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7 types of photos in social networks that indicate low self-esteem | Photo & Design
Those photos that a person publishes on social networks can tell a lot about him. And this is not only knowledge about how he spends his free time, what restaurants he goes to and who his friends are. Often pictures in social networks can reveal the characteristics of a person’s personality and tell about his low self-esteem. What photos can indicate this?
Lots of selfies
Most likely, a person doubts his attractiveness if his social network page is filled with numerous selfies, for which he chooses the most successful angles and uses all kinds of filters. He is simply afraid to show himself to the world as he really is, and therefore tries to embellish himself.
Now some psychologists even say that there is a certain psychological illness, the main symptom of which is an excessive love of selfies. According to experts, a large number of selfies says only one thing - this person is extremely unsure of himself and dissatisfied with his own appearance. And he takes a bunch of selfies just to increase his self-esteem with the help of likes and laudatory comments.
On the contrary, those people who like to take selfies with friends are not obsessed with themselves at all, tend to correctly assess their own personality and appearance and enjoy the sincere love of others.
Demonstration of a happy relationship
Among your acquaintances, there is probably at least one person who endlessly exposes photos with his soulmate to the public. In this way, it is very easy to create the illusion of an ideal union, just a few pictures from a "happy" photo shoot, a couple of hugging photos and the obligatory publication of photos of gifts are enough.
However, psychologists note that such a focus on "happy love pictures" suggests that in fact the couple has problems in the relationship that they cannot admit, perhaps even to themselves.
Photos taken in the gym
Work on your own body, no doubt, deserves only respect. However, psychologists say that if the entire profile of a person on a social network is filled with pictures from the gym, then this only says one thing - he has low self-esteem.
After all, when a person puts such photos on public display, he expects that everyone will start writing positive reviews for him and admiring his ideal figure. That is, he is looking for confirmation from the outside in the attractiveness of his own body.
Of course, psychologists talk about photos from the gym taken by ordinary people. This does not apply to fitness instructors who share the secrets of effective sports training on their pages.
Unsuccessful photos of friends
Agree, at least once in your life you accidentally found your photo in the profile of your friend or acquaintance. And for sure sometimes the picture was far from ideal. Or rather, you and other people captured in the picture were, as it were, not in a favorable perspective. As opposed to the profile owner.
Well, don't be offended by such "surprises" from acquaintances. After all, a person who exposes photographs in which his friends did not come out quite well simply suffers from self-doubt, and he wants to look a little more attractive against someone else's background.
Luxurious life and gifts
A person with normal self-esteem does not need to demonstrate his importance to others. But for people who have low self-esteem, it is extremely important to be approved by others. They need to show everyone that their life is luxurious, that they buy expensive things for themselves, dine in chic restaurants and receive numerous gifts.
Such photos are often accompanied by insecure people with quotes from business coaches. But this does not mean that they themselves follow their advice and hold the same opinion. They just need to prove to themselves through your likes that they are worth something and successful in this life.
When part of the face is not visible
Sometimes there are profiles in which a person is taken from the back, in profile, or covers part of his face with hair or hands. This indicates that he is notorious and very shy.
Psychologists believe that people whose profiles are filled with such photos can suffer not only from complexes, but even from social phobias.
If one of your acquaintances has a similar profile, try to help him open up and feel more confident: behave with him easily and naturally so that he feels calm in your company.
Photos capturing every step
A person who is confident will not share with his followers plans for the evening, small achievements at work, or talk about what he ate for breakfast and what he plans to do for the next twenty minutes.
But those who definitely need constant attention and feedback from subscribers are people with low self-esteem. So take a look at the profiles of your girlfriends. If you notice these tendencies, the person may be in need of some friendly support at the moment. Suggest her.
6 types of photos that show your low self-esteem
Now we can easily find almost all the information we need about a person on his page in social networks. And sometimes his profile can tell us much more than the person himself. For example, from the photos in the account, you can easily understand what our friend’s self-esteem is. So sit back and start analyzing photos of your acquaintances and friends. There are several types of photos that definitely cannot escape your attention.
1. A lot of selfies
It is generally accepted that selfies are mostly a hobby of girls, but you probably noticed the same type of photos of your acquaintances in your feed. A couple of photos a day are not at all a lot for them, and it doesn’t matter what will be in the background of the picture and under what lighting it was taken. The more photos the better. If you are wondering why so many, we tell you.
Selfie without a semantic or aesthetic component is an attempt to attract attention and get the approval of others, expressed in likes and comments. Why so many? Yes, it's just that if you post several photos a day, the chances that someone will pay attention increase. By the way, if selfies are constantly processed with filters or retouched, there is a high risk that a person is embarrassed by his appearance, but does not want to “fall out” of social life.
2. Photos with a girl, broadcasting a happy relationship
It's okay to add pictures with your loved one to your account. But if suddenly a person’s page suddenly becomes overflowing with happy photos with a partner, then he tries either to show something that is not really there, or to assert himself.
In general, relationships and their presentation to the public is a big topic for reflection. At the expense of the "beloved" person, they often try to improve their social position, attract attention to themselves, and make sure of their own importance.
11 subtle signs that you are not sure about your relationship
3. Photos from the gym man works on his body. People who often post photos like this (but don't really have a love for a healthy lifestyle) are more likely to wait for approval from their friends and acquaintances, trying to show their "correct" and "interesting" life. What if not everyone knows that you are a future athlete? We need to fix this.

4. Photos of expensive purchases and luxury items
All people go shopping, update their wardrobe, receive gifts from friends and family, but only people with low self-esteem talk about all this on their social networks. By posting such photos, a person once again proves his dependence on someone else's approval and the desire to show his own, even if insignificant, superiority.
5. Food photos / photos in restaurants
A person who constantly shares photos of gourmet dishes on his page is a dream of any psychologist. Trying to show everyone around you that you only eat at good establishments and can afford expensive meals (and it doesn’t matter that only on holidays) indicates low self-esteem. Of course, various accounts dedicated to food (posts with recipes or the aesthetics of the restaurant business, that is, any thematic pages) do not fall into this category. But still, most of the publications are banal pictures of rolls / sushi, morning coffee and sweets.