Quizes on personality
14 Free Online Personality Tests to Figure Yourself Out
I’m an introvert *and* an extrovert!
I’m sensitive, but strong-minded!
I’m destined to marry rich!
Alright, that last one’s my horoscope, but the others are results of personality quizzes. There’s something wonderful about personality tests—the idea that you can put yourself into a category (or categories), just like that, is so relieving and satisfying.
And while we can understand that these quizzes will not be completely accurate, a lot of them do provide us with some insight into who we are, how we act, what our potential is, and where our ambition might take us. The more you know and understand about yourself, the more likely you are to find a career path you’ll love.
So if you’re looking for some great personality quizzes—or even just something fun to do over lunch, keep scrolling.
Based on Carl Gustav Jung’s study of psychological traits (for example, introversion and extroversion) and the famous Myers-Briggs test, 16 Personalities covers the “big five” personality traits of individuals: mind, energy, nature, tactics, and identity. As one of the most popular personality quizzes online—taken more than 500 million times—it’ll cover everything from your basic qualities to your romantic relationships to your workplace habits, strengths, and weaknesses.
The “Who Am I?” Visual DNA test is one of the most fun personality quizzes you’ll come across. Formatted less like a Q&A setup and more like a “pick a photo that you think is pretty” system, it’ll show how your character defines your outlook on and approach to life.
The HEXACO PI-R measures six major dimensions of personality: Honesty and humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to experiences. You’ll rate how much you agree or disagree with 100 different statements and as a result, gain some insight into how you relate to other people and react to different kinds of scenarios.
An IQ test is typically something you have to pay for and have professionally administered to get a truly accurate score (and even then it only measures one specific type of intelligence). But there are some great, free resources out there like 123test. Their free IQ tests are just shortened versions of the real deal and they even have a “culture fair” test which is great if English isn’t your first language.
If you think you’re smart enough to join the prestigious and oldest high-IQ society, Mensa International, take this free exam and try to score in the 98 percentile. Then, you might consider taking their official test and if you ace that, it’s off to have some intellectual conversations!
Emotional intelligence is just as important as IQ—in and out of the office. EQ is the ability to process and manage your own emotions, as well as understand and influence the emotions of others. IHHP asks short, straightforward questions about how you act around others and how you handle certain situations. It’ll not only tell you where your emotional intelligence (EQ) currently is, but also suggest ways to improve weak areas.
This test is inspired by Daniel Goleman, psychologist and science journalist who wrote for The New York Times, as well as author of Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, a book discussing the many reasons why EQ shapes who we are. Instead of being direct, this quiz presents stories and asks you to answer how you’d normally respond in those circumstances.
Skills You Need covers four major components of interpersonal skills: listening, verbal communication, EQ, and teamwork. Your answers will determine if you’re above, at, or below average, and give you some direction on how to better interact with others.
This awesome, in-depth assessment takes you through various career situations, gauging both your skill level and interest. Then, it provides you with several options for your ultimate career. (OK, it might not know you perfectly, but you may enjoy knowing which jobs you could totally pull off.)
Do you know what your “dream job” even is? Let BuzzFeed decide for you—based on what outfit you put together. (Obviously, you shouldn’t take this one too seriously.)
If you’ve dreamed about going to Hogwarts your whole life (childhood and adulthood, I won’t judge), now’s your chance to know which house you truly belong in—and maybe learn a bit more about your personality along the way.
Just by choosing your favorite and least favorite colors (yup, that’s it), this test will tell you about your leadership, your management skills, your imagination, and more. But keep in mind, you’re just picking colors from a limited (and kind of ugly) selection here—so this one’s more for fun than it is an accurate assessment of who you are as an individual.
You’ve likely seen a “which character are you?” quiz for everything from Jane Austen novels to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to Mean Girls—but what if you could take all those quizzes at once? This quiz draws on a crowd-sourced database of the personality traits of more than 2,000 characters across film, television, and literature, so you can see which fictional character you’re most like. Or, after you take the test, you can filter your results by individual properties and scroll through your top characters for all your favorites.
Aesthetic can be hard to define, but this BuzzFeed quiz—that’s been taken more than one million times—makes it easy. While your external aesthetic revolves more around your fashion and design preferences, your inner aesthetic is more about your personality. Find out if your personality aligns with an aesthetic like cottagecore, dark academia, or something else.
If you were wondering, I’m ENFJ, I have high emotional intelligence, and I’d be in Hufflepuff (go badgers!). What’d you learn?
Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.
Updated 5/13/2022
Previously an editor for The Muse, Alyse is proud to prove that yes, English majors can change the world. She’s written almost 500 articles for The Muse on anything from productivity tips to cover letters to bad bosses to cool career changers, many of which have been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, Inc., CNBC's Make It, USA Today College, Lifehacker, Mashable, and more. She calls many places home, including Illinois where she grew up and the small town of Hamilton where she attended Colgate University, but she was born to be a New Yorker. In addition to being an avid writer and reader, Alyse loves to dance, both professionally and while waiting for the subway.
Personality Test - How Do Others See You?
Personality Test - How Do Others See You? | Psych Central- Conditions
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Medically reviewed by Matthew Boland, PhD — By Christina Ward — Updated on May 25, 2021
The word personality originates from the Latin word persona, referring to masks worn by theater performers to hide their identity or portray different roles.
Your persona, or personality, is unique to you. It’s a combination of the behaviors, emotions, thought patterns, and motivations that define us.
Research from the past few decades has pointed to the role of environment – including how we were raised – and our genetics in forming and shaping our personalities.
So, what is your personality?
Among your group of friends, are you considered the shy one who waits for others to make decisions?
Or, are you seen as the dominant one who is ready to take the lead?
Our personality test can help you find out your personality type. Answering these simple questions will give you a description of who you are and tell you how others see you.
Answer each of the questions below honestly about yourself and we’ll score the quiz and let you know how others see you.
This online screening is not a diagnostic tool. Only a trained medical professional, like a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.
Disclaimer: This quiz is for entertainment purposes only. In no way is this an empirically validated test. The concepts presented are not rooted in any known research.
Ready to start therapy? Our Find a Therapist resource may help.
Last medically reviewed on May 25, 2021
Medically reviewed by Matthew Boland, PhD — By Christina Ward — Updated on May 25, 2021
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Create personality and Buzzfeed-like quizzes with SnowQuiz
Until now, you've been able to use SurveyNuts to create beautiful surveys and questionnaires that you can embed on your website or short surveys.
Today (April 2018) we have launched a separate site SnowQuiz dedicated only to creating quizzes! In the past year, quizzes with fascination and fun quizzes have been sweeping the internet on media sites like BuzzFeed. Or as a way for brands to reach their audience on social media. The reason is that, when done right, quizzes provide a way to interact with the community in a simple and refreshing way. nine0003
To create quizzes on SnowQuiz, you must start by creating a standard questionnaire with a series of questions. After the poll is created, you can visit the "Quiz" section on the left side of the admin panel. This page has two main parts.
First, the result profiles.
Quiz Section / Results Profiles
Here you set the types of results that will be displayed once the respondents have submitted their answers. For example, if you put together a quiz titled "Which Superhero Are You?", you can add 4 result profiles for Superman, Batman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman. You must select a name and an HTML message for each result profile. The name isn't important because it won't be displayed to the respondent, but it will help set things up in your dashboard. Thus, you should choose a short name, one or two words. The HTML message is the important part. Respondents will see it. You can post a standard text message or add links and images and whatever you see fit. We have an interactive HTML editor which is very easy to use (WYSIWYG / WWWWETCHWP: what you see is what you get). nine0003
Secondly, the "points" system.
Quiz Section / Scoring System
Once the score profiles are set, the scoring system will allow you to assign more points to each answer on your questionnaire. For example, in a superhero questionnaire, if one of your questions is "What color do you prefer?", you can assign 2 points to "black" for the "Batman" profile and 2 points to red for the "Flash" profile and 1 point to red for " Superman (you know because he still has some red in his suit!)0003
The way it works is that after passing the test, SnowQuiz will automatically calculate all the scores assigned to the respondent's answer and display the outcome profile for which they scored the highest.
To create quizzes with SnowQuiz, you need the PLUS plan (prices here). Contact us via email ([email protected]) if you would like a 7-day free trial to test the product. You can also use other types of tests, such as quizzes and assessments, to show how many answers the respondent got correctly. nine0003
Start making quizzes and strengthen your brand. As BuzzFeed has shown, when used correctly, quizzes can be a very viral and addictive weapon!
Example of test results (what the respondent sees)
Developed history teacher Zekunova L.V.
Bad one a people that does not remember, does not appreciate and does not love its history. nine0003
Subject Rus, Russia, Russian Empire.
Goals and objectives : repeat and generalize the knowledge of students on the history of the Fatherland with ancient times to the beginning of the XX century, to consolidate ideas about the activities and role of historical figures in history of Russia and encourage students to further penetrate the world history, to continue the formation of an active life position of high school students.
Procedure and quiz rules:
In the game all students are involved. This game is an individual championship.
Game design : name of the game, theme, on the stands are portraits of prominent figures in the history of Russia, historical maps, sayings of famous people.
Topic 1 : The Rurik dynasty.
- O which Russian prince of the 10th century the chronicler said that he walked easily like a leopard, did not take with him tent, no cauldrons, but slept under the open sky, putting a saddle under his head, and warned his opponents before the campaign "I'm going to you." nine0047 (Svyatoslav)
- What the ancient Russian prince, according to legend, hung his shield on the gates of Constantinople? (Oleg Prophetic.)
- Princess, the first female ruler in Rus' and the first to accept Christianity in 957 (Princess Olga.)
- In 988 he baptized the people of Kiev in the waters of the Dnieper River (Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich )
- He paid much attention to education, translation of books, creation of libraries, construction. Seventeen articles of collections of ancient laws of Russian Law belong to the prince. He was in family ties with the royal houses of England, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary. ( nine0047 Yaroslav the Wise.)
- Russian the prince, an experienced military leader, made 83 long-distance campaigns and travels. For a long time secured Rus' from predatory Polovtsian raids. Writer. He was the author several literary works that glorified him for centuries, as well as victory over the Polovtsy. Perhaps most famous is his Teaching to Children. ( Vladimir Monomakh.)
- In the summer of 1097, in the ancient Russian city of Lyubech, on his initiative, a congress was held Russian princes in order to stop internecine strife . (Vladimir Monomakh)
- He himself gained fame at a fairly young age. In his honor was established the order is one of the highest awards of the Russian Empire. In the USSR during the war, in 1942 the order of his name was also established, which was awarded to officers of the Red army for the shown personal courage and ensuring the successful actions of their parts. ( Alexander Nevsky)
- Thanks Moscow was first mentioned to him in the annals, when in 1147 he received his ally - Prince Svyatoslav. nine0047 (Yuri Dolgoruky.)
- Taking Kyiv, he plundered it and, leaving, took with him the shrine of Rus', which became shrine of the Vladimir land - the icon of the Mother of God. (Andrey Bogolyubsky).
- First from Moscow princes received the right to collect tribute from Russian lands in favor of the Horde, and, collecting which, he kept a considerable share for himself, for which he was nicknamed "monetary bag". This is him at the beginning of the 14th century. moved the princely residence to Moscow. (Ivan Kalita.)
- « Ours, - says the chronicle, - they hit many of the squeakers, and the arrows of the Horde fell and no one was hurt. And they repulsed them from the shore, without entering the battle. (Ivan III , 1480 standing on the Ugra River. )
- This is one of the most controversial personalities in Russian history. A talented statesman, a wise reformer and at the same time a bloody a tyrant who plunged his people into chaos of monstrous repressions. His was unhappy. AT three years he lost his father, and at the age of eight he was left an orphan. To their own he retained unkind feelings to his guardians for the rest of his life. nine0047 (Ivan the Terrible)
- be it was simply not enough for Ivan the Terrible to be a tsar. He added this to the title word as a sign of complete independence from the Horde khans. Name this word. (Autocratic)
- Name the city in which Tsarevich Dmitry, the youngest son of Ivan IV, died. (Uglich)
Topic 2 : The Romanov dynasty.
- Since the beginning of which new dynasty, the question “what is higher - church power or royal power” temporarily lost relevance, since the father of the first king from this dynasty, Patriarch Filaret during the reign of Michael the actual ruler of Russia. nine0047 (Romanovs, since Tsar Michael and Patriarch Filaret were the son and father.)
- This tsar from the Romanov dynasty was the first tasted tea in Rus'. (Mikhail Romanov)
- It was he who ordered the creation in Moscow and Petersburg apothecary gardens. (Peter 1)
- Who was the first editor of the first Russian newspaper. (Peter 1)
- Possessing an indefatigable temperament and wild energy, this man tried yourself in a hundred professional and human roles - from a dentist, artilleryman, carpenter and barber to blasphemer and executioner of his own son. It is symbolic that usually not too ceremonious with the fates and even the lives of the people around him, he died from a disease that he caught while saving soldier during the flood. nine0047 (Peter I ) A.S. Pushkin:
- To academician, then hero,
then navigator, then carpenter.
He all-encompassing soul
Na the eternal throne was a worker.
- Who was Peter II to Peter I ( grandson).
- January 12, 1755 (old style), on Tatyana's day, issued a decree on the establishment of Moscow University. ( Elizaveta Petrovna)
- Russian history was taught to young Alexander by M.N. Muravyov, mathematics - Masson, geography and natural science - Peter Simon Pallas, physics - Kraft. AND textbooks for the future tsar were compiled by a very enlightened person, a correspondent Marat, Linnaeus and Grimm, author of the play "Oleg". What was the name of this human? ( Ekaterina II )
- Who named the river Yaik Ural? ( Ekaterina II )
- annexed to the Russian Empire Crimean peninsula? ( nine0047 Ekaterina II )
- Desk book for young Alexander I, by which he was taught to read was "Grandma's ABC. 211 sayings, elementary information and instructive anecdotes". And who was its author. ( Ekaterina II )
- In memory, the era of her reign remained as the era of the power and prosperity of Russia and its main class - the nobility. ( Catherine II )
- The emperor noticed a drunken officer on the clock at the Admiralty and ordered arrest him. However, the officer remarked: "Before you arrest, you must...". After his words, the emperor ordered the officer to be promoted to the next rank, saying: “He, drunk, better than us, sober, he knows his business! What did the officer say to the emperor? ( Officer said: "Before you arrest, you must relieve me, Your Majesty") Who was this emperor? (Paul I)
- Before ascending the throne, he bore the nickname "Russian Hamlet", later he was called the "crowned Don Quixote". Who are we talking about. ( Pavel I)
- Russian emperor, knighted Order of Malta .(Paul I)
- Manifesto, which established a 3-day corvee, as well as forbidding landlords force the peasants to work on weekends and holidays, the emperor signed (who considered herself a knight on the throne), in which the words nation, fatherland, patriot forbidden to use in Russia. (Pavel I .)
- "Nobleman in Russia - only the one with whom I speak and while I speak with him, ”said this emperor. nine0047 (Pavel I .)
- The historian and writer G. I. Chulkov wrote about the emperor: “He had to enter the stage of history, poorly knowing his role. However, others thought that he was then a good prompter - the Russian people. Who was this emperor? (Alexander I)
- The beginning of his reign was marked by the removal prohibition of travel abroad, permission to import foreign literature, a decree on prohibition to print advertisements in newspapers about the sale of peasants. nine0047 ( Alexander I .)
A.S. Pushkin:
- Captain -educated under the drum , Our king was dashing:
under the Austrilian, he fled,
in the twelfth year,
But was fruity professor!
But the hero is tired of the front -
Now he is a collegiate assessor
As for foreign affairs! ( Alexander I)
- topic: "To prove that military service is not the only service of a nobleman, but there are other occupations that are just as respectable and useful for him, "he does not wrote nothing at all, he could not imagine a more absurd statement. Who was this future emperor? nine0047 (Nicholas I)
- On the morning of December 14, he said: "Tonight, maybe both of us there will be more in the world, but at least we will die having done our duty." He survived this day, like his interlocutor, a participant in the Patriotic War, and lived for nearly thirty years. Name it. (Nikolai I)
Commentary 0005 Nicholas I said this phrase, referring to Benckendorff.
- June 25, 1796 Catherine II reported in a letter: "Today at 3 o'clock mother she gave birth to a huge boy ... His voice is bass, and he screams amazingly; long he is an arshin less than two inches, and his hands are a little smaller than mine. In my life for the first time I see such a knight. If he continues as he began, then the brothers will be dwarfs in front of this colossus. "And, indeed, in the history of this "throat knight" entered not only thanks to his command voice. Say his name. nine0047 ( Nicholas I).
- His fate was closely connected with the Decembrist uprising. You can say it life and freedom, because of this rebellion, hung in the balance. Not without dark humor in personal letters he called the Decembrists "my friends on the 14th". Name it. ( Nicholas I).
- He is without a doubt one of the most prominent members of his family. Born on April 17 (29), 1818 (in the same year as Karl Marx), received brilliant home education. Suffice it to say that his mentors were outstanding lawyer M.I. Speransky, the great poet V.A. Zhukovsky, talented financier E.F. Kankrin and many other most respected learned men. nine0047 ( Alexander II )
- For this important reform, he received the name "Liberator" ( Alexander II )
- On the occasion of this emperor in the palace was given a feast. Soup was number one on the menu. The soup was subtext. He was tortoiseshell - a hint of the wish for a long reign. (Nikolai II)
- It was founded in 1721 and named after the FIRST, and found its death in it SECOND. I don't ask you what it's been called since 1924 to 1991, name FIRST and SECOND. ( Catherine I, Nicholas II).
Comment: This Yekaterinburg, named after Catherine I. In it, in 1918, he was shot with with his family the last Russian emperor Nicholas II. In Soviet times, the city was called Sverdlovsk.
Subject 3: Statesmen.
– According to rumors, during the days of his meetings with Alexander I, Napoleon proposed to the sovereign to exchange this man for some kingdom. Who was it about? (M.M. Speransky)
- Arrogant temporary worker, and vile and treacherous,
Monarch cunning flatterer and ungrateful friend.
O whom did K. Ryleev write to? (A.A. Arakcheev.)
– Liberals called the time of his reign "the dictatorship of the heart", and the leading critic N.K.Mikhailovsky with the policy of "fluffy fox tail" and "wolf mouth". nine0047 (M.T. Loris-Melikov.)
– "Fortress the state is a powder magazine under the state, ”he reported to the king. (A.H. Benckendorff.)
– B as a result of the reform that he carried out, the state peasants received a new system of bureaucratic guardianship over them in the form of the Ministry of State property. (P.D. Kiselev.)
- As a result of his monetary reform, the main means of payment became silver ruble. nine0047 (E.F. Kankrin)
- This the man is a well-known statesman and patriot. Was by origin hereditary nobleman, among his ancestors came across senators, Cossack chieftains, generals and other hotheads, caring for the good of the Fatherland. Far relatives of his family were Lermontov and Tolstoy.
He led a healthy lifestyle: did not smoke, did not drink alcohol used only in exceptional cases, did not like playing cards, considered it an empty and even harmful occupation, which often put him in a difficult position their colleagues and subordinates. But with all this, those around him considered him hospitable, cheerful and witty, superbly educated and comprehensive educated, that is, a very positive person. nine0003
(P.A. Stolypin)
- After graduating from high school with a gold medal, the young provincial entered the legal Faculty of Kazan University, but was soon expelled. With head dipped into self-education, which he did not stop doing all his life, he was an external student Graduates from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University.
From a young age, he begins to work productively writing career. It is curious that in various questionnaires in the column "genus occupations" he invariably indicated "writer". And in fact, he had everything grounds. Over the years of his life, he wrote a huge number of books, articles, pamphlets, notes. From his pen came out both current journalism and serious scientific works, and literary criticism, and philosophical writings. nine0047 (V.I. Lenin)
- He spoke about himself like this: “When I die, they will put a lot on my grave garbage, but the wind of time will mercilessly sweep it away. It is known, almost aphoristically, his saying about writers: "Engineers of human souls." (I.V. Stalin)
- He was born into a family of an artisan. His mother came from a peasant family. lived they are poor, as a child he was often sick and did not have a presentable appearance, but he was distinguished by perseverance and purposefulness, which in the future, certainly contributed to his advancement on the state ladder. Studying at a religious school did not meet his interests, and he left the school and carried away by other opposing ideals. nine0047 (I.V. Stalin)
Subject 4: Figures of science and culture.
- His life has been studied day by day and even minutes. This is dedicated to the giant, powerful science. But so far she has not developed a holistic view of about what this phenomenon is. He is perhaps the most studied, and remains the most mysterious and controversial. Westerners see him as a bearer of European culture, Slavophiles - the guardian of the "Russian spirit", traditionalists - the founder of traditions, modernists - the destroyer of traditions, etc. It is different for all of us. At Tsvetaeva - his own, Tynyanov's has his own. Well, where, in what other history is there such a phenomenon? nine0047 ( A.S. Pushkin)
– Studied in Moscow, Petersburg, Germany. According to A.S. Pushkin, ... "historian, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist, poet…”. (M.V. Lomonosov.)
- Talented writer, in his book, which frightened Catherine II, were depicted with unprecedented force the horrors of serfdom, the condemnation of the monarchy.