Impact of personality types on a team
How Do Different Personalities Affect Teamwork? | Small Business
By Fraser Sherman Updated July 27, 2020
They say there's no "I" in team, but that's not really true. If six people form a project team, that's six "I's whose personalities affect how well the team works. Understanding how personality types impact team effectiveness helps you do a better job of forming and managing teams.
You recruit team members for their functional skills, but personalities are also important to success. An ideal team has a strong leader, someone to help build team relationships, and at least one person willing to question everyone's assumptions. Good management can forge a mix of personalities into a strong team.
Personality Types Impact Team Effectiveness
When choosing the team to tackle a new project, it's natural to think in terms of the skill set you need, such as sales, IT, marketing and team leader. However, Harvard Business Review (HBR) advises that getting the mix of personalities just right is also important. This doesn't happen automatically. Even a team composed entirely of IT professionals may have different personalities and viewpoints.
HBR says good teams involve a mix of several personality types:
- Self-confident, energetic staffers who are good at organizing and taking charge
- Diplomatic, warm individuals who care about other people's feelings and focus on relationships
- Detail-oriented, conscientious team members who are highly organized and follow the rules
- Imaginative, curious team members who want to innovate and shake things up
- Cautious, level-headed, practical thinkers who insist other people prove their ideas
The mix of personality types impacts team effectiveness. A team without any relationship builders won't bond well. A team with too many of that character type may place too high a priority on everyone getting along; too much harmony can mean nobody points out bad ideas and impossible deadlines.
There are many assessments of the right mix of personalities to make up an effective team. According to Inc., good team players share three personality traits: willingness to ask embarrassing questions, willingness to challenge others, and an ability to accept feedback. If the group members all share these personality types, team effectiveness benefits.
The Big Five Personality Traits
Another way to judge the effect of personality on teams is to look at what are called the big five personality traits. Florida Tech describes these five dimensions of human personality, summed up by the acronym OCEAN:
- Openness to experience. People who score high on this one are open to new ideas and approaches.
- Conscientiousness. High-scorers in this attribute are dependable, reliable, organized and self-controlled.
- Extroversion. Extroverts are social, assertive, socially confident and love interacting with people.
Introverts are more introspective; even if they have fun with others, they find it draining.
- Agreeableness. The more agreeable you are, the more people like to hang with you. High scorers are popular, sympathetic and affectionate.
- Neuroticism. Scoring high in this one is a bad thing. It suggests someone prone to anxiety and sadness, unable to control their emotions, and probably suffering from low self-esteem.
Conscientious employees are skilled workers as they're continually striving to improve and master their fields. They make strong leaders, but they're not always flexible or creative. Extroverts also make good team leaders, but the trait doesn't lend itself to discipline and organization as conscientiousness does. You might want a team mix that includes an extrovert leader, a conscientious second-in-command, and someone high on agreeableness who can help the individual members bond into something larger.
Functional vs.

For small-business owners or project managers, this isn't a theoretical discussion. The goal of understanding how personality types impact team effectiveness is to make teams more effective. One of the ways to do this, the personality assessment specialists at Hogan Assessments say, is to understand the distinction between functional and psychological team roles.
The functional roles are the members' official duties: project manager, IT expert, researcher, gofer or note taker. The psychological ones are shaped by the members' personality types: the innovator who comes up with fresh ideas, the skeptic who demands proof, the by-the-book thinker who points out the limits of the budget, and the analyst who weighs pros and cons.
A mix of types is essential to an effective team, but the dissimilarity can work against them. An introvert researcher who wants to get everything right before presenting to the team may find the extrovert leader too pushy and demanding. If half the team consists of enthusiastic innovators determined to push the envelope and the other half scores high on caution and following the rulebook, it may be impossible for them to find common ground.
When most of the team share the same personality traits, problems occur. If most of the team values confrontation and ripping each other's ideas to shreds, introverts who need a supportive environment may keep quiet and not participate.
The Team Building Portal advises that the first step is to select potential team members based on their skills and how well they fit the functional roles. Then sift through them for the ones whose agreeableness, openness or conscientiousness make them a good fit. Some employees with valuable skills may not be great team players. When that happens, consider other character traits and aspects.
Managing Teams
Real life is rarely as efficient as management advice articles make it sound. It's entirely possible you won't be able to find a perfect mix of personalities and have to make do with the employees you have, according to Fast Company. Even if the personalities are compatible, you shouldn't sit back and assume they'll coalesce into a functioning team.
Learn the accepted norms of your team members. Some groups may want lots of personal conversation in team meetings while others are strictly business. Encouraging outliers to follow the norms helps them mesh with the team better.
- Don't let the team split into factions.
- Make sure dissenting opinions are heard. Keep critiques and criticism focused on the work, not the individual.
- Encourage civility, even when team members disagree.
- See that introverts get the chance to speak.
- See that everyone on the team has a clear understanding of their role.
- Keep everyone's eyes focused on the finish line. Don't let them forget the end game in the daily rush of details.
- Don't allow personal gossip, undermining, shaming or bullying. Those are death to the team spirit.
- See that every member does their share. It's essential everyone feels confident they can count on each other to contribute to the project.
The advantage of this approach is that it doesn't depend as much on having the right mix of personalities. At a small company, you may not have many options for recruiting the team, so being able to steer a "wrong" mix into operating on shared norms is a valuable skill.
How understanding different personality types improves team dynamics
Team dynamics depend on the different personality types that exist within the team. Personality profiling can help employees understand their own personality traits and those of others in the team, so that they can avoid conflict, build stronger relationships and work together more effectively
As humans, we are social beings. It’s natural for us to care for and cooperate with one another. And most of our happiness is founded in the context of our relationships with others.
But put a group of people together in the workplace, and you can’t guarantee you’ll get them working together in the way you’d like. You may have a team full of the most talented people but still fail to see them performing as a cohesive unit.
Too often, organisations focus only on the functional aspect of a team. But creating high-performing teams isn’t just about having people with the right skills and the technical ability to fulfil the necessary functions.
It’s also about creating healthy team dynamics so that everyone can work together cohesively. And the team dynamics will depend on the individual differences and personalities of everyone in the team.
The impact of personality
Our personality defines us and how we interact with the world. And it comes with us wherever we go. In a work environment, it affects how we approach tasks, make decisions and manage stress. It influences how we interact, communicate and collaborate with others.
Teams need a balance of personalities to be successful. A team full of highly analytical individuals with no one who thrives on action will never get things done. And a team of quick start people with no one interested in paying attention to the detail might not always choose the best course of action or might butt heads over what action to take. In an ideal scenario, a team would have a mix of both personality styles - someone to drive action and someone to keep the team on the right course.
That said, too much dissimilarity in a team can be problematic. Those who like to consider all the details before taking action and those who thrive on being quick start are always going to be at odds. They may be frustrated or puzzled by each others’ behaviour, and this can cause conflict. But in reality, if these types of individuals understand each other better, they can complement each other in a team environment.
So how can we ensure that people with such contrasting personalities work together effectively?
Building self-awareness
Self-aware teams are synonymous with a more functional and cohesive team atmosphere. Each individual in the team needs to understand their own personality and behavioural styles and how this might impact others. They then need to understand the personalities of those they work with.
Once all team members recognise the different personalities that exist in the group, it makes it easier to understand how people will behave. Conflict can be more easily avoided, as people will be better prepared for someone else’s approach to a task, or how they might react to a certain comment. It paves the way for better communication between team members, and this can be particularly useful for helping dysfunctional teams work through some of their differences.
Understanding the individual preferences of everyone in the team also makes delegating tasks easier, which improves both engagement and productivity. For example, if someone is more comfortable with public speaking they may be better placed to deliver a presentation compared to someone who prefers to avoid these scenarios.And if someone is more analytical by nature, it may be a better fit to task them with data analysis versus a member of the team who tends to focus on the big picture.
Personality profiling
For these reasons, many organisations choose to use personality profiling to help individuals become more aware of their own and others' natural preferences and behavioural styles.
People aren’t always aware of why they think, behave and interact in the way they do. Personality profiling helps build this self-awareness and creates an open dialogue for teams to talk about personality differences within the team.
Working with a team of people can be exciting. But it can also be challenging. Once individuals in a team have a greater understanding and awareness of their own and others’ personalities and behavioural styles - and how they differ - it can improve the team dynamics, so they can work together more cohesively.
These teams are more engaged, work harder, experience less stress and conflict, and feel more satisfied in their roles. And this is crucial for organisations wanting to maintain a competitive edge in today’s increasingly demanding marketplace.
The influence of personality types on professional orientation
Since introverts and extroverts have different personal qualities, they will cope with the same job with different efficiency. Therefore, when choosing a specialty, high school students should know what type of personality they belong to and choose, taking into account this factor. Here are some important facts about extroverts and introverts and highlight the most suitable professions for each personality type.
Extroverts are sociable, take initiative, are open to the world and are active. They know how and love to speak in front of an audience, and especially love when they are praised after that. In any new environment, extroverts easily adapt. They do not like to plan, spontaneous actions are much more pleasant for them.
Extroverts are easily fired up with some idea, but constancy and monotony scare them away, so it is important for them to work in a team where the rest will bring the matter to the end. Extroverts make excellent organizers, politicians, artists, practical scientists, and businessmen. nine0004
The most important difference between introverts is that they draw energy from their own experiences, emotions, memories - from their own inner world. They can spend time alone in a variety of ways: reading, watching movies, drawing, knitting, doing any kind of creativity, walking in the park, playing sports.
It is even better for such people to work alone, they are simply not enough for long-term and frequent contacts with others. Introverts make excellent scientists, philosophers, writers, researchers, travelers. nine0004
The research topic prompted us to search for information about the professional activities of well-known and famous people of various typologies. (Appendix 5)
Choosing a profession is one of the most important choices in a person's life. The extent to which a profession will correspond to the type of personality, abilities and inclinations of a person, how effectively a person will perform the actions necessary in his profession - will largely determine the quality of his life. nine0004
The purpose of our study was to determine the relationship between the characteristics of the personality of high school students and its types in the professional field according to the method of the Swiss scientist C. G. Jung. We believe that our goal has been achieved. The hypothesis about the relationship between the personality typology of K.G. Jung and the choice of the future profession of high school students has been proven.
As a result of the study, we studied the scientific views of C.G. Jung on human typology and identified the main characteristics of types in accordance with this typology; studied the typology of 11th grade students of the MBOO " Novonikolaevskaya secondary school No. 3 "; studied the influence of personality types on the professional choice of adolescents; revealed the relationship between the influence of personality types on the professional orientation of high school students and, after analyzing the test results, gave recommendations for determining the future profession.
Also, in the course of the research, you came to the conclusion that one or another profession that you like cannot be absolutely forbidden. There are many examples when a person successfully mastered the profession, which was originally “ was not suitable for ”, primarily due to intensive self-development and self-compensation for their weak qualities.
The materials collected and systematized by us can be used in the practical activities of teachers, psychologists, in the work of class teachers, and will also be useful to adolescents and their parents on the problem of determining their future profession.
List of sources of information used
- K.G. Jung. Psychological types. - St. Petersburg: " Yuventa "- M .:" Progress - Univers ", 1995.
- Rezapkina G.V., Selection for specialized classes - M .: Genesis, 2005.
- Rezapkina GV, Psychology and the choice of a profession: a program of pre-profile training. Teaching aid for psychologists and teachers. - M.: Genesis, 2005.
- Rezapkina G.V., Ambulance in choosing a profession - M .: Genesis, 2005.
- EN Rogov, Choice of a profession, formation of a professional. - M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2005.
- Shchegolev I., 16 personality types - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.
- Internet
Appendix 1.

This method was proposed by K. Jung to identify typological personality traits.
Instructions: there are two possible answers for each question, you must choose the answer that suits you best and highlight the letter that represents this answer.
FI ____________________________________________________________
1. What do you prefer?
a) a few close friends b) a large company of friends
2. What kind of books do you prefer to read?
a) with an entertaining plot; b) with a description of the experiences of the characters;
3. What would you most like to admit in a conversation?
a) being late; b) mistakes.
4. If you commit a bad deed, then:
a) you are acutely worried; b) there are no acute experiences. nine0004
5. How do you get along with people?
a) quickly, easily; b) slowly, carefully.
6. Do you consider yourself touchy?
a) yes; b) no.
7. Do you tend to laugh, laugh heartily?
a) yes; b) no
8. Do you consider yourself?
a) silent; b) talkative
9. Are you open or secretive?
a) frank; b) hidden.
10. Do you like to analyze your experiences?
a) yes; b) no.
11. When you are in society, do you prefer:
a) to speak; b) to listen.
12. Do you often experience dissatisfaction with yourself?
a) yes; b) no.
13. Do you like to organize things?
a) yes; b) no.
14. Would you like to keep an intimate diary?
a) yes; b) no. nine0004
15. Do you move quickly from decision to execution?
a) yes; b) no.
16. Do you easily change your mood?
a) yes; b) no.
17. Do you like to convince others, to impose your views?
a) yes; b) no.
18. Your movements:
a) fast; b) slow.
19. You are very worried about possible troubles:
a) often; b) rarely. nine0004
20. In difficult cases:
a) hurry to ask others for help; b) do not like to contact.
Appendix 2. Survey results
- Extroverts 32% (8 people)
- Introverts 12% (3 people)
- Ambiverts 56% (14 people)
how to find an approach to each of them
Want a joke? In the evening, three workers were given the task of planting 20 apple trees. The next day, the first worker conscientiously dug 20 holes. And the third worker covered them all. Each of them did an excellent job. However, not a single apple tree was planted. And all because the second employee did not show up for work and did not warn anyone.
Worried that your employees might do the same? Then let's figure it out.
There are dozens of classifications of employee personality types. None of them claims to be true, because the character of each person is unique. People cannot fit into 6 or 16 types. However, knowledge of the psychological classification makes it clear what motivates a person or, on the contrary, depresses. This helps to build relationships with different people and effectively manage workflows. nine0004
What makes up the formula of a person's psychotype? What are the types of employees in an organization? How do they behave in different job positions? We analyze growth areas and strengths of employees depending on their psychological type in the new material.
Psychological classification: the formula of the psychotype of an employee0007 extraversion
and introversion and four functions - logic (thinking), ethics, sensory (sensation) and intuitiveness 1 .
Later, the American psychologist David Keirsey added another pair to them - prudence and impulsiveness 2 . This is how 16 personality types appeared. Each of the 16 personality types has its own compound formula. Depending on the psychophysiological qualities that prevail in it. nine0004
Consider the types of employees according to the psychological characteristics of the individual. Let's focus on the business qualities of each of the 16 psychotypes 3 .
Types of leaders, colleagues and subordinates: analyst caste
Strategist, architect (INTJ) - this type of personality has high standards and demands on itself. They build relationships with people on the principle of "respect - do not respect." It is very easy to lose this respect, and it is almost impossible to regain it. For them, innovation is more important than comfort, and efficiency is more important than communication. With those who think otherwise, this personality type can be blunt and dismissive. nine0004
Logic and open-mindedness are two words that can describe a strategist. He reacts extremely negatively to attempts to restrict his freedom. This is not the kind of person who will strictly adhere to the rules. If the boss does not command respect from the strategist, they will not work together.
It is rare for a strategist to choose constant teamwork. Their perfectionism and high standards allow them to remain solitary players. They can't stand idle chatter in the workplace. Strategists tend not to make friends at work. However, in a team with reliable and highly skilled players, this employee personality type can achieve significant success. nine0004
Strategists need power to drive their own innovation and efficiency, not to assert themselves. With subordinates, they are usually on an equal footing. They value independence and provide them with enough freedom in daily activities.
They care about the details. Strategists will demand from subordinates a detailed account of how the project is progressing. They easily delegate authority to subordinates with developed critical thinking. For those who expect specific instructions from the leader, it can be difficult with a strategist. nine0004
Scientist, logician (INTP) are lovers of complex problems. They need constant mental stress and freedom to implement their own ideas. Routine tasks and a high communication load drive scientists into stress. They can be very effective in team work, which is avoided in every possible way.
Scientists are annoyed by colleagues asking them to share how they plan to implement their ideas. However, in the long run, this can help them not only come up with ideas with lightning speed, but also bring them to life. nine0004
Scientists can lose motivation in a restrictive environment. The leader of this type of employees should set challenging tasks for them, encourage resourcefulness and innovative approach. Scientists tend to put off uninteresting and routine tasks. They find it difficult to complete projects.
Often, scientists perceive colleagues as a distraction from work. The people who challenge them are doing them a favor. This spurs scientists on to stay the best. Deep down in their hearts they need variety. nine0004
Scientists like to lead people, but they don't want to. They try to delegate routine tasks to subordinates in order to focus their energy on creating new ideas. Leaders-scientists are flexible and open to interesting proposals. They are demanding and unrestrained in their negative assessment of the work of their subordinates. But they can be very patient.
Commander (ENTJ) is a sharp personality type. He is classified as a difficult type of employee. They feel most organic in a rigid hierarchical environment. These people will defend their opinion to the last. They are proactive and capable of the impossible. nine0004
It is difficult for a commander to remain in a subordinate position. The manager needs a remarkable talent to manage the involvement and satisfaction of such an employee. It must be oriented towards high goals. The slowness of work processes makes commanders absent-minded. But if these people are involved in the project, their organization and ability to prioritize will not be equal. They need objective and rational criticism that increases efficiency.
The commander is sociable with colleagues. He actively shares positive feedback, criticizes, in case of disagreement. The commander likes to work with equals. However, this equality needs to be proved. An incompetent colleague will face the commander's arrogance and condescension. They are able to inspire and educate others, but it feels overkill and pressure. nine0004
Commanding officers are focused on high quality and efficient work. They are born leaders. Commanders effectively allocate roles in the team. They perfectly feel the weaknesses and strengths of their subordinates. The charisma and communicativeness of this type of leader make subordinates perceive the goals of the company as their own. They know how to motivate employees and boost their morale. Commanders are not tolerant of lazy and incompetent employees.
Debater, debater (ENTP) are not the kind of employees who will do “ordinary work”. Routine tasks are clearly not for them. They expect their ideas to be heard by management and are open to discussion and debate with colleagues. Controversialists avoid hierarchical structures.
These subordinates calmly challenge the ideas of their superiors. They can't stand rules and management principles. They have a sharp inquisitive mind that allows them to make and generate non-standard solutions. They value constructive criticism, which can improve performance. They need challenging tasks and diverse projects. nine0004
Their passion for argument and overanalysis can strain more hands-on, problem-oriented colleagues. Sometimes, in the struggle for an idea, they seem tough and insensitive. However, their erudition, sense of humor and sociable nature attract colleagues to them. They are storehouses of knowledge. Communication with polemicists is very informative.
The debaters feel great in a leadership position. However, the generation of fresh ideas and the development of innovative approaches occupies them more than the management process itself. Subordinate polemicists can only offer non-standard solutions and engage in the phased implementation of the leader's ideas. nine0004
Controversial people do not seek universal love. It is important for them to be known as a respected and intelligent leader. They stand firmly on the ground and in professional debates are able to defend not only their ideas, but also their team.
Types of subordinates, colleagues and leaders: the caste of diplomats It is important for them that their values, principles and beliefs are shared in the professional environment.

They are motivated by the meaning of what they do. These are creative people. They are extremely resourceful. A strict hierarchy has a depressing effect on activists. Sensitive and independent - these people appreciate the opportunity to be heard.
They need an open leader who will celebrate their contribution to the common cause. At the same time, it is desirable that their values coincide. They are equally sensitive to praise and criticism. The latter can deeply hurt activists. Strict rules, routine tasks, formal structures affect them destructively. nine0004
Activists are born peacemakers. They are able to defuse the conflict situation in its infancy. Sometimes, good relationships become more important for them than efficiency. They can be classified as introverts.
As leaders, they are for equal treatment with both hands. They rarely take advantage of their position. In subordinates, honesty, reliability, high motivation and rigor are important for them. They are fair and empathic. Strive to identify and develop the strengths of their employees. They can be tough with those who violate moral and ethical principles. nine0004
Intermediary, mediator (INFP) - it is important for them to see the purpose in their work. They crave to be useful to other people. They are loyal, optimistic and attentive employees. They are creative and insightful. They are motivated by the opportunity to help others.
They value praise and gratitude and get excited about it. Negative bosses, an overflowing mailbox and a phone torn from constant calls, drive intermediaries into a stressful state. They value freedom, but need time limits and clear directions. nine0004
Equality is important to them. Mediators have a heightened sense of fairness. They don't like conflict. Colleagues often turn to them for advice. They have an empathic communication style.
These managers respect the personality of employees. Their weak point is responsibility. Often they consult with subordinates, unable to make a decision on their own. They tend to support employees rather than handing out CC. Mediators encourage employees to develop their own ideas. They should develop strictness with subordinates and set boundaries. nine0004
Trainer, hero (ENFJ) - a charismatic personality type. These are socially active people, charismatics, idealists and creative individuals. They are indispensable in professions with a high communication load.
As subordinates, they are easy to train and excellent at multitasking. Hardworking and responsible. They tend to underestimate themselves and their abilities. Avoid conflicts. They don't like criticism. They have a high risk of burnout.
Always ready to help colleagues. They prefer cooperation. Take care of the comfort of the whole team. Sensitive to other people's needs and responsive to other people's requests.
Such leaders feel the deep needs of subordinates and build a motivational system on them. Sometimes they are subtly manipulative, but with subordinates they always adhere to a win-win position.
Fighter, agitator (ENFP) - for this type of employees in the company, it is important to explore new ideas together with like-minded people. They don't like hierarchy. Their special qualities include creativity, sincerity and lack of prejudice towards other people. They are good listeners. These are innovators who are able to inspire by their own example and increase team morale. nine0004
As subordinates, agitators have good adaptability, cannot stand control, and are independent. The ideal option for relationships with management is cooperation or partnership. With this type of relationship, they will have maximum involvement.
Campaigners regard colleagues as friends. They are optimists who will always cheer up and support those who are experiencing difficulties or are in a bad mood. Their forte is brainstorming. Able to listen and consider all opinions. Often they are informal leaders. nine0004
As leaders believe in the internal motivation of employees, build friendly relations with subordinates. Consider the needs of the entire team.
Types of colleagues, subordinates and leaders: guardian caste He respects authority and chooses companies with a clear hierarchical structure. Administrators strictly adhere to the rules and expect this from others. Responsibility for them is a symbol of trust. They find it hard to bear any changes in the organization that affect them personally. nine0004
They need clear instructions on projects. They often turn out to be generalists. Due to their increased sensitivity to criticism, their flexibility often suffers. These are punctual workers who take their duties seriously. Always finish what they start. In work, they show corrosiveness and meticulousness.
They are calm and consistent employees who never miss deadlines. Empathy is not their forte. They prefer to work alone. Logisticians do not participate in the development of new ideas or a plan for their implementation, but become indispensable in the process of their implementation. nine0004
Logistics managers have a real cult of responsibility. They like to do everything according to the instructions and expect the same from their subordinates. You can only deal with them with facts and figures. Logisticians require strict adherence to the plan. For them, the truth is more important than the feelings of other people. Prone to tough decisions and criticism.
Defender (ISFJ) - you can always rely on this type of employee. Kindness, devotion and concern for other people's problems make them indispensable in the face of unexpected obstacles in work processes. nine0004
The opportunity to help others and sincere gratitude in return is a powerful lever for managing the defender's deep motivation. They are not the type to brag about their accomplishments. These are modest and reserved personalities. They are an example of loyalty. These are the employees who, in the event of the dismissal of their leader, leave for him. In order not to fall into stress during organizational changes, it is important for them to be aware of the correctness of the upcoming changes.
Among colleagues defenders are known as altruists. They feel best in friendly and close-knit teams. They are dedicated and sincere colleagues. They are disgusted by conflicts. They find it hard to say no. nine0004
Deep at heart, protective leaders don't like to control people. They prefer to work equally with subordinates. You can always turn to such a boss for help. He will not only listen and give good advice, but also show warmth and support. Defenders try to minimize conflicts. Build friendly relations with subordinates. They can be overly sensitive, which is a minus for the leader.
Manager, manager (ESTJ) are people of order. They make rules and follow them. In work, they strive for a high level and expect the same from others. Can't stand irresponsible employees. Their disadvantages include excessive stubbornness and lack of flexibility. They are not prone to experiments in work and prefer proven methods.
Their loyalty and loyalty depend on the respect they have for the company and the leader. Employees of the psychotype manager express their opinion openly and can be disgustingly honest. nine0004
They like well-organized workplaces and processes. Managers are honest and friendly colleagues. They are risk averse. The most difficult thing for them is communication with those who like to promote risky and controversial ideas. Managers are positive about constructive criticism. They love to feel like part of a team.
Building effective teams is the forte of executive managers. They cannot stand laziness and violating the work ethic. As leaders, managers demand recognition of their authority and adherence to rules. Their expectations are always clearly and accessiblely expressed, which leaves no room for the subordinates to maneuver. nine0004
Consul (ESFJ) - this psycho type has a high social intelligence. Such people have no equal when it is necessary to convey and control the performance of duties by other employees. They feel comfortable in organizations with a strict hierarchy and clear distribution of roles.
Consuls are loyal, hardy and hardworking subordinates. They recognize the authority of their leader. Consuls have a negative attitude towards excessive freedom and improvisation. They do a great job with routine tasks. These are team players. Paper work squeezes them out. The consul will be the first to lend a helping hand to a colleague. Networking for them is as natural a process as breathing. They appreciate the appreciation of colleagues. Criticism or rejection of offered assistance can hurt a sensitive consul. nine0004
Consul-leaders expect subordinates to respect their authority. And in every way they support it with rules and standards. Consuls are not afraid to take responsibility. They enjoy managing people. Consuls are able to unite people into effective teams and achieve high involvement from employees. They do not like conflict and prefer to strictly adhere to traditional roles.
Employee personality types: caste seekers
Virtuoso, master (ISTP) - this type of personality is a pragmatist in life. The incentive to work for such an employee is well-being. He is not the kind of person who will work for an idea. He expects material returns from his work. Virtuosi prefer to work in a small cozy space. For them, the friendly attitude of colleagues is important.
Despite their natural modesty, virtuosos are sensitive to praise. Recognition of merits and talents motivates them to work more efficiently. During a period of decline in efficiency, virtuosos need the attention and support of colleagues. nine0004
Strict rules, formal arrangements and strict adherence to the plan oppress the virtuoso subordinate. Such people find it difficult to change habits and working methods under pressure from management. They do not take quiet stubbornness. Strategy is not their forte. They tend to solve tactical problems. They know how to finish what they start.
Quiet, rational, and reserved virtuosos can be unintentionally rude to colleagues. This offends thin-skinned employees. The spontaneity and low level of empathy of virtuosos are to blame. They themselves are resistant to conflict situations and are able to defuse the situation with a good joke. nine0004
The virtuoso leader communicates with subordinates in the way he would like to be communicated with him. A minimum of conversations and free borders are held in high esteem. They are weakly emotional and therefore seem cold and distant to employees. They do not like the talkativeness and excessive emotionality of subordinates. However, a virtuoso is able to listen carefully to a colleague and offer a rational, impartial solution. His business activity is focused on the current situation and the logic of facts.
Artist, adventurer (ISFP) - this type of employee works productively when there is no rush and the usual rhythm of life is not disturbed. An artist is a creative spontaneous person. In work, they definitely need room to maneuver. Strict adherence to rules, a rigid hierarchical structure is not for them. They can't stand management control. It is important for them to set specific goals, and otherwise give them complete freedom of action.
Artists love to learn and solve problems. They are modest and therefore do not rush to offer their help, but wait to be called. They need to feel appreciated. nine0004
This type of employee prefers to be on equal terms with colleagues. Despite high communication skills, excessive social activity can drain artists. They are tolerant of people and friendly. Sensitive to praise. The priority of artists' personal goals can sometimes get in the way of work.
The sensitivity of artists makes them attentive and caring leaders. In relationships with subordinates, they prefer the format of cooperation. The leader of this type is a born diplomat. He prefers to resolve issues at an informal level. Committed to helping those in need. nine0004
Artists know how to harmonize the personal motives of their employees with work tasks. They will work together with subordinates, roll up their sleeves and inspire the team by personal example 4 .
Entrepreneur (ESTP) is the type of smart, energetic person who values risk. Has an entrepreneurial streak. Noisy, fun and spontaneous. Problems are solved as they come up. People of this psychotype are highly adaptive.
They hate rules, which makes them problematic subordinates.
They have a quick mind and a strong inclination to experiment. Routine tasks, monotonous actions make businessmen sad. They are not afraid of uncertainty. They are able to be effective in a crisis. The honor roll was designed specifically for this type of personality. Nothing motivates entrepreneurs more than making them stand out from other employees.
They can talk to anyone and about anything. They know how to make the right connections. Dealers have low emotional sensitivity. They will not hesitate to accuse a colleague of laziness or incompetence. nine0004
A managerial position is best suited to a businessman. Here he can show all the flexibility and move away from the usual traditions and foundations. They are practical and strive to improve work processes. Dealers set measurable and achievable goals for subordinates. They are steadily moving towards the finish line.
These are strong-willed individuals. Dealers know how to assess the alignment of forces. Tends to be hierarchical. Respect penetrating subordinates. In conflict situations, they adhere to a competing style of behavior. They exercise administrative control with subordinates. In business can be unethical. Focused on increasing profits. nine0004
Entertainer, Entertainer (ESFP) - These employees value freedom and independence over safety. Therefore, they can easily quit if they feel pressure and severe restrictions. Sometimes they are irresponsible. Subordinate entertainers cannot stand routine actions and repetitive typical tasks. They can be selfish and impatient. They love change and new ideas. Entertainers tend to get quick results.
These employees get along well with their colleagues. They know how to defuse tense situations. Spontaneous and resourceful entertainers are happy to organize a corporate event. Colleagues appreciate them for their easy communication style and wit. They are able to create a comfortable environment in a playful manner and involve other employees in performing practical tasks. Entertainers are indispensable in a dynamic stressful environment. Sensitive to criticism. nine0004
The leader of this psycho type is a clever manipulator. This is an inspiring leader. He pumps up the team with energy and positivity, which help to achieve high results. Remember the famous "Wolf of Wall Street" performed by Leonardo DiCaprio?! A typical leader-entertainer.
Such a boss fearlessly rushes into the thick of work and "rows" along with everyone else. He is great at resolving conflicts. You can always come to him with your proposal or complaint about what interferes with work. He will definitely listen and support. nine0004
We analyzed 16 psychotypes. Each of them has its own advantages and growth areas, which should be taken into account when forming a team and delegating authority. However, in addition to the psychological classification of employees, there is a division according to the style of leadership. And this is also important to consider at work.
According to statistics, 84% of businesses are controlled by informal leaders. Some employees help colleagues adapt to the upcoming changes. The second - take responsibility for the team in a crisis period. Thirdly, they make sure that colleagues adhere to the intended course and everything happens according to the rules. nine0004
Someone who explains difficult things to colleagues easily and simply. And someone in time throws up a new idea that leads the team to success. All these people are already in your company! Do you want to know your heroes in person?
Smart behavioral analytics platform allows you to identify opinion leaders and effectively manage the leadership process.
In addition to leadership styles, the platform dynamically assesses indicators of employee well-being (burnout), satisfaction and skills. nine0004
Would you like to know more about how it works? Register for a master class with a Yva.