Marriage compatibility list
The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs to Tie the Knot Are...
Compatibility is one of the most essential ingredients to sustain a marriage or a relationship. When the partners are compatible, hardly any conflict or problems can bog down their well-nurtured bond! Even though differences and disagreements are indispensable in any relationship, but compatible couples know how to work them out. Hence, sustaining the marriage becomes effortless and easier for them.
Before you take the plunge to get married, it is extremely important to know whether you and your would-be-spouse are compatible enough to lead a blissful married life. While there are many ways you two can be compatible, one definite way to foresee your compatibility factor is by zodiac signs. So, today we enlist 12 best compatible couples according to zodiac signs. Always remember, dating or marrying someone whose sign is compatible with your sign will make your love life effortlessly happier.
Also, don't lose your heart if you and your partner's zodiac are not enlisted in the list, cuz you can always strengthen your bond of love with trust, understanding and good communication.
Aries and Libra
People of Aries sign are born leaders and have a dominating nature. They make great friends with other dominating signs like Leo and Sagittarius, but for a love relationship, Aries don’t want their partner to have a controlling nature. Hence, they are most compatible with Libra, who is extremely honest and have an easy-going nature.
Librans are emotionally dependent, Aries are controlling—both these signs perfectly compliment each other. In fact, Librans are known to bring peace and oodles of romance in the otherwise dynamic lives of Aries. It is the passion and honesty, that keeps these two signs bound together.
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Taurus and Virgo
Taurus is the most grounded and emotional sign to ever exist. People of this sign are family-oriented, die-hard romantic and are extremely passionate in bed. And inarguably, they are most compatible with Virgo, which is also a family-oriented sign. The sensual Virgo and romance-loving Taurus combine to make a power couple.
Gemini and Sagittarius
Fickle-minded, classy, always on the go, playful, humorous and creative are the words that best describe Gemini. Geminis are great friends whom everyone wants in their life. But when it comes to love and relationships, they can be a bit difficult sign to deal with. They hate commitments and are scared to lose freedom in a relationship/marriage.
Hence, Sagittarians are the perfect companions for Gemini as they are also equally scared to compromise on their freedom. Sagittarians’ impeccable sense of humor further attracts Gemini a lot.
Cancer and Taurus
Cancerians are fragile, emotional and true sweethearts. They seek a long-term relationship with a person with whom they can connect on a deeper level. None other than Taurus is the most compatible sign for Cancerians who are equally sensitive and emotional.
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Leo and Aries
Leo’s fierce, self-obsessed and unapologetic nature makes it a tad bit hard for almost every sign to stay with them in a long-term relationship. The equally intense and passionate Aries turn out as the best match for them. Both of them love and fight fiercely. Once they understand how to overcome their fights, nothing can come in between this power couple.
Virgo and Scorpio
Virgo is the most perfect and organized signs of all! They maintain a perfect balance of practicality and emotions in their relationships. And oh, not to forget, they are best known for their sensuality as well. While most signs are less or more compatible with Virgo, but it is surprisingly the Scorpions who emerge as the best match. Virgos are attracted by the extremely passionate nature of Scorpions.
Libra and Gemini
Librans are passionate lovers and enjoy the challenge of chasing love! But apart from being romantic, they are also great diplomats and problem-solvers. They want their partner to be intellectual, with whom they can have deep long conversations. Hence, the most compatible match for them is a Gemini. Both these signs are great with words and relish intellectual conversations. The down-to-earth nature of Librans brings calm to always-on-the-go Geminis.
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Scorpio and Pisces
Scorpions have a false image of being a difficult sign to date. It is just that they are tough-looking and revengeful side outshines their emotional persona. Scorpions are passionate lovers and believe in screaming out loud about their love. It is the charismatic and emotional Pisceans who are most compatible for Scorpions. When these two signs combine, they make ‘love is in the air and everywhere’ kinda couple.
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Sagittarius and Aquarius
As mentioned above also, Sagittarians love their freedom! Staying at one place is what dreads them the most. Being true adventure junkies, Sagitarrians can’t lead a mundane life and are always on a spree to explore new experiences. Their partner needs to be just like them, free and adventurous. Hence, Aquarians are most compatible with Sagittarians. These two signs bond to make a crazy couple who will never witness a single dull moment together.
Capricorn and Virgo
A Capricorn’s ambitions dominate his/her life. They first decide what they want to do in life and then work very hard to achieve the same. Whether it is their profession or relationship, they are whole-heartedly dedicated to whatever they do. The perfectionists and disciplined Virgo help Capricorns achieve their goals and hence are the best partners for them. Both these signs are furthermore attached to the string of perfect balance of emotions and practicality.
Aquarius and Libra
While Aquarians definitely make a great pair with alike Sagittarians. Apart from that, it is Librans whom Aquarians are most compatible with. Owing to their righteous natures, these two signs effortlessly trust each other. Both these signs further believe in the free expression of thoughts, emotions and desires, this strengthens their communication bond and make them truly compatible.
Pisces and Capricorn
Opposites attract each other and none other than Pisces and Capricorns prove it in real life. While the dreamy nature of Pisces evokes Capricorns to believe and achieve their dreams, on the other hand, the practicality of Capricorns ensures that their Piscean partner is sane in the real world and not lost in his/her imaginary good world.
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15 Signs of Compatibility Between You and Your Partner
Every successful relationship has one common denominator: the compatibility of the partners. How compatible are you and your partner? Do you see any signs of compatibility with your partner?
If you are in a relationship that is still at the infant stage, it would be helpful to ask yourself, “Am I compatible with my partner?” Co-existing is difficult in relationships, marriages, associations, partnerships, etc. It requires that both parties possess certain qualities that are capable of making them compatible.
If you are not sure of the answer, you need to check for signs of compatibility and conduct what you may want to refer to as a “Relationship Compatibility Check.” The check (quiz) would help you know whether you and your partner are compatible.
What does being compatible mean?
What does being compatible mean, then? Being compatible means the ability to co-exist or live together in unity and harmony, without any disagreement. Some of the following terms qualify as compatible, agreeable, adaptable, cooperative, appropriate, attuned, corresponding, etc.
To be in a compatible relationship, you and your partner must agree, adapt to each other’s lifestyles, cooperate in your goals, and be attuned to one another’s personality. If you disagree with your partner’s ideas, suggestions or perspective, then it is a sign that both of you are not compatible.
Sometimes people try to pretend not to see the glaring facts that their relationship may not work. It is essential to look out for signs of compatibility between you and your partner if you are serious about getting the best out of a relationship.
Related Reading: Is Relationship Compatibility Vital for a Good Relationship
15 signs of compatibility between partners
Some compatibility signs show whether a relationship will be successful or not. But unfortunately, people ignore those signs and assume that if the relationship doesn’t work initially, it will work later on. It often doesn’t work this way.
Hence, to save yourself heartbreak or any other emotional stress that a failed relationship brings, you must ensure that you pay attention to the signs that show relationship compatibility between partners.
If you are in a relationship and it doesn’t seem to be working as expected, you may want to consider the following questions:
- Do you wish you never entered a relationship with your partner?
- Are you and your partner compatible?
- How do you know if you are compatible with someone?
- Is there a possibility that your relationship may not be successful?
Carefully and intentionally answer the questions above. It will unveil to you whether you and your partner are compatible or not. Furthermore, the following tips are concrete and apparent signs of compatibility to know if you and your partner are suitable for each other.
1. Physical attractionOne of the earliest signs of compatibility is the presence of physical attraction between you and your partner. Before asking, are we compatible, ask yourself if you’re attracted to your partner. Although being physically attractive to your partner is not all that there is to be compatible.
You cannot develop likeness or affection for someone who is not appealing to you. Physical attraction sets the foundation for most relationships, and the other factors can follow.
2. You like your partner the way they areCompatible partners do not seek ways to change the personality of their partner. They like their partner the way they are. If any flaws or weaknesses are found in their partner, they create an enabling atmosphere for their partner to address it personally, rather than influence or compel their partner to change against their will.
3. Freedom to be yourselfCompatible relationships allow partners the freedom to be themselves. If your partner likes you the way you are and does not coerce you to change your personality, it is enough motivation to be yourself and not pretend to be someone else that you are not as you have that freedom in your relationship.
4. No atom of doubt about your loveWhat makes compatible couples is the presence of absolute and concrete trust between them. Lack of confidence is a product of doubt in love between you and your partner or spouse.
Therefore, if you find yourself constantly doubting the love your partner claims to have for you, then it is likely that both of you are not compatible.
5. Common goals and interestsWhat makes a couple compatible? It’s simple, you and your partner are compatible if you two have similar interests and pursue the same goals. However, not all interests must be shared.
Suppose your partner’s goal is to get married by the end of the year, and your goal is to further your education before getting married.
In that case, it is obvious your dreams do not align, and as a result, you would likely not be compatible in your relationship if one of you doesn’t forfeit their goals or find a way to make it work.
Related Reading: How Important Are Common Interests in a Relationship6. Complete openness
If trust exists between partners, then there is every possibility that they would be completely open to one another without any secrets whatsoever, especially those that can jeopardize the relationship. If you discover that your partner is secretive about his personal life, it is a sign that you are not compatible.
There is no need to ask “how compatible are we?” if you and your partner have minor arguments. It is not unnatural to have disagreements, little quarrels, or disputes in a relationship. A compatible partner would be willing to settle any conflict with their partner amicably without the conflict escalating.
A compatible partner doesn’t involve a third party in the issues about their relationship, except when it becomes imperative to involve one. The third-party must be a professional who is knowledgeable in handling disputes between spouses or partners.
8. You are not ashamed of your partnerIs your partner ashamed of showing off your relationship publicly? Maybe he doesn’t feel comfortable being with you in the relationship.
If your partner is embarrassed to hold you in public, play with you, or do anything that depicts that both of you are in a relationship, it could be a sign that you are not compatible.
How does your partner claim to love you but hates your family? If you find out your partner does not like your family, they may likely have misunderstandings and concerns about your family. Compatible partners appreciate, respect, and honor each other’s family, even if they do not like them.
10. You are each other’s priorityIf your partner does not see the need to satisfy your desires or prioritize your relationship, then it is likely that you two are not compatible. You are supposed to be your partner’s priority and vice versa. Your happiness is supposed to be a derivative of your partner’s satisfaction and happiness.
Compatible partners seek to make each other feel loved and important by meeting one another’s needs or desires.
Related Reading: Prioritize your Relationship, Partner and Sexual Connection11. You don’t blame one another
Playing the blame game is detrimental to a relationship. Compatible couples don’t blame each other for the mistakes of another. If you are in a relationship where your partner is always blaming you for your relationship not working the way it ought to, then it is evident that the two of you are not compatible.
What makes a couple compatible is their ability to see from a common lens. If your partner’s philosophies or core values are not consistent with yours, it can result in misunderstandings.
For instance, if your partner has no regard for education and you are very passionate about going to college, then the two of you are not compatible. Here are some crucial questions you can ask yourself and your partner to see if your values align.
Watch this video to see if you have any signs of compatibility with your partner or not.
Most successful relationships result from the willingness of the partners to grow together morally, financially, and otherwise. A partner who is unwilling to grow with their partner is not one of the signs of compatibility.
14. PatienceGrowth requires patience. If you must grow with your partner in a relationship, you must be patient. Therefore, the impatience of your partner towards you could be one of the negative signs of compatibility.
15. SacrificeSacrifice is the apex of every successful relationship. Partners should be willing to sacrifice for their spouse or partner. Sacrifice can be in terms of meeting your partner’s needs, satisfying their desires, etc. Being able to sacrifice for each other is one of the most important signs of compatibility.
Related Reading: How Important Is Sacrifice in a Relationship?The bottom line
Compatibility between partners is a key to successful relationships. It is hard work to make a relationship work, but ensuring to know whether you and your partner are compatible is a way to ease up the process of making your relationship work.
It is more important for people who intend to enter a relationship to verify their compatibility. Otherwise, if they focus on the mere words “I love you” from a person you like and not also consider the signs of compatibility, then the proposed relationship might be heading towards a disaster.
Compatibility of zodiac signs in love, marriage and friendship with other signs, compatibility of men and women according to the horoscope
A compatibility horoscope can be a good help in a couple's relationship. This does not mean that the prospects for a romantic union depend on the percentage of compatibility - the human factor cannot be ruled out. However, knowing the influence of the planets on our lives, personality and character traits, you can avoid many pitfalls and make your heart connection even stronger.
On you can check your compatibility with a potential or current partner and find out the strengths and weaknesses of your love ties. You will learn how to win the favor of the person you like, how sensual the innermost side of your love will be, what to expect from the chosen one in everyday life and what mistakes in relationships you should pay attention to. We will also tell you how your signs combine in friendship and professionally.
With the help of zodiac compatibility you will be able to:
- How to interest a person you like, depending on his zodiac sign. After all, different signs have different priorities in life, and what a typical Cancer appreciates is unlikely to be appreciated by Gemini, and vice versa. Check with compatibility in love so as not to scare off a potential chosen one or chosen one.
- Determine the strengths of your relationship so you know exactly if it matches your expectations.
Does your partner share your desire for spiritual development or will he “ground” you? Is he waiting for a serious relationship “for centuries” or does he want a passionate romance without obligations?
- Anticipate problems that you and your significant other may face in a relationship. Forewarned - armed.
- Find out if you are compatible in bed. It makes no sense to deny that intimate life is one of the pillars of any relationship; not the main, but a significant part. Do your temperaments match and is your partner ready for experiments?
- Make sure that you and your chosen one are ready for the birth of children and become good parents. In each pair, the father and mother distribute responsibilities in different ways, and the same sign can be both a good and a bad parent in combination with one sign or another.
- Predict the character of your unborn child to a certain extent: will your baby be the soul of the company or a shy greenhouse flower, a bully or a diligent student? The compatibility of the signs of the parents can predetermine the psychological climate in the family and, as a result, its reflection on the child.
- Find out if your partner is prone to cheating and what can push him to this step, as well as find out how representatives of his zodiac sign behave when parting with your sign.
- Determine compatibility not only in love and marriage, but also in work and friendship. How to behave with friends if you have low compatibility? Which of the zodiac signs will become your favorite colleague, and who is better to bypass? And why is the boss behaving arrogantly and delaying the promotion - maybe it's a matter of poor compatibility?
Remember, high compatibility of zodiac signs is not a guarantee of a successful marriage and happiness in your personal life. This is a parameter that embodies the level of harmony in your relationship, the astrological compatibility of typical zodiac signs. Compatibility shows the vector in which your relationship will move, but then it all depends on you.
Also, one should not forget that compatibility takes into account the behavior of typical representatives of the signs of the zodiac. The horoscope of each person is individual, it can to some extent represent the features of all representatives of the zodiac circle, much depends on the specific time and place of birth of the person and his partner, and therefore some characteristics may differ from your reality.
12 perfect couples in the horoscope
Astrologer Vera Khubelashvili told us which zodiac signs make perfect couples. Check, maybe you and your darling are on this list?
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Before considering which couples among the signs of the zodiac are the most ideal, it is worth understanding what we mean by this definition. It is no secret that each person has his own life experience and certain views. A love union is a clash of two worlds that have existed independently for a long time. Of course, the attempt to combine them rarely goes without difficulty. We argue, we get offended, we are indignant - in a word, we go through a period of grinding.
It is rather difficult to imagine a completely flawless relationship that, once started, would not have any negative episodes during its course. Of course, this is also possible, but only as an exception. If you know examples of cloudless relationships, then write about such signs of the zodiac - it is possible that we will talk about them later in this article.
So what do we mean by an ideal couple? This is a combination of zodiac signs that have an astrological predisposition to be together. It is easier for them to see eye to eye, find common interests, overcome difficulties, fall in love with each other. When we meet such people, we often admire them. It is often said that this marriage seems to have been made in heaven, or that these people must have loved each other in a past life and met in this life to continue their happiness.
Any ideal union is a great success and a find, but this does not mean at all that people who have found a suitable soul mate will not have to work on themselves or deal with difficulties. In some ways, of course, it will be easier than for most other couples, but relationships are always a contribution, always initiative and attention to each other.
Now we will consider the most successful combinations of zodiac signs, but remember that if you don’t find your option there, it’s okay, because your union will become ideal even without it, if you both try for the sake of common happiness.
Aries and Aquarius
We often hear that representatives of the element of Air are perfectly combined in alliances with representatives of the element of Fire. And it is true. The pair of Aries and Aquarius is one of the most harmonious and can rightly be called ideal. Both aspiring to freedom, new experiences, discoveries and travels, the partners fit each other like pieces of a puzzle. This is more than love - it is also friendship, full of joy, smiles, passion and sincere cheerful laughter. The ardor of such lovers will not fade over the years, they will never have to think about how to fill their leisure time or how to spend the weekend, because new ideas that are interesting to both always appear on the horizon.
Aries and Sagittarius
This is not just a union, but a real rage of the fiery element. Two different kinds of flame merge into one. This is a union overflowing with energy, the enthusiasm and strength of which are felt by all people around. It may seem to someone from the outside that Aries and Sagittarius are just an inseparable pair of friends who are passionate about common interests and, as adults, are childish with each other, but this is a somewhat superficial judgment. In reality, Aries and Sagittarius are simply always on the same wavelength, as they say, they are absorbed by each other and communicate easily, understanding everything perfectly. Someone may call their union too loud, too bright, almost crazy, but for Aries and Sagittarius this is sweet madness, which only they can share and understand - and no one else.
Taurus and Cancer
Taurus and Cancer have a very subtle relationship. This is a sensual union, imbued with psychological trends that are elusive for other people. It will be difficult for an outside observer to believe how well these partners feel for each other, how they are attentive to trifles, thrifty in relationships and gentle. All their friends can say: Cancer and Taurus are a very strong couple, in which there are practically no disagreements. Yes, it looks exactly like that, but no one really knows how these people support each other and how touching and romantic their union really is, since their personal is not intended for the eyes of strangers.
Taurus and Capricorn
This union is the exact opposite of the previous one. It is based on strong passion, emotionality. Love here is not a fragile cobweb, but a kind of invincible force, about the possession of which one wants to shout to the whole world in order to share joy with everyone. No wonder passionate Taurus and Capricorn spend so much time in bed. But it would be unfair to say that the physical side is the only thing that unites these representatives of the zodiac circle. In fact, in addition to passion, there are many more reasons why Taurus and Capricorn are so good together. They may not be too romantic, but they are completely delighted with their partner, feel great about him, are faithful and share each other's hobbies. This union is envied by many, wanting to have the same happiness in a love relationship. It is quite logical that Taurus and Capricorn are included in the list of 12 ideal couples.
Taurus and Virgo
This is a very measured union. If Taurus is a sign that can converge with many, because it is different, then Virgo is a person of strict rules and unwavering views. This inflexibility of the Virgo makes her a rather difficult partner, with whom it is very difficult to find a common language, and even more so to find happiness in marriage. Nevertheless, Taurus is not only capable of this, but also feels Virgo so well that they are one of the most successfully compatible couples known to astrology. It is quite difficult to explain to an outsider why Virgo and Taurus are so good together. They may seem boring and lacking in passion. But this is only because both of them are not used to showing their feelings in public. In fact, their union is a carefully planned, literally measured to the millimeter perfect diamond, which sparkles with uniform facets of passion, love, respect and friendship. In terms of balance, Taurus and Virgo are a perfect match.
Gemini and Libra
These two representatives of the element of Air tend to hover high above the ground, so not everyone can get close enough to understand why partners admire each other so much. From the outside it may seem that they have the most peaceful life, completely devoid of any bright events, expensive acquisitions, long journeys and everything that many people need so much to feel happy. By no means, Gemini and Libra do not deny such values and do not refuse them, but they put the psychological aspects of communication and the intelligence of their partner much higher. They are both excellent scholars, they can have lively conversations, plunging deeper and deeper into the most complex topics, dreams and dreams of a partner, as well as the most hidden corners of each other's consciousness.
Gemini and Aquarius
And again, the representatives of the element of Air were on the list of the most ideal couples in the zodiac circle. But the situation here is somewhat different than in the previous case. Gemini and Aquarius find their common interests in the most non-standard aspects of life. They are interested in discovering something new about this world together. Variability and inconstancy can confuse representatives of various zodiac signs, but not these two! All changes for them are just an occasion for a new discovery, research and acquisition of knowledge. They are not afraid to experiment and support each other in every way in any endeavors. To some, this life will seem like chaos, but for Gemini and Aquarius, it is a hurricane of emotions, feelings and happiness.
Cancer and Scorpio
This is a very emotional union. He is literally saturated with life and has his own rapidly beating heart. If you ask one of the acquaintances of Cancer and Scorpio if these two are suitable for each other, then he will answer without hesitation that they are not - and he will be mistaken. This is indeed a very unusual union. These are two emotional, sensual, deep people, communication with which is not given to every representative of the opposite sex. And it seems that two such complex personalities simply torture each other in union, but this never happens. Scorpio takes care of the fragile and vulnerable nature of Cancer, and he, in turn, respects the strong passion of Scorpio. They unite at the deepest levels, which allows you to create a lasting and happy union. Sometimes Cancer and Scorpio don't even need to talk to each other to understand what their partner needs. They just feel good from the very closeness - the feeling that a loved one is nearby.
Cancer and Pisces
This is a very remarkable couple. They are not just representatives of the same element of Water. It's something more. People perceive them as a whole. Husband and wife in such unions become very similar to each other, hold the same opinion on various issues, and generally live on the same wavelength. Often, one of the acquaintances, when talking about one thing, gets confused and mentions the other, and in principle, this couple is quite difficult to perceive separately. You rarely hear that Cancer and Pisces quarreled because of disagreement on any issue. The furnishings of their home usually do not contain elements that are out of harmony. “Soul to soul” is a phrase about Cancer and Pisces. Usually they meet each other at some thematic events and get closer on the basis of common interests. Often the spouses Cancer and Pisces are work colleagues, and even more often they are people of art who are passionate about the same thing. Families of artists and musicians are usually created by representatives of these zodiac signs.
Leo and Sagittarius
As you can see, many ideal couples consist of zodiac signs of the same element. This is understandable, because these people have a common nature, which means there are more points of contact that bring them closer. So the current version is no exception. Serious passions boil in the union of Leo and Sagittarius. Two types of lights, intertwined, form a real fire. They are tightly woven into each other's lives, and it would be fair to compare each of the spouses with a real battery that feeds the strength and enthusiasm of the other. This pair of friends and accomplices, but not like-minded people. Each of them has their own interests, but both have a deep respect for the life and hobbies of their partner. Thanks to this, Leo and Sagittarius will always come to each other's rescue, help with practical advice, and if necessary, they themselves will make efforts in some important matter for the partner. Their intimate life could become a prototype for a spectacular erotic film, and domestic issues do not cause controversy at all. Of course, these two strong personalities also face a conflict of interests, but this happens much less often than many others.
Aquarius and Libra
This union is capable of surprising. They do not strive to be understood by others, because the main thing is mutual understanding and clarity in relations with a partner. Their relationship may look extravagant, exotic, or even carry some kind of mystical connotation. The thing is that Libra and Aquarius are people who are able to get carried away with the most unusual questions, and joint research gives them incomparable pleasure. A family of astrologers, magicians, adventurers, circus performers, climbers - the list goes on, because Aquarius and Libra are unpredictable and will always find some kind of non-standard joint hobby. But besides interests, they have one more quality that brings them together - both willingly give in to each other in order to achieve harmony in relations. They balance forces, smooth out conflicts, try to avoid excessive emotionality, and therefore their hearts easily and naturally beat in unison.
Pisces and Scorpio
Such people are said to have a karmic connection. It is difficult to say whether this is always true, but this is the impression that the pair of Pisces and Scorpio gives. It’s as if they were born to find each other, and when this happened, they don’t even try to get to know each other better, because it seems that they have known each other all their lives - not even one. Their relationship runs smoothly, the transition from acquaintance to marriage is almost always natural.