Making plans for you

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        Making plans and decisions for the end of your life

        Planning ahead will enable you and your family to take advantage of the many different services that exist to help you prepare for the end of your life. This planning will make it easier for your family to put things into place knowing they are acting according to your wishes.

        End-of-life planning

        Planning and making decisions about the end of your life can be a positive experience. It is a good opportunity to reflect on the things that are important to you, and to make arrangements that suit you.

        Learn more about your condition

        To put good plans in place, you will need to learn more about your condition and understand what you are facing. Your doctor will work with you to help you understand how your condition will progress. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – it’s important to learn as much as you can.

        Some of the types of questions that you might ask your doctor include:

        • If I am thinking about being cared for at home, what medications or treatment and equipment will be available to me?
        • How will this medication and treatment be administered?
        • What would this mean for my carer? Knowing what you and your carers should expect will help you to plan for your situation.

        Make an advance directive

        Advance care planning is the process of making your care and medical treatment preferences known to your loved ones and your treating team in the event that you cannot make these decisions yourself.

        Advance care planning lets your family know in advance the level of healthcare and quality of life you would want if, because of your illness or medical condition, you are unable to participate in the discussions and make the decision for yourself.

        Advance care planning usually involves writing your medical preferences down, but you should also talk with those close to you, your family, your doctor and treating team to make sure they are aware of what is important to you.

        You can document your medical treatment preferences in an advance care directive to give you greater confidence that your medical treatment decisions will be respected. This will also help your family and those close to you make medical treatment decisions on your behalf, should you be become too unwell to do so yourself.

        In an advance care directive you can record general statements about your values and preferences to guide your future medical care. You can also document specific instructions if you wish to refuse or consent to a particular treatment.

        There is more information on recording wishes for future care and related matters in the section on advance care plans.

        Appointing a person to make decisions for you

        Another way you can plan for your future is to appoint another person to make decisions for you, should you become too unwell to do so yourself.

        There are different kinds of legal appointments that grant decision-making powers:

        • medical treatment decision maker – can manage your medical needs
        • enduring power of attorney – can manage your finances
        • enduring power of guardianship – can make personal and lifestyle decisions.

        Once appointed, each of these people can make decisions on your behalf. The Office of the Public Advocate outlines the roles of each and provides support for them in their role.

        Think about who you want to take on these responsibilities and then approach them to have the conversation. You will be trusting this person with your life and finances, so they should be someone you know very well and who you can speak to about sensitive issues. They should understand what is important to you, and be able to act on your wishes – even when faced with opposition from doctors or other family members.

        After you have made your decision, there are necessary legal steps you will have to follow to make these appointments. Find out more by downloading information sheets from START2TALK. Legal forms for making these appointments can be found on the Office of the Public Advocate’s website.

        Financial planning

        When you’re coming to the end of your life, it’s a good idea to put your finances in order.

        If you have appointed a financial enduring power of attorney, you can work with them to ensure that your wishes are known and documented.

        Making sure that your will is up-to-date and understanding what will happen to your financial accounts will make it easier for those managing your estate after your death. You may want to consider seeking professional financial advice to ensure that you and your family know how to access your superannuation and insurance.

        Planning personal matters

        There may be other personal matters you would like to put into place. You might like to visit a special place with friends, have particular requests for your funeral or organise other personal matters.

        Regardless of your wishes, you may want to talk about these things with your family and friends. Together, you will be able to make them happen.

        Where to get help

        • Palliative Care Advice Service

        Odin breaks his plans to be free for you at any moment. And the other just lives his own... ▷ Socratify.Net

        Don't be afraid to show your feelings. The people you love and appreciate need to know how important they are to you.

        Unknown author (1000+)

        If someone persistently moves towards achieving his dream, he can suddenly succeed at any moment.

        Henry David Thoreau (50+)

        There are enough judges in the world. A friend is made to accept you for who you are.

        Antoine de Saint-Exupery (100+)

        All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. But some have a heart and others don't. One path gives you strength, the other destroys you.

        Carlos Castaneda (50+)

        There are enough judges in the world. A friend is made to accept you.

        Citadel (Antoine de Saint-Exupery) (100+)

        If everything is in order inside you, then everything will be fine outside
        into place.

        Eckhart Tolle (40+)

        In order to feel happiness in oneself without interruption, even in moments of grief and sadness, one must: a) be able to be satisfied with the present and b) rejoice in the consciousness that it could be worse.

        Anton Chekhov (100+)

        The present moment means more than any other moment in life, because it is what you do now and today that determines the kind of person you become. And who you become in turn determines the quality and direction of your life as a whole.

        Hal Elrod (1)

        Do not listen to anyone, have your own opinion, your head, your thoughts and ideas, plans for life. Never run after anyone. Go your own way, no matter what they say behind your back. They talked, they talk and always will talk. That should not be of your concerns. Love. Create. Dream and smile more often.

        Unknown author (1000+)

        Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, to the same rain, someone with joy and a premonition of purification will offer his hands, while the other will frown heavily, brush his sadness into a random stream and tighten his cloak. The weather is in us, and it just rains. Deprived of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls.

        Improvisation Spare Part (Al Quation) (100+)
        • Show the best

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        2. ❤❤❤ Unknown author — 2,499 quotes

        Quotes about the plan.



        Sayings, aphorisms and quotations about plans.

        Showing 1-30 of 38

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        Night plans in the morning are no good. When you think at night, it's one thing, but in the morning everything looks different.

        • Ernest M. Hemingway

        Plans, Morning




        Nothing is more hopeless than having fun with a plan.

        • Johnson Samuel

        Fun, Life, Plans, Entertainment




        It is foolish to make plans for a lifetime without being master even of tomorrow.

        • Seneca Lucius Annaeus

        Life Quotes, Life, Plans




        If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

        • Woody Allen





        When the paths are not the same, do not make plans together.

        • Confucius

        Friendship and Friends, Quotes of Wisdom, Plans




        When a plan is built too long and carefully, it eventually disappears.

        • Gustave Flaubert

        Plans, Result




        All people make big plans for years to come. But none of us can know whether he will live to see tomorrow morning or not.

        • Leo N. Tolstoy

        Life, Present, Plans, Past and Future




        A goal without a plan is just a dream.

        • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

        Plans, Goal




        • Arkady T. Averchenko

        Evening, Plans, Reality, Stimulus




        In the morning I make plans and in the afternoon I do stupid things.

        • Voltaire

        Stupidity, Plans




        If you don't think about the future, you won't have it.

        • John Galsworthy

        Future, Plans, Past and Future




        Never put off until tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow with the same success.

        • Mark Twain

        Actions, Tomorrow, Ironic Quotes, Plans




        Spring is the time of plans and assumptions.

        • Leo N. Tolstoy

        Spring, Time, Plans




        Do not build modest plans - they are not able to excite the soul.

        • Niccolo Machiavelli

        Motivational quotes, Plans




        Everyone makes plans, and no one knows if he will live until evening.

        • Leo N. Tolstoy

        Life, Love, Plans




        A good traveler does not have precise plans and intentions to get somewhere.

        • Lao Tzu

        Wise quotes, Plans, Journey




        ...Only writers with a gift for improvisation can write without a plan.

        • Konstantin G. Paustovsky

        Gift, Improvisation, Plans




        - Who can be considered smart?
        - The one who strives only for an achievable goal.

        • Abu-l-Faraj bin Harun

        Plans, Mind, Goal




        Planned joy always turns into an event.

        • Boris L. Vasiliev

        Plans, Joy




        The best plans are changed by unaccounted for circumstances.

        • Ivan A. Efremov

        Circumstances, Plans




        • Warren E. Buffett

        Life, Plans, Success




        • Edmund Burke

        Life Quotes, Plans, Development




        The greatest enemy of a good plan is dreams of the best plan.

        • Carl von Clausewitz





        Life is what happens while you are making other plans.

        • John Lennon

        Life, Plans





        • Samuel Marshak

        Time, Life, Plans, Way




        I want to know every minute that you have enough strength for all that huge important life that you have thought up for yourself.

        • Vera Polozkova

        Life, Plans




        The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow may be our today's doubts.

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