The doctors retail therapy
The Doctors' Retail Therapy
This The Doctors' Retail Therapy event ended on March 1st, 2018 but there’s a newer event available.
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The Doctors' Retail Therapy
The Doctors' Retail TherapyThis The Doctors' Retail Therapy event ended on March 20th, 2018 but there’s a newer event available.
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As seen on TV Thursday, November 17th
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As seen on TV Tuesday, November 15th
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Ends in 31 minutes
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Benefits 🙌 of retail therapy 🛍💳 😌 all 💯 women, 👩 may refer to ✌️.

Retail therapy feels good, but What is Benefits of Retail Therapy ? There is no doubt that there are benefits. But why? Why does retail therapy feel so good? You can spend $5 or $500 and still get peak retail. But is the most retail therapy really? TNS Global published a study stating that more than half of Americans recognize "shopping therapy" - buying something to improve your mood and feel better.
Considered as only a short-lived habit, shoppers refer to items they purchased as "comfort shopping." Most trips are unplanned, spur of the moment trip. The term was first used in 1986 in an article published in the Chicago Tribune.
Another study published in the Journal of Psychology and Marketing found that 62% of shoppers purchased something to cheer themselves up and another 28% bought as a form of celebration.
Research shows that when you go shopping and you buy something you really want, your brain gets flooded with dopamine. "If you look at MRI shoppers," said Dr. Travis Stork, from doctors, "[the] areas flooded with dopamine are the same pleasure centers [that are flooded when] you have sex."
Research highlight these reasons for retail therapy. These are:
-Self -esteem
-Sensation of control
Studies also show that the seven most frequently purchased units are:
-40015 -Films
Simple things can make a huge difference. Here is Benefits of Retail Therapy .
Table of contents:
- escape
- inspiration
- Social
1 escape
Shopping can be a form of escape and relaxation. He can temporarily distract himself from his troubles and relieve stress. It's like a mini mental health break and is one of the retail therapy benefits of that most people can identify with.
2 inspiration
In many ways, shopping can be inspiring. You look and get ideas. Perhaps the mapping gets you thinking about how to decorate your home or change your wardrobe. It can jumpstart your creativity and help you take the lead.
3 Social
Finally Retail Therapy is good for you for the social aspect. This is a social connection.
Whether you love shopping on your own or not, you'll get a social connection with other shoppers and trade partners when you shop. Social connections are a basic human need. Way back in the day people went to the market to make human joints. Now we head to the Glossy Mall. It's all the same. It will make you feel better even if you are just talking to someone in the store.
Word of advice. Do not include others in the therapeutic session. Don't call up your favorite shopping buddy when you need a retail therapy session, especially if your shopping buddy is a big Spender. There is nothing wrong with taking a friend along on your shopping adventure. But, when you are emotional and in a fragile state of mind, you tend to buy any and everything you see. You don't need someone to get you up and encouraging overspending.
At the trading fund. Retail therapy gets bad rap. But in moderation, it's a healthy way to deal with a bad day. But it's only healthy if you buy within your means. Set aside the stress of trading a fund so you have something to look forward to while not breaking the bank during a difficult time.
Products and therapeutic directions
Nutritional therapy
Adequate nutritional therapy is the key to successful treatment
Nutritional support (clinical nutrition) helps the body cope with diseases, infections, the consequences of surgical interventions and injuries. The goal of nutritional therapy is to maintain or improve nutritional status. This is achieved by preventing and treating malnutrition, maintaining tissue composition and plasma protein levels, and preventing macro- and micronutrient deficiencies. Nutritional therapy can be administered in a variety of ways.
The type of nutritional support depends largely on the patient's condition, needs and disease. It will differ in surgical patients in the intensive care unit, patients undergoing anticancer therapy or those on chronic dialysis.
Enteral Nutrition Products B. Braun
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Main topics
Literature for specialists
Literature for specialists
The guide for doctors "Parenteral nutrition: questions and answers" (I. N. Leiderman, A. I. Yaroshchetsky, E. A. Kokarev, V. A. Mazurok) provides an overview of modern recommendations for the use of parenteral nutrition and protocols its implementation, as well as answers to the most frequently asked questions by specialists related to the peculiarities of parenteral nutrition in different categories of patients.
PDF book
Manual "Metabolism and nutritional support of a surgical patient" (V.V. Boyarintsev, M.A. Evseev) is devoted to the problem of correcting nutritional disorders in surgical patients in the perioperative period. Comparison of normal metabolic parameters and its disorders allows us to theoretically substantiate the main tasks in providing nutrition to a surgical patient. The book provides methods for assessing the nutritional status and the patient's need for essential nutrients, enteral and parenteral support are described in detail.
PDF book
The monograph "Fat emulsions for parenteral nutrition in surgery and intensive care" (I. N. Leiderman, A. O. Girsh, M. A. Evseev) discusses the theory and practice of using fat emulsions during parenteral nutrition in surgical patients .
PDF book
Monograph "Protein-energy deficiency in patients with liver cirrhosis: modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment" (I. B. Khlynov, I. N. Leiderman, M. V. Chikunova, T. V. Lisovskaya) presents data on the causes , mechanisms of development and methods for diagnosing protein-energy malnutrition in liver diseases, as well as methods for correcting malnutrition based on evidence-based medicine.
PDF book
Nutritional therapy options
Nutritional therapy includes all types of support: from supplementary oral nutrition patients whose needs cannot be met with normal food, to total parenteral nutrition GI tract is impossible. The reserves of nutrients in the body under normal conditions are enough for a short period of fasting. In patients with or at risk of malnutrition, even short periods without adequate nutrition pose an additional risk that can lead to negative clinical outcomes with increased morbidity and mortality. Depending on the population, approximately 20-50% of hospitalized patients are diagnosed with malnutrition. Therefore, they need nutritional therapy.
There are two approaches to nutrition therapy: via the gastrointestinal tract ( enteral nutrition ) or bypassing the gastrointestinal tract ( parenteral nutrition ). The type of nutritional support largely depends on the patient's condition, his needs and the nature of the disease. For example, the needs of patients in the intensive care unit are different from the needs of patients with burn injury, as well as patients receiving anticancer therapy or chronic dialysis, who will need other nutritional support.
Health food recipes Nutricomp
Recipes based on therapeutic nutrition Nutricomp
Description | Document | Link |
Nutricomp recipe book Easy and fast ways to recuperate | pdf (1.![]() |