Ways to say masturbating
Funny Words And Euphemisms For Masturbation
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We all remember the days of our teenage years when we debuted into the realm of masturbation. Some of us were excited to experiment while others were so shy that we had our own slangs to address the supposedly forbidden deeds amongst friends?
Jack off? Jill off? Hand shandy? Wanking? Silly phrases, right?
Now that we have grown up, the act of self-pleasuring doesn’t seem so forbidden anymore and the euphemism for masturbation has only become more creative with time. The millennial slang is full of fun and funny euphemisms for masturbation.
After all, why should Jack and Jill alone get so much importance.
From fruits like cucumbers and bananas becoming phallic in reference to foods like cookies and cupcakes symbolizing vaginas when put in a sexual context, here are 15 silly words for masturbation that you must start using if you don’t feel comfortable using the word masturbation.
I mean, for fun’s sake, let’s try this!
Slangs For Male Masturbation
Steer clear those dozen of gross words for male masturbation from your vocabulary and use these bizarre ones instead.
1. DIY - Do it yourself
Pretty straightforward, DIY means exactly what it stands for — do it yourself. DIY in the new Gen-Z lingo can mean the act of self-stimulation.
Basically, your happiness is in your own hands and one must do anything that it takes to make themselves happy. Even if it means using a little lube to enhance that pleasure.
2. Debug your hard drive
This phrase is particularly popular with the techies and computer geeks. It's like debugging your hard drive from time to time can ensure more focus and better productivity at work.
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3. Charming the snake
Animal and fruit imagery has always surrounded male masturbation and so charming your snake is a legit way to say that you are busy self-pleasuring.
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4. Spanking the monkey
Spanking the monkey is another expression used for masturbation that has an animal reference attached to it. It’s predictable but punny.
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5. Pocket pinball
If your hand just slides into your pocket only to realize a few moments later that you are already at it, you may be doing what it is called ‘pocket pinball.’ It is a slang word for fondling with your penis through your pockets, usually when you are bored or daydreaming.
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6. Making the bald man cry
Making the bald man cry or making the bald man puke is a fun euphemism for saying that you are busy stroking your genitals, addressing your penis as the bald man.
7. Oozing your noodle
Most of us are familiar with the idiom ‘use your noodle’ which means ‘use your head' or ‘try again.
’ However, the millennials often also use the slang phrase oozing your noodle which means to masturbate. Noodle is often used to refer to a flaccid penis, so now you can connect the dots and decipher what oozing your noodle really means.
Slang Words For Female Masturbation
Guys it's 2022 and women have an equal number of fun and fab euphemisms for masturbation like the dudes. Here are some hilarious expressions for female masturbation that girls can use to nickname their little ‘me time’.
8. Shiko Shiko Manzuri, Japanese
Firstly, it's amazing that this translates literally into ‘10,000 rubs’ in Japanese. It's even better when paired with its male equivalent, senzuri, which means ‘a thousand rubs’. And 10,000 rubs later what we have is a ‘happy ending’ of Shiko Shiko Manzuri.
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9. Procrasturbating
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Procasturbating is a hybrid between procrastination and masturbating. If you happen to find yourself daydreaming about your crush and end up mastubating during the afternoon, parking your work aside for sometime, you are literally procrasturbating.
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10. Downstairs DJ
Downstairs is a cool code word for your nether regions. And downstairs DJ means spinning your private parts to your own tunes and rhythm till you reach an orgasm.
11. Being your own boss
Being your own boss means being in-charge, taking your own decisions and not having anyone tell you what to do. In the context of female masturbation it means exactly the same thing, being in-charge of what excites you and gives you pleasure.
12. Touching up your lip gloss
Another silly expression for female masturbation is touching up your lip gloss. It basically means to self-stimulate your vagina till you orgasm and gloss things up down there.
13. Making soup
Just like how the process of making soup makes you get all sweaty, ‘making soup’ is a slang phrase for female masturbation which means getting increasingly wet as you self-pleasure and arouse yourself.
14. Saucing the taco
It might sound really weird but the expression, ‘saucing the taco’ is often used for female masturbation. The next time you want to ask your girlfriend if she enjoys masturbating, you can simply go like, ‘hon how often do you sauce the taco?’
15. Girls’ night in
If you plan to just stay at home on a Friday night and watch a romantic show, sip some wine and self-stimulate yourself to sleep, you can simply say ‘I plan to have a girl’s night in’. Just you and your vag.
Final Thoughts
Hope you feel enlightened enough to arm your vocabulary with cool slang phrases for masturbation to use in front of your friends.
Do you have your own terms or code words for masturbation? Flex it in the comments below.
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15 Most Ridiculous Words For Masturbation (Does Anyone Even Use Them?)
by Jamie Kravitz
Stocksy/Milles Studio
Let's face it: "masturbation" is not a pretty word. It sounds clunky and clinical, neither of which are attributes that should be associated with self-pleasure. Unfortunately, many of the other words for masturbation are just as bad. There are dozens of ridiculous slang words to describe this act, ranging from very vague to extremely vulgar.
Wondering why no one has tried to fix this problem? Well, Sweden has. Turns out there is no Swedish term for female masturbation. In 2014, the Swedish Association for Sexual Education went as far as to have a contest to come up with a new name for it. Their attempt to open up the dialogue around women and masturbation was definitely admirable, but the word they came up with didn't prove to be a popular solution. I mean, have you even heard about it? I included it on the list (number three for women — below), because I know you're curious.
Whether you're looking to expand your dirty vocabulary or you're just looking to learn some new sexual innuendo, you're in luck. I've complied a list that you never even knew you needed. Below are 15 of the most bizarre phrases for both female and male masturbation — I hope you enjoy.
For Women
1. Jilling Off
The feminine equivalent to "jacking off," this popular term makes me feel sorry for all the Jills out there.
2. Riding The Unicycle
One of the less offensive ways to reference masturbation, this cutesy code could catch on.
3. Klittra
Here you have it. A combination of the Swedish words for "clitoris" (klitoris) and "glitter" (glittra), this word unfortunately received some criticism when it was announced.
4. Flicking The Bean
Love it or hate it, flicking the bean is often used to describe female masturbation. Where do you stand on the issue?
5. Procrasturbating
Who hasn't put off their responsibilities and opted to spend the afternoon with their vibrator instead? This mash-up of procrastinating and masturbating is honestly genius.
6. Pushing Your Button
Ha, get it? This nickname for getting off is clear and to the point.
7. Rubbing One Out
For some reason, I am personally offended by this phrase. It just sounds icky, IMO.
8. Ménage à Moi
I think this last word is a clear winner in the ladies' category. It's witty, elegant, and French. So perfect.
For Men
1. Spanking The Monkey
Of course the names for male masturbation are going to be gross. Trust me, I tried to pick the least explicit options.
2. Jacking The Beanstalk
OK, this one is kind of humorous, in a "it will ruin your childhood" kind of way.
3. Auditioning Your Hand Puppet
I always knew puppets were creepy. There is a female version of this as well, which refers to finger puppets instead. Not any better.
4. Wanking
This predominantly British term for masturbation lacks that English charm, if you ask me.
5. Playing The Skin Flute
Again, ew. Why are there so many objects that become phallic as soon as you put them in the wrong context?
6. Charming The Snake
This is probably the least offensive of the bunch, but it's still not great. As a side note, why is there so much animal imagery when it comes to male masturbation?
7. Taking The Dog For A Walk
Oh look, another animal. By the way ladies, if your man says he's taking the dog for a walk but you don't have a dog... this is what he's talking about.
Now that you're enlightened, you can go out into the world and come up with your own term for masturbation. Hopefully one that's way better than any of these. Trademark it and you'll probably be rich. Maybe it will end up in the Oxford dictionary and become the new "bae" or "yass." A girl can dream, right?
46 synonyms for the word "Jerk off"
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18 Paloil [104] 64 2 19 Trukhach [4] 64 2 rubbed [5] 42 900 900 9009 Mold -bearing [11] 42 2 22 Naple [170] 54 1 236] 32 2 24 1 25 HIDE [43] 43 1 26 Made [14] 32 1 27 28 Loar with fat [0] 87 1 29 undead [41] 44 0 Set up [37] 22 scribble[11]33 0 32 To be [0] 22 0 33 Stock up [114] 23 -1 34 9006 35 LEARTHING [10] 01 -1 36 engage in masturbation [10] 24 -237 24 EX 38 Demorover [2] 46 -2 39 Masturbated [18] 13 -2 40 masturbated [15] 02 -2 9006 9009 CARECH [0] 02 -2 42 To undress [57] 14 -3 43 -5 45 Jerk [0] 110 -9 46 DR'Cit [0] 315 -12 Frequencies of one tautology) makes speech boring and monotonous.
Synonyms can save the day. These are words that are close in meaning but different in sound. Use them and your texts will become brighter.
If you need to find synonyms for the word "Jerk off" , you've come to the right place. We have tried to collect all similar words and phrases on this page and make them available for use. In Russian, the most commonly used synonyms for the word are: drive bald, masturbate, cheat . There are 46 synonyms in the dictionary.
The word "masturbate" has both synonyms and antonyms. They are diametrically opposed in meaning, but belong to the same lexical group and perform similar functions in a sentence. Antonyms for the word: to punish, raise, force . There are 4 antonyms in the dictionary.
If you often look for something to replace a word with, add synonyms.su to your bookmarks. This will help save time and effort, avoid ridiculous mistakes. nine0003
With the same beginning: jerking off, jerking off, jerking off, jerking off, jerking off, jerking off
With the same end: jerking off, jerking off, jerking off, jerking off, jerking off
Rating of the word " jerk off " : 20
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How not to hurt yourself while masturbating: 6 main rules
February 19, 2020 Sex
Why you should wash your hands and sex toys and why lubricant is your best friend.
Everyone masturbates. Or, at least, a lot of them. The good news is that masturbation is the safest form of sex. It is much more difficult to harm yourself in this case than when having sex with a partner. But there are precautions too. nine0003
1. Wash your hands
Cleanliness is the key to health, including when masturbating. Washing your hands is essential to avoid spreading bacteria and getting an infection.
If you have touched the anus, you should wash your hands before touching the vulva or penis.
2. Use a lubricant
The golden rule of sex: if you think a lubricant would be useful, then you don't. Masturbation without lubrication can lead to irritation due to friction. The lubricant saves from microtrauma and improves glide. nine0003
Water-based lubricants need to be refilled more often, but they are universal: suitable for any kind of sex, condoms and sex toys. Silicone-based lubricants do not dry out for a long time, so they are good to use with long and intense movements.
3. Do not use unsuitable items as sex toys
Banana, cucumber or deodorant are all unsuitable for sexual pleasure, even if you put a condom on them. There are more risks than pleasure. A banana can break, a cucumber can break a contraceptive. All of these items are dirty and dangerous if not used properly. nine0003
The beauty of sex toys is that they are made from non-porous materials, so the risk of infection is minimal with proper care. With non-specialized items, there are no guarantees.
4. Be careful with anal sex toys
It's easy to lose an object inside you, and then you can't get it without medical help. Entertaining medical stories do not arise from scratch, there are really a lot of patients.
There is even a special service in private clinics - removal of foreign objects from the rectum. nine0003
This is another reason not to use unspecialized masturbation items. And that is why all sex toys designed for anal stimulation must have a latch (extension) that will prevent her from slipping inside.
5. Take good care of your sex toys
Wash your sex toys immediately after use with warm water and normal soap or a special cleanser. And it's important to do it every time. If you are too lazy, then wash the toy later, but you will have to wash it more diligently, because bacteria actively multiply over time. nine0003
Unwashed sex toys should definitely not be used.
Keep an eye on their condition: choose the right lubricant (you can use only those that are water-based), store in a special case or, at worst, in a cloth bag, protected from light. It is also important to ensure that there are no sharp edges, notches, breaks.
6. Don't overdo porn
Porn addiction is not recognized as a disorder. The opinions of scientists about what exactly should be considered it and whether it exists at all are too diverse. But by and large, a person can be addicted to anything. nine0003
If you do not sleep well, become irritable, and pornography interferes with meetings with loved ones and distracts you from important matters, then you need to change something.
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