Advice for new dads to be
23 Tips for New Fathers
Are you becoming a father for the first time? Having a baby is an exciting and potentially terrifying experience for any first-time dad. If this is your first time being a dad, we’ve compiled a list of 23 tips to calm any of your potential fears.
Although there’s a lot to learn and take in, knowledge is power. Knowing what to expect when the baby comes will help you properly care for your new baby and support your partner during the process.
1. It’s okay if you don’t know what to do
You don’t have to be perfect to take care of your baby. Everyone with kids was a new parent once and had to learn the ropes too. As long as you’re open about learning how to care for your baby instead of assuming you already know everything, you’ll be just fine.
2. Make a plan for your finances
It doesn’t take a wizard to know that babies cost a lot of money. If you’re wondering how you can best provide for your family with this new addition, take some time to really sit down and figure out how the baby will affect your budget. If finances are tight, you may be able to cut back in certain areas and create a budget to make room for the costs of a new baby.
3. Life won’t be taken over by your baby
Yes, you will spend a lot of time with your new baby. But that doesn’t mean you have to completely sacrifice things that are important to you. If you want to spend time with friends, bring the baby along. A good friend won’t abandon you just because you have a baby. Similarly, if you still want to make time to hit the gym, for example, talk to your partner and see if you can create a schedule that allows each of you to have a little alone time each day.
4. You’ll need to plan for alone time
Speaking of alone time, you may be wondering whether it’s even realistic to assume you’ll have time to yourself. Life will certainly look different with a baby, but you can still find ways to have some time to yourself. The easy solution is to tag-team with your wife or partner. If you need some time to yourself or want to enjoy time with friends, simply trade off watching the baby. If you both have a little time to rejuvenate, moments with your baby will be that much sweeter.
5. You will get uninterrupted sleep eventually, just not right away
Sleep is a major concern for many first-time dads. New babies don’t have an established sleep schedule, which means you won’t be getting as much sleep in the beginning. However, you and your partner can trade off the responsibility of night-shift baby care. This trick can help you both feel refreshed more often!
6. Bonding with your baby is just as important for dads as for mothers
Babies have a close bond with their mothers. After all, they spent nine months in their mother’s womb. But, that doesn’t mean they won’t also bond with their dads. Don’t be afraid to put in the work to bond with your new baby. If Baby cries, don’t just hand them off to mom. The more you comfort them, the more they will bond with you.
7. Your spouse will not forget about you
Your partner will love your new baby, and once you see Baby, you will too.
You and the baby are two different people in your partner’s life and they love each of you.
8. Complications for the baby are possible but unlikely
Many new dads worry that something will be wrong with their baby. This is really just a fear of the unknown. Knowing the probability of birth defects and complications may help you realistically face what could happen and also quell any irrational fears.
9. Baby things will be everywhere
Just because you have a baby doesn’t mean your home needs to be suddenly taken over by baby toys. Make a plan with your partner and set aside spaces specifically for baby gear so that your home doesn’t feel too overwhelming.
10. You will make new friends
You won’t lose all your single friends, but you will almost certainly make new friends in the same stage of life as you. Embrace the Dad phase!
11. Focusing on a baby and a career is possible
Balancing parenthood and a career can be tough on a lot of new dads. You want to have a good career and take care of your family, but in doing so, feel like you will miss out on actually spending time with your children. If your employer is flexible, see if you can start work earlier or later in the day to spend more time with your child. It’s worth asking…the worst your employer could say is no.
12. Think about taking paternity leave
The first few weeks after childbirth is a time in your child’s life that you will never get back. Make sure you establish your paternity leave with your employer early on, so you both know what to expect once your new bundle arrives.
13. You will have a heightened awareness of your own mortality
Becoming a father can make you reconsider doing risky things. When you’re young you don’t often consider the danger (or potential consequences) of your actions. But once you’re a dad, you realize how much your child needs you. It’s not uncommon for new dads to give up activities they consider risky.

If you grew up without a father, or had a father that impacted you in a negative manner, being a dad for the first time will probably bring up your own set of personal challenges. Don’t be afraid to be your own person; here are some great tips on becoming a father if you don’t have a father figure of your own.
15. You won’t drop the baby
Don’t stress! Dropping your baby is actually a common fear. As long as you learn how to hold the baby properly (which is easier than you think), you’ll be totally fine.
16. You’ll be worried about safety
You may worry about your child eating something bad for them or taking a tumble and getting hurt. Check out these safety tips to help new parents keep little ones stay safe.
17. It helps to get the baby used to a bottle
Getting your new baby used to feeding from a bottle becomes incredibly helpful when you and your partner need to trade off feeding in the middle of the night. Your partner will feel more rested, you’ll feel like you can equally contribute, and that will make the whole family happier.
18. Feeding your baby can be a challenge
Some babies eat like champs while others struggle with food. If your baby is unhappy with his or her food, there could be an underlying issue like acid reflux or an upset tummy. Finding out what is making your baby grumpy will help everyone enjoy their meal.
19. Learning how to co-parent will be important
It’s no secret that babies thrive on consistency. Because of this,you and your partner will need to work together to establish routines and structures for your baby. And once those routines are developed, you’ll both need to be on the same page to stick to it. Since you and your partner were most likely raised differently, be sure to talk about your expectations for raising your child.
20. Don’t worry, you can help your spouse through labor
Surprisingly, 80% of men are worried about being present while their partner is in labor due to the abundance of bodily fluids. The best thing we can tell you is that you’ll be ok. If you need to look away or step outside for a moment, then you should do so. If you’re mostly worried about how to be supportive during labor, there are some great resources available on the best ways to help your wife or partner through labor.
21. You’ll need to provide support for postpartum depression
For nearly 1 out of 7 women, postpartum depression and anxiety is a very real issue after giving birth. As a supportive partner, you may feel the urge to help fix things, but that’s probably not the answer. First and foremost, make sure mom gets the medical help she needs. Psychology Today has some excellent tips on how to best support your wife or partner if she’s struggling with postpartum depression.
22. You’ll likely worry about the health of your wife and child
Childbirth has a well-known history for being the leading cause of death for women. Thankfully, that risk was much more prevalent in the past than it is nowadays, largely in part due to modern medicine. If you’re worried about your wife’s health, just know that most women and children are totally healthy after childbirth. Not only that, but if any complications arise, there are excellent medical professionals all around the country.
23. The unexpected will happen
Despite all the preparations you’re making as a first-time dad, you will still encounter things that nothing can prepare you for. Just remember that the unexpected can and will happen. As long as you’re aware of that, you’ll already be more prepared than most.
Being a first time dad and meeting your new baby for the first time is exciting! Although we aim to provide parents with information to make them feel empowered and less fearful, trust us when we say that there’s only so much you can learn from books and websites. Once Baby is around, your instincts will kick in and you’ll grow into an amazing father to your new bundle of joy!
Tips for new dads: 33 tips that are great advice for expectant fathers and first time dads
Having a baby. That’s it, that’s the sentence… err phrase. And especially if you’re a first time dad, it’s one heck of a phrase. Fear not, these tips for first time and new dads are going to have you heading toward pro dad land in no time.
While we would like to leave it at that, there is a lot more to it than ‘having a baby’. Many parents find themselves in analysis paralysis when they start getting into the details of preparing for a baby. We’re here to just give a list of new dad tips as an intro to the kind of research you might find yourself doing as you prepare for your baby.
One thing we want to let you know right off the bat is that every baby is unique and different in their own way. There is no definitive guide on how to be a dad, because everyone gets to shape what being a dad looks like for themselves. The point of this list of tips is to serve as an example of what has worked for some of us in the past. Don’t sweat checking everything off everything on this list religiously– just take the things you like and leave the rest!
Let’s ease into this list of new dad tips with a video that covers 8 great ones. Then, keep reading for a whole bunch more.
1. Do your research early!
If you are reading this list of tips for expectant dads, you are off to a good start. If you are an expecting father, there are a lot of great resources out there for you to prepare yourself for taking care of your baby We compiled a list of the best blogs for new parents to get you started.. We have posts on posts about baby information, gear reviews, baby care guides, checklists, and more here on this website (hi, we’re Fathercraft).
If clicking through links isn’t your jam, then that makes two of us. That’s why we made Father’s Ed, so you wouldn’t have to bookmark a million pages to get all-encompassing information on baby care. It’s an in-depth course on how to take care of your baby backed with research from the pros, tested by real dads (and moms), and filled with helpful resources.
If you’re more the “I need to read massive amounts of information to feel safe” type, check out our comprehensive guide to baby prep or our list of books for expecting dads.
2. Get through the first trimester, read up on pregnancy.
This is a very delicate time in the pregnancy. It’s best to hold off on posting on social media about the news for now, and instead focus on setting up your first appointments with an OB GYN clinic or reviewing the health and safety guidelines for pregnancy (Mayo Clinic). If you’d like to go deep, we published this week by week guide to pregnancy for dads.
This is a great time to start gathering information and doing preliminary research on a few things. No need to go crazy just yet, but creating a basic plan is fairly low-stress and will help you in the long run.
3. Where to spend the money
You will be greeted with a ton of price tags when doing your preliminary search for baby preparation. Babies are expensive and worth every penny if you are spending money on the right stuff. The main things that you should invest in are: cleaning/diapering your baby, safe sleep options, feeding, and moving your baby. You can check out our essentials here.
4. Be there for your partner
As an expecting father, if your partner is pregnant, it can be easy to feel like there’s not much you can to to be a part of this whole baby thing yet. Pause. Think. The first step is getting through the first trimester. You will learn a lot about each other throughout this process, and it may end up changing your relationship. It is okay and common for dynamics to change, but it is also important to stay in tune with one another as you go through these changes.
Remember during this time, your partner is going through a lot (this is true even if your partner isn’t the one who’s pregnant, by the way—couples who are adopting or using a surrogate should think about this too. So, be there for her. Go above and beyond. Give a foot rub. Surprise her with something nice.
5. Sleep!
You better get every wink of sleep you can now, because your nights aren’t gonna get easier when the new baby arrives.
Sleep is without a doubt one of the most important things you can master as an expecting parent. There are ways to find healthy sleeping schedules for your baby, and we actually have a course right here on our website: Baby Sleep School.
It is reasonable to expect nights with little to no sleep— it happens! Don’t let yourself fall into unending sleeplessness, for everyone’s sake, not just yours. Read up on how to get a good schedule for your baby and it will pay back in dividends.
6. Build Dad joke repertoire
Dad jokes come naturally for some, but not for others. Nobody is going to know if you are browsing a dad joke subreddit at midnight. Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone.
7. Discuss feeding options with your partner
Breastfeeding isn’t a given for everyone. If you are adopting or don’t have access to breastmilk, then formula is going to be the option for you. Even if breastfeeding is an option, it’s something you should discuss with your partner, not assume.
Even if breastfeeding is the option you and your partner have chosen, there are times when it can become difficult to keep supply and demand even. Baby formula can be a life saver and there is no reason to feel any guilt or shame in feeding your baby formula. We have a full in-depth review on a baby formula that knocked our socks off: Bobbie Baby Formula. If you’re looking for more on breastfeeding, the CDC has a nice list of FAQs here (yeah, it might be hard to remember, they do other things than deal with pandemics), and the blog Milk Drunk provides interesting viewpoints from many types of parents.
8. Prepare for cleaning your baby
Keeping your baby clean is keeping your baby healthy. Diapers, boogie wipes, snot suckers, and bottom wash are all things that we have tested. A lot. You can take a look at the products that we like the most on our essential list.
9. Prepare for moving your baby
You will have to take your baby on the move. It will be scary at first (looking at you, drive home from the hospital). Moving precious cargo is a great investment, and it will serve you well to get acquainted with the gear early on. We have a few recommendations of our own if you want to check them out here: Baby Essential List.
10. Things to not worry about
We have a definitive list of things that you should not buy. A crib bumper (see the American Academy of Pediatrics), a stuffed animal for sleepy time (we know, we know—buy one, just keep it on a shelf for now), a blanket, anything that promotes co-sleeping, a copious amount of toys, and baby-proofing stuff.
We’ve compiled some extensive research on safe sleeping habits here, and part of that is keeping the crib free of anything that can cover your baby. As far as toys and baby-proofing stuff, you won’t need that for quite some time. Infants typically don’t crawl or play with toys. Most of the time they will be happy being held or propped up and looking at faces!
11. Power through the second trimester
You made it to the second trimester, hooray! Now is the time most couples start telling people about their baby because the risk factor is lower now. It is a good idea to start getting more in-depth with your research into finding things like daycare and pediatricians—these things will take longer than you think, so they’re not good candidates for procrastination.
12. Start healthy habits
Habits take time to build, and you being healthy as a new dad can be very important for your baby. The healthier you are, the more energy you will have to devote to your baby. You don’t need to go vegan and start exercising with a fitness group three days a week at 5am. That’s madness. Do little things that make you feel good. Look after yourself and your partner, because little things will one day pass down to your kids. Healthy kids are happy kids.
13. Share responsibilities and divvy things up
Being a great dad starts way before the kid is born. If your partner is pregnant, then it’s probably setting in that there is a literal human being grown in front of your eyes. Give your partner some slack, and help her out with things. Coparenting is a powerful tool and a great example of the creating something greater than the sum of the separate effects. It’s, like, synergy or something guys.
Divvying up tasks can help you feel more included and get you on the right track for coparenting while you wait for the big day.
14. Read what your partner sends & consider an online parenting class
Your partner is likely staying up late reading material about how to parent as well. If they send you stuff, read it! Being on the same page when it comes to preparation is a great idea. Don’t be afraid to send them stuff to read too! And, while reading is great, consider an online parenting class—courses that use video can be a great way to learn skills, knowledge, figure out gear, and more.
15. Go to doctor’s appointments with your partner
There might be scheduling conflicts sometimes, but trying to make it to doctor’s appointments leading up to birth is a great way to show support for your partner. You will also learn a lot about the process from going to the appointments and will be more prepared because of it. The OB’s office is an amazing resource to ask questions and get info from, so don’t be shy.
16. Pause. Halfway through the list, you got this.
Take a minute for yourself. It is too easy to get overwhelmed when preparing for your baby, so stay in tune with yourself and make sure you reach out if you need support. If you don’t know where to turn, hit us up in comments on our socials: Instagram and Youtube, or check out our new online community for dads.
17. Talk and sing to your baby
“My baby isn’t born yet though.” Yeah, we know. Singing and talking to your baby while it is still in the womb can still be very powerful. There is research showing that it can lead to a happier baby, but we believe it can lead to a happier YOU too! It’s about taking time out of your day to be with your baby from the beginning, and strengthening that bond. To make things easier, for now you get to read (or sing) what you and your partner want to. So keep on doing you with those soapy romance novels that are your go-to.
Guess what? If you are adopting, then you will still have a strong bond with a happy child. We promise. Spending time doing research, reading, and preparing for your baby can accomplish the same thing.
18. Practice the ‘snack mix shuffle’
You know that thing dads do when they have peanuts, or like chex mix, in their hand and they shuffle it back and forth? Yeah do that now cause apparently all dads do that for some reason.
19. Read up on your picture/video taking skills
You will no doubt take a million pictures of your baby. Take videos too—you’ll be shocked how fast the years go by, and how hard it is to remember what your 3-year-old was like at 18 months—you will not regret having a stocked video library! It is also important to live in the moment and put the devices down every once and a while to soak up the experience as much as you can. Now’s a great time to learn the power-user features on your phone or camera … upping your picture and video game will lead to priceless memories captured forever.
That being said, turn that iPhone sideways if you are going to take a video. It’s just etiquette.
20. Take a babymoon
A what?? Take a trip for you and your partner before you have your baby. Soon, it will be all baby all the time, which is totally something to look forward to, and you deserve to have one last partners-only trip for a little while where you get to spend some QT as a couple. If you can’t, don’t fret, grandparents and babysitters will be there in the future, but the first little bit with your newborn is when you should be home.
21. Select a pediatrician
You should decided what type of doctor you want first of all (MD, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant), and then utilize resources like your primary care doctor or Google to see who is highly rated in your area. Check for board certification (FAAP, AAP, or ABP), insurance options, proximity to your home, office hours, whether they are accepting new patients, and see if you can interview them.
We have a lot of info on selecting a pediatrician in our Father’s Ed course.
22. Organize your living space
Having a baby at the very least means changing your sleeping habits (aka less sleep). When you have less sleep, things around you become more difficult, so having an organized living space can ease daily tasks. If you are organized, then you will avoid mid-day tantrums when you are looking for that damn monitor unit or favorite home-teamipillow that you swore you just placed on the coffee table a minute ago (though let’s be honest your wife probably hid the pillow).
Organization requires building good habits, and good habits start early.
23. Acquire useless knowledge
One of the beauties of being a dad is using acquired useless trivia from your life at any given moment to befuddle your child one day. The “how do you even know that”‘s are totally worth it.
24. Wait out the third trimester.
Things are starting to get real now. You are more than two-thirds through the pregnancy stage and the due date is approaching rapidly. Now is a great time to start hammering out the little details and printing out checklists for when the baby is born. Do ‘future you’ a favor and put in the hard work now.
25. Discuss the boring, but important, admin details
Things like health insurance, life insurance, wills, employer benefits, and certificates are all things that are worth paying attention to. Discussing what you are going to do for each of these items with your partner might be a drag, but doing so can save a lot of hassle down the line. You don’t want to assume anything with insurance companies, it’s just not a good practice.
Figure out what your plan will look like once you add a baby onto it, then you can adjust other pieces of your financial pie accordingly. Planning and staying on top of things is draining, but by planning and discussing, it will make it easier. The hardest part is starting. Again, our pre-birth checklist has some good conversation starters to help ensure you’re on the same page with your partner.
26. What parent do you want to be?
Our advice for new dads is to have a conversation with yourself about this. Reflect on your own childhood. What do you want to do that you think your parents did a good job of? What things are you going to change? Being an awesome dad is something you have control over, so will you choose to take up that role? Take this seriously, but not so seriously you freak yourself out. Remember, if you’re the kind of guy that’s reading this blog post, it means you care. That’s a huge head start.
27. Hospital baby bag
Things like phone chargers, clothes for you, clothes for your baby, reading material, caffeine (hospital coffee sucks), snacks, camera, a list of names, and a comfortable pillow are all great things to bring to the hospital. Whatever you can do to make your trip to the hospital as smooth as possible.
28. Have checklists handy
Got checklists? We do! Take a gander at these — we’ve got one on prepping your nursery (with a big surprise in it about where your baby should be sleeping), a comprehensive pre-birth readiness checklist, and one essential gear for newborns and babies. We really like checklists. You will too when you start trying to keep track of everything you need to do to prep just in your head. Do yourself a favor, son: Fathercraft Checklists.
29. Your baby is born! Now go home!
Congrats! Now get out of that hospital and go home to your baby-ready household. Remember, don’t sweat the rubber pads on everything at this point. Your baby won’t be on the move for quite some time.
We’re talking about making sure your house has smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, and a safe sleeping environment for your baby. A safe sleeping environment for your infant should be in the room you sleep in (but NOT the same bed) for at least the first 6 months. Check out why from American Academy of Pediatrics.
30. Learn the cues, remember baby talk is manly (and sexy, too)
You can continue talking and singing to your baby to build that relationship with them, but you will notice that in a couple months’ time they start talking back. Their way of talking is obviously gonna be different than what you’re used to. It’s ok to be confused at first, we all are. Learning your baby’s cues is something that will come with spending time with your baby. You will have a PHD in your own baby’s language by the time they are babbling in English, just give it some time.
One more thing: bring on the baby talk voice! You might find this comes a whole lot more naturally than you expect (both of Fathercraft’s co-founders did). You might feel like it’s awkward at first. Fear not, you’ll be a baby talk pro in no time. Don’t be afraid to get goofy. Here’s a secret: your wife, husband, or partner will probably find it sexy as hell to see you gettin’ all goofy with your little one—it means you’re an awesome caregiver.
31. Be there
When babies are first born, they don’t do too much. That’s ok, though, because you can still do things to be present with your baby. Talking, singing, and reading are all things that will enrich the baby’s life, plus it can help strengthen your bond. Look, you’re going to have moments when you hop on your phone to check the score of the game or the latest Slack alert from work. Don’t beat yourself up about it. But remember what we said—even when the days (and nights) are dragging, years will slip by in a moment—so hang with your baby, toddler, little kid, big kid, teenager …
32. Learn to brag
By this point, you’re off to an awesome start, so I think you’re about ready to transition into the obnoxious social-media parent that brags about how awesome their child is. Or not. Maybe for you it’s your family’s text message thread, sending your partner a cute selfie of you and the baby while she or he is at work—you do you. And also, you be sure to set some ground rules with your partner about what’s in-bounds and off-limits.
33. Take everything with a grain of salt, remember there’s no perfect parenting, and have fun
We do a lot of research about babies, baby gear, baby food, sleep, so on and so forth. That doesn’t mean we have all the answers. The crazy part about being a dad/parent is there is no single right way to do it, because every baby is so unique. We hope these tips can give you at least some direction, but without a doubt, you will find things that work for you that aren’t on this list.
Whatever you do, remember to have some fun. Laugh it off. Take parenting seriously, but not yourself. And enjoy the journey.
Hi, we’re Fathercraft. We make stuff that makes parenting more awesome. Learn more by heading right over here.
Advice for young fathers - Center "MOST"
Young fathers are very proud of their new, interesting and responsible role, because not only the wife, but also the baby needs their care, attention and support.
1. Initiative - encouraged
Try to participate as much as possible in the child's life. Look after him. Tell yourself: “I can handle this” - and you will really be able to calm the baby, put him to bed, bathe, feed and change clothes. It is always possible to say: “I don’t know how” or “I can’t do it,” but excuse me, but when else will you learn, if not now? nine0003
2. Show your feelings more often
Nothing is more important to a child than love. However, the very word "love" means little to him. Repeating “Daddy loves you” endlessly is absolutely pointless. Children don't understand this. But what is better than any words is kisses, hugs and caresses. Many fathers are embarrassed to openly show tenderness to their children. Get over it and you will never, ever regret it.
3. Experience comes with time
No woman is born a mother. She acquires all the skills of communication with children during the appearance of children in the family. Simply, unlike you, she has no choice - and she studies, studies, studies ... Therefore, go ahead! Ignorance is easily eliminated with the help of relevant literature or the advice of more experienced elders. nine0003
4. Do not try to replace your mother
You have your own approach to raising children. Don't copy mom. Develop your plan of communication with the child. These can be those areas of life in which you are better versed, for example, games, power loads, competitions, sports, humor, etc.
5. Treat your children the way you would like your parents to treat you
Old truth. Don't make the mistakes your parents made. Analyze the approach to raising your father. If everything suits you, feel free to take an example. If you remember any errors, it's time to correct them. nine0003
6. Take children's views as adults
Strive to organize family councils and open discussions. Ask your child for their opinion more often. So you bring up in him your own point of view and the ability to express it. It is also helpful in building self-confidence.
7. Do not blackmail the child
Do not tell the child: “Eat porridge, otherwise I won’t buy you a toy” At the same time, you give the child the opportunity, firstly, not to eat porridge, and secondly, next time he can do not eat porridge at all, until you promise him a toy. Don't fall into your own trap. nine0003
8. Learn to say “No”
Sometimes a firm “No” said at the right time is more important than a thousand persuasions and arguments. The child must see authority in you and obey. Of course, you should not scream, use profanity or assume threatening poses. It is always better to justify your decision after refusing.
9. Remember that you are not “perfect”
Being an authoritative father does not at all mean maintaining the image of an unattainable ideal elevated above the ordinary. Stay a part of life, do not turn your image into an unattainable deity. Admit your shortcomings, don't deny your own mistakes, don't be afraid to apologize to your child. nine0003
10. Cultivate family loyalty
Family values and traditions should be instilled from childhood. And it is entirely within your power. You can lead by example. But remember, children are unlikely to be deceived if they feel false - your opinion will always be questioned.
12. Violence is not a method
Beating a child is immoral. If you cannot explain to children in an accessible way that it is impossible to perform this or that act, then you, first of all, should look for the reason in yourself. After all, with the disobedience of subordinates in the service, it would never occur to you to raise a hand against them. Causing physical harm to a creature that is unable to answer you is a deliberate failure of a man as a father. nine0003
13. Trust your intuition
Everything that seems wrong to you should not be done. Because the famous 6th feeling is inherent not only to women. In matters of paternity, there is one wonderful method: see if you can tell your own parents about it. Will they approve? Will you feel embarrassed about this? If not, feel free to take action.
14. Enjoy the moment
Before you know it, your children will grow up and become independent. So try to make full use of the allotted time for spending with children. Go to parks, ride rides, do crafts and homework together, and so on. nine0003
Love your wife and your children, think, fantasize, invent with your children, educate them so that they grow up happy, healthy, developed and highly moral.
Gorshkova A.N., youth worker
Advice from an experienced father to young dads. Wise!
Katerina Gayvoronskaya
Every man who has just had a baby knows firsthand how new everything is. It seems to young fathers that they will never be able to get used to the child and to their new role in this life. But later this state passes. And in order for everything to go well with the young dad from the first day of meeting with the child, he needs to read these instructions from one experienced father. The person who published these tips has already gone through the first difficulties in raising a crumb and therefore shares tips with inexperienced dads. Just give this to your spouse. nine0003
- You don't have to have any fixed plans anymore, only tentative ones.
- Even if it is difficult for you to do this - be moderately strict, do not be led by the baby, then it will be easier for you to calm him down.
- Forget eight hours of sleep. You'll catch up in a couple of years.
- Now you and your wife will have less sleep and less sex. This will have to be dealt with at first.
- You will hear a lot of advice on raising a child from different people. Try to “filter” all the tips, choosing those that seem close to you. nine0096
- Remember that we all grew up not because of, but in spite of.
- The kid will not care whether you washed the floor or not.
- Later you won't care either.
- Very often a child should not buy new toys. Believe me, he will be more interested in the TV remote control, your slippers, the fridge magnet. So don't waste your money.
- Hide everything of value.
Otherwise, it will definitely be destroyed by your baby.
- Yes, your child is indeed more beautiful than other children. It is a fact. nine0096
- And now you will start going to work as if it were a holiday.
- Always remember that your spouse lives in such a rhythm 24 hours a day. Help her.
- Try sometimes to take the child away from your wife and let her go for a manicure, shopping or to meet friends. This will only strengthen your relationship.
- You can lie down for a long time, pretending to be asleep, until your wife gets up to the bed herself.
- When you see a man with twins, come and shake his hand. Imagine, it is twice as difficult for him! nine0096
- Now, when it seems to you that you are dying of fatigue and impotence, remember a man with twins.
- Say thank you to your mother. Now you understand it.
- If you could cut your kid's nails, you are almost a jeweler. Great job!
- Try to determine what your child needs by crying.