding you back, try to change.
- Get out of your comfort zone and force yourself to do what you fear the most.
- Put an end to "safe behavior": make eye contact, speak loudly and clearly enough.
- Turn your attention to external things: instead of worrying about how you look and what people think of you, look at the people around you, listen to the conversation and give your opinion.
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