Why am i attracted to him quiz
Am I Attracted To Him? Quiz
Love and Relationship quizzes -» In Love? -» Do I love him?
10 Questions - Developed by: - Developed on: - 166,943 taken - User Rating: 3.7 of 5 - 68 votes - 12 people like it
Sometimes it's hard to know if you REALLY like someone. This quiz will clarify if you like him, and how much!
One day, you're sitting by yourself during a break at school/work/church, and he comes and talks to you. You have a great conversation that lasts a half-hour. How much do you think about the conversation you two had?
I can't stop thinking about it...I even tell some of my friends
I smile about it afterward, but I don't think about it at all after that
I don't really think about it
I think about it a few times throughout the day
You say hello to him one day.
When he says hello back, he seems to be gazing at you like he's longing for something. How much do you wonder why he looked at you that way?
I ponder it a bit and wonder why he gave me that look
I think it was a little weird, but I don't think he might like me
I can't stop thinking about it. Does he like me? Why did he look at me like that? Oh, my gosh, what if he likes me?
I don't really think about it
You see him walking, and he sees you, too. He waves and smiles. What do you do?
I smile and wave, not really thinking much of it
I smile back...I can't help it. My heart beats a little faster
I smile and wave. I'm excited to see him
I smile and wave.
It's nice seeing someone I know pass by
Say a dance is coming up, and all the guys are supposed to ask the girls. Say he doesn't ask you, but asks some other girl instead. How do you feel?
I'm not really fazed by it
A little disappointed, just because this means I probably won't have a date
Really upset. I'm not saying I would cry over it, necessarily, but it truly sucks
A bit sad. I was kind of hoping he would ask me
Say he asks you to hang out, just you and him. No reason why, just because. What are you thinking?
Cool, I like hanging out. The whole, "Is it a date?" thing doesn't come to mind
Hmm...is this, like, a date? Oh, well, I'm not really thinking about it
I can't believe it! I'm so excited! Is this a date? Oh, my gosh, does he like me?
Does he like me? This could be exciting!:)
Are You Actually Attracted to Your Boyfriend?
Image: PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
When we enter into a relationship, there's that phase known as the honeymoon phase. It's the point where everyone is happy and blissfully in love, so much so that we ignore the person's flaws and choose to see the world with heart-shaped eyes. But are you still at that point? Did you never leave it? Does your boyfriend still do it for you? Or are you over it, but don't know just quite yet?
Attraction is more than just how someone looks on the outside. It's also their personality, how they approach situations and how they treat others. We're sure you've seen a smoking hot guy who has the personality of sandpaper and the temper of an agitated porcupine. These things happen. We can be attracted to looks and a person's way/habits.
And because you know we're a curious bunch here, we want to test your attraction level to someone you should know very well- your boyfriend! Are you still hopelessly in love? Were you over it five months ago? Or did your once-charming man turn into the wicked wizard of the west?
We'll tell you whether you're still into your man or not with this quiz.
Let's start this off with a bang! Is your boyfriend the man of your dreams?
Of course he is
I think he is
I'd like him to be
I have doubts.
Physically, what's your favorite thing about him?
His eyes
His chest
His lips
His you-know-what
Is he good in the sack?
I don't know yet.
He's pretty good.
He could be a lot better.
Why else would I be here?
If you could change one thing about how his appearance, what would it be?
Let's discuss his personality. What about him caught your attention?
His confidence
His sense of humor
His intelligence
His down to earth-ness
Do you genuinely enjoy his company?
Of course, all day, every day
Most of the time
Not any more
Is he a gentleman?
Yes, he is.
For the most part
He can be
He can be a bit of a pig.
Are you in love?
Never more in my life
I think so.
No, I'm not.
How comfortable are you around him?
Maybe too comfortable
Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not comfortable at all
Do you think you guys are ready to live together?
I think so.
No, we aren't.
We already do
What do you guys normally do on date night?
Go to dinner
Go to the movies
Go partying
Going for ice cream
But what's the most romantic thing he's ever done for you?
Took us on a trip outside the country
Planned a surprise party for my birthday
Showered me with gifts and made me feel special
Took me to dinner for my birthday
Let's talk about the cons of your relationship. How often do you guys argue?
Once in a blue moon
Pretty often
All the time
What do you disagree on the most?
The past
Are you, or is he jealous?
Neither of us are
I am, he isn't
He is, I'm not
We both are
What trait of his annoys you the most?
He's a bit lazy
He's flippant
He's likes too much attention
He's selfish
What's your biggest worry in your relationship?
I don't really have worries
How do you feel when he's not with you?
A bit lonely
I feel fine
A little relieved
Do you ever feel like you guys need to spend time apart?
Very often
How committed are you to this man?
Insanely committed
Very committed
Somewhat committed
I'm over it.
We want to know more about just you. What's the first thing you reach for when you wake up?
My boyfriend
My phone
My alarm clock
What do you like doing for fun when you're at home?
Watch TV
Which of these words best describes you?
What do you think is your worst quality?
I can be closed-minded.
I'm a bit entitled.
I can be selfish.
I can be mean.
Are you open to change?
Not at all
I'm not a huge fan.
I'm OK with it.
Yes, I love change.
Do you have many friends?
I have quite a few
Maybe a handful
One or two
Do they always approve of your relationship?
Most of the time
Not really
I don't care either way.
Do you love very easily?
Maybe too easily
Yes, I do
No, I don't.
Would you give up your dreams for love?
In a heartbeat
I think I would
It really depends
How happy are you at the moment?
Beyond happy
I'm pretty happy.
I'm OK.
I'm actually pretty sad.
You Got:
Quiz for girls: Do you know what trait of your character attracts guys? Ustaliy.

in Tests for girls, Tests about love and relationships
published Ulyana Groznaya
Do you want to know your main advantages that distinguish you favorably in the eyes of men? How do they see you, what do they think about your behavior? All this can be found out by answering the questions of our test. You will understand what qualities you should develop in yourself, and which ones should be hidden away in order to build a successful relationship. nine0009
Some new experience, like tasting chicken feet in a Chinese restaurant
Dancing until morning
Something extreme like climbing
Passionate kisses under the stars
Delicious homemade dinner in a cozy atmosphere
Going to an exhibition or cinema
- nine0011
We fought constantly
Too many lies
We were too different
He was too demanding
I was not ready for a relationship, I wanted freedom
He was a terrible pessimist
The strongest friendship in the world
Meeting of two kindred spirits
Collision of two elements
Love is freedom
Endless inspiration from another person
This is when you are ready to conquer the world together
I will wait for him to call me somewhere
I will find his "VK" and write "hello!"
Call him and improvise
I'll invite him to a picnic, but what?
Like "accidentally" run into him in the cafeteria, and then come what may
I will wait for the universe to connect us
Unusual hobby
Martial arts
His identity
Thirst for adventure
Travel around the world and live in different cities
I want both my future husband and I to build a successful career
I don't know, I just want to be happy
So that they write an adventure book about it later
Make good money and be able to go on vacation often
Find love and grow old together somewhere far from the city
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387 Points
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singlepage for girlsfor girlsrelationshipattractivenesstest
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Psychological tests about love online
Are we right for each other? nine0286
03/21/2021 21701
Have you met someone with whom you would like to start a family? This quiz will help you find out if you are a good match.
Do you have uncontrollable fantasies?
04/08/2017 nine0412 36643
Maladaptive daydreaming is a form of dissociation, excessive daydreaming. This is when a person spends more time in their head (in the fictional world) and neglects the real world.
Are you jealous? Find out your degree of jealousy.
nine0412 09/08/2016 19642
Do you think jealousy is the best indicator of love, or can an excess of this feeling lead to terrible and irreparable consequences? And how prone to jealousy are you personally? Take the test and do not let the ruthless feeling of unreasonable jealousy take over your mind and destroy your love in the future.
- nine0285 How do you communicate with men?
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Does he love me? If a man has real feelings for you?
09/06/2016 nine0412 46914
How to see love? How to feel it? And how do you know if you are loved? Do you want to know if a man loves you? This test will give you the opportunity to understand whether your boyfriend really loves you. Does he have true love for you, and is it 100% serious for him? Are feelings really hot? Or just warm up? Or does it have nothing to do with true love?
nine0012 - nine0285 How do different zodiac signs fall in love?
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Love is a strange thing. To someone she comes very early, to someone a little later, and for someone she is generally unanswered. But in any case, everyone will fall in love sooner or later...
- nine0285 Is your marriage successful? (questions to wife)
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What connects you with him (her): love or friendship?
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This test will help you sort out your feelings if you are tormented by doubts about what connects you with your partner: true love or just friendship.
Socionics test to determine sociotypes and subtypes.
08/01/2017 nine0412 10181
This test will allow you to fully understand your main sociotypes and subtypes.
Do you understand each other?
03/06/2012 4615 0
The test will allow you to determine how partners understand each other. Partners must pass this test individually. nine0003
Love does not love?
03/06/2012 18821
We will not use chamomile to test this statement-question.
Let's turn to the test. You can offer this test to your husbands, wives, friends or just acquaintances if you want to know how they feel about you. nine0003
Is there trust in your relationship with your partner?
03/10/2016 7210
Trust is one of the most important parameters of relationships. Harmonious and happy relationships are characterized by sincerity and trust.
What goddess are you?
06/27/2017 10386
Do you want to know which of the ancient Greek goddesses you are most like? Maybe you are Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategist? Or Artemis - the goddess of the hunt, the moon and the wild? Or are your desires controlled by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty? And what role do Hestia play in your life - the goddess of the hearth, the goddess wife Hera, the goddess mother Demeter and the young goddess Persephone? Take the test and you will find out which of the listed goddesses is closest to you. Archetype * which of the goddesses is expressed in you brighter than all the others, and how this can affect your life.
*Archetypes are images and patterns of behavior inherent in all people and stored in historical memory or the collective unconscious. They can have a significant impact on our daily lives. One of the classifications of female archetypes, proposed by the Jungian psychoanalyst Jean Bolen, includes a division into 7 main archetypes, which are named after ancient Greek goddesses. nine0003
Is your marriage successful? (questions to husband)
01/26/2017 1284
I have no doubt that you are happy with your marriage. Although from time to time you probably have problems. And then, I hope, you will be interested to know what your marriage is like.
nine0017 -
Are you in danger of cheating?
03/24/2017 4396 0
Are you the perfect couple?
03/06/2012 21390
The test allows you to determine how much you are an ideal couple.
This test should be taken with a partner.
How do you feel about love?
03/06/2012 2867
Are you an amorous person? What position in life do you choose: to wait for the prince on a white horse or actively seek your other half? This test will help you figure it out.
Which wedding suits you?
08/04/2014 3311
For a wedding to become a real holiday, it must correspond to your character and desires. The test will help you decide which scenario suits you best. nine0003
Test "Are you passionate?"
02.2013 3904
The test will help you answer the question "Are you passionate?". There are 20 questions in the test.
Test "Wife or mistress?" nine0286
02/21/2017 3689
Find out what type prevails when building a relationship with a man you like.
If you fell out of love with each other
03/06/2012 2566 nine0412 0
The test asks you a few questions to see if you can leave your partner if you don't feel good about him anymore. Or maybe, fearing loneliness or out of habit, will you continue your relationship with him?
How to find your man and get married?
05/23/2017 6749
Test for women.
It will help you understand the situation: you do not have a personal life; you do not understand why a man does not propose marriage; ask yourself: “What is wrong with me, what am I doing wrong”, etc.; there is a relationship, but they do not suit you (or him), you are on the verge of parting (divorce). There are 7 questions to think about. Walking time approximately 10 minutes. Anonymously, without registration, for free. nine0003
Socionics test First quadra (Alpha) Don Quixote, Dumas, Hugo, Robespierre.
08/06/2017 2057 0
This test will allow you to understand what sociotypes, from the first quadra, are inherent in you.
Is your relationship with your partner toxic?
03/24/2022 573
You will be able to identify the first signs of toxicity in your partner's behavior. Understand if you have problems setting personal boundaries. Determine who exactly brings aggression into everyday communication. Find out what hidden dangers are in your relationship. Everyone who passes the test will receive a gift by email. mail indicated in the questionnaire! Free access to the online lesson "How to find an approach to any person". You will learn to determine the type of personality, understand which communication style to choose in different situations in order to better understand the interlocutor. This webinar will help you build rapport with your spouse, children, parents, boss, subordinates and just acquaintances in everyday life. You will understand how to properly convey information and ask questions. How to express your emotions without hurting loved ones. nine0003
Is it easy for you to be faithful to each other?
03/06/2012 1425 0
Each person has his own understanding of fidelity.
How do you feel about this quality? And what is cheating for you?
nine0012 -
Eniostyle. Panchenko test to determine the type of personality. Test the first North - South. nine0286
10/19/2020 3720
Determination of personality type according to Eniostyle system (Panchenko's test). The test is intended for express diagnostics of a person's personality type.
What awaits you during the year on the love front?
nine0412 01/23/2022 506 0
As you know, love relationships are not stable! Therefore, it would be nice to know what will happen to you during the year on the love front.
In order not to run to fortune-tellers and not use dubious rituals, take our simple test and find out about upcoming events in your relationship with your loved one.
- nine0285 Socionics test Fourth quadra (Delta) Stirlets, Dostoevsky, Huxley, Gabin.
08/06/2017 2173 0
This test will allow you to understand what sociotypes, from the fourth quadra, are inherent in you.
Does your partner really love you? nine0286
01/26/2019 1563
Sometimes it is very difficult to understand your feelings, especially if you are also not sure of the sincerity of your partner's feelings. But who does not dream of big and pure love? Answer the questions of our test, and you can determine with relative accuracy whether your partner is somewhat sincere with you and whether he really loves you.
nine0017 -
Are you satisfied with your relationship with your partner?
02/12/2019 642
This test will help you figure out how perfect you think your relationship with your loved one is, and what you don't like about it.
nine0012 -
Eniostyle. Panchenko test to determine the type of personality. Test the second East - West.
nine0412 11/16/2020 2524 0
Determination of personality type according to Eniostyle system (Panchenko's test).
The test is intended for express diagnostics of a person's personality type.
Your ideas about family life
02/16/2018 nine0412 858
Lovely girls! Do you want to know how ready you are for your future family life? This test will help you understand what you expect from your future spouse and from your future family life with him.
Are you often jealous of each other?
03/06/2012 nine0412 521 0
Jealousy, according to some people, is an integral part of the love relationship between two people. If he is jealous, then he loves. What do you think? By answering the test questions, you can find out how jealous you are and figure out what this feeling means to you.
Does he/she really love you? nine0286
03/06/2012 6276
Sometimes it is very difficult to understand your feelings, especially if you are also not sure about the sincerity of your partner's feelings. But who does not dream of big and pure love? Answer the questions of our test, and you can determine with relative accuracy whether your partner is somewhat sincere with you and whether he really loves you.
Socionics test Second quadra (Beta) Zhukov, Yesenin, Hamlet, Maxim Gorky.
08/06/2017 4344 0
This test will allow you to understand what sociotypes, from the second quadra, are inherent in you.
Family test (for the wife)
01/19/2017 2728
How addicted are you to love?
03/06/2012 909 0
The feeling of affection can be called harmful if a person begins to live the life of his other half, forgetting about his own.
Do you follow the measure in this regard? The results of this test will help you find out the answer to this question. nine0003
Husband and wife, one of Satan? (for wife)
03/06/2012 1954 0
He will help you figure out how you fit together. consists of two parts: one for men, the other for women. This one is for the wife.
nine0017 -
Test "Do you love yourself"
11/19/2019 795
Only if you love yourself, you can love others. The main thing is not to go to extremes - from excessive self-love is not far from narcissism. As they say, everything is good when in moderation. You can find out if you love yourself with the help of this test.
Shall we start? nine0003
Can you be trusted?
02/16/2017 1405
ABC of jealousy
29.08.2012 2418 0
The test will help you determine whether this feeling is characteristic of you - jealousy?
What kind of bride are you?
10/06/2017 196
AAAA! You are getting married!!! Calm down, darling, it's all right) Fill out our short test, determine what type of bride you are and listen to our useful tips :)
What is your future profession?
05/09/2020 981
The world is rapidly changing, and professions that were relevant only yesterday remain only on the pages of books and photographs, while those that seemed like science fiction 10 years ago are more and more confidently taking their place: more and more often, HR workers are looking for web designers and programmers, bloggers earn millions , environmentalists appear at every enterprise, teachers conduct online lessons around the world.
How will the world change in the next 5-10-15 years? How far will technology go? How many new opportunities and professions will open up for people in the near future? And how will the requirements for specialists change in existing fields? What will the world look like and what professions will appear, how will the specialists familiar to us - teachers, doctors, builders, farmers - change? nine0003
Which spouse are you?
03/06/2012 554 0
This test will help you determine how patient and enthusiastic your spouse is.
- nine0285 Husband and wife, one of Satan? (for husband)
03/06/2012 887 0
He will help you figure out how you fit together.
consists of two parts: one for men, the other for women. This one is for my husband.
Love: Equality or Slavery? nine0286
08/29/2012 559 0
According to foreign scientists, self-sacrifice in love is a "disease" of the psyche. This test can determine the degree of "love slavery".
Jealousy Test
nine0412 11/18/2013 2754 0
Moderate jealousy can even add some variety to family life. But when it becomes excessive, it turns into a nightmare. Painful jealousy destroys the spiritual connection of the spouses and even affects the work. So, are you jealous?
Can you seduce? nine0286
04/25/2015 2921 0
The main female magic, the secret of women's success lies in their innate or acquired ability to seduce.
To determine whether you are capable of this and to what extent, the proposed test will help.
"The Right Man" nine0286
04/27/2015 8322
If your novels end with a growing feeling of irritation and rejection of your partner, you should not finally and irrevocably list yourself among the "love losers". Use this quiz to determine if you are sending signals that attract the wrong men to you.
- nine0285 What do you expect from your partner?
03/19/2016 563 0
How confident do you feel in a man's company? How do men behave around you? The test will help you understand how your ideas about men affect relationships with your partner.
Will men feel awkward, irritated and disappointed next to you, or vice versa easily and naturally? Much depends on you! nine0003
Dating art. Are you able to interest a man?
10/20/2016 9660
Dating is also an art. Check if you know how to charm a man on a date. Take the test and get tips on how to behave so that he does not want to let you go. nine0003
Determine the degree of "love slavery"
11/12/2017 331 0
The American scientist Bernard Green argues that self-sacrifice in love is perhaps the most common "disease" of the psyche. This test will help determine your degree of "love slavery.
" nine0003
How promising is your union?
03/06/2012 1194 0
Each of us, tying up a serious relationship with the opposite sex, thinks about how promising this union can be and whether it is worth thinking about it at all. And how do you feel about this, and do you have such doubts? Our test will help you figure it out. nine0003
Are you satisfied with the relationship that develops between you?
03/06/2012 583 0
How ideal do you think your relationship with your partner is, and what you don't like about it, our test will help you figure it out.
nine0017 -
Are you ready to devote your whole life to him (her)?
03/06/2012 898 0
Some may call this question provocative, while others will unequivocally say “Yes!”, while others will not be so categorical and plunge into serious thoughts.
And what do you think about this? This test will help you figure it out. nine0003
Married - do not attack!
03/06/2012 826 0
Those who are looking for family happiness will find this test useful. It is useful for those who have already sealed their union by marriage, and for those who are just preparing for this decisive step, as well as for those who do not make immediate plans for marriage. He will force some to think about something, others, perhaps, will warn against hasty conclusions, well, and the third, who knows, he will save from reckless actions. But if this does not happen, it does not matter, because the test is not a theorem with strong evidence, but just an exciting game. True, with a rather serious hint...
Are you ready to devote your whole life to him (her)?
03/08/2019 190 0
Some may call this question provocative, while others will unequivocally say: “Yes!”, And someone will not be so categorical and plunge into serious thoughts.
And what do you think about this? This test will help you figure it out. nine0003
Test "Longing for tenderness"
01/23/2013 1704 0
People, openly or subconsciously, yearn for tenderness, feel need for it, and it seems to them that they themselves are able to bestow it. However, this is difficult to assess on its own. nine0003
How have you improved your personal life over the past year?
02/27/2015 854 0
If you want to know where your relationships and personal life are at the moment and what you can do to improve it, take this simple quiz! nine0003
In mistresses or in spouses?
04/27/2015 2670 0
The overwhelming majority of women see the creation of a family hearth as the ultimate goal of meeting a man.
Learn more