What does dpd mean
What does DPD stand for? The Free Dictionary
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Acronym | Definition |
DPD | Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (Indonesian: Council of Regional Representatives) |
DPD | Department of Planning and Development |
DPD | Dynamic Parcel Distribution (UK) |
DPD | Development Plan Document (UK) |
DPD | Dallas Police Department (Dallas, TX) |
DPD | Dead Peer Detection (Cisco) |
DPD | Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase |
DPD | Division of Parasitic Diseases (US CDC) |
DPD | Dual Ported Data |
DPD | Delegated Path Discovery |
DPD | Data Processing Division |
DPD | Dead Peer Detection |
DPD | Data Procurement Document |
DPD | Derived Physics Datasets |
DPD | Dual Pointing Device |
DPD | Densely Packed Decimal |
DPD | Denver Police Department |
DPD | Detroit Police Department |
DPD | Deoxypyridinoline |
DPD | Digital Product Development |
DPD | Dominant Wave Period |
DPD | Drug Product Database |
DPD | Demokratische Partei Deutschlands (German: Democratic Party of Germany) |
DPD | Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas (Spanish) |
DPD | Director of Professional Development (various organizations) |
DPD | Digital Pre-Distortion |
DPD | Densely-Packed Decimal (encoding) |
DPD | Director of Planning Development (various organizations) |
DPD | Deutscher Paketdienst (Germany) |
DPD | Departamento de Proceso de Datos (Spanish: Data Processing Department; various locations) |
DPD | Dependent Personality Disorder |
DPD | Dekart Private Disk (encryption software) |
DPD | Direct Parcel Distribution (European logistics service) |
DPD | Domestic Production Deduction (taxes) |
DPD | Direction de la Programmation et du Développement (French: Department of Programming and Development; French Ministry of Education, Youth and the Voluntary Sector) |
DPD | Digital Photo Display |
DPD | Depersonalization Disorder |
DPD | División de Prevención del Delito (Spanish: Crime Prevention Division; Guatemala) |
DPD | Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (Indonesian: Regional Leaders Council) |
DPD | Dangerous Preparations Directive |
DPD | Distal Protection Device (cardiology) |
DPD | Digital Product Definition |
DPD | Demos Pra Download (music blog) |
DPD | Differential Phase Detection |
DPD | Dayton Police Department (Ohio) |
DPD | Diver Propulsion Device |
DPD | Data Processing Department |
DPD | N,n-Diethyl-P-Phenylene-Diamine |
DPD | Diploma in Practical Dermatology (UK) |
DPD | Daily Policy Digest (National Center for Policy Analysis) |
DPD | Dead Piro Day (MegaTokyo comic) |
DPD | Distributed Product Description (Modeling and Simulation; Simulation Based Acquisition) |
DPD | Director Personnel Department (US Navy) |
DPD | Distribution Produits Déco (French: Home Products Distribution) |
DPD | Data Processing Design |
DPD | Downtown Parking District (various locations) |
DPD | Defense Programming Database |
DPD | District Port Director (US Navy) |
DPD | Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Doganave (Albanian: General Directorate of Dutys) |
DPD | Deutscher Pressedienst |
DPD | Degree Programme Director (Newcastle University; UK) |
DPD | Day Past Due |
DPD | Driver/Pre-Driver |
DPD | Data Project Description |
DPD | Digital Product Description |
DPD | Data Project Directive |
DPD | Dumas Police Department (Dumas, Texas) |
DPD | Dignitary Protection Division (United States Capitol Police) |
DPD | Duty Paid Delivered |
DPD | Digital Publications Development Program (US Army ASRL) |
DPD | Detailed Procedural Design (software development) |
DPD | Detailed Product Document |
DPD | Data Product Definition (Logistics Management Information) |
DPD | Dry Packaged Dessert |
DPD | Dependability of Physical Design |
DPD | Démarginalisation des Pauvres par le Droit (French: Empowerment of the Poor; Bénin) |
DPD | Design Proposal Drawings |
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DPD - Definition by AcronymFinder
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DPD | Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (Indonesian: Regional Leaders Council) | |
DPD | Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (Indonesian: Council of Regional Representatives) | |
DPD | Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas (Spanish) | |
DPD | Dynamic Parcel Distribution (UK) | |
DPD | Department of Planning and Development | |
DPD | Development Plan Document (UK) | |
DPD | Dallas Police Department (Dallas, TX) | |
DPD | Direct Parcel Distribution (European logistics service) | |
DPD | Dead Peer Detection (Cisco) | |
DPD | Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase | |
DPD | Data Product Definition (Logistics Management Information) | |
DPD | Division of Parasitic Diseases (US CDC) | |
DPD | Depersonalization Disorder | |
DPD | Denver Police Department | |
DPD | Direction de la Programmation et du Développement (French: Department of Programming and Development; French Ministry of Education, Youth and the Voluntary Sector) | |
DPD | Detroit Police Department | |
DPD | Deoxypyridinoline | |
DPD | Digital Product Development | |
DPD | Drug Product Database | |
DPD | Demokratische Partei Deutschlands (German: Democratic Party of Germany) | |
DPD | Departamento de Proceso de Datos (Spanish: Data Processing Department; various locations) | |
DPD | Director of Professional Development (various organizations) | |
DPD | Digital Pre-Distortion | |
DPD | Differential Phase Detection | |
DPD | Director of Planning Development (various organizations) | |
DPD | Deutscher Paketdienst (Germany) | |
DPD | Densely-Packed Decimal (encoding) | |
DPD | Dependent Personality Disorder | |
DPD | Digital Product Description | |
DPD | Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Doganave (Albanian: General Directorate of Dutys) | |
DPD | Domestic Production Deduction (taxes) | |
DPD | Dominant Wave Period | |
DPD | N,n-Diethyl-P-Phenylene-Diamine | |
DPD | Digital Photo Display | |
DPD | Dekart Private Disk (encryption software) | |
DPD | División de Prevención del Delito (Spanish: Crime Prevention Division; Guatemala) | |
DPD | Design Proposal Drawings | |
DPD | Deutscher Pressedienst | |
DPD | Dumas Police Department (Dumas, Texas) | |
DPD | Data Project Description | |
DPD | Dangerous Preparations Directive | |
DPD | Data Project Directive | |
DPD | Distal Protection Device (cardiology) | |
DPD | Digital Product Definition | |
DPD | Dead Piro Day (MegaTokyo comic) | |
DPD | Distribution Produits Déco (French: Home Products Distribution) | |
DPD | Downtown Parking District (various locations) | |
DPD | Duty Paid Delivered | |
DPD | Director Personnel Department (US Navy) | |
DPD | Dayton Police Department (Ohio) | |
DPD | Diver Propulsion Device | |
DPD | Data Processing Department | |
DPD | Driver/Pre-Driver | |
DPD | Diploma in Practical Dermatology (UK) | |
DPD | Defense Programming Database | |
DPD | Distributed Product Description (Modeling and Simulation; Simulation Based Acquisition) | |
DPD | Digital Publications Development Program (US Army ASRL) | |
DPD | District Port Director (US Navy) | |
DPD | Data Processing Design | |
DPD | Daily Policy Digest (National Center for Policy Analysis) | |
DPD | Degree Programme Director (Newcastle University; UK) | |
DPD | Day Past Due | |
DPD | Démarginalisation des Pauvres par le Droit (French: Empowerment of the Poor; Bénin) | |
DPD | Dignitary Protection Division (United States Capitol Police) | |
DPD | Detailed Product Document | |
DPD | Detailed Procedural Design (software development) | |
DPD | Dependability of Physical Design | |
DPD | Demos Pra Download (music blog) | |
DPD | Dry Packaged Dessert |
Note: We have 151 other definitions for DPD in our Acronym Attic
Additional features - DPD
Order information update
Order status is polled every 10 minutes. If the status has changed - it will change in the Orders table, as well as the status of the order will change to the one placed in module settings (or will not be changed if it was not set).
Order statuses
Orders can be assigned one of the following statuses:
- NEW - New order, not shipped to DPD yet,
- OK - Successfully created,
- OrderPending - Accepted, but needs manual revision by DPD,
- Canceled - Order canceled
- NotDone - Order canceled during delivery
- OnTerminalPickup - The parcel is at the terminal for receiving the departure
- OnRoad - Parcel is in transit (DPD Domestic)
- OnTerminal - The parcel is at the transit terminal
- OnTerminalDelivery - Parcel is at the delivery terminal
- Delivering - The parcel was taken out for delivery (handed over to the courier)
- Delivered - Parcel delivered to recipient
- Lost - Parcel lost
- Problem - There was a problem situation with the parcel
- ReturnedFromDelivery - Parcel returned from courier delivery
- NewOrderByDPD - A new order has been placed on the initiative of DPD
- NewOrderByClient - A new order has been placed at the initiative of the client
Print receipt
a receipt for printing, similar to that received in your personal account. You can print it either in the application form on the order page. It is recommended to save the pdf-file with the receipt on the computer, after which - open it and print it.
Features of calculating the cost of delivery
The cost of delivery is calculated using the DPD tariff calculator, also displayed to the buyer when placing an order, and when calculating the cost the tariff with the lowest possible delivery price is selected (taking into account the module settings).
The cost of delivery depends on the dimensions of the order: its size and weight. If in ordering several products - the module considers them as a single box and displays the cost shipping for this package. All dimensions are taken from the sales catalog settings. If the order contains goods with unspecified dimensions or weight, then the calculation initially produced without taking them into account. For shipping cost calculation the maximum value from the calculated dimensions or dimensions indicated by default in module settings. So the reason that the order in the module weighs more than on the site, in that this order contains goods with unspecified dimensions.
Important! Costs and delivery times are calculated on the API side of DPD and may vary due to changes in the dimensions or weight of the order.
Module events
For the possibility of modifying the calculation result, as well as for the possibility of influencing the work module without changing its source code, several events are provided in the module.
onBeforeDimensionsCount This event is called before the package dimensions are calculated. With it, there the ability to change the composition of the order and / or the dimensions of the goods.
An array is passed to the handler of this event - a list of goods from the user's basket. The handler can somehow modify this array and return a new one, which will be further used by the module.
onCompabilityBefore Called when possible delivery profiles are received. Allows you to change the list of DPD delivery profiles, which will be displayed on the checkout form.
3 parameters will be passed to the handler as input
- Array of available DPD delivery profiles for user order
- Array with user order parameters
- Array with DPD delivery service parameters
onBeforeRequestDelivery This event is fired just before the delivery calculation is performed. 1 parameter will be passed to the handler as input - the currently selected DPD delivery service profile
onCalculate The event is called immediately after the calculation of the shipping cost is performed. With it, it is possible to modify the result of the calculation, for example, you can add an extra charge to the shipping cost and / or increase the calculated delivery time (but we want to note that these actions can be performed in the module settings)
The following parameters will be passed to the handler as input
- Array with the result of shipping cost calculation
- Name of the selected DPD delivery profile
- Array with DPD delivery service parameters
- Array with order parameters
All events use the Bitrix D7 core event mechanism. More information about working with events in the D7 kernel can be found here https://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/learning/course/index.php?COURSE_ID=43&LESSON_ID=3113
Return of a part of investments
If the delivery is carried out to the door, the functionality of the return of a part of investments becomes available when placing an order.
To do this, when creating an application, the "Options" tab must fill in the following fields
- Partial redemption one of the options is selected in the drop-down list
- Fitting
- Simple
- Function test
- Amount for delivery - indicated if the application uses cash on delivery
- Minimum redemption amount at which delivery will be free - available only with cash on delivery
In this case, upon receipt of the parcel, the buyer will be able to choose which goods he wants to buy back, and which ones to return to the store.
For returnable order items, the form will display the reason for the rejection
DPD on AliExpress - Shipping & Tracking
- 1 About DPD
- 2 Pros and cons of DPD
- 3 How to contact the company
- 4 How to track DPD parcels with AliExpress Track010 9 DPD service numbers
- 6 Popular user questions
Today, many courier services cooperate with AliExpress. Each logistics company has its own characteristics, rules, cost of cargo transportation and other characteristics. Today we will consider the details of the work of the DPD courier service, which began to cooperate with the popular trading platform in 2016. Today it processes thousands of orders and delivers goods to the Russian Federation.
We offer you to understand how to order goods using the DPD transport company. In addition, we will learn how to track the location of the shipped cargo.
About DPD
DPD is a major courier service.
She is engaged in the delivery of goods from Chinese trading floors. Subsequently, orders are delivered throughout Russia.
There are several ways to deliver a parcel: by courier or to a pickup point. In the second case, the buyer visits the branch on his own to receive his goods.
Pros and cons of the DPD service
- Fast delivery of goods
- Goods can be brought by courier directly to your home
- The official website has a convenient tracking of shipped goods. The same opportunity is available to users of the mobile application
- The presence of an application for smartphones
- Change the delivery date if necessary, a warning call from the courier.
- High workload of employees. Sometimes the order is in stock for several weeks
How to contact the company
For the convenience of users, contact details are provided to complain about a problem, get informational advice or send a proposal for cooperation. You can call or write an email.
Regardless of the option chosen, the company will promptly respond to the appeal and give a detailed answer. Let's look at all communication options:
- Website : dpd.ru
- Phones:
MTS: +7(910)440-44-34
Megafon: +7(926)440-44-34
Beeline: +7(926)440-44-34
Beeline: +7(910)440-44-34
013-44-34 - Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 22:00
- telegram : @dpdru_bot
- VKontakte : https://vk.com/dpdru
- 7
- Through the personal account of the trading platform. Open the page of the purchased product and see the location of the sent package. This is the most convenient way, since the buyer does not need to copy the track number or use additional sites.
The disadvantage is poor translation of statuses. Many inscriptions remain in English. Therefore, you have to use a translator or look for details on the Internet.
- On the official website of the courier service. To do this, visit the website of the logistics company and write the track number on the main page. After pressing the search button, you will see detailed information about the package. In addition to the location, you can view the sender's data, weight and other details.
- AEWH000***RU5 - to the point of issue.
- AEOWH***RU10 by courier.
- AEWH000***RU2 - to the point of issue.
DPD with Aliexpress
After placing an order, each product receives a unique number. It is called a bill of lading and is designed to verify location. There are two ways to obtain the information of interest.
DPD service track numbers
After making a purchase, you can easily understand which transport company will deliver it. To do this, pay attention to the track number. As a rule, all the necessary information is encrypted in it.
So, let's consider the characteristic track numbers for the DPD delivery service:
Popular user questions
Do I need to pay DPD shipping charges when I shop on AliExpress?— Not needed. Once an order has been placed, delivery is completely free. However, exceptions are possible if the seller intentionally put a paid delivery. Information about it is on the product page. The buyer pays the required amount along with the cost of the goods.
Where can I get a parcel?— Depending on the selected delivery method, the parcel can be delivered by courier or delivered to the pickup point. In the first case, an employee of the company will call you to agree on the time of arrival. In the second case, you must visit the DPD branch yourself and pick up your goods.
Is it possible to check the location of the parcel by the AliExpress order number?
— No, this is not possible. To track the delivery, you can use only track numbers. They are located in the personal account of the trading platform.
- Through the personal account of the trading platform. Open the page of the purchased product and see the location of the sent package. This is the most convenient way, since the buyer does not need to copy the track number or use additional sites.