Abc model psychology
ABC Model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: How it Works
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a type of psychotherapy.
It aims to help you notice negative thoughts and feelings, and then reshape them in a more positive way. It also teaches you how these thoughts and feelings affect your behavior.
CBT is used to manage a variety of conditions, including anxiety, substance use, and relationship problems. Its goal is to improve mental and emotional functioning, and ultimately, quality of life.
This form of therapy also focuses on the present instead of your past. The idea is to help you cope with troubling situations in a healthy, effective manner.
The ABC model is a basic CBT technique. It’s a framework that assumes your beliefs about a specific event affect how you react to that event.
A therapist may use the ABC model to help you challenge irrational thoughts and cognitive distortions. This allows you to restructure these beliefs and adapt a healthier response.
The ABC model was created by Dr. Albert Ellis, a psychologist and researcher.
Its name refers to the components of the model. Here’s what each letter stands for:
- A. Adversity or activating event.
- B. Your beliefs about the event. It involves both obvious and underlying thoughts about situations, yourself, and others.
- C. Consequences, which includes your behavioral or emotional response.
It’s assumed that B links A and C. Additionally, B is considered to be the most important component. That’s because CBT focuses on changing beliefs (B) in order to create more positive consequences (C).
When using the ABC model, your therapist helps you explore the connection between B and C. They’ll focus on your behavioral or emotional responses and the automatic beliefs that might be behind them. Your therapist will then help you reevaluate these beliefs.
Over time, you’ll learn how to recognize other potential beliefs (B) about adverse events (A). This allows opportunity for healthier consequences (C) and helps you move forward.
The ABC model benefits mental and emotional functioning.
If you have inaccurate beliefs about a situation, your response may not be effective or healthy.
However, using the ABC model can help you identify these inaccurate beliefs. This lets you consider whether they’re true, which improves how you react.
It also helps you notice automatic thoughts. In turn, you can pause and explore alternative solutions to a problem.
You can use the ABC model in various situations. Here are examples:
- Your co-worker arrives at work but doesn’t greet you.
- You’re friendly with all your classmates, but one of them hosts a party and doesn’t invite you.
- Your cousin is planning her wedding and asks your sibling, instead of you, to help.
- Your boss asks if you’ve finished an assignment.
- Your friend doesn’t follow up with lunch plans.
In each scenario, there’s an event that may spark irrational thoughts.
These thoughts can lead to negative emotions like:
- anger
- sadness
- anxiety
- fear
- guilt
- embarrassment
Using the ABC model can help you explore more rational thoughts, and in turn, develop more positive emotions.
During CBT, your therapist will guide you through a series of questions and prompts.
Here’s what you can expect them to do when using the ABC technique:
- Your therapist will have you describe the adverse situation. This may be an event that has already happened, or a potential scenario that you’re stressed about.
- They’ll ask how you feel or react to that event.
- Your therapist will have you identify the belief behind this response.
- They’ll ask questions about this belief and challenge whether it’s true. The goal is to help you recognize how you interpret situations.
- They will teach you how to recognize alternative explanations or solutions.
Your therapist will customize their approach to suit your specific situation, beliefs, and emotions. They may also revisit certain steps or include other types of therapy.
Visit a licensed therapist if you’re interested in CBT.
To find a therapist for you or your child, you can obtain a referral from:
- your primary care physician
- your health insurance provider
- trusted friends or relatives
- a local or state psychological association
Some health insurance providers cover therapy. This typically depends on your plan. In some cases, preexisting mental or physical conditions may dictate what’s covered.
If your provider doesn’t cover CBT, or if you don’t have health insurance, you might be able to pay out of pocket. Depending on the therapist, CBT may cost $100 or more per hour.
Another option is to visit a federally funded health center. These centers may offer more affordable therapy options.
Regardless of where you find a therapist, be sure they’re licensed. You can also see if they have specialities, like in marriage problems or eating disorders.
In CBT, the ABC model is a framework for changing irrational thoughts. Its goal is to challenge negative beliefs and develop more practical, rational ways to handle stressful scenarios.
Your therapist may combine the ABC model with other types of CBT frameworks. They might also assign “homework,” which is designed to help you apply what you’ve learned into real-life situations.
With your therapist’s guidance, you can learn how to approach daily stressors in a more positive way.
ABC Model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: How it Works
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a type of psychotherapy.
It aims to help you notice negative thoughts and feelings, and then reshape them in a more positive way. It also teaches you how these thoughts and feelings affect your behavior.
CBT is used to manage a variety of conditions, including anxiety, substance use, and relationship problems. Its goal is to improve mental and emotional functioning, and ultimately, quality of life.
This form of therapy also focuses on the present instead of your past. The idea is to help you cope with troubling situations in a healthy, effective manner.
The ABC model is a basic CBT technique. It’s a framework that assumes your beliefs about a specific event affect how you react to that event.
A therapist may use the ABC model to help you challenge irrational thoughts and cognitive distortions. This allows you to restructure these beliefs and adapt a healthier response.
The ABC model was created by Dr. Albert Ellis, a psychologist and researcher.
Its name refers to the components of the model. Here’s what each letter stands for:
- A. Adversity or activating event.
- B. Your beliefs about the event. It involves both obvious and underlying thoughts about situations, yourself, and others.
- C. Consequences, which includes your behavioral or emotional response.
It’s assumed that B links A and C. Additionally, B is considered to be the most important component. That’s because CBT focuses on changing beliefs (B) in order to create more positive consequences (C).
When using the ABC model, your therapist helps you explore the connection between B and C. They’ll focus on your behavioral or emotional responses and the automatic beliefs that might be behind them. Your therapist will then help you reevaluate these beliefs.
Over time, you’ll learn how to recognize other potential beliefs (B) about adverse events (A). This allows opportunity for healthier consequences (C) and helps you move forward.
The ABC model benefits mental and emotional functioning.
If you have inaccurate beliefs about a situation, your response may not be effective or healthy.
However, using the ABC model can help you identify these inaccurate beliefs. This lets you consider whether they’re true, which improves how you react.
It also helps you notice automatic thoughts. In turn, you can pause and explore alternative solutions to a problem.
You can use the ABC model in various situations. Here are examples:
- Your co-worker arrives at work but doesn’t greet you.
- You’re friendly with all your classmates, but one of them hosts a party and doesn’t invite you.
- Your cousin is planning her wedding and asks your sibling, instead of you, to help.
- Your boss asks if you’ve finished an assignment.
- Your friend doesn’t follow up with lunch plans.
In each scenario, there’s an event that may spark irrational thoughts. These thoughts can lead to negative emotions like:
- anger
- sadness
- anxiety
- fear
- guilt
- embarrassment
Using the ABC model can help you explore more rational thoughts, and in turn, develop more positive emotions.
During CBT, your therapist will guide you through a series of questions and prompts.
Here’s what you can expect them to do when using the ABC technique:
- Your therapist will have you describe the adverse situation.
This may be an event that has already happened, or a potential scenario that you’re stressed about.
- They’ll ask how you feel or react to that event.
- Your therapist will have you identify the belief behind this response.
- They’ll ask questions about this belief and challenge whether it’s true. The goal is to help you recognize how you interpret situations.
- They will teach you how to recognize alternative explanations or solutions.
Your therapist will customize their approach to suit your specific situation, beliefs, and emotions. They may also revisit certain steps or include other types of therapy.
Visit a licensed therapist if you’re interested in CBT.
To find a therapist for you or your child, you can obtain a referral from:
- your primary care physician
- your health insurance provider
- trusted friends or relatives
- a local or state psychological association
Some health insurance providers cover therapy. This typically depends on your plan. In some cases, preexisting mental or physical conditions may dictate what’s covered.
If your provider doesn’t cover CBT, or if you don’t have health insurance, you might be able to pay out of pocket. Depending on the therapist, CBT may cost $100 or more per hour.
Another option is to visit a federally funded health center. These centers may offer more affordable therapy options.
Regardless of where you find a therapist, be sure they’re licensed. You can also see if they have specialities, like in marriage problems or eating disorders.
In CBT, the ABC model is a framework for changing irrational thoughts. Its goal is to challenge negative beliefs and develop more practical, rational ways to handle stressful scenarios.
Your therapist may combine the ABC model with other types of CBT frameworks. They might also assign “homework,” which is designed to help you apply what you’ve learned into real-life situations.
With your therapist’s guidance, you can learn how to approach daily stressors in a more positive way.
The ABC of the Diametrical Model, twenty years ago The World of Psychology
As I noted in a recent post, what is known today as the diametrical model of the psyche and mental illness was stunningly presented by Sandor Satmari (1897-1974) in his novel Journey to Kazokhinii” , first published in Hungarian in 1941. to my knowledge, this is the earliest expectation of the idea that autism and psychosis could be opposites - despite the fact that the author seems to know nothing about autism or about the work of Hans Asperger, who was about to publish his first report on autistic psychopathic Kindesalter in wartime in Austria.
Until recently, I had a habit of crediting Leo Kanner for discovering autism myself, but as I mentioned in a previous post, there is now evidence to suggest that Kanner actually captured Asperger's original discovery. However, there are many authentic cases of independent co-discovery in the history of science: Priestley and Scheele's oxygen, Newton's and Leibniz's calculus, and Darwin and Wallace's natural selection are just three of several cases you could cite. The other is a diametric model.
Source: C. Badcock
A key implication of the model is that if autism spectrum disorder is a disturbance in mentalism or theory of mind, then psychotic spectrum disorder must represent the opposite: what Ahmad Abu-Akel (left) called hypertheory of mind in an article published in 1999, and the thesis of which reads:
The study argues that the linguistic/communication dysfunctions that occur in disorganized schizophrenia may be due, at least in part, to a weakened theory of mind. Using pragmatics and systems linguistic theory, the study examined the speech patterns of two disorganized schizophrenic patients and attempted to determine whether their communication failures are because they lack a theory of mind in the sense that they do not take into account the interlocutor's mind, i.e. intentions. orders and knowledge; or because they have a hyper-theory of mind through which they over-attribute mental states to their interlocutor; those.
assume that their interlocutor has access to their intentions, dispositions and knowledge. This study shows that disorganized schizophrenics are unlikely to be characterized as lacking a theory of mind; rather, they seem to possess a hyper-theory of mind, which may include the psychopathological symptoms of hallucinations, illusions of reference, and incoherent speech.
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Letter from Alison l. Bailey in a letter to the editor of Psychological Medicine in 2000, the diametrical model of mental illness is explicitly provided in the authors' comment that
The notion of a hypertheory of the mind can have important implications for
distinguishing the disorders in which the weakening of the mind theory has been implicated.In particular, hyper-theory of mind can be a useful conceptual construct in distinguishing between individuals with autism, those with positive symptom schizophrenia, and those with other schizophrenias (eg, symptom-negative schizophrenia). Furthermore, under the proposed hyper-theory of the mind, autism can be described as the persistence of a reality bias beyond early childhood, whereas childhood schizophrenia can best be described as the persistence of a hyper-theory of the mind beyond early childhood. Finally, we understand that any adequate theory about cognition not only must be falsifiable, but also must take into account the full range of observable phenomena (i.e., absence, presence, and excess of mentalization). We argue that the concept of a hypertheory of the mind provides an additional piece to complete this range of phenomena in the realm of representing understanding of the mind.
Abu-Akel's published work did not come to my attention until Bernard Crespi and I submitted our paper entitled Psychosis and Autism as Dialectical Disorders of the Social Brain for publication in 2007, when we were alerted to it by a reviewer. Indeed, at the same time, Abu-Akel was not active and only returned to science after Crespi, and I contacted him by publishing a commentary for the peer review of our paper and becoming one of the most notable contributors to diametrical model research today, since some of these messages were shown.
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Shortly after it came out in 1995, I read Simon Baron-Cohen's Blindness . In the book, Baron-Cohen convincingly argued that autistic people were deficient in four important ways:
- Eye-Direction Detector (EDD)
- Shared Attention Mechanism (SAM)
- Detection intensity (ID)
- Theory Mechanism of Mind (ToMM)
It suddenly seemed quite obvious to me that if autism, in which these four aspects are insufficient, paranoid psychotics, like the famous Schreber whom I knew from Freud, were the exact opposite and that their symptoms could be seen as pathological exaggerations of all four:
- Gazing awareness: delusions about what to watch or follow.
- General attention mechanism: delusions of conspiracies.
- Intentionality: positively as erotomania (delusions that others fall in love with you) or negatively as paranoid persecutory delusions.
- Theory of mind: illusions of reference (belief that your thoughts or actions affect things they actually cannot) / religious and mystical delusions.
Source: K. Badcock.
The latter can generally be called hyper-mentalism , in contrast to the deficiency of mind theory seen in autism, which you might appropriately call hypomaterialism . Immediately I saw it all - and it happened in one dazzling, never-forgotten moment of revelation - I started dreaming up an idea in my mind, and by 1997 I had included it in my lectures at the London School of Economics (left).
Finally, when, at the end of the century, Charles Crawford asked me to contribute to his latest book of edited chapters in evolutionary psychology, I wrote Mentalism and Mechanism: Dual Ways of Human Cognition. Frustrated at the time he was mistaken for the book he was supposed to appear in, I published it online in 2002 on The Great Debate website; and it eventually appeared in print in 2004.
It is clear that if you see hyper-mentalism/hyper-theory of mind as the key and most original concept implied by the diametric model, and give due consideration to publication priority, what is known in some circles since Crespi-Badcock theory should actually be known as theory ABC , or Abu-Akel, Badcock and Crespi.
At the very least, the fact that this way of looking at mental illness has clearly emerged independently, at least three very different authors argue, is much more than fiction or philosophy. Indeed, according to the diametric model, the model itself is an imaginary, mental component of a complete complex whole, which includes a real mechanistic factor represented by an imprinted theory of the brain.
(With thanks and gratitude to Ahmad Abu-Akel).
Read online “The ABC of the human psyche.
Photographer Irina Fencik
Illustrator Yuri Sosnitsky
Obvol designer Olga Tretyakova 9000
Yuri Kudryashov
G. Danilov, 2017
© E. V. Danilova, 2017
© Irina Fentsik, photographs, 2017
© Yuri Sosnitsky, Illustrations, 2017
© Olga Tretyakova, Cover design, 2017
ISBN 978-5-4483-1552-7
created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero
photography 1. Authors AMPP 1
The authors of the book "The ABC of the Human Psyche" are spouses Nikita Mikhailovich and Ekaterina Viktorovna Danilov.
While peers were engaged in burning life, Nikita Mikhailovich very deeply studied such phenomena as Nonviolent Revolutions and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). These areas are extremely popular today, but, unfortunately, there was no education in Russia in these specialties. Therefore, Nikita Mikhailovich received knowledge at US universities, but even this was not enough! Then everything related to the Human Psychic was reworked and was available in Russia! But even here there were no answers that would satisfy the Author!
How and why are Nonviolent Revolutions possible? Is it possible to protect yourself from this? What is NLP and why does it work? Can it be used without risk to one's health and others? And many similar questions! To give precise unambiguous answers, it was necessary to create a fundamental classification for all existing psychology, and now it has become accessible to the understanding of Everyone, even without special education! This classification affected not only the areas of research of Nikita Mikhailovich, but everything related to the Human Psyche! The results are stunning and never cease to amaze!
Nikita Mikhailovich received a higher education in the field of software development, where he reached significant heights. NLP and Nonviolent Revolutions turned out to be very close to the main specialty of the Author. In the first case, this is an attempt to program one person, in the second, a crowd!
Ekaterina Viktorovna has a higher art education, she is engaged in sculpture, jewelry art and web design. In addition to formalizing the classification ACHP , together with Spouse, she implemented several successful Internet projects, such as Nettie.RF Online Case Planner, SitesForPremium.COM and others.
Hello dear Readers! The fact that you took this book and decided to get acquainted with the ABC of the Human Psyche ( AChP ) is already worthy of respect!
There is a popular saying: “There are two troubles in Russia - fools and roads!” In fact, in several logical moves, the second point rests on the first, and this saying can be reformulated as follows: "In Russia, the root of all troubles are fools!" Our book addresses precisely this problem, which is no less acute today than it was a century ago. AChP is first and foremost a science, so in this book we will cover this topic from a scientific point of view.
Why exactly ACHP can solve the problem of stupidity? Why didn't anything help before? The problem is not solved, and that's a fact! Everything is very simple and scientific!
To solve a problem, you must first recognize it! In scientific terms, ACHP defines stupidity as a Concrete Primitive Type of Thinking ( CPM) . People who have this type of thinking cannot freely talk about what concerns their psyche, which means they cannot recognize the problem. From the Complete Model of Human Personal Space, it will be further seen that KPM is the absence of the mind as the basic building block of a Healthy Personality. Like bricks when building a house or a castle. If the level of the mind is absent, then there can be no other levels of a Mentally Healthy Personality. Including, level eloquence .
But what about instead of these levels? Instead, there are some artificial supports that allow a person to feel mentally healthy. Such supports are, first of all, the public opinion that a person purposefully forms about himself throughout his life. This phenomenon ACHP calls the Crutches of Public Opinion ( KOMs ). In other words, KOMs are a set of worked out Concrete Primitive Judgments ( KPS ) at different levels of the Human Psychic. Therefore, KOM determines what topic a person with a Concrete Primitive Type of Thinking ( KPM ) can talk about and feel healthy and normal at the same time, and what topic can not.
Thus, it can be summarized that the Mind is the natural support of the Healthy Human Psyche, and the Crutches of Public Opinion (COM) - an artificial support for a sick psyche.
The purpose of our book is not only to show the differences between these phenomena. The ABC of the Human Psyche is a tool that allows a person to improve himself and help others to discover the boundless world of the human mind. The purpose of the ABC of the Human Psychic is a healthy multifaceted Personality!
AChP , along with deep scientific knowledge gives Therapeutic KOMs (LKOMs 2 ) or therapeutic restraint AChP COMA by their very existence. This means that not only a professional will be able to understand the human psyche and talk about it, not only a Mentally Healthy Person (PZCH) , but also KPM . Enabling anyone to discuss this topic freely, AChP provides a tool for managing and solving the most important problems: personal, family, state, global.
Only one way in the current world situation will help to save Russia - to urgently gain the mind of the whole country and allow "Strong Figures" to develop, build and strengthen Russia! Or become "Strong Figures" themselves, but not by the way of the last century - by destroying Talented People!
The picture on the main page gives a key understanding of what the ABC of the Human Psyche is and how it works. Everything that is depicted there has a deep meaning. St. George the Victorious: Symbol of a Healthy Mind. Dial: AChP is more accurate than a Swiss watch and is just as necessary in the modern world as the exact time . Compass: indicates forms of mental illness, personality types, or Mental Health, if any.
PHR - Mentally Healthy Person - on the side of the north, because Mental Health absolutely cold to the symptoms of mental illness. At the same time, a Mentally Healthy Person also has reasonable / deliberate: goodness, greatness, aggression (for example, towards the enemies of the Motherland). And there is something fourth - this is Man with a capital letter!
SF - Stenic form from the side of the east, where the sun rises. The main symptom of this form is unreasonable and inappropriate "good", which, due to thoughtlessness, more often becomes evil for others and the person himself. For greater clarity, the term 9 will be used below.0226 JPS (Language of Primitive Judgments). So, in the Language of Primitive Judgments ( JPSe ) it is possible to characterize such a psychotype as "Kind Extrovert" according to Jung or "Responsive Extrovert". An extrovert in a nutshell: "emotions out."
AF - Aggressive Form South. This form is characterized by a constant manifestation of unreasonable aggression towards others. Aggression is manifested every time a mentally ill person is jealous of something. With this form of mental disorder, existing and non-existent reasons are constantly born in a person’s head in order to show their unreasonable aggression towards people. Everyone around, without separation, including children, becomes the victims of this aggression. However, a person with an Aggressive Form ( AF ) it is important that society considers it normal. In the world NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) you can see a similar psychotype in the film "Route 60" - this is the City of Lawyers, where everyone can be diagnosed as a person with an aggressive form of mental disorder ( AF ). Also, this form is characterized, relatively speaking, as the most greedy for "silver". What does it mean? That the sign of AF is often greed. When rendering a service to a person with this form, it is important to combine your actions with non-violent psychotherapy. Open good made for AF, makes you vulnerable to his aggression. Aggression is highly likely to be manifested, as this is a symptom. On JPS such a psychotype is characterized as "Evil Extrovert" according to Jung. You can: "Greedy Extrovert" or "Stubborn Extrovert". It is important that mental illness does not turn into an Open Form ( OF ). U AF Open Form can be expressed in insults or in the form of damage to property / health. ACHP is your friend!
DF - The Depressive Form is depicted from the west, where the sun sets. The manic-depressive syndrome prevails. This is the "darkest" form, and the "light of truth" neutralizes it. In the world of NLP, you can see examples of the depressive form in the film "Another World". A characteristic feature of this form is an unreasonable and thoughtless grandeur, which is a symptom of mental illness. Without reinforcement of his unreasonable greatness, a person of this psychotype falls into depression. If greatness is hurt, then a symptom of unreasonable aggression may appear. However, it is easiest to find a common language with a person of this form of Concrete Primitive Thinking. DF is more prone to OCM . Often the Depressive Form is the result of the fact that a person from childhood was not allowed to do his favorite things, destroying initiatives along with a healthy child's psyche. As a salvation - frequent withdrawal into the Manic-Depressive Syndrome, which provokes KPM . On YaPS : "Introvert" according to Jung. An introvert in a nutshell: "emotions inside."
KPM – Concrete-Primitive type of Thinking. This is a type of thinking that cannot perceive anything other than Concrete Primitive Judgments, which are, in turn, the root of all mental disorders. PZCH (Mentally Healthy Person) - type of thinking Generalized-Complex ( OSM ).
The depth of meaning is not fully disclosed here... Then it's up to you!
This book is for those who love their Mind!
Until now, there has been no unambiguous understanding and measure of the health of the human psyche. Many prominent people tried to build models of the human psyche, to make a description of various aspects. There was no universal, accurate model that could accurately answer all questions regarding the structure of the human psyche and the inner world.
Now there is such an opportunity! It is no coincidence that the watch face is shown on the main page. Determining the presence of mental illness, its form and degree is now as simple as the diagnosis of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc. With Swiss precision! Also, based on the facts, it can be argued that the Person is Mentally Healthy. Modern science has advanced so much that it can make a microcircuit using nanotechnology. It is naive to believe that psychology will rely on the opinions of people who are incompetent in this science. ACP allows everyone to see the presence of mental illness or mental health in others. Sometimes this can be very useful and very important. The accuracy of the assessment of the human psyche depends on the level of the student who studied ACHP : Novice, Experienced, Professional or Expert. The ABC of the Human Psyche does not require special education, all concepts are combined so capaciously and clearly that anyone can learn it. From the standpoint of AChP one can easily describe everything related to the human psyche. For example, one can say what was right and wrong about the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, expanding and supplementing the classification "extrovert / introvert" to one hundred percent accuracy and understanding.
One of the effective remedies in ACP for healing and understanding is LAUGHTER THERAPY, so there will be some "fun" moments in this book. The main problem is that mental illness blocks contacts with common sense and the mind, so a unique and new language has been developed to communicate with mentally ill people, which has no analogues in the languages of the world, programming languages, but at the same time includes a lot and is effective and a proven means for communicating with the masses and individuals. This language is called for short the Language of Primitive Judgments ( YPS ). In the following, we will describe in detail how this works.
AChP is necessary for both a teenager living in modern reality and an experienced psychologist. Based on this section of psychology, one can explain the motives for the behavior of an individual or group and be prepared for the standard course of events when it comes to KPM .
AChP takes the best from everywhere, including the opportunity to consider all religious trends from the standpoint of psychology, since it is directly related to the activity of the highest levels of the Human Psychic.
Research methods
Most of the research was conducted using descriptive methods that do not interfere with behavior Sometimes included observation, when the observers became part of the group.
When contact with KPM was unavoidable, a "natural experiment" study was applied. Data from laboratory experiments known to psychology were also successfully used.
All observations and experiments that were carried out were completely legal. For ethical reasons, the names of the subjects under study will not be given in this book.
Also ACHP used the necessary sources from all spheres of human life for her research.
Glossary is very important for the whole book! The following chapters will primarily use abbreviations.
For convenience, the abbreviations in the glossary are in alphabetical order! and others. The third is the most rarely used, such as VPKOM , SNO ...
In subsequent chapters there will be footnotes to abbreviations from groups 2 and 3. Footnotes and division into groups are added for the convenience of the first reading. For the Reader who wants to understand the Human Psyche, it is desirable to remember everything! This is not difficult. In addition, the main filling of this book and the new stage of world psychology, which marked AChP , is a glossary + classification AChP , the rest can be said in your own words!
AM - Aggressive Mask. It is often worn by KPM SF as a way to deal with constant requests and crossing the boundaries of personal space by the surrounding KPM . Insufficiently efficient way. Distinguishing "acting" symptoms from the prevailing ones is quite simple. It is very important for communication to know the primary classification, and better the full classification KPM . This is necessary to protect Your Life, Your Friends, Children from mental trauma, which is very common due to impunity, like poisoning in the Victorian era. One of the goals AChP - to make this crime easily detected and punished. The scientific base in the book AChP is already enough for this, but other measures are also needed.
AF - Aggressive Form. The symptom Unreasonable Aggression prevails ( HA ).
AChP - The ABC of the Human Psyche.
BPT - Contactless Psychic Type KPM .
BT - Contactless Type KPM a. Manifestations of symptoms do not require contact with others - or this is exposure at the level of Hypersensitivity ( ГЧ ), which can be similar to magic, or it is an effect similar to traps, only for the psyche.
BFT - Contactless Physical Type KPM .
GNP AChP - Restorative Nonviolent AChP Psychotherapy.
VPKOM – Temporary Loss of the Crutches of Public Opinion. In other words, "went off the rails" for a while.
HPCH - Virtual HPCH . This is similar to PECH , but only for KPMs . Virtual PECH allows you to touch a certain percentage of internal energy when the symptoms KPM are successfully expressed, otherwise it blocks. OSM can use the full reservoir of internal energy at will or at will.
MS - Hypersensitivity KPM . Indirect evidence confirms the fact of some very high sensitivity in mentally ill people. This is the most understudied fact0226 ASF , but studies confirm the existence of this phenomenon. In the chapter on MS will be discussed in more detail.
CI - Direflection of Idiocy. Your psychotherapy of the surrounding KPMs may experience incredibly little effectiveness for some KPMs . The reason is that there is Reflex Idiocy (RI) and KPM does not perceive anything new that is connected with you, and does not want to perceive. For example, KPM beat you in tennis when you were in the children's arena, and all his life he considered himself a champion when he came to visit you. But in reality, his ability to beat you, an adult with experience in tennis, is much less. And if it is AF , then he will run like fire from a new game of tennis so that dreams of his greatness and strength do not break into reality. From any thought about you or contact with you, his KPM will already be in OF , and not ZF ! This makes psychotherapy very difficult! You must first achieve ZF . It is recommended to add RI to the diagnosis and list in brackets when contacting someone. Example: KPM AF (SM) BPT SCOM RI (Vasya, Petya) .
DM - Depression Mask. It is usually worn by KPM AF , who believe that they were defeated by KPM DF . Why "consider"? In psychology, there is no such thing as "win", "lose". There are concepts of "getting better" and "not getting better"!
VHO or VNO – Voluntary Nonviolent Unit or Medical Nonviolent Unit. This is almost PZLy .
DPCOM - Long-term Loss of the Crutches of Public Opinion.
DF - Depressive Form. Prevails MDS (Manic-Depressive Syndrome) to some extent. Or, in simple terms, Unreasonable and Unreasoned Greatness ( HB ), which can become Reasonable and Considered, a sign of Mental Health, if you think about it, having developed your OSM ! This is true for other symptoms as well. It will be discussed in detail in several chapters, because it is a very important point.
ECOM - European Crutches of Public Opinion. Here we are talking about European and American KOMs , which are used in the world NLP and enable KPMu to behave like PZCH , for some time in certain places and situations. In this book, when KOM is used, it talks about ECOMah .
EOP – Natural Psychic Supports. These are natural UM , CONFIDENCE , WISDOM , which have only a Generalized Complex nature and exist in OCM .
ZF - Closed form of mental illness. KPM is minimally dangerous to society and individuals.
KBP - Crutches of the Sick Mind. Same as KOM .
KOM - Crutches of Public Opinion. Many mentally ill people can look and act like Mentally Healthy People in situations and places they know ( PZLy ). All this is possible thanks to artificial KPS , which are at high levels of the Human Psychic. In certain places, people around support these KOMs or KPSs , saying: "If you do this in this place, then you are normal. " This gives KPMu the ability to lead a life like PZCH , with some restrictions. For KPMs, normal is KPMs. For PZLov normal is PZCH . The reference system is important, as in mathematics.
KPM - Concrete-Primitive type of Thinking, a sign of a mental disorder in a person. In other words, "madness" from the word "mindless" or "mindless". From the positions of ACHP "madness" or KPM is the absence of Generalized Complex Judgments.
CPS - Concrete Primitive Judgment is the root of all mental illness, eliminating which, a person becomes Mentally Healthy! Just like other diseases, they cease to manifest themselves after the cause is eliminated. Learn KPS easy! It is always concrete and primitive. It can only be confused with YPS , in which simple judgments are formed for the psychotherapy of others with a healing and pacifying effect.
KPT - Contact Psychic Type KPM .
KT - Contact Type KPM a. Manifestations of symptoms require contact with others.
KFT - Contact Physical Type KPM .
LKOM - Medical Crutches of Public Opinion.
LNM Non-violent Treatment. The main one is Therapeutic Nonviolent AChP Psychotherapy.
LNO or DNO - Medical Nonviolent Unit or Voluntary Nonviolent Unit. This is almost PZLy .
LNP AChP - Therapeutic Nonviolent AChP Psychotherapy.
LP - Personal Space.
LCH - Personal Space of a Person.
LSNO – Nonviolent Medical Restraint Department.
LSNP AChP - Therapeutic-straight Non-violent AChP Psychotherapy.
MV - Delusions of grandeur. Schematically, the manifestations of MB look like this: KPM sees something in others, envies. What is "envy"? KPM sees that the other has something, looks into his inner world, which 9 does not have0226 KPMov , and this scares KPM so much that he immediately needs KOM . This may be an attempt to win a "victory" for AF - then KPM thinks: "Oh, how terrible I am, I have nothing to envy!"; or this is the Crutch of Unreasonable Greatness for DF - then KPM thinks: “Neighbor Vasya said that I am great, I have nothing to envy!”; or it is a crutch of Unreasonable Goodness for SF - then KPM thinks: “That one just has it, and I gave it away! I'm very cool!" Most Dangerous AF , which can immediately harm an innocent person!
MDS - Manic Depressive Syndrome. Typical for DF . When KPM feels its greatness, it behaves most adequately of all types. If AF is ready to almost kill those with whom it communicates, including employees, then DF gives everything a person needs. But ON can also appear with incorrect behavior, and even ND . But the first symptom is MDS . This form can be respected, with a stretch, if only for the fact that KPM are trying to maintain at least some "greatness". It lends itself well to psychotherapy, because it does not attack every Generalized Compound Judgment ( OSS) , like AF .
MCPS – Matrix of Concrete Primitive Judgments, which rain down from mentally ill people from TV, radio, etc.
MLHR – Model of Human Personal Space.
ON - Unreasonable Aggression. The most unpleasant and frequent symptom that can be found in AF most often. Although this symptom is also characteristic of other forms, in AF this symptom is predominant, i.e., the first reaction to an event.
HB - Unreasonable (Reckless) Greatness - the same as MDS .
ND - Unreasonable (Reckless) Good is typical for SF . SF easier to communicate than AF , better responsive to psychotherapy. The first reaction to everything is ND . For a person with SF , all manifestations of KPM are characteristic, as well as other forms, but the prevailing one is ND .