The promoter personality type
Skeptic vs. Promoter Personality Traits
Interviewer's Guide
- Personality Temperament History
- Understanding the 4 Personality Types
- Type A personality
- Type B personality
- Type C personality
- Type D personality
- Type X personality
- Influence of Secondary Personality Temperament
- Trait Scales Overview
- Trait Ranges
- How Trait Values Are Determined
- Trait Scale Confidence Scores
- Defining the Traits
- Personality Profile Reports
- Summary Report
- Overview Report
- Sample Interview Questions
- Baseline Summary Report
- Applying the concept of baseline files
- Management involvement
- Covering the bases - legal aspects to consider
- Proper use of employment testing
Whether a person tends to be a skeptic or promoter personality has to do with how they react to new ideas and information. Understanding this trait can help you hire, train, and manage your employees more effectively.
What does it mean to be a skeptic?
A skeptic is someone who needs to ask questions, collect evidence, and see proof before they accept something as true.
What are the characteristics of a skeptical person?
A few signs that a person has the skeptical personality trait:
- They don’t take things at face value.
- They tend to look for the story behind the story to find out what’s really going on.
- They ask a lot of questions and follow up on any answers that they don’t understand or which don’t seem quite right.
- They’re cautious about promoting new ideas, concepts, and products.
How to work with a skeptic
Learning to embrace the skeptical personality trait in your employees will help you tap into their unique capacity for questioning and thoroughness.
How to train a skeptical employee
- Skeptical employees may not always be ready to jump on the bandwagon of a new process.
They’ll want to hear the background behind any changes and may be lukewarm about moving forward. Providing information up front can help get skeptics on board.
- If the employee doesn’t seem 100% sold on a certain procedure or task, acknowledge their concerns and ask for their buy-in. You might say, “I can see that you’re not sure whether this new software is going to work for our team. Can you please try using it for this whole next week, and then we’ll check in about how things are going?”
How to motivate someone who tends to be skeptical at work
- Don’t expect your skeptical employees to be promoters. Skeptics are natural investigators, not cheerleaders; their opinion tends to hold more weight once they’ve formed it, but they’ll express that confidence differently than promoters do.
- Give them the information they crave. A skeptical person hates walking into a situation blind; they want to know the background behind decisions, procedures, and new initiatives.
How to give feedback to a skeptic
- While many skeptical people are open to feedback from managers they trust, in the extreme, skeptical people may also question feedback in general. Have examples and data on hand to back up your feedback on performance.
- Sometimes, skeptical employees can kill new ideas with doubts and questions, especially in brainstorming sessions. Be honest if you see this pattern with a skeptic on your team. You may need to say, “I appreciate the insight, but for this first stage, I’d like to keep throwing out ideas for what might work instead of considering the downsides.”
What is the opposite of a skeptic personality?
While a skeptical employee might have a million questions when they hear a new idea, the promoter will have a million ideas about how to bring it to life. Let’s talk about promoters and how they operate in the workplace.
What does it mean to be a promoter?
Promoter personalities are much more accepting of new ideas and information, especially if it comes from a trusted source. They’re willing to take things on faith and move forward.
Promoters operate differently based on their overall personality type and the degree to which they possess this particular personality trait. Someone who is a mild promoter may start a new project with optimism about how it’s going to go; someone who is a strong promoter will continually be hyping the latest thing they’re passionate about.
What are the characteristics of a promoter?
A few signs that someone tends to be a promoter personality type:
- They’re quick to get excited about ideas they like, with few questions asked.
- They share their enthusiasm with others and love connecting people they know to things they care about.
- They’re generally more trusting and optimistic; where the skeptic says “Why?”, the promoter says “Why not?”
- In the extreme, their tendency towards “hype” might rub certain personalities the wrong way.
How to work with a promoter
Promoters can be a huge asset to your workplace, especially when it comes to getting employees and clients on board with change.
How to train a promoter personality
- People with a promoter’s mindset can be easier to train because they accept and run with new processes and ideas more easily.
- You may want to loop promoters into your training process, as their enthusiasm for new ideas can be contagious.
How to motivate a promoter
- Motivators need the realism offered by skeptics, but they also need space to dream big and try out new ideas. If you yourself tend to be a skeptic, think about how you can offer a counterpoint without dimming the promoter’s natural enthusiasm.
- Promoters tend to enjoy connecting people and ideas. If their workloads don’t tap into this trait, you may want to suggest employee resource groups, committees, and other outlets for their enthusiasm.
How to give feedback to an employee who is a promoter
- Don’t underestimate the impact of positive promoters on team morale.
Thank the promoters on your team when they use their energy and influence to bring others on board with your team’s mission.
- Sometimes, promoters can jump on board with new ideas too quickly. Encourage them to slow down, ask questions, and consider the downsides when it’s necessary.
Which is a better worker: skeptic vs. promoter?
It depends! There are certain roles that may more naturally suit one personality trait over another; for example, journalists need to be skeptical to keep digging until they hit truth, while creative agents live to hype their clients.
But even those roles have room for variation. Healthy workplaces embrace a balance, with skeptics slowing down the process to make sure things are done right and promoters pushing things forward and casting a vision for the future.
Of course, you should also take all of the personality trait descriptions into account when you’re considering the unique personalities of the people on your team.
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Learn about the Artisan Promoter
Portrait of the
Artisan Promoter ESTP
Promoters have a knack for knowing where the action is. They have an appreciation and palate for the finer things of life, the best food, the best wine, expensive cars, and fashionable clothes. They have a natural instinct for reading people, and are smooth in social circles, knowing many people by name, and knowing how to say just the right thing to most everyone they meet. Promoters exude charisma and their flamboyant style makes them irresistibly captivating.
Promoters are engaging and fully present with their audience. They poetically persuade others to have confidence in them and to go along with whatever they propose. They are highly energetic and can energize others. Their "in the moment" spontaneity keeps things exciting, and keeps the enterprise moving on the cutting edge. Promoters are so engaging with people; they are uncanny at reading people's faces and observing their body language, hypersensitive to the tiniest nonverbal cues that give away the other's attitudes.
These smooth operators are usually something of a mystery to others. Promoters are always in motion—they become restless when they are not on the move. Since they are always jumping from one activity to the next, they come across as unpredictable, but to themselves, they are actually quite deliberate about their movements. Those that are closest to them are fellow sprinters who move just as quickly. In relationships, others may feel that the only certainty in Promoters is that things are uncertain.
Promoters are daring thrill seekers, and feel quite at ease exposing themselves and their enterprises to risk. They firmly believe in the axiom, "The greater the risk, the greater the reward." The higher the stakes, the more emboldened they become—for it is only when excitement looms in the air, that they are stimulated and come alive. They encourage others to take bold risks as well, and can be impatient with weakness or timidity. These high-rolling entrepreneur are decisive, and are comfortable with "letting it ride. "
Promoters cannot not take initiative. They are extremely proactive, and move quickly, aggressively, and preemptively to get to it first before all others do. They have a bias for action, seeking new experiences. And because of their high energy and lightning speed they can be sharp entrepreneurs, able to swing deals and kick-start enterprises in a way very few others can. Rather than working from behind the scenes, Promoters work best when they are out in front at the helm of the ship.
Promoters are optimistic and persuasive—without peer as dealmakers, promoters, and negotiators. They are bold, aggressive, and produce results. They can be hard-nosed utilitarians, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They are able to advertise or publicize their endeavors, and to maneuver others in the direction they want them to go. It might be said that people are instruments in the hands of these Promoters, and that they play them artistically.
5 personality types your company needs
Josh Lickner, HR-Portal.
Hiring like-minded people is a natural trend. But in doing so, you may be depriving yourself of the elements that determine the success of your company. As a rule, many leaders create teams around such positions: technical director, marketing director, vice president of development, sales director. Of course, leadership positions must be filled, while "warehousing" talented people in an organizational structure will never unlock the full potential of your company. If you think of your team solely in terms of roles, you run the risk of creating groups with homogenous cultural characteristics. Those who tend to hire like-minded people (as they think) easily fall into this trap. But in doing so, we miss out on people who are very important to the company. Instead of focusing on education and work experience, make sure your organization is lucky enough to hire a representative of each of these personality types: Seer While the rest of the team grapples with the day-to-day issues, there should be at least one person in your organization who is not afraid to dream and think about the future. Artist As a venture capitalist, I often have to watch start-ups fail because they are so focused on their vision and don't take normal day-to-day work seriously. If your team is in the clouds and does not understand anything in numbers and calculations, then you, in the end, will only lag behind. It's rare to find a founder who is both a visionary and an executor, so make sure you have all the talent you need on your team. The most promising and seemingly doomed to success, bold projects run the risk of failure if you do not have a person who will strictly monitor the implementation of all necessary actions until the very finish line. Client rights advocate Someone has to live and breathe for your clients. A sincere, deep understanding of the wants and needs of your customers is fundamental to the success of your organization. Many companies start out doing their best to serve their customers better, but then focus their attention only on the growth of the enterprise. Therefore, here, like air, a key leader is needed who always monitors the level of satisfaction of market needs. Fighter A measured, bookish approach rarely works in fast-growing companies. Regardless of position, there must be a person ready to rush into battle. The value of courage and determination to do whatever it takes to succeed cannot be underestimated. As Alexander the Great said: “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a ram. I'm afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." Promoter On average, every day a consumer sees more than 3 thousand messages about various brands. In football, everything is exactly the same: the team still loses if the forwards play in it, and there is no one in defense. It is possible that some people may have several of the above traits, but you need to make sure your team is fully staffed. It's time to think about your organization in terms of leadership, not functional roles. Do it right and no one can stop you. New articles and research In your mail once a week. And also: news, promotions and events for HR.
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Persuasive, energetic and adventurous, the ESTP is an extrovert with an innovative spirit. While ISTPs tend to develop skills with tools and machines, ESTPs demonstrate skills with people. They are very businesslike and skillful in negotiations. Nicknamed the tactical promoter and entrepreneur, an ESTP is someone who has the knack of initiating new ventures and getting others to work with their vision. They make up approximately 10% of the population and are commonly found among vendors, developers, entrepreneurs, promoters, police officers and the military.
ESTPs are dynamic and action oriented. They are attracted to high stakes, high-profile cases in which they seek to win something or achieve achievement. They are competitive and often strive to instill a winning mindset in their children. An ESTP man or woman is fun to be around and enjoys being the center of attention. Bold and outgoing, ESTPs act on their instincts and feel no need to make excuses. They can be frankly frank and informal. For them, traditions and subtleties are less important. Instead, they prefer to be original, authentic, and charismatic.
Appearance is very important to ESTPs and they are often very concerned with image and fashion. Their clothing style and appearance is an important part of their self-expression. In addition, they like to be around interesting people and places. They want to participate in the action and often try to take advantage of the opportunities that open up on their way. They like to stay busy, but only do what they think is worthwhile. ESTPs have little focus and little patience for doing things that are of no practical use to them.
They are purposeful but sometimes unfocused. Distractions can hinder their progress and they can draw criticism for reckless behavior and lack of patience. Surrounding yourself with more diligent and systematic people can help offset some of the details and logistics they tend to overlook. Where ESTPs excel is in their ability to spearhead new projects and get things done. They have what it takes to face resistance and fight for what they want or need instead of giving up or taking the path of least resistance.
Because of their graceful communication style and magnetic qualities, ESTPs can often get away with being a little rude, rude, or insensitive. They tend to speak their mind and express their opinion in specific words. They aren't really going to beat around the bush, but they know how to be tactful and tactful in their approach if it serves their purposes better. ESTPs are perceptive when it comes to reading body language and non-verbal cues. In an attempt to convince or prove a point, ESTPs monitor people's faces for any sign of agreement or disagreement. They pride themselves on their ability to gain support and get others to see things their way.
Humorous and pleasure-seeking man or woman ESTP is like a big baby. They like to take risks and live in the moment. Consequences and ramifications tend to be left overdue, and they are confident that they will be able to deal with them when the time is right. They don't waste time and tend to be very direct and to the point. They like to get things done quickly so they can move on to other things. Many ESTPs have an entrepreneurial spirit because they don't want to be indebted to anyone at the end of the day. They prefer to act as freely and autonomously as possible and want to succeed on their own terms. They are less service oriented and are not big fans of hierarchical structures, bureaucracy and authority, at least when it gets in the way of their agenda.
ESTPs are realists and work best when they rely on their sensory instincts to guide them from moment to moment. However, they may run into problems when they try to interpret the deeper abstract meanings of what they observe. Because of their defective introverted intuition, ESTPs are prone to ill-conceived conspiracy theories, suspicions, and delusions. Symbolism, metaphor, and pattern recognition are not their strong points, but they may sometimes try to use these things when their dominant extraverted perception hits a wall. Sometimes ESTPs can deny their reality and use their introverted intuition to convince themselves that their situation is not what it seems. They may lose touch and be reluctant to take evidence at face value because it does not support the expected or desired outcome.
At best, ESTPs are lively and exciting. They are very capable, but sometimes reckless, undisciplined and opportunistic. They are valued for often saying and doing things that many others are too scared or don't want to. They show great courage and authenticity, and as they learn to develop the foresight of their subordinate introverted intuition and the conscientiousness of their subsidiary extraverted sense, they will become a more complete and integrated version of themselves.
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