Social disorder test
Social Anxiety Test: 3-Minute Self-Assessment
Anxiety Disorders
Do you feel worried and panicked in social situations or by the mere thought of being in them? Take this social anxiety test to determine if you meet the diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
Medical ReviewerCaroline Buzanko, PhD
Who Is This Social Anxiety Quiz For?
This brief assessment is for people who experience anxiety in social situations. Take this quiz to determine if you meet the diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder (social phobia).
The questions listed below relate to life experiences common among people who have been diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder.
Please read each question carefully, and indicate how often you have experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.
How Accurate Is It?
This quiz is NOT a diagnostic tool. Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by licensed health care professionals.
Psycom believes assessments can be a valuable first step toward getting treatment. All too often people stop short of seeking help out of fear their concerns aren't legitimate or severe enough to warrant professional intervention.
How Is Social Anxiety Disorder Treated?
Social Anxiety Disorder is highly treatable often through therapy.
Your privacy is important to us. All results are completely anonymous.
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Social Anxiety FAQs
How can I be tested for social anxiety?
There is no medical test for social anxiety disorder. A psychiatrist or other mental health professional can make a diagnosis of social anxiety disorder (otherwise known as social phobia) based on your own description of your symptoms, how they occur, and in what situations. Your doctor will use criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to determine if your symptoms warrant a diagnosis.
Where can I get a social anxiety test?
Your health care provider is your first point of call to assess whether you might meet the criteria to be diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. Your doctor will do an assessment to determine if your symptoms are caused by any underlying physical health conditions. Your doctor may then refer you to a psychiatrist or a psychologist who specializes in diagnosing anxiety disorders.
How long does it take to get a social anxiety diagnosis?
In order to be diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, you must have been experiencing the symptoms outlined in the DSM-5 for at least 6 months or more. The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria also require ruling out other mental disorders such as panic disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, or autism spectrum disorder. It may therefore take multiple sessions with a mental health professional before they can confidently make a diagnosis of social anxiety disorder.
How will a diagnosis of social anxiety impact a child or family?
The first step to overcoming social anxiety disorder is a formal diagnosis. Once a child is diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, the family may feel relieved that a specific treatment plan can now be put into place to ease the child’s symptoms. Children with social anxiety disorder are typically treated with either behavioral therapy or a combination of behavioral therapy and medication.
Can I self-diagnose social anxiety?
Only a trained mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, can diagnose a mental health disorder like social anxiety. While you cannot self-diagnose, you can take steps to figure out if your symptoms are the result of normal shyness or if they could be something more. Tools like Psycom’s social anxiety disorder quiz are a useful first step to determine if you should seek help from a mental health professional.
Do I have social anxiety or am I just shy?
Social anxiety disorder is a chronic mental health condition in which social interactions cause irrational anxiety. Social anxiety is more than just feeling shy. People with social anxiety have an intense fear of situations where they could be watched, judged, embarrassed, or rejected by others. The symptoms are so extreme that they interfere with the person’s daily routine and prevent them from taking part in ordinary activities.
What triggers social anxiety?
Some events, emotions, or experiences may make it more likely for the symptoms of social anxiety to begin or worsen—these are known as triggers. Some common triggers of social anxiety disorder include meeting new people, attending social events, making small talk, being watched while doing something, etc. Social anxiety triggers can differ from person to person and so working with a mental health professional to identify what your triggers are and how you can react when faced with them can be incredibly helpful.
Does social anxiety ever go away?
For most people, social anxiety disorder will not go away without treatment. It is very important to seek help from a mental health professional if you believe you are experiencing symptoms of social anxiety disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is generally considered the most effective form of treatment for social anxiety. CBT is a form of therapy that enables you to identify negative patterns of thought and behavior and change them.
Child Mind Institute. Social Anxiety Disorder. Accessed 4/21/21. National Institute of Mental Health. Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness. Accessed 4/21/21.
Notes: This article was originally published June 16, 2021 and most recently updated January 24, 2022.
Take a free Social Anxiety Test
You are not alone
It's very common to feel a bout of nerves before an oncoming social event or during everyday social situations. However, the many people who experience social anxiety disorder may have an excess of fear about being judged–and can worry about embarrassment or humiliation or become overly concerned they might offend someone. This fear can often present itself in physical symptoms that are difficult to understand, but we’re here to help.
You deserve to feel better
When you're up against social anxiety disorder, everyday social interactions may feel like an uphill battle. But you don't have to manage this intense fear alone. You're here — exploring how to get support with social anxiety symptoms — which is a powerful first step. By connecting with a licensed mental health provider, you'll get the guidance to feel happier, healthier, and more empowered every day.
Change starts with a single step
Our network has thousands of licensed therapists and prescribers experienced in treating severe social phobia and social anxiety disorder. After taking the social anxiety test, we'll match you with a dedicated therapist to help you work through difficult feelings and achieve your goals — all from the privacy of your device.
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Kristen Bolden
@kboldens, May 03, 2019
"I used @talkspace a couple years ago and benefited greatly. As someone who is terrible at talking about anything in person, I cannot recommend this resource enough. "
@Figgstar, April 23, 2019
I am using @talkspace to speak with a therapist since my work schedule is all over the place. It's honestly one of the best things to have discovered this past week.
Take our short online social anxiety disorder test to get answers and start managing your symptoms.
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Begin the social anxiety test
Take our short online social anxiety disorder test to get answers and start managing your symptoms.
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Test for avoidant (anxiety) personality disorder
If you have questions related to mental health, you can ask a question to our consultant This self-assessment test determines the likelihood of having an avoidant (anxiety) personality disorder.
(test for avoidant (anxiety) personality disorder)
When answering the questions below, please mark the answers that best correspond to your condition
Male Woman Age:
1. I avoid work that requires active interaction with people.
2. I am worried about criticism, disapproval from others
3. I'm afraid of being rejected
4. I communicate only with those people in whose good attitude towards me I am sure (a)
5. I show restraint in close relationships because I worry about being embarrassed or humiliated.
Please, provide answers to all given questions.
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This psychological test is only a preliminary assessment of the condition and does not determine the exact diagnosis. If your test results indicate that you may have avoidant (anxiety) personality disorder, please see a specialist for a diagnosis.
Test: Determine the anxiety disorder you have a tendency to
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lena-13-03 Onedio user
We all struggle with anxiety or depression because of things that negatively affect our psyche. Past failures, difficulties at work, the frantic pace of city life are the main causes of irritation and tension of modern man, causing anxiety disorders that should not be underestimated. There are several types of anxiety disorders. Which of these you suffer from or are prone to, our test will determine. If you're ready, let's get started and clear up your mental health situation.
1. First, let's find out your gender:
2. And, of course, your age:
Less than 18

When I have free time for myself
When I spend time with someone I love
When I successfully complete the work I started
When my health is all right
When I spend time in my favorite place
4. Are you obsessed with cleanliness/cleaning?
Cleanliness is enough for me in the place where I live
5. When you feel anxiety, which of these symptoms is most typical for you?
Excessive sweating
Flushing of the face
Night terrors
Imagining an endless tunnel
Aggressive thoughts
6. How often do you go to the hospital?
I go there more for others than for myself
I only go there when it's time for a general health check
Every time I realize that I need it
I don't go to the last...
Almost every month
Go to the hospital? I even try not to walk past!

Yes, I plan everything in advance.
I don't plan my day, but I always visit the right places on time
I only make plans for work
8. Which of these habits do you think you might develop in the future?
Collecting and storing unnecessary things
Excessive alcohol consumption
Social isolation
Uncontrolled food consumption
Obsession with order
9. You need to prepare a presentation at school or at work. How can you react to this?
Do I have to do this alone?
I hope I can give a good presentation
I don't think I can speak in front of people
I will get sick. I can't do that...
My presentation has to be perfect in every way. I will do my best
I will be stressed out thinking I don't have enough time to prepare
10. And one last question: what causes you the most stress?
I suffer from constant headaches
Places where there is no order
Crowded places
Thinking about the future
You have atychiphobia (fear of failure)!
We all worry about setbacks and failures. But the situation in your case is slightly different. You take your own failure very close to your heart, experiencing many times more stress than other people. You see failure as a cause for embarrassment. It makes you question your own worth. If you don't succeed in everything you set out to do, it can make you feel like you're losing control. You must take precautions and get rid of unnecessary anxiety about this.
You have separation anxiety disorder!
If you have strong emotional ties with people close to you, then it will be very difficult for you to part with them. Let's say more, your situation is much more complicated. At the moment of separation, you overreact or experience a huge sense of loss. Overcoming this is very difficult for you. Therefore, we advise you to always remember that your loved ones will come to your aid when you need them.
You have social anxiety disorder!
Does being around a lot of people cause you discomfort or other strange feelings that you can't even explain? Do you feel judged or judged by other people when you are in a social environment? If the answer to these questions is “yes”, it means that social anxiety disorder is completely characteristic of you. We do not accuse you of being afraid of the evaluation of other people. In fact, when we meet strangers, we all get a little nervous. We just don't want this situation to stop you from making new useful contacts. When you feel tense, count to 10 and try to relax so you can control your emotions.
You are characterized by hypochondria (fear for your health)!
This anxiety disorder has no major symptoms. A person may suddenly begin to think that some kind of disease is developing in his body, and all this causes him stress. You have a tendency to focus on physical symptoms that may seem suspicious. As with a patient with a real illness, the level of stress you receive not only impairs your daily life, but can also lead to some psychosomatic symptoms that may manifest even if you are in good health. That is why you must take precautions and try to get rid of this anxiety.
You are characterized by chronophobia!
Chronophobia is the fear of limited time, and the time that passes creates great stress for the person suffering from this phobia.