What introvert am i
What kind of introvert are you?
Learn what type of introvert you are and I'll help you learn to cope with your specific personality traits in your daily life.
Take The Quiz
What does a night on the town look like for you and your friends?
A movie night with my bestie. I prefer one-on-one hangs.
A small group of close friends having dinner and cocktails.
Can it be a spa day instead?
A night out? With people? Not a chance!
1 / 10
It's Self-Care Sunday! You:
Go for pedicures with a friend. A foot massage and a good chat do the body and soul good.
Take yourself out for lunch and some shopping, ending with a hot bath and mud mask before bed.
Spend the day working on personal projects. Being creative always fills your heart.
Go for a hike with a good meditation at the summit. Being in nature always settles your nerves.
2 / 10
When it comes to dating, you:
Prefer to date friends or be introduced through a friend.
Make sure to take alone time after dates to recharge.
Need to feel stable and secure before you’ll open up.
Pay attention to what your gut tells you about a person.
3 / 10
What does your friends circle look like?
I have a lot of friends!
I have a hard time maintaining friendships. I get nervous is social situations.
I have a handful or two of close friends.
I’m very close with one or two people, but I have many acquaintances.
4 / 10
What’s your dream vacation?
A quiet beach somewhere warm and tropical.
Paris! I’ve always wanted to go to the Louvre and see the Eifel Tower.
A solo backpacking tour of Spain
A cozy cabin in the woods with no electricity and mountains all around.
5 / 10
Do you ever seek professional help for mental health?
No. I like to take care of my own problems.
I see a therapist every once and a while.
I attend regular group sessions.
I have a team of doctors supporting my mental health.
6 / 10
After socializing you:
Obsess over all the things you said and all the moments you felt awkward.
Need to decompress with a good book in a hot bath.
Keep away from busy settings for a while. That’s enough for a few weeks… or months.
Feel drained, even if you had a good time.
7 / 10
Your closest friends describe you as:
A total dreamer! You’re always in your own head.
Reserved and grounded. You take time to think before you speak or act.
Shy and awkward, but mostly just around strangers or in busy places.
Someone who takes care of themselves by taking time for themselves.
8 / 10
Would you ever consider hiring a life coach?
Definitely! I'll take all the help I can get.
I doubt it.
If I ever felt I needed one, for sure.
I already have one!
9 / 10
How introspective would you say you are?
Very! I’m constantly daydreaming, and I like to relax by getting completely lost in a book.
A little. I definitely enjoy my alone time which I often use to think or practice mindfulness.
Not very. I like to think before I speak but otherwise, I don’t ruminate or anything like that.
Quite a bit. I tend to obsess over things in my mind.
10 / 10
You're a... Social Introvert!
Being an introvert hasn’t stopped you from leading a rich social life. You can outwardly appear to be an extrovert, so people tend to treat you as such and are often surprised to learn otherwise.
You prefer close relationships with a few people and are capable of balancing a healthy social life with much-needed alone time to recharge. You’re often seen sitting in a café, sipping cappuccinos solo.
You don’t usually feel anxious in social situations, but you’ll be ultimately drained by them. Don’t feel bad about taking the time you need to rest and reset. And remember not to overload yourself, you can’t make everyone happy.
"The limited circle is pure.”
— Franz Kafka
Tips to Help you Keep a Healthy Social Life
(even when you don’t want one)…
We all need alone time.
Some of us need more than others and that’s ok. Just remember there’s a wonderful world out there with a lot of amazing people who can enrich your life and offer you a support system. Work at balancing your home and social lives.
Choose your people wisely.
It’s ok to take your time to get to know someone before letting them into your life. It’s also ok to walk away from a relationship that isn’t a good fit. If someone is too spontaneous or high energy for you, put some distance between you to relieve tension. There are so many fish in the sea.
Do nice things for yourself.
Take yourself out to a fancy restaurant, buy the shoes you’ve been eyeing up, pick up a hobby. It’s time to be good to you!
But what do I know...?
Hello! I’m family psychologist Omar Leon.
Why do I know so much about being an introvert? Well, because I am one!
I studied psychology at Yale University. I’ve written multiple books and taught countless lectures on the subject.
I’ve been practicing in my hometown for over twenty years, and I love helping people grow and learn how to be their best selves, under any circumstances!
Looking for a little extra guidance?
Check out these resources...
Read this blog post where I give tips on how to live your best life as an introvert in an extrovert society.
Follow me on Facebook for daily musings and links to helpful resources.
Book a 15 minute consultation with yours truly and we’ll come up with some strategies tailored just for your unique brand of introversion.
P.S. Don’t forget to check your email! I’ll be in there with more tips to transform your life...
You're a... Thinking Introvert!
You’re a daydreamer and you’re totally ok with it! You spend a lot of time in your head because you enjoy your company. You live a rich inner life and are usually in tune with your emotions. You love getting lost in a good book and are quite creative. You love music and may even play an instrument.
You are arguably more self-aware and introspective than your introvert counterparts. You love studying and learning. You’re often found with your nose in a book.
Don’t forget about your friends’ lives and feelings. And if you need a little extra time to process, don’t be afraid to ask for it. Maintaining healthy relationships will keep you in touch with the rest of the world while providing inspiration for your creative endeavors.
“There’s a difference between preferring books to parties and preferring sixteen cats to seeing the light of day."
— Lauren Morrill
Tips to Help you Keep a Healthy Social Life
(even when you don’t want one)…
We all need alone time.
Some of us need more than others and that’s ok. Just remember there’s a wonderful world out there with a lot of amazing people who can enrich your life and offer you a support system. Work at balancing your home and social lives.
Choose your people wisely.
It’s ok to take your time to get to know someone before letting them into your life. It’s also ok to walk away from a relationship that isn’t a good fit. If someone is too spontaneous or high energy for you, put some distance between you to relieve tension. There are so many fish in the sea.
Do nice things for yourself.
Take yourself out to a fancy restaurant, buy the shoes you’ve been eyeing up, pick up a hobby. It’s time to be good to you!
But what do I know...?
Hello! I’m family psychologist Omar Leon.
Why do I know so much about being an introvert? Well, because I am one!
I studied psychology at Yale University. I’ve written multiple books and taught countless lectures on the subject.
I’ve been practicing in my hometown for over twenty years, and I love helping people grow and learn how to be their best selves, under any circumstances!
Looking for a little extra guidance?
Check out these resources...
Read this blog post where I give tips on how to live your best life as an introvert in an extrovert society.
Follow me on Facebook for daily musings and links to helpful resources.
Book a 15 minute consultation with yours truly and we’ll come up with some strategies tailored just for your unique brand of introversion.
S. Don’t forget to check your email! I’ll be in there with more tips to transform your life...
You're a... Anxious Introvert!
You don’t love socializing and you’re ok with it. You generally feel awkward in social settings, so you tend to avoid them at all costs.
You may feel you’re a bit lacking in the social skills department which can make you self-conscious; you can’t stand the feeling of eyes on you as you enter a room. And even when you’re surrounded by close friends, you can feel completely alone.
You can really get inside your own head, sometimes ruminating for hours or even days. Keep a journal to jot these obsessive thoughts down and do something good for yourself each day. Get out into nature and find a hobby that satisfies the mind. And remember it’s ok to reach out for help from a close friend or even a therapist to help you learn strategies to overcome your anxieties.
“Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell. "
— Criss Jami
Tips to Help you Keep a Healthy Social Life
(even when you don’t want one)…
We all need alone time.
Some of us need more than others and that’s ok. Just remember there’s a wonderful world out there with a lot of amazing people who can enrich your life and offer you a support system. Work at balancing your home and social lives.
Choose your people wisely.
It’s ok to take your time to get to know someone before letting them into your life. It’s also ok to walk away from a relationship that isn’t a good fit. If someone is too spontaneous or high energy for you, put some distance between you to relieve tension. There are so many fish in the sea.
Do nice things for yourself.
Take yourself out to a fancy restaurant, buy the shoes you’ve been eyeing up, pick up a hobby. It’s time to be good to you!
But what do I know.

Hello! I’m family psychologist Omar Leon.
Why do I know so much about being an introvert? Well, because I am one!
I studied psychology at Yale University. I’ve written multiple books and taught countless lectures on the subject.
I’ve been practicing in my hometown for over twenty years, and I love helping people grow and learn how to be their best selves, under any circumstances!
Looking for a little extra guidance?
Check out these resources...
Read this blog post where I give tips on how to live your best life as an introvert in an extrovert society.
Follow me on Facebook for daily musings and links to helpful resources.
Book a 15 minute consultation with yours truly and we’ll come up with some strategies tailored just for your unique brand of introversion.
P.S. Don’t forget to check your email! I’ll be in there with more tips to transform your life.
You're a... Restrained Introvert!
You’re the quiet one! It takes you a little longer to open up to new people in your life, but if they can practice patience with you, they’ll have a loyal friend for life.
You may be seen as reserved or even sluggish; you need to take your time to prepare for the day or for a special event. Remember, it’s ok to give yourself extra time. Give people a warning and they’ll wait for you.
You prefer to make plans over spontaneous activities, and this can sometimes lead to you feeling left out and therefore isolated. Cultivate an introvert-friendly lifestyle, including friends and family who make plans and stick to them.
“The only problem with seeing people you know is that they know you." — Brent Runyon
Tips to Help you Keep a Healthy Social Life
(even when you don’t want one)…
We all need alone time.
Some of us need more than others and that’s ok. Just remember there’s a wonderful world out there with a lot of amazing people who can enrich your life and offer you a support system. Work at balancing your home and social lives.
Choose your people wisely.
It’s ok to take your time to get to know someone before letting them into your life. It’s also ok to walk away from a relationship that isn’t a good fit. If someone is too spontaneous or high energy for you, put some distance between you to relieve tension. There are so many fish in the sea.
Do nice things for yourself.
Take yourself out to a fancy restaurant, buy the shoes you’ve been eyeing up, pick up a hobby. It’s time to be good to you!
But what do I know...?
Hello! I’m family psychologist Omar Leon.
Why do I know so much about being an introvert? Well, because I am one!
I studied psychology at Yale University. I’ve written multiple books and taught countless lectures on the subject.
I’ve been practicing in my hometown for over twenty years, and I love helping people grow and learn how to be their best selves, under any circumstances!
Looking for a little extra guidance?
Check out these resources.
Read this blog post where I give tips on how to live your best life as an introvert in an extrovert society.
Follow me on Facebook for daily musings and links to helpful resources.
Book a 15 minute consultation with yours truly and we’ll come up with some strategies tailored just for your unique brand of introversion.
P.S. Don’t forget to check your email! I’ll be in there with more tips to transform your life...
This Simple Quiz Reveals Which One You Are
Have you ever taken an introvert quiz and been left wondering? Ever heard the way people describe introverts and extroverts and wonder which way you would test? This easy, in-depth introvert/extrovert test can give you a clear answer and help you understand your personality.
Take the “Introvert or Extrovert” Test
For the best results, don’t answer how you think you’re supposed to. Choose the answer that is most true for you, most of the time. For some questions, you may have a hard time choosing (and that’s okay!). When there is no perfect answer, pick the option you are most drawn to. If you’re really stumped, you may want to ask someone close to you to weigh in.
To learn more about introversion and extroversion, see the resources below.
If You’re More of an Introvert…
If your quiz result shows that you’re more of an introvert, you tend to…
- Look at life from the inside out.
- Gain energy through inner reflection and solitude.
- Get more excited by ideas than by external activities.
- Prefer a few deep, close relationships to many casual ones.
- Feel tired and drained after socializing, even if you enjoyed it.
- Listen well and expect others to do the same.
- Think first and talk later.
- Express yourself well in writing.
Read more about what it means to be an introvert.
If You’re More of an Extrovert…
If your quiz result shows that you’re more of an extrovert, you tend to…
- Be primarily interested in and concerned with the external world.
- Gain energy from socializing and being “out and about.”
- Find your energy is depleted when you spend too much time alone.
- Prefer talking with someone rather than sitting alone and thinking.
- Think as you speak.
- Express yourself well verbally.
- May seem “always on the go.”
- May come across as confident, friendly, and assertive.
Introverts and Extroverts Are Born, Not Made
No matter which way the introvert quiz says you lean, it’s likely that you were born that way (at least in part). Being an introvert or an extrovert is part of your innate temperament — the way that you gain energy and prefer to interact with the world. Introversion and extroversion are both temperaments, and both are normal and healthy. About 30-50 percent of the population are thought to be introverts.
You are shaped by both your genes and experiences. Research shows that you were likely born an introvert or extrovert, and that preference will stick with you for life. Introverts will probably always have a preference for calm and solitude, while extroverts will thrive in more stimulating environments.
However, people change. You have new experiences and learn new things. You grow and stretch as a person. In fact, research shows that people tend to change over their lifetime — and usually for the better. That’s because our personalities, not temperaments, grow and develop.
That means your temperament doesn’t have to “doom” you. If you’re an introvert who wants to, say, become a better conversationalist, you can learn and practice those skills. Likewise, extroverts can learn to slow down, listen more, and enjoy solitude.
Above all, honor your temperament — and also know that you can work on anything that holds you back.
No Pure Introverts or Extroverts
No two introverts (or extroverts) are exactly alike. What’s true for one introvert may be be quite different for another. Each introvert has a different level of tolerance for stimulation. Each extrovert will vary in their need for “people” contact, among other things.
Also, there is no such thing as a pure introvert or extrovert — no matter what the introvert/extrovert quiz says. “Such a man would be in the lunatic asylum,” the famous psychotherapist Carl Jung once noted. Introversion and extroversion are on a spectrum, meaning, they are not all-or-nothing traits. Everyone acts introverted at times and extroverted at other times. It’s all about what your preference — in general — is.
Why It’s Important to Understand Your Temperament
It’s powerful to understand your temperament, because when you live a life that complements your nature, you unleash incredible stores of energy.
On the other hand, when you spend too much time fighting your nature, the opposite happens, and you end up depleting yourself. If you’re an introvert who has been stuffing your schedule full of social events — and leaving no time for solitude — you won’t feel or function at your best. If you’re an extrovert whose career forces you to be alone for long periods of time, you’re probably not living your best life. Working with your temperament rather than fighting against it will ultimately make you happier, more productive, and more present for the people in your life.
That’s one of the reasons that taking the introvert test can be so powerful; knowing where you get your energy means you can be your best self.
Learn More About Introversion
Check out the bestselling book, The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden World, by Introvert, Dear founder Jenn Granneman.
Also, we recommend starting with these articles:
- If You Relate to These 21 Signs, You’re Probably an Introvert
- Introverts Don’t Hate People, They Hate Shallow Socializing
- Why Do Introverts Love Being Alone? Here’s the Science
And thank you for taking the introvert/extrovert quiz. We hope it’s the first step toward a long path of getting to know yourself.
What kind of introvert are you?
modern classification of introverts' characters
The key difference between introverts and extroverts is the direction of life energy not to the outer world, but to the inner one.
Carl Gustav Jung, author of the book "Psychological Types" and an introvert
one of the first to introduce the term "introvert"
One of the founders of the theory of psychological types, who used the concept of introversion and extraversion was Carl Gustav Jung .
He described introversion as a psychological component of personality, indicating that a person's internal activity prevails over external. In simple terms, this means that a person is turned inward rather than outward.
His own thoughts, ideas, feelings and sensations excite him more than events connected with other people.
By the way, Jung himself was an introvert and an outstanding person, no doubt.
Free test: what kind of introvert are you? nine0010
What kind of introvert am I? |
A frequent problem by which people cannot fully determine who I am — an extrovert or introvert we interact with each other. And it will be a big mistake to think that introverts do not like other people, do not like to communicate, or cannot achieve high positions and career growth. It's just that we, introverts, carry most of our thoughts in our heads and only allow some of them to manifest themselves. While for an extrovert - life consists entirely of the events of the outside world.
Signs of introverts and extroverts
There are different tests for the personality type of an introvert and an extrovert. There are even different types of introverts, which are discussed a little further in the article. And there are signs by which we distinguish introverts from extroverts. Here they are.
• focused
• likes to think
• appreciates personal space
• seeks quiet and secluded surroundings
• seeks long-term or deep work
• thinks before acting, sometimes takes a long time and does not act
• dislikes being distracted by phone calls and conversations
• ponders ideas alone
• thinks first , then speaks
• likes to work individually or in a well-coordinated small group
• sociable
• bright
• likes activity and diversity
• impatient in long and slow (steady) tasks
• talks about things with others
• enjoys being distracted by phone calls and conversations
• develops ideas in discussions with others
• talks first, thinks later
• likes to be around in a circle of people and work in a team
4 types of introverts. Determine what kind of introvert you are
Type: Servant
The main thing in life is to serve people and society. Strengths:
- ability to see details
- attentiveness
- practical approach to business
Type: Pragmatist
The main thing in life: objectivity and facts. Strengths:
- logical analysis
- practicality
- ability to work with hands
Type: Inspirer
The main thing in life: relationships with people. Strengths:
- ability to inspire
- sensitivity and compassion
- creativity
Type: Analyst
The main thing in life: to get to the bottom of things.
- strategic analysis
- innovation
- systematic approach
Introverts. Psychotype: Servant
The main thing in life: to serve people and society . They serve both specific people and society as a whole. These are subtle, responsive natures, able to see the beauty in people and around. There are many people among them who are passionate about creativity and art, through which they keep in touch with others. nine0013
Introverts. Psychotype: Pragmatist
The main thing in life: hard work
An example of pragmatic introverts: Michael Jordan, Henry Ford, Woody Allen, Angela Merkel
Introverts of this psychotype are accurate and accurate. They have a cold heart, they always think in facts and rely on them. They are difficult to touch, emotions are not about them. They are engaged in a business that is beneficial, beneficial and its results are tangible.
Introverts. Psychotype: Inspirer
The main thing in life: to change the world for the better
An example of inspirational introverts: Mahatma Gandhi, Princess Diana, Joan Rowling, William Shakespeare
They are creative, easily ignited by new ideas and can devote their whole lives to the implementation of the idea that fascinated them. They think about people, work for people and for people, despite the fact that they often think about their affairs alone. nine0003
Introverts. Psychotype: Analyst
The main thing in life: to get to the bottom of things
An example of introvert-analysts: Steve Jobs, Irina Khakamada, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein
Introverts love to work on the ideas of this psychotype and the essence alone or in a small team of competent colleagues. They are often so immersed in their work that they do not notice what is happening around them. They are reproached for not caring about the emotions of other people, but it is Analysts who often create innovations that subsequently change the lives of many people. nine0013
If you want to find out what kind of introvert you are, take the test and after the test you will be able to download a complete description of your personality type on our website
Elena Lustina
www. my-type.ru
Project author Personality Code, INFP Idealist,
MBTI certified practitioner, psychologist, trainer
Introvert and Extrovert Test
Pass the test |
Are you an introvert?
Test: introvert, extrovert or ambivert?
Why are some people sociable and active, while others prefer to withdraw into themselves? Why is the difference between some so strong that it is very difficult for them to understand each other? Due to different focus and perception. For some, they are directed to the outside world, for others, to their own experiences. Do you want to determine whether you are an ambivert, introvert or extrovert? The test will help you find out and learn a little more about yourself. nine0003
1. Which of these problems related to the management and distribution of finances seems closer to you?
I save more often, sometimes I'm stingy, afraid to make a rash purchase.
I suffer from spending money, more often I throw away money on unnecessary things.
2. You would rather prefer a job that offers:
A good salary and a prestigious position, but a disgusting team and an inadequate boss.
Warm relations with colleagues, fair bosses, but the average level of salary without much prospects for growth. nine0003
3. Do others misinterpret your emotions (called sad or angry when you are just focused, for example)?
4. Do you like frequent change of activities, multitasking and fast pace of solving cases?
5. Do you enjoy working in a team or managing people more than doing all the work yourself?
6. Usually your movements and speech are faster.
Slow, with spacing.
Fast, confused.
7. You are usually much better at:
Plan your affairs, stick to the plan.
Improvise on the go.
8. Does it often happen to you that you think so deeply about something that you hardly notice anything around you?
9. Do you tend to have long phone conversations (personal, non-work related)? nine0003
10. Why do you think your loved ones appreciate you?
For the ability to cheer up, dispel anxieties.
For understanding, deep sympathy.
11. You are more often told that you act like you are:
More years than you really are.
Less years than it really is.
12. You are better at work that requires:
Attentiveness, thoughtfulness, perseverance.
Frequent movement, making quick decisions.
13. Being tired after an emotionally charged day, would you rather stay at home than go to a concert of a famous star with your friends?
14. Do you prefer music to which you can:
Dance, putting aside all thoughts.
Lose yourself in thoughts, images and/or emotions.