Natural medicine for focus
Natural Remedies for ADHD
Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on February 22, 2022
About 15 million Americans have a brain-based disorder known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some natural remedies may ease some symptoms. Others have little effect.
You can work with a therapist or coach to find strategies that work best for you. They may want you to:
- Create a routine
- Learn to organize
- Manage distractions
- Limit choices
- Set goals for yourself
- Create positive opportunities
Your doctor can recommend someone for you to see.
A healthy, balanced diet matters when it comes to helping ADHD. Using fresh, healthy ingredients that are low in fat, sugar, and salt can make your symptoms easier to manage. When you cook at home, you know exactly what’s on your plate.
Not only is exercise good for your health, but your brain loves it, too. One study showed that 45 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise 3 days a week for 10 weeks dramatically improved ADHD symptoms. Talk to your doctor before you start.
Caffeine may be an effective treatment for ADHD. Research says it improves your memory and concentration. You probably know that you can find it in things like coffee, soda, and tea. You can also find it in some over-the-counter medicines for things like pain and colds. Keep in mind that a little caffeine goes a long way. Too much caffeine can actually have the opposite effect.
Omega-3 fatty-acid supplements are good for your heart. But the benefits for your ADHD symptoms are relatively modest. The same goes for zinc, iron, melatonin, and magnesium. Unless you’re already low in those essential elements, you may not see much change.
Studies show that some herbal medicines, like ginseng, ningdong, and bacopa, may help with ADHD symptoms. But more research is needed to find out how much you should take and how they might interact with your meds. Talk with your doctor before you go the herbal route.
Studies on lavender, vetiver, and rosemary have hinted that some essential oils may help improve sleep and focus -- two things that are crucial to people with ADHD. But more research is needed. Talk with your doctor before using any essential oils.
This practice can let doctors can see and record your brain waves to compare how active certain parts of your brain are. Because ADHD is a brain-based disorder, it’s possible to use that information to ease symptoms. But not enough research has been done to know for certain that biofeedback helps. Talk with your doctor about it.
It’s possible to train your brain to react in a positive way to lots of sensory messages at once, like hearing, seeing, smell, taste, and touch. This could ease the symptoms of ADHD. But more research is needed.
With this, you do a range of exercises to a beat provided by a computer, like a metronome marks time for musicians. It can help with a bunch of brain and physical issues, but studies about its effects on ADHD don't tell us whether it works or not.
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CDC: “What is ADHD?” "Treatment of ADHD. ” “About ADHD: Overview,” “Treatment Strategies,” “Complementary Treatment,” “Nutrition and ADHD,” “Fish oil supplements and ADHD,” "Neurofeedback (EEG Biofeedback),” “Q&A: What about caffeine for ADHD?” “Boost your exercise to help with ADHD.” “Are there natural remedies for ADHD?”
MedlinePlus: "Caffeine."
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Natural Remedies for ADHD / ADD to Improve Focus
Can Natural Remedies Help with ADHD Symptoms?
What’s the hardest part of having attention deficit disorder?
Recent surveys suggest that, for many people, it’s the inability to focus — to concentrate unwaveringly on a task or situation. For adults, a lack of focus can be especially vexing in meetings, lectures, and other situations when it’s important to understand or contribute to formal conversations involving complex information.
Fortunately, these natural remedies and non-drug ADHD treatments can help you find your focus.
Business meetings were a nightmare for Carol Henderson, a film producer in Los Angeles. “I just get hyper when there is no action being taken,” she says, noting that medication “only takes you so far. When it’s repetitive, and the meeting goes on and on, I feel the need to move, to do something.”
For kids, the equivalent of the nervous-making meeting may be a school assembly, a math class, or a lecture on whatever subject they find least interesting. “Such a situation is asking kids to do something they may find very hard — to sit there and say nothing,” says Jack Naftel, M.D., professor and director of the division of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “Often, there is an impulse to ask a question or jump in.”
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Both kids and adults often see “jumping in” as the only way to stay focused in challenging situations. But jumping in is often inappropriate, and it can prolong the hardship.
“I say only the briefest thing possible [in meetings] because my contribution could make it go even longer, which would be far worse,” says Henderson.
Adults and children boost their focus in such situations by a variety of strategies, from sitting on their hands to rhythmically locking and unlocking their fingers. Henderson says she can enhance her concentration simply by scrutinizing the clothing and jewelry worn by others in the room. “It’s like a game I play, to see how I would match up different styles and colors.”
What Helps an ADHD Brain Focus?
Why does ADHD make it hard to focus? And why do many people with ADHD find it easier to stay focused and to assimilate new information by doing two things at once — which would pose an enormous distraction to people without ADHD?
Doing two things at once may facilitate “buffering.” According to the Evidence-Based Practice Manual, a text of recent research, buffering is “an intervention that mediates another effect. ” In other words, when stress surfaces, a relaxing counter-measure may help. People often doodle, fidget or — when the situation permits — do some form of exercise.
Many people find that listening to music is the best way to boost their focus. Earlene E. Strayhorn, M.D., a child psychiatrist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, often recommends music to patients who say they are unable to get in the learning groove. Music brings a powerful “self-soothing effect” that makes it easier to read and do homework, she says.
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How Do ADHD Brains Best Learn?
To get an idea of the range of buffers used successfully by people with ADHD, look no further than the household of Mary Ann Moon, of suburban Washington, D.C. Moon’s son and daughter have ADHD, as does her husband.
Moon’s teenage son has trouble absorbing information from a printed page. But he finds it easy to learn if he listens to books on audiotape — while throwing a ball against his bedroom wall. He has found that he can take in information better if he’s doing something else at the same time.
“It’s hard to do this if you’re physically reading the book,” says Moon. “But if you’re lying in bed listening to the book, you can throw a ball against the wall or draw a picture at the same time.”
Mary Ann’s college-aged daughter needs noise, too — but at a lower decibel level. She listens to the radio while she reads, letting the music and the banter of DJ’s buffer her study.
David, Mary Ann’s husband, is a scientist. He listens to classical music through headphones when he tackles a new piece of computer software. “Constant stimulus screens out other distractions,” he explains. “When I’m concentrating, I don’t really hear the music.”
Just as some kids need music and movement, others need absolute silence. For Maggie Bern, a 9-year-old from Los Angeles, sound makes studying like being “in the midst of a snowstorm,” says her mother, Anne. She says Maggie takes three times longer to complete her homework when there is background noise.
Maggie’s brother, Andrew, stays focused with daily exercise. Only after his daily after-school romp with the family’s two Labrador retrievers is Andrew calm enough to focus on reading and writing.
What Works for Your ADD?
Which buffering strategy will be the most effective for you (or your child)? “Notice how and where you work best,” say Edward Hallowell, M.D., and John Ratey, M.D., in Strategies for Success from Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders. Do you focus better when you hear sounds like a “noisy train?” Or do you prefer to be “wrapped in three blankets,” holed up in a quiet room?
“Children and adults with ADHD can do their best under odd conditions,” Hallowell and Ratey say. “Let yourself work under whatever conditions are best for you.”
Finding the best way becomes a process of trial and error, says Houston psychologist Carol Brady, Ph.D., a member of ADDitude‘s scientific advisory board. “Follow a structured plan in trying different approaches,” she says. “Develop a pattern or routine that works for you.”
Does music have a calming effect on you — or is it a distraction? Is the kitchen where you like to do homework? What electronic aids might help? Would an alarm watch enhance your focus by taking away your worry about time?
Experiment with setting, time of day, and stopwatches. And, says Brady, don’t forget the role that medication plays in curbing your distractibility.
Improving your child’s focus might be as simple as making use of highly interactive computer learning programs. So suggests some research, including a study published several years ago in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. The research suggests that kids with ADHD are better at retaining information when they get that information from these programs.
Never-Fail Fixes
Henderson, the television producer, offers one final bit of advice: “When you find yourself growing tired of doing something that has to get done, do the work with someone else present. I have a colleague, and we both can get more done when we keep each other company,” she says.
And for those dreadful meetings that seem to drag on and on, Henderson recommends escape. “When I just cannot stand sitting there any longer, and I know I am going to blurt out something,” she says, “I pass the person next to me a note saying that I have to make a phone call. Then I go to my office, take a few deep breaths, move around a bit, and go back to the meeting.”
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“All diseases are from the nerves,” said doctors in the middle of the 20th century. However, the 21st century has come, and nothing has changed in this regard. The rhythm of life is still accelerating, the demands are getting higher, and the fatigue is getting bigger. Tips for normalizing rest and sleep patterns, improving nutrition and avoiding stressful situations help, but to help them they need to take medications that help the depleted nervous system restore tone and return to normal. nine0011
It is gratifying that modern pharmacology does not stand still and regularly supplies new and more advanced sedatives to the drug market. Their effect on the body manifests itself much faster, they have fewer contraindications and do not cause side effects that drugs of past generations were "famous for. " In our selection, experts from the Classic pharmacy will tell you which sedatives are considered the best today.
1. Fitosedan (Sedative collection No. 2). nine0171
This sedative is one of the few all-natural stress relievers. At the same time, the absence of synthetic components does not prevent it from exerting a powerful sedative effect on the body, and all thanks to an amazing combination of medicinal herbs such as oregano and thyme, valerian, sweet clover and licorice root. As practice shows, Fitosedan perfectly eliminates sleep problems and prevents the negative effects of stress, if it has not yet become chronic. nine0011
In addition, sedative collection No. 2 does not harm the body, which means that it can be used even during pregnancy and even children. The same applies to side effects. For example, Fitosedan does not cause drowsiness, and therefore doctors recommend drinking it in the afternoon, brewing one filter bag at a time, and drinking it like tea. Moreover, you can take the remedy even in the morning or at lunchtime, without fear of the appearance of a sleepy or inhibited state. With all this, Fitosedan is an affordable drug, the price of which will pleasantly surprise you. nine0011
2. Persen.
Persen is another herbal preparation that combines valerian extract with lemon balm and peppermint. In this combination, the substances from these herbs are able to have a mild relaxing and calming effect on the body. The drug Persen perfectly copes with neurotic conditions and unpleasant symptoms of stress, it is effective as a remedy for anxiety and depression, and besides, it bears the proud title of "The Best Natural Sleeping Pill". Moreover, experts often prescribe this medication for the prevention of psychosomatic disorders. nine0011
Separately, we will say that Persen is not at all addictive and does not reduce concentration, so it can be taken by people engaged in activities that require increased concentration. If we talk about the shortcomings of the drug, then this should include individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of Persen. Persen is not prescribed to children under three years of age due to the lack of studies confirming the safety of taking the medicine at this age. nine0011
3. Tenoten.
This drug belongs to homeopathic remedies, the effects on the body of which are still debated today. The fact is that the active substance of the drug is present in this medication in extremely small doses, and, according to some scientists, does not have a positive effect on the nerves. Nevertheless, numerous studies and reviews prove that the drug is excellent for people who are in a state of prolonged stress, those who suffer from neuroses and are faced with autonomic and psychosomatic disorders. nine0011
In addition, Tenoten improves memory and increases the body's resistance to stress. The undoubted advantage of the drug is that due to the minimum doses of the drug, Tenoten does not cause side effects. And the list of its contraindications includes only children under 3 years of age, pregnancy and lactase deficiency.
4. Deprim
This sedative is commonly called the "Most Natural Antidepressant", and all because its active ingredient is the St. John's wort plant, or rather its extract. For the first time, scientists became interested in the antidepressant effect of this medicinal plant in the mid-80s of the last century, and the opinions of American and European researchers diverged. The Americans considered that St. John's wort is not able to effectively affect the central nervous system, while European scientists proved that in the fight against depressive states, St. John's wort extract is in no way inferior, and in many ways even surpasses traditional antidepressants. nine0011
Today, Deprim is often prescribed to combat depression (mild to moderate), in case of low mood, anxiety (especially during menopause), as well as increased sensitivity to weather changes. True, you can buy medicine only with a doctor's prescription, and for children under 6 years old, it is contraindicated. In addition, it must be remembered that this medicine enhances photosensitivity, which means that it is better for fans of a beautiful sun tan or visiting a solarium to refuse treatment with Deprim. And yet - you should not combine taking this medication with another antidepressant, so as not to cause an overdose. nine0011
5. Afobazole
The drug Afobazole is rightly called one of the best anxiolytics and tranquilizers of our time. This tool is the best combination of efficiency, safety and affordability. Judge for yourself, Afobazole perfectly calms the nerves and reduces anxiety, helps to eliminate insomnia and problems with falling asleep. In narcological practice, this drug is prescribed to people who decide to quit smoking or “quit” alcohol. Afobazole in this case perfectly eliminates the signs of withdrawal symptoms. The medicine is also used in psychiatry, where, in combination with other drugs, it eliminates some psychosomatic disorders. nine0011
Here it is worth mentioning the main advantage of the sedative in question. The fact is that Afobazole is the only tranquilizer that does not turn into addiction. Moreover, this remedy is combined with alcoholic beverages, which means that when taking the medicine, you will not attract too much attention to yourself at friendly parties and family celebrations.
At the same time, this medication is not prescribed to persons under the age of 18, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and people with lactose intolerance. nine0011
6. Gerbion
This is another combination sedative of natural origin, which includes valerian root, peppermint, hop cones and lemon balm. Thanks to this combination of medicinal herbs, the drug has a calming effect on the central nervous system. First of all, this effect is provided by valerian root. Hop cones enhance its effect on the nervous system, while lemon balm and peppermint have a relaxing effect and give the drug a pleasant taste. nine0011
Herbion is recommended for people suffering from anxiety, those who need to cope with increased excitability, irritability, insomnia or constant tension. The medicine is produced in drops, and therefore, for most of the listed disorders, it is enough to take 20-30 drops a day so that unpleasant nervous disorders no longer bother you.
Gerbion is recommended for use by adults, but for children under twelve years of age, the medication is prescribed only after consultation with a specialist. In addition, it should be remembered that Gerbion drops are produced on alcohol, which means that they should be used by persons driving a car and other means of increased danger with caution. nine0011
7. Novo-passit
This Czech drug is called the best drug with anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) action. Initially, Novo-Passit caused a lot of doubts as a sedative, because the active component of this drug is the substance guaifenesin, developed by scientists in 2012 to combat coughs. However, later it turned out that this plant substance, extracted from the bark of the guaiac tree, affects not only the cough center, but also the central nervous system, relieving a person of anxiety and perfectly calming “shaken” nerves. nine0011
Today Novo-Passit is used to combat such unpleasant conditions as irritability and anxiety, absent-mindedness, fear, and increased excitability. It is often prescribed to women to alleviate symptoms during menopause. Moreover, in combination with other drugs, Novo-Passit is used to combat allergies. Experts note the speed of the drug. Its beneficial effect on the body can be felt after 30 minutes, which makes Novo-Passit indispensable in the case of neuroses and reactive psychoses. However, every person taking this drug should be aware of the possible side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, or dizziness. nine0011
In addition, Novo-Passit reduces reaction time and weakens attention, which limits the category of people who can take this drug. Children under 12 years of age are also not prescribed this sedative.
8. Phenibut
Phenibut is one of the best representatives of modern nootropic drugs, i.e. drugs that activate the brain and improve mental processes. At the same time, Phenibut is a universal remedy with tranquilizing (calming and relieving anxiety) action. Due to such a diverse effect on the brain and, in particular, on the nervous system, Phenibut is prescribed in case of difficulty falling asleep, constant fear, anxiety and other neurotic conditions. nine0011
Neurologists use this remedy to treat dizziness and tension headaches, in cases of "seasickness" (motion sickness) and Ménière's disease. In combination with other drugs, Phenibut is also prescribed for children. Let's talk about the negative impact on the body. Doctors do not recommend taking the medication for a long time, as in this case it can harm the liver.
9. Pantogam
This is another representative of nootropic drugs that protects the brain from oxygen starvation, increases mental and physical performance. At the same time, the drug has a moderate sedative effect on the body, which allows it to be used in neurotic conditions and the treatment of various addictions. nine0011
Interest in Pantogam is increasing year by year also because, against the background of the treatment of serious diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy or Parkinson's disease, this drug helps to cope with nervous breakdown, sleep disturbance and other consequences of stress. Moreover, it is widely used in pediatrics, improving children's memory and normalizing a child's sleep.
Pantogam is prescribed in the complex treatment of childhood epilepsy, as well as mental retardation in children. Psychomotor agitation in children is also a reason for prescribing this drug. The advantages of Pantogam include the fact that in the event of side effects, it is enough just to reduce the dosage of the medicine, as an unpleasant condition will immediately go away. However, among its side effects are drowsiness and lethargy, and in case of an overdose, a person becomes lethargic. In addition, the contraindication of the drug is pregnancy (I trimester), allergic reactions and kidney pathology. nine0011
10. Glycine
If we talk about the means tested over the years, which have long proved their effective effect on the nervous system, then the first among them is Glycine. Today, this remedy is in demand, as before, and doctors proudly call it the best sedative for children. This medicine, which improves metabolic processes in the brain, has been helping people cope with increased emotional stress, aggressiveness and conflict for more than a dozen years.
Glycine perfectly improves mood, relieves anxiety and improves sleep.