Once upon a time personality types
The Myers-Briggs® Types Of Once Upon A Time Characters
Although the show ended one year ago, Once Upon a Time will forever be emblazoned in our memories. With a flawless cast, a story that was woven together as only a true fairy tale could be, and just enough drama to make it all work, it's likely one of the best. Now that it's over, we can't help but reminisce and look back at some of our favorite characters and all the traits we loved about them.
While some were understandably far more evil than others, many were purely altruistic and pure-hearted. With this dynamic blend of forces at work come, of course, personality types. And we've got everyone's on lock, so who knows... maybe some of our readers will find out that they, too, have the power to ward off darkness!
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Emma Swan As An ENFJ
While many protagonists find them in executive-type roles, Emma Swan falls into an interesting category. She's very strong-willed and will do whatever she needs in order to protect her family. This initially makes her a combination of personalities, but there's one thing that sets her apart from the rest: Leadership. The natural role she takes on the show in leading those who stand by her is what makes her an ENFJ and as a true 'Protagonist', it's simply in her nature to always find a way and inspire everyone along for the ride.
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White) As An ESFJ
Snow White was a fairly easy character to fit into the Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator, as her number one attribute, first and foremost, is always compassion. She has the biggest heart of anyone on the show and though she does turn into an epic fighter, she's still the most kind-hearted individual out of them all. This makes her an ESFJ, otherwise known as the 'Consul'. Described as 'extraordinarily caring' and 'social', Mary Margaret couldn't fit the bill more if she tried. She's always there in a pinch and seems to put everyone before herself.
David Nolan (Prince David) As An ISFJ
Similarly, her fated true love, Prince David, is a complementary personality. Known as the 'Defender', an ISFJ is fiercely protective of those they love. This is shown time and time again, not only with Snow White but with Emma as well.
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His dedication to his family and home is a quality that makes a true ISFJ and there's nothing about him that says otherwise. We're 99% sure that if he were to take the Meyer-Briggs test, he would undoubtedly come back as this personality type. After all, you don't risk your life for those you love without having a significant protective streak.
Regina Mills (Evil Queen) An ESTJ
Although Regina is the Evil Queen, she's not entirely cold-hearted. She's initially the basis for every fan's displeasure, as she tries every which way to snuff out whatever light is left via Emma and her family. Additionally, using Henry didn't help any.
Regardless, she does have a soft spot in her heart and can't be dubbed completely evil -- but her attributes definitely make her an ESTJ, or 'Executive'. As the mayor, it's her job to manage people, but this is also how she lives her life. It's either under her complete control or in utter chaos.
Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) As An INTJ
Mr. Gold could be seen as a bit of a misunderstood character because he appears to play games, usually when no one else has the desire to. However, his mean streak has always been fueled by his love for Belle, as they're fated to be together... although it takes plenty of time to figure that out. His mind games and ability to be ten steps ahead of the game are what make him an INTJ, otherwise known as the 'Architect'. It's a fitting description, as his problem-solving skills prove themselves worthy both for good... and for evil.
Lacey (Belle) As An ENFP
In stark contrast to her fated lover, Mr. Gold, Belle is on quite the opposite end of the spectrum. She would likely be an ENFP, and those who possess this personality are considered 'Campaigners'. Always doing the right thing and working toward a worthy cause, Belle fits this personality type to a T. Her passion for reading entitles her to all things creative which only enhances the true nature of her personality. A 'sociable' free spirit, Belle is by far one of the most perfect examples of an ENFP that we could find.
Killian Jones (Hook) As An ESTP
The real Captain Hook that we were all familiar with as kids would likely fit this description as well, and it's only fair that as a pirate, Killian Jones takes the personality of the 'Entrepreneur'. An ESTP will always live life on the edge and rarely fears anything, most of all, failing.
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To them, life should be exciting and intense, not unlike Killian's natural ability to bring out certain qualities in others (including Emma) that they didn't know they even possessed. His charm and charisma is part of what makes him a pioneer, fitting this personality well.
Neal Cassidy (Baelfire) As An ISTJ
Finding Baelfire, otherwise known as Neal Cassidy, was a bit of a surprise for most fans. While he was a tough nut to crack initially, we finally decided that he would probably fit the bill of an ISTJ. Known as the 'Logistician', he's always there to help problem-solve and usually has a good gut instinct on what to do. In addition to this, though, he's a logical thinker -- allowing himself the confines of his own mind in order to bring about a solution. His reliability is another facet to his ISTJ nature, making him a reliable friend, partner, and family member.
Henry Daniel Mills As An INFJ
Henry, as idealistic as a child could be, was the true representation of innocence on the show. Despite all he had been through, he held onto his childlike sense of the world and was intelligent, but not outspoken. His unusually gentle nature and kind heart lend themselves to be an INFJ, in all likelihood. His quiet, thoughtful nature sealed the deal as there's something special and unique about him... but you can never quite put your finger on it. This air of mystery is common with an INFJ and usually gives them away.
Dr. Archibald Hopper (Jiminy Cricket) As An INFP
Quiet yet logical, Dr. Archie Hopper is a beloved character on the show. He's usually the one to avoid taking sides and has enough kindness and compassion for the entire town. However, it's his genuine thoughtfulness and desire for peace that make him an INFP. Earning the title of a 'Mediator', Jiminy Cricket helps whenever he can, which is just part of an INFP's true nature. His warm attitude and ability to lend a hand when needed exemplifies what it is to possess the personality of an INFP.
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Fictional Character MBTI — Once Upon a Time [Most Commonly Reccurring...
7 years ago
Mary Margaret Blanchard [Snow White]
ENFJ [The Protagonist]
The ENFJ is the action-oriented, people-centred character looking for and making connections between people, be excellent glue for people, assuming control and making sure that everything is planned, scheduled and organised, and that people are happy. They are excellent networkers who tune into what others want and are well-liked and popular among their colleagues. They have an innate sense of what is required and can genuinely make others feel really special. They can juggle masses of activities and tasks at any one time, rarely dropping the ball and making sure each activity is given the right amount of attention and loving care.
Emma Swan
ISTP [The Virtuoso]
The ISTP will be full-on, or full off - they don’t do shades of grey. The ISTP moves seamlessly from quiet bystander to active participant and leader in one fell swoop, then back again to invisible, apparently disinterested introvert. They are at their best in times of crisis and challenge. The ISTP is at their best in times of crisis and challenge, but will have little appetite for follow-through, as they will be waiting for a new complex challenge. Independent and self-contained the ISTP will be difficult to get to know as they will reveal only what they choose to reveal, when they choose to reveal it as that is their way, when they are ready.
Regina Mills [Evil Queen]
ENTJ [The Commander]
Organised, productive with high willpower, determination and an intense need to be constantly ‘on the go,’ the ENTJ will not sit back and see what life brings but will proactively go make it happen. Rarely intimidated and with a restless desire to achieve and with no problems going against the grain or being very direct with people. This is of course not intentional but they can display a lack of patience with those who don’t grasp things as quickly as they do, or who appear to be blocking the plan, and can be seen at times as intimidating overbearing in their desire to get the job done, moving from A-Z in the shortest possible time-frames.
David Nolan [Charming]
ESFJ [The Supporter]
Organised, caring and driven by duty the ESFJ loves to contribute and remain constantly valued, productive, busy and liked. The ESFJ has an action-orientation that they will channel into people, helping and finding practical solutions to people issues and they’ll work hard at making this happen as they are naturally oriented to the needs of those around them. Whilst the ESFJ wants everyone to feel valued, they will also want to feel part of the group themselves - they need to feel included. If someone is hurting, the ESFJ will be the first to respond.
Henry Mills
ENFP [The Inspirer]
Friendly with endless energy the ENFP will be at the heart of where the people are, future oriented looking far beyond the obvious often seeing things that others fail to. They are driven by the new and have an insatiable curiosity making them mercurial, fresh and enthusiastic. However, having so many interests can mean that, at times, the ENFP may have trouble keeping still, prioritising and focusing on the task at hand, especially if something more interesting is looming. The routine and detail bore the ENFP who wants life, work and social to merge into one stimulating environment with endless possibilities shared with people.
Mr. Gold [Rumpelstiltskin]
INFJ [The Protector]
Although quite gentle, softly spoken and preferring to be out of the limelight, the INFJ will work long and hard behind the scenes to maintain harmony but they are also intensely independent - both of thought and spirit. Like the INTJ, the INFJ has the ability to understand complex processes and systems but the INFJ will use these primarily to understand people, and make things happen for them. Even though they are likely to come across to others as quite shy, and certainly quiet, INFJs have a keen interest in others and will work hard and behind-the-scenes to achieve their goals. Never over-exuberant or gushing, trust would take quite some time to build with INFJs, as they do not readily share their emotions with other people. Beneath the quiet exterior, INFJs hold deep convictions about the more complex issues of life.
Belle French
INFP [The Healer]
To the INFP life is a long quest for meaning and harmony and their personal values are so important to them. This means that it is essential to the INFP that their beliefs and their actions are totally in sync at all times. An INFP is unlikely to take any action which they don’t believe in their heart is right. An INFP does not like to be categorised. They value their autonomy, and feel ‘different,’ and any system, (including this one), which tries to 'define’ or 'explain’ them would be denigrated. The INFP would say, 'You can’t put me in a box, I’m different,’ indeed they would all say this.To the INFP life is a long and convoluted quest for meaning and harmony and their personal values are so important to them. This means that it is essential to the INFP that their beliefs and their actions are totally in sync at all times. An INFP is unlikely to take any action which they don’t believe in their heart is right.
Killian Jones [Captain Hook]
ESTP [The Adventurer]
The ESTP is constantly looking for the 'next big thing,’ and immersing themselves in social activities with gusto. The imaginative, reflective life is not for them, preferring to jump in and see what happens. Supreme optimists, ESTPs will work long and hard on activities which interest them but can switch tack entirely once they begin to lose this interest. The ESTP does not enjoy the constraints of deadlines, schedules or end-dates so if an ESTP does exactly what you asked them, it is only because they wanted to in the first place. ESTPs love to be at centre stage, demonstrating feats of wonder and daring.
Ruby Lucas [Red]
ESFP [The Entertainer]
The ESFP is interested in people and experiences and their dislike of rules and routine, are justified by their view that their reason for existing is to bring harmony, sympathy and support to peoples’ lives saying 'I just had to do something to help.’ The keywords here are 'do’ and 'help;’ caring and practical in equal measure. The ESFP has an ability to make others feel so special. Down to earth and practical, ESFPs live in the here and now preferring to take life as it comes with the optimistic view that it’s bound to be good, (and if it isn’t then there’s always next time!).
ESTJ [The Executive]
ESTJs are the pragmatic organisers, they like to get things done and done properly. They have little time for anything ethereal, woolly or conceptual preferring facts, figures, plans and procedures. These are the action-oriented characters who cut to the car chase and move quickly to completion, taking the least circuitous route. The strength of the ESTJ is the desire, and ability, to adopt a decisive stance, take charge and get the job done which makes them 'natural’ leaders whom others will readily follow.
Leroy [Grumpy]
INFP [The Dreamer]
Sensitive, caring and empathetic INFPs are excellent in supporting roles where people have to be looked after - especially if those people are close to the INFP. Because it can take so long (if ever) to get to know the INFP others paradoxically may see them as slightly aloof, as they engage best when they have allowed someone into their inner sanctum. Yet there is a crusading side to the INFP which would surprise even those who knew the person well. When a personal value, or belief is trodden on, then the INFP can become outspoken and turn on the transgressor. Their values are usually so well hidden that the other person may not realise, but the INFP becomes like a champion of the cause and will be expressive, animated and at times go for the jugular.
Archie Hopper [Jiminy Cricket]
INFJ [The Confidant]
Although gentle, and preferring to be out of the limelight, the INFJ will work long and hard behind the scenes to maintain harmony but they are also intensely independent, of both of thought and spirit, and will be outspoken in their defence of human values, the downtrodden, and the oppressed. Earnest and responsible INFJs often see themselves on a mission, and they take their missions very seriously. The views of the INFJ are very personal, built up over a long time and so anything which may be perceived as questioning their values may be dealt with in an unusually direct way, surprising those who saw only the quiet INFJ.
Neal Cassidy [Baelfire]
ISFP [The Artist]
Focusing on the here and now, the ISFP will live life to the full, cherishing the present moment, and finding real pleasure in the more sensory and practical activities such as painting or handicrafts. They need an inner balance, a kind of karma for their lives and this means keeping things as uncomplicated as possible. Planning and control are not for the ISFP, they much prefer to stay in the background doing the things they like, keeping a balance, which includes choosing to remain, happily disorganised. Quiet supporters, rarely will an ISFP be the leader, preferring to remain behind the scenes, observing, understanding, but saying very little.
Robin Hood
ESFP [The Performer]
The ESFP is interested in people and experiences and their dislike of rules and routine, are justified by their view that their reason for existing is to bring harmony, sympathy and support to peoples’ lives saying 'I just had to do something to help.’ The keywords here are 'do’ and 'help;’ caring and practical in equal measure. The ESFP has an ability to make others feel so special. Down to earth and practical, ESFPs live in the here and now preferring to take life as it comes with the optimistic view that it’s bound to be good, (and if it isn’t then there’s always next time!).
Descriptions from Prelude Character Analysis.
Other links:
Once Upon a Time MBTI: Supporting Players
Once Upon a Time MBTI: Arc Villains
Once Upon a Time MBTI: Camelot Arc
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland MBTI
Personality types: main differences and their characteristics
Contents of the article
All people are different: someone likes to lead an active lifestyle and communicate a lot, it is easier for someone not to stand out among others, someone is prone to sensitivity and excessive self-criticism. Since ancient times, scientists and philosophers have been interested in the topic of personality classification, many theories have been developed, some of which have become part of modern psychology. In this article, we will briefly analyze the psychological types that the Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko developed while observing adolescents. It is in adolescence that individual character traits and psychological characteristics are quite strongly manifested, which are smoothed out during growing up, but can manifest themselves at a moment of crisis. Even more types of personality classifications can be found in the free online course "Typology of Personality" on the platform "Russia - a country of opportunities".
Asthenoneurotic type
People with a weak nervous system who are characterized by low stamina, irritability and overwork. They get tired more from psychological stress than from physical exertion. When working for a long time, they need frequent breaks, in general they like to work at their own pace. Such people are hard to switch from one activity to another, it is better not to distract them from the process once again. Any unforeseen situations cause them irritability and anxiety. But these people are very careful and disciplined, they can spend hours doing monotonous work that does not require speed.
Unstable type
Complex personality type, which is characterized by irresponsibility, idleness and addiction, for example, from alcohol, drugs, games. Such people strive for pleasure, they want to constantly relax and have fun. They often have problems with work, they do not want to study and grow professionally. This type of personality can be called a real hedonist who sees entertainment and enjoyment as the main goal of his life. The positive features include openness and sociability.
Conformal type
People who strive to live like everyone else and do not want to stand out from the crowd once again. The opinion of others is very important to them, they try to earn the praise and approval of others. Basically, the way of life of such people directly depends on the society in which they live. If there are religious people around them, then the conformist will be a believer to the point of fanaticism. It is also difficult for them to change something in their lives, it is difficult to pull them out of their comfort zone. Positive features include low conflict, friendliness, devotion and diligence.
Labile type
Empathic people who can feel the mood and feelings of others well. They often make outstanding psychologists and social workers. They are open and always ready to help and support with a kind word. But this type is very sensitive and touchy, does not tolerate criticism in his address, cannot stand loneliness and changes in life.
Cycloid type
People who are prone to sudden mood swings experience strong emotions - either they are overly happy, or they feel sad on the verge of depression. They cope with internal experiences for a long time, they are distinguished by excitability and irritability, sometimes aggressiveness. The positive traits include sociability and friendliness.
People with excessive impressionability, vulnerability and openness. They can get excited about simple things that most people don't notice. They also keep pleasant and unpleasant memories for many years, which flash in memory as if in reality. This type of personality is difficult to tolerate public criticism, is very afraid of being ridiculed. Positive traits include increased morality, compassion and sociability.
Psychasthenic type
People who are prone to introspection and reflection like to delve into themselves and criticize for shortcomings. They have an excellent memory, so they remember their mistakes well and often engage in self-flagellation. Hence, they have a lack of confidence in their abilities, they take too long to make decisions, doubt and are afraid to stumble again. The positive features include loyalty and reliability, they will never betray loved ones and will always stand up for their own.
Schizoid type
Closed and unsociable people who do not know how or do not want to build close relationships with others. But they do a great job of maintaining business relationships. They have a rich inner world, into which they prefer not to let anyone in. Many people have high intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking. But they practically do not know how to recognize other people's emotions.
Epileptoid type
The most complex type of people, prone to breakdowns, aggression and pedantry. They seek to subjugate everyone, to win an authoritarian position. Such people do not know how to build friendly relations at all, they can vent evil on others, they are very scrupulous about the work of employees. But personalities of this type can be strong leaders.
Hysterical type
Personality type requiring increased attention to oneself. They need constant admiration and reverence. Indifference to their person is the worst scenario for them. Such people are prone to fantasy and lies in order to create a vivid image for themselves. However, they make excellent actors and presenters.
Hyperthymic type
Active and cheerful people who are almost always in high spirits. They are sociable, a little frivolous, generally do not tolerate monotony and monotony, often prone to unjustified risk.
What are the types of personality and how to interact with them
It is a matter of life experience to understand what kind of person you are in front of you. But learning from our mistakes, as we know, is not always useful, which is why we often resort to psychology. You can understand the characteristics of your interlocutor right now and build relationships with him correctly, guided by simple knowledge about 10 basic personality types. Get ready - below is a very practical and useful guide from Tatyana Vladimirovna Mizinova, Ph.D., President of the European Association for the Development of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (EARPP), Vice President of ECPP (Vienna, Austria) and Director of the Persona psychological center.
For centuries people have sought to create classifications that could predict or explain the behavior of others.
Astrology offered signs of the zodiac, the Chinese horoscope determined the features of a person depending on the year of birth. As science developed, more precise and specific personality typologies appeared. One of the first belongs to Hippocrates, who singled out four types of temperament and, on the basis of the views that existed in science at that time, associated them with the influence of the internal fluids of the body:
Phlegmatic is a calm and unflappable person who rarely shows his true emotions and feelings. In study and work, he will be thorough and unhurried, paying attention to detail and quality.
Choleric is an impulsive, impetuous and passionate person with a sharply changing mood. He also quickly loses interest in the things he has started, especially if they do not bring immediate results. Showing exorbitant activity, choleric people are quickly exhausted emotionally and physically.
Sanguine is an active person with a quick reaction to events taking place around him, but at the same time able to maintain interest in work, even if it is not very interesting. Can easily experience failure.
Melancholic - an impressionable person, often in despondency and thoughts, easily vulnerable, prone to constant experience of his internal processes. Prefers to avoid noisy communication and work alone.
With the development of scientific knowledge and the growing interest in human psychology, dozens of other classifications have appeared based on completely different criteria, and sometimes repeating and complementing each other.
Thus, Jung singled out two main psychotypes of personality based on the reaction to external stimuli. An extrovert is a person who enjoys communicating with others, open to the world and willing to make contact. Introvert - is distinguished by restraint and prefers solitude to social contacts.
German psychiatrist Ernst Kretschmer and American psychologist William Sheldon proposed a theory about the relationship of temperament type with bodily manifestations and described three types of physique and their corresponding psychological types.
Asthenik - a man with narrow bones, underdeveloped muscles, thin. He tries not to take active actions and prefers reflection. Often these are closed people who avoid active communication.
Athletic - the owner of a developed skeleton and muscles. Purposeful, persistent, energetic, prone to risk. This type of people is prone to impulsive actions without much thought.
Picnic — overweight, good-natured, open person, prone to seeking comfort and enjoying food.
Very common and often used today is the classification according to the leading type of perception in humans.
Visual psychotype . It is important for such people to see. Best of all, they assimilate information when reading, and also always evaluate externally, since images, colors, visualization, and gestures play an important role for them.
Auditory psychotype. Such people pay attention to the interlocutor's speech, voice timbre, tone. The information that they perceive by ear is more understandable for them and is better remembered.
Kinesthetic Psychotype . People of this psychotype are used to feeling. Tactile contacts are important to them, they perceive information through smell, touch and with the help of movements.
Discrete - a person whose perception of information occurs through logical comprehension with the help of numbers, signs, arguments. This psychotype develops as a person grows up, since it is based on well-formed logical thinking.
These are just a few of the most well-known classifications that make it possible to quite conditionally group people into groups according to related characteristics.
A more interesting and profound classification, on the basis of which psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists work, is the classification proposed by Nancy McWilliams in the book "Psychoanalytic Diagnosis". It describes ten basic personality types.
Schizoid personality type
How to recognize? Most often this type of personality occurs in men. They appear self-absorbed and often avoid contact, preferring computer games instead. Outwardly, they look like loners with “frozen” feelings and strangers in the company detached from the whole world. However, this erroneous impression disappears if you get to know them better. These are very subtly and sharply feeling people, capable of love and care, but they cannot stand the noise and pressure on them.
How to interact? They live at their own pace and are grateful if their partners understand them and don't put too much pressure on them. Meetings and joint affairs with them must be agreed in advance, since spontaneous actions frighten them rather than attract them. In any IT company, you can always find many employees with this type of personality.
Antisocial personality type
How to recognize? Most often these are people whose childhood was spent in difficult conditions. Not receiving enough love and care, they perceive the world as a threat and react with aggression, even when no one attacks them. People with an antisocial personality type are not capable of empathy and cannot understand the feelings of others, so they rarely establish strong relationships and often change partners without trusting anyone. When they meet, they give the impression of bright, courageous people and attract with their extraordinary and sometimes risky actions.
How to interact? They generously make promises that will never come true, involve them in failed projects for their own benefit, and never feel remorse for hurting loved ones. Oddly enough, antisocial individuals, going over their heads, are successful in business - their unscrupulousness helps them in this. What you never hear from people of this type are words of tenderness. Any manifestation of feelings they perceive as weakness.
Depressive personality type
How to recognize? These are people whose attitude is based on low self-esteem and the feeling that they will always be not good enough. In childhood, they were rejected by their parents: for example, they were left to live with their grandmother. This experience in adulthood is transformed into their unconscious belief that they are worthy of rejection. The whole life of people with a depressive personality type is aimed at earning the love and recognition of others.
How to interact? These are very kind, gentle people, often sacrificing themselves without any benefit. They try to do as much good as possible in all areas that are available to them. They rarely get angry and express dissatisfaction with others, directing negative feelings towards themselves. People of the depressive type are prone to anhedonia and respond with great gratitude to any manifestations of attention and love for them.
Manic personality type
How to recognize? A person with a manic personality type is always cheerful and cheerful, tends to idealize others, often flirts and attracts attention with noisy behavior, which is sometimes excessive.
Almost in any company there is a person who speaks loudly, actively gesticulates, gushing with jokes and ideas, thereby greatly tiring others. It is quite difficult and tiring to be with such a person for a long time - this is the basis of his problems.
How to interact? Manic people cannot stand loneliness, immediately falling into anxiety, but their activity gives the impression of superficial communication and unwillingness to enter into close relationships. People with this type of character can be excellent organizers and crisis managers. They are successful in any business that requires quick turn-on and action.
Narcissistic personality type
How to recognize? This personality type has often been demonized lately, and the words "narcissist" and "abuser" have become almost synonymous. But it is not so. Most often, people of this type grow up in families where love had to be earned, they were constantly compared with other children, emphasizing other people's achievements and devaluing his own. The feeling that he was good and loved arose only if he was praised for grades or other merits. People with a narcissistic personality type are in two polar states: grandiosity and insignificance. They need to constantly achieve the highest results in order to feel good. The slightest failure is perceived as a total failure, which is accompanied by a sense of destructive shame.
How to interact? They cannot stand the slightest criticism, they are constantly preoccupied with their appearance and social status, they suffer from perfectionism, which does not make them feel the joy of achievements. This psychotype is equally found among both men and women. At the beginning of a relationship, a bright and unforgettable period of passion and adventure awaits them, which is always replaced by disappointment and the problem of getting out of this relationship, as the partners are held by memories and the hope of returning all the good things.
Paranoid personality type
How to recognize? One could say about the paranoid personality type that these are people with a “bad character”. Suspicion, incredulity, lack of a sense of humor, criticality are their characteristic features, which often lead to a lack of friends and family relationships.
How to interact? Often they are consumed by pathological jealousy - they can constantly check their partner, because they are afraid of betrayal and see him everywhere. The feeling of constant tension and the inability to relax, the need to be in constant struggle, greatly complicate their life. At the same time, these are people with a high level of intelligence: they can reach high positions in areas where their character traits are applicable.
Masochistic personality type
How to recognize? Often these are people who are defiantly in the position of a victim, forcing others to show sympathy and support for them. There are three main topics that these people complain about: Even if they seek the help of a specialist, they still do not follow the recommendations.
How to interact? Most often, women belong to this type of personality. Before we allow ourselves to be drawn into a discussion of their suffering, we need to consider whether we are becoming an object of manipulation.
Obsessive-compulsive personality type
How to recognize? The obsessive personality type tends to get stuck on thinking about ideas and intentions, for them the transition to action is problematic.
Any purchase, not to mention changing jobs or choosing an apartment, causes a lot of problems and doubts. They can plan trips for years, but not take concrete steps, as they are not sure of the correctness of their choice.
In contrast, people of the compulsive type are prone to rash impulsive actions and decisions that they later regret.
How to interact? Parents of people with this personality type are overly strict and demand absolute obedience from their children. As a result, they either accept these settings, constantly doubting the correctness of the choice, or they rebel, trying to do everything quickly, until the conditional "parent" stops them. People of this type are kind, take responsibility, are attuned to family life and love to equip life.
Hysterical personality type (theatrical personality)
How to recognize? Bright, demonstrative, in need of attention and demanding love. Most often, it is women who are representatives of the hysterical type of personality.
They tend to get into stories connected with love dramas, they can drag them out for years, falling into dependence on these experiences.