Abusive friendship test
Is Your Friend Actually Your Frenemy?HelloGiggles
Friendships, like any relationship, can be hard work. When you’re close to someone, you experience life’s many highs and lows alongside them, which inevitably will include heightened emotions, arguments, and some rough patches in the relationship along the way. However, at the end of the day, a good friendship should still feel, well, good. Even though every friendship will have some moments of difficulty, it’s important to notice the difference between some bumps in the road and a friendship that is more toxic than it is healthy.
As Lisa Siclari, a licensed mental health counselor at Humantold tells HelloGiggles, healthy friendships aren’t just good to have, they’re necessary. “Healthy friendships are critical to our development as individuals as well as our survival as human beings,” Siclari says, adding that “it is vital to surround ourselves with supportive people to share life’s ups and downs.” A toxic friendship, on the other hand, can hold us back and keep us from accessing the emotional support we need and deserve.
Though the differences between a healthy friendship and a toxic one are like night and day, Siclari says it’s common to miss the signs when you’re inside the relationship. So, keep reading for signs that your friend is actually your frenemy and take the quiz to find out if your friendship is solid and healthy, or if you might need to move on.
1. You’re constantly fighting or running into conflict.
This may seem like an obvious signifier of a toxic friendship, but there’s a difference between healthy and unhealthy arguments. “When we are in a healthy friendship, we can have disagreements, differences of opinions, and opposing views and values and not feel attacked or judged or stupid,” Siclari says. In a toxic friendship, arguments will feel much more personal, malicious, and unproductive.
2. You don’t feel excited to see them.
Alyssa Mairanz, a licensed mental health counselor at Empower your Mind Therapy, says another sign that you’re in a toxic friendship is if you feel dread when you get a message from them or have plans to see them. This could indicate that the friendship is stifling you more than it is serving you.
3. They tell your secrets to others.
Trust is an important part of a healthy friendship, and a friend who tells others things that you’ve told them in confidence is violating that trust. Mairanz also says to look out for friends who are “constantly telling you ‘secrets’ about other people,” as this can be a sign that they are doing the same with the personal things you’ve shared with them. In a healthy friendship, you should feel comfortable sharing vulnerable information and knowing that your friend will meet you with compassion and respect for the sensitivity of whatever you shared.
“Do you feel like judgment is being placed upon you when you open up about your feelings or something going on in your life?” Siclari says. “If you can’t rely on a friend to keep something between you and not criticize you, then these are examples of an unhealthy relationship that lacks essential trust.
This quiz has now ended.
Friendship breakups can be extremely painful and it can be hard to know when to call it quits even when things get bad. Mairanz asserts how important it is to just listen to your gut. “As adults, we get to decide who we want to give our energy to, and often, if we tap into what we are feeling, we know what we want to do,” she says. “A good way to determine whether or not it’s best to move on is to: evaluate what you can do more effectively in the friendship to make it a healthier and supportive relationship, communicate your needs, and then see how they react.” If the friend is open to hearing your feedback and respond well, then it may be worth working to repair the relationship. However, “if they respond defensively and don’t acknowledge their part in things, it is likely better to move on as they are not capable of giving you what you need and deserve,” Mairanz says.
If you’re interested in trying to mend the relationship but aren’t quite sure how to do it on your own, it might be worth considering friendship therapy. No matter what you decide, just remember that you deserve to surround yourself with people who love and support you.
Quiz: Can You Spot A Toxic Friendship?
Spotting a toxic friendship can be difficult. They tend to creep up when you least expect it. Does someone make you feel bad all the time, but you don’t want to break the tie? Or you think you may be too sensitive. What’s really going on? You BFF may not be what you think. Test your skills: Can you spot a toxic friendship?
Using a friend to make personal gains
Constantly causing drama and making things all about themselves
Listening to your problems, but always inserting their opinion based on their experiences
They're constantly putting you down
Listening to your problems, but always inserting their opinion based on their experiences
While this may sound pretty self-absorbed, these friends may mean well.
They may use this behavior to show that they understand you and have also been in a similar position. Maybe ask your friend how they got through this issue - this may help you through your troubles as well.
Most of us enjoy a little friendly competition. However, these toxic friends can use their jealousy to fuel their competitive streak. Whether it's over a significant other, a victory in your own field, or receiving good news, these friends can often try to jump in to knock you off your pedistol.
This sounds like the previous question, but negative friendships often show two people vying for each other's sympathy. One friend may have lost someone very important. Well, the other friend will try his/her very best to out-do that tragedy to garner more support from others.
All of the above
All of the above
Toxic friends want you to fail because they are run by jealousy.
They can mimic you to attempt to steal what you have that they want. Maybe you're engaged in an activity and they feel threatened by that. They'll dive into the same activity in an attempt to "win."
When the friend is constantly pessimistic
When you find the friend is spreading rumors about you
When they create or look for drama
Any of the above
Any of the above
You'll know when to cut a friend out of your life. Something will feel wrong - off. Maybe some of the signs are hard to see right away, but if this person makes you feel uncomfortable or down, it's best to sever the friendship as soon as possible. Friendships aren't supposed to cause stress. They should help relieve it.
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Quiz result
0 of 5
You scored
Time to evaluate your friendship! It's easy to get lost in a toxic friendship.
These "friends" tend to be pretty good manipulators. Make sure you feel safe with your friends - that you know you can trust them. You want a cheerleader, not an undertaker.
Quiz result
1 of 5
You scored
Time to evaluate your friendship! It's easy to get lost in a toxic friendship. These "friends" tend to be pretty good manipulators. Make sure you feel safe with your friends - that you know you can trust them. You want a cheerleader, not an undertaker.
Quiz result
2 of 5
You scored
You know a thing or two about toxic friendships, but do you know how to spot them? Do you know what to look for when questioning a friend's worth?
Quiz result
3 of 5
You scored
You know a thing or two about toxic friendships, but do you know how to spot them? Do you know what to look for when questioning a friend's worth?
Quiz result
4 of 5
You scored
Only one wrong! You know a good amount about toxic friends and how to spot one.
Don't let them slither into your life. You don't need such toxic people.
Quiz result
5 of 5
You scored
100%! Awesome job. You seem to know a lot about how people should treat you and what it means to be a friend. Keep up the good work.
am i in a toxic friendship, am i in a toxic relationship, friendships, trivia
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Best friend test.

To understand each other without words, to speak about the most intimate without hesitation, to give the last and not regret - all this is available only to friends. Friendship is what many people dream about all their lives, what they strive for, but do not always get. The ability to make friends is made up of many things: the ability to understand and support, to stand up for and forgive.
If you feel like you've finally made a friend, but still doubt his intentions, take the friendship test. Having dispelled doubts, you will be able to communicate with an open soul, show warmth and sincerity. And, conversely, if the “best friend” does not turn out to be one, do not miss the moment when you can end the relationship without loss.
Tests for girlfriends
Who is your best friend? How well do you know her? Is your friendship real? Here are the best tests for girls, girls who know how to make friends. After passing them, you will understand if you are suitable for each other, and you can find out how much she appreciates your support.
Tests for couples, friends to know each other
Have you been friends for many years and do you know each other better than anyone? Check if this is the case. These tests are designed specifically for couples, longtime girlfriends and buddies. Their goal is to strengthen friendship. After all, only knowing everything about your friend, you can rely on him in sorrow and in joy. Tests for two will show you from new sides, help you get to know your loved one even better.
How does your friend behave in different situations? Does she have integrity in a relationship? Does she help you? Are you ready to appear at the first call? Arrange a test of your friendship. Choose the answers to the questions of this mini-quiz and compare your feelings with the conclusions of psychologists.
Take this test both and compare the results. They will reflect not only your ability to make friends, but also your view of human relationships in general.
The joke questions on this test may seem frivolous. But don't rush to judge! Each of them has a special meaning. Good manners and decency, the ability to appreciate others and the ability to sacrifice - all this will determine the conclusions of the friendship test.
Questions to ask a friend: questions from men and women
The idea of what questions to ask a friend often arises, both in women and men. After all, not only girls can be friends, but friendship between a man and a woman is also possible. And if girlfriends can chat about everything, then it is more difficult for men in this regard. In order to, first of all, remain an interesting and good conversationalist for a girl, a man must be tactful and original in his questions.
Nowadays, more and more people spend their time on the Internet, where they get to know each other, communicate, find common interests in correspondence, which in the future can lead to friendship between these people. There are a lot of social networks. In them you can find new acquaintances, as well as communicate with old acquaintances, getting to know them better. And in order to make a good impression when meeting, communication should be lively and interesting. Guys, in the first days of acquaintance, are not allowed to ask frank and serious questions, it is better if the conversation is fun and original, without banal questions.
For a network like VK, questions that reveal the girl's character and outlook on life are suitable.
- Favorite show?
- Do you like to dance?
- What movie would you like to watch? Why?
- What do you prefer - to spend the whole day at home or relaxing with friends?
- Who are your friends?
- Would you go with your friends to have a rest as a savage?
- Have you ever envied a friend?
- Are you satisfied with your life?
- Do you consider yourself a believer?
- Are you capable of crazy things?
- Can you tell me about the most courageous act in your life?
- Have you ever deceived others?
- What is offensive to you?
- What are you afraid of?
- What are you disgusted with?
- What do you hate?
- What are you proud of?
- Would you like to know the future?
- Do you think love at first sight exists?
- Have you met a guy before?
- What should be the communication between a guy and a girl?
- What is not acceptable for you in a relationship between a guy and a girl?
- Do you think love at a distance exists?
- Is it possible to love only by texting in VK?
The same questions can be asked in Ask. And in ask.ru, you can show originality, for example, by introducing yourself as a correspondent, invite the girls to answer questions for an interview.
- What three wishes would you make to a goldfish?
- What would you change about your past?
- Do you consider yourself successful?
- Is there a secret to success?
- Do you consider yourself a role model?
- You have to try everything in life. Are there things you will definitely never try?
- When was the last time you cried? Why?
- How do you see your future?
- What do you lack courage for?
- What would you choose - patriarchy or matriarchy?
- What question would you like to answer yourself?
The more unique the question, the more it will arouse the girl's interest in the conversation.
In friendship between girlfriends, any questions are allowed, both banal, when a relationship is just being established, and more frank, when friendship has already been tested by time and can be trusted. The average age of girls when a real strong friendship begins is 12 years old. In this adolescence, girls are rethinking values, and friendships are either tied up for many years, or go into the status of just familiar comrades. And despite the fact that the girls themselves are talkative, it happens that when they meet, they don’t find the right questions for a potential girlfriend. And in order to get to know her better, you need to ask a girlfriend about a lot. And for this, simple questions, reminiscent of filling out a questionnaire, are suitable.
- What do you like?
- What do you not like?
- Favorite color? Dish? Movie? Song?
- Your fear?
- What's annoying?
- What are your hobbies?
- What can you do better than others?
- What is your dream?
- What can spoil the mood?
- What can improve mood?
- What kind of gifts do you like?
- What can't you forgive your girlfriend?
Funny questions also bring together and allow you to appreciate a friend's sense of humor.
- Which state do you want to be the head of?
- Can you speak with an accent?
- What animal would you like to be?
- If you write a book about your life, what will you call it?
- What will you do with a million dollars?
- Who would you take to a desert island?
- Which superhero do you want to be?
- Can you ride a bicycle?
- What New Year's costume did you wear as a child?
- Do you sing in the shower?
- Which celebrity would you like to date?
When friendly communication flows into a real, strong friendship, personal questions can also be asked from your best friend. For example, about yourself: what do you like and dislike about your character, what is the road, what is valued in friendship, would you like another girlfriend, etc.
Well, women in general can talk about love and men for hours. Sometimes even questions are not needed, because girlfriends usually share their most intimate thoughts themselves: impressions about meeting them, about a guy, about feelings for him, about dreams, about a future with him.
When you meet someone new, you always want to get to know a person better, and the easiest way is to ask about what interests you. Do not be shy to ask questions, but you should not forget about the rules of good manners either.
Questions to ask a friend: questions from men and women
What questions can you ask a friend, a selection of questions when texting VK or Ask. Relevant questions about love from a girl or acquaintance for an interview.
Friendship test for girls
On the nose of the control, and the girlfriend again calls to the cinema? So, again you have to choose between friendship and study. Let's see if you can really make friends. I just have an interesting test for girls.
Answer the test questions quickly without thinking - then the answers will be as truthful as possible, and the test game for girls will show the correct grade. For some fun, invite a friend to take the test. While answering the questions at the same time, you will certainly be surprised at the results.
1. You know a funny story about your girlfriend. Your actions:
- be sure to tell someone a secret (1 point)
- tell but change names (2 points)
- keep your mouth shut (3 points)
2. The new dress doesn't suit your friend. What will you do?
- give a comment (2 points)
- don't say anything (3 points)
- praise the new thing (1 point)
3. What is your opinion of your friends?
- they are smarter than you (2 points)
- they are not as smart as you (1 point)
- your mental abilities are about the same level (3 points)
4. Your friend often asks you for things, but is in no hurry to return them. What would you say to another request?
- give her the thing without further ado (1 point)
- lie that now you don't have it (1 point)
- refuse, explaining the reason (3 points)
5. Your friend accidentally broke your favorite vase. You:
- say you didn't like her anyway (3 points)
- ask to pay for damaged property (2 points)
- scold your girlfriend for being careless (1 point)
6. A friend is walking with a boy you don't like. You:
- stop being friends with her (2 points)
- keep silent, and you will be friends with her, as before (3 points)
- put your girlfriend in front of a choice: either he or you (1 point)
7. You really like your friend's jacket and want to wear it. Your actions:
- you will beat around the bush hinting at what you want (1 point)
- ask for a jacket (2 points)
- you won't ask (3 points)
8. Are you sure that your best friend should:
- tell you everything (1 point)
- share what he wants (3 points)
- keep your thoughts to yourself, because you have enough of your own problems (2 points)
9. You noticed that your girlfriend got involved with a bad company. What will you do?
- break all ties with her as soon as possible (1 point)
- talk heart to heart (3 points)
- you will continue to be friends, no matter what, let him communicate with whom he wants (2 points)
10. Your girlfriend needs money, and you have just the right amount. How do you offer money?
- Please take it. I will be very pleased. (2 points)
- You often help me out too. This is the least I can thank you for. (3 points)
- Take. You need them more now. We need to rescue you immediately. (1 point)
And now it's time for you and your girlfriend to get confused in points - otherwise what kind of friends are you?) Two minutes to sort things out (positions in some situations can be radically different for you), and, to your surprise, you are also in different groups you get. In any case, we read the test results.
21-30 points. Congratulations! You don't see a friend like you every day. Sincere, caring, sociable, You quickly win over and never let down dear people. Loneliness and sadness are not about You, because You are sure: in a difficult situation, friends will always help You.
15-20 points. You don't always understand your friends. You yourself have often noticed the bewilderment in their eyes. To finally build relationships with your best friends, put yourself in their place more often. Then you can trust each other more and finally find a common language.
10-14 points. You, like a lone she-wolf, always and everywhere prefer to solve your problems yourself. You are afraid to let people close to you, you don’t really need friends. At the same time, you can communicate very nicely “at a distance”. Alone with yourself You are not bored, maybe that is why You are not looking for additional communication.
Answer to test questions quickly, without hesitation - then the answers will be maximum truthful and test game for girls will show the correct value. To have some fun invite a friend to take the test. Simultaneously answering questions, you will probably be surprised the results obtained.
1. Do you know a funny story about your girlfriend. Your actions:
- mandatory tell someone a secret (1 score)
- tell me but change the names (2 points)
- you will keep your mouth shut (3 points)
2. The new dress doesn't suit your friend. What will you do?
- give me remark (2 points)
- nothing you will not tell (3 points)
- you will praise new thing (1 point)
3. What is your opinion of your friends?
- they smarter than you (2 points)
- they not as smart as you (1 point)
- your the mental capacity of about one level (3 points)
4. Your girlfriend often asks you things, but not in a hurry to return. What answer another request?
- without extra words give her a thing (1 point)
- lie, that you don't have it now (1 point)
- refuse, explaining the reason (3 points)
5. Your girlfriend accidentally broke your favorite vase. You:
- say that you didn't like her anyway (3 points)
- ask pay for damaged property (2 points)
- scold girlfriend for negligence (1 point)
6. A friend is walking with a boy who Do not you like it. You:
- stop be friends with her (2 points)
- keep silent, and you will be friends with her, as before (3 points)
- put girlfriend before a choice: either he or you (1 point)
7. You really like your friend's jacket, and You want to vilify her. Your actions:
- you will beat around the bush, alluding to desired (1 point)
- ask jacket (2 points)
- not you will beg (3 points)
8. Are you sure that your best friend must:
- tell Everything for you (1 point)
- share whatever it sees fit (3 points)
- keep your thoughts to yourself, because you have your own enough problems (2 points)
9. Did you notice that your girlfriend was hooking up with bad company. What will you do?
- hurry up break all ties with her (1 point)
- talk to her “heart to heart” (3 points)
- you will continue to be friends, no matter what, let him communicate with whom he wants (2 points)
10. Your girlfriend needs money, and you just the right amount. How do you propose money?
- Take please. I will be very pleased. (2 points)
- You often help me out too. Exactly this the least I can do to thank you. (3 points)
- Take it. They are more for you now needed. We need to rescue you immediately. (1 point)
A now it's time for you and your girlfriend get confused in points - otherwise what kind of friends are you?) Two minutes to find out relations (positions in some situations yours may be radically different) and, to your surprise, you are also in different groups get. In any case, read test results.