How to please an alpha male in bed

How does an alpha male act in bed?

“An alpha male will talk dirty to you in bed. He will be a little rough during sex, fitting his maleness deeply into you, getting you so excited that you dig your finger nails into his back and scream his name while he pounds you hard—making you cum so hard as you ride the wave of ecstasy.

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How do you tell if a man is an alpha male?

Are You an Alpha? 9 Alpha Male Traits

  1. They're Keenly Aware of Status. ...
  2. They Tend to be Good Looking. ...
  3. They're Effective Leaders and Exist at the Top of Their Status Hierarchies. ...
  4. They're Confident. ...
  5. They're Extroverted. ...
  6. They're Visionary. ...
  7. They're Successful with Women. ...
  8. They Don't Shy Away from Conflict.
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How do you seduce an alpha male?

How to attract an alpha male with ease

  1. Let him be in control. An alpha male is not going to appreciate you asking him out. ...
  2. Flatter his ego. ...
  3. Show your own confidence. ...
  4. Wear clothes that make you feel great. ...
  5. Speak about things you're passionate about. ...
  6. Don't be overconfident or cocky. ...
  7. Don't make fun of him. ...
  8. Make him feel needed.
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How an alpha male pursues a woman?

In the same vein, as the alpha male likes to be supported, appreciated, and admired, he wants a partner that will walk by his side. The woman needs to discuss what's important in her life and the goals she has set for herself. The man can then, in turn, show optimum respect and appreciation for her dreams.

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What makes alpha males fall in love?

1 He loves to be listened to and praised. 2 He looks for an impressive fashion sense. 3 He wants to hear about your passions. 4 He'll warm up if you're grateful for his time.

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How to be an alpha male in the bedroom?

How do you tell if an alpha male is attracted to you?

20 signs an alpha male likes you

  1. He pays more attention to you. ...
  2. He gives compliments. ...
  3. He treats you like royalty. ...
  4. He is vulnerable with you. ...
  5. He dresses to impress. ...
  6. He gives you an expensive treatment. ...
  7. He shows up to help you. ...
  8. He assures you of his support.
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What kind of girl does an alpha male wants?

Alpha males are often attracted to strong, confident, and independent women. These women know what they want and aren't afraid to go after it. These women are usually self-sufficient and don't need a man to care for them. They also have a strong sense of self-worth, making them attractive to alpha males.

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Do alpha males get jealous?

An Alpha can be jealous, yes. Sigmas are extremely stable, emotionally, but I was jealous, once. Any human can be jealous. But, when it is someone loudly claiming to be an Alpha, then that person is not one.

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Do alpha males show affection?

An alpha male cares deeply about his loved ones. He'll do anything to protect and defend his partner, which can sometimes bring out his aggressive side.

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How do you keep an alpha male interested?

How to Keep an Alpha Male Interested

  1. 1 Be confident.
  2. 2 Dress to impress whether you're out or at home.
  3. 3 Show the passion you have for your interests.
  4. 4 Discuss your life goals and dreams.
  5. 5 Have an optimistic outlook.
  6. 6 Let him take the lead.
  7. 7 Listen to him and support his ideas.
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What do Alpha males fear?

Alpha males, from experience, are afraid to lose money or status. Both define who they are and the level of their alpha male status. The subtle reality that is missed is that by losing your money and status, you get to start again — you're reborn.

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What is the most alpha male thing to do?

Common traits alpha males possess include:

  • Being in a position of power.
  • Being comfortable with high levels of responsibility.
  • Liking to call the shots.
  • Being the most powerful, impressive, or successful person in the room.
  • Ability to draw people to them and have high levels of influence.
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What attracts an Alpha?

Be extremely complimentary and express how much you respect him; alpha males love attention and affection, and he'll love spending time with you if he thinks you admire him. Alpha males can be a bit possessive and arrogant sometimes, so stand up for yourself if he ever crosses a line—he'll respect you for it!

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How do Alpha men behave?

Bold, self-confident, and demanding, alpha males get things done. But the traits that make them so productive can also drive their coworkers crazy. Highly intelligent, confident, and successful, alpha males represent about 70% of all senior executives.

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Do alpha males flirt?

An alpha male will typically initiate contact when flirting with you. They will begin the conversation or make the first move. They will make warm eye contact and immediately make you feel safe in their presence. This is because they are in control of their feelings and body language.

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How does an alpha male talk?

The voice of an alpha male

One of the simplest methods for how to become an alpha male is to speak the same way an alpha male speaks. That means don't rush your words or speak in a high, tense pitch. Instead, show confidence and speak like an alpha male by talking at a constant, steady, relaxed pace.

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Do Alpha males make good husbands?

A relationship with an alpha male can be quite rewarding. These men are dominant, confident, and loyal to their partners. However, they may come across as arrogant or insensitive. Knowing how to deal with an alpha male in a relationship is important for keeping the peace.

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Can alpha males be faithful?

Like all males, alpha males can be faithful, but it all depends on the woman's part. A woman who is with an alpha male has to enjoy being his woman. She has to accept him as the dominant male, stay loyal, and show more of her feminine side.

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Is Alpha male shy?

The answer across the board is, “Absolutely.” An Introverted Alpha Male is simply an introverted man who has a sense of quiet confidence about him. (Yes, you can be quiet *and* confident, and that combination is extremely attractive to women.)

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How do you tell if a girl is an Alpha?

An alpha female tends to:

  1. believe her ability to achieve is limitless.
  2. self-identify as a alpha female.
  3. have a confidence that is contagious, which leads others to respect her as an equal.
  4. showcase leadership characteristics.
  5. be recognized by others as being impactful.
  6. have extremely high ambitions.
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What attracts an alpha female?

Stand Your Ground

An alpha female is made stronger by a partner who stands his ground. There's nothing more appealing to an alpha female personality than a person who can stand up for what they believe is the right. A strong-willed man who stands his ground and can equal her tenacity will turn her on.

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What do alpha males look for in a partner?

So, what do alpha males want in a relationship? They seek a partner who is strong and opinionated. They search for someone who can arouse them sexually but also challenge them intellectually. They need time to fall in love, but once they do, they will remain loyal to you.

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Can an alpha have a heat?

Alphas don't go into heat in the sense that they will be able to become impregnated, will produce slick, or have an intense burning sensation from inside of them the way that an omega's heat is characterised as.

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Are alpha males quiet?

The answer across the board is a resounding yes! An Introverted Alpha Male is simply an introverted man who has a sense of quiet confidence about him. (Yes, you can be quiet and confident… and that combination is extremely attractive to women!)

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How Alpha Males Show Love :15 Attractive Ways

In This Article

Dating an alpha male can be tasking! 

His constant need for attention and support, unwillingness to show emotions/vulnerability, and desire to always be in control can drive you out of your mind. Then again, you pick up your phone to find some rest from your troubled life, only to come across the varying opinions of experts online.  

Everything leaves you more confused than you were. 

Now, you must understand how alpha males show love, or you may completely go out of your mind and end the relationship. Before you make any decision, can we first decide on a few things? 

First, alpha males in relationships can be mysterious. On some days, you feel like you have understood him. On other days, it may feel like you are dealing with a stranger. 

What if the challenge is that he has been showing you that he loves you, but in his weird alpha-male way? In this article, you will discover how the alpha male in love behaves. 

What do alpha males want in relationships? 

Before figuring out what alpha males want in relationships, let us first understand who an alpha male is. To understand this, we must first know what an alpha male is not. 

Many people have different ideas of who an alpha male is. For some, an alpha male is a loud, uncouth, muscular man who doesn’t shave and settles every argument with a fistfight. While alpha males can be annoyingly dominant, this may not be the perfect description of an alpha male. 

The term “alpha male” has been used to describe a man who likes to take control of his surroundings. The alpha male is proactive towards the world around him instead of reactive to it. 

The alpha male will hold his forte with women, and his confidence makes him attractive to many potential partners. 

While trying to figure out how alpha males show love, it is important to know what they need from their relationships. Here are some of them. 

Related Reading: What Type of Woman Is an Alpha Male Attracted To: 20 Qualities

1. A not-too-submissive partner 

This may come as a shock to you. 

However, alpha males are known to be goal-oriented and charismatic. Since they also like to be in charge, an alpha in a relationship would like a partner who is confident but not overly assertive. 

They tend to like it when their partners have a mind of theirs and can make necessary decisions even in their absence.  

2. They need to be respected and made to feel important 

This is also important to an alpha male. He will resist you if he feels like you are after the spotlight he’s in. Hence, to be in a successful relationship with an alpha male, you should consider being vocal about your appreciation for him. 

Related Reading: 30 Compliments for Men That They Love to Hear More Often

How do you know an alpha male loves you? 

Considering the obvious differences in how alpha males show love, you may be left with the big question of whether he loves you or not. Sometimes, if this question isn’t answered early enough, it may frustrate you out of the relationship. 

Please bear this in mind. Knowing how to love an alpha male is as important as understanding the various ways through which he may show his love for you. Alpha males are different from the rest of the pack, which means they also show affection in different ways.  

Don’t worry. In the next section of this article, we will discuss how the alpha male shows love in more detail. 

Related Reading: 20 Clear Signs an Alpha Male Likes You

How alpha males show love: 15 attractive ways 

Are you in a relationship with one? Well, here’s how alpha males show love in relationships.  

1. He tries to scare other eligible partners away 

One of the easiest ways to know that an alpha male loves you is to check out how he relates with the other ‘eligible’ partners in your life. For one, alpha males love to be the center of attention and would go against anything threatening their position. 

And that includes any man they feel is a threat to your relationship. 

Does he seem to posture more and turn on his ‘aggressive’ side when he sees other eligible partners hanging around you? That could be because he loves you. 

2. His passion is out of this world 

He may find it challenging to say the “L” word (because it is such a big deal to him), but rest assured that he will more than make up for this in many other departments.  

Sizzling hot sex is one of the ways he’d try to. 

When an alpha male loves you, he’ll give you the time of your life in bed. To him, this is more than just sex.  

Related Reading: 10 Signs of Passionate Love and Its Causes

3. He isn’t ashamed to hug you 

One way he would try to get around using the “L” word is by using his arms more often. Most times, he’d do this without even realizing that he is doing it, and to him, it is a protective gesture- as alpha males take joy in protecting their partners. 

Related Reading: 9 Different Types of Hugs and What They Mean

4. He would get the door 

When a door lies between you and your destination, don’t be surprised if he quickens his pace just to get the door for you. The reason why alpha males tend to do this when they are serious about someone is simple. 

They want to make the lives of their partners easier in any way possible.  

5. Calls… Calls… Calls… 

Is he calling you every chance he gets? That’s how alpha males show love. 

When he is away from the person he loves every time, he doesn’t waste any time calling them up and finding out how they are doing. He can call to check up on you, ask how your day is going, find out if you need anything, or even share some of the things happening in his life with you.

While this can easily be overwhelming, it is one of the challenges of the terrain. If you see yourself committing to him and you think his excessive calls are irritating, one thing you must do is share your concerns and come to a compromise. 

6. He holds your hands and your purse when you go for events 

One thing the alpha male is capable of is putting up a show. When he takes you to an event (especially a social event), rest assured that he would ensure both of you are the center of attention as the power couple of the day. 

Some ways he’d do this is to hold your hand and carry any large purses you have with you. Beyond just putting up a show for the people, he does this because he is genuinely interested in making your life a lot easier. 

7. He’ll walk you home 

Another way alpha males show love in a relationship is that they would walk you home after hanging out with you. Science has proven that the alpha male’s protective instincts could manifest in many ways as time passes.  

One of such ways is when he walks or drives you home after hanging out with you. 

He may not just stop at walking you home and leaving you at your doorstep. Just in case you turn your back and find him watching as you make your way to the elevator doors, just know that’s his way of letting you know that you are important to him. 

Related Reading: 20 Signs a Guy Is Protective of You

8. He starts discussing his plans for the future 

Let’s get this settled once. An alpha male isn’t one to play things by ear. As a goal-oriented man, don’t be shocked to discover that he has a master plan for everything in his life – maybe even for the next decade or more as these tips show.  

One easy way to know that the alpha male loves you (even when he hasn’t yet said the words) is to look out for those enchanting moments when he opens up about his plans. Do you see yourself represented in those plans? 

If you do, congratulations because that could be the sign you’ve been looking for. 

Related Reading: How to Have a Serious Conversation About Your Relationship

9. He keeps his cool, even in the face of heated arguments 

The relationship psychology of the alpha male doesn’t permit him to lose his cool, no matter how annoyed he gets. He understands that he is a leader and must be a model example of a character worthy of being emulated. 

Hence, he will most likely keep his cool during a heated argument. He would rarely yell at you because he prefers to speak from a calm and calculated perspective. 

More often than not, the alpha male would step out of the environment that triggers his anger when he is in a relationship. So, if a heated fight ensues, don’t be shocked to see him grabbing his car keys and getting out of the house. 

10. He is thoughtful with his gifts 

To the alpha male, actions speak louder than words. As a result, he would put a lot of thought into getting you the perfect gift for your birthday or any other special date in your life. 

His gifts are so thoughtful and specific that they may leave you wondering how he knew you would need what he got you. 

11. You see the pride on his face when you get celebrated 

Close your eyes and try to remember the huge smiles on the faces of your parents when you were called up to the stage to receive your award of recognition from your school. 

Can you remember how hard they smiled? How loud their cheers were? 

Well, the alpha male will replicate this experience. 

When people admire you for something you have accomplished or your attractiveness, rest assured that he’ll notice. More often than not, he will enjoy every second of this admiration because he likes the idea of people seeing that you are a great catch.  

Under these conditions, the true alpha male will not feel threatened because he is confident in himself and his abilities. 

12. As far as he is concerned, the “now” is what’s most important 

One of the excellent alpha male traits in a relationship is that he doesn’t spend too much time trying to undo the past – unless it is absolutely important. The alpha male may not be fixated on knowing the mistakes you’ve made in the past or who you have dated. 

What’s most important to him is the time you have at hand and how you can make the most of it. If he would think about anything that isn’t the present, it would be the future, as alpha males love to be on top of everything – including all plans for the future. 

13. He might become your go-to handyman 

Another way alpha males show love is that they may become your go-to handyman at home. 

He wouldn’t mind taking out the trash when it’s time, coming over to fix the bathroom sink (even when he knows he should let you call a plumber for that), or taking care of the technical odds and ends to the best of his abilities.  

Alpha males love to feel needed. At the same time, they love to make the lives of the ones important to them easier. When he is your handyman, he can kill two birds with the same stone.

14. He values the time you spend together 

One thing an alpha male knows how to manage is time. Because of his propensity for movement and crushing his next big goal, he knows that time is the most valuable currency in his life. 

As a result, he would value any time you consciously make to spend together. He wouldn’t cram it up with activities that don’t bring you closer and strengthen your relationship. 

For instance, if it is “couples only movie night,” he may even end up turning his phones off or silencing them. He does this to let you know how special you are to him. 

Suggested video: 7 daily habits that build a strong romantic relationship:

15. You might catch him staring 

At random times, you might catch him staring at you with a soft smile on his face. More often than not, he’s thinking about how amazing you are and processing all he feels towards you with a sheer eye contact.

Then again, if he goes on to drop the “L” word at rare moments like these, then so be it.  

Related Reading: What Does Eye Contact Mean to a Guy?

To sum up

Knowing how alpha males show love is necessary if you want to have a successful and healthy relationship with one. This is because alpha males are different. They process emotions uniquely and may not be keen on declaring their undying love for you on social media. 

This article has discussed 15 cute ways he would try to show you that he loves you. Keep your eyes open for these signs, and don’t be afraid to go on with your instincts when you find them. 

In bed with an alpha male: 11 simple tips to help you get along with him

“You know, I feel like I'm starting to go crazy. My Vitaly is such a prominent man that half of the department is running after him, ”Natalya sighs and once again frantically check the phone. “But at the same time, he seems to want to stay with me and plan a joint future. At the same time, I can’t get rid of the thought that he will get tired of playing “family” very quickly, and I will get tired of pleasing him and worrying that some kind of fidget will not take him away. 34-year-old Natalya was a little cunning - she was considered the first beauty in the company and a line of suitors lined up behind her. The girl did not single out any of them until 32-year-old Vitaly got a job with them. The female half immediately noted his inflated torso and sexual confidence that absolutely any difficulties can be handled by that man. Vitaly did not look closely at the ladies for long and eventually began to show signs of attention to the pretty Natalya. He didn't care that the girl was a little older. He immediately made it clear that he was only interested in a romantic relationship format, but Natalya herself dreamed of trying on a wedding dress soon and going down the aisle with him. If only the man of her dreams would stop accepting the advances of other women and confirm the seriousness of his intentions. Using the example of our heroine, we figure out how to properly build relationships with an alpha male so that he does not run away from you ahead of time.

"I trust you"

It is very important for men (and alpha males in particular) to feel that you are not competing with him for the right to be the leader in the relationship. As soon as he feels that you have given him the reins of power and are ready to obey (or pretend that this is true), then your relationship will improve and become much more harmonious. Give your chosen one the opportunity to make decisions on their own and take responsibility not only for themselves, but also for your couple as a whole. Then he will be able to satisfy his ambitions as the head of the family, and you will get an enterprising partner who can be trusted with something serious (and not shoulder everything on your fragile shoulders, as many women do).

"Catch me if you can"

Another important advice that psychologists recommend to follow is to be unapproachable enough for your alpha male so that his interest does not fade ahead of time. After all, as soon as he realizes that he has conquered you, he can get bored in a relationship and switch to someone more interesting. Therefore, from time to time, give him an emotional shower (of course, within reason) and let's understand that you have a lot of exciting things going on in your life, in addition to your history with him.

“I'll wait as long as it takes”

Be patient - such a man needs to feel that he is accepted, and not immediately trying to remake him to his standards. Give him time, close your eyes to some of his hobbies (even if they seem meaningless or contradictory to you), accept him as he is, and then he himself will want to start changing in order to keep you near him as long as possible.

"I like everything you do"

Experts remind that in no case should alpha males be publicly criticized or ridiculed (in private, of course, you should also not speak unflatteringly about his words or any actions). Otherwise, your gentleman may be offended in earnest and proudly leave, leaving you all alone (calling and writing then is useless - such individuals are very touchy and are unlikely to want to return to the one that always ridicules and criticizes them).

“We will not go to my mother, but we will go to football”

Be unpredictable! Try to surprise your partner by reacting to some situations in a completely different way than he expects from you. Psychologists assure that everyday life will tire the alpha male very quickly and bring him to depression, therefore, to prevent this from happening, connect your imagination and become a real mystery for your man, which he would like to solve every day throughout his life. Otherwise, your gentleman will become discouraged and very quickly decide to look for bright emotions somewhere on the side.

“Now let's talk about you. . ."

Let your man speak. It would seem that these are so obvious things that you can not even focus on them. However, many ladies ignore this fact and then wonder why their beloved went to that person who knows how to listen and hear. Be patient and listen to your chosen one (to what worries or inspires him, for example). And then, according to psychologists, he will have no reason to look for grateful listeners on the side.

“You are the only one for me”

It would not be superfluous to recall that although alpha males have nothing against female attention, they absolutely do not accept if their chosen one allows herself to flirt with someone other than them. They want to be the first and only in everything, and nothing else! Keep this in mind when you suddenly have a brilliant idea to “revenge” your loving man by having an affair with someone else. Unless, of course, you do not want to specifically show your partner in this way that your relationship has exhausted itself and you have already found a worthy replacement for him.

“It will be as I said”

Although it is important for alpha males to feel like leaders and understand that you will support him in any situation, sometimes they are not at all opposed to handing over the reins to you and letting you lead a little . If you are ready to join this game, then you must clearly understand what result you want to get as an output and be confident in your actions. In addition, do not forget to remind your chosen one that any patience comes to an end, and if he suddenly goes too far at some point, then you will take retaliatory actions, which, alas, he may not like. Explain that you are not going to blindly follow his recommendations and have your own opinion, which he should also listen to.

“This is not acceptable to me. . ."

Boundaries in a relationship are very important, especially if you are in the mood for long-term prospects, and not for a fleeting romance. Tell your man what is normal for you and what is a taboo that you do not intend to break and ask him to respect your principles. It is especially important to emphasize that although he is the center of your universe (at least he would like to think so), he still has no right to cross your borders, or demand from you any actions that are unacceptable to you.

“I won’t cry, you won’t wait”

Psychologists say that if you want to get rid of your alpha male (you never know why you suddenly made such a decision), then simply “turn on” the drama queen and your chosen one will run away from you right there. They hate women's tears, tantrums, showdown (especially in public), and other dramatic situations. They prefer to discuss the current situation and jointly find a way out of it. And if you are not ready for dialogue, then you simply will not succeed with such a man, alas.

“With me you can be yourself”

Contrary to popular belief that alpha males never give up and show weakness, she actually also dreams of meeting a person to whom they can open up, show their true feelings, discuss what worries them (or even scares them). They, too, are tired of the need to constantly be in character, so they would gladly take off the mask, returning home to their beloved. It is important for them to feel that you will not love and appreciate them less if you suddenly see in them not brutals, but ordinary people who sometimes tend to make mistakes. Become such a safe haven for your man and then be sure that your relationship will become strong and harmonious.

In bed with an alpha male: 11 simple tips

If an alpha male gets in your way, then you probably know how difficult it can be to get along with him. In order not to spoil the relationship in the end and easily find a common language with such a man, you must adhere to some simple rules of conduct. tells you how to take your communication to the next level and make your life with a partner much more comfortable.


“You know, I think I'm starting to go crazy. My Vitaly is such a prominent man that half of the department is running after him, ”Natalya sighs and once again frantically check the phone.

Video of the day

“But at the same time, he seems to want to stay with me and plan a future together. At the same time, I can’t get rid of the thought that he will get tired of playing “family” very quickly, and I will get tired of pleasing him and worrying that some kind of fidget will not take him away.

34-year-old Natalya was a little cunning - she was considered the first beauty in the company and a line of suitors lined up behind her. The girl did not single out any of them until 32-year-old Vitaly got a job with them. The female half immediately noted his inflated torso and sexual confidence that absolutely any difficulties can be handled by that man. Vitaly did not look closely at the ladies for long and eventually began to show signs of attention to the pretty Natalya. He didn't care that the girl was a little older. He immediately made it clear that he was only interested in a romantic relationship format, but Natalya herself dreamed of trying on a wedding dress soon and going down the aisle with him. If only the man of her dreams would stop accepting the advances of other women and confirm the seriousness of his intentions. Using the example of our heroine, we figure out how to properly build relationships with an alpha male so that he does not run away from you ahead of time.

"I trust you"

It is very important for men (especially alpha males) to feel that you are not competing with him for the right to be the leader in a relationship. As soon as he feels that you have given him the reins of power and are ready to obey (or pretend that this is true), then your relationship will improve and become much more harmonious. Give your chosen one the opportunity to make decisions on their own and take responsibility not only for themselves, but also for your couple as a whole. Then he will be able to satisfy his ambitions as the head of the family, and you will get an enterprising partner who can be trusted with something serious (and not shoulder everything on your fragile shoulders, as many women do).

“Catch me if you can”

Another important tip that psychologists recommend to follow is to be unapproachable enough for your alpha male so that his interest does not fade ahead of time. After all, as soon as he realizes that he has conquered you, he can get bored in a relationship and switch to someone more interesting. Therefore, from time to time, give him an emotional shower (of course, within reason) and let's understand that you have a lot of exciting things going on in your life, in addition to your history with him.

“I'll wait as long as it takes”

Be patient - such a man needs to feel that he is accepted, and not immediately trying to remake him to his standards. Give him time, close your eyes to some of his hobbies (even if they seem meaningless or contradictory to you), accept him as he is, and then he himself will want to start changing in order to keep you near him as long as possible.

"I love everything you do"

Experts remind that alpha males should never be publicly criticized or ridiculed (in private, of course, you should also not speak unflatteringly about his words or any actions). Otherwise, your gentleman may be offended in earnest and proudly leave, leaving you all alone (calling and writing then is useless - such individuals are very touchy and are unlikely to want to return to the one that always ridicules and criticizes them).

“We will not go to my mother, but go to football”

Be unpredictable! Try to surprise your partner by reacting to some situations in a completely different way than he expects from you. Psychologists assure that everyday life will tire the alpha male very quickly and bring him to depression, therefore, to prevent this from happening, connect your imagination and become a real mystery for your man, which he would like to solve every day throughout his life. Otherwise, your gentleman will become discouraged and very quickly decide to look for bright emotions somewhere on the side.

“Now let's talk about you. . ."

Let your man speak. It would seem that these are so obvious things that you can not even focus on them. However, many ladies ignore this fact and then wonder why their beloved went to that person who knows how to listen and hear. Be patient and listen to your chosen one (to what worries or inspires him, for example). And then, according to psychologists, he will have no reason to look for grateful listeners on the side.

“You are the only one for me”

It will not be superfluous to recall that although alpha males have nothing against female attention, they do not accept at all if their chosen one allows herself to flirt with someone other than them. They want to be the first and only in everything, and nothing else! Keep this in mind when you suddenly have a brilliant idea to “revenge” your loving man by having an affair with someone else. Unless, of course, you do not want to specifically show your partner in this way that your relationship has exhausted itself and you have already found a worthy replacement for him.

“It will be as I said”

Although it is important for alpha males to feel like leaders and understand that you will support him in any situation, sometimes they don’t mind handing over the reins to you and letting you lead a little. If you are ready to join this game, then you must clearly understand what result you want to get as an output and be confident in your actions. In addition, do not forget to remind your chosen one that any patience comes to an end, and if he suddenly goes too far at some point, then you will take retaliatory actions, which, alas, he may not like. Explain that you are not going to blindly follow his recommendations and have your own opinion, which he should also listen to.

“This is not acceptable to me. . ."

Boundaries are very important in a relationship, especially if you're looking for a long-term perspective, not a fleeting romance. Tell your man what is normal for you and what is a taboo that you do not intend to break and ask him to respect your principles. It is especially important to emphasize that although he is the center of your universe (at least he would like to think so), he still has no right to cross your borders, or demand from you any actions that are unacceptable to you.

“I won’t cry, you won’t wait”

Psychologists say that if you want to get rid of your alpha male (you never know why you suddenly made such a decision), then just “turn on” the drama queen and your chosen one run away from you immediately.

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