What is lyme rage
Aggressiveness, violence, homicidality, homicide, and Lyme disease
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Rage, Extreme Irritability, and Lyme disease
Most chronic neurologic Lyme patients presented with mild encephalopathy consisting of memory loss, depression, sleep disturbance, irritability, and difficulty finding words. “They forgot names, missed appointments, or misplaced objects. To compensate they made daily lists. Ten patients had symptoms of depression, and three of them sought psychiatric help or received antidepressant medication. Eight patients had excessive daytime sleepiness and seven had extreme irritability. They became angry over circumstances that previously caused minor annoyance. Finally, five patients had subtle symptoms of a language disturbance, with difficulty finding words. 1
The researchers conducted a second study, reproducing the chronic manifestations in a case series of 18 patients who met strict criteria for Lyme encephalopathy.68 The most common symptoms were memory loss, minor depression, somnolence, headache, irritability, hearing loss/tinnitus, and neuropathy. They also found the chronic patients’ recovery differed depending on length of treatment. The 18 Lyme encephalopathy patients were treated twice as long as the chronic neurologic Lyme patients (one month vs. two weeks), and 50 percent had “greatly improved” on follow-up. Two (11 percent) were somewhat improved on follow-up. 2
“The depression associated with the earlier encephalitic phase of neurologic Lyme disease is characterized by marked irritability and mood lability. Later, in the setting of encephalopathy, the depression is often more mild, characterized primarily by anhedonia, low energy, hopelessness regarding the future, and a diminished sex drive.” 3
In this case, during an initial consult with a neuropsychologist, 7-year-old Susan was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder because she had problems focusing on school work. Yet, she lived in a Lyme endemic area and had an array of other symptoms including:
poor coordination
joint pain
word-finding difficulties
light and sound sensitivity
The first infant, a 4 1/2-week-old male, presented with a fever of 101. 7, sleepiness and periodic irritability. His mother had been diagnosed with Lyme disease during her third trimester at 32 weeks’ gestation. She presented with an erythema migrans rash and was treated successfully with amoxicillin. 4
Logigian EL, Kaplan RF, Steere AC. Chronic neurologic manifestations of Lyme disease. N Engl J Med. 1990;323(21):1438-1444.
Logigian EL, Kaplan RF, Steere AC. Successful treatment of Lyme encephalopathy with intravenous ceftriaxone. J Infect Dis. 1999;180(2):377-383.
Fallon BA, Kochevar JM, Gaito A, Nields JA. The underdiagnosis of neuropsychiatric Lyme disease in children and adults. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 1998;21(3):693-703, viii.
Saetre K, Godhwani N, Maria M, et al. Congenital Babesiosis After Maternal Infection With Borrelia burgdorferi and Babesia microti. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc.
fruit punch rage or lemon lime - the effectiveness of the drug, description and composition
About the projectHow it worksAbout evidence-based medicineFeedback
About the projectHow it worksAbout evidence-based medicineFeedback
The drug does not have proven effectiveness
Dietary supplement 9010 20003 is a biologically active additive (BAA). Dietary supplements "cannot be used to treat any disease, as they are not medicines." nine0003
This is due to different requirements for state registration, as for dietary supplements they are significantly lower than for drugs. Therefore, taking dietary supplements as a medicine or instead of a medicine is unacceptable, even if they contain the same active ingredient.
It is undeniable that dietary supplements have an effect on the body, however, we do not evaluate the proven effectiveness of supplements, because. these products are not drugs. Furthermore, the medicinal ingredients in dietary supplements “may cause serious adverse health effects through accidental misuse, overuse, or interactions with other drugs, underlying health conditions, or other pharmaceuticals in the supplement formulation.” Supplementation brings 23,000 Americans to the emergency room a year, and 2,000 more need to be hospitalized. nine0003
Rospotrebnadzor plans to ban dietary supplements whose names are similar to or very similar to drug names.
Report an error
Report an error
How the effectiveness of the drug is evaluated
- Understand which active substance of the drug should be analyzed
- Search for meta-analyses and randomized clinical trials on the active substance in international databases
- Draw conclusions Based on the amount of data collected about the proven efficacy of the drug
Scientific approach to drug selection
Evidence-based medicine is the most advanced method of clinical practice used today in all developed countries.
A doctor who uses the principles of evidence-based medicine in everyday clinical practice, makes decisions based not on personal experience or the experience of colleagues, will prescribe to the patient only those drugs that have been tested by clinical trials, that is, their effectiveness has been proven.
The meaning of evidence-based medicineInternational drug and clinical research databases
Worldwide database of medical publications with more than 28 million articles
Global independent database of medical research with 37,000 scientists from more than 130 countries
Key U. -
World Health Organization Essential Medicines List: WHO Essential Medicines List

The drug is proven effective only when there are positive results from clinical trials with a high level of evidence
Why is this so?
Questions and Answers
How is the proven effectiveness of a medicinal product determined?
According to the principles of evidence-based medicine, the drug is considered effective only in the presence of positive results of clinical studies with a high level of evidence. The effectiveness of a drug that has even a huge number of studies of a lower level cannot be considered proven. nine0003
How are high-quality clinical trials conducted for drugs?
In randomized controlled trials (RCTs), participants are randomly assigned to groups. Some patients fall into the experimental group, while others fall into the control group. Both groups are followed for a certain period of time and analyze the outcomes formulated at the beginning of the study. The effectiveness of treatment is evaluated in comparison with the control group.
An analysis of the combined results of several RCTs is called a meta-analysis. By increasing the sample size in a meta-analysis, more statistical power is provided, and, therefore, the accuracy of assessing the effect of the analyzed intervention.
What is the therapeutic efficacy of drugs?
It is worth separating the concepts of proven efficacy and therapeutic efficacy of drugs. Therapeutic efficacy is the ability to produce an effect (for example, lowering blood pressure), proven efficacy reliably confirms therapeutic efficacy. Thus, in theory, a drug may have therapeutic efficacy without having proven efficacy. nine0003
What are the criteria for assessing the proven efficacy of a drug in the MedIQ project?
We use the world's largest and most reliable databases of drugs and clinical trials as criteria for assessing proven efficacy. An example is the List of Essential Medicines of the World Health Organization. Any drug included in this list is vital for the treatment of various diseases, proven by numerous clinical studies. nine0003
If a drug has no studies, but it works for me, is it proven to work?
According to the principles of evidence-based medicine, a drug can be considered proven effective only if there are positive results from clinical studies of a high level of evidence. Your personal experience or the unconfirmed opinion of a doctor cannot be evidence.
I do not trust the results of your analysis. How can I check them?
The MedIQ evidence-based system is transparent, each user can check which active substance is analyzed and study the results of studies for each criterion. If you find an error, be sure to let us know. nine0003
Can I use MedIQ test results without consulting a doctor?
The information posted on the site https://mediqlab.com/ is for reference only and cannot be the basis for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. Only a specialist doctor can prescribe the correct treatment in each specific situation
We will be grateful for any comment about our service.
Fury - Official TF2 Wiki
From Team Fortress Wiki
< Anger
Ng, ahhhh...
— Sniper furious
Fury is a promotional cosmetic item for the Sniper. It is a team-colored hood with a brown veil attached. It is similar to the look of the Fury set worn by the Resistance members in game Brink .
Genuine item was awarded to players who purchased Brink before August 8, 2011.
Later, a unique quality Rage was awarded to all players who purchased Quakecon Bundle before August 6, 2012.
- 1 Painting options
- 2 Previous changes
- 3 Facts
- 4 Gallery
- 5 See also
Painting options
Main article: Can of paint
Move your mouse over the image to see how it looks on a dark background. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Huge variety of shades | Color #216-190-216 | Strange shade of gray | Gray barbel |
nine0112 | |||
Severe lack of color | Midnight chocolate | Brown by Radigan Conagher | Old coarse color |
Muscular brown | Mann Co.![]() | Gold australium | Gentleman pants color |
nine0235 | |||
Dark Salmon Injustice | Incredible pink | Purple addiction | Noble violet |
Some slate gray | Zepheniah's Greed | Dull olive | True green |
Bitter taste of defeat and lime nine0180 | Manna Greens | ||
Wet lab coat (bovine) | Wet Lab Coat (BLU) | Balaclavas forever (KRS) | Balaclavas forever (BLU) |
Team spirit (KRS) | Team Spirit (BLU) | Worker overalls (cattle) | nine0179 Worker overalls (BLU)|
Team play value (KRS) | Team play value (BLV) | Atmosphere of courtesy (CA) | Affectionate Atmosphere (BLU) |
Cream spirit (bovine) | Cream Spirit (BLU) | Unpainted (cattle) | Unpainted (BLU) nine0180 |
Previous changes
August 3, 2011 Patch
- Fury has been added to the game.
Learn more