Understanding an introverted woman

10 Characteristics of Female Introverts (2023)

Most female introverts display some, if not all of the following characteristics: Independence, dislike for small talk, creativity, shyness, loneliness or alienation, a need for peace and quiet, self-reflection, dislike of conflict, prefer writing than asking questions, and tiredness after being around a crowd.

Female introverts will often exhibit similar traits to male introverts.

These aspects of a female introverted personality might be hard to understand if you aren’t an introvert yourself. In this article, we’ll go into detail about these characteristics to help you better relate with female introverts, or discover if you yourself are one!

10 Characteristics of Female Introverts  

Below, we have collected 10 characteristics of female introverts, as well as providing a short description of these characteristics and why they make so much sense when combined with the introverted personality.  

1. A Fierce, Independent Spirit 

Since female introverts often like to spend time on their own, and don’t enjoy partaking in activities that involve large crowds (Cain, 2012), it makes sense that they would also gain a sense of independence. 

Learning how to live on their own can make female introverts fiercely independent. This can manifest in a tendency to want to do projects on their own, travel solo, or even start their own businesses without the help of anyone else. 

2. Being Uncomfortable With Small Talk

While independent, female introverts can sometimes run into trouble when it comes to filling the empty spaces in conversations with people they aren’t comfortable with.

No one really enjoys small talk, but it can become a huge stressor for introverts of any gender (Cain, 2012). 

Female introverts prefer to have deep, intelligent conversations with people they care about, rather than engage in chit chat with new people they’ve just met.

Their dislike of small talk can lead to awkward silences on some occasions, but if you take the time to have a meaningful conversation with a female introvert, you’ll quickly see how sharp and witty they really are.

3. Female Introverts Can Be Quite Creative

Spending time alone doesn’t just make you good at deep conversations; it can also give someone ample opportunities to work on creative passion projects and perfect them.

Female introverts value creativity, and the space to express their own creative ideas (Brown & Sacco, 2017). Oftentimes, these creative projects are the way a female introvert communicates with the world around them. 

Creativity can take many forms, and it isn’t uncommon for female introverts to excel in multiple creative ventures.

Painting, drawing, writing, and photography are just a few examples of creative avenues a female introvert might take. When you have so much time to be introspective, it’s much easier to tap into your creativity.  

4. Shyness

Being introverted doesn’t always mean being shy as well, but from the outside looking in, introvertedness really does look quite a bit like shyness.

This is why it’s so easy for people to assume a female introvert is being shy, but there really is a difference between the two.

Some female introverts can be bold and brash when they need to be, but prefer a quieter, more personal existence. So while a lot of female introverts will be classified as shy at first glance, there are some exceptions to the rule. 

5. Feeling Like an Outsider

Even if a female introvert isn’t shy, they can still feel disconnected from the world around them.

Introverts as a whole just aren’t like the rest of the general population, and this separateness makes it easy for any introvert to feel both different, and at times, very lonely. 

This loneliness is why female introverts are so attached to and loyal to people they care about, especially romantic partners.

6. Craving Peace and Quiet to Think

Being an introvert means that it’s hard to even think if a space is too crowded or too loud. Female introverts need peace and quiet to think.

This desire for peace and quiet is why female introverts seek out secluded places like reading nooks in libraries and little-known hiking trails where they can be alone to ponder their thoughts. 

Compare this to extraverts, who will often want to collaborate and work in teams to get things done.

7. Being Self-Reflective

Once someone spends enough time on their own, it’s much easier to see themselves clearly. Female introverts are alone a lot of the time, usually by choice, and this makes them very self-reflective.

Being able to look inward and analyze themselves is a particularly strong trait of a lot of female introverts (Mall-Amiri & Nakhaie, 2013).

This characteristic makes it easier to make meaningful changes to themselves and their actions, but it can sometimes leave female introverts feeling down about their perceived flaws.  

8. Avoiding Conflict

No one truly enjoys conflict, but it can be almost debilitating for female introverts. Female introverts will often go to great lengths to avoid any type of conflict, be it problems at work, with friends, or with romantic partners. 

This characteristic even affects things like answering text messages or emails that might have a bit of a conflicted tone. Because of this, it’s good for female introverts to receive a lot of reassurance from the people around them.

9. Feeling Tired After Being Around Many People

You may hear a female introvert mention needing to recharge their social battery after a night out or an extended period of time around a lot of people.

This is because being around a great number of other individuals actually makes female introverts tired! (Mall-Amiri & Nakhaie, 2013).

Many female introverts enjoy the occasional crowded event, but once it’s over, they need some time in a familiar place, like their home, to rest and relax.

10. A Preference for Writing over Talking

These days, text messages are one of the main forms of communication. This is great for female introverts, who often prefer writing or typing to talking out loud. 

In the heat of the moment, it can be hard for introverts to properly say what they’re trying to convey, and the slower, more reflective nature of writing can make a female introvert much clearer when expressing themselves.

The same goes for emails: as an introvert, you might prefer to send emails rather than having a face-to-face conversation. With email, you have time to craft a message you’re comfortable with before pressing send.


Being an introvert has culturally been thought to be a bad thing for a long time, but we are now discovering that introverts are some of the most caring, nuanced people around. Being shy, lonely, or even afraid of conflict might make someone an introvert, but they are so much more than just those aspects of their personality.  In fact, introverts are some of the best businesspeople and creatives in the world.


Brown, M., & Sacco, D. F. (2017). Greater need to belong predicts a stronger preference for extraverted faces. Personality and Individual Differences104, 220-223. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2016.08.012

Cain, S. (2012). Quiet: The Power of Introvert in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. New York: Crown.

Mall-Amiri, B., & Nakhaie, N. (2013). Comparing the performance of extrovert and introvert intermediate female EFL learners on listening and reading tasks. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World3(3), 1

Chris Drew (PhD)

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Introverts (36 Tips)

Introverts tend to feel misunderstood in more ways than one. People refer to them as quiet, shy, and sometimes anti-social, even though these attributes are independent of introversion. Therefore, it’s critical to learn how to understand introverts.

There’s a beauty in introversion that only a few extroverts have been privileged to see. Understanding introverts is the first key to unraveling the uniqueness of this personality type. Here’s everything you need to know about the quiet personalities of introverts.  

Related: The Introvert Meaning: See 26 Fascinating Signs You’re an Introvert

36 Things You Should Know About Introverts

  1. They enjoy being alone.

One fantastic fact about introversion is that it comes with a sense of self-sufficiency. Some might perceive this is as pride or that introverts are lonely people. On the contrary, every introvert enjoys spending time alone. Amazingly, they rarely ever feel lonely.

2. Sometimes, they have nothing planned.

Someone with a quiet personality type finds comfort in minimal activities, including doing absolutely nothing. People who tend to intrude on an introvert’s need for personal space may get on their wrong side. It’s also critical not to take their desire for solitude the wrong way. They simply enjoy spending time alone.

3. Bringing up their quietness is insensitive.

Telling an introvert they’re too quiet or shy is similar to telling an outgoing person that they’re too loud. Every introvert is already aware of their reserved personality, and stating this will only make them more withdrawn. This reason is why it’s critical to avoid this statement, especially if you’re trying to win them over.

4. Don’t try to fix them.

A common impression people have about introversion is that they can fix it. They feel introverts are generally shy and need to come out of their shells. On the contrary, being an introvert comes with outstanding benefits. It’s vital to embrace their qualities and not to try to change them.

5. Don’t visit them unexpectedly.

The mind of an introvert operates quite differently from others. Introverts like to prepare for activities and rarely take spontaneous actions. If you want to visit them, be sure to let them know first, or they’ll be hesitant to welcome you into their schedule.

6. Sometimes, they don’t feel like talking.

One of the facts about quiet people is that they feel exhausted after talking for too long. This process is known as overstimulation, where the mind shuts down and needs time to re-energize. Therefore, it’s critical not to force a quiet person to talk, especially when they don’t feel like it.

7. They’re rarely ever bored.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “quiet people have the loudest minds”? People with this personality type are always preoccupied because they have active minds. Never assume they have nothing to do or get offended when they pass on a seemingly exciting offer, because they’re always engrossed in one activity or the other.

Related: Am I Too Quiet? P.S. No, You’re Not. A How-To Guide to Using Your Introversion to Your Advantage

8. Quiet and shy don’t mean the same thing.

One of the most common misconceptions about introverts is that they’re shy. On the contrary, a quiet person has disparate qualities from one exhibiting shyness. A shy person has social anxiety and would refrain from having a conversation. Introverts, on the other hand, have withdrawn attributes and are not afraid of relating with others.

9. They’re not depressed.

Quiet people can sometimes be perceived as introverted and depressed. People can mistake their need for space as sadness, anger, or loneliness. On the contrary, the introverted personality isn’t expressly linked with these negative traits, as even extroverts can experience them too. Introverts merely get their energy differently, and people need to acknowledge this.

10. Introverts have fun too.

People feel introversion is an unexciting personality. However, an introvert’s idea of fun differs from the average person’s. They find excitement in little things, and sometimes, this could happen in their minds. Introverts tend to observe more than they act, which might pass the impression that they rarely have fun, which isn’t the case.  

11. They aren’t rude or snobbish.

Introversion can be described as a withdrawn personality type, where a person spends time within the walls of their minds. This attribute can also make that person distracted from reality. It’s vital not to presume these individuals are rude because they merely need time to warm up to their environments.  

12. They aren’t weird.

The personality of introversion is self-assertive. People with this personality know what they want and persuade themselves to follow their interests instead of what others want. About twenty-five to forty percent of the world’s population is introverted, so it’s a wrong impression to think that these individuals are weird.  

13. They don’t want to be alone all the time.

A well-known fact about introversion is that individuals with this personality tend to enjoy their alone time more than anything else. However, understand that this isn’t always the case. Introverts also want to mingle with others. They only crave time alone when they need to recharge from an overstimulating activity.  

14. They’re not afraid of public spaces.

Unlike widespread knowledge that individuals with the personality of introversion dread being in social settings, they enjoy being around others. They have a mind that craves to observe and assimilate information, which is only possible around people.

15. They’re more confident than you realize.

People tend to think that low self-esteem produces the personality type of introverts. This notion is why many believe pushing introverts out of their comfort zones will instantaneously change their traits. On the contrary, an introvert is more self-assured than most individuals realize. They only have reserved personalities because they take their time to warm up to environments.

16. They can be social too.

You can find an introvert and extrovert mix because not all introverts are strictly introverted. It’s possible to see a talkative introvert who tends to be quiet in public places. One of the secret facts about introverts is that they choose where and when to be social.

17. Being quiet doesn’t mean there’s a problem.

Introverts and extroverts define fun in relatively different ways. What might excite an outgoing person may tire someone on the soft-spoken side. It’s essential for extroverts not to categorize a reserved individual’s personality with having problems because they could subtly be having the most fun.

18. They don’t like being interrupted.

The psychology quiet people have about relating with others is that they only open up to those they’re comfortable around. If an introverted girl shares something with you, try not to interrupt her midway because it will make her more withdrawn around you. Opening up about something private requires trust, so it’s important to make this step a priority.

19. Don’t pressure them to talk.

The worst way to start a conversation with an introvert is by forcing them to talk. You have to be patient with them to get comfortable around you. One of the essential introvert facts to remember is that they don’t talk for its fun—they speak with intention and purpose.

20. Small talk won’t win them over.

Extroverts tend to use the old-fashioned technique of small talk to win introverts over. However, a meaningful conversation is the best way to get the attention of introverted people. Even better, start the conversation with something they love personally.  

21. Don’t get offended when they want to go home soon.

An introvert’s mind is prone to get overstimulated faster than the average person, meaning that they’re bound to crave solitude sooner than you expect. It’s essential to understand this fact whenever a quiet person demands to go home and not to take it the other way.

22. They can’t drastically have extroverted traits.

It’s crucial for extroverts to understand a reserved person’s personality and relate with them accordingly. Having absurd expectations will only increase their anxiety and would make them hesitant to associate with you.  

23. They’re not anti-social.

The most surprising fact about quiet people is that they’re entertaining to be around when you get to know them. It would help if you were willing to understand them so you can experience more than their introverted sides. You should also try to be patient with them to open up to you.

24. They won’t explain their personality to you.

The inward personality of introverts makes them excellent observers. They pay attention to details and notice more than they speak. If you ever say, “I want to know more about you,” to an introvert without being willing to observe their personalities, you won’t establish a great bond with them.

25. They’re not proud.

People think of pride as one of the negative traits of introverts. People feel that a reserved person’s reluctance to mingle with others is a sign of arrogance. On the contrary, introverts are incredibly humble and are, most times, astonished whenever people care to notice them.   

26. They don’t hate you either.

Introversion makes people more in tune with their emotions, inclining them to be more compassionate. An introverted person may try to conceal their vulnerable side, passing the impression that they’re cold. However, underneath the emotionally-absent impression that people have about introverts, they are tremendously empathetic.

27. They are loyal to their nature.

The worst way to put pressure on introverts is by insisting on change. Understand that even though an introvert alters their quiet personality, they won’t be comfortable. This type of pressure makes many introverts scared of embracing their personality type in public, and would rather pretend to be extroverted.   

28. They live in their bubble.

The reserved personality of a quiet person demands a degree of self-sufficiency. Introverts live in a bubble, making them easily distracted and inattentive to their surroundings. Don’t get offended when they don’t respond to you as fast as you expect, or in the manner you desire.

29. Don’t force them to open up.

Introversion can sometimes isolate a person to their mind. When they get comfortable, they’ll be more open to others. Forcing introverted people to open up without making an effort to understand or get to know them wouldn’t yield satisfactory results.

30. They won’t always say “hi” first.

An introvert is naturally a deep thinker, and sometimes, may overthink in social situations. This notion doesn’t necessarily mean they’re shy but shows how withdrawn they are. Therefore, it’s essential to acknowledge that your might need to make the first move to get them to open up.

31. Inform them before making plans.

Introverts are never excited about impromptu arrangements because they’re not necessarily spontaneous. You have to inform them early enough because they need to prepare themselves. More so, don’t get offended if they’re not as excited about the event as you are.

32. Guilt-tripping won’t help either.

It would be best not to make quiet people feel bad for being themselves. They can make compromises for you but will still prioritize their need to recharge. More so, try not to discredit their personality type, or it will ruin the potential of any friendship blooming.

33. They’re okay with their social lives.

Shyness doesn’t characterize introversion, even though some introverts can be shy. It would help if you didn’t associate this trait with their minimal social lives. They’re pleased with the few friends they have, and would only accommodate relationships they can handle.

34. Watch out for cues.

While getting to know an introvert, it’s essential to observe specific cues because they won’t voice everything they feel in the moment. The most important cue to watch out for is when an introvert is tired and needs to rest, especially when you’ve been talking for too long. They’ll be too polite to tell you.  

35. They ironically have a lot to say.

One of the biggest introvert myths is that introverts are quiet because they have nothing to say. Ironically, introverted people have more to say than most people realize. Oral speech merely isn’t their most prominent form of expression; but they’ll be more open in their comfort zones.

36. Patience is critical.

Understanding an introvert takes time, but you’ll love the process because most of your negative impressions about introverted people will change. If you’re saying, “I want to know more about introverts,” understand that being patient is crucial, and you’ll be happy you waited.


How to talk to a introvert

Learning how to get an introvert to open up is essential. Introversion is a withdrawn personality that demands a certain level of comfortability for expression. If you prioritize how to get to know an introvert, you’ll have a satisfying relationship with these individuals.

Although introverts has similar characteristics, every introvert is different, and you should treat them as such. When you perceive signs an introvert doesn’t like you, it’s most likely because you haven’t taken out time to know them distinctively.

Since you need to learn the likes and dislikes of a girl to win her over; in the same way, you need to know a quiet person’s temperaments to get on their right side. Don’t have an entitled mindset when talking to introverts, or you wouldn’t make progress. Instead, be patient and allow everything flow naturally.

To the introverted woman

The stigma on female introverts is more pronounced than introvert men because it’s easier to spot when a lady is quiet in social settings than with men. Nonetheless, being a reserved woman doesn’t make you inferior. It’s an appealing quality that most people secretly find attractive. Never be intimidated to fit in because you’re doing a great job standing out.



Do introverts talk to themselves? 

Introversion is characterized with an inward personality, meaning that the mind of a female introvert or introvert guy is incredibly active. Although quiet, introverts have inner monologues in their heads and are bound to talk to themselves now and then.  

What are introverts like?

People mostly think the question, “what is an introvert like?” can be answered using the words ‘quiet’ or ‘shy’. However, a brilliant fact is that introverts can be as outgoing as extroverts. It merely depends on the venue and their comfortability level.

What do introverts like?

One of the vital things to know about introverts is that they enjoy minimally stimulating environments. However, an introvert man would have disparate preferences to introverted women. Therefore, if you want to make an introvert smile, you need to find out their distinctive likes and dislikes.

What do introverts do?

Some introvert misconceptions include the notion that reserved people only do introvert stuff. Apart from watching movies, spending time at home, and reading books, one of the secrets about quiet people is that they occasionally enjoy engaging in fun, outdoor activities too.

What do introverts do for fun? 

There are many things introverts do for fun apart from the typical ‘introvert things’ people expect. One of the fun facts about introverts is that they enjoy going to new places and seeing new sights. Introverts consider anywhere and anything that can feed their mind as ‘introvert fun.’

Live Your Best Quiet Life

Get the Am I Too Quiet? book


Did you enjoy this article on what introverts want you to know? Apart from the thirty-six things listed above explaining introverts, understand that quiet people have similar characteristics but are different altogether. As an extrovert, try to know introverts distinctively. Kindly leave a comment or share this article on introverts with your friends.

An introvert girl - who is she, how does she behave, what is her character?

September 26, 2022


7 minutes

7 minutes




Updated: September 26, 2022

Updated 26.09

More than a hundred years ago, the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung divided all people into 2 types - introverts and extroverts. Until now, the theory of typology is of interest to both ordinary people and individual specialists. Many people use knowledge in the field of personality type in order to find a soul mate, create a strong family, in fact, choosing a partner for life. nine0003

In this article, we will talk about what characteristics and how to communicate with an introverted girl.

Article content

  1. What is a personality type
  2. nine0029 What qualities does an introvert girl have?
  3. How an introvert girl manifests herself in a relationship with a man nine0030
  4. Features of female behavior that do not depend on the type of personality
  5. nine0029 How to communicate with an introverted woman
  6. FAQ
  7. nine0029 Expert opinion

What is a personality type

Under the type of personality in psychology, it is customary to understand a certain set of psychological and personal qualities of a person, according to which he can be characterized, described and attributed to a certain category of people. nine0003

Thanks to typology, we can understand the similarities and differences between people, predict certain actions, build effective communication, understand our own character and the character of the people around us.

So, Carl Jung, studying different people, concluded that extroverts direct all their activities to others, actively participate in social life, interact with other people, solve problems together and together. And introverts have the opposite temperament, they are more closed, preoccupied with their internal processes, pay more attention to experiences, turn to others much less often. nine0003

The personality type of a woman is made up of a set of certain psychological aspects, individuality of thinking, emotional spectrum, sensuality and sensitivity, social openness.

An introvert woman, like a man, is more closed, secretive, loves loneliness and solitude. And extroverts love noisy companies, being the center of attention, active and sociable.

Important! At the same time, understand that there are no absolutely “pure” types — each of us combines these two types, but, as a rule, the extraverted or introverted type prevails. It depends on many factors and features. nine0003

What qualities does an introvert girl have

An introvert woman has the following characteristics: she is often immersed in her thoughts, often thinks alone, seeks to accumulate energy rather than give it away, prefers to communicate with select people whom she trusts and who understands her.

What else can you say about an introvert girl?

  • The girl knows how to build her life herself, she clearly knows what she wants and tries to maintain her chosen life position no matter what, it is difficult for her to rebuild her plans and change the direction of her movement. nine0030
  • A woman communicates only with selected people who are of interest to her and whom she "allowed" into the "inner circle", always respects the subordination and other people's personal boundaries.
  • The girl thinks through every step, the expression “measure seven times - cut one” is about an introvert girl. She does not leave herself the right to make a mistake and will worry for a long time if something happens that she could not calculate.
  • The girl is hard going through betrayal, betrayal, breakup. nine0030
  • An observant and gentle girl, but at the same time persistent and independent. Persistently goes to the chosen goal.
  • She is very sensitive and sometimes she herself cannot explain the reasons for her behavior.


The world-famous writer JK Rowling calls herself an introvert and is a representative of this type of personality. Introverts do not like public speaking, communication with a large number of people, and that is why they have a better developed ability to express their thoughts and ideas in writing. Introverts often make successful and famous writers. nine0003

How an introvert girl manifests herself in a relationship with a man

A calm, methodical, extraordinary and slightly mysterious introvert girl is of interest to a man. She is shrouded in a "veil" of loneliness, deep knowledge, wisdom, and it will not be easy for a man who wants to understand such a girl. At first, it will be difficult to understand what she is thinking, and it will not work to read the emotions on her face. An introvert does not give quick "feedback".

nine0002 How else is an introvert girl different in a relationship?

  1. He knows all his own shortcomings and sees the shortcomings in others, but at the same time he will not openly condemn. Very observant and will notice even the smallest changes in behavior.
  2. It is not revealed to every person, but only to those whom he considers truly “his own”. She knows which model of relationships and family life suits her and “selects” a candidate based on this “role”.
  3. nine0067 She will be completely open to a man who will be faithful to her and give her a sense of reliability and security.
  4. For her, not only physical, but also spiritual connection is important. She will feel her partner in a special way and pay attention to him.
  5. The girl appreciates any manifestation of care and attention, strives for complete understanding with a partner
  6. An introvert wife is a good housewife, knows how to raise children and knows how to do it, loves personal space and always compromises. nine0030

Sign up for an online consultation if you feel that it is difficult for you to build relationships with others, you find it difficult to open up to a stranger, and you are afraid of a crowded company. Our psychologists will help you work through your fears, tell you how to change behavior patterns and become a more extroverted woman.

Features of female behavior that do not depend on the type of personality

Here are a few features of female behavior that all men who want to build long-term relationships, create a strong family, and understand their girlfriend should take into account. These features are inherent in all women, regardless of what type of personality they belong to. nine0003

Distinctive features

Features of female behavior

Emotional background

Women are emotional natures in themselves. Even if they do not show experiences outwardly, then inside them there can be a real “storm and flurry” of emotions. Their mood is very changeable and depends on many factors. nine0003


Women have more abstract thinking, they always pay attention to trifles and details, while men, on the contrary, need specifics, not vague images.


Yes, a woman’s brain can interpret several disparate facts at once and “add” them into a complete picture. And this is happening faster than men can achieve the same result through logic and facts. nine0003


Women are more dependent on their appearance, they often have lower self-esteem and self-worth. They are more likely than men to suffer because of dissatisfaction with themselves.

A characteristic female trait is to remember grievances. They can forgive and never return to the offensive topic, but they will remember that situation, the contradiction for a long time, they will remember emotions, your actions, carry unprocessed emotions in themselves. nine0003

How to communicate with an introverted woman

And now we will talk about what tactics are best used when communicating with an introvert woman, how to build good relationships with her and avoid conflict situations.

  1. Listen carefully to the girl, do not interrupt, agree, show the skills of "active listening". Yes, she can think for a long time and comprehend what was said, but be patient - you should not expect a quick reaction in this matter. nine0030
  2. The girl has an outward calmness, but this does not mean that she is a “stale cracker” and does not experience any emotions. An introvert woman keeps all emotions in herself, and in order for her to show them, a very extraordinary situation is needed. You must get used to it.
  3. Often thoughtful and concentrated, the young lady is an introvert. You should not take the apparent gloom at your own expense. You are not to blame for her deep thinking - this is nature.
  4. Learn to respect her personality traits and she will do the same in return. And then the disagreements about the rhythm of life, the type of rest, tastes and life goals can be leveled - in that case, a strong union awaits you. nine0030

Sign up for an online consultation if you cannot put up with your partner's regularity and phlegm, you need to run, strive, be active, and you are "slowed down". Our psychologists will help your couple find a common language, tune in to each other, you will learn how to understand your partner and minimize irritation.


What determines the type of personality of a woman?


Personality type is a set of personal and psychological behavioral attitudes that depend on the woman's temperament, lived experience, attitudes, upbringing and other factors.

Is a business image characteristic of an introvert woman?


Yes, but not always. An introvert creates around himself a confident, meaningful, calm environment, where there is no place for seething energy, but there is creation, reflection, deep immersion into one's own life. In part, this is a kind of business image, but in reality the lady may not be related to business. nine0003

How can a girl determine her personality type?


There are many open and free tests to determine your psychotype and personal qualities. You can find similar ones on the Internet or, for example, in popular science magazines. They are suitable for both women and men.

Expert opinion

Knowing your personality type and your partner's personality type is useful for building long-term relationships, minimizing conflict, creating a strong family, and more. This knowledge will be useful both in the professional field and in the field of self-knowledge. An introvert woman needs her own approach, and if you follow all the “rules” of communicating with her, then you will have a loving, respectful and reliable girl or woman in life. nine0003

We publish only verified information

Article author

Monakhova Albina Petrovna clinical psychologist nine0003

Experience 17 years

Consultations 1439

Articles 292

Specialist in clinical psychology. Help in finding tools for self-realization, working out beliefs, fears and anxieties. Work with self-attitude, internal boundaries, understanding of interaction with society through conscious personal changes.

  • 2007 - 2008 Children's polyclinic No. 4 - teacher psychologist
  • 2008 - 2009Healthy Country LLC - Clinical Psychologist
  • 2009 - 2021 Republican Narcological Dispensary - psychologist
  • 2012 - 2013 Occupational medicine - psychologist
  • 2013 - 2015 LLC Vozrozhdenie - psychologist
  • 2019 to present Teledoctor24 LLC - psychologist


  1. ... Kravchenko A.I. General Sociology: A Textbook for High Schools. M.: Unity. 2002
  2. ... Egorova M. S., Psychology of individual differences, - M., 1997
  3. ... Pervin L., John O. Psychology of personality: Theory and research / Per. from English. M. S. Zhamkochyan, ed. V. S. Maguna - M .: Aspect Press, 2000.


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An introvert woman - a characteristic, how to live and communicate with her

An introverted woman is a secluded, charming half of humanity. She is constantly immersed in her own fantasies, reflections, is characterized by consistency, the presence of a certain position, originality. Such young ladies selectively approach the choice of an interlocutor and strictly observe subordination. Women introverts in relationships are filled with mystery and insecurity due to increased self-criticism. They perceive ongoing events through the prism of personal feelings, paying more attention to their own experiences than what is happening around them. nine0003


Introverted women are considered to be quite sensitive natures, but they are cool when interacting. As a rule, they are very impressionable and have a high degree of empathy. They are rightfully considered to be individualists who trust exclusively their own taste, and not mass trends. There is no stereotype in the style of women introverts at all.

The desire for creativity manifests itself in these young ladies in different ways. There are many writers among them, because they spend much more time alone with their own thoughts, fantasies, philosophical fabrications than in interaction with the environment. In addition, writing is a great opportunity for them to express any of their ideas, considerations. After all, the paper will not condemn, it will endure everything. nine0003

Introverted women often give the impression of extreme external coldness, reticence, emotional stinginess and even arrogance. In fact, this category of ladies simply does not seek to expose their own emotional manifestations and anxieties to the public.

All significant experiences, shocks, spiritual impulses always flow inside them. After all, their gaze is directed exclusively inward. However, such inwardness is not a manifestation of egocentrism. It is rather an ability that allows you to get more vivid emotions and more from personal emotional experiences. nine0003

These girls are not prone to impulsiveness, they always try to think carefully before making a decision. They also prefer discipline, regime, clear planning, but they do not succeed in following the planned routine in all spheres of life. At the same time, in the professional field, introverted women show exceptional accuracy and scrupulousness in everything.

The description of an introvert woman is not limited to the above features.

Among the features of the representatives of the introverted type, one can also mention the following:

- excessive silence, usually unusual for the beautiful half;

- moderate interest or its absolute absence in public life;

- closed;

- desire for solitude.

However, human psychotypes are divided not only depending on the direction of their attention, but also on temperament.

So, for example, an introvert psychotype can “combine” with a melancholic temperament and get a person with a high degree of anxiety and a vulnerable nervous system. A melancholic introvert woman is a rather uncommunicative and exceptionally lonely person. She is initiativeless and passive, eschews companies, constantly staying in her own world. Often such young ladies have extraordinary creative abilities, along with low self-esteem and a number of complexes. nine0003

A phlegmatic introvert woman, in her turn, also eschews society, but not because of isolation and uncertainty, but because of dislike for everything unknown. They hardly leave the comfort zone, because they get used to the everyday flow of everyday life, rejoice in it, and consider any changes an “enemy”. Any change for them is a huge test. They make all decisions carefully, because they are not used to relying on intuition.

Jobs for introverted women

As a rule, the character traits inherent in introverts do not differ depending on gender. However, it is possible to single out some qualities that are more pronounced in the fair half, namely:

- attention to particulars, scrupulousness;

- caring, inclination to help others;

- perfectionism, focus on the quality of the activities performed.

The most suitable work for an introverted woman is related to the systematization of information, manual labor. nine0003

So, for example, an introverted young lady will perfectly cope with accounting, will perfectly conduct an audit, and will make a financial analysis. For professions related to financial management, accounting, analytics, such qualities are important as:

- accuracy and accuracy;

- analytical thinking;

- perseverance.

These qualities are classic for introverts. Moreover, since the activity itself consists of analysis, systematization, reporting, which does not imply teamwork, it is ideal for singles who prefer solitude. nine0003

Also suitable for them are professions related to the research process, storage, systematization of printed publications (archivists, librarians, clerks).

In addition, archival or librarian work will be useful for historiographers, philologists, and publicists, since it is easier to collect the necessary material this way.

The profession of a florist suits creative young ladies who have a craving for beauty. Creation of elegant bouquets, strict compositions, classic ensembles of dried flowers, living plants, decoration of rooms with flower garlands - all this will give girls who love loneliness, spiritual harmony and pleasure. nine0003

Since introverted natures tend to isolate themselves from the social environment and minimize interaction with other individuals, the professions of a veterinarian or zoologist are perfect for them.

How to live with an introverted woman

What kind of man does she need? How to communicate with an introvert woman? Such a lady must be listened to carefully, you cannot interrupt, any answers should be carefully weighed, since the partner will remember everything that was said. If there is an important discussion ahead, the chosen one must be warned in advance. Such ladies usually remember grievances for a long time, but not because of innate rancor, but because of deep immersion in personal experiences. They comprehend for a long time what was said, the reasons for the quarrel, the arguments of the parties, gradually drawing conclusions. nine0003

Partners often wonder why an introvert woman does not express emotions? Phlegmatic young ladies introverts are characterized by unshakable calmness and only a critical situation can provoke aggression in them. There is no need to take the thoughtful serious look of a partner at your own expense. If she woke up today in a gloomy mood, this does not mean that the second half is to blame. The beloved is simply involved in her own thoughts, trying to concentrate, thinking about a project, a new task, looking for a solution. nine0003

It is often difficult for couples with different psychotypes to reach mutual understanding in relationships. Often, after the start of coexistence, many disagreements arise due to differences in the rhythm of being, tastes, and aspirations. Therefore, in order to get along with a couple where a woman is an introvert in a relationship with an extrovert man, partners need to learn to respect the characteristics of each other's psychotypes. Although many psychologists argue that such a combination will give birth to the most harmonious union. It is their significant differences that make the union so strong. So while the introvert is adjusting the internal issues of a common cause, his extrovert half is busy working out external relationships, giving a beautiful design. In addition, they are able to bring a unique experience into the existence of partners and can teach their halves a lot. nine0003

As a rule, such an alliance is still more common than an alliance where an introverted woman is in a relationship with an introverted man. Indeed, it is precisely due to the fact that in a couple one seeks peace, and the second takes the partner into the public abyss, social interaction is maintained and they do not get bogged down in bleak solitude, eaten by the notorious “everyday life”.

This is the main problem of the introvert duet. Partners are in danger of becoming obsessed with their own union, forgetting about the surrounding universe and losing all social contacts. nine0003

However, such an alliance also has its advantages. For example, they are able to carefully listen to the soul mate. In their duet, calmness, measuredness, balance reign, therefore confrontations in such a pair are quite rare. In addition, they have the same views on homeliness, comfortable pastime, personal boundaries, which also minimizes irritability and the possibility of conflicts.

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