What do my dreams mean free

Dream Dictionary – Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis

Heights Dreams

Heights Dreams

Teeth Dreams

Teeth Dreams

Gifts from The Dead

Gifts from The Dead

Old Friend Dreams

Old Friend Dreams

Ear Dreams

Ear Dreams

Celebrity Dreams

Celebrity Dreams

Cellphone Dreams

Cellphone Dreams

Flower Dreams

Flower Dreams

Flying Dreams

Flying Dreams

Ring Dreams

Ring Dreams

Dream Dictionary provides a Free Online Dream Analysis and a complete A to Z translated dictionary. Over thousands of skillfully Interpreted Dream Symbols for people who want to access the deeper parts of their minds. Each Dream Meaning contains a message coded in metaphors, images and symbols – unraveling the meaning you will find the hidden gem below the surface.

A Dream Dictionary is a tool that is used to help people find the Meaning Of Their Dreams by extracting the symbols through various techniques. A symbol or image that appears for one person might be interpreted different than someone else. The unconscious paints a story around a particular symbol that often relates to the individuals life experiences, emotions, the world, and the people around them. Considered the Best Dream Dictionary online we try to extract as many different translations to help the dreamer piece together their dream themselves.

Animal dreams are one of the most common types of dreams we all experience. Seeing animals in our dreams often represents the primal and instinctual qualities we associate with them. We may even desire to express those instincts in waking life, but keep them confined to our dreams where they are expressed through our subconscious.

  • Cat Dreams
  • Goat Dreams
  • Hawk Dreams
  • Shark Dreams
  • Snake Dreams
  • Spider Dreams
  • Wolf Dreams

Learn about animals in dreams

Nightmares are the bad dreams we have beginning very early in life. They are filled with negative or unpleasant situations, and often startle us awake ad make it difficult to get back to sleep. Some nightmares are filled with disturbing images and leave us feeling anxious, but they also serve a purpose. Processing these negative emotions in bad dreams helps clear out our minds and process difficult emotions and experiences we may be facing in waking life. They may even shock us into making changes or taking action when we interpret their meanings.

  • Dreams of a Dead Baby
  • Falling Dreams
  • Dreams of Being Ignored
  • Death Dreams
  • Dreams of Being Lost
  • Intruder Dreams

Learn more about nightmares

What really constitutes as a dream symbols? Dream Symbols are archetypal patterns that encompass contents of religions, mythologies, numbers, shapes, legends and fairytales. These patterns or motifs which come from the collective unconscious expresses itself in metaphors or sacred geometric shapes. In our dreams these specific images, characters, and themes symbolically expresses itself regardless of what religion, culture, age or geographic region you reside in. These dream symbols share the same story of the human experience that contain the same meaning.

  • Ouroboros in Dreams
  • Phoenix in Dreams
  • Crescent Moon in Dreams
  • Cross in Dreams
  • Dragons in Dreams

Learn more about dream symbols

Dream interpretation is not as difficult as it seems, in fact remembering and recording them is actually the hardest part. Here at dream dictionary we offer free dream analysis and skillful Dream Interpretations gathered from psychologists such as Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud.

Interpret My Dream

There are many theories about why we dream, yet the mystery has still yet to be figured out. Some view that dreams contain no purpose or meaning whatsoever, yet others suggest that dreams are necessary for mental, emotional and physical health.

Psychoanalysts such as Carl Jung understood dreams that connect us to the unconscious part of ourselves which is beneficial for insight and personal growth. According to Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud stated that our dreams are the royal road to the unconscious comprised of wishful fulfillment and repressed desires.

  • Types of Dreams
  • Recurring Dreams
  • False Awakening
  • Psychic Dreams

Learn more about dreaming

Latest Dream Interpretations

Dream Interpretation | Dream Dictionary

Dreams have caused a lot of confusion and bewildered human beings ever since the times of earlier civilizations. Dreams were once believed to only be interpreted by people who had special influence and powers in primeval civilizations because the symbols where said to be supernatural, holy and divine messages from a higher power.  Fast forward now to the 21 century and you will see an vast improvement when it comes to interpreting dreams thanks to a famous psychiatrist called Carl Gustav Jung who changed the way we dream forever.

Dream Interpretation

A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z

Here at dream dictionary you can interpret your dreams for free. Our live active dream forum has experts waiting for you to post your dream to be analyzed. They say that you are your own best interpreter when it comes to decoding your own dreams. Members in our dream community will help you shed light one the metaphors and symbolism behind your dreams.

  • Psychic Dreams
  • Epic Dreams
  • Nightmare Dreams
  • Sleep Paralysis

Carl Jung Dream Quote

“The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach’.

Why Interpret your dreams? Why not!  What do you have to lose other than to gain inner perspective within yourself. Don’t ignore or be afraid to challenge whats locked away deep in your unconscious mind, understanding and knowing it can be very rewarding.

Dream symbols come in all shapes, colors and feeling, some scare us, and others make us feel like we got a taste of heaven.  Dream and the symbols in them have been around since the beginning of time and will keep occurring as long as humans will be in existence so there must be a reason on why we get them.

Take away your blinders and start paying attention to the little detail you may have overlooked in your dreams and see what you might come up with.  Whenever our body is infected by a virus or a bacteria, the rising level of fever is a natural process. No conscious decision is needed to re-establish the body’s balance.

The same system works in our psyche. In times when we are out of balance with our natural pattern of life, our subconscious sends us dreams and visions that are created by our inner self.  Dream Interpretation is not as easy as opening up a dictionary and having your dream symbols answered right in front of your eyes.

All symbols are unique to the dreamer and some symbols might mean something to one but different to another.  This is why we recommend you start writing down your dreams in a dream journal and remembering the events, people and emotional feelings you have during this time.

Dream symbols come across as metaphors via the unconscious and its up to you to have an open mind and puzzle together the symbols you just received in your dream.

In order to interpret your dream symbol you must recognize that all dream symbols are not the same for every individual.  A train to one dreamer might mean a totally different representation to another.

Animal Dreams

  • Dog Dreams
  • Cat Dreams
  • Wolf Dreams
  • Bird Dreams
  • Crocodile Dreams
  • Monkey Dreams
  • Elephant Dreams

Dream Interpretation Benefits

A lot of people do not realize that dreams play a very important part of our day to day lives. When you learn to interpret them it is like you experience a new realm or world. It literally changes your life!

There are a number of resources on our website to help you understand how and why dreams are part of human existence. Although nobody knows for certain why we dream, the fact is it occurs every night. Why wouldn’t you want to understand what occurs every time you close your eyes and relax your mind a bit? Experts believe that dreams hold the key to hidden aspects of us.

Learning to interpret these symbols you will learn to unlock the mysterious and misunderstood parts of your life. When you pay attention to unlocking and interpreting your dreams then you could understand yourself properly and lead a better life.

When we dream there are no barriers. The past, present and future is all one in the unconscious mind. There are infinite possibilities in the dream world, you can learn to connect and be in tune with those you are close with or are somewhat connected with you. We all have the ability to dream and do so every night, just taking ten minutes to write down our dreams would lead us to knowledge that could help us excel in all areas of our life.

A dream dictionary provides a wide vocabulary of words that we could use to interpret the images in our dreams that our unconscious uses to represent our waking life.

Dream Interpretations A – Z

Thousands of dreams and symbols interpreted from our very interactive forum to our A – Z dictionary.  They usually include very common images that are close in meaning with interpretations to the puns that the mind plays. Although dream dictionaries are generally not regarded within the psychology community as scientifically viable, the dictionaries have provided a lot of help in interpreting our dreams even by most psychologists.

The art of dream interpretation has been considered part of science distinctively in psychology since the 19th century. There were dream symbols from the days that dreaming was not considered scientific which is why dream interpretations vary in different cultures. This lead to the investigation of forms, expressions, symbols and images involved in dreaming.  The thing is the mind surprisingly remembers every single image and tends to jumble words and images together.

The dictionary offers translations by the dream analysts. It was first started by Sigmund Freud who unraveled a lot of the mysteries involved with dreaming.  He developed the dream dictionary so that people could look for the images found in their dreams in order to relate it to their waking life situations.

Popular Dream Searches:
  • Ladder Symbolism
  • Octopus Symbolism
  • Devil Dreams
  • Fire Dreams
  • Number Symbolism
  • Fish Dreams
  • Ex Relationship Dreams
  • Feeling Trapped 
  • Knives 
  • Zombie Apocalypse
  • Being Shot
  • Ghost and Ghouls
  • Toilet
  • Blood
  • Big Bad Wolf
  • Hair Falling Out
  • Clown IT 

Most Common Dreams:

Dreams have fascinated people since the beginning of time; yet we are still trying to come up with its true purpose. Dream symbols are enigmatic in nature depending the culture background, religion and personal experiences.

A snake for example might come across as an enemy for some, however in many different cultures the snake might be a representation of energy rising. If you notice the snake eating its tail brings your attention to the uroborus; the symbol of personal transformation.

  • Teeth Dreams
  • Falling Dreams
  • Chase Dreams
  • Test Dreams
  • Water Dreams
  • Flying Dreams
  • Natural Disasters

Strange Occurrence During Sleep:

If you thought your dreams where strange, it gets a bit stranger. Common hallucinations called sleep paralysis happen just before we walk up or just falling right to sleep. These strange feelings are classified under Hypnopompic hallucinations (HPHs) are visual and auditory (e.g., feeling someone or something present in the room; witch on your back; being unable to breath, seeing flashes; hearing voices being called)  Believe it or not they are quite normal and happens to many people.

Outer Body Experiences are another strange phenomenon in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside their physical body. The sensation might be equivalent standing right beside an airplane ready for take off, shaking or noticing flashes as they are ready to depart.

Sleepwalking falls under another strange category of dreaming that is characterized by a complex action behavior (walking) during sleep. Occasionally, the person may talk, but it does not make sense.

Commonly known as exploding head syndrome phenomenon which consists of a loud bang just before you fall asleep and upon waking. This strange occurrence happens to at least 14% of the population that feels like a violent explosion that has erupted in your head.

Hollywood Popular Dream Movies

Hollywood has glamorized dreams as a main premise for movies. Many others directors use dreams to bring omens to come in the near future. The movie Exorcist used a dream sequence to signify future events. We used this dream and dissected all the symbolism in Father Karris dream.

  • Inception 2010
  • Nightmare on Elm Street 1984
  • Vanilla Sky 2001
  • Walking Life 2010

 Psychic or Precognition Dreams:

Once you learn the forgotten language of dreaming and its symbols you will notice a very strange sequence of patterns. Having an open mind helps bring the outside world closer to the inside world; synchronicity and other meaningful events will start to occur. You may dream of dead relatives sending you love from beyond; or they give you hints of people with malicious intent out to get you.

Dream Journal/Remembering Your Dreams:

People who say they dont remember their dreams do not try hard enough to remember them. You lose up to 90% of dream recall the first minute you wake up. Like going to the gym to get bigger you need to strengthen your muscle. This same concept applies to dreaming; however you need to strengthen your dream memory muscle. You will notice the more you practice the more contents and symbols you will remember.  There are many benefits to remembering your dreams as it acts as a guide moving you towards wholeness.

  • A free psychologist
  • A guide to become compete/whole
  • Warnings of dangerous people
  • It will open more spiritual doors
  • You are able to fix past problems
  • Helps encourage you to be the best, get closer to the self

The Shadow:

According to Carl Jung’s analytic psychology, the shadow archetype represents “the dark side” of your personality. Stored in the unconscious lives your repressed ideas, idiosyncrasies, instincts and weaknesses.  The shadow molds out of our attempts to adapt and to be accepted into the world we live in, once you go head to head with the shadow it becomes weak – it will no longer possess you. The shadow appears in your dreams in many different forms bringing light despite how scary it is for you to fix this issue.

  • Greed and lust
  • Devouring mother complex
  • Envy
  • Anger and fear
  • Past memories

[Letter to the young] Dream on. Dreams Come True. And I don't know why / Habr

As a child, I dreamed that I would become rich and travel around the cozy cities of Europe. But, being in the center of Barcelona, ​​I did not feel the peculiarity of the moment. Everything happened consistently and even logically. My path, which began in a small village, continued in the capital in a way that was unexpected for many. And all because I was not afraid to dream.

Successfully completing school and passing exams allowed me to enter a good university. Programming was surprisingly easy. Each profile exam ended with an excellent mark. The teachers were happy, but I began to doubt.

The dreams I had as a child have evaporated. I stopped thinking about traveling the world and instead filled out a resume and chose a future with the highest pay. Having embarked on the “right” path, I got into the system with my own rules and with my own ceiling. I realized that I was going to the wrong place and did not want to be in that place.

Growing up, we seem to be told: "stop dreaming and live in the real world." But the fact is that reality is not what surrounds us. We create reality for ourselves. Thinking, deeds and ideas affect the perception of the world. The world is much more malleable than it seems. It has everything you need. We just have to take it.

“You believed you could do anything, anywhere, and be whatever you want when you grow up. And then they found out that all this is forbidden. You have been told to grow up and stop dreaming, to be smart and not set too high goals for yourself” - from the book “Be the best version of yourself”.

It all started with a dream to find a job as a programmer. I was 18. Then I realized that tomorrow's success is the result of today's efforts and used three summer months to develop skills and reached the goal in winter. I wasn't too smart. I just wanted it and took it.

Every morning we have a chance to improve and it would be foolish to miss it. Many people dream all their lives about things that are achieved by simple discipline. What are you dreaming about? Perhaps you only need to take one step.

“Anxiety and doubts are overcome only by action, and a missed chance will remind you of yourself all your life” - from the article “Moments that make you live”.

Dream. The higher your bar, the higher you will be.

One must be able to dream. Many things about happiness are forced upon us. After all, it is very difficult to find true desires when it is easier to take someone else's. I did the same and still can catch myself on the fact that some things that previously seemed desirable became uninteresting. But those goals that have been present in my life for a long time, every day I appreciate more and more, because they are the real desires.

Waking up and realizing that this is how you would like to live this day is priceless. Our life is getting shorter every minute, and is it not given to us for happiness?

When dreaming, don't forget to live in the present. After all, John Lennon was not mistaken when he said that life is what happens to you when you make plans for the future.

After all, dreams are not goals, but rather guidelines. If everything went according to plan, life would be unbearably boring.

Your life is only a moment. And only you can make it better. Thus, moment by moment, your life will gain meaning on the way to your dream.

If you do everything right, then at some point you will realize that dreams have come true, and every day brings joy. How to do the right thing? Make a decision by listening to two voices: logic and intuition. Doubts arise at the moment of their disagreement with each other, but when they repeat something in unison, know that this is exactly what you need.

Dream, live and be yourself.

Everything is possible.

Know that your future is determined by the moments when you are having a hard time. Life will throw up obstacles to test how ready you are to master what you want. She is ready to give you everything you need. Are you ready to take it? If yes, then go ahead and get it.

How to make your dream come true: working techniques for fulfilling desires

Before you start fulfilling your dreams, you need to decide on them. We often pass off as our desires not what we really need, but what others have. To weed out the superfluous, think: will you be happy if you get a specific thing, or do you need it to match the ideas of success of colleagues, girlfriends, relatives? Dreams do not come true because our brain realizes that a new car is someone else's desire, not ours, which means that it is not worth wasting effort on it.

Another "danger" when working with dreams is false desires that hide what we really want. Behind the dream of losing weight is often hidden a desire to please the opposite sex or even a specific person. False desires take a lot of energy, and when they come true, we experience disappointment, in contrast to the fulfillment of a true dream, and we lose motivation to work with desires further. To avoid this, try to honestly answer yourself the question: “Why do I want this?”

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One of the main reasons why our desires are not fulfilled is fears. The subconscious strives for stability. To ensure that nothing changes in our life, even when consciousness wants something new. Therefore, we unconsciously fear that what we want can turn into something bad. New relationships will force you to change your lifestyle, and big money will bring a headache.

There are several techniques to overcome fears that prevent the fulfillment of desires. First you need to write down all the frightening phrases that arise in your head when you think about the object of desire, and then work through each phobia separately. You can mentally imagine the moment when the terrible will already happen, and try to feel relief, because the worst is already behind. You can use the technique of ridiculing fear, when the frightening is dramatized, as they say, to the point of being ridiculous. If it doesn’t work, try to deal with fears with the help of a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist.

On the Internet and in books, you can find many different techniques for making dreams come true. It is better to concentrate on one, although some methods are quite compatible and complement each other. Choose not the easiest option, but the one that brings you pleasure, so that the fulfillment of desires becomes even more joyful.

© sharom mccutcheon/unsplash

As you work on your dreams, you may find that your desire has changed. There is no need to be afraid of this, because effective techniques help not only get what you want, but also generally figure out what you really want.

The visualization technique will help you not only bring your dream closer, but also understand whether it is really so important to you. To work with this algorithm, you will need 15-20 minutes a day. Perform an exercise resembling meditation, preferably daily. This requires a space where you can relax and no one will disturb you. Turn off the lights, put on soothing music and relax. You need to move away from everyday thoughts and concentrate on the dream. Say a wish to yourself, and then begin to visualize it. Use all your imagination - imagine not only the appearance of a dream, but also the smells, sounds that accompany it.

An important part of visualization is experiencing the emotions you will experience when you achieve your dream. For greater believability, think about where and at what time you will be when you realize that your desire has become a reality. End the ritual with gratitude. It is believed that sincere gratitude is evidence that you believed in the fulfillment of your dream.

A less time-consuming way is to draw up a map of desires. It will require A3 paper or cardboard, glue, your photo and images of everything that you want to attract into your life. Pictures can be cut out of magazines, but take only those photographs and drawings that you think are the perfect visualization of what you want. If suitable pictures were not found in the printed version, look for them on the Internet and print them.

© Kyle glenn/unsplash

Place your photo in the center of the map. Then glue the selected images around you. Pictures that symbolize the most cherished desires should be located as close as possible to your photo. Think about how to complete the sheet. Pictures can overlap each other, and you should like their combinations. When the wish card is ready, hang it up where you can see your wishes every day. Preferably near the bed to fall asleep and wake up with thoughts about your desires.

Don't be afraid to describe your new life in which you got what you wanted. Write a letter detailing how you will live your days and weeks with your wishes fulfilled. Be sure to use the present tense. Start the message with words of gratitude - to fate, the universe, God, space or nature. You can use techniques from the visualization technique and describe not only things and actions, but also the emotions that you experience.

Seal the letter in an envelope and put it in a safe place where it will be kept for a while. You can leave the letter open and re-read it periodically, as if energizing the strength for the fulfillment of desires.

If the previous techniques sound metaphysical to you, try the rational method: Turn your dreams into goals and strategize to achieve them. Even if you think that your desire is currently unrealizable, remember that at any moment in your life there may be opportunities that are not available now. And your task, among other things, is to attract such opportunities.

© lonely planet/unsplash

A goal, like a dream, must be clearly articulated. Also, even if it's something big like buying an apartment, still set a deadline. This will help you organize yourself and not put off achieving your goal until later. If you have a rough idea of ​​what you need to make your wish come true, write down the steps and deadlines. You can use the practice when you do something every day that brings you closer to your dream.

Don't despair if you don't yet know what direction to think in order to pave the way to your goal. It may help to talk to people who have already achieved what you want, and sometimes friends and loved ones can offer something worthwhile. Even if you only know the first step, take it, and then you will be enlightened on what to do next.

Despite the fact that wish fulfillment techniques seem to be some kind of magic, there is a lot of rationality in them. Both the visualization method, and writing, and the desire map help us to concentrate on the dream, even when we are not aware of it.

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