Two different personality types
Signs, symptoms, causes, and more
A split personality refers to dissociative identity disorder (DID), a mental disorder where a person has two or more distinct personalities. The thoughts, actions, and behaviors of each personality may be completely different.
Trauma often causes this condition, particularly during childhood. While there is no defined cure for DID, long-term treatment may help people combine their personalities into one.
This article discusses split personality disorder, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and more.
Share on PinterestTrauma during childhood is a possible cause of split personality disorder.A split personality is a popular term for DID. In the past, DID was known as multiple personality disorder.
People with DID have two or more distinct personalities. They do not present as simple changes in traits or moods. A person with DID expresses significant differences between these alternate identities, which can also be referred to as alters.
Often, these personalities are completely different from each other. These fragmented personalities take control of the person’s identity for some time.
A person also maintains their primary or host identity, which is their original personality, and will answer to their given name. Their primary identity is generally more passive, and they may be unaware of the other personalities.
When a personality change happens, the new personality will have a distinct history, a new identity, and different behaviors.
These split personalities, or alters, often have their own distinct:
- name
- age
- gender
- moods
- memories
- vocabulary
A new personality will see themselves differently. For instance, someone assigned male at birth may have an alternate identity as a woman. They may experience themselves with female biological sex characteristics.
The shift between these personalities tends to occur when a person faces a certain stressor or trigger.
The exact cause of DID is not fully understood. However, there is a strong link between the condition and trauma. This may be particularly true for trauma or abuse during childhood. In Europe, the United States, and Canada, 90% of people who experience DID are victims of severe trauma in childhood.
The condition represents someone who struggles to integrate and assimilate certain aspects of their own identity, which become disjointed over time.
The signs of DID may vary, but they include a change between two or more separate personalities.
Symptoms include:
- Experiencing two or more separate personalities, each with their own self-identity and perceptions.
- A notable change in a person’s sense of self.
- Frequent gaps in memory and personal history, which are not due to normal forgetfulness, including loss of memories, and forgetting everyday events.
When these other personalities take over, they often talk with a different vocabulary, and gesture differently.
In some cases, one personality may also pick up certain habits that the other does not, such as smoking, or becoming violent.
In the shift from one personality to another, a person may experience other symptoms. Some people can have anxiety, as they may be afraid of the personality change. Some may become very angry or violent. Others may not notice or remember these transitions at all, although another person may notice them.
Specific personalities may appear in response to certain situations. These symptoms can cause a person significant distress, and disrupt their ability to live their life normally.
Other symptoms may include:
- amnesia
- losing sense of time
- going into a trance-like state
- out-of-body experiences, or depersonalization
- engaging in behaviors that are unusual for the person
- sleep disturbances
A person with DID may also experience symptoms of other conditions, such as self-harm. One study notes that more than 70% of people with DID have attempted suicide.
Suicide prevention
If you know someone at immediate risk of self-harm, suicide, or hurting another person:
- Ask the tough question: “Are you considering suicide?”
- Listen to the person without judgment.
- Call 911 or the local emergency number, or text TALK to 741741 to communicate with a trained crisis counselor.
- Stay with the person until professional help arrives.
- Try to remove any weapons, medications, or other potentially harmful objects.
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, a prevention hotline can help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24 hours per day at 800-273-8255. During a crisis, people who are hard of hearing can use their preferred relay service or dial 711 then 800-273-8255.
Click here for more links and local resources.
Trauma often triggers DID as a psychological response, so it is a strong risk factor, especially in childhood. This trauma can stem from:
- physical abuse
- sexual abuse
- emotional neglect
- psychological abuse
In some cases, a child may not experience a clear form of abuse, but may not grow up in a safe home environment. For example, they may live with highly unpredictable parents, and start to dissociate in response to the stress that comes with this.
Dissociative identity disorder may appear alongside other disorders. This means that several mental health disorders could arise from the same cause.
Other common disorders that can occur alongside DID include:
- borderline personality disorder
- depression
- substance use disorder
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- eating disorders
- anxiety
- obsessive-compulsive disorder
It takes time to diagnose DID. Misdiagnosis is common, and doctors need to observe a person’s symptoms, and dismiss other conditions.
To properly make a diagnosis, doctors need to see the different personalities and how they affect the person.
Time is also an important factor in seeing the full scale of the symptoms. This is because people who seek help for DID commonly present with symptoms linked to other mental health conditions.
Additionally, as DID often occurs alongside other disorders, doctors need to rule out the symptoms of other conditions before they make a diagnosis. As such, they may prescribe therapies or medications to treat these conditions first.
There are no guidelines on how to treat DID. Doctors often prescribe treatments on a case-by-case basis.
No specific medication exists for DID. Treatment plans manage any conditions that occur alongside DID, and they can combine psychotherapy, with any necessary drugs to help with symptoms.
Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is the main treatment for people with DID. Techniques, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, may help a person work through and learn to accept the triggers that cause personality shifts.
In DID, psychotherapy aims to help integrate a person’s identity and learn to cope with post-traumatic experiences.
Other therapies
Art therapy, movement therapy, and relaxation techniques may all have a place in the treatment of DID. These methods may help people connect aspects of their mind in a low-stress environment.
Childhood trauma is often the cause of split personality disorder, now referred to as DID.
A person will subconsciously create other personalities to handle certain aspects of themselves and their traumas, without which they cannot cope.
There is no specific cure for DID. However, many people can help manage their symptoms and work to integrate their identities through regular psychotherapy. They can also ease any other symptoms with medication.
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What Happens if You Type in the Middle of the Briggs and Myers Scale?
"Hmm," said a small voice in his ear. "Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, my goodness, yes - and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting.... So where shall I put you?"
Harry gripped the edges of the stool and thought, not Slytherin, not Slytherin.
"Not Slytherin, eh?" said the small voice. "Are you sure? You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that - no? Well, if you're sure - better be GRYFFINDOR!"
I doubt JK Rowling had Isabel Briggs Myers in mind when she imagined the sorting hat. Yet, unwittingly, she created a perfect symbol for personality testing. Like the sorting hat, the questions of a personality quiz are designed to probe your mind, behaviors and preferences and sort you into one of 16 houses based on your answers. But just as Harry Potter realized, it's a self-reported test. If you really, really don't want to be an ISFP, ENTJ or Slytherin, you can always tweak your answers and get sorted into a different house.
Even if you answer the questions honestly, the fact is that some of your personality traits – your "courage," for example, or your "nice thirst to prove yourself" – can place you into well over half the houses. The 16 types involve a complex constellation of characteristics that layer and interact, and are actually quite tricky to separate out from each other. This explains why the fandom really can't agree whether Harry is an ISTP, INFP, ISFJ, ISFP, INFJ, as his observed behaviors make a strong case for each of these types and more.
So don't be surprised if you're also drawn to several "best fit" profiles, all of which describe you to a T – or if you type in the middle with no firm profile at all.
Fifty Shades of Myers and Briggs
Everyone of us is an Extravert and an Introvert, an Intuitive and a Sensor, a Thinker and a Feeler, a Judger and a Perceiver. Whenever we take a test, all we are measuring is our preference on each of the four spectrums. For each scale, there's a numerical value for how strong your dominant trait is compared to its opposite number, ranging from 51 percent (very weak) to 100 percent (totally dominant). So, you could be an ESTJ scoring Extravert (98 percent), Sensing (75 percent), Thinking (88 percent) and Judging (100 percent), or you could be an ESTJ scoring 51/ 58/ 53/ 52.
Superficially, both ESTJs have the same label but psychologically, there are going to be massive variations in how these people express themselves. We just conveniently dump all these different personalities into the house of ESTJ because that code is the best fit compared to the other houses (and a system with hundreds of codes would be impossible to manage). "Best fit" does not mean "perfect fit" – that's important. Most people will agree with some aspects of their personality profile and barely recognize themselves in others. Which is a rambling way of saying – an ESTJ is not an ESTJ is not an ESTJ.
In terms of the numbers, most people type somewhere in the middle for each scale. The graph looks like a bell curve, with most of us clustered around the 50 to 65 percent mark. So, if you score 48 percent Introverted/ 52 percent Extraverted, for example, that's normal. It's actually pretty unusual to find someone who tests in the outer reaches of the scale; say 95 percent or even 100 percent for a certain letter.
Only a tiny percentage of outliers will score large percentages, showing a massively dominant preference, on any of the four scales.
Why? Because humans are diverse and adaptable creatures. None of us lives in a silo, and we adapt our behavior according to the circumstances. We learn and we grow. This sometimes means that a parent, for instance, will observe in a test that she "makes sure everyone is taken care of" – a behavior that's associated with a Feeling preference –because that's what she does every day. It comes with the territory of parenthood. In other situations, her Thinking preference might give the opposite answer.
What If I Type in the Middle?
It's really unusual to get an exact 50/50 split for every letter unless you've put the middle (neutral) option for every single question. If you're truly coming up with nothing, try re-taking the test and ask if you're being really honest with yourself. There should be some lean to one side or the other, no matter how small.
That said, personalities tend to be inconsistent and not all of us will color precisely within the designated type lines. It's very likely that you'll test "in the middle" for one or two letters, or that one or more of your traits come up very weak, say 55 percent or less. If that's the case, you may be left wondering what the heck is your personality type?
Here are some techniques for figuring it all out.
1. Miss out the weak letter
Try replacing the weak trait with an "X" and then read up on all the profiles that could potentially fit. For instance, you could get ENTX, which would imply that you type as ENTJ or ENTP. These two profiles are actually quite distinct, so you should get some clues about the right one very quickly.
Obviously, this method is not foolproof. Often, you'll get a result that sounds like you – and then get another result that also sounds like you, but is for a completely different type. Now you need to.....
2. Look at the cognitive stacks
The cognitive stacks deserve an article in their own right so instead of reinventing the wheel, I'll refer you to this article over on Thought Catalog and this one on Personality Hacker, both of which do a good job of explaining this complex system. Essentially, what we're looking at here is the order in which you use your cognitive functions, starting with the two letters in the middle of your four-letter code, which are considered the core of your personality. Every four-letter code contains a dominant, auxiliary, tertiary and inferior function – and these functions make a massive difference to how your personality type stacks up.
Here's an example of how it works: I type INTJ with a very weak "I" of around 52 percent. So, there's a fair chance I could be INTJ or ENTJ. Certainly when I read those profiles, I can see aspects of myself in both. Looking at the cognitive stacks, we can break down each type as follows:
INTJ: Dominant Introverted Intuition - Auxiliary Extroverted Thinking - Tertiary Introverted Feeling - Inferior Extroverted Sensing
ENTJ: Dominant Extroverted Thinking - Auxiliary Introverted Intuition - Tertiary Extroverted Sensing - Inferior Introverted Feeling.
In other words, INTJs develop their traits in the following order: Intuition, Thinking, Feeling, Sensing. Dominant Intuition means they're always looking for patterns in things and apply insight into how systems are connected. But an INTJ's Intuition is Introverted (Ni), which means that all this innovative pattern-seeking happens in their heads – it's hidden or turned inwards. Outsiders might only ever see their auxiliary or second-best function, Thinking, which is extraverted or turned outwards. This is why so many INTJs are confused for ENTJs.
ENTJs operate in a slightly different order: Thinking, Intuition, Sensing, Feeling. Their dominant trait is Thinking, which is best described as logical reasoning or the ability to see the most effective outcome in any situation. And their logical reasoning is extraverted (Te), meaning they'll put their plan of action out there for the world to see. Everyone knows what an ENTJ is thinking and what is expected of them. It's why ENTJs make good, if domineering, leaders.
Even from this woefully brief analysis, you can see that INTJs and ENTJs approach problems in different ways. The INTJ has a strong desire to gather as much information as possible and use that information to create a vision or goal (Ni), before they will take action (Te). ENTJs focus first on the goal (Te – decide, decide, decide!) and then analyze the steps they might take to accomplish that goal (Ni). The difference is subtle, but it can shed a bright beaming light on your personality preferences when your code is stuck in the middle – if you can decide which cognitive functions you lead with.
Still with me?
Good, because my INTJ/ENTJ example is actually a poor illustration of how the function stacks work as these two types are very similar (E and I are generally the hardest traits to differentiate using function stacks). Running this exercise can shed much more light about your true type when the types you're testing out have very different function stacks. For instance, look what happens if you type ENTX. The difference is jarring:
ENTJ: Dominant Extroverted Thinking - Auxiliary Introverted Intuition - Tertiary Extroverted Sensing - Inferior Introverted Feeling: Te, Ni, Se, Fi
ENTP: Dominant Extroverted Intuition - Auxiliary Introverted Thinking - Tertiary Extroverted Feeling - Inferior Introverted Sensing : Ne, Ti, Fe, Si
What you're looking at here is not only two completely different function pairs, but ones that are also in a different order. The dominant preference for an ENTP is Intuition, and her Intuition is extraverted. This means that an ENTP is going to spend an awful lot of time gathering and testing out ideas in an outward-facing way – if you're a Ne dominant, it will be really obvious to others that you like to bounce ideas off others, think aloud, and have multiple interests that you're trying to feed at once. Your Thinking, by contrast, is introverted, so people won't see how you process all that brainstorming; they'll just see your final conclusions as a flash of brilliance.
Long story short – if you are typing in the middle of a scale, learning the cognitive function stack of the two relevant types may cast a pretty clear beam on which way you lean.
3. Take a different test
The final option for getting clarity on your personality type is to take a different test. That might be another 16-type test created by a different author, an in-depth (typically paid) test issued online, or an in-person assessment administered by a qualified practitioner. It's a good idea to repeat the test at different times, in different situations, as your position can change according to the environment, your mood and the people around you. What you're looking for is patterns of behaviors, not absolutes.
Another good option is to take a complementary test such as the Big 5 Personality test. This is a completely different tool with a distinct mission, but there is a degree of translation between the two systems – scoring high on agreeableness correlates to a preference for Feeling, for example, and scoring high on Openness can be predictive of Intuition and/ or Perceiving. Try running both tests and drawing merits from both to give yourself the bigger picture.
Or Just Let It Go?
If you can't quite pin down your type or you legitimately fall between two personality stools, then more power to you. People don't fit neatly into boxes, and personality typing was never meant to be an exact science. It will always oversimplify your characteristics and tie them up in neat blue ribbons. Our personalities are more complicated than that! I cringe when someone insists that I can't be an INTJ because of an idea I've expressed, or the way I've phrased something in an article, as if there's only one version of each type and you must be completely wrong about your personality if you don't exactly match the "official" descriptions.
Bottom line: take the tests, check out the cognitive stacks and see how it all shakes down. If you're still coming up with two or more types, be both! You may be a wonderfully rounded and developed person with no strong preference between Thinking and Feeling or whatever the pressure point may be. Take what fits and throw away the rest. The idea behind these assessments is not to nail down every facet of who you are but to start a lifelong quest for knowledge about yourself. The four-letter code simply starts the conversation, so you can work with the traits you do recognize and apply them to your advantage. The rest is just window dressing.
Personality types: main differences and their characteristics
Contents of the article
All people are different: someone likes to lead an active lifestyle and communicate a lot, it is easier for someone not to stand out among others, someone is prone to sensitivity and excessive self-criticism. Since ancient times, scientists and philosophers have been interested in the topic of personality classification, many theories have been developed, some of which have become part of modern psychology. In this article, we will briefly analyze the psychological types that the Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko developed while observing adolescents. It is in adolescence that individual character traits and psychological characteristics are quite strongly manifested, which are smoothed out during growing up, but can manifest themselves at a moment of crisis. Even more types of personality classifications can be found in the free online course "Typology of Personality" on the platform "Russia - a country of opportunities".
Asthenoneurotic type
People with a weak nervous system who are characterized by low stamina, irritability and overwork. They get tired more from psychological stress than from physical exertion. When working for a long time, they need frequent breaks, in general they like to work at their own pace. Such people are hard to switch from one activity to another, it is better not to distract them from the process once again. Any unforeseen situations cause them irritability and anxiety. But these people are very careful and disciplined, they can spend hours doing monotonous work that does not require speed.
Unstable type
Complex personality type, which is characterized by irresponsibility, idleness and addiction, for example, from alcohol, drugs, games. Such people strive for pleasure, they want to constantly relax and have fun. They often have problems with work, they do not want to study and grow professionally. This type of personality can be called a real hedonist who sees entertainment and enjoyment as the main goal of his life. The positive features include openness and sociability.
Conformal type
People who strive to live like everyone else and do not want to stand out from the crowd once again. The opinion of others is very important to them, they try to earn the praise and approval of others. Basically, the way of life of such people directly depends on the society in which they live. If there are religious people around them, then the conformist will be a believer to the point of fanaticism. It is also difficult for them to change something in their lives, it is difficult to pull them out of their comfort zone. Positive features include low conflict, friendliness, devotion and diligence.
Labile type
Empathic people who can feel the mood and feelings of others well. They often make outstanding psychologists and social workers. They are open and always ready to help and support with a kind word. But this type is very sensitive and touchy, does not tolerate criticism in his address, cannot stand loneliness and changes in life.
Cycloid type
People who are prone to sudden mood swings experience strong emotions - either they are overly happy, or they feel sad on the verge of depression. They cope with internal experiences for a long time, they are distinguished by excitability and irritability, sometimes aggressiveness. The positive traits include sociability and friendliness.
People with excessive impressionability, vulnerability and openness. They can get excited about simple things that most people don't notice. They also keep pleasant and unpleasant memories for many years, which flash in memory as if in reality. This type of personality is difficult to tolerate public criticism, is very afraid of being ridiculed. Positive traits include increased morality, compassion and sociability.
Psychasthenic type
People who are prone to introspection and reflection like to delve into themselves and criticize for shortcomings. They have an excellent memory, so they remember their mistakes well and often engage in self-flagellation. Hence, they have a lack of confidence in their abilities, they take too long to make decisions, doubt and are afraid to stumble again. The positive features include loyalty and reliability, they will never betray loved ones and will always stand up for their own.
Schizoid type
Closed and unsociable people who do not know how or do not want to build close relationships with others. But they do a great job of maintaining business relationships. They have a rich inner world, into which they prefer not to let anyone in. Many people have high intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking. But they practically do not know how to recognize other people's emotions.
Epileptoid type
The most complex type of people, prone to breakdowns, aggression and pedantry. They seek to subjugate everyone, to win an authoritarian position. Such people do not know how to build friendly relations at all, they can vent evil on others, they are very scrupulous about the work of employees. But personalities of this type can be strong leaders.
Hysterical type
Personality type requiring increased attention to oneself. They need constant admiration and reverence. Indifference to their person is the worst scenario for them. Such people are prone to fantasy and lies in order to create a vivid image for themselves. However, they make excellent actors and presenters.
Hyperthymic type
Active and cheerful people who are almost always in high spirits. They are sociable, a little frivolous, generally do not tolerate monotony and monotony, often prone to unjustified risk.
7 personality types: how to communicate and work with them
When we see a person for the first time, we get only 5% of information about him. To build the right communication, this data is not enough.
Alexander Malygin, co-founder of the Human Detector Business Services Center, told how to learn how to instantly read information about people.
We have recorded key points from his seminar “Effective Communication. We read the interlocutor at a glance.
How is our personality?
If you depict a person in the form of a diagram, it will look like this:
1. Essence, or that which is unchanging and given to us by genetics. So to speak, "factory settings".
2. Education and the influence of society.
3. Social mask, or what we broadcast to the outer space.
These aspects determine how our communications are built in real life. When people do not yet know each other, they communicate at the level of social attitudes.
That is, they use a social mask. When they get to know each other a little, the upbringing of society comes into play and the essence is partially manifested. If the interlocutors have known each other for a long time, the leading role in communication is played by the essence and a little - upbringing.
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Although we are all individuals, we can be divided into groups according to formal characteristics - like cars or smartphones.
With technology, everything is simple - there are images by which we immediately determine the characteristics. What about people? Our behavior is controlled by the ratio of hormones in the blood.
Knowing which of them prevail in the human body, it is possible with a high probability to predict his psychotype and character traits.
Experience Human Detector shows that with proper typification in the first seconds of acquaintance with a person you can:
- recognize its thinking principle
- Understand the principle of communication
- determine the security unit
- - - - - make assumptions about hobbies and hobbies
- understand how active your interlocutor is
- find out with whom he will be compatible
- and even - how to sell him correctly
Tip: choosing a business partner like us, we make a serious mistake, because both of them have the same attitudes. This means that sooner or later everyone will start to “pull the blanket over themselves”, and the partnership will grow into open competition.
Business partners should not be the same in subconscious values. They must complement each other.
If both of them want to earn as much money as possible, they will start fighting for resources.
As a result, there will be a crisis of confidence, and the paths will part. It is important to strike a balance: for example, one wants money, and the other wants to create a cool product. In such a tandem, success is possible. If, of course, the distribution of roles is correct.
What are people like?
It would seem that the general rules of communication are simple and have long been known in marketing. To gain the trust of the interlocutor, you need:
- make him smile
- Interesting with communication
- Mix
- Make a compliment
- to look neat
-Continue communication in the informal situation of
Still, these are common tricks. What works for one is unacceptable for another. To find a personal approach to a person, it is important to build communication, taking into account the type of his personality.
For more than 100 years, scientists have studied the influence of the hormones that predominate in the human body on its behavior and performance. The experiments were carried out in 80 countries of the world, and more than 25 thousand people took part in them.
As a result, seven personality types were identified. Today, this knowledge is used in communication, as well as to assess the potential of employees.
Let's consider each type in more detail.
Of course, exceptions are possible. In one person, the qualities of two endotypes can be combined. Nevertheless, the technique is considered quite accurate and allows you to get 80% of knowledge about a person at a glance.
Type #1. Fidget
What they look like: are usually people of average height, thin, very active, with thin wrists. They look younger than their age and are very active due to their increased metabolism.
T3 and T4 hormones from the group of thyroid hormones predominate in their body.
Prominent representatives: Jeff Bezos, Sergey Brin, Pavel Durov.
Principle of thinking: people of this type are very fond of talking. Speech is a vital resource for them. At the same time, the listeners of them are unimportant.
Favorite phrase of such people: “Sorry to interrupt.”
They live with emotions and sensations. Information is also perceived emotionally. They are prone to distrust, looking for a catch in everything.
How to communicate with fidgets? It is necessary to let them speak, to be on a positive wave in conversation, to try not to cause doubts with their speeches.
How to work with fidgets? No need to be offended by a fidget if he didn't do something or forgot to call you back. The constant flow of thoughts in his head does not allow him to concentrate on one thing.
Do not hesitate to remind about the agreements, always control the assigned tasks. Fidgets are not very consistent managers. There is always a risk that deadlines may be missed or something overlooked.
Type #2. Skeptic
What they look like: skeptics are often overweight. They have sloping shoulders, pale skin, and some puffiness. The main hormone in their body is melatonin.
Outstanding representatives: Elon Musk, Angela Merkel, Steve Ballmer.
Thinking principle: this type of people seeks to be safe, loves solitude and does not believe in success without super efforts. Self-will and stubbornness are their hallmarks.
How to deal with skeptics? It is important to be their ally and let them know that you will not harm them. These people cannot be pressured. Speak calmly and slowly, do not show stormy joy.
Especially if it is for no reason.
How to deal with skeptics? Do not expect instant results from them, do not set urgent tasks. These people work at their own pace, not fast at all. The skeptic works best in the evening.
Therefore, they can take home assignments. They also work remotely.
Type #3. Sun
What they look like: is the rarest type of people. There are only 5% of them in the world. In terms of appearance, this is a classic standard of beauty. Men are distinguished by high growth and broad shoulders. Girls of this type have an ideal figure.
Outstanding representatives: Lawrence Ellison, Pierce Brosnan.
The principle of thinking of these people: "I am the center of the world", "Everything should be my way. " They love holidays and parties, they cannot stand loneliness, they always strive to be in the thick of things, they are emotional and selfish.
This type of people is so accustomed to compliments that over time they simply stop responding to them.
They have fits of sadness, but usually they do not last long: 5-10 minutes of sadness - and these people are ready to have fun again.
How to communicate with the sun? Play along with the sun, admire it, share positive emotions. Let you feel like the main character, do not disturb the atmosphere of the holiday.
By the way, such people can be useful not only in secular parties, but also in business.
They will not understand your product, but they will be able to attract the attention of an investor to your company. Communication and the ability to interest are their strengths.
How to work with the sun? Do not forget to praise such people for their achievements, and they will conquer new heights. Slightly flatter the vanity of the sun, but do not let it sit on your neck.
Type #4. Fighter
What they look like: are people of average height with wide wrists and short fingers, of a dense build. They are always internally tense. Adrenaline dominates in the body of fighters.
Prominent representatives: Mike Tyson, Jason Statham.
The principle of thinking: fighters are distinguished by straightforwardness in judgments, negative perception of the world, irascibility. These people see a problem in everything that needs to be solved urgently.
At the same time, they have a heightened sense of justice. They are able to protect others if they believe that they have been undeservedly offended.
People in life and business love directness and honesty, even if the truth looks ugly.
How to communicate with fighters? Talk about the problem directly, do not try to smooth corners and hide negative facts. Don't get into arguments. Be equal, but be respectful at the same time.
Appreciate their time: it is better to submit documents to such business partners in electronic form.
How to work with fighters? This type is the most conflicting. Don't aggravate your relationship with him. A fighter can be rude and harsh in communication, but all his efforts are directed only to the cause.
For him there are no obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.
Type #5. Pedant
What they look like: they are tall and thin. Restraint can be traced in movements and speech. Somatotropin (growth hormone) and adrenocorticotropic hormone are responsible for all processes in the body of these people.
Outstanding Representatives: Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Keanu Reeves.
Principle of thinking: these people always stick to the plan in everything and always like to make lists. They are systemic, they keep everything under control. Rational in all actions and actions - from movements to spending.
How to communicate with pedants? Use the principle of "first things first", be consistent and logical. In support of your words, give arguments, figures and facts. Speak slowly and without fuss.
How to work with pedants? They live and work in their own way. And carefully calculated. If you do not set specific deadlines for Pedant, he will calculate his time in a way that suits him.
This will probably not suit you: Pedants are usually slow and prefer to act measuredly.
Type #6. Boss
What they look like: are people with a big head, broad shoulders, with a developed chest. As a rule, they have muscular legs. The dominant hormone is oxytocin or the hormone of happiness.
Outstanding representatives: Steve Wozniak, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Gerard Depardieu.
Principle of thinking: the boss wants everything at once. He is characterized by leadership, a large-scale vision of any situation, a sense of justice. Such people know how to make decisions and are not afraid of responsibility.
If you don't live up to your boss's trust, he will cut you out of his life forever. There will be no second chance to secure his favor.
How to communicate with the boss? Be respectful, praise him for accomplishments, speak clearly and to the point. Show that you value his time. Gifts for these people should be expensive, food should be tasty and of high quality, and the interior should be luxurious.
How to work with a boss? Give him freedom of action. At the same time, highlight the area of responsibility where he will be the full owner. Give the boss all the necessary resources and the ability to independently select a team. The result will meet your expectations.
Type #7. Good-natured
How they look: usually they are people with rounded features, short. They are distinguished by sloping shoulders and a good-natured appearance. There are two main hormones in the body of these people: estrogen and insulin.
Outstanding Representatives: Mark Zuckerberg, Oskar Hartmann.
The principle of thinking: kind people are always ready to help, while they themselves are embarrassed to ask for something. Change is hard for them: most of all they value stability and constancy.
Often these are creative people who are able to see the unusual in everyday life. Kind people love moderately original clothes, they know how to create a beautiful interior around themselves, they are endowed with excellent taste.
How to communicate with a kind person? The motto of these people: "Let's live together. " When talking with them, it is important to radiate kindness, not to show negativity. Speech should be calm and unhurried. It is important to create an aura of serenity.
How to work with kind people? These are good performers. They are afraid to let the team down and are ready to help everyone around them. The main thing is that there is no emotional tension in the team and the atmosphere helps to reveal the creative potential of good-natured people.
All processes in our mind are controlled by the endocrine system. Knowing its type, a person can be read like a book: find points of contact and remove barriers in communication.
The typology can be used both in marketing and during behavioral interviews.
If some basic qualities are not inherent in the endotype of a person, then it will be difficult to develop them. Simply put, a fighter will never become the sun, and the boss will never be a fidget.