Why do guys like younger women
9 Reasons Why Older Men Might Like Younger Women
Feelings may or may not have reasons to suffice.
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The love stories of celebrities like William Shatner and Elizabeth Shatner, Beyonce and Jay Z are well-known. In most of these relationships, the male partner is several years older than the female partner. There are several other couples like them with a significant age difference between them. So, what attracts an older man to a younger woman? You must have thought over it.
Keep reading to know about the most common and possible reasons that can make a man fall for a woman much younger than him and why there is a possibility that things might just work out in the right direction for them.
Why Do Older Men Like Younger Women: 9 Possible Reasons
Here are a few possible reasons that could attract older men towards younger women.
1. They bring out their sense of youth
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Not every person likes the idea or the realization that they are getting old and gone are the days when they were youthful. Thus, some older men like to be involved with younger women as it helps them participate in more youthful activities and be a part of new trends. It makes him feel revitalized and younger at heart.
2. They make them feel wanted
Younger women tend to feel more attracted to older men because they make them feel safe and secure both emotionally and physically. At the same time, it makes the older men feel wanted, which is an attractive attribute for a relationship.
3. They like to guide
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When partners are of the same age or have a minimum age gap, they may not like to have someone who is always preaching. But younger partners would want to learn and would not deny listening to practical lessons for life. While on the other side, older men feel good about sharing their experiences and guide their younger partners on the right path.
4. They get a chance to cope with their mid-life crisis
Men in their mid-40s and 50s could be susceptible to going through a midlife crisis. It is a time when they look for someone at their side who can make them relax and have fun in life. Hence, being in a relationship with a significantly younger woman brings them a sense of satisfaction that they still have their charm, which also is a big boost for them.
Most men who get into a relationship with younger women have either been through a rough divorce or had a bitter fallout with their significant other. Thus, dating a younger woman is kind of a rebound to get over that bitter experience.
6. They are open to experimenting
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If a man is looking forward to experimenting, there is a high probability that he would choose to spend time with a young girl as she is lively, carefree, and most probably open to trying new things in life.
7. They do not bother about commitment
Some men believe in the ideology that young women are more inclined toward short-term relationships and do not expect much to come out of them.
Thus, if he is not so serious either and finds a young lady on the same page, then indulging in an affair would be ideal.
8. They let their partner pilot the relationship
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Older men have had their share of life experiences and relationships and have a clear idea of what to do and not do in a relationship. Younger women tend to admire this trait in them as it brings in a sense of security and assurance. Hence, it is a win-win situation.
9. They may want the controlImage: iStock
With partners of the same age or less age gap, it might be tricky to have control over the relationship. However, with a younger partner, the older one tends to have command due to their age and experience. So, if the older man looks forward to a relationship wherein he can be the dominator, he would like to have a younger woman as a partner.
It is essential to mention that not all older men dating younger women have the same outlook or the exact reasons for their actions and decisions. When in love, age is a mere number, and it is the feelings and emotions that matter the most. Younger women are attracted to older men because they have a planned life and are mature, while older men like younger women because they bring the excitement and spark back in their regular mundane lives.
Key Pointers:
- Physical needs, excitement, and youthfulness are joint driving forces in older men falling for younger women.
- Young women also add a touch of delight and adventure to their daily monotonous lives and spark their interest.
- It is also vital that you assess your feelings thoroughly and think about your decision before committing to a relationship.
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Siddharth holds a certification in Relationship Coaching and a masters degree in communication and journalism from the University of Hyderabad. He has around six years of experience in various fields of writing and editing. As an associate editor at MomJunction, Siddharth writes on Relationship and edits the writers' articles to meet the website's editorial standards. Previously, he worked in the...
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Jessica Jefferson is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a certified perinatal mental health professional trained to help clients suffering from mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. She graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Miami, a Masters in Psychology in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a Masters in Family Therapy from Nova...
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Why do men tend to date younger women?
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Why do men tend to date younger women?
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TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on -May 20, 2022, 15:00 ISTShare fbsharetwsharepinshare
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01/6Know the reasons why
It’s no surprise when we see older men hanging out with younger women with the intention to date. It’s a popular belief that older men prefer to date women who are younger to them, so that they can be reminded of their own sweet time of youth. There are other beliefs that if an older man is dating a younger woman, he may be going through a midlife crisis, and hence, in order to feel good, they date someone who has a more fresh approach to life. Here are some reasons why men tend to date younger women.
02/6The carefree approach in life
Older men prefer to be with younger women because the latter has a fresh, unique and more carefree attitude towards life that can make men feel less stressful or anxious. As men get older, they have to deal with a number of problems and amidst that, if they feel light-hearted with youthful banter, then so be it.
03/6They don’t want to be called out
When people get older, they become much more assertive, straightforward and blunt, without a care in the world. Older women date younger women because the latter won’t usually call them out for their habits, as compared to what older women generally do. Older men do not want to be confronted with their issues.
04/6Reminder of youth
As time passes, everyone wants to feel younger. Even though one’s age or health may portray otherwise, people look for things that can make them feel young. So, older men love to be with young women who are full of life, so that they can once again taste the sweetness of youthfulness.
05/6Building connection
Generally, young women look to build strong connections, along with their career, while young men are focused on making their life’s purpose significant. Older men realise with time, that they should’ve focused on their family and building connections more often. This is when young women and older men find a level of similarity that attracts them to each other.
06/6Sexual intimacy
8 reasons why men really like young girls
Someone considers unions where a man is much older than a woman a misalliance. Where does such affection for girls who are fit to be daughters (or even granddaughters) come from? In fact, everything is easily explained. Some features of young girls favorably distinguish them from mature ladies.
1 They are beautiful
Whatever one may say, youth is always beautiful. Young girls, even without much personal care, are fresh and good, and they are also slender and fit. Their skin is soft, smooth, elastic. Touching this is a pleasure. Some lovers of young women say that they even exude a special and, of course, pleasant aroma.
2 They are amorous and more open
Older women have already burned themselves in relationships, they know possible mistakes, they are in no hurry to open up, but young girls are still very open, they easily rush into love with their heads and do not think about anything. It seems sweet, romantic, such trust is very flattering.
3 It's easier to pick them up
You can't get older women just with nice words. They already have more realism and skepticism. And it is pleasant for young people to like an adult man, and they are happy to get acquainted and continue to communicate.
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4 They are more relaxed in bed
Firstly, young people are easily excitable. They are even flattered that a mature man wants them. They are open and relaxed, ready for many experiments. And for some, even without experiments, the partner seems wonderful (after all, he has already managed to learn something). At the same time, the modern younger generation is quite savvy in terms of sex, and in bed with young girls it can be much more interesting than with peers.
5 With them, a man feels more confident
For some reason, society still believes that since a man conquered a young lady, it means that he is successful in all respects - he is well-to-do, not old in soul, and strong in bed. Going out with a young partner, he feels very confident. In addition, due to life experience, he knows more, and therefore the girl always listens to him with interest, which also has a positive effect on male self-esteem.
6 They give a man a second youth
A shot from the film "I love trouble"
The girls are curious, active, energetic, the man reaches for one. He feels young and cheerful again, there is a thirst for life. For him, relationships become an incentive to take care of himself, his health. At least some try to match their partners so as not to lose face, and then they themselves are drawn in.
7 They do not want to get married and have children
They are so young. Where are they in a hurry? And adult men most likely already had a marriage behind them, and the children are growing up (if they have not already grown up). Few people are willing to do it all over again. Although, as cases from stellar life show, this happens. And yet, a relationship with a young girl is pleasant in that she does not immediately require serious bonds.
8 You can “sculpt” an ideal wife out of them
Girls are easier to influence, they are accommodating and ready to learn everything from a partner, give in, listen. Female peers come into relationships with traits and skills that are hard to change, but young women are very flexible and can become a real ideal in the future.
Yulia Shepeleva
Editor of Health, Fitness, Diets, Relationships
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The main reason why men like young girls
It so happened that men and women perceive age differently. If men, as a rule, retain the ability to reproduce until old age, then women are prone to menopause and, as a result, a decrease in sexual desire. This leads to the fact that middle-aged women care less and less about the impression they make on men.
Content of article
- 1 Midlife crisis
- 2 Why are such relationships short-lived?
As a result, men stop showing interest in them and turn their attention more and more to younger and more attractive women. It is necessary to understand in more detail why almost any man likes young girls.
Midlife crisis
Most often, after forty men start talking about a midlife crisis. This is not a certain age, but a turning point in a person's life. The transition to a new stage for all representatives of the stronger sex occurs in different ways. If a man is satisfied with family relationships and he likes work, then this crisis comes unnoticed for him.
If one of the areas of his life is perceived painfully, then he wants to change it somehow. Such a man begins to think that he has lived half his life and has done nothing, he has only grown old. That is why a man likes young girls. He is trying to get the sharpness of forgotten sensations, he wants to prove his sexual viability and his attractiveness, especially for himself.
This method is used by well-to-do representatives of the male population. For him, a young woman is as much a luxury as an expensive suit or a new car that everyone will look at and admire until a new “model” appears. Being together with a younger woman, a man is saturated with her energy and is very active.
It is also important to take into account how he looks in the eyes of his surroundings, he is sure that by doing so he declares himself to everyone as a strong, healthy and full-fledged man. But in fact, self-affirmation at the expense of a woman is nothing more than hidden insecurity and low self-esteem.
Subconsciously men love younger girls, because youth is health, which means healthy offspring, the younger the body, the more it attracts and pleases male eye.
Young a woman charms him with her naivety and inexperience, and at the same time he wants to teach her something. She is young, beautiful, she has a lot of vitality and sexuality. energy with which she fascinates. Unlike mature women, she does not spend herself for experiences, looking for new sensations and the unknown, she is more liberated and diverse in sexual relations
Than the younger the woman, the more impressed she is with the adult man. The words and actions of a man are authoritative for her if he gives her advice, She almost always uses it. Men take it positively because it is extremely important for them to feel needed, wise, right.
Young girls make men grow, get off the couch, feel the rush vital and sexual energy. With a young woman, a man feels young, sexy and sensual, which unusually invigorates him and encourages him to crazy feats. He ceases to feel old and useless, sees himself attractive and strong again.
Adult a man will definitely be able to direct a young woman on the right path, teach her think and turn into a faithful maid who will look into his mouth, listening to every word. But do not be deceived - women, even in their youth able to pretend and be nice to impress. It's important to know, that as soon as it is required, they will immediately release their claws.
U young ladies do not have adult children who almost always interfere in relationships parents. Most often, men find girls who have not yet acquired children who take so long to care for. They look good, they fresh look, young skin and a beautiful figure. In addition, men are attracted light makeup or its complete absence, which not all mature women can imagine allow.
However, it is worth noting that some 40-year-old women can look no worse than younger ones girls.
Majority young girls will not want to connect their lives with a man much older than her, and therefore many men, realizing this, start such novels to cheer up yourself, have fun, but at the same time make other plans.
Why are such relationships short-lived?
- Young girls rarely become attached to mature men, most often they need them for gaining experience and material well-being.