Weed bipolar disorder

Marijuana and bipolar disorder: Effects, treatment, and more

There is much anecdotal evidence from people with bipolar disorder to suggest that using cannabis is beneficial for symptoms of this condition. However, scientists are not so sure.

Certain studies show that cannabis can worsen bipolar disorder symptoms. However, other research suggests cannabis can improve some symptoms of bipolar, such as attention and memory, while negatively affecting others. For example, the substance has associations with higher levels of manic and depressive episodes.

Keep reading for a closer look at the evidence for cannabis as a treatment for bipolar disorder. This article also explores other medical uses for cannabis and alternative approaches for managing bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it causes shifts in:

  • mood
  • energy
  • activity levels
  • the ability to carry out everyday tasks

People with bipolar disorder can have manic episodes where they feel elated and energized for periods. They may also have depressive episodes where they feel sad, indifferent, or hopeless. The shift between the two can be extreme.

People with the condition may also experience delusions and hallucinations.

Around 4.4% of adults in the United States experience the condition at some point in the lives. Its exact cause is unknown, although it appears to stem from a combination of environmental, biological, and genetic factors.

Learn more about bipolar disorder here.

Many people with bipolar disorder use cannabis to manage and treat their symptoms. Anecdotally, many reports claim the substance is beneficial, although the scientific evidence remains unclear.

The cannabis plant comprises more than 500 chemical compounds. These include delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), which are the most well-known of these cannabinoids.

THC is responsible for the “high” that many people associate with cannabis use, while CBD is gaining popularity as an alternative treatment for numerous conditions, including some mental health issues.

It is also worth noting that many studies investigating the effect of cannabis on bipolar disorder have focused on the use of THC.

Negative effects

There have been numerous studies on the link between bipolar disorder and cannabis. These studies feature in a 2017 review from the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI).

The report found a link between cannabis use and the following health issues:

  • developing bipolar at an earlier age
  • longer or worse manic episodes
  • higher likelihood of suicide attempts
  • rapid cycling or quickly shifting from manic to depressive episodes
  • suicide ideation in people who were heavy users of THC

The report also highlighted a 2015 study, which found that people with bipolar disorder who used cannabis were less likely to go into remission for their condition than those who did not.

In addition, an older study from 2011 found that people with bipolar disorder who engaged in problematic cannabis use had higher levels of disability and more manic, depressive, and psychotic symptoms.

Positive effects

Not all the studies into the effects of cannabis on bipolar disorder have been negative. A small 2016 pilot study asked people with the condition to rate their feelings after using the substance. Within 4 hours of using the drug, people reported the following:

  • less anger
  • less tension
  • less depression
  • higher energy levels

Other studies suggest cannabis can improve brain function in people with bipolar disorder. An older study from 2010, which looked at 133 people with the condition, stated that the participants who used cannabis had improved:

  • reasoning speed
  • attention
  • memory


However, the ADAI report concluded there was more evidence of negative effects of cannabis on bipolar disorder than positive ones.

It is also worth remembering that the risks of cannabis use include:

  • problems with memory, decisionmaking, coordination, emotions, and reaction time
  • increased risk of stroke and heart disease
  • disorientation, anxiety, and paranoia
  • lung damage and lung cancer, if a person smokes the substance

Learn more about the positive and negative effects of cannabis here.

Many U.S. states have legalized cannabis for medical use. Some doctors recommend the substance to treat mental health conditions such as:

  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • anorexia

However, the patient advocacy group Mental Health America warn that the evidence supporting this recommendation mainly comes from anecdotal reports and animal studies. Therefore, researchers need to conduct more studies before drawing firm conclusions about the effects of cannabis use.

Scientists have been studying the effect of cannabis on health conditions for a long time.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, THC does have medical benefits when used in certain medicines.

For example, healthcare professionals use dronabinol (Marinol) and nabilone (Cesamet) to treat nausea in people who undergo chemotherapy. These same drugs can stimulate appetite in those with wasting syndromes related to AIDS.

In Canada, the United Kingdom, and some European countries, doctors can prescribe nabiximols (Sativex). It is a mouth spray containing THC and CBD, which can help people with the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Learn more about cannabis and multiple sclerosis here.

In the U.S., doctors can recommend a CBD-based liquid medication called Epidiolex for two forms of severe childhood epilepsy: Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Recently, scientists have investigated whether CBD can help with bipolar disorder.

CBD is usually an oil that manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies extract from the cannabis plant. Depending on the method to grow the plant and the extraction process, CBD may contain varying amounts of THC.

Currently, health experts cannot confirm if CBD helps those with bipolar disorder. For example, a small 2020 study found that some participants’ bipolar symptoms improved after using the substance. However, other individuals saw no difference.

Researchers need to conduct more studies before they can conclude that CBD is safe and can help those with bipolar disorder.

Learn more about the uses and benefits of CBD oil here.

Many supplements and remedies claim to help people manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder. However, scientists have found limited evidence to support them, so most people with the condition need to take medication.

Despite this, there are many ways for individuals to ease their symptoms. A person can monitor their symptoms to learn the triggers that can worsen them.

Factors that can exacerbate bipolar disorder symptoms are different for everyone, but they may include stress, seasonal changes, or a lack of sleep. These are things that people may be able to manage with natural remedies and certain behaviors, such as maintaining an active, healthy daily routine.

People with bipolar disorder may wish to try the following:

  • sticking to a strict daily schedule with set times for eating, socializing, working, and relaxing
  • taking regular exercise
  • keeping to a strict sleep schedule, as insufficient sleep can trigger mania, while too much can worsen moods
  • eating a healthy and balanced diet

It is also vital that people continue to take their medications — do not stop or skip doses unless advised to do so by a healthcare professional.

Learn more about some natural remedies for bipolar disorder here.

Many people with bipolar disorder use cannabis to treat their symptoms. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support its use.

However, while there is small scientific evidence to support the efficacy of cannabis to treat bipolar disorder, some studies conclude the substance may, in fact, worsen symptoms.

Some people also use cannabis to treat other mental health disorders, but there is limited evidence on its effectiveness.

Individuals should consult with a doctor before using cannabis to treat bipolar disorder, as there are some potential risks associated with the drug.

Marijuana and bipolar disorder: Effects, treatment, and more

There is much anecdotal evidence from people with bipolar disorder to suggest that using cannabis is beneficial for symptoms of this condition. However, scientists are not so sure.

Certain studies show that cannabis can worsen bipolar disorder symptoms. However, other research suggests cannabis can improve some symptoms of bipolar, such as attention and memory, while negatively affecting others. For example, the substance has associations with higher levels of manic and depressive episodes.

Keep reading for a closer look at the evidence for cannabis as a treatment for bipolar disorder. This article also explores other medical uses for cannabis and alternative approaches for managing bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it causes shifts in:

  • mood
  • energy
  • activity levels
  • the ability to carry out everyday tasks

People with bipolar disorder can have manic episodes where they feel elated and energized for periods. They may also have depressive episodes where they feel sad, indifferent, or hopeless. The shift between the two can be extreme.

People with the condition may also experience delusions and hallucinations.

Around 4.4% of adults in the United States experience the condition at some point in the lives. Its exact cause is unknown, although it appears to stem from a combination of environmental, biological, and genetic factors.

Learn more about bipolar disorder here.

Many people with bipolar disorder use cannabis to manage and treat their symptoms. Anecdotally, many reports claim the substance is beneficial, although the scientific evidence remains unclear.

The cannabis plant comprises more than 500 chemical compounds. These include delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), which are the most well-known of these cannabinoids.

THC is responsible for the “high” that many people associate with cannabis use, while CBD is gaining popularity as an alternative treatment for numerous conditions, including some mental health issues.

It is also worth noting that many studies investigating the effect of cannabis on bipolar disorder have focused on the use of THC.

Negative effects

There have been numerous studies on the link between bipolar disorder and cannabis. These studies feature in a 2017 review from the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI).

The report found a link between cannabis use and the following health issues:

  • developing bipolar at an earlier age
  • longer or worse manic episodes
  • higher likelihood of suicide attempts
  • rapid cycling or quickly shifting from manic to depressive episodes
  • suicide ideation in people who were heavy users of THC

The report also highlighted a 2015 study, which found that people with bipolar disorder who used cannabis were less likely to go into remission for their condition than those who did not.

In addition, an older study from 2011 found that people with bipolar disorder who engaged in problematic cannabis use had higher levels of disability and more manic, depressive, and psychotic symptoms.

Positive effects

Not all the studies into the effects of cannabis on bipolar disorder have been negative. A small 2016 pilot study asked people with the condition to rate their feelings after using the substance. Within 4 hours of using the drug, people reported the following:

  • less anger
  • less tension
  • less depression
  • higher energy levels

Other studies suggest cannabis can improve brain function in people with bipolar disorder. An older study from 2010, which looked at 133 people with the condition, stated that the participants who used cannabis had improved:

  • reasoning speed
  • attention
  • memory


However, the ADAI report concluded there was more evidence of negative effects of cannabis on bipolar disorder than positive ones.

It is also worth remembering that the risks of cannabis use include:

  • problems with memory, decisionmaking, coordination, emotions, and reaction time
  • increased risk of stroke and heart disease
  • disorientation, anxiety, and paranoia
  • lung damage and lung cancer, if a person smokes the substance

Learn more about the positive and negative effects of cannabis here.

Many U.S. states have legalized cannabis for medical use. Some doctors recommend the substance to treat mental health conditions such as:

  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • anorexia

However, the patient advocacy group Mental Health America warn that the evidence supporting this recommendation mainly comes from anecdotal reports and animal studies. Therefore, researchers need to conduct more studies before drawing firm conclusions about the effects of cannabis use.

Scientists have been studying the effect of cannabis on health conditions for a long time.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, THC does have medical benefits when used in certain medicines.

For example, healthcare professionals use dronabinol (Marinol) and nabilone (Cesamet) to treat nausea in people who undergo chemotherapy. These same drugs can stimulate appetite in those with wasting syndromes related to AIDS.

In Canada, the United Kingdom, and some European countries, doctors can prescribe nabiximols (Sativex). It is a mouth spray containing THC and CBD, which can help people with the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Learn more about cannabis and multiple sclerosis here.

In the U.S., doctors can recommend a CBD-based liquid medication called Epidiolex for two forms of severe childhood epilepsy: Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Recently, scientists have investigated whether CBD can help with bipolar disorder.

CBD is usually an oil that manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies extract from the cannabis plant. Depending on the method to grow the plant and the extraction process, CBD may contain varying amounts of THC.

Currently, health experts cannot confirm if CBD helps those with bipolar disorder. For example, a small 2020 study found that some participants’ bipolar symptoms improved after using the substance. However, other individuals saw no difference.

Researchers need to conduct more studies before they can conclude that CBD is safe and can help those with bipolar disorder.

Learn more about the uses and benefits of CBD oil here.

Many supplements and remedies claim to help people manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder. However, scientists have found limited evidence to support them, so most people with the condition need to take medication.

Despite this, there are many ways for individuals to ease their symptoms. A person can monitor their symptoms to learn the triggers that can worsen them.

Factors that can exacerbate bipolar disorder symptoms are different for everyone, but they may include stress, seasonal changes, or a lack of sleep. These are things that people may be able to manage with natural remedies and certain behaviors, such as maintaining an active, healthy daily routine.

People with bipolar disorder may wish to try the following:

  • sticking to a strict daily schedule with set times for eating, socializing, working, and relaxing
  • taking regular exercise
  • keeping to a strict sleep schedule, as insufficient sleep can trigger mania, while too much can worsen moods
  • eating a healthy and balanced diet

It is also vital that people continue to take their medications — do not stop or skip doses unless advised to do so by a healthcare professional.

Learn more about some natural remedies for bipolar disorder here.

Many people with bipolar disorder use cannabis to treat their symptoms. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support its use.

However, while there is small scientific evidence to support the efficacy of cannabis to treat bipolar disorder, some studies conclude the substance may, in fact, worsen symptoms.

Some people also use cannabis to treat other mental health disorders, but there is limited evidence on its effectiveness.

Individuals should consult with a doctor before using cannabis to treat bipolar disorder, as there are some potential risks associated with the drug.

Doctors have discovered a gene that will help identify suicides by blood tests




Blood tests can predict suicidal behavior in people. This conclusion was reached by psychiatrists who studied the RNA of schizophrenics and those who voluntarily died.

In order to prevent a person's voluntary departure from life, in the future, it may not be necessary to talk with a psychologist, only a blood test will be enough. This conclusion was made by scientists led by psychiatrist Alexander Niculescu from the Indianapolis University School of Medicine (USA).

“Suicide is a huge problem in psychiatry. This is a big problem in the civilian sphere, a big problem in the military sphere, and so far there are no objective signs to predict suicide. There are people who will never say that they have suicidal thoughts when you ask them about it, and then they commit it, and nothing can be done about it, ”Niculescu says.

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Over the past ten years, Niculescu and colleagues have been looking for a method to detect genetic traits (biomarkers) that accompany various psychological states of people. To do this, doctors took blood samples of volunteers and tried to find genes that are active in one state or another by analyzing RNA.

For example, attempts have been made to isolate biomarkers that indicate bipolar disorder (manic-depressive psychosis), psychosis and alcoholism.

In their new study, scientists have proposed to follow the change in the activity of individual genes in people with suicidal tendencies - in a state where they simply talk about the worthlessness of their lives, and when they move on to discussing real plans for committing suicide. Since the most common suicide attempts are made by people diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the researchers selected 75 patients (men) with this diagnosis for their work. Many of them turned out to be war veterans, between the ages of twenty and sixty, who were observed at the medical center.

During the experiment, doctors interviewed volunteers three times with a time interval of three to six months.

The interview revealed nine individuals who, in just a few months, experienced a significant shift in the direction of committing suicide.

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Taking blood samples, scientists have identified the five most likely genes - candidates for suicidal biomarkers - by analyzing RNA. A special algorithm was created to search for these candidates. “It works in a similar way to how Google ranks search results,” the scientist explained.

One of the selected candidates was the SAT1 gene, which works in case of cell damage and stress.

In past studies, this gene has already figured as being active under such external influences as the influence of toxins, infections or lack of oxygen. To make sure that the SAT1 gene is actually associated with suicidal tendencies, doctors resorted to the most convincing evidence.

With the help of coroners, they took blood samples from nine people who committed suicide by hanging, gunshot or slashing their veins. Experts did not take into account cases when suicide occurred under the influence of drugs, since their use changes brain chemistry.

RNA analysis showed that all nine suicides had increased expression of the same SAT1 gene, even higher than in previous similar studies of living volunteers.

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Finally, the researchers conducted a long-term follow-up of 42 patients with bipolar disorder and 46 with schizophrenia. It was found that a small but statistically sufficient excess of SAT1 gene expression in 80% of cases became a harbinger of future hospitalization due to suicidal behavior.

Gustavo Turecchi, a psychiatrist at McGill University in Montreal, said he was happy to hear about a colleague's findings, as he himself had found overexpression of the same gene in the brains of suicides in a previous study.

However, the fact that only men with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia took part in the study, published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry , makes the sample unrepresentative, he says.

“Our work shows that these markers reflect not only the current state of increased risk, but can also be correlated with long-term threat. There may be gender differences, so we need to do more research on larger groups,” says Niculescu.

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What are cognitive distortions?

Cognitive distortions or cognitive errors are "weed thoughts" that do not correspond to reality. They regularly come to mind and cause negative feelings and emotions in a person. Everyone has such thoughts, and healthy people can easily cope with them on their own. For people suffering from mental illness, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or depression, “weed thoughts” can become intrusive and impossible to get rid of without the help of a specialist.

Researcher Aaron Beck identified three main types of cognitive distortions that closely intersect with each other and introduce a person into a depressive state.

  • "I'm bad" - a person considers himself defective, devalues ​​himself and his life.

  • "All bad" - a person is negatively disposed towards others. He believes that others do not appreciate him and do not pay him due attention.

  • "It will never end" - a person thinks that negative events and feelings will not stop, and his life will never change for the better.

There are also very specific cognitive errors that relate to certain areas of perception:

  • Belief that one knows exactly the thoughts of others without checking or asking them about it;

  • Events in life are seen only in white and black colors and are perceived solely as victories or defeats;

  • Assessing himself and others, a person increases the importance of negative traits and reduces the importance of positive ones;

  • A person draws general conclusions about something in the presence of insufficient information;

  • Things are seen only from a certain angle, other sides of the issue or problem are ignored;

  • When making decisions, a person is guided only by feelings;

  • A person thinks that everything bad in his life is solely his fault and personal responsibility.

Any risk factors, external or internal, that contribute to the manifestation of psychopathologies are bound to lead to “weed thoughts”.

Cognitive distortions in people living in cities have their own characteristics. Usually they are associated with envy of others and the depreciation of their success in relation to the achievements of colleagues, friends and acquaintances. Also, it can be difficult for a person living in an urban environment to choose a partner. People see only flaws in the representatives of the opposite sex and come to the conclusion that there is no person in the world with whom they could create a couple.

See also

What is depression?

Cognitive errors may appear or increase under the influence of certain factors. One of them is physical fatigue. Sometimes it is enough for a person to get enough sleep or rest for cognitive distortions to cease to have an obsessive character. Any risk factors, external or internal, that contribute to the manifestation of psychopathologies are bound to lead to “weed thoughts”. For example, recurring interpersonal conflicts in a family can reveal a person's genetic predisposition to depression. And regular unpleasant situations on the road can increase panic attacks, and thus cause the occurrence of cognitive distortions.

The only way to get rid of obsessive cognitive distortions is to see a therapist.

In our thinking process, a mechanism is initially laid down that helps to be critical of ourselves and cope with cognitive errors. We can convince ourselves that they are not related to reality. However, in a mentally ill person, this mechanism “breaks”, and he perceives such judgments as real and quite logical. Even if a person suffering from a mental disorder understands that his thoughts are cognitive errors, he cannot get rid of them, regardless of his desire.

The only way to get rid of obsessive cognitive distortions is to see a psychotherapist.

Learn more