Things to keep your hands busy
6 things for anyone who needs to keep their hands busy
Copyright Amazon
<a href="">Amazon</a>
By: Bridget Sharkey
Posted at 11:25 AM, Oct 20, 2022
and last updated 2022-10-20 10:25:25-04
The products and services mentioned below were selected independent of sales and advertising. However, Don't Waste Your Money may receive a small commission from the purchase of any products or services through an affiliate link to the retailer's website.
Are you one of those people who always need to have your hands busy? Whether you’re cracking your knuckles, playing with your hair, scrolling on your phone or picking at your fingernails, the good news is that cognitive research shows that fidgeting is an effective tool for self-regulation. For instance, one study found that people who doodled on a piece of paper during a phone call had better memory recall for the phone call’s details than people who just sat still.
In other words, there is no reason to be embarrassed if you love to fidget. Here are some of our favorite tools for fidgeting and keeping your hands busy, whether you are on an office Zoom call or watching television, or sitting at your kid’s sports game.
Fidget Cubes
AmazonFidget cubes aren’t just for kids! There are many fidget toys that were designed with adults in mind. This option from Amazon is just under $7, and it is subtle, sleek and can be easily tossed in your pocket or your purse. Because of its small size, it’s easy to fidget without drawing attention to yourself, and it has 6 different features that will give you fidget options from clicking to flipping to rolling and more.
Face Rollers
AmazonNot only are face rollers and gua sha tools good for your appearance, they can also be very soothing and comforting. Using a gua sha tool to gently massage your face during a Bravo binge or while you’re helping your kids with homework will help to lift and smooth your skin … and it will give your hands something to fidget with other than your phone. We love this Mount Lai Gua Sha Facial Lifting Tool from Sephora, but microderm rollers like this one from Kitsch are also a satisfying way to beautify and fidget all at the same time.
AmazonCrocheting is not just a beautiful and classic art form, it is also really good for your brain. Research suggests crocheting and knitting can even lower your risk of developing dementia. Repetitive activities like crocheting help to boost serotonin levels as well as create new neuropathways to keep our brains strong and flexible.
But not all crochet hooks are created equal. It’s important to find ones that are ergonomic and won’t put undue strain on your fingers and joints, like the ones in this BeCraftee crochet hook set. These are our favorite crochet hooks, whether you are a beginner crocheter or you have been crocheting for years.
Fidget Jewelry
AmazonIf you are always tugging on your earrings or playing with the hair ties on your wrist, then fidget jewelry is a perfect option for you.
These sterling silver rings can help decrease anxiety and keep your hands busy, but the jewelry merely looks like a chic and beautiful accessory. The on-trend, minimalist rings feature little silver beads that you can subtly fidget with and slide around without drawing attention to yourself.
Thor’s Hammer
AmazonIf you want to fidget but still feel like a superhero, reach for this Thor’s Battle Hammer from Amazon. You can spin or slide Thor’s Hammer whether you are stuck in a boring meeting or killing time during a plane ride. The hammers come in gold or silver, and they can easily fit in your pocket or backpack.
Back Scratchers
AmazonSometimes fidgeting can lead us to be rough on our skin. From picking at scabs to chewing your cuticles, it’s important to try to channel your fidgeting into something that won’t harm you. That’s why we love the idea of using a back scratcher, like this affordable bamboo scratcher, to scratch your need to fidget.
Whether you are scratching your own back, scratching your partner’s back, or giving your pet the TLC of their dreams, back-scratching tools are such a simple but priceless way to soothe and satisfy all your hard-to-reach itches. These are our favorite back-scratching products for 2022. (Hint: These would make wonderful stocking stuffers too!)
This story originally appeared on Don't Waste Your Money. Checkout Don't Waste Your Money for product reviews and other great ideas to save and make money.
Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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Do you really want to feel regret for wasting so much time every week?
At certain points in our lives, we all feel bored with nothing to do. Keeping ourselves occupied with productive activities helps to sharpen our minds and bodies for better functioning.
Benefits of keeping yourself busy
- It increases mental health and focuses
- It enhances creativity
- It raises your energy levels
- It helps you become more productive
- Negative emotions become a thing of the past and make you hopeful.
Read More on the Benefits of Being Busy.
Here is a list of 27 hobbies to keep your hands busy, and eliminate stress and boredom.
Learn to sew online
Learn to sew – PixabaySewing is a low-cost hobby to pick up and keep your hands and mind focused. Famous film stars like Emma Watson, John Lennon, and Julia Roberts use their free time to sew because it helps them relax and unwind.
Many research studies conclude that sewing improves concentration and creativity.
To have the best sewing experience I recommend you use the Gutermann Sew All Polyester Thread, Husqvarna Viking Emerald 116 sewing machine, and the Schmetz Universal needles. Here is a beginner tutorial on how to start your sewing journey.
Learning to program is not difficult as most people think, but it requires practice on your end to get good. There are a lot of free resources to help you get started without investing a penny. I recommend you start with the fundamentals. Use Codeacademy or freecodecamp to start.
Lift weights
What better way to keep your hands busy than to lift weights? It is beneficial for both your body and your mental health. it is a great hobby for a man or a woman because you get to build stronger bones, improve your posture and lose fat.
You also stay out of the hospital for longer than most people who don’t exercise.
Read books online
“I read a book one day and my whole life was changed.” – Orhan Pamuk
You can become more productive with your time by diving into the minds of giants.
A scientific study shows that the number of books you need to read in order to become an expert in a field is four books. Imagine what it means to read ten books.
You can also read fun and fantasy books like Disney with your children.
Time spent with family is well spent.
Start a garden
If you want to supplement your family’s food source and income with your spare time, then look to the path of gardening as a hobby.
Gardening has its pecks. It helps reduce stress, improves your mood, and builds strength. It is a beautiful thing to grow something from scratch.
Learn calligraphy online
Clear and focused concentration is required to learn calligraphy. To start this hobby, you will need a practice book and some lettering brushes.
Learn from the likes of Jake Weidmann, one of the youngest master penmen in history.
Learn to paint online
The brush is a simple thing. Isn’t it? But in the hands of someone willing and dedicated to learning, it can be turn anything into a masterpiece.
Bring out your inner Davinci, and get to panting my friend. Put on your favorite tune and get artistic with your painting kit.
To effectively learn to paint, join Skillshare or Udemy classes
Learn a new musical instrument
How beautiful are the songs created by our favorite musicians? Be that person to your loved ones, learn to play a new instrument in your free time, and amaze them.
Learn Instant photography
Capture and document fun memories of everything around you: your family members, pets, and nature. Pick up your favorite camera and get snapping.
Don’t know how? Watch this YouTube Tutorial and learn the basics of photography.
Learn to bake
Baking is one of the oldest hobbies dating back to the Roman empire.
Show love to your family and friends by baking some delicious cakes, biscuits, and doughnuts for them. They will adore it.
Enroll in this free baking fundamentals course by Baker Bettie to get started.
Start a blog
The internet has made it possible for everyone to connect to the world. It has made it possible to share what you know with others online.
I started this blog as a hobby in my free time. It kept and urged me to write almost every day online. Try it it’s fun. If you don’t know where to start, watch free resources on YouTube to get started.
Learn to play chess
Chess is a game of tactics and strategy. It will build your critical thinking skills. This is one hobby I recommend you do to keep yourself busy. The likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and George R.R. Martin play it.
GothamChess is one of the best YouTube channels for learning how to play chess. In that tutorial you will learn:
- How pieces move
- Piece interactions
- Check, checkmate
- Openings Mid/Endgames
- Study Plan
You can also play chess online at
Play tennis
Great posture, upper body strength, and balance are some of the benefits you can gain from picking up this hobby.
Research published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that tennis elevates your heart rate and helps boost your fitness level.
In this tutorial, you will learn skills like Forehand, Backhand, and Serve which are some of the core fundamentals of tennis.
Learn to color
Color is the beauty of life. It can be fun and relaxing to do in your free time. All you need is a coloring book and a color pencil or pen. Include your children and create life on paper.
There are a lot of amazing coloring books on from animals to houses to human beings for you to color to your heart content.
Dog walking
Almost every home in the world has a dog. Treat your dog to some exercise to keep you busy. It is one of the few hobbies that help you exercise while having fun with your animal friend at the same time.
Write a book
The paper can store everything; your fears, anxieties, and the things you love. Research even shows that people who write every day are more relaxed and focused.
You don’t need to write a whole book in one day.
First, choose what topic you want to write about. It could be anything from your family history to your children’s lives and even from your own life.
Plan to write a few pages every day in your free time for a year.
You would have a full book by the end of the year.
Learn origami
Spark your creativity with the craft of origami. You can create beautiful paper objects of creatures, household objects, and maybe your favorite human characters. This hobby can really make you a more interesting person as you can with your hands turn paper into beautiful designs.
Learn to knit online
Knitting has become popular over the years. All you need to start knitting is yarn, knitting needles, finishing needles, and a pair of scissors.
You can knit beautiful designs on your apparel and even small pocket bags.
use this YouTube video to kickstart the process.
Coin collecting
Coin collections have exploded over the years. There are rare coins from silver to gold which can be very lucrative. You can get coins in your local coin shops, from online marketplaces like eBay and Walmart.
It can be a great way to supplement your income. Check the United States Redbook on to start your journey on coin collecting.
Start journaling your ideas and thoughts
As one of the most useful habits of some of the most powerful people in the world like Marcus Aurelius. To journal is to write to yourself.
In your free time take a journal and write out your thoughts; your problems, your success, and also your actions for the day.
A study at Cambridge University concluded that journaling leads to reduced stress, which in turn leads to improved physical and mental health.
Perform Yoga exercises
Take care of your body and mind, there is no better way to do that than doing Yoga poses and stretches.
This helps keep you in shape and makes good use of your time.
Use YouTube tutorials on Yoga exercises for beginners to get started or low-cost resources if you want more effective and targeted results.
Practice Meditation
start meditatingSitting down in your free time and focusing on your thoughts for just 10 – 20 minutes can lead to better health. Also, you can learn more about your mind and how your thoughts flow. In short, it makes you a better person.
There are tons of resources online to help you meditate properly.
Learn To Dance
The vibration in your body when you start dancing is invigorating. Use your free time to get the exercise you need. It helps fight depression. Involve your family in the process and have fun.
Learn To Sing
Music is like medicine to the soul of every human being. It evokes emotions and the right kind of music has been proven to have physical and mental benefits. Take some of your free time and learn some good songs from your favorite artists. Soak them into eardrums and voice them out.
Related Article: How To Write A Song For Beginners
Update your room
Transform and style your room to your liking. Your room will need new furniture and fittings.
Use your free time to get this petty little thing done by yourself. Find ideas on basic interior designs.
Collect vintage cards
Card collection comes in different forms. You can start collecting cards in sporting activities like Boxing, Baseball, Soccer, and Basketball.
Pokémon cards are also types of cards you can collect. Kids love Pokémon and it will help you foster strong relationships with your children.
Start a podcast
Statistics show that 67 million Americans listen to a podcast every day. This is a great opportunity to connect with people and share what you know. You will also make money in the process, all in your free time.
Learn more on how to start a podcast at Buzzsprout
Be productive and enjoy your time to the fullest.
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Toys to help you work (or forget about work)
- Alina Dizik
- BBC Capital
Image copyright Antsy Labs
Who doesn't love new toys? Better yet, fashionable and smart gadgets for office workers that can increase creativity. Reviewer BBC Capital has compiled the best of them for you. nine0018
Even adults love toys. But did you know that so-called "office toys" can be your secret weapon to improve your work efficiency?
Scientists say that some of them help to take a short break from difficult tasks and relax, while others stimulate the productivity of employees, even if they are focused on something else.
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In a study conducted in 2010 by Alejandro Lleras of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), scientists tested the memory of 84 students using fast changing numbers.
She found that those who were distracted remembered more than those who were deprived of short breaks in mental work.
Forget the good old stress ball. Now you can buy a variety of office toys that can reduce anxiety and increase creativity. Plus, they make a great gift. nine0011
With these latest gadgets, you can build, spin, accelerate, stretch and draw your path to success.
Helicone Spinner
Photo by MoMa Design Store
The spinning plates of this office toy can distract your attention from the monitor screen for a long time.
According to Helicone designer John Edmark, Stanford University professor who designed this kinetic sculpture, it can take on a variety of shapes and is great for taking your hands off work. nine0011
It consists of 38 laser-cut plywood plates and attached to a copper tube. By spinning them, you can create something that looks like a spiral or a pinecone.
(, $60)
3Doodler Create Pen
Image copyright 3Doodler
Do you have a friend who loves to draw? Give him a 3D pen so that he can show all his creativity. This electric pen is not at all like a regular ballpoint pen. nine0011
Original "drawings" literally grow before your eyes. The result is 3D objects that embody the most daring ideas.
(, $99)
Gnome-Be-Gone Decision Gnome
Image copyright Uncommon Goods
Argued with a colleague? Let the dwarf judge you. Just spin the Gnome-Be-Gone toy to get the answer to any question.
This pencil holder is made from recycled steel and has the answers to your toughest questions. She may advise you to "hold a meeting," "take the day off," "ask HR," or "set up a focus group." nine0011
(, $90)
Image credit: MoMa Design Store
Forget Rubik's Cube and Lego. The Snaak constructor consists of 64 interconnected parts that can be moved and twisted endlessly, while obtaining a variety of shapes.
Parts are held together with an elastic cord so you won't lose any of them. Those who always want to twirl something in their hands will be able to create almost anything from this designer, from sunglasses to robots. nine0011
(, $28)
Muji Mini Penguin Bowling Penguins
Image copyright MoMa Design Store
Want to take a break from a busy project? You no longer need to leave your office to do this.
Penguin-shaped miniature bowling pins can turn an office meeting into a friendly mini bowling match. Just don't forget to write down the score.
(, $25)
Wooden slingshot
Photo by Personal Creations
This luxurious slingshot will give each of us the opportunity to return to childhood. It is set on a walnut base and can be proudly engraved with your initials.
This slingshot launches a paper ball across the room (or into the nearest paper bin). And you will never run out of ammo.
(, $49)
Unstable polyhedra
Image copyright Areaware
When we are working on a complex task, we often want to turn something in our hands - it helps us think.
Try to build a tower with these prisms, but don't forget about balance. One wrong move and all your efforts will go to waste.
Crafted from oak, each block has 10 facets, giving you endless sculpting possibilities.
(, $48)
Hanayama Castle
Image copyright Fat Brain Toys
Bored at work? This very difficult lock puzzle is a great distraction, and you might get fresh ideas as you solve it.
The manufacturing company assigned it the fifth level of difficulty (on a scale of 1 to 6). It can take you weeks to open this metal lock. And when you finally do, you'll feel like you've hit the jackpot. nine0011
(, $12)
Fidget Cube
Image credit: Antsy Labs
Having raised a hefty $6.5 million on Kickstarter, Fidget Cube already has small but significant success.
It contains various elements that can be twisted, pressed or toggled. The cube is specifically designed to increase productivity and reduce anxiety.
The authors of the project advise the owners of the cube to experiment with each of its six faces in order to redirect their energy. nine0011
At the moment, the cube can only be purchased by pre-order. Representatives of the company promise to deliver the next batch of cubes in February 2017.
( on pre-order, $22)
Read the original English version of this article at BBC Capital .
Occupy your hands - Book selections - Book-eater
Anti-stress toys are now in trend. Especially the spinner. Passion for them is like a global insanity. Recently, we didn’t even know such a word, and now videos with tricks are gaining millions of views on Youtube. Fashionable hobby has not passed us by. "", of course, spins the spinner with great pleasure, but remembers the classic Rubik's Cube, knows modern gadgets, such as the Fidget Cube and is touched by fish and kittens. nine0011
Toy, Fidget Cube Antistress Toy Kickstarter 6156
Do you like to twist a pencil or a ring in your hand? What about twitching your leg and clapping your hand, annoying those around you? And, of course, burst the pimples on the packaging film?
Toy, Fidget Cube Antistress Toy Retro 6170
Do you like to twist a pencil or a ring in your hand? What about twitching your leg and clapping your hand, annoying those around you? And, of course, to pop the pimples on the packaging film? Oh, yes, such “charms” are familiar
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Toy, Fidget Cube Antistress Toy Fresh 6187
Do you like to twist a pencil or a ring in your hand? What about twitching your leg and clapping your hand, annoying those around you? And, of course, burst the pimples on the packaging film?
Toy, Fidget Cube Toy - antistress White 6125 nine0193
Do you like to twist a pencil or a ring in your hand? What about twitching your leg and clapping your hand, annoying those around you? And, of course, to pop the bumps on the packaging film?
Toy, Fidget Cube Toy - antistress Berry 6194
Do you like to twist a pencil or a ring in your hand? What about twitching your leg and clapping your hand, annoying those around you? And, of course, to pop the pimples on the packaging film? Oh, yes, such “charms” are familiar
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Toy, Fidget Cube Antistress Toy Midnight 6163
Do you like to twist a pencil or a ring in your hand? What about twitching your leg and clapping your hand, annoying those around you? And, of course, burst the bumps on the packaging film?
Toy, Fidget Cube Antistress Toy Graphite 6132 nine0193
Do you like to twist a pencil or a ring in your hand? What about twitching your leg and clapping your hand, annoying those around you? And, of course, burst the pimples on the packaging film?
Toy, Fidget Cube Antistress Toy Sunset 6149
Do you like to twist a pencil or a ring in your hand? What about twitching your leg and clapping your hand, annoying those around you? And, of course, to pop the pimples on the packaging film? Oh, yes, such “charms” are familiar
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Angry Birds Yo-yo green pig with whiskers 60mm in blister
Yo-yo toy, made in the Angry Birds design loved by all children, will help your child learn to perform all kinds of tricks and become a real professional. Diameter: 60 mm.Age: from 5
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Rubik's Cube 3x3 without stickers
The updated Rubik's Cube 3x3 is: An improved mechanism based on the ball, the cube spins smoother, softer and at the same time more accurate. Thanks to a new mechanism, the Rubik's Cube now cuts corners. This means that
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Game, Educational game, Game Lab, Rubik's Cube, 2x2
The 2x2 Rubik's Cube is a simplified version of the classic puzzle, with only 4 squares per side (instead of 9 in the 3x3 version). The toy belongs to the new generation of Rubik's puzzles, here
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Rubik's Cube 4x4 (without stickers)
If you collect an ordinary Rubik's Cube in just seconds, then this cube is what you need! This is a complicated version of the classic Rubik's Cube. He has 16 cells per side and completely different
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Rubik's Cube (5x5)
Puzzle Rubik's Cube 5x5, Rubiks, Age 8-99
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Keychain "Mini Snake" KP72128
The Rubik's Cube is a classic among spatial puzzles. For several decades now, a cube with multi-colored faces has occupied the minds of children and adults around the world! For some it's entertainment0011
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Souvenir, Rosary d=0,8cm brown
The rosary is an amulet made of beads. A simple sorting of the rosary allows you to put the nervous system in order, get rid of insomnia, depression, relieve anxiety; develop sensitivity and
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Souvenir, Rosary d=1cm, brown
The rosary is an amulet made of beads. A simple sorting of the rosary allows you to put the nervous system in order, get rid of insomnia, depression, relieve anxiety; develop sensitivity and
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Souvenir, Rosary d=1.5cm, assorted
The rosary is an amulet made of beads. A simple sorting of the rosary allows you to put the nervous system in order, get rid of insomnia, depression, relieve anxiety; develop sensitivity and
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Souvenir, Rosary d=1,8cm, assorted
The rosary is an amulet made of beads. A simple sorting of the rosary allows you to put the nervous system in order, get rid of insomnia, depression, relieve anxiety; develop sensitivity and
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Anti-stress keychain Owl on a blue background (8 cm)
Keychain in the form of a charming toy, which is filled with special granules that give this keychain the ability to relieve stress and lift your spirits. Surprisingly soft and delicate keychain very
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Souvenir, Toy-antistress, Squirrel-Goggle-eye
The rubber anti-stress toy is a wonderful gift for both adults and children! The model will not leave anyone indifferent, because when pressed, her eyes goggle very funny.
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Souvenir, anti-stress toy
The rubber anti-stress toy is a wonderful gift for both adults and children! The model will not leave anyone indifferent, because when you press it, its eyes goggle very funny
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Antistress toy Raccoon round with a gift (25x25) (AN2017-10)
Antistress toys are recommended by psychologists from all over the world. And the thing is that the human hand, especially the fingertips, is very sensitive. Fingering something in our fingers, we activate the centers
Antistress toy Owl - pilot (30x27) (AN2017-12) nine0193
Antistress toy "Owl - pilot" can become a battery of good mood!Due to the fact that the surface of the toy is made of polyester, it is pleasant to the touch.The toy is light, elastic, like
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Pillow-toy "River perch"
Pillows - FISH toys - a truly masculine gift. For all fishermen, hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. The smooth surface of the pillow is made of elastic and durable fabric, and inside are
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Pillow-toy "Karas"
Pillows - FISH toys - a truly masculine gift. For all fishermen, hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. Anti-stress toy Fish Carp is made of smooth, elastic and durable jersey.