Signs you made him jealous
20 Signs He Is Jealous but Won’t Admit It
In This Article
What are the signs he is jealous? Are there subtle signs of jealousy you can spot immediately or do you have to notice things over time?
All these and more are some of the questions that run through the average person’s mind, especially when they begin to notice signs that a guy is jealous and likes them.
In this article, we will help you put some things in perspective. You will find out how to tell if a guy is jealous and what that should mean to you.
What does it mean when a guy gets jealous?Before we start examining some male jealousy signs we will look over in this article, it is important to bring some context into this conversation. What does it mean when a man gets jealous?
Jealousy in a man can mean many things. However, the most common underlying meaning of jealousy as exhibited by a man is that he feels threatened. When a man sees another as a threat/rival and at the verge of getting your attention and love over him, there’s a possibility that he may get jealous.
The whole “getting jealous thingy” isn’t extraordinary. Research has shown that males tend to exhibit the “male territorial body language,” which is the man’s way of establishing himself as an alpha male and keeping every kind of competition at bay.
These research findings show that the average male wants to be secure in his relationship with who he considers to be his significant other. When a guy starts getting jealous, it is most likely because he has begun to sense some competition for your attention.
If a guy gets jealous, does he have feelings?The simple answer to this is yes.
When you start noticing the signs of jealousy in a guy, especially if you have suspected he has feelings for you, it is because he does.
Most times, a guy will not get jealous and start exhibiting the signs we will discuss in this article if he considers you to be just a platonic friend. However, before deciding for sure, you may want to pay close attention to the other signs he is jealous of sharing your time and attention with others.
If you can find a couple of them, you have your answer.
20 signs he is jealous but hiding itJealousy can change a man’s behavior even if he tries to hide it from you. Sometimes a man may exhibit signs of jealousy even without realizing it himself. `
When a guy gets jealous, he begins to act in a specific way. Here are some signs he is jealous but doesn’t want you to know about it.
1. Has become more inquisitiveUsually, he wouldn’t flinch when you tell him that you have been hanging out with the girls. Although he tries to prevent you from feeling spooked, you cannot help but notice that he no longer ultimately believes you when you say these things to him.
Then again, your conversations have begun feeling like an interrogation.
2. Gives your answers a different meaningWhen a man asks you questions concerning how your day went and where you have been, one of the signs he is jealous is that he may no longer take your answers at face value.
When he suddenly gets paranoid and curious when you tell him stuff about your day and probably ask for more details, that could be because he is getting jealous.
3. Gets angry when you admire another manOne of the easiest ways to know when a guy is jealous is by checking how he reacts when you talk about other men in his presence.
Does he try to point out how you may be overreacting? Does he listen to the conversation cooly and try to change the subject immediately?
These could be some of the signs he is jealous.
4. Competes with any man you compliment“This guy dresses well.”
‘Yes, he does. You know I do too, right?”
Does this sound like what he would do when you point out the good attributes of other men? If he is quick to respond by reminding you that he has the same qualities, it could be because he is getting jealous.
5. Becomes uncharacteristically niceYou would notice this even more if you have been friends with him for a while. He has been his usual self all along, only to act too nice suddenly.
He has suddenly gotten too attentive and is the first to call you on special days to wish you well. He has also suddenly become your biggest cheerleader.
All these could be signs he is jealous and afraid that if he doesn’t make you see him as a viable option (by being uncharacteristically nice), you might leave him and commit to a relationship with someone else.
Also Try: Is He Flirting or Just Being Nice?6. Tries to make you jealous
The desire of a jealous man to make you feel the same is usually a reflex action. One of the signs he is jealous but hiding it is that he tries to make you feel jealous as well.
You might notice that he is suddenly putting himself out there to find a date. He makes an extra effort to look good, even when you want to hang out with the group.
A jealous man talks about how all the ladies are flocking around him every chance, and he seems to be mirroring everything you do.
So, if you go on a date with someone else, he does the same.
7. He is defensive when you ask about his love lifeDefensiveness is another sign to look out for. How does he respond when you ask him if he is seeing anyone at the moment?
When a guy isn’t interested, he may answer in a way that is normal to him. So, if he likes to play a lot, he would probably throw in some humor simultaneously. However, does it feel like he gets into “beast” mode whenever you ask about his love life?
That there could be one of the signs he is jealous.
Check out this video to learn more about how to not be defensive in a relationship:
8. He always wants to step in and save the dayWhen a guy is jealous, he usually does all he can to step in and save the day. As far as he is concerned, he would like you to know that he would always be there for you.
Give him a call when your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and he will likely be on his way to pick you up or send a driver to get you.
He revels in the idea that he can be the one who saves the day.
9. He checks up on you more frequentlyAt first, he was probably satisfied to just talk to you a couple of times a week. However, one of the easiest ways to spot jealous men is to look at how often he checks up on you.
He’ll start doing it more often. Although he may try to mask his actions with humor and every other tactic he can, it still doesn’t change the fact that he may be jealous.
10. Asks your friends questions about youOne of the signs he is jealous is that he may try to reach out to your friends in a bid to get information from them.
Usually, the questions may center around what’s happening between you and a specific guy. Doing this is one of the signs a guy is jealous of another guy.
He likes all your posts. He comments every single time you drop a picture on Instagram.
What makes this worse is that he probably wasn’t even big on social media before this time. However, here he might be following you on every single post you make online.
Related Reading: The Harsh Truth About Social Media and Relationships’ Codependency12. Tries to check your phone
A jealous man would try to read your messages and social media chats. Reports point at the adverse effects of mobile phones on trust among couples as you might find a jealous man checking your phone at some point.
He might be subtle about this (by trying to check your phone when you are not around). On the other hand, he can ask you straight up to let him see your phone.
All these are signs that he is jealous.
13. Hovers around you constantlyOne of the easiest signs he is jealous is that he tries to hover over you like a hawk when you go out together – even as friends.
When you step into the club, he might take your hand (to help you step inside, he’d say) or lean in close when he wants to talk.
You might not see that he is sending a non-verbal message to other guys in the room to steer clear.
14. Dramatic and uncalled-for mood swingsOne second, he is bubbling and full of joy. The next minute, he is down and wouldn’t even speak to you. If he suddenly has mood swings and wouldn’t even tell you what you did wrong, it would be because he feels jealous.
To confirm this, can you check if there is a method to these mood swings? Does he get moody only when he sees you talking to another guy?
Related Reading: How to Deal With Mood Swings in a Relationship15. Becomes cold when he meets your male friends
If he makes it a duty to be cold, rude, or simply tell you that he doesn’t like most of your male friends, it could be because he is getting jealous.
What’s more frustrating is that he may not tell you why he is acting so cold toward you, even when you try to ask. When a guy is jealous, he tries to make sure that he communicates his feelings to you.
Sometimes, he would do this by giving you the cold shoulder without any tangible reason.
17. Others tells you that something is up with himOne of the common signs he is jealous is that the people in your life (especially those closest to you) have whispered things like these in your ears.
The fact remains the same whether they said it in a light-hearted or grave way. If they have said it, it is most likely possible.
18. Become aggressive when other men are aroundBefore now, he used to be cool and acted normal when other guys tried to work their way into your space. However, one of the signs he is jealous is that he may suddenly try to throw his weight around whenever he sees another man hanging around you.
He may not be doing this in a downright annoying way. However, this is his way of letting other guys know they should back off you.
19. He finds a way to stay by your sideGo for a group hangout and you may not be able to get off his side that easily. Even when you finally weasel your way across the room, it wouldn’t be a long time until he materializes by your side again.
20. He has probably started dropping hintsDropping hints is one of the more evident signs of jealousy in men. Although he may not come clean about it, he may start hinting that he wants to be more than just a friend.
He could do this by telling you stories from his past relationships (when you didn’t ask) or asking specific questions that give off those vibes.
How to handle a jealous guy?Jealously of a guy can become troublesome when it starts getting in the way of your peace of mind or life.
Does your man fit the description from the last section of this article? Well, here’s what to do when you have seen the signs he is jealous
He might be doing all these because he likes you and is frustrated by his inability to ask you out. If you feel the same way toward him, you may want to confront him on the subject.
2. Set clear boundariesJealousy in men isn’t always a sign that they like you. It could be a part of himself playing out, a not-so-nice part of himself.
This is where boundaries come into play. Tell the jealous man what you like, can tolerate, and what is a no-no for you. When the cards are all laid out on the table, it becomes easier to navigate your relationship.
Related Reading: Why Setting and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries in Dating Is Important3. Don’t be afraid to get him help
Jealousy could be the result of traumatizing experiences in his past relationships. If this is the case, he would need professional help to scale through.
This is where therapy comes to play. Carefully bring up this subject appropriately and help a jealous man see why he should give therapy a chance.
There are so many signs he is jealous, most of which are covered in this article. When you are sure that he is jealous, you next want to take specific steps to help him sort through his emotions and get stronger.
Remember, in extreme cases, therapy might do him good. So, do not hesitate to discuss the subject the next time you get the chance.
25 Hints He Just Can't Hide
Guys can be a mystery, and girls often wonder what goes on in their heads. If you’re curious about how to tell when a guy is jealous, here are some hints.
There is a song about jealousy that is always interesting. The singer talks about “puffing up his chest.” We have all seen a guy get that way. But “puffing up his chest,” metaphorically speaking, is only one way for how to tell when a guy is jealous. But there are other signs and clues you might be missing that indicate your guy feels insecure about your feelings.
Jealousy is that little green-eyed monster that makes us do things we normally wouldn’t. But, it doesn’t always come across in a predictable manner, especially with men.
What is jealousy & how to tell why a guy is jealous
We have all been jealous at some point in our lives. Some people are perpetually jealous, while for others, it happens rarely. [Read: How to recognize the signs of jealousy in someone and guide them out]
In order to figure out how to tell when a guy is jealous, you first have to know what jealousy actually means. Most of us think we know, but there are some aspects to it that you might not have thought about.
The definition of jealousy is this: “the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, or concern over possessions or people.” When someone is jealous, they usually feel emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness, or self-disgust.
While we have all felt the emotion of jealousy, most people don’t take a deeper look into why jealousy occurs. In order to really know how to tell when a guy is jealous, we need to be somewhat of a Sherlock Holmes and look deeper into his character. [Read: Jealousy vs. envy – how to tell them apart when they feel the same]
Guys who tend to be insecure will feel jealous more often. The reason for this is because, when a person loves themselves, they are confident. And nothing really bothers them because they know they are worthy.
Men who do not like themselves feel more jealous. It could be that they feel inadequate in any number of ways. It could be their height, job, weight, receding hairline, money, or any other number of endless reasons.
We like to think that guys get jealous because they are so crazy in love with us. And while that can actually be true, jealousy usually comes from deep inside them. In other words, it’s more about them than it is about us.
With that said, that doesn’t mean that the jealousy isn’t about their partner. It is really the intersection of their insecurities and their feelings for their woman. If he didn’t love you, then he wouldn’t be jealous. [Read: 13 signs of jealousy in a man that makes him overstep his boundaries]
How to tell when a guy is jealous – 25 signs that you can’t overlook
Often, guys are not completely in touch with their own feelings. Not really knowing how they feel themselves, their behaviors come across as odd. Sending you mixed signals.
Like a guy punching your arm on recess to show that he likes you, sometimes his jealousy doesn’t look much like being jealous. These are some behaviors that send you questioning his love for you, but they say “I love you.” Confused? Men are very confusing creatures.
1. He won’t talk to you or ignores you
If he is jealous, you’d think he’d try to sweet talk or charm you. But, that isn’t always the case. A threatened or insecure guy might try to manipulate you by playing hard to get or by getting your attention by giving you the silent treatment.
If he isn’t talking to you and you haven’t done anything, it might just be his insecurity. [Read: Jealous boyfriend? How to make him not-so-jealous anymore]
2. He is overly sweet and charming
If your avoidant and non-affectionate guy suddenly can’t keep his hands off you and sweet talk you enough, then he could be afraid to lose you.
Either he sees something in a secret admirer you don’t, or he realizes he can’t take you for granted. The turning on the charm tactic makes you fall head over heels in love with him again. This is one of the ways to tell when a guy is jealous. [Read: Blowing hot and cold – The 3 stages to explain why someone does this]
3. He suddenly stops texting
Another form of letting you know he isn’t exactly happy with you is to just turn you off by not texting. If your major form of communication is via cell phone and he acts MIA, then he might be trying to send you a very subtle message.
He’s jealous and doesn’t like the way you’ve carried on or he’s afraid of your attraction to someone besides him.
4. He acts all tough when he really isn’t a tough guy
That whole “puff” out your chest thing comes out in him. Like a cock ready for a cockfight, he walks around looking at guys in the room like “you want a piece of me?” when he really isn’t equipped with the kind of toughness to give anyone a piece of him *unless he doesn’t want it returned*.
If your meek man suddenly behaves right out of the World Wrestling Federation, it is definitely safe to assume he feels threatened. [Read: 14 things you say or do that emasculates your man]
5. He is trying to one up and show off
If he throws cash around the bar, offering a drink to everyone, or insists on paying the tab, then he feels threatened by another guy. Guys think money or “titles” gives them power.
A list of accomplishments, a show of what he knows, or pretending to have an endless bank account, are all ways that signal he is jealous. [Read: 10 unassuming signs that you’re dating a jerk]
6. He flirts with someone else, which is not his style
If you want to tell when guy is jealous, it might seem like he is interested in someone else when he is trying to make you as jealous as he feels.
If he flirts with another girl or acts charming, then don’t be afraid that he’s moving on. He may just be trying to show you what you’d miss if you didn’t choose him.
7. He is uncharacteristically blowing up your phone
If he acts all jealous and tries to get your attention all the time and that isn’t his style, then he worries if he doesn’t, someone else will. Not giving you a moment’s peace, he tries to stay in the forefront of your mind. [Confession: I’m a boyfriend who’s too clingy and needy]
8. He makes excuses to stop by
Constantly forgetting something or needing to pick things up, if he suddenly has a magnet to your home day and night, then he might be worried you are cheating.
Like playing Magnum, P.I., he keeps tabs on your house and your whereabouts to make sure no one takes his spot.
9. He starts spying on you, your phone, and your social media
Not just stopping by your house, watching your social media sites, or stalking what you do while he is not around, indicates he thinks you step out on him. [Read: Dating rules – 10 unfair but totally relevant rules we all have to live by]
10. He just leaves you somewhere
If you’re out with him and you turn around, and he suddenly left you there without a word, rethink how you treated him. Or consider if you treated some other man with some TLC. Sometimes, a guy gets pissed and just walks off without a word to wake you up to how you made him feel.
11. He gets cold and aloof and refuses to engage when out
If he begins to pout like a two-year-old when you are out for the night and can’t be brought out of his mood, he might just be trying to ruin your time because he fears something or someone might be more fun than him.
Don’t foster it by continuing to give in to his immature behavior. If you aren’t flirting or doing anything wrong, let him sit and sulk! Eventually, he’ll get over it. If you let in, you let in forever. [Read: Retroactive jealousy: is your past rousing your lover’s jealousy?]
12. He wants to leave like RIGHT now!
The music might suck and the venue not fantastic, but if you both still manage to have a good time and he suddenly insists that it is time to go when you start talking to other people, especially other men. That screams “I am insecure and want to get you out of here before you find something better. ” That’s another way for how to tell if a guy is jealous.
13. He wants to end the relationship for no reason at all
Sometimes a guy feels as if he doesn’t deserve you and makes him continually feel on edge. Those feelings of never being good enough leave him pushing you away. A self-fulfilling prophecy, he breaks up with you before he gets hurt by you. [Read: Passive aggressive men: How to help them quit playing games]
14. Guys night becomes every night
Playing hard to get becomes his M.O. Never wanting to be without you suddenly becomes never wanting to be with you. It isn’t that he isn’t interested in you, he is afraid you might not be that into him.
Another tactic to prevent himself from being hurt, putting the guys ahead of you feels like he doesn’t like you anymore. It might be the exact opposite.
15. When you ask him what is wrong, he says “nothing”
If he acts strangely but won’t say what is wrong, then it is probably because he won’t admit that he is jealous or insecure about losing you.
If he continues to say nothing, let it go and let him figure it out. It isn’t your duty to pry his feelings out of him. [Read: How to make a jealous boyfriend feel less jealous and more loved]
16. When you mention a particular guy, his face changes and goes blank
You can tell that there is one particular guy that, when mentioned, seems to send him into a far-away zone or shut down. He is probably jealous of whoever you talk about.
17. He seemingly can’t be bothered with you, but when you say you made other plans he gets all hurt
He wants to prove that he shouldn’t be jealous because you choose him. When you decide to do something other than hanging out with him, his sullen mood is another good way how to tell when a guy is jealous.
18. He gives your friends the “Spanish Inquisition”
Worried about what you have been doing, or even who you have hung out with, he questions your friends relentlessly to see what you have been up to. [Read: 17 big signs of a jealous and possessive boyfriend]

If you catch him just showing up places he wasn’t invited to or doing drive-bys and he doesn’t live nearby, then chances are good he’s jealous and checking up on you.
20. He stands way too close for comfort
If he acts more like your bodyguard than your boyfriend, he is insecure and wants to make sure he is the only guy to get close to you.
21. He gets friends and family involved in your situation
When threatened with losing you, he gets your friends and family involved to question them or to get them on his side. That is covert jealousy and a way to control you through who you associate and talk to.
22. He starts to question your every move
When “how was your day?” turns into “where were you today?” and “who were you with?” that is a sign that he distrusts what you have been up to. AKA, he is jealous. [Read: 17 relationship red flags that most people ignore]
23. He puts a GPS on you or rigs your mobile devices to know where you are
Yep, there are apps he can install on your mobile device to find out where you are at. If your mobile is glitchy and he seems to know more than he should about your whereabouts, you might want to do a system’s check.
24. He tries to put you down to tank your self-esteem, so you will stick around
Calling you names is something you haven’t experienced before, but suddenly he tries to tank your self-esteem. That means he is probably jealous and wants to make sure you think no one wants you but him. [Read: 16 abusive relationship signs of a devious lover]
25. He pushes you away to sabotage the relationship
A systematic takedown, he ignores you, shuts you out, goes out with the guys, and stops answering your calls. Sure, your first thought is that he isn’t into you. He just might be more into you than you think and just too scared that you aren’t that into him.
[Read: How to reassure and win over a super jealous lover]
Of course, there are going to be times when you are both going to be jealous; it is human. But, getting him out of his jealous mode might be as simple as saying “I love you, babe. ” If he has any signs above, you’ll know how to tell when a guy is jealous.
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5 Signs Your Jealousy Is Repulsing Your Man and Ruining Relationships when you are not around, where he looks and what he is going to do.
Does he want to leave you?
Is he lying to you?
Does he dream of another?
These questions can torment you and make you act jealous. You interrogate him when he comes home. You look for proof of his words, you check his phone, you accuse him of something you have no proof of. Such jealous behavior can actually be fatal to your relationship.
Here are 5 signs that your jealousy is really bad for your man and relationship:
1. You are mostly focused on jealous thoughts.
What do you think about when he is not around? Where is he and with whom? And when next to him - about who he thinks about and where he looks? If your mind is full of "what if" thoughts that upset you and include cheating and leaving scenarios, that's terrible.
If your thoughts alone make you jealous, it will affect how you talk and behave with your man. You will be more hostile, obsessive and distrustful. This will alert him too, so he will definitely not open up to you.
2. Your conversations revolve around jealousy.
What do you usually talk about? Pay attention to how often you argue about how you feel like he flirts with others, looked at someone "too long" and other moments of jealousy. If this happens often, it will create problems in the relationship. It blocks love.
3. It has become quieter than usual.
Some people themselves are not as sociable as others, and sometimes everyone wants to retire so that no one touches him. But if your man has become quieter than usual, and you don’t know why, your jealousy may be to blame. Maybe he doesn’t want to say anything anymore, so as not to provoke an attack of jealousy in you. It's easier for him to keep quiet.
4. He took up a defensive position.
When you are excessively jealous, a person automatically starts to defend himself, even if he is not guilty of anything. Even if you try not to blame him, your tone of voice, body language, and the way you ask certain questions shows that you are essentially blaming him or showing that you don't trust him.
If a man becomes defensive even in response to your simple comments, he may say something like this with sarcasm: “I can’t do anything right, can I?”, “Well, you think so!” and so on.
5. He keeps secrets.
What is most dangerous: your man may start keeping secrets from you not because he cheats, flirts or somehow betrays you, but because of your jealousy. He realized that it would be safer not to tell the truth, even if he did nothing wrong. So he decides to keep quiet or even lie about what happened. And when you find out that he is not completely honest, your suspicions intensify, and jealousy rolls over. Do you understand the vicious circle?
5 Signs Your Jealousy Is Pushing Your Man Off And Ruining Your Relationship
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Is it okay if I go to a party with friends? Will he get mad if I accept such an invitation from a guy I've known for a thousand years?
Does he get jealous when I talk to other guys? Is he afraid of losing me?
Will he be angry if I come home later? Or am I just winding myself up?
These are questions no girl should ask herself. But if your boyfriend never tells you directly about his jealousy, you might wonder if you're exaggerating and how he really feels.
Why do men hide jealousy? They do not want to show their weakness and self-doubt. They don't want to show their emotions at all. But here are the signs that he is really jealous:
1. He doesn't like your stories about other people.
He may not talk about it, but he obviously listens to you without pleasure. He may sigh or even look offended. But he says everything is fine.
2. He's too cute, although he's usually not.
Perhaps he is afraid of losing you, so he decided to be more active in his feelings for you. Maybe you went to a new job and met new people, and he was worried that you might notice someone else.
3. He makes himself difficult to reach.
If he suddenly starts behaving strangely, becomes more distant - just after you did something that he did not like very much - he is jealous. Maybe you were actively talking with another guy, and he saw you. Now he wants you to woo him again, as if you had done something wrong to him, so that you can prove that you love him.
4. He became rude.
If this is not inherent in him, then perhaps this is his manifestation of jealousy. His male pride is hurt, he felt threatened.