What is music for you
Keep Your Brain Young with Music
If you want to firm up your body, head to the gym. If you want to exercise your brain, listen to music.
There are few things that stimulate the brain the way music does. If you want to keep your brain engaged throughout the aging process, listening to or playing music is a great tool. It provides a total brain workout.
Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.
The Brain-Music Connection
Experts are trying to understand how our brains can hear and play music. A stereo system puts out vibrations that travel through the air and somehow get inside the ear canal. These vibrations tickle the eardrum and are transmitted into an electrical signal that travels through the auditory nerve to the brain stem, where it is reassembled into something we perceive as music.
Johns Hopkins researchers have had dozens of jazz performers and rappers improvise music while lying down inside an fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) machine to watch and see which areas of their brains light up.
Music is structural, mathematical and architectural. It’s based on relationships between one note and the next. You may not be aware of it, but your brain has to do a lot of computing to make sense of it.
Try It Learn an Instrument
When 13 older adults took piano lessons, their attention, memory and problem-solving abilities improved, along with their moods and quality of life. You don’t have to become a pro, just take a few lessons.
Everyday Brain Boosts from Music
The power of music isn’t limited to interesting research. Try these methods of bringing more music—and brain benefits—into your life.
Jump-start your creativity.
Listen to what your kids or grandkids listen to, experts suggest. Often we continue to listen to the same songs and genre of music that we did during our teens and 20s, and we generally avoid hearing anything that’s not from that era.
New music challenges the brain in a way that old music doesn’t. It might not feel pleasurable at first, but that unfamiliarity forces the brain to struggle to understand the new sound.
Recall a memory from long ago.Reach for familiar music, especially if it stems from the same time period that you are trying to recall. Listening to the Beatles might bring you back to the first moment you laid eyes on your spouse, for instance.
Listen to your body.
Pay attention to how you react to different forms of music, and pick the kind that works for you. What helps one person concentrate might be distracting to someone else, and what helps one person unwind might make another person jumpy.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A large machine that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to see inside your body. Unlike an X-ray, MRI testing does not use radiation. If you undergo this test, you’ll lie on a narrow table that slides inside a tunnel-shaped scanner for about 30 to 60 minutes while health-care professionals watch from another room. If you feel anxious in small, enclosed spaces, ask your physician about an open MRI that is not as close to the body.
What Does Music Mean To You? ‹ Clocks & Clouds
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- lucas
- 11 years ago
I’ve been thinking a lot to the purpose of music lately. I started reflecting on what music means to me and its role it plays in my life. This role has changed in different moments in life, but it’s a good reminder as to how people relate to music. It’s especially a good reminder as an educator as to what music means to my students. This post is going to touch that line of corny touchy feely garbage that as a man I avoid. For a moment I’m going not worry about coming across as cheesy in an effort to reflect on the role music has on the individual.
I asked my students the question “What does music mean to you?” The responses to me were very mature and observant answers. I think music can be so hard to describe and define, but it’s easy to describe how it affects us. Here’s a list of their responses.
“Music is one of, if not the most important aspect of my life.”
“Music is how I relate myself to the world.”
“Music means the world to me. It makes me think about how it relates to life and I love the beats.”
“Music is a way to express yourself, keep you company while you’re alone, and always give you something to do.”
“Music is everything, without music there is no purpose to a lot of stuff.”
“Music is a way to express yourself and your feelings. It’s something that I can go to whenever I need it.”
“Music is a way to express feelings that might be hard to express otherwise.”
“Music to me is a source of stress relief. It helps me calm down or just to relax, on a bad day. But on a good day, music just helps me get through the day.”
“Music is a way of expressing me and being able to relate to other people.”
“It can personify emotions in life if written well.”
“Music is a source of inspiration and expression.”
“Music wakes me up, gets me going, and is a way to add some more awesomeness to every day.”
“Music means a lot to me. It is a way to express and release emotions. I love music that on top of the fun beats, it can carry a message that is relative to real life situations.”
“Music is a nice thing you can listen to when you want to get out and just go into your own world.”
“Music is my way to escape from the real world and just listen and let myself go.”
“Music is freedom. It’s everything. Music connects the world!”
“It is the expression of deep emotions and feelings.”
“Music calms me down, lifts me up and always makes me feel a certain way.”
“Explains things when words fail; Music speaks.”
“Music means something that’s inspiring and can match your moods”
“Music helps me connect to life.”
Again these responses are very insightful to me. It really shows the importance music plays in their life. For some people music is the most important thing in their life. For others it’s one of the ways they express their emotions. While looking at this list I thought it would be interesting to simplify this list as to what I infer the students were trying to say in its simplest form. Here’s what I came up with:
Music is ones identity
Music is ones world
Music is a drug
Music is a therapist
Music is how one shows the world what I’m feeling
Music is how one socially interact with humans
Music is entertainment
Music is inspirational
Music is a friend
Music is life
Some of these responses to me aren’t healthy. Making music your world isn’t necessarily a good thing. I’m not questioning the moral values one places on music, but on the importance music plays on society and the individual. As I look at my list I can easily share example after example of how this has been true in my life during different stages. It reminds me as I teach how important music is to our culture. It makes it exciting to be a music teacher, while at the same time gives me a responsibility to show the benefits of music in their life.
I would encourage you to ask yourselves the question. What does music mean to you? Respond back with your answers.
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Over the years, three unique musicians actively performed with several music groups all over the world in almost every genre of music from classical to rock. Their experiences evolved and their paths crossed and they eventually birthed the new instrumental group, Clocks & Clouds. This group is a culmination of their passions and desires to perform music that not only entertains, but also inspires their listeners. C&C successfully combines their classical training as well as their enthusiasm for rock ‘n roll to write pieces that display the power and passion of music.
The group consists of violinist Stephanie Shogren, cellist Lucas Shogren, and drummer Derek Powers. By adding pick-ups and guitar effects to the acoustic instruments, using a full drum kit, and playing original rock music written for string instruments, a sound is created that is instantly appealing to audiences everywhere.
Based out of Minneapolis, Clocks & Clouds has performed at top music venues across the Midwest. They have garnered much success as performers, while at the same time trying to reach the youth through educational seminars, masterclasses, and performances. In the summer of 2011, C&C released their first EP entitled “Life Beyond Reason.” The EP consists of 5 tracks that best exemplify what Clocks & Clouds is about, producing epic music that is appealing to all demographics.
To book Clocks & Clouds please email them at [email protected]
What does the word "music" mean to you? - Web journalist. Faculty of Journalism BSU
Music . One word, but how much meaning does it have for each of us? For some, this is a pleasant pastime, for someone a chance to try something new (playing musical instruments or singing, for example), and for someone it’s a whole life.
In the 21st century, art is developing more and more and does not stand in one place. Every day there are new performers, new sound, even new feelings! After all, when listening to the next song, each of us feels something, maybe even something that we have not felt before. And how many different styles and trends are present in this art . .. Someone likes pop, rock, electronic music. Someone likes jazz, blues, reggae and so on. All this is so individual!
I decided to ask people what the word “music” means to them , and this is what they answered:
“For me, music is something very personal. I don’t even open or show my audios to anyone, because I select each song solely for my emotions and feelings. One thing I know for sure: music is always with me when I feel bad, and when I feel good.
“I feel better with music. It makes you feel free. Free in some thoughts and actions. I think music is freedom."
“Music is a great art to enjoy every day. I can get tired of people, nature, series, but I never get tired of music. Listening to your favorite songs, various memories immediately pop up, and it becomes warm in the soul. Some artists in their songs describe the feelings that I feel so accurately that it seems like you become a little closer to everyone, because people all over the world can listen to the same song and experience the same emotions. It's just magical!
“Actually, for me, music is about memories. Songs always evoke different emotions in me. I associate some songs with a certain period of my life, and when I listen to other songs, I remember some people. It's the songs that get me in the mood. Whether it's bad or good, music can completely change my mood. I feel incredibly calm when I listen to songs that I like, because thanks to them, I can easily let go of situations that have stressed me during the day. I can’t imagine my life without songs anymore.”
“It's a way for me to express myself. Music makes me feel special. I love to sing, but, for example, I can rarely sing for a large audience. For me, music is something very personal. This is trust. I only sing for those I trust. Music is a sobering pain. It is a raw wound that only grows, but it is also a light that helps to express feelings. For me it's a whole world…”
Yes, indeed, music unites us. She makes someone stronger, motivates to new achievements. For some, it is a salvation in difficult moments of life. Someone, having heard just one track, can remember different moments from life. It would seem, but how much she does for people.
On my own behalf, I would like to add that we should never underestimate what surrounds us. And never underestimate yourself. I know many people who have always wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument, but were always looking for excuses: I don't have enough time; I have "crooked hands"; I'm not good enough at it; I'm deaf and stuff like that. So that's what I want to say: if a person really wants something, he will do it. Yes, it may sound trite, but it's true.
About three years ago I went to visit my second cousin in another city, she had a girl next door who was just learning to play the guitar. I've always liked music, but I never thought about learning to play anything. And so, I realized: I want a guitar, I want to play! My parents said that it would not last long, that I would quickly burn out, and this guitar would simply gather dust in my room. Yes, maybe it would have been so, but the fire that ignited inside me did not go out for a long time. And now, two years later, it turned out that my brother had a guitar, which I decided to ask for a loan. And attention… It took me 2 weeks, TWO weeks to learn how to play the first songs. I didn't go to music school, no one taught me to play. All I had at that moment was a guitar, video tutorials on YouTube and a strong desire. And just recently, my dream came true: for my birthday, my friends gave me a guitar, because they knew that before that I had asked everyone who had it just to play it.
What can you take away from this? That should always try . Don't be afraid that it might not work. And, as they say, "if you really want to, you can fly into space" . In this case, it works the same 🙂
Essay on Music in my life
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- Music in my life
Music is a wonderful art form, which will be discussed in my essay. In my free time, I like to listen to music. She inspires me, motivates me, from her I am charged with positive energy for the whole day. Music is an important element in my life. If I'm in a bad mood, after listening to good music, I return to a positive state. Thoughts come to my mind that can help me in any situation.
Music relaxes me, sometimes calms me, gives me strength. I consider myself a music lover, I listen to different musical styles. I like Russian and foreign performers. I also combine with pleasure, as the saying goes, the pleasant with the useful, I clean the room to the music. If I'm in a good mood, I turn on loud, perky music, dance and sing. I take a bath to sad music, it calms me down, I can also fall asleep under it. Interested in the genre of classical music, I really like the sound of different musical instruments separately. Sometimes you want to be distracted and be alone, and music is the only and good option. There are songs that touch the soul.
Listening to the lines from the composition, they seem to be written from my own life. Sometimes I write the lines myself, I haven’t seriously thought yet, maybe music is my future profession. There is a great desire to enroll in courses at a music school, it will provide a chance to learn a lot of useful and necessary information. Learn to play a musical instrument on the guitar. I look forward to picking up a guitar, putting in all my efforts and learning how to play. The main event this year will be the purchase of a musical instrument.
Music is not just a hobby to say more - my hobby. As I said in all my free time, I enlighten her. Music is very important to me, it makes it easier to express different kinds of emotions. When comrades come to visit me, we turn on the computer and listen to a variety of music, look for new releases and discuss musical compositions together. I can't imagine my life without music, it plays an important role in my life. I love listening to music with headphones. With the help of an accessory, walking down the street, I turn on the song to the fullest and immerse myself in the world of the music track. And most importantly, no one suspects what track is in my player. I can't imagine my life without music.
My whole family loves to listen to music, although parents have their own preferences, but there are songs that we all listen to together.
8th grade, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 6th grade
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