Why do i get attached so easily psychology
Why Do I Get Attached So Easily? 7 Possible Reasons
Have you ever wondered, “Why do I get attached to people so easily?”
You meet someone new, and you hit it off immediately.
You have great chemistry, and you can’t stop thinking about them.
You’re definitely attracted to them, but it goes beyond that.
They are kind, funny, and just overall enjoyable to be around.
You find yourself wanting to spend more and more time with them.
Before you know it, you’re attached.
And I don’t mean just emotionally attached – you’re head-over-heels in love with this person, and you can’t imagine your life without them.
If this sounds familiar, you might question why you get attached to people so quickly.
There are a few reasons why this might be the case.
Maybe you’ve been hurt in the past, and you’re looking for someone to fill that void.
Or maybe you have low self-esteem, and you’re looking for someone to make you feel better about yourself.
Whatever the reason, getting too attached too quickly can be a recipe for disaster.
What’s In This Article?
What Does It Mean to Be Too Attached to Someone?
Being “too attached” to someone can mean different things to different people.
For some, it may simply refer to strong feelings of attachment and love.
But for others, being too attached can be a problem – a sign that they’re too dependent on someone else for their happiness.
So how do you know that you’re too attached to someone?
- You start to feel that you can’t live without them: If you feel like you need the other person for you to be happy, it’s a sign that you’re too attached. You’re putting your happiness in someone else’s hands, and that’s never a good idea.
- You get jealous easily: Do you get jealous when the person talks to other people? Or do you feel like you have to be around them all the time? It is a clear sign of an unhealthy attachment.
- You’re always thinking about them: They’re pretty much all you can think about when you’re attached to someone. You might daydream about being with them or what it would be like if you were in a relationship with them.
- You base your self-worth on their opinion of you: Your self-worth should never hinge on someone else’s opinion of you. But when you’re too attached to someone, you might start to believe their opinion is the only one that matters. For example, if they tell you you’re not good enough, you might start to believe it.
- You try to control them: When you’re too attached, you might feel like the other person is yours and that it’s your job to protect them. It leads to possessiveness and a need to control their every move.
Why Do I Get Attached So Easily? 7 Possible Reasons
Do you find yourself getting attached to people easily? You’re not alone. You might be surprised to learn that it’s a pretty common phenomenon.
But why does it happen? There could be any number of reasons. Here are seven possible explanations:
1. You Have Childhood Abandonment Issues
If a parent or caretaker abandoned you during childhood, you’ve likely developed some abandonment issues. These can manifest in numerous ways, including getting attached to people too easily.
When you form attachments too quickly, often it’s because you’re subconsciously trying to fill the void left by the person who abandoned you, whether it’s a parent, guardian, sibling, or friend.
If you think this might be the case, seeking professional help is essential. A therapist can help you work through your abandonment issues and learn how to form healthier attachments in future relationships.
2. You’re Feeling Lonely
When we’re feeling isolated, disconnected, or lonely, we tend to cling to the first person who comes along and makes us feel wanted.
Anyone who seems like a good friend or romantic partner is welcome, even if the relationship is unhealthy or we don’t know the person that well.
If you’re feeling lonely, try to connect with friends and loved ones. Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself and don’t drain your energy.
If you don’t have anyone who meets this criterion, consider joining a club or a group where you can meet new people who share your interests.
Spending time alone and learning to enjoy your own company is also important. It’s difficult if you’re not used to it, but it’s important to remember that you’re the only person with you 100% of the time.
Make sure to do things that make you happy, and don’t rely on others to make you feel good about yourself.
3. You Believe That You Can Only Be Happy When You’re in a Relationship
Most people view relationships as the be-all and end-all of happiness. Society tells us that we’re not complete until we find our “other half.”
Our parents and friends ask us when we’re going to “settle down” with someone. We see happy couples everywhere we go, and it’s easy to start believing that we can only be truly happy when we’re in a relationship.
Relationships can be a source of great happiness, but they’re not the only source. You can be happy without being in a relationship.
You might even find that you’re happier without one.
One of the best things you can do for your mental health is to focus on building a life that you love and filling it with things and people that make you happy.
When you have a rich, fulfilling life, you will be less likely to get attached to someone simply because you’re looking for something to fill a void.
Instead, you’ll be more likely to get involved with someone because you genuinely enjoy their company and want to share your life with them.
4. You’re Easily Distracted by “Shiny” Male Qualities
If you’re a woman who gets attached to people quickly, you might fall for the “shiny object syndrome” when it comes to men.
You’re easily distracted by qualities that seem great initially but don’t necessarily hold up in the long run.
For example, a man who is charming and funny may seem like the perfect catch. But if he’s also irresponsible and immature, you might get attached to him for the wrong reasons.
To avoid getting caught up in the “shiny object syndrome,” it’s essential to take a step back and evaluate what qualities are essential to you in a partner.
Once you know what you’re looking for, you’ll be less likely to get attached to someone who doesn’t fit that description.
5. You Subconsciously Believe That Others Are Responsible For Your Happiness
Do you feel unhappy and unfulfilled unless you’re dating someone?
Once you’re in a relationship, do you feel like your partner is responsible for ensuring you’re always happy?
Or, do you find yourself getting upset when your friends don’t text you back right away?
If you can relate to any of the above, it’s likely because you subconsciously believe that the people in your life are responsible for your happiness.
And while there’s nothing wrong with wanting companionship or feeling happy in a relationship, the problem arises when you put your happiness in someone else’s hands instead of taking responsibility for your own happiness.
You’ll never be truly satisfied if you’re always waiting for someone else to make you happy.
This is a recipe for disaster in any relationship because it sets unrealistic expectations and takes away your power.
6. You Have Low Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is often the root cause of many unhealthy attachment issues. If you don’t feel good about yourself, you’ll be more likely to seek validation and approval from others.
It can leave you overly dependent on others for your happiness and self-worth. You will find yourself attached to people who make you feel good about yourself, even if the relationship isn’t healthy or supportive.
If you have low self-esteem, working on building yourself up is essential. It takes time and effort, but it’s worth it.
You can start by practicing self-compassion and accepting yourself for who you are. Treating yourself with kindness and understanding will help you to feel better about yourself and make it easier to let go of unhealthy attachments.
You can also build self-esteem by setting realistic goals and accomplishments. Whenever you achieve something, take the time to celebrate your success. You will feel proud of yourself and increase your sense of self-worth.
7. You Are a Romantic at Heart
As a romantic at heart, you believe in the fairy-tale notion of love, and you want to find your soul mate. You don’t want just anyone. You want the one who will sweep you off your feet and make all your dreams come true.
While this is certainly an admirable quality, it can also lead to you getting attached to people too easily. You see the potential in everyone, and you want to find the love story that is hidden within.
Unfortunately, not every story has a happy ending, and you often get hurt when things don’t work out the way you had hoped.
If you find yourself getting attached to people too easily, it is essential to remember that not everyone will be your soul mate.
It is okay to be picky and to hold out for the one who truly meets all your needs. There is no shame in being single and taking your time to find the right person for you.
In the meantime, there are plenty of other things that you can do to fill your time and keep yourself from getting too attached to someone who is not right for you.
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How to Not Get Emotionally Attached So Easily with 7 Mind-Set Changes
Do any of the above reasons sound familiar? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Getting attached to people is a perfectly normal human experience.
But if you find that you’re getting connected to people too quickly, there are some things that you can do to change your mindset and help you avoid getting too emotionally attached.
These include:
1. Be Open to Asking and Receiving Help
Do you think asking for help makes you weak? Do you feel like it takes away your independence? If so, it’s time to let go of these beliefs.
Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. It shows that you’re willing to admit when you need assistance, allowing others to support you in your times of need.
When you’re open to asking for help, you’re also more likely to receive help from others. It can be a great way to build deeper connections with the people in your life.
And when you have strong relationships, you’re less likely to feel the need to seek out unhealthy attachments.
So next time you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to ask someone for help. You may be surprised by how willing they are to support you.
2. Assess Yourself and Identify Negative Patterns in Your Dating Life
Are you getting attached to unavailable people, like married individuals or people in long-term relationships? Do you often choose emotionally unavailable partners who don’t treat you well?
Do you prefer the playboy/playgirl type?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to take a step back and assess your dating patterns.
Doing some soul-searching can be difficult, but it’s necessary if you want to change your relationship habits. Once you identify the negative patterns in your love life, you can start to make changes.
These could include choosing different types of partners, setting better boundaries, or learning to love yourself more.
Assessing your dating patterns will help you know what you want in a partner and pursue healthier relationships.
3. Practice Self-Compassion
What do you think when you look at yourself in the mirror? Are you critical of your appearance? Do you beat yourself up for past mistakes?
If so, it’s time to start practicing self-compassion. Self-compassion is about being kind to yourself, even when you make mistakes.
It’s about recognizing that you are human and doing the best you can. You can start practicing self-compassion by:
- Talking to yourself in a kind and gentle way
- Forgiving yourself when you make mistakes
- Being patient with yourself
- Accepting your flaws and weaknesses
You’re less likely to seek out unhealthy attachments when you’re more compassionate towards yourself. You’ll be more content with who you are and what you have.
You’ll also be content with being on your own; hence, you’ll have an easier time finding someone worthy of your love.
4. Be Brutally Honest With Yourself
When you’re honest with yourself, you can see things more clearly and take responsibility for your own happiness.
As a result, you’re less likely to get wrapped up in someone else’s drama and more likely to focus on what’s important to you.
Honesty also allows you to set boundaries and limits with the people around you so that you don’t end up getting overwhelmed or taken advantage of.
Start by asking yourself why you easily get attached to people. Is it because you’re afraid of being alone? Do you have a hard time trusting yourself?
Once you know the root cause, you can start to work on addressing it.
Be honest about your expectations and needs in relationships. If you discover you’re always giving more, it’s time to start setting boundaries. You’re not responsible for someone else’s happiness – that’s up to them.
The only person you can control is yourself, so focus on taking care of yourself first.
5. Learn More About Your Attachment Style
Your attachment style dictates how you relate with the people in your life. It’s based on your early childhood experiences and affects how you act in relationships.
There are four different attachment styles: secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant.
You might have an anxious attachment style if you get attached to people too easily. People with this attachment style tend to be clingy and need a lot of reassurance from their partners.
They may also have trouble being alone and often feel jealous or insecure in relationships.
If you think you might have an anxious attachment style, there are some things that you can do to work on it. These include seeking therapy, practicing self-compassion, and learning to set healthy boundaries.
6. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Alone
Embrace solitude and learn to enjoy your own company. Spend time with yourself doing things you love, and make sure to schedule some “me time” every week.
It can help you feel more comfortable alone and less likely to seek out others for validation or companionship.
Getting attached to people is not a bad thing, but it can become problematic if you’re constantly seeking out relationships because you’re afraid of being alone.
If you find yourself in this situation, try to work on enjoying your own company by doing the following:
- Make peace with everything that happened in the past
- Try to catch up with everything you’ve postponed in the past
- Do things you enjoy without feeling guilty
- Work on your relationship with yourself
- Try to be independent and avoid relying too much on others.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed
Taking these steps will help you feel more independent, secure, and content in your own skin – which is the first step to attracting healthy and sustainable relationships into your life.
You will also be less likely to seek out others for validation.
7. Learn to Set Boundaries
Having boundaries means knowing what you will and won’t tolerate from others and having a clear sense of who you are, separate from others.
Learning to set boundaries is an essential step in managing your attachments. If you’re not sure where to start, here are five helpful tips:
- Start by identifying your needs.
- Be assertive in expressing your needs to others.
- Don’t be afraid to say “no” when necessary.
- Practice self-care.
- Make time for yourself.
Creating boundaries can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that you’re doing it for your own well-being. Once you learn how to set boundaries, your relationships will be more balanced and less draining.
Why Am I Attached to Someone I Barely Know?
There are many reasons why you might find yourself attracted and attached to someone you barely know.
Maybe you have a lot in common or just clicked from the start.
Or perhaps you were drawn in by their charm and charisma.
Whatever the reason, it’s perfectly normal sometimes to develop strong feelings for someone, even if you don’t know them that well.
Some of the best relationships start as friendships. So if you’re wondering why you’re so attached to someone you barely know, just ask yourself what drew you to them in the first place.
Chances are, it’s something special that will keep you connected for years.
However, there are also times when you might find yourself getting attached to someone for less than ideal reasons.
Maybe you’re feeling lonely or lost, and this person provides a sense of stability. Or perhaps they make you feel good about yourself like nobody else does.
Whatever the reason, it’s essential to know why you’re getting attached to someone to ensure it’s for the right reasons.
I Get Attached Too Easily to People
It happens to the best of us, but that doesn’t mean you have to feel bad about it. There are a lot of things you can do to work on it.
These include seeking therapy, practicing self-compassion, and learning how to set healthy boundaries.
Remember, you’re not alone in this. We all have our struggles and must find our own way of coping with them.
5 Psychological Reasons Why You Get Emotionally Attached So Easily
Blindly jumping into a relationship while ignoring obvious red flags is something almost everyone has been guilty of at some point.
But if you do it consistently, then there’s probably more to it than just bad luck.
Frequently getting attached to people has a lot of downsides. First of all, when you quickly throw yourself at people, you’ll tend to be undervalued.
Secondly, the fear and anxiety of being left alone often lead to clingy behavior that will make it difficult for you to maintain any long-term relationship. And having a string of people leave you because of your attachment issues will only worsen your anxiety if you don’t understand what’s going on underneath.
If you want to stop the pattern of getting attached to people too quickly, you have to understand what causes it in the first place. If you’re aware of why you do it, it becomes easier to step back and break the pattern.
1. Anxious attachment issues
The major determinant of the attachment style we carry into our adult relationships is the kind of attachment we formed with our caregivers in childhood.
According to psychologists, people who grow up in an environment with an erratic form of care from their parents tend to have anxious attachment styles. As a psychologist, Susan Whitbourne explained, we tend to recreate the attachment style our caregivers had with us in our childhoods.
For instance, if you grew up with a caregiver who always made you feel insecure about your place in their lives, you become overly sensitive to the cues of abandonment from people. And this sensitivity will tend to make you overly clingy.
You’ll tend to feel insecure about your place in a relationship for no apparent reason. People who fall into this category — unlike the rest — are less likely to get quickly attached right off the bat.
Rather, their anxiety will tend to intensify as the relationship grows older. They’ll fear that things could go sideways at any time.
Sometimes childhood attachment issues can take another form where the victim has a pattern of going after love and affection. In this case, when they meet someone who gives them all the attention, they become dissatisfied because they feel the need to always win people over.
If this is you, being aware that this pattern is playing out in your relationship is the first step to taking back control.
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2. You can’t handle being single
Some people just love falling in love. They get a rush from it.
I was talking with a close friend one evening when she asked me, “Destiny, how do you just survive without anyone calling you every morning to check up on you and tell you they love you?”
I was surprised by the question.
Some people have gotten used to the attention and high they get out of a relationship that they can’t handle not being in one. At any point in time, there are a handful of people they’ll quickly run to for attention.
And for people like this, whenever they fall out of a relationship, they’ll quickly jump at anyone who gives them that attention they crave so much. They won’t mind ignoring the red flags just to get attention and hear those nice things.
If this is you, you already understand the signs. And the best thing you can do for yourself is learning to survive without validation and attention from a romantic partner.
Statistically, people who don’t need a relationship to feel good about themselves make better partners. When you need a relationship to be happy, you will ignore major red flags and quickly get attached to people even if they’re not right for you.
3. You quickly get carried away by the flashy exteriorSome people get attached so easily because they think all that glitters is gold.
This is the guy that will chase a girl for months simply because he has projected so many things on her based on her looks. Or, the girl that gets carried away by a guy’s ability to spend lavishly on her.
When you focus on the flashy exterior alone, you get excited. You’ll dive into the relationship with both feet while ignoring red flags because what you see excites you. You won’t mind character. And you won’t care about getting to know them first.
People who fall into this category often make poor relationship choices repeatedly. And this is because they’re not focusing on what matters in the long run.
A girl with a big butt and a guy with a big wallet will get you excited. And this excitement will get you quickly attached for a short while.
If this is you, you need to learn to focus on the things that truly matter. If you’re really interested in a relationship with someone, get to know them.
Putting more focus on knowing someone rather than spending their money will naturally make you more patient and careful.
Also read: 5 Signs Someone is Secretly Insecure
4. You don’t have options
Hard truth.
Some people quickly get attached because they don’t have many options for a romantic partner. When you don’t think something better is coming along any time soon, it’s impulsive to hold on tight to what you have.
There are many reasons people can go out of options in the dating market. But most times it would revolve around looks and age.
However, holding on too tight to that one option you have because you’re afraid something better won’t come along can make you clingy. There are better ways to keep someone interested than clinging quickly to them.
5. You’re insecureSome people get too attached quickly because they feel that they have to work hard to be loved. This is the guy who quickly starts showering a girl with gifts because he hopes that material things will make her love him.
Insecurity makes you feel you’re not good enough. It keeps you on your toes in a relationship. You become hyper-sensitive to cues that may not mean your partner is cheating.
This is the girl who always suspects that her man will leave her for a more beautiful lady because she doesn’t think she’s pretty enough for him. And this mindset makes her anxious about where he goes and who he hangs out with.
Furthermore, when you’re insecure, you’ll tend to crave validation from those around you. For instance, an insecure girl will tend to quickly jump on dating a guy that just gave her a little attention because she sees the attention of a good-looking guy as validation.
Final words
Always being afraid that the person you’re with could leave at any time feels us with anxiety. The best way to break the pattern is to first understand what’s causing your anxiety and work on it. If you’re aware of a pattern, it’s much easier to break out of it.
Also read: 6 Mistakes That Are Keeping You Single
“I get attached to people too quickly”
Question for an expert Teenagers A person among people
I have a fairly wide social circle, but I try to keep my distance with everyone. Despite my efforts, if a person gives me even a drop of care and warmth, I begin to feel sympathy for him. Every time it happens by itself. I don’t even have time to understand how I become dependent on the attention of this person.
Sofia, 18 years old
Sofia, hello. While reading your letter, I wanted to ask you a few questions. By answering them to yourself as sincerely and carefully as possible, you will be able to better understand how to manage the development of your relationships with people. nine0003
You write that you have "a lot of friends", but you try to keep your distance from everyone. There seems to be some important idea behind the notion of distance? What is it about? Why is it important not to get close to people?
You write that as soon as you feel care and warmth, you immediately feel sympathy for this person. It sounds like an ordinary ritual, familiar to human relations: to take a step towards rapprochement in response to a step towards rapprochement.
We're talking about the normal process of taking a small step towards a person, then looking around. If you see that he noticed and also made a movement towards you, take a small step again. And ask yourself if you like it, if it's good. Watching a potential friend again. This gradual mutual rapprochement helps to create a secure relationship in which you have a good idea of who you are going to be friends with and what you can expect from him. nine0003
I wonder what "addicted to attention" means to you? In close relationships, both friendly and romantic, people become dependent on each other. We can talk about some unsafe version of communication and dependence on attention when one person needs another, and the partner is burdened by this attention or abuses it.
And if you see that your friend's attention is as important to you as it is to you, then everything is fine, you can develop these relationships
But perhaps sometimes you notice that despite your cordiality, the other person avoids you, is indifferent to you, or seeks to take advantage of your favor, without giving anything in return and not thinking about you. In this case, I can assume the following.
The answer to the formation of addiction is hidden in the process that you described as “I don’t have time to understand” and “it happens by itself”. Perhaps behind this rapid intimacy on your part lies a deep need for intimacy. It is important to allow yourself to acknowledge it in order to better understand how it affects you, urging you on and encouraging you to enter into relationships with the wrong people. nine0003
And when you feel that something is happening “by itself” again, and you start looking for someone else's attention, ask yourself:
What do I want now?
How does what I do bring me closer to my dream?
Am I safe?
How can I take care of myself now?
Are my expectations now consistent with what the person is doing towards me?
Get in the habit of asking yourself these questions. This will allow you to slow down a bit and better manage how your relationship develops.
Photo source: Getty Images
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Julia 05/17/2011 nine0003
Hello. I'm 25. My problem is this: I get very attached to some people. Of course, I am not a psychologist and I may be misdiagnosing myself, but in the end I have only mental anguish ... I get to know a person, I begin to communicate. It seems that at first I don’t feel any feelings, I perceive it as an ordinary acquaintance, and after some time something happens, and it seems to wedge me: I want to communicate with this person more and more, I start constantly thinking about him, and thoughts are limitations or The endings of communication generally terrify me. Most often this happens with females. It seems not a lesbian, or rather, I know for sure that I don’t want to be one. Men interest me more in terms of intimacy, although I have absolutely no experience in this area. (I have not had a serious relationship yet, but this is a completely different topic :)) I understand perfectly well that even the most friendly relations between people do not oblige one to the other and vice versa, but this understanding does not help me calm my raging emotions. Let's say I constantly go to smoke with this person, then once and I see that she went to smoke without me.
Again, I am well aware that this is normal, but nevertheless, the thought “yeah, she didn’t call me, so she doesn’t want to smoke with me, so she somehow doesn’t treat me like that anymore” haunts and is accompanied by appropriate negative feelings. And these feelings are stronger and more clearly felt than a sound mind, which constantly leads to a bad and depressive mood. I no longer understand WHAT is happening to me and already with all my heart I want to somehow normalize this area of my life. I understand that no psychologist can draw a complete picture in a few lines, but tell me at least in general terms: in what place of my head do I need to dig in order to somehow try to solve this problem. nine0003
Thank you all in advance!
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Strongly attached to people (2 answers)
Hello Julia! let's see what is happening:
I want to communicate with this person more and more, I start thinking about him constantly, and the thoughts of limiting or ending communication generally terrify me.
i.e. You are creating a kind of co-dependent relationship - perhaps that is where you are trying to find yourself! self-acceptance - which is probably just NOT received! it is also a question of self-acceptance - you can look for yourself just outside - and thereby build an idea of yourself! and that is why you react so sharply to the restriction in communication - because you feel that the ties that you create for yourself are broken! and you feel a vacuum inside that you can't fill! nine0003
one aspect - most likely a secondary one - is self-acceptance!
Most often this occurs with female representatives.
the answer must be sought in the sphere of relations with one's mother - since her image is the first one that participates in the development of a sense of security, trust, and is also directly involved in self-acceptance!!! And here it is worth understanding exactly these relationships!
and also to shift the accent from the outer to the inner!!! not to create co-dependent relationships, but to become that very support for yourself! nine0003
the thought "yeah, she didn't call me, that means she doesn't want to smoke with me, that means she doesn't treat me like that anymore" haunts and is accompanied by corresponding negative feelings.
and you are already thinking about this and winding yourself up with this style of thinking - you read thoughts! and proceeding from the construction of his false vision of the world, that crooked path of feelings continues to be laid! because in fact you do not know how people treat you! and you will never be able to control the feelings of a person by any of your actions! so the way out is to find yourself! learn to separate the external and internal, develop a new adaptive style that will help you build full-fledged relationships, on an equal footing! nine0003
Julia, if you really decide to figure out what is happening - you can feel free to contact me - call - I will only be happy to help you!
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Julia! You have a tendency to become attached to a person. He seems close to you, almost a part of you. This is your trait, which probably has roots in early childhood.
When a person behaves differently than you expect, you experience a feeling of rejection. It seems to you that you were rejected for some unknown reason and this causes severe pain. Probably, this is also connected with some events in childhood. However, these events cannot be changed. Therefore, just be aware of this peculiarity of yours and try to overcome this feeling of rejection. Just tell him when it comes up, "And this is my reaction..." and then try to maintain the relationship, talk, find out what's wrong. When there is no this lump in the throat, resentment, then this is quite possible. Just by talking, you will find out this awkwardness. We must also not forget that it is impossible to please all people. Sometimes we make mistakes and wait for more intimacy from those who do not want to give it to us. Sometimes we don't like those who like us. It happens that way too. And it's not a tragedy. This may cause regret, but not pain. nine0003
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Julia! No need to dig in your head! It hurts!
You are on the right track by writing to the psychological site. When a person "already does not understand (head!), WHAT is happening to me and already with all my heart I want " - this indicates that the time has come (is there motivation?) to work with the soul (psychology does this).
I would ask about early childhood, about my relationship with my mother, then about my relationship with my dad. About how the relationship between parents developed (and develops)? What are the fates of women in the family? nine0003
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I am very attached to people.