To say thanks
85 Ways to Say Thank You + Printables for Your Message
Thank You. These words are said millions of times every day by countless people for countless reasons. We thank each other for gifts, kind deeds, and simply for being there, and we thank everybody from our best friends to the co-workers we’ve spoken to once. Everyone’s had a time where they didn’t know how to say thank you. People struggle with what to put on the card or what they should get. Read below for ideas on how to thank the people in your life, regardless of the occasion.
To say thank you for a thoughtful giftDid you just have a birthday, wedding or baby shower and want to thank your party guests for showering you with gifts? A thoughtful note is a great way to share your gratitude. Make the sentiment really special by telling them specifically how they’ve brightened your day. Don’t be afraid to have some fun or admit how excited you are to use their gift!
Start your letter with one of these thank you messages:
- I just wanted to write to say thanks a bunch for the gift!
- Thank you for the beautiful blouse, I can’t wait to wear it this weekend.
- Thank you for coming to my birthday party, it was more special getting to celebrate with you.
- The new picture frame will look perfect in my college dorm room, thank you!
- This is exactly what I’ve been wanting, thank you so much for getting it for me.
- Thank you for the gift card, it will help me get everything I need for my upcoming move.
- The coffee mug you sent is so me. Thank you for making my mornings brighter.
- I’m so grateful for the housewarming gift you sent, our place is one step closer to feeling like home because of it.
- I know you spent a lot of time picking out the perfect gift for me and I feel blessed to have such a thoughtful friend in my life.
Whether a friend, family member or stranger has gone out of their way for you, surprise them with a small gift to show that their kind deed didn’t go unnoticed! A candle or incense are both inexpensive options to add to your thank you note for a little something extra.
You can customize one of these for your situation:
- I can’t even begin to explain how much your help meant to me.
- Thank you for always stepping in to help when I need you most.
- Thank you for taking the time to help me, it really meant a lot.
- Thank you for sharing your home with me, I had such a great time catching up.
- My stomach (and I) want to thank you for that delicious meal.
- You made me feel so at home that I forgot I wasn’t! Thank you for having me.
- Thank you for putting a roof over my head this weekend, it was so kind to invite me into your home.
- Thank you for hosting my event, my day just wouldn’t have been the same without you!
- Thank you for the raving letter of recommendation, I can’t wait to start my new job.
How to thank someone depends on who you are thanking. How should you thank your closest friend or your significant other? What about a colleague or your boss? See our suggestions for how to show your gratitude for everyone in your life.
They are your partner in crime and have your back no matter what. Let your bestie know how much they mean to you by putting together a fruit basket that’s just for them. Customize it with their favorite drink, a gift card to that boutique they always talk about, or items like bubble bath, an eye mask and slippers for a relaxing night in. Play with silly puns or recount your favorite memory with them to show how much their friendship means to you.
Here are some other ways to let a friend know how great they are:
- Have a drink on me.
- You’re a peach! Thanks for your help.
- Where would I be without a friend like you?
- What you did for me was kind of a big deal. Thank you.
- How did you become so wise? Thanks again for all of your advice.
- You are my angel, thank you for your kindness and compassion.
- You know all my secrets and weird quirks, yet you’re still my bestie.
Thank you.
- I don’t say it enough, but I just wanted to say thank you for always having my back.
- Do you have to train to be so amazing? Because you are definitely the best friend anyone could ask for!
- You’re my partner in crime, thanks for always supporting my crazy ideas!
- You are a ray of sunshine to me and everyone else around. Thank you for brightening my day!
- Words can’t even express my thanks, but I hope this gift will help show you how grateful I am for a friend like you.
- Thank you for helping me through that difficult time. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I have two for you.
Do you have a spouse or significant other that is always surprising you with kind acts? Take the time to tell them how much you love them with romantic desserts, including truffles or chocolate covered strawberries. Add a short note with three reasons why they are amazing and watch their smile light up the room.
Get inspired to tell your sweetie how much you love them with one of these kind thoughts:
- I appreciate you.
- I’d be lost without you.
- You make my heart smile.
- Thank you for being my superhero!
- How can I make your day amazing?
- How did I get so lucky? I’m so grateful you choose to be with me.
- I have a big bear hug waiting for you the next time I see you!
- You’re the sweetest! Thank you for everything you do!
- I already made dinner tonight, thank you for being so wonderful.
- When I think about things I’m grateful for, you are always on the list.
- It’s a rare thing to find someone as generous and kind as you. Thank you.
- Thank you for supporting my dreams, no matter what. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.
- Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more, you did that. Thank you for being so amazing!
There are a few different moments when it’s appropriate to take the time to tell your boss or colleagues how much you appreciate them and their work. Maybe you just finished a project that you know you couldn’t have done without a co-worker’s expertise or your manager just lent valuable advice. Say thank you by giving some savory snacks to the person that needs a mid-afternoon pick me up or a new coffee mug to the early riser with specialty business gifts.
Here are a few ideas for telling someone that you are grateful for their contributions:
- Thank you for helping me with this project.
- Thanks again for meeting with me today.
- Thank you for taking the time to explain this.
- Thank you for leading by example.
- Thank you for being such a great leader. The other team members and I are really inspired by your actions.
- I truly enjoy being a part of your team.
- Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and others around you.
- Thank you for entrusting me with this project.
- I appreciate your dedication.
- Thank you for sharing your honest feedback about the project.
- We are grateful for your dedication to the team and company.
- Thank you for making this such an awesome place to work every day!
- Thank you for having confidence in my abilities.
- I really appreciate your flexibility and willingness to work with me on this.
- Thank you for the opportunity to work here. I will do my very best to exceed your expectations of my abilities.
- Thank you for your email, it was really appreciated.
- Thanks for your attention on the matter.
- I want to express my gratitude for everything that you’ve helped me achieve here.
- I appreciate you considering me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you.
- Thank you for sharing your opinion. I value your honesty and will respond as quickly as possible.
- Thank you for always going above and beyond to ensure the success of a project.
- I appreciate your hard work and want you to know it doesn’t go unnoticed.
The great thing about saying thank you, is that it just needs to be sincere to matter. For those times where a simple, heartfelt reminder of your gratitude is all that’s needed, these will do the trick:
- I appreciate what you did.
- Thank you for thinking of me.
- Thank you for your time today.
- I value and respect your opinion.
- I am so thankful for what you did.
- I wanted to take the time to thank you.
- I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
- Your kind words warmed my heart.
- I just want to say thanks for helping me with my project.
- It was so nice to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out.
- Thanks a lot for your help – I couldn’t have done it without you!
If you really want to make someone’s day, include a gift basket or some baked goods that you picked out just for them to enjoy. No matter how you say it or what gift you surprise someone with, they are sure to appreciate your gratitude.
Click here to download our free printables that will give you nine great ways to say thank you, like with a gift tag or coffee sleeve!
How to Say Thank You & You're Welcome in English in 91 Ways
The English language can be pretty challenging, including even the simplest expressions, such as giving thanks.
Each of these phrases has its own subtle nuance, depending on whom you're speaking with or what kind of occasion you're acknowledging.
The context in which you use each expression is extremely important to make it appropriate. You wouldn't want to use an excessively familiar phrase among colleagues at work, for instance, because it would sound too casual. And on the other hand, if a family member said one of those phrases to you, it could sound overly formal and even disrespectful.
Because of this, sometimes it's easy to forget how to thank someone in English, or you might realize you need to brush up on your skills.
That’s why in this article, we’ll give you a multitude of different ways to say “thank you” and “you’re welcome” in English, explaining the context. These examples give you a basic idea of when to use each phrase - but practicing them will help you put them into action with ease.
The importance of
thank you in EnglishLearning to say “thank you” and “you're welcome” in English is essential for social skills and for your success, whether you're a native speaker or not. Here’s why.
1. It’s important to show gratitude.If someone does something for you or gives you a gift, it's natural to say "thank you ." It doesn't matter how big or small whatever they did for you is. Saying "thank you" shows that you appreciate their efforts. Knowing different English expressions to say “thank you” will make it easier for you to express your gratitude and appreciation appropriately in any situation.
2. It’s polite.Of course, “thank you” is one of the first phrases our parents taught us when we were little kids. Why? Well, because saying “thank you” is simply polite - and being polite is essential in most cultures.
Still, it's especially so in English-speaking countries. The more polite words and phrases you know, the better your English will sound.
Saying “thank you” is a basic necessity, no matter where you live. There are definite social expectations for doing so, and breaking those expectations can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.
In some countries, not saying “thank you” in certain situations means being rude. And you definitely don’t want to come off as a rude person!
How to say thank you in English
So, how do you give thanks to someone in English? By saying “thank you!” This expression is used when:
- someone gives you a gift;
- compliments you; or
- simply does something nice for you.
It’s also used in everyday situations, such as when the lady behind the counter hands you the change at the store.
A less formal way to say “thank you” in English is “thanks.” If you're expressing gratitude to someone you have a formal relationship with, such as your boss or the call center agent you’re talking to on the phone, then "thank you" is the polite way to do it. If you're thanking someone you know, such as a friend or your mum, the more informal version of "thanks" is the best option.
Here are 30+ ways to say thanks in English.
English | Context |
Thank you. | Usually in a formal setting, but it can be used in a casual setting. |
Thanks. | In a casual setting, for example, to a friend. |
Thank you very much. | Emphasizes how thankful you are. |
No, thank you. | To politely decline something. |
Okay, thank you. | To agree to a solution or offer. |
Thank you, my friend. | To thank a friend. |
Thanks a million. | To thank someone very much in a casual way. |
Thanks a ton. | To thank someone very much in a casual way. |
Thank you for everything.![]() | To thank someone for their effort. |
Thank you, have a nice day. | A polite way to end an exchange, for example, in an email or over the phone. |
Thank you for your help. | To thank someone for helping you. |
Thank you for coming. | To thank someone for attending an event. |
Many thanks. | Informal way to express thanks. |
Thank you, sir. | To thank someone you don’t know. |
Thank you for your business. | To thank a customer for doing business with you. |
Thank you for the gift. | To thank someone for a gift. |
Thank you for listening. | To thank someone for lending an ear. |
Thanks in advance. | To thank someone for something they will do for you. |
Thank you for your service. | To thank a service person, such as a waiter or call center rep.![]() |
Thank you for the ride. | To thank someone for driving you, or to thank a taxidriver. |
Thank you, brother. | To thank your brother, or to thank someone who’s like a brother to you. |
Thank you, cousin. | To thank your cousin. |
Thank you, sister. | To thank your brother, or to thank someone who’s like a sister to you. |
I’m so grateful. | To express gratitude. |
I appreciate it. | To express appreciation. |
I can’t thank you enough. | To express deep gratitude. |
That’s so kind of you. | To thank someone for something they did for you that they didn’t have to do. |
You’ve been a big help. | To thank someone for their help. |
I couldn’t have done it without you. | To express appreciation for someone’s help.![]() |
Much appreciated. | To casually express appreciation. |
Much obliged. | To express gratititude. |
I really appreciate your help. | To express appreciation. |
I value your support. | A formal way to express appreciation. |
Accept my endless gratitude. | A very formal way to express gratitude. |
You’re a lifesaver! | A casual way to say how much someone has helped you. |
You shouldn’t have! | To thank someone for something they did that you didn’t expect them to do. |
When you’re in a formal setting, such as in a business meeting or when talking to your boss, you want to be very careful with the language you’re using to express yourself. While expressing your gratitude is essential, if you do it in a way that is not appropriate for a formal setting, you might come across as unprofessional.
To help you avoid these awkward situations, we’ve come up with 10 ways to formally say thank you in English.
English | Context |
Thank you. | General way to give thanks, appropriate in any situation. |
Thank you very much. | General way to give thanks, appropriate in any situation. |
I sincerely appreciate your help. | A formal way to express appreciation for someone’s help. |
Please accept my deepest thanks. | A very formal way to give thanks; mostly used in official written correspondence. |
I appreciate your assistance. | Used in a business setting to thank someone for their help. |
Your assistance/work is sincerely appreciated. | Used in a business setting to thank someone for their assistance or work. |
Thank you for your time.![]() | Used in a business setting, for example, after a job interview. |
Thank you for your feedback. | Used in a business setting, for example, after someone provided valuable feedback. |
Thank you for your consideration. | Used in a business setting, for example, after being offered a job interview. |
Thank you for your help. | A formal way to thank someone for their help. |
Your English vocabulary can’t be complete unless you know a few useful expressions to say thank you in an informal setting. These expressions are used to express gratitude to friends, family members, or other people you have a casual relationship with. And if you’re looking for more American English slang expressions, we’ve got 321 of them right here.
Here are a few different casual thank you phrases and their contexts.
English | Context | Country of use |
Thanks. | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Many thanks! | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Thanks a ton. | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Thanks a million. | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Thanks a bunch. | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Appreciate it. | A casual way to express appreciation. | All |
You’re the best. | To express gratitude for something someone did. | All |
Cheers. | A casual way to give thanks in British or Australian English. | England, Australia |
Cheers, mate. | A casual way to give thanks to a friend in British or Australian English.![]() | England, Australia |
Ta muchly. | Thank you very much in British slang. | England |
Chur. | New Zealand’s slang word for “thank you”. | New Zealand |
Seeing a lot of THX, TY, and TGIF all over social media? Getting messages from your friends that look like an undecipherable code? Did you know that these are actually abbreviations of different “thank you” phrases?
If you didn’t, we understand! The older we get, the harder it becomes to keep up with the new social media and messaging abbreviations. But don’t despair! We’ve got you covered with this list of different ways to say “thank you” over the text.
English | Context | Country of use |
Thanx / thnx / thx | An abbreviation of “thanks” | All |
Ty | An abbreviation of “thank you” | All |
Tyty | Meaning “thank you, thank you”, as in thanking a crowd after giving a speech, but used in a text | All |
Fnx | Short for “thanks” | All |
Tysm | Abbreviation of “thank you very much” | England |
Tgif | Abbreviation for “Thank God, it’s Friday!” | All |
Kthx | Abbreviation for “ok, thanks” | All |
Tyia | Abbreviation for “thank you in advance” | All |
Nty | Abbreviation for “no, thank you” | All |
Tysvm | Abbreviation for “thank you so very much” | All |
Tyfe | Abbreviation for “thank you for everything” | All |
Tyfj | Abbreviation for “thank you for joining”, used in gaming or virtual groups | All |
In English-speaking countries, it’s customary - and polite - to send a thank-you note after receiving a gift. The same goes for showing appreciation for someone’s hospitality, such as when you stay in their home or enjoy a meal with them.
But how do you write a thank you note for different social situations? Here are some examples:
Example 1 - BusinessDear *name*,
Thank you so much for your time and valuable advice last week. I really appreciate everything you’ve done to help get this project moving forward.
*your name*
Dear *name*,
How are you? I just wanted to say thanks so much for your help! I couldn’t have done this without you.
Love you,
*your name*
Dear *name*,
I received your gift. It’s lovely! Thank you so much for remembering my birthday. I truly appreciate it.
All the best,
*your name*
Mrs./Mr. *name*,
With this short note, I wanted to thank you for your assistance and advice throughout the academic year. I’m truly grateful for such an amazing teacher.
Please accept my deepest thanks.
*your name*
Other words for grateful
When someone does something nice for you, it's a good idea to let them know you appreciate their efforts. The word "grateful" is one of the best ways to express your appreciation.
Here are seven different expressions and synonyms of gratitude and appreciation in English:
- I am grateful to you.
- I am indebted to you.
- I’m obliged.
- I’m thankful.
- I appreciate it.
- I’m really appreciative of what you did.
- I can't thank you enough.
How to say you’re welcome in English
In English, “you're welcome” means "you don't owe me anything for what I did" and is the polite way to reply when someone thanks you. Another way to phrase it is "no problem."
The correct way to spell it is “you’re welcome” or “you are welcome” without the contraction. The different spellings you might see on the internet (especially on social media and chats), such as your welcome or youre welcome, are incorrect.
Here are 20 ways to say you’re welcome in English.
English | Context |
You’re welcome. | Both formal and informal |
You’re very welcome. | Formal |
No problem. | Informal |
No worries. | Informal |
Of course, no problem. | Both formal and informal |
My pleasure. | Both formal and informal |
Don’t mention it. | Informal |
Sure thing. | Informal |
Happy to help.![]() | Both formal and informal |
You got it! | Informal |
Not a problem. | Informal |
Anytime! | Informal |
Don’t give it a second thought. | Informal |
The pleasure is all mine. | Formal |
Glad I could be of assistance. | Formal, business setting |
It was nothing. | Slightly casual |
Absolutely. | Informal |
No thanks are necessary. | Formal, business setting |
Certainly. | Formal, business setting |
Always glad to help. | Formal |
Learn to say thank you in English with songs
Songs are a great way to memorize new vocabulary! They are catchy, fun, and can brighten your day. Plus, dedicating a song to someone who’s truly important to you can be an excellent way to express your gratitude to them.
Here are a few songs in English that you can use to express gratitude:
Dido - Thank YouAlanis Morissette - Thank UAbba - Thank You For The MusicBon Jovi - Thank You for Loving MeShania Twain - Thank You Baby!Thank you for reading!
If you’ve come this far - congrats! With 90+ expressions to say thank you, and you’re welcome in English, you’re now prepared to appropriately express your gratitude and give thanks in any social situation.
We hope that this blog article was truly helpful to you, and we’re grateful that you took the time to read it.
If you enjoyed this article, then remember to check out more English blog vocabulary lessons on our learn English blog.
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Say thanks in your own words
In prose: Long|Emotional|For attention|For gifts|For support|For congratulations|For help|For understanding|For work|Short|Beautiful|For "You"|For wedding|Original|Official |Cool|Thank you for being you|Statuses
To: Brother|Teacher|Guests|Girlfriend|Daughter|Friend|Friends|Wife|Woman|Class teacher|Colleague|Beloved|Beloved|Mother|Husband|Man|Dad|Guy |Girlfriend|Parents|Sister|Teacher
I am very glad that I got friends like you. Thank you very much for your support during difficult times. I wouldn't have made it without you. You are the one I can always count on. Thank you for having you in my life. You are a real gift of fate!
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It is only with grateful warmth and tenderness in my heart that I speak, remembering you, class teacher. Let the best aspects of life open up to you every day, making you only be surprised and proud, learn new things and share this knowledge with students.
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I really appreciate your attention, it is very important and invaluable. Thank you!
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Thank you for sharing our first family holiday with us. Thank you for your smiles, wishes and warmth that gave us. We want to wish everyone who is present here to keep this feeling of happiness in their memory and carry it throughout their lives. We sincerely hope that you rested your soul and filled your hearts with a holiday!
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I thank fate for giving me you. I am warm, light next to you. I am calm and comfortable, joyful and sunny. You are in my life and from this everything around seems more beautiful. Your presence in my life inspires me to new achievements and motivates me to new achievements. Thank you for being you, for breathing, dreaming, loving, existing. Thank you for being a reality, not a dream!
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The most precious thing in our life is the words heard at the right moment, the hand extended at the moment of despair and hope for the best. To receive at least a little support, attention at such moments is like finding a second wind, straightening your shoulders and breathing freely. Understanding that there is a brave, kind, wonderful person nearby warms the heart endlessly, fills you with confidence that you can cope with any problem. With all my heart, with warmth, I sincerely thank you for the precious, infinitely important and necessary, timely human support that managed to help me overcome the circumstances that arose without a doubt. May your good deeds return with happiness and good luck!
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Thanks to the sun people who give light and warm us, and thanks to those who came to our rescue with a lifeline. And most of all, thanks to our family, who love us just like that!
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In this complex world, there are so few people who can understand. I want to express my gratitude for your understanding and wish you to remain the same wonderful person, so that nothing ever knocks you off this right path, and those around you only inspire.
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There is nothing more important than a friendship like ours. Thank you for all the warmth and help, for the fun and support, for being you!
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I want to thank you very much for such a productive work. You managed to deal with all the tasks and come to the desired result. Thank you for your conscientiousness, responsibility and desire to achieve your goal.
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There are no words that can express my gratitude to you, my love! Thank you for giving me wings, giving me happiness to be with you, to feel your love and affection. You are my hope, my beacon, the guiding star in the ocean of life. I wish only one thing: that you always be with me, beloved and beautiful angel, and illuminate my whole life with joy!
Author: Alina Letova
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Let me thank you for everything. You are the person to whom you can turn without fear of rejection or ridicule. Women's intuition and wisdom make you diplomatic, and a huge kind heart and pure soul - compassionate. Thank you for the smile and good mood that you create with your presence. For warmth and understanding. It is a great pleasure for me to know you.
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My dear friends! For many years in a row you have been my support and support, we managed to go through many difficulties and joys together. You have become a real family to me. I would like to sincerely wish you true happiness, harmony with yourself and well-being. May all your plans come true and never give up! Thanks for all!
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I want to thank you, because if not for you, my life would be much duller and gloomier.
The fact that you exist is a gift to me, thank you for that! I am happy and gratified to know that we know each other and have the opportunity to keep in touch!
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Thank you for the timely, high-quality work and confident professional approach to solving the problem. Thanks to your diligence and diligence, the result was the best and exceeded all expectations. It's a pleasure to deal with such a professional!
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We sincerely want to thank you for your timely assistance! We are indebted to you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We couldn't have done it without you, you saved us!
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I sincerely thank you for your timely and very important help, without which I would not have been able to solve a difficult problem. Thank you so much for your great kindness, sensitive responsiveness, good attitude towards me and understanding of a difficult life situation. I am very glad that there is such a kind person nearby. May fate give you great success, good luck and luck.
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I am so pleased that you did not forget and found the time to congratulate me! Thank you for the heartfelt words and warm, sincere wishes - there is so much joyful empathy, genuine kindness in them that my mood immediately flew up like a bird released into the wild! May you have a wonderful day too! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Author: Natalya Kuldoshina
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My favorite! I am so grateful to you! Thank you my dear! You are always my support, you are always my protector and magician with a full bag of joys! How lucky I am to have you, my love! You are the best!
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Due to the circumstances, I would like to express my true gratitude and respect for your attention and care. Thank you that in my destiny there are good-natured people like you, ready for mutual assistance in any situation and support in word and deed. Kind words warm the human heart and the soul becomes warm and clear. Thank you for being in my life.
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I sincerely thank you for the high-quality, fast and honest execution of complex work, creative approach in solving problems and high responsibility shown in the course of implementation. Thank you for your rich experience and high professional knowledge that you have applied to achieve successful results and high efficiency.
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Thank you for a job well done! Your professionalism and experience is invaluable! Your punctuality and conscientiousness are worth a lot! All these qualities together give an amazing result! Thanks again for your work!
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Dear Colleague! With great respect and gratitude, thank you! Your authority for me is unlimited! Your input is invaluable to me! I am proud that we are colleagues and can support each other in the professional field!
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I was lucky to hear so many warm words and wishes that they will keep me warm even in the most severe frost. Your congratulations are so sincere and bright that in my mind I always return to them. Thank you for your warmth and attention. Let the desire to share kindness make you richer and better. Be happy without knowing falsehood.
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In our crazy time, when unnecessary fuss takes away so much important strength and makes you give up, you can rarely feel a truly sincere soul and hear in the most significant period of life exactly those words that someone should say for support or advice . Thank you for being that kind of person. Let time not rush for you at breakneck speed, let the brightest moments be open, let the inner voice break through at the right moment for you or someone else. Be happy. Don't hide your good soul. May loneliness never cover you with a shadow, and there are always people nearby who are waiting and receiving from you what you gave me - understanding and support.
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Women are amazing creatures, sensitive and attentive. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for this most precious attention, the time spent that you devoted, to wish you to be appreciated, adored, loved sincerely, and most importantly, respected.
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My friends, dear ones, relatives and friends! I am happy that you all responded to my invitation and came. Your congratulations in toasts, postcards, poems and simple words touched me to the core. A low bow to you and a big human thanks!
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Dear friends, I sincerely thank you for your sincere congratulations, which will remain in my heart. Thank you for the kind words that brought a smile to my face for a few minutes. My dears, your attention is more precious than any jewels and money. Thank you.
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We thank the guests who came to congratulate us on such an important and significant day! Seeing you today, hearing warm words and feeling your support is very valuable and significant for us. This first family holiday could not have become so bright and unforgettable if not for you. Thank you!
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My good one! Dear friend! Thank you for everything! I need your support like air! You are the most reliable, faithful and kind! You are the most sensitive, wise and understanding! You understand me better than myself! All my joys next to you are doubled, and all sorrows become trifling!
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Thank you, my beloved, for illuminating my life with the light of love, for warming me with the warmth of your heart. I thank you for your knightly devotion, attention and care! Thank you for your smart, kind eyes, strong, strong, reliable shoulders and gentle hands that will always protect and support me in difficult times!
Author: Alina Letova
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My dear, unique and precious! I thank the Almighty for meeting with you, and you for every minute spent together. Your kindness, intelligence and big heart conquered me immediately. Thank you, dear, for being with us. This is real happiness. I love you beyond measure.
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Beloved, I am very lucky that fate gave me a meeting with such a wonderful person. You are a real man, my stone wall. Your strength is not in words, but in deeds. Everything you do is done so that my life is comfortable and calm. Your kindness and tenderness, openness and respect are the key to our happiness and mutual understanding. Thank you for everything.
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Thank you for the fact that we do not have any misunderstandings and misunderstandings. We are on the same wavelength and think in the same direction. It is very pleasant and inspires new projects. With a full understanding, we will be able to achieve the highest results, unattainable in other conditions.
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My favorite! You are the decoration of my life! Everything I have, I owe to you! Everything that I have achieved, I have achieved thanks to you! You give me confidence because you believe in me more than I believe in myself! This is a real miracle, the miracle of your amazing love! You are my very life! Thank you for everything!
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Under no circumstances, under no circumstances, you, my faithful and reliable friends, did not leave me. Your support is worth a lot. In difficult moments of life, you believed in me and inspired me. You helped find the right path among millions of untrodden paths. I am very grateful to fate for bringing me to you. Friends - you are my support and framework.
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Thank you for your efforts and your honest work. I wish you to achieve financial heights and recognition along the chosen path. Because of your invaluable experience, the results of the work are excellent. Continue to work perfectly, your work will be marked with a decent prize.
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Thank you for your excellent work, creative approach to the tasks, dedication and active decision-making! You deserve the best praise for accuracy, responsible attitude to the task assigned, reliability and ability to work in a team!
Author: Alina Letova
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No matter how difficult and hopeless the situation is, you, my colleagues, always come to the rescue. Thanks to your professionalism and impeccable work, it becomes possible for all of us to achieve professional success and obtain maximum results in our work. Our friendly working team is like a single family with strong and friendly ties. Thank you for your support.
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I am extremely happy that on my special day you found time and sincere words for congratulations! Thank you all for your attention and warmth. May your dreams come true the way you wanted. I wish peace, comfort and happiness reign in your homes!
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With sincere respect, I sincerely thank you for the work done, the highest professionalism and true craftsmanship! Cooperation with you is one of the most pleasant, reliable, stable moments. The high level of quality causes genuine admiration and hope for further, mutually beneficial professional friendship. Thanks again for your invaluable work!
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Only a good person is able to feel another person so subtly. Thank you very much for the ability to catch the essence of the problem, understand and help when you are really needed and waiting for support. Such moments will forever remain in my memory.
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Thank you for your help! Without her, I would not have been able to cope with what I had to face so easily. These difficulties showed me that there are always those who are ready to support and help out. This is very pleasing and gives confidence that no problems are terrible. And all thanks to the help. Thanks a lot!
Author: Evgeny Pryanik
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I just want to thank you for the fact that at this stage of my life you are near and share all the joys and sorrows. Thank you for your care, support, for the time spent on me. You have no idea how my life has changed with your appearance. You make my day brighter, more interesting, more fun. When you are with me, everything bad is erased from my memory. I can’t imagine how I would have gone through this difficult path alone, without your help. Fortunately, fate gave me you just when I really needed you. You do not leave me for a second, you continue to share all the difficulties with me and solve them as your own. May everything that you have done for me be sure to return to you doubly.
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My dear friends, I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for being in my life. Nobody can ever replace you. You will never quit in difficult times. You share with me both sorrow and joy. I can't imagine life without you. You are the best.
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Darling, thank you from the bottom of my heart! For warmth, for beauty, for light in the soul. With you next to warm and cozy, calm and serene. Happy that you chose me. Infinitely grateful to fate that connected us.
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Every person, whether rich or poor, old or young, needs attention. For some, this consists in daily, and sometimes hourly care, for someone - in a simple telephone conversation or a postcard, and for some, just a supportive smile is enough. I want to express my gratitude to you for your attention. I'm lucky to have you around. Your heart is sensitive and kind. Let soulfulness add beauty and harmony to your days. Let there be no trials in fate, and the reward in the form of prosperity, health and happiness will not keep you waiting. And remember: you can always count on my time, communication and attention.
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My dear friend! How many years we have been friends and every time I am convinced that it is better not to find you! You are real, sincere, faithful. You helped me a lot and gave me advice. I want to wish you to remain as kind and cheerful, to be active and healthy! Believe in the best and never give up. You deserve to be happy. Thanks for all!
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Sometimes it happens that the closest people who know you best of all cannot enter into your position and simply support you. Thank you for the understanding, which is felt not only in your words and eyes, but simply breaks out of the soul. Let your help be the most reliable bridge that connected us. I wish that in important moments of life a reliable person is next to you.
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Let me sincerely and sincerely thank you for the work done, for the invaluable, worthy professional level. A person with excellent knowledge of special skills evokes boundless respect and admiration. Finding a first-class specialist is not at all easy, but in you we have found a true master of our craft. And this is really a real success! You are able to master the tasks assigned to you with virtuosity. Once again, accept the words of boundless gratitude and assurances of genuine respect, as well as readiness for further fruitful, positive cooperation. We sincerely wish you success and professional victories, new and interesting achievements, rightfully deserved awards!
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In prose: Long|Emotional|For attention|For gifts|For support|For congratulations|For help|For understanding|For work|Short|Beautiful|For "You"|For the wedding|Original|Official|Cool|Thank you What are you|Statuses
To: Brother|Teacher|Guests|Girlfriend|Daughter|Friend|Friends|Wife|Woman|Class teacher|Colleague|Beloved|Beloved|Mother|Husband|Man|Dad|Boyfriend|Girlfriend|Parents |To a sister|To a teacher
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What to say instead of thank you
Rubric: What to say Here is a collection of words, phrases and expressions (related in meaning and meaning) that can be said/written instead of the usual "Thank you!". Each list item is a self-sufficient (complete and complete) phrase - just select the item you like.
Recommendations for selection are waiting for you at the end of the page.
- I sincerely appreciate your help (support, advice, hints, assistance, participation).
- Thank you!
- Please accept my deep gratitude for your help/support/service.
- My gratitude knows no bounds.
- Thank you very much!
- I will always remember your kindness and decency.
- Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done.
- Any applause in your honor will not be enough to thank you for everything.
- I don't know what I would do without you.
- You will forever remain in my memory as the most generous person I have ever met.
- I highly appreciate your attention, your time and all that you have done for me.
- Very obliged to you. Feel free to contact me for help if needed!
- There are no words to express my deepest gratitude to you.
- Every day I thank fate for sending me such a guardian angel like you.
- Mercy!
- Thank you!
- You helped me a lot.
- Only you are able to quickly bring order to the surrounding chaos.
- Thank you!
- How can I repay you?
- You are irreplaceable!
- I will never forget this, you are a true friend!
- When you need help, you get it from me!
- Thank you!
- I sincerely admire your professionalism and breadth of soul.
- You helped me out a lot.
- I owe…
- I am glad that you are with us in the team.
- Your service is truly invaluable.
- How timely you came to the rescue... Please accept my eternal gratitude and respect.
- I wish there were more people like you.
- Please accept my sincere sympathy, friendship and gratitude. Please feel free to contact me when the need arises.
- Your help was very helpful.
- I hope fate will give me a chance to thank you for your responsiveness (kindness).
- From now on, I am always at your service.
- Your help is of the utmost importance.
- You are the main reason why we did everything efficiently and on time.
- Happy that you exist.
- Deeply grateful for your efforts (works).
- I am your eternal debtor.
- I am very glad that I turned to you.
- How much more beautiful the world would be if such wonderful people like you met more often.
- Such a deep understanding of my expectations is truly incredible and priceless.
- You are my savior. I won't forget it!
- I am sincerely grateful for your timely sense of humor and tact, which made it possible to avoid troubles (conflicts).
- All the gratitude that is in my heart, I address to you.
- I sincerely appreciate you.
- You made my day!
- May everything that you have done for me return to you doubly.
- You are my idol and role model.
- All my delights are for you.
- Low bow for your humanity, responsiveness and sensitivity!
- You did your best! There are no words that would adequately express our deep gratitude to you.
- How glad I am that you did it! After all, you didn't have to help us!
- That was very kind of you.
- You are the best! Without you, I would not have finished on time.
- You spent your day off helping me... I can't forget that!
- Please accept my sincere gratitude for going through this difficult time with me.
- Thank you for taking the trouble to answer my questions.
- You have greatly simplified my task... Your participation is invaluable to me.
- I am pleased to be grateful to you for all the good you have done.
- I like to be grateful to you - a principled, honest and sympathetic person.
- I feel comfortable with your support.
- Low bow to you for not leaving you in trouble.
- Looking forward to reciprocating your attention to my concerns.
- My gratitude to you is endless!
- If anyone deserves the greatest heartfelt gratitude, it's you!
- Your support makes me feel strong and able to take on the most difficult tasks.
- My gratitude knows no bounds!
- How caring you are!
- I appreciate your opinion, it really means a lot to me.
- This is brilliant!
- Thank you for the flattering (pleasant) feedback.
- Much appreciated!
- Infinitely touched!
- One day I will definitely repay your kindness!
- You were very helpful!
- I am always available for you to thank you immediately when the time comes!
- The breadth of your soul amazes me.
- Well, exactly, God himself sent you to me!
- You bring hope to my heart and beautify the world with your kindness.
- Your responsiveness won my heart forever!
- I feel indebted to you… Do not hesitate to ask for my help if necessary.
- I would be proud (happy) to render you a return service.
- I want you not to feel underestimated and know that I always appreciate and remember what you have done.
- It was a pleasure to work with you. I hope our fruitful cooperation will continue in the future.
- Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. Under the circumstances, this is priceless.
- Was (a) happy to learn from an outstanding master of his craft! I promise your time won't be wasted!
- I wish that everything done for me will return to you many times multiplied in the form of health, energy, prosperity and well-being.
- I admire the beauty of your idea and its realization. You are an amazing professional, a real creator!
- Your kindness has forever left a light / indelible mark in my heart.
- And you know how to become indispensable, my friend!
- So nice! I have no words!
- To meet such a caring person is pure happiness!
- You are very kind!
- You brought (found) what I really need now.
You are wonderful!
- Thank you for accepting (my recommendations, help, advice, ideas, etc.).
- Thank you for not saying no.
- You were there when others would have left… I am indebted to you for your patience and responsiveness.
- And you know how to impress, dear!
To choose the optimal phrase, it will be sufficient to soberly assess the circumstances in which you are and the “scale” of the service provided to you. The following recommendations will help you choose the best phrase in case of difficulty.
- If you have been rendered a small service (for example: passing a salad bowl to the other end of the table at dinner, holding an object, pouring tea, etc.), such phrases as: “You are very kind!” will suffice! or “Very kind of you”, “Thank you”, “You are very helpful. Much obliged!". In such cases, by giving thanks for a long time, you can make the recipient feel awkward.
- If you have been rendered a significant service or a small one, but very valuable for you (or if a person has spent personal time and / or any other resources) - this deserves more emotional gratitude than a dry “Thank you!”.
Choose warm phrases containing a compliment, expressing not only gratitude, but also delight. So you will let the addressee (the one to whom you address the words) feel his significance and demonstrate not only politeness, but also the ability to appreciate other people's efforts (made in your interests), leave pleasant impressions / memories about yourself (for example: “I am infinitely grateful for the help , because you had to spend the day off. How can I thank you?").
- If you need to respond with words of gratitude for a gift/souvenir/award/congratulation - choose enthusiastic phrases, and/or containing a compliment/praise. In such cases, not only your courtesy is important to the addressee, but also the assessment of his efforts / costs / choice / care. Appropriate phrases would be: “You made my day!”, “Infinitely grateful for such a choice - this is really what I need most right now”, etc.
- If you work in the service sector and helped (recommended something) to the client, and he accepted your advice - in response to his “thank you”, you also have the opportunity to thank (the following expression is appropriate: “I am grateful that they accepted my recommendations”).
So you part with the client mutually grateful to each other.
- Phrases such as “I will be glad to return the favor!”, “I am obliged!”, “Infinitely touched!” and others like them - already (in terms of meaning) contain gratitude and do not require additional explanations. The recipient will understand that you are grateful and avoid a simple “thank you”, you want to convey the depth of your feelings. However, if this seems insufficient to you, then to any phrase from the list you can add a request (to the addressee) to contact you in the future for help / return service. The purpose of such a request is to make it clear that your gratitude is not just words, but also a willingness to “pay in kind” (for example: “Kowtow for not leaving me in a difficult situation. Feel free to contact me for help at any time !").
- If you want your words to be remembered, determine what is most pleasant for the addressee: compliments, appreciation of their efforts or the opportunity to have support (in your person) in the future.