When do you need counseling
10 Signs You Might Need A Therapist – Georgia HOPE
10 Signs That You Might Need a Therapist
You’ve hit the wall. A tragedy has occurred. Nothing is going right.
“Pick the kids up from school. Keep it together for them.”
You vent to your spouse. They take your pain personally and feel defeated in helping relieve it. Now you feel guilty for burdening them.
The to-do list keeps getting longer and your energy is already depleted.
“Ah, sweet coffee…”
You call your friend. All she does is compare your suffering to hers – like it’s a competition. Now you feel invalidated.
“I’ll just have one more glass of wine…”
You decide to just veg out and watch some Netflix. Instead, painful memories and intrusive negative thoughts begin to creep in. Now your mind is more frightening and confusing as the last season of Stranger Things.
Sound familiar? Many of us are walking around with unsurmountable suffering that no one can see.
- Childhood trauma.
- Broken families.
- Crippling debt.
- Workplace drama.
We try our best to hide this from the world. But instead, our pain begins to manifest into emotional outbursts, strained relationships, physical illness, etc. How do we begin to heal? How can we change the never-ending cycle of chaos?
Therapy is the first line of treatment in getting un-stuck. Whether you are going through a major life transition, feeling down, having relationship trouble, experiencing anxiety, or problematic usage of substances – therapy can help.
A survey released in May of 2004, “Therapy in America 2004,” and co-sponsored by Psychology Today magazine and PacifiCare Behavioral Health, found that an estimated 59 million people have received mental health treatment in the past two years, and that 80 percent of them have found it effective.
So, here are some signs that you should consider therapy…
- Your eating and sleeping habits have changed.
Either you’re getting too much or not enough of either. Either can be detrimental.
- You no longer enjoy the things that you used to. Maybe you aren’t so zen in yoga class anymore and start skipping them. Or Sunday tee-time just isn’t giving you the joy it did before.
- Your emotions are turned up to 12! Find yourself crying in the bathroom at work (more than usual)? Or instead of just murmuring curse words at the driver who cut you off, you actually try to start a fight with them.
- Social situations are a no go. You don’t want your friends to stop inviting you to get-togethers, but every RSVP is left unchecked.
- Unhealthy habits are becoming problematic. We automatically think of drinking and drug use when this comes up. But this could also involve excessive shopping, excessive dieting, risky behaviors, etc.
- Your relationships aren’t being nurtured. Arguments with your spouse. Snapping at your children. Ignoring your friend’s phone calls and texts.
- Something horrible happened.
You’ve experienced a trauma that has shaken you to your core. Trauma isn’t just for combat soldiers. A car accident, affair, loss of a loved one, or anything you feel is traumatic – is trauma.
- You’re unsure of who you are. Understanding ourselves better can help us break maladaptive patterns of behavior or allow us to give ourselves more grace.
- Your support network is diminished or nonexistent. Everyone needs someone to talk to and process with. Therapy is a great place to receive the validation and support that you deserve.
- Nothing else has helped. You’ve tried exercising. You’ve tried meditation. You even tried reading that crazy self-help book your Aunt recommended. But, nothing seems to give you relief.
If any or all of these are ringing a bell, then you should consider finding a therapist.
Georgia HOPE offers in-home and online therapy for a multitude of presenting problems including:
- Anxiety
- Depression & other Mood Disorders
- Relationship Troubles
- Substance Use
- Eating Disorders
- And more!
When Is the Right Time to Seek Counselling?
“Do I Need Counseling?”
By: Pedro Ribeiro Simões
Thankfully, we live in a day and age where therapy has shed the stigma of only being for ‘crazy’ people. And yet the outdated notion still persists that you have to feel awful or have a life that is in pieces to benefit from counselling.
The result? Even if we suspect we could use some support, too many of us think about seeing a counsellor or psychotherapist for a very long time before making the decision, uncertain if it is ‘right’ for us, especially if our issues or challenges are different then those of people we know who have tried therapy.
The result is that we miss out on help we could sorely use and our psychological issues drag out for far longer than they need to.
(curious what the difference is between a counsellor and a psychotherapist? Read our guides on ‘what is counselling’ and ‘what is psychotherapy’ to learn more.)
So what are the valid reasons for seeking the help of a counsellor or psychotherapist?
The more common reasons people seek therapy include the following:
- feeling sad and angry all the time
- unable to feel interested in all the things they used to enjoy
- lost a loved one, either because of bereavement or to a relationship breakdown
- abusing drugs, alcohol, food, sex, or any other sort of addiction
- had something important to them, like a job or money, taken away
- experienced either physical, mental, or emotional abuse
- experienced a major trauma like a traffic accident, personal attack, or natural disaster
- suffering a personality disorder
But if none of the above apply to you, don’t assume that now is not a good time for you to seek therapy. Not all reasons to seek a counsellor or therapist are so cut and dried. Read on to discover important times when hiring a counsellor or psychotherapist could be the best thing you could do for yourself.
1. You are in a constant state of overwhelm.
Life is not always easy and nobody has all of the answers, all of the time. Perhaps you’ve run out of strategies for how to deal with a life that increasingly feels out of control. Perhaps you aren’t even sure exactly why you feel stressed every day, but you just know that the sense of overwhelm is increasing.
The good news is that therapy isn’t just for those who feel sad, it’s also great for stress and anxiety, and a counsellor can help you figure out the reasons behind any unexplained overwhelm as well help you make life choices that work better for you.
2. You can’t seem to stop making choices that are self-defeating.
Have you ever felt that no matter how many times you tell yourself that you ‘won’t do that again’, when it comes to a certain damaging behaviour, you can’t seem to keep doing it? Whether it’s choosing destructive romantic entanglements, risky behaviours like binge drinking, overspending, or unprotected sex, or lying to people you care about, there is nothing more frustrating then knowing you are making bad choices but feeling unable to stop.
Damaging behaviours are often connected to deep-seated beliefs we have about ourselves that are secretly running the show. Therapy helps you not only recognise these core beliefs, but find ways to change them so that you are finally free to make better decisions.
3. You are stuck in a rut and it’s making you frustrated.
Sometimes in life we just feel trapped, and like we are stuck in a loop that isn’t terrible, but just isn’t what we want. Perhaps you keep saying yes to things because your friends ask and you can’t seem to say no, constantly take jobs you know will make you unhappy, or are just can’t seem to get out of debt no matter how hard you try.
Therapy is wonderful for helping you get beneath what is going on and see the hidden reasons you are making choices that don’t work for you. It can also help you find out who you really are and what you really want.
4. You just feel like nobody understands.
Feeling misunderstood can lead to constantly being left alienated and lonely. Therapy can help you realise what is behind your inability to connect with others, if perhaps you are suffering a fear of intimacy, or why you are constantly surrounding yourself with people who can’t understand you. And, of course, it’s a therapist’s job to understand you, so the very act of hiring a counsellor begins to solve your problem.
5. Your emotions are increasingly out of control and disproportionate responses.
Do you find that you are flying into a blind rage over your kids not doing their homework? Feeling so despondent when your book club is cancelled you stay home for the rest of the day? Or bursting into tears when the cashier at the grocery store accidentally overcharges you?
When an emotional response is not a match to what has triggered it, it’s often because longstanding suppressed emotions are fighting to come to the surface and be dealt with. These big emotions are often the residue of experiences you have had in your past that you have not examined or healed. A counsellor or psychotherapist creates a safe environment and a support system for you to begin to unpack and finally deal with these repressed emotions and experiences.
6. You have a feeling that the life you are leading and the person you are pretending to be isn’t who you truly are or what you want to do.
Being authentic can be a real challenge in a world that increasingly dictates what we should be, do, and have to be happy. But real happiness only comes when we take the time to listen to ourselves, stop trying to impress others, and discover what we really want for ourselves. Which all sounds great, but can be a real challenge – one that therapy can help us work out much more quickly.
7. You crave a new perspective.
Do you ever get the feeling that your friends and family are too emotionally attached to be objective? Or want you to stay a certain way they are comfortable with and don’t give you the best advice despite their best intentions? They want to feel good, and they want you to feel good, but truth is often uncomfortable.
And yet truth is what we need to grow and change. A therapist offers an unbiased perspective and is not invested in anything but helping you find answers that work for you personally.
8. You just really need to feel listened to.
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we are struggling with problems we can’t talk to others about. Perhaps you’ve had a breakup, and you know everyone still likes your partner so feel too guilty to talk about what has happened. Or you have moved to a new city and have yet to develop any close friendships.
Or perhaps the issue you are dealing with is something you feel your loved ones aren’t ready to listen to, such as struggling with your sexuality or having dark thoughts. Or your loved ones just aren’t very good at listening and you need someone who is. Whatever your reason, a counsellor is a willing ear when you need it.
9. You want to finally understand why you do the things you do, think the things you think, and feel the things you feel.
While it can be easy to see others clearly, understanding ourselves is a different story. The way we see ourselves is naturally biased by our own insecurities and fears, so that not only might we not be admitting to the weaknesses we are living out, but we can’t acknowledge our strengths either. And friends and family will have their own biases around how they see us. Working with a therapist can be like finally having a clear looking glass and is an incomparable opportunity to get to know yourself.
10. You secretly suspect your self-esteem isn’t what it could be.
Counselling is a great way to identify what is stopping you from feeling good about yourself and source new ways to grow your self-worth.
11. You suspect your relationships could be way better then they are.
One of the main ways our issues surface in life is in relationships. If your life seems fine on the surface, but you just can’t seem to maintain a relationship long term, a therapist can help you identify and change your blocks to intimacy.
And it certainly doesn’t have to be just your romantic life that brings you to therapy. A counsellor can also help you understand why you might be choosing friendships that don’t make you happy, why you always have troubles with colleagues at work, or why you can’t connect with your children like you hope to.
12. You actually feel fine right now, but you are prone to low moods.
Sometimes the best time to go to therapy is when you are feeling strong, because once the blues hit it can become harder and harder to gather the energy and focus to make that call.
And if you start working with a counsellor or therapist when you are feeling okay instead of in pieces, there is a good chance that the next low might not be as deep as you’ll have better tactics to manage it as well as a support system already in place.
13. You keep getting little comments from friends and family.
Going to therapy because someone else told you too is generally an incorrect reason. Unless you have decided to be there, therapy won’t be as effective (see reason 15 for why).
But if you are constantly getting comments from friends and family that you don’t seem yourself and they are concerned, and if deep down despite your defensiveness you know they might be right, then it might be time to seek counselling. Family and friends know us well, and can sometimes be the ones who love us enough to give us the nudge over what our ego, mind, or pride is refusing to see. Remember, you can go to therapy privately. You don’t have to tell others about it at first, or really ever if you don’t want to certain people to know. It’s something you do for yourself.
14. You are tired of acting strong all the time.
Acting strong is often a sign that you aren’t being honest with yourself about feeling vulnerable or needing help. True strength involves being brave enough to allow yourself to be less then perfect, to like yourself even though you are sometimes weak, and to reach out for support when you need it.
15. You are ready to take responsibility for your life.
Therapy, despite the things you might have heard, is not at all about blaming others or feeling sorry for yourself. It’s about finding support and clarity to take total responsibility for the choices you have made, which means you can then have power to make better choices for your future. So if you are ready for that, then you are ready for therapy.
There actually isn’t an exact, ‘right’, or single reason to see a therapist, there are many causes for seeking therapy, all equally valid and important. Nor is there a hierarchy to what issue therapy is best suited for. We are all unique, and emotional and mental stress is not a mathematical ratio.
Still asking yourself, ‘do I need counseling?’ If you are not feeling at peace with your life, if you are experiencing stress and anxiety that is overwhelming, or you just sense that having someone to talk to could affect real change in your life, then now is the right time to work with a therapist or counsellor.
Would you like to share how hiring a counsellor or psychotherapist worked for you? Do so below. We love hearing from you.
Images by Alan Cleaver, Ben Coulson, Chase Elliot Clark, Paree.
Why do you need a consultation with a stylist, even if you are aware of fashion trends tendentsiy-15363555.html
Why you need a stylist's consultation, even if you are aware of fashion trends
Why you need a stylist's consultation, even if you are aware of fashion trends . But over time, the profession went to the masses. Today, a competent stylist is much more... 02.11.2020, Sputnik Kazakhstan
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Sputnik Kazakhstan
MIA „Rosiya Segodnya“
But if you have even the slightest desire to do something with your wardrobe and feel appropriate in certain circumstances, then communication with a stylist will not be superfluous.
The main purchase of this autumn: oversized jackets
Today this world works differently, no one thinks in primitive patterns anymore, that one should wear red and black, and choose a bag to match the color of shoes. You need to deal with the shape, texture of the fabric, the geometry that this or that silhouette creates. The huge selection in stores is just confusing, and a good stylist is always aware of what almost all stores offer. Even with a big budget, trying to dress head-to-toe in Chanel or Acne Studios is no guarantee of success. And if there is an internal request to convey some idea with your appearance, a stylist can really help. It's time.
And its task is not to pick up successful forms and combinations, but rather to establish a connection between your inner world and outer appearance, to create harmony. Each time this deep individual work.
When a stylist is a psychologist at the same time
Often, when starting to work with a stylist, the client himself does not really understand his real desires, preferences, or is confident in the steadfastness of some attitudes regarding his appearance and clothes. And in the process of working with a professional and searching for one's self in one's own wardrobe, sore spots suddenly seem to open up and insights happen. Don't be scared. This is fine. Even good.
© Shutterstock/Fotodom A stylist will help you choose a look that not only looks great and fits perfectly on your figure, but also suits your character character
© Shutterstock/Fotodom
Financial component
Many of us find it difficult to take a decent amount from our hearts and pay it for a result that is difficult to measure and objectively evaluate. People for centuries did not need such services, and suddenly it turned out that it costs money. And such internal resistance is also normal. But it is important to understand that by spending one time (on wardrobe analysis, shopping accompaniment or a set of consultations), you will protect yourself from a large amount of spending in the future: on impulsive purchases of nonsense that you will not wear or will wear when you lose weight.
Nothing to wear
Basic knowledge and a good eye can probably form your understanding of what is relevant and what is not, but also will not save you from mistakes: for example, you will buy loafers every time, because all the rules about basic wardrobe, but at the same time you will never wear them. Because you simply do not wear such shoes. Or you buy a tenth white T-shirt and jeans of the right cut, but at the right time you will not have the right jacket. Standard situation: the closet is full of not the worst things, but thoughtful combinations and, as a result, there is no satisfaction. A stylist will also come to the rescue here.
Remember that a professional stylist, despite his knowledge, will never put pressure on you, convince you of the need for drastic changes or a certain style. He is always delicate, gentle, thoughtful, and working with him should bring you only pleasure.
© Photo : Unsplash A good stylist can quickly and competently solve the eternal problem called “nothing to wear”
A good stylist can quickly and competently solve the eternal problem called “nothing to wear”
© Photo : Unsplash
Do you need career counseling? Professional Guide
Author: Elmira Davydova
Author of the article: Elmira Davydova, director of the ProfGid career guidance center, candidate of psychological sciences, career and career guidance consultant. By the way, the ProfGid career guidance center has recently developed an accurate career guidance test that will tell you which professions suit you, give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence.
- You ask me if you need advice on career guidance for adults, if it will help you and what it will give you.
- What happens during the consultation.
You ask me if you need advice on career counseling for adults, if it will help you and what it will give you.
You only need adult counseling in one case - if you yourself do not find the answer to the question of who you should be in your situation, who to work, how to earn and you want not to point your finger at the sky again, as before, but to make a conscious choice of profession. And why are these questions ripe? After all, you, of course, have an education, you studied somewhere. But you are not satisfied with the education or the specialty you have received. You do not get satisfaction at work on the main points: the meaning and nature of the actions. Then you need a consultation, of course. Moreover, I am sure that a person cannot, as a rule, analyze the situation for himself according to all working parameters. there are dimensions that you just never took into account. A consultation will reveal them to you, these dimensions. It happens that everything is in order with the meaning, but not everything is in order with the team or with the reward. Do you want to change this? Then a consultation would also be helpful. Realistic sober decisions will be made.
See also:
What happens during the consultation.
Career guidance in my performance is a conversation. Talk about you. Only about you. Even if we started talking about another subject, it is only because it is related to you or is somehow reflected in your soul. My goal is to reveal your value orientations, your desires and inclinations. How do I detect them? questions. But only I do not ask: what are your desires? No, I don't ask that. I ask dozens of other questions. A person is comfortable, because I do not deny him, I follow his desires, I follow him. But here's the contradiction: I myself am in charge of this dialogue. I lead myself, but I follow the man. It is necessary to be able to. I can. And this is very pleasant and interesting for me, because, in essence, I am trying to solve the riddle. And the person is also pleased, because I solve his riddles, over which he has been struggling for a long time and cannot solve it in any way. Attention: these riddles concern only professional orientation. People think: well, how can that be! I have been thinking about this for so many years, and you in two or three hours! Yes, no tests! Something is wrong here! You're deceiving me!
Explain. I have technology. I am working on it. According to the system. And, in general, it is not so complicated. But it requires a fair amount of awareness from me as a professional orientologist in many things: areas of art, modern science, business, education, politics. And it also requires psychological preparation, psychotherapeutic too.
Read also:
Everything that you say, as you say - I remember and apply in my assumptions.
I appeal to the best in you. I do not catch you on mistakes, ignorance, I do not convict you of contradictions and inaccuracies. I mark them and even tell you about them, but not to drive them into a corner. And the person feels very comfortable, he is accepted.
The main thing for me is a person's concern for himself. People come to me with a "good" and even a "bad" past. It's time for everyone to want to change.
I appeal to your thirst for life, your desire to build yourself in the best possible way, to find your place in life, the desire to live with meaning and bring good to people and earn money from this.
I know for sure that if you are not an engineer or a scientist, then you definitely ARE someone else. You have the Grain. A viable flower or a powerful beautiful tree will grow from the Grain.
Do I give tests? I give. Short assignments. For example, how do you know if you have a sense of language? I give the task for a few minutes. To understand how you draw - I can ask you to draw. To understand if you are creative - I will give a task for creativity. I can ask you to sing or beat the rhythm. This is the kind of task.
And who am I to judge whether you are capable of being an artist? Or an engineer? I answer. Each profession has a structure and structure of activities. And you need to basically comply with these actions. There is the concept of PVK - professionally important qualities. You can match them or not. For example, if you do not have an ear for music, then you cannot be a performing musician, even if you are handsome and love music. But if you love music and know a lot about it and are ready to talk and write about it and about performers, you can work as a journalist or editor in a music magazine. Not having an ear for music, but being able to organize processes and being a punchy person - you could consider the profession of a producer.