Self help writing exercises

64 Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery

Your journal creates an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and explore difficult emotions.

Many people keep a journal in their teenage years, either by choice or due to a school assignment. Perhaps it’s been years since you’ve considered putting pen to paper and expressing your thoughts and dreams. But journaling can have benefits for anyone at any stage of life.

For centuries, people around the world have turned to journals as trusted friends.

Reflecting on daily experiences, relationships, and personal values can help you get in better touch with your thoughts and feelings. It can lead to greater peace of mind.

“I can shake off everything if I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn,” wrote Anne Frank, who kept a now-famous account of her daily life and dreams for the future while in hiding during the Holocaust.

A journal also offers a safe space to express difficult emotions, making it easier to work through distressing thoughts that you might struggle to share out loud.

Are you interested in giving journaling a try? Do you feel a bit stuck when it comes to getting started? Try the 64 prompts below to kick-start your creativity and write your way toward well-being.

You can certainly learn more about yourself by reviewing what you do each day, but journaling often goes beyond keeping a log of daily events.

Journal prompts offer specific themes and topics to reflect on, which can be helpful when you:

  • want to make writing a habit but never know what to write about
  • have a lot of conflicting thoughts to sort through
  • feel as if you could write all day and want help narrowing your focus

Some prompts can even help you collect your thoughts on a recent conflict with a friend or partner. For example, writing about specific relationship challenges can help you get more clarity on your emotional needs and how to make sure they’re met.

Journaling generally proves most helpful when you do it regularly, though you don’t necessarily need to write every single day. If you’re short on time, you might aim for 3 days each week and pick one prompt to write about each day.

Evidence-backed benefits of journaling

In a small 2020 study, mothers of children with emotional or behavioral concerns wrote in a journal three times a week for 6 weeks. The results suggest that keeping a journal led to more optimism and gratitude, both of which can boost well-being.

A 2018 study suggests that writing about positive experiences for just 15 minutes a day three times a week may help ease feelings of anxiety and stress and boost resilience.

Research from 2002 suggests that when your writing focuses on exploring and making sense of what happened, writing about a traumatic or stressful experience can help you heal and recover. Although expressing your emotions also has value, writing only about distressing emotions may not offer the same benefits.

We’ve organized these prompts into categories that focus on relationships, emotions, how you feel about work, and more.

Love and relationships

Having strong, supportive relationships can help improve overall well-being, protect against mental health concerns like depression, and boost resilience, which refers to your ability to weather life’s many challenges.

Writing about relationships with loved ones provides the opportunity to:

  • explore the ways these bonds strengthen you
  • express your gratitude for loved ones
  • recognize when relationships no longer serve you
  • explore what you want out of future relationships

Consider giving these prompts a try:

  1. Who do you trust most? Why?
  2. What are your strengths in relationships (kindness, empathy, etc.)?
  3. How do you draw strength from loved ones?
  4. What do you value most in relationships (trust, respect, sense of humor, etc.)?
  5. What three important things have you learned from previous relationships?
  6. What five traits do you value most in potential partners?
  7. How do you show compassion to others? How can you extend that same compassion to yourself?
  8. What are three things working well in your current relationship? What are three things that could be better?
  9. What boundaries could you set in your relationships to safeguard your own well-being?
  10. What do you most want your children (or future children) to learn from you?
  11. How can you better support and appreciate your loved ones?
  12. What does love mean to you? How do you recognize it in a relationship?
  13. List three things you’d like to tell a friend, family member, or partner.

Work and career

If you work full-time, you spend the majority of your waking hours on the job. That makes your career a pretty significant part of your life.

Having a fulfilling job can promote a sense of purpose and satisfaction with life. On the other hand, having a job that demands too much of you or fails to utilize your unique talents can wear you down and lead to burnout.

Taking some time to explore your current career can help highlight what you enjoy about your job and when it might be time to pursue a change.

Here are some prompts to consider:

  1. How do you use your personal strengths and abilities at work?
  2. How do your co-workers and supervisors recognize your strengths?
  3. How does work fulfill you? Does it leave you wanting more?
  4. What part of your workday do you most enjoy?
  5. What about your work feels real, necessary, or important to you?
  6. Do you see yourself in the same job in 10 years?
  7. What are your career ambitions?
  8. What three things can help you begin working to accomplish those goals?
  9. What can you do to improve your work performance?
  10. What does your work teach you? Does it offer continued opportunities for learning and growth?
  11. Does your work drain or overwhelm you? Why? Is this something you can change?


Exploring your values, opinions, and personality traits in writing can teach you more about who you are as a person.

This in-depth reflection can strengthen not just the relationship you have with yourself, but also the connections you build with others.

Some ideas to explore include:

  1. What values do you consider most important in life (honesty, justice, altruism, loyalty, etc.)? How do your actions align with those values?
  2. What three changes can you make to live according to your personal values?
  3. Describe yourself using the first 10 words that come to mind. Then, list 10 words that you’d like to use to describe yourself. List a few ways to transform those descriptions into reality.
  4. What do you appreciate most about your personality? What aspects do you find harder to accept?
  5. Explore an opinion or two that you held in the past but have since questioned or changed. What led you to change that opinion?
  6. List three personal beliefs that you’re willing to reconsider or further explore.
  7. Finish this sentence: “My life would be incomplete without …”
  8. Describe one or two significant life events that helped shape you into who you are today.
  9. When do you trust yourself most? When do you find it harder to have faith in your instincts?
  10. What three things would you most like others (loved ones, potential friends and partners, professional acquaintances, etc.) to know about you?

Uncomfortable emotions

Journaling can help you express and begin to navigate difficult and painful emotions. That’s part of what makes it such a valuable exercise.

Burying unwanted emotions and thoughts can seem helpful at first. Pushing those feelings away means you avoid the pain and discomfort they cause, right?

Not always. In reality, avoiding emotional distress can intensify it. That pain lies dormant below the surface of your everyday thoughts until you can’t keep it back any longer. When it finally comes bubbling up, it may feel more overwhelming than it did originally.

These prompts can help you explore and process challenging emotions productively:

  1. What difficult thoughts or emotions come up most frequently for you?
  2. Which emotions do you find hardest to accept (guilt, anger, disappointment, etc. )? How do you handle these emotions?
  3. Describe a choice you regret. What did you learn from it?
  4. What parts of daily life cause stress, frustration, or sadness? What can you do to change those experiences?
  5. What are three things that can instantly disrupt a good mood and bring you down? What strategies do you use to counter these effects?
  6. What are three self-defeating thoughts that show up in your self-talk? How can you reframe them to encourage yourself instead?
  7. What go-to coping strategies help you get through moments of emotional or physical pain?
  8. Who do you trust with your most painful and upsetting feelings? How can you connect with them when feeling low?
  9. What do you fear most? Have your fears changed throughout life?

Note: If writing about painful emotions makes you feel even worse, there’s no need to push yourself. It may help to establish a regular journaling habit before you turn to more challenging topics.

Living your best life

Writing about the little things that add meaning to daily life makes it easier to notice just how much they boost your mood and overall well-being.

Recognizing what you enjoy most about life reminds you to keep making time for those things. It can also promote feelings of gratitude and contentment, as exploring what you love about life can help you realize that you may already have much of what you desire.

Here are some prompts to try:

  1. Describe your favorite thing to do when feeling low.
  2. What three ordinary things bring you the most joy?
  3. List three strategies that help you stay present in your daily routines. Then, list three strategies to help boost mindfulness in your life.
  4. How do you prioritize self-care?
  5. Describe two or three things you do to relax.
  6. What aspects of your life are you most grateful for?
  7. How do you show yourself kindness and compassion each day?
  8. Write a short love letter to some object or place that makes you happy.
  9. What place makes you feel most peaceful? Describe that place using all five senses.
  10. List 10 things that inspire or motivate you.
  11. What are your favorite hobbies? Why?

Personal growth and life goals

Getting in touch with who you are now doesn’t just help you recognize key strengths and values. It can also help unlock a deeper understanding of who you want to become and what you want from life.

As long as you live, you can continue to pursue change and growth.

Try these prompts to explore your dreams and outline potential paths toward change:

  1. What parts of life surprised you most? What turned out the way you expected it would?
  2. What three things would you share with your teenage self? What three questions would you want to ask an older version of yourself?
  3. List three important goals. How do they match up to your goals from 5 years ago?
  4. Do your goals truly reflect your desires? Or do they reflect what someone else (a parent, partner, friend, etc.) wants for you?
  5. What helps you stay focused and motivated when you feel discouraged?
  6. What do you look forward to most in the future?
  7. Identify one area where you’d like to improve. Then, list three specific actions you can take to create that change.
  8. How do you make time for yourself each day?
  9. What do you most want to accomplish in life?
  10. List three obstacles lying in the way of your contentment or happiness. Then, list two potential solutions to begin overcoming each obstacle.

If you’ve never kept a journal before, writing on a regular basis might feel a bit challenging. Even with prompts to help prime your thoughts, you might find it tough to get started.

The best way to start is to pick up your pen and start scribbling away. Your journal is just for you, so there’s no need to worry about your handwriting, grammar, or spelling. The important part of journaling is getting your thoughts onto the page.

Some people find that it helps to start with a “stream of consciousness” approach. This means writing down whatever comes to mind on a topic, exactly as it pops into your thoughts, without stopping to worry about punctuation or complete sentences.

A few more tips to help you find your flow include:

  • Find a quiet place to write. Outside noise and other distractions can disrupt your thoughts, especially if you’re new to journaling. If you can’t find a quiet space, try listening to instrumental music (anything without vocals) as you write.
  • Don’t worry about getting it “right.” When it comes to journaling, you can’t really go wrong. If your writing helps you process emotions and learn more about yourself, that’s what matters.
  • Write regularly. You might set aside 15 or 20 minutes to write several days a week. It’s OK if you can’t find time to write every day. Writing at a specific time each day, such as after dinner or just before bed, can help the habit stick.

Journaling can help ease stress and uncertainty and teach you more about yourself and what you want from life.

That said, writing may not always feel fun or easy. It’s normal to experience a little discomfort when writing about painful emotions and frustrating experiences. But venting this distress can often lead to healing and growth.

When your writing continues to bring up distressing feelings or memories, a therapist can offer guidance with exploring these emotions and experiences in more depth.

64 Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery

Your journal creates an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and explore difficult emotions.

Many people keep a journal in their teenage years, either by choice or due to a school assignment. Perhaps it’s been years since you’ve considered putting pen to paper and expressing your thoughts and dreams. But journaling can have benefits for anyone at any stage of life.

For centuries, people around the world have turned to journals as trusted friends.

Reflecting on daily experiences, relationships, and personal values can help you get in better touch with your thoughts and feelings. It can lead to greater peace of mind.

“I can shake off everything if I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn,” wrote Anne Frank, who kept a now-famous account of her daily life and dreams for the future while in hiding during the Holocaust.

A journal also offers a safe space to express difficult emotions, making it easier to work through distressing thoughts that you might struggle to share out loud.

Are you interested in giving journaling a try? Do you feel a bit stuck when it comes to getting started? Try the 64 prompts below to kick-start your creativity and write your way toward well-being.

You can certainly learn more about yourself by reviewing what you do each day, but journaling often goes beyond keeping a log of daily events.

Journal prompts offer specific themes and topics to reflect on, which can be helpful when you:

  • want to make writing a habit but never know what to write about
  • have a lot of conflicting thoughts to sort through
  • feel as if you could write all day and want help narrowing your focus

Some prompts can even help you collect your thoughts on a recent conflict with a friend or partner. For example, writing about specific relationship challenges can help you get more clarity on your emotional needs and how to make sure they’re met.

Journaling generally proves most helpful when you do it regularly, though you don’t necessarily need to write every single day. If you’re short on time, you might aim for 3 days each week and pick one prompt to write about each day.

Evidence-backed benefits of journaling

In a small 2020 study, mothers of children with emotional or behavioral concerns wrote in a journal three times a week for 6 weeks. The results suggest that keeping a journal led to more optimism and gratitude, both of which can boost well-being.

A 2018 study suggests that writing about positive experiences for just 15 minutes a day three times a week may help ease feelings of anxiety and stress and boost resilience.

Research from 2002 suggests that when your writing focuses on exploring and making sense of what happened, writing about a traumatic or stressful experience can help you heal and recover. Although expressing your emotions also has value, writing only about distressing emotions may not offer the same benefits.

We’ve organized these prompts into categories that focus on relationships, emotions, how you feel about work, and more.

Love and relationships

Having strong, supportive relationships can help improve overall well-being, protect against mental health concerns like depression, and boost resilience, which refers to your ability to weather life’s many challenges.

Writing about relationships with loved ones provides the opportunity to:

  • explore the ways these bonds strengthen you
  • express your gratitude for loved ones
  • recognize when relationships no longer serve you
  • explore what you want out of future relationships

Consider giving these prompts a try:

  1. Who do you trust most? Why?
  2. What are your strengths in relationships (kindness, empathy, etc.)?
  3. How do you draw strength from loved ones?
  4. What do you value most in relationships (trust, respect, sense of humor, etc.)?
  5. What three important things have you learned from previous relationships?
  6. What five traits do you value most in potential partners?
  7. How do you show compassion to others? How can you extend that same compassion to yourself?
  8. What are three things working well in your current relationship? What are three things that could be better?
  9. What boundaries could you set in your relationships to safeguard your own well-being?
  10. What do you most want your children (or future children) to learn from you?
  11. How can you better support and appreciate your loved ones?
  12. What does love mean to you? How do you recognize it in a relationship?
  13. List three things you’d like to tell a friend, family member, or partner.

Work and career

If you work full-time, you spend the majority of your waking hours on the job. That makes your career a pretty significant part of your life.

Having a fulfilling job can promote a sense of purpose and satisfaction with life. On the other hand, having a job that demands too much of you or fails to utilize your unique talents can wear you down and lead to burnout.

Taking some time to explore your current career can help highlight what you enjoy about your job and when it might be time to pursue a change.

Here are some prompts to consider:

  1. How do you use your personal strengths and abilities at work?
  2. How do your co-workers and supervisors recognize your strengths?
  3. How does work fulfill you? Does it leave you wanting more?
  4. What part of your workday do you most enjoy?
  5. What about your work feels real, necessary, or important to you?
  6. Do you see yourself in the same job in 10 years?
  7. What are your career ambitions?
  8. What three things can help you begin working to accomplish those goals?
  9. What can you do to improve your work performance?
  10. What does your work teach you? Does it offer continued opportunities for learning and growth?
  11. Does your work drain or overwhelm you? Why? Is this something you can change?


Exploring your values, opinions, and personality traits in writing can teach you more about who you are as a person.

This in-depth reflection can strengthen not just the relationship you have with yourself, but also the connections you build with others.

Some ideas to explore include:

  1. What values do you consider most important in life (honesty, justice, altruism, loyalty, etc.)? How do your actions align with those values?
  2. What three changes can you make to live according to your personal values?
  3. Describe yourself using the first 10 words that come to mind. Then, list 10 words that you’d like to use to describe yourself. List a few ways to transform those descriptions into reality.
  4. What do you appreciate most about your personality? What aspects do you find harder to accept?
  5. Explore an opinion or two that you held in the past but have since questioned or changed. What led you to change that opinion?
  6. List three personal beliefs that you’re willing to reconsider or further explore.
  7. Finish this sentence: “My life would be incomplete without …”
  8. Describe one or two significant life events that helped shape you into who you are today.
  9. When do you trust yourself most? When do you find it harder to have faith in your instincts?
  10. What three things would you most like others (loved ones, potential friends and partners, professional acquaintances, etc.) to know about you?

Uncomfortable emotions

Journaling can help you express and begin to navigate difficult and painful emotions. That’s part of what makes it such a valuable exercise.

Burying unwanted emotions and thoughts can seem helpful at first. Pushing those feelings away means you avoid the pain and discomfort they cause, right?

Not always. In reality, avoiding emotional distress can intensify it. That pain lies dormant below the surface of your everyday thoughts until you can’t keep it back any longer. When it finally comes bubbling up, it may feel more overwhelming than it did originally.

These prompts can help you explore and process challenging emotions productively:

  1. What difficult thoughts or emotions come up most frequently for you?
  2. Which emotions do you find hardest to accept (guilt, anger, disappointment, etc. )? How do you handle these emotions?
  3. Describe a choice you regret. What did you learn from it?
  4. What parts of daily life cause stress, frustration, or sadness? What can you do to change those experiences?
  5. What are three things that can instantly disrupt a good mood and bring you down? What strategies do you use to counter these effects?
  6. What are three self-defeating thoughts that show up in your self-talk? How can you reframe them to encourage yourself instead?
  7. What go-to coping strategies help you get through moments of emotional or physical pain?
  8. Who do you trust with your most painful and upsetting feelings? How can you connect with them when feeling low?
  9. What do you fear most? Have your fears changed throughout life?

Note: If writing about painful emotions makes you feel even worse, there’s no need to push yourself. It may help to establish a regular journaling habit before you turn to more challenging topics.

Living your best life

Writing about the little things that add meaning to daily life makes it easier to notice just how much they boost your mood and overall well-being.

Recognizing what you enjoy most about life reminds you to keep making time for those things. It can also promote feelings of gratitude and contentment, as exploring what you love about life can help you realize that you may already have much of what you desire.

Here are some prompts to try:

  1. Describe your favorite thing to do when feeling low.
  2. What three ordinary things bring you the most joy?
  3. List three strategies that help you stay present in your daily routines. Then, list three strategies to help boost mindfulness in your life.
  4. How do you prioritize self-care?
  5. Describe two or three things you do to relax.
  6. What aspects of your life are you most grateful for?
  7. How do you show yourself kindness and compassion each day?
  8. Write a short love letter to some object or place that makes you happy.
  9. What place makes you feel most peaceful? Describe that place using all five senses.
  10. List 10 things that inspire or motivate you.
  11. What are your favorite hobbies? Why?

Personal growth and life goals

Getting in touch with who you are now doesn’t just help you recognize key strengths and values. It can also help unlock a deeper understanding of who you want to become and what you want from life.

As long as you live, you can continue to pursue change and growth.

Try these prompts to explore your dreams and outline potential paths toward change:

  1. What parts of life surprised you most? What turned out the way you expected it would?
  2. What three things would you share with your teenage self? What three questions would you want to ask an older version of yourself?
  3. List three important goals. How do they match up to your goals from 5 years ago?
  4. Do your goals truly reflect your desires? Or do they reflect what someone else (a parent, partner, friend, etc.) wants for you?
  5. What helps you stay focused and motivated when you feel discouraged?
  6. What do you look forward to most in the future?
  7. Identify one area where you’d like to improve. Then, list three specific actions you can take to create that change.
  8. How do you make time for yourself each day?
  9. What do you most want to accomplish in life?
  10. List three obstacles lying in the way of your contentment or happiness. Then, list two potential solutions to begin overcoming each obstacle.

If you’ve never kept a journal before, writing on a regular basis might feel a bit challenging. Even with prompts to help prime your thoughts, you might find it tough to get started.

The best way to start is to pick up your pen and start scribbling away. Your journal is just for you, so there’s no need to worry about your handwriting, grammar, or spelling. The important part of journaling is getting your thoughts onto the page.

Some people find that it helps to start with a “stream of consciousness” approach. This means writing down whatever comes to mind on a topic, exactly as it pops into your thoughts, without stopping to worry about punctuation or complete sentences.

A few more tips to help you find your flow include:

  • Find a quiet place to write. Outside noise and other distractions can disrupt your thoughts, especially if you’re new to journaling. If you can’t find a quiet space, try listening to instrumental music (anything without vocals) as you write.
  • Don’t worry about getting it “right.” When it comes to journaling, you can’t really go wrong. If your writing helps you process emotions and learn more about yourself, that’s what matters.
  • Write regularly. You might set aside 15 or 20 minutes to write several days a week. It’s OK if you can’t find time to write every day. Writing at a specific time each day, such as after dinner or just before bed, can help the habit stick.

Journaling can help ease stress and uncertainty and teach you more about yourself and what you want from life.

That said, writing may not always feel fun or easy. It’s normal to experience a little discomfort when writing about painful emotions and frustrating experiences. But venting this distress can often lead to healing and growth.

When your writing continues to bring up distressing feelings or memories, a therapist can offer guidance with exploring these emotions and experiences in more depth.

Writing as a self-help technique, Psychotherapy - Gestalt Club

Writing as a self-help technique

- The author of the article: Tatyana Ivanova

Tatyana Ivanova

Psychotherapy - October 26, 2021 at 19:31

One of the simplest and most effective self-help techniques is a writing technique. It is used in psychotherapy in situations where a person does not have enough resources or when he wants to complete something from the past. The psychologist gives the client home task to write a letter to yourself-past, self-present from self-future, or someone from the past with whom a person cannot end the relationship. nine0007

A letter to the past self is written to support the wounded and a traumatized part of yourself that was missing in the past resources. For example, you can write a letter to yourself, a little one from yourself an adult with words of parting words or support, or to himself in crisis situation in the past. Letter to the real self from myself the future is also written to support and replenish resources. Mentally moving the center of your "I" from the present to the future, a person abstracts from current problems and gets the opportunity look at them wider, from a different angle, from the point of view of another, a broader and more holistic perspective. nine0007

The technique of writing is useful in that it gives a person the opportunity to concentrate, reflect and structure your experiences. In the process of writing a letter, one can often discover unexpected things for the client. Sometimes the client can't let go ex-partner, because he idealizes him too much, and in a letter to this partner is suddenly angry. Or, conversely, a person hates his ex-partner, and when he writes a letter, remembers happy moments from the past and discovers how sorry he had to leave. nine0007

In this technique, writing becomes a means of communication, a form dialogue between a person and himself. The creative process updates experiences driven deep into the psyche. That is why when doing technology is important to refrain from reacting - do not send a letter to whom it is addressed, or to keep it carefully for further self-reflection, or, as is often the case application of technology to end relationships, - symbolically destroy the letter (tear or burn). nine0007

In addition to writing as such, other writing techniques - keeping diaries, recording dreams and fantasies, fixing their achievements or disturbing thoughts. All these techniques are aimed at developing the ability of a person self-reflection, self-control and self-support. Fixing something on paper or electronic form, the person reports to himself himself, learns to trust himself, devote himself to his mental material time and attention. Gradually, from the external form (writing), these skills pass into the internal, due to which the process of self-regulation becomes simpler and more understandable. nine0007

Written technique for discussion with a therapist can can also be used in the case when it is difficult for the client to endure long breaks between sessions, but there is no opportunity to attend therapy more often. For example, a psychologist and a client may agree on one letter between sessions per week, which the client can send to the therapist - about current events, own feelings and experiences, fresh dreams and thoughts about the therapy process. This technique gives the client the ability to contain your own internal material in order to this material did not absorb it. nine0007

In addition to the therapeutic context, writing techniques can be used by a person and independently, in the absence of opportunity to visit a psychologist. However, it should be remembered that independent application of these techniques requires a lot of caution, since in therapy they are performed with support specialist, and outside of therapy, painful and severe experiences to be dealt with later.

Tags: lettertext consultationDialogueinternal dialoguedialog analysis therapist clientresistancepsychological maturation,resistance,freedom resistance,interruption mechanisminsight, discovery, emotions, choice, stability, self-developmentpersonal psychotherapy, psychology, insight, feedbackcompulsion, exercise, technique, technique, insight techniqueAuthor's psychological exercisesPsychological exercises practice-exercises.Psychological practice-exercisespsychotherapeutic exercisespsychological exerciseResource exercisesexerciseexercise, awarenessWorking with anxiety Psychological practice-exercises.exercise, explore yourself, help yourself, loneliness, healing, know yourself, suffering, resentmentexercise, explore yourself, help yourself, regret, healing, lonelinessexercise, help yourself, explore yourself, healingexercise, release from fears, change in lifeexercises first aid kit_psychological_self-help self-helpself-help techniquesself-help, specialist, friends, suffering counterdependence, contact, containment, feelings, intimacy, pain, completion gestalt, incomplete gestalt incomplete relationship incomplete gestalt disappointment, completion peace without pain, resentment, expectations, frustration, #relationships, frustration, dream completion relationship analysis intimacy, relationships, psychology , fantasies expectations, reality, fantasies, desires theirtraumaWork with traumatraumatherapy trauma trauma,feelingstrauma


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3 psychological self-help techniques | Psychology

Motivation, Psychology, Self-development


  • 1 Method of turning on the body from within
  • 2 Technique: “What my life consists of”
  • 3 Help of ancestors is a way of effective psychological self-help

When the state of mind leaves much to be desired, and there is no opportunity to talk with an understanding person you can resort to methods of psychological self-help. nine0007

The proposed three techniques of psychological self-help are simple and accessible to anyone. Like any other practice, they require a little willpower.

Method of turning on the body from within

This method of psychological self-help is based on art therapy (art healing). The technique includes the following steps:

  • Turn on the music. You can take a video for meditation on Youtube.
  • Get moving. It can be dance, spontaneous movements or any exercise. The goal is to warm up. The eyes are closed. nine0064
  • Then move while standing still. You can swing from side to side. Breathe deeply and rhythmically, imagining that the breath permeates all parts of the body. Your attention is only within and moves with the breath.
  • Check every joint, every part of the body. You must consider everything so that there are no blind spots left. Achieve a sense of connectedness of all limbs, head, neck, torso.

With this method, you will find that not all areas of the body feel the same. Most people feel worse in the lower part of the body and better in the upper. Saturate the inner space with attention. nine0007

You might be surprised how many numb muscles you have. Change the nature of the movements. It is the monotony of thoughts and bodily movements that creates fatigue . Move, achieving softness, fluidity. This will help you delve into your feelings, understand yourself better and calm down.

When you feel the body shell, you can apply visualization . Imagine an ideal situation in every meaningful area of ​​your existence. Start a thread in your imagination from your torso to the image that has arisen. To enhance the effect of this self-help technique, you can speak aloud or silently affirmations .

Technique: “What my life consists of”

This technique of psychological self-help consists of awareness and rethinking of what is happening and one's attitude towards it. The modern city dweller performs many actions on autopilot. Staying in fuss and unconsciousness, we lose calm and true goals.

Specialists in the field of emotional regulation attach great importance to the method of recording what is happening inside. For some reason, keeping a diary, writing poetry or prose helps us understand ourselves. nine0007

Obviously, words clarify obscure desires.

Answer the following questions in writing:

  • What do I do? What is my life? Write or draw the cases you are currently involved in.
  • What happened to me lately? Write down major recent events, as well as thoughts and emotions associated with them.
  • What would I like? What hidden desires constantly remind you of yourself?
  • What do I want to end with? What story is it time to put an end to? nine0064

Keeping records helps:

  • clarify what we are involved in and how valuable it is;
  • honestly evaluate yourself, your positions, prevailing emotions;
  • check the degree of dissatisfaction with what is happening around and change plans.

Speaking or writing down answers to exciting questions is a great way to solve your psychological problems and understand yourself.

Ancestral help is a way of effective psychological self-help

The Gender Support technique is used for:

  • confidence increase ;
  • get rid of alarms ;
  • increase energy tone.

Turn on the music. Move around a little to relieve muscle tension. Then put your feet wider than your shoulders, and transfer your body weight from one foot to the other. The distance between the legs, the pace of movement and the depth of the squat should be comfortable, but keep in some tone. nine0007

Eyes closed. Continuing to slowly roll to the right - to the left, we imagine how roots go deep into the ground from the legs. You have firmly clung to the ground.

Then imagine that your ancestors appear before you. Parents first. Behind them are grandfathers and grandmothers, great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers. Dozens and hundreds of people whose genes you carry come to support you.

They welcome you as their offspring. Wish you health and success. You feel that your family is rich, full of wisdom and strength. You feel their support. nine0007

You are not an isolated person, you are a link in the family chain. You can handle challenges and challenges. Any situation in your life has already been resolved by one of your ancestors. They send you energy as a gift. You feel it as a finding wave, accept it, absorb it into your heart.

You thank the family for their support, for coming to the meeting. This method of self-help is effective because the person feels the support of the world around him.

The above instructions are general directions. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and do something wrong. Also remember that the most correct approach to maintaining good shape is systematic exercise.

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