Quotes about accepting death of a loved one
64 Quotes After Grief and Life After Loss Whats your Grief
Here are 64 (okay fine, 63) quotes about grief, coping, and life after loss. Although we love a good grief quote, Litsa and I were slow to join in on the quote-pic phenomenon. The internet just seemed plastered with inspirational platitudes pasted on pictures of sunsets and rainbows. It all seemed so trite and reductive we decided not to add to the noise. Then we got over ourselves because, well, a good quote serves many purposes. A quote helps us put our own thoughts and feelings into perspective. It allows us to use the words of others to communicate or to convey a message. It helps us to feel a sense of commonality when we find our feelings, experiences, and observations match those of another. We hope something here resonates with you (and feel free to steal and share any of these images with your grieving family and friends).
“The times you lived through, the people you shared those times with; Nothing brings it all to life like an old mix tape. It does a better job of storing up memories than actual brain tissue can do. Every mix tape tells a story. Put them together, and they can add up to the story of a life.”
~ Rob Sheffield, Love is a Mix Tape
“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”
~ Thomas Campbell
“When I think of death, and of late the idea has come with alarming frequency, I seem at peace with the idea that a day will dawn when I no longer be among those living in this valley of strange humors.
I can accept the idea of my own demise, but I am unable to accept the death of anyone else.
I find it impossible to let a friend or relative go into that country to no return.
Disbelief becomes my close companion, and anger follows in its wake.
I answer the heroic question ‘Death, where is thy sting?’ with ‘It is here in my heart and mind and memories.'”
~ Maya Angelou, When I Think of Death
“At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer, we remember them. ”
~ Sylvan Kamens & Rabbi Jack Reimer
“Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?”
~ Terry Pratchett
“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”
~ Havelock Ellis
“God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.”
~ J.M. Barrie
“It’s so curious; One can resist tears and ‘behave’ very well in the hardest hours of grief. But then someone makes you a friendly sign behind a window, or one notices that a flower that was in bud only yesterday has suddenly blossomed, or a letter slips from a drawer… and everything collapses.”
~ Colette
“There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, so just give me a happy middle and a very happy start.”
~ Shel Silverstein
“Should you shield the valleys from the windstorms, you would never see the beauty of their canyons.”
~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
“Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you’ll never walk alone.
~ Rodgers and Hammerstein, Carousel
“On this bald hill the new year hones its edge.
Faceless and pale as china
The round sky goes on minding its business.
Your absence is inconspicuous,
Nobody can tell what I lack.”
~ Sylvia Plath, Parliament Hill Fields
“Everyone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said. A child or a book or a painting or a house or a wall built of a pair of shoes made. Or a garden planted. Something your hand touches some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die, and when people look at that tree or that flower you planted, you’re there.”
~ Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451
“When we have joy we crave to share; We remember them.”
~ Sylvan Kamens & Rabbi Jack Riemer
“Make the most of your regrets; Never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it ’til it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh.”
~ Henry David Thoreau
“I’ll be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day through. ”
~ Billie Holiday, I’ll Be Seeing You
“One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you.”
~ Diamond Rio, One More Day
“You gave me a forever within the numbered days…”
~ John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
“I would always look for clues to her in books and poems, I realized. I would always search for the echoes of the lost person, the scraps of words and breath, the silken ties that say, ‘Look: She existed.'”
~ Meghan O’Rourke, Story’s End
“14 years.
My longest relationship.
My only experience of maternal love.
My constant companon.
My best friend.
~ Sarah Silverman, On Her Dog Duck
“Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell. ”
~ Edna St. Vincent Millay
“Look closely and you will see almost everyone carrying bags of cement on their shoulders.
That’s why it takes courage to get out of bed in the morning and climb into the day.”
~ Edward Hirsch
“Losing my mother at such an early age is the scar of my soul. But I feel like it ultimately made me into the person I am today. I understand the journey of life. I had to go through what I did to be here.”
~ Mariska Hargity
“My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.”
~ Clarence Budington Kelland
“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.”
~ C.S. Lewis
“Ain’t no shame in holding on to grief… as long as you make room for other things too.”
~ “Bubbles,” The Wire
“She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with It as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts.”
~ George Eliot
“The holiest of holidays are those kept by ourselves in silence and apart: The secret anniversaries of the heart. ”
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“When a child dies, you bury the child in your heart.”
~ Korean Proverb
“If I die before you
which is all but certain
then in the moment
before you will see me
become someone dead
in a transformation
as quick as a shooting star’s
I will cross over into you
and ask you to carry
not only your own memories
but mine too until you
too lie down and erase us
both together into oblivion.”
~ Galway Kinnell, Promissory Note
“It’s coming on Christmas
They’re cutting down trees
They’re putting up reindeer
And singing songs of joy and peace
Oh I wish I had a river I could skate away on.”
~ Joni Mitchell, River
Smiles from the threshold of the year to come,
Whispering ‘It will be happier’…”
~ Alfred Tennyson
“When our days become dreary with low-hovering clouds of despair, and when our nights become darker than a thousand midnights, let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe, working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. ”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
“When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live.”
~ Stuart Scott
“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.”
~ Khalil Gibran
“Grief sucks.”
~ Everyone Ever
“It takes strength to make your way through grief, to grab hold of life and let it pull you forward.”
~ Patti Davis
“The healing power of even the most microscopic exchange with someone who knows in a flash precisely what you’re talking about because she experienced that thing too cannot be overestimated.”
~ Cheryl Strayed
“What separates us from animals, what separates us from the chaos, is our ability to mourn people we’ve never met.”
~ David Levithan
“Someday soon, we all will be together
If the fates allow
Until then,
We’ll have to muddle through somehow. ”
~ Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man.”
~ Heraclitus
“Next person that minimizes my grief is getting a swift kick to the shin.”
“Well, every one can master a grief but he that has it.”
~ William Shakespeare
“So when you need her touch
And loving gaze
Gone but not forgotten
Is the perfect phrase
Smiling from a star
That she makes glow
Trust she’s always there
Watching as you grow
Find her in the place
Where the lost things go.”
~ The Place Where Lost Things Go, Mary Poppin Returns
“If there ever comes a day where we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever.”
~ A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
“The whole world can become the enemy when you lose what you love.”
~ Kristina McMorris, Bridge of Scarlett Leaves
“Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything. ”
~ C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed
“I will not say:
Do not weep;
For not all tears are evil.”
~J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King
“The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same nor would you want to.”
~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler
“Give the sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break.”
~ William Shakespeare, Macbeth
“The song is ended, but the melody lingers on.”
~ Irving Berlin
“When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine,
That all the world will be in love with night,
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”
~ William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
“The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?”
~ Edgar Allan Poe
“Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.”
~ Alphonse de Lamartine, Méditations Poétiques
“Love is really the only thing we can possess, keep with us, and take with us.”
~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
“An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior.”
~ Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.”
~ Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie
“But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer.”
~ Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
“They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies.”
~ William Penn
“Life has to end.
Love doesn’t.”
~ Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven
“And once the storm is over you won’t remember you how made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what the storm’s all about.”
~ Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.”
~ Helen Keller
Have a favorite grief quote we forgot? Share it below!
Quotes for Coping with the Loss of a Loved One
When we were confronted with the deaths of our mothers and fathers, we were overcome with emotion. Our friends offered such kind and inspiring words that really helped us gain control of our emotions.
Through the years, we’ve compiled loss of a loved one quotes, poems and prayers to offer others. We want to include many of those here for your use.
Whether you use this page to find the right words of condolences to others or read for your own peace of mind, we hope that it brings you comfort. You are not alone in your journey. At some point, we all face the loss of loved ones.
Loss of a Loved One Quotes
“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.”
– Unknown
“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.“
– Kahlil Gibran
“Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.”
– Emily Dickinson
“Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.”
– Unknown
“He spake well who said that graves are the footprints of angels.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.”
– Kenji Miyazawa
“If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.
– The Crow, written by James O’Barr, David J. Schow, and John Shirley, 1994
“Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death they would be asked two questions and their answers would determine whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife. The first question was,’Did you bring joy?’ The second was, ‘Did you find joy?’”
– Leo Buscaglia
“Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.”
– Unknown
“Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.”
– Isaac Asimov
Loss of a Love One Poems
Life is eternal, and love is immortal,
and death is only a horizon;
and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.
– Rossiter Worthington Raymond
If tears could build a stairway,
And memories a lane,
I’d walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again.
– Unknown
Our earthly loss is always a heavenly gain
Although our hearts hurt and mourn in humanly pain
The fact still remains the same
That Heaven Has Gained more Love
To sprinkle down from above
– Antonio Talbert
I Am Not Here
Don’t stand by my grave and weep,
For I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint of snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn’s rain.
When you awaken in the morning, hush.
For I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circle flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand by my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die.
– Hopi Grief Song/Prayer
The After Loss Credo
I need to talk about my loss.
I may often need to tell you what happened –
or to ask you why it happened.
Each time I discuss my loss, I am helping myself
face the reality of the death of my loved one.
I need to know that you care about me.
I need to feel your touch, your hugs.
I need you just to be “with” me.
(And I need to be with you.)
I need to know you believe in me and in my
ability to get through my grief in my own way.
(And in my own time.)
Please don’t judge me now –
or think that I’m behaving strangely.
Remember I’m grieving.
I may even be in shock.
I may feel afraid. I may feel deep rage.
I may even feel guilty. But above all, I hurt.
I’m experiencing a pain unlike any I’ve ever felt before.
Don’t worry if you think I’m getting better
and then suddenly I seem to slip backward.
Grief makes me behave this way at times.
And please don’t tell me you “know how I feel,”
or that it’s time for me to get on with my life.
(I am probably already saying this to myself.)
What I need now is time to grieve and to recover.
Most of all, thank you for being my friend.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for caring.
Thank you for helping, for understanding.
Thank you for praying for me.
And remember, in the days or years ahead,
when you may have a loss – when you need me
as I have needed you – I will understand.
And then I will come and be with you.
– Barbara Hills LesStrang
How Long Will The Pain Last?
How long will the pain last?”
a broken hearted mourner asked me.
“All the rest of your Life.”
I have to answer truthfully.
We never quite forget.
No matter how many years pass, we remember.
The loss of a loved one is like a major operation.
Part of us is removed,
and we have a scar for the rest of our lives.
As years go by, we manage.
There are things to do, people to care for,
tasks that call for full attention. But the pain is still there,
not far below the surface.
We see a face that looks familiar,
hear a voice that echoes,
see a photograph in someone’s album,
see a landscape that once we saw together,
and it seems as though a knife were in the wound again.
But not so painfully.
And mixed with joy, too.
Because remembering a happy time is not all sorrow,
it brings back happiness with it.
How long will the pain last?
All the rest of your life.
But the things to remember is that not only the pain will last,
but the blessed memories as well.
Tears are proof of life.
The more love, the more tears.
If this be true,
then how could we ever ask that the pain cease altogether.
For then the memory of love would go with it.
The pain of grief is the price we pay for love.
– Martha White
The Hill
A travelling man sat down to rest from his journey by the side of the road. As he rested, another man passed by. This other man, the traveler observed, walked very slow and was bent forward, his expression was troubled and pain reflected in his eyes.
“What ails you fellow?” called up the wise, but simple man. “Come and join me and take a rest, for your form is such that I see a need in you to share the burden that you carry. ”
The other man sat down, stared far into the distance for a while and then began.
“I have lost the very dearest person known to me.” Tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke, he then fell silent for a short time before continuing. “I feel that I am constantly walking up a hill and that the wind is always against me, my feet are as heavy as clay and in my stomach I carry hot coals. I say to myself now that I must turn back to ease this pain. If I walk back down the hill then maybe I will find that all of this is not true and that my loved one will be waiting to greet me.”
The traveler sat listening to the other man’s story, and replied. “You must not go back down the hill. You need to reach the top, for thereafter you will find the path will level, the wind will soften, your feet grow lighter and the hot coals will cool. To go back down the hill will prolong your pain, for the path to your healing is forward and up the hill.”
As the traveler got up to continue his journey, he said to the other man, “The one you have lost is not at the bottom of the hill but with you all the time, for you carry their spirit in your heart. ”
– Anonymous
Your Compassionate Friend
I can tell from that look, friend that you need to talk
So come, take my hand and let’s go for a walk.
See, I’m not like the others, I won’t shy away,
Because I want to hear what you’ve got to say.
Your child has died and you need to be heard
But they don’t want to hear a single word.
They tell you your child’s “with God” and “be strong”…
They say all the “right” things that somehow sound wrong.
They’re just hurting for you and trying to say
They’d give anything to help take your pain away,
But they’re struggling with feelings they don’t understand
So forgive them for not offering a helping hand.
I’ll walk in your shoes for more than a mile…
I’ll wait while you cry…and be glad if you smile.
I won’t criticize you or judge you or scorn
I’ll just stay and listen ‘till your night turns to morn.
Yes, the journey is hard and unbearably long
And I know that you think that you’re not quite that strong
So just take my hand, ‘cause I’ve got time to spare…
And I know how it hurts friend…for I have been there.
See, I owe a debt you can help me repay,
For not long ago, I was helped the same way
As I stumbled and fell, thru a world so unreal…
So believe when I say that I know how you feel.
I don’t look for praise or financial gain,
And I’m sure not the kind who gets joy out of pain,
I’m just a strong shoulder who’ll be here till the end
I’ll be your Compassionate Friend
– Steve Channing
sad to tears, with meaning, short
DEATH of a loved one is the most terrible grief that can befall a person. The pain of loss sometimes seems unbearable.
To give up one's love is the most terrible betrayal, an eternal loss that cannot be replenished either in time or in eternity.
As soon as we lose faith in our strength, we lose ourselves. Statuses about the bitterness and pain of the loss of a loved one
Do not try to avoid painful experiences. Don't hold back your tears. What happened is real grief. It needs to be felt and experienced.
How often, for the sake of loyalty, you are tormented by loneliness, your love is not needed by the dead, your love is needed by the living.
The worst thing is to lose, what you believed in, hoped for, and then bam! and a black hole formed inside.
The highest wisdom is in accepting death. It is important to understand that life does not end. We are all immortal. Our death is a tragedy only for our loved ones. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
I recognize you in the touch of a birch branch, I recognize you in the river with seething water, I recognize you in the dew that looks like tears, I know the LOVE. you're near me.
Statuses on the topic "Pain of loss".
You know, after all, people die And even those in which life is the essence, That they love us, kiss, embrace, Without the thought of which we cannot sleep . And life is so short. The pain of loss has no end0005
It only seems that it will last forever And sonorous laughter and conversation at night, But the life of a fox is cunning and transient. When is her sister coming for me?
- And it's scary not to leave this life, It's more terrible to lose people relatives, To dislike, to leave without an answer, And not to notice the pain of the hearts of the living!
Remember every smile of the sweet face dear to your heart Forgive their falls, mistakes, So as not to anger the heavenly Father!
He forgave everyone, gave hope, faith, And we, just a little, turn up our nose proudly. And we're in a hurry, friends, career, But know that Then there won't be enough tears To cry out a heavy resentment, What hides on ourselves And don't lose sight of your relatives! How terrible it is not to be able to appreciate the living!
Look into the eyes, breathe in one breath, And kiss and hold the hand Say “I love you” quietly at parting, But without leaving, hug one more time -
- Live like this, as far as possible, Spreading the rays of love to the droplet! And if you only need to be warmed, Then there are no rights to call people!
Daddy, hello dear I look at the sky and talk to you I believe that you hear my words Only you will never answer again.
Daddy daddy how do you live there? It hurts, but I know life will not return. Forgive me, you hear, forgive me. We will not meet again in this world, alas.
Daddy daddy how so dear? You don't have to yet, you're young And you won't see your grandchildren, how they grow up And your mother misses you, your love.
Daddy daddy is it easy for you there? Time does not heal us, it is very painful for us It is terrible and sad to realize in the soul That the body, your body lies in the damp earth.
It's such a good day, you're glad I came From my knees I'll rise, I'll tell you "bye" The grave has become a home for your body Don't be sad, I'm visiting, I'll come to you again.
- We do not protect our loved ones during life, and after death we fall on the coffin, but we can’t return the sweet moments, there was a kiss on the cold forehead.
Then we deeply regret the loss, we torment our souls with memory in the night, and weep silently for a long time at sunset, we stand for hours in the church by the candle.
We pray and cry to God in tears, hoping that he will forgive us our sins, and at Baptism we drink holy water, only faith and love will heal us.
Let's love our relatives in life, because tomorrow there will be no one to blame, at first glance these simple thoughts, we swear to keep in our hearts!
They leave, leaving pain and tears. They go to a world where there is peace and quiet. And do not return anymore, and do not say a word. And this is not our fault, nor is it their fault.
- And how sad it is in the soul when they are not around. What a pity they have to leave so early. Only God knows everything for a long time When we die and how long to live.
You quickly left for heaven, I didn't even have time to say a word. I wanted to see you so much, I didn't even dare to cry then.
Even now I can't get used to the fact that you've been gone for a long time. How I wanted to return what was. But, alas, this is not given.
No native voice can be heard, Kind sweet eyes can't be seen. Why was fate cruel? How early you left us!
Great sorrow cannot be measured, Tears of grief cannot help, You are not with us, but forever In our hearts you will not die.
- No one could save you, He passed away too soon. But the bright image of your native We will always remember.
How difficult it is to bury friends. The cold wind hurts the soul, And the trembling goes to the bones, As in a winter blizzard and cold.
How difficult it is for us to understand fate. You can't get the questions out of your head: Why are they leaving? Why? And who takes them to the term of the soul?
Ah, if fate could change! Ah, if only she were alive. But there is no going back to the past. And in the heart there is only emptiness0005
Statuses about the death of a loved one
There is no tragedy, only the inevitable. Everything in life has its own meaning, you just need to learn to distinguish between what is coming and what is eternal.
- And in the hospital bed I had my own death. Doctors read in his eyes: "Let's not just die." (
Life is like a daisy and we are guessing from it. And I get scared, because I know that someday I will tear off the last petal.
The worst thing about the death of a father is the memories of a happy life and the realization that this will never happen again.
I hear your tears, they rain on the roof. I'm still waiting for you to call back. Eternal memory of you, my baby.
I had everything in my life: the death of loved ones, the muzzle of a gun at my temple, a knife at my throat, betrayal. And the fact that I'm no longer yours, somehow worries me a little.
There is nothing worse than the death of a loved one. I love you, my great-grandmother, I love you very much! I hope that you will be fine there..
That's it. Everything is over. Death is so close to me. And nothing will change. This is the end. I'm sorry. I loved you. It hurted me.
It's so easy to imagine you alive, but it's impossible to believe in your death! Dedicated to all our loved ones, loved ones, relatives whom we have lost and will never return to my husband.
And now the dirt is invisible, the world has become white, the world has become bright. Only nafg he surrendered to me? It would be better if a friend stayed alive.
Now on earth only a plate will convey the meaning of the words - "we will not forget you." We will think of you and always talk. Mother It is not easy for me to bury the young.
Life. Monday - born, Tuesday - kindergarten, Wednesday - school, Thursday - university, Friday - work, Saturday - children, Sunday - death.
Our world is built like a clock: eternity for the sake of one day, life for the sake of death, and death for the sake of love.
It is very difficult to know that our love is doomed to death, that in a month he will no longer be here… He will be somewhere far away… Where everyone is happy…
Sad quotes about losses (200 quotes)
Everything that we lose will definitely come back to us, but not always in the way we expect.
You know, being a dying person has its advantages. When you have nothing to lose, you are not afraid of risk.
It's scary to lose a loved one, but it's even worse to never meet him.
You will have to live with the pain of loss. There is no escape from this pain. You can't hide from her, you can't run away. Sooner or later, it covers again and you want only one deliverance.
Life is a chain of losses. You lose youth, parents, loved ones, friends, pleasures, health and, finally, life itself. You may not accept it and you will still lose.
Our doubts cause us to lose what we could gain if we were not afraid.
When you lose someone, this feeling always stays with you, constantly reminding you how easy it is to get hurt.
The one who has nothing to lose can achieve everything, the one who is not sensitive to pain is not hurt by anything.
Now is not the time to think about what you don't have. Think about how you can make do with what you have.
I don’t feel sorry for mistakes and losses. It’s a pity for a short earthly time. If I had known before that I know now, now I would live differently
DEATH of a loved one is the most terrible grief that can befall a person. The pain of loss sometimes seems unbearable.
If you fall out of love, then now, now that the whole world is at odds with me. Become the bitterest of my losses, but not the last straw of grief.
It is said that the inability to accept loss is a form of insanity. Probably so, but sometimes it's the only way to survive
Over the years we become wiser, In the eternal struggle between LIVE AND BE We already know how to lose each other. So God forbid we never forget how to find
Someone once said that death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies in us when we live
I was thrown into a bright ball on earth, And in the wild dance of masks and guises I forgot love and lost friendship.
A painless lesson makes no sense. One who has not lost anything will not be able to achieve anything.
When you lose something rejoice that you have not lost much when you have lost a lot rejoice that you have not lost everything when you lose everything rejoice that you have nothing to lose, you are free.
All the best from grief becomes prettier, And the love that is burned to the ground, Blooms and grows greener even more magnificently. So after all the countless losses, I'm richer many times over.
A poem called “Loss” was carved on the stone wall of the temple, it has only three words. But the poet scraped them off. Loss cannot be read, only felt.
Faith leaves first And then love takes the last hope with it Never let faith go!
Denial of death. Family members may act as if their loved one is not dead; waiting for him, talking to him.
And to know that all is lost, That life is a cursed hell! Oh, I was sure that you would come back.
I no longer have any creative imagination or love for nature, and books disgust me. When we lose ourselves, everything is lost for us.
When people lose something very important to them, their heart goes with it.
Do you know when we finally lose people dear to us? When we no longer feel the pain of losing them.
Although it sounds sad, our life is short and sooner or later we will all go into oblivion.
Feeling of loss, gives rise to torments similar to the torments of a person thrown overboard a ship
If you refuse something, then you don't have to lose it at all. Only idiots do that.
Pain has always been a tool for awakening consciousness; we really know how to appreciate only those things that we once lost.
Take care of those you love. Appreciate the moments spent together! Feel free to forgive! So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for unspoken words, for uncommitted deeds!
When we remember friends who are no longer alive, we feel doubly alone.
90. Probably, if you truly love a loved one, you will never come to terms with his loss.
People do not regret what was or is. People regret lost opportunities.
Why do we rejoice more in the return of found favorite things than in their permanent possession?
You are weak; how much you can lose, lose and try to keep a face.
Nothing can hold back happiness and the feeling is dust on your fingertips. Once he is not. Everything just happened, you just trembled
Most likely you lose what you hold in your hands; When you leave yourself, you no longer feel the loss.
No matter how long ago it happened, the pain from the loss of loved ones remains forever. Loneliness cannot be forgotten
The edges of the abyss have closed, there is nothing to breathe. You stand at the bottom and realize too late.
Friends always live in each other's heart, even after one dies, in the heart of the other he will remain forever.
A man loses if he doesn't win anything. A woman wins if she doesn't lose anything.
Each loss is not only the end, but also the beginning of something new. not at all like what it used to be.
You find only when you don't know what you are looking for. And you understand that you have found, most often only when you have already lost it.
You can't lose something that doesn't exist. You can't destroy what hasn't been built. You can only dispel the illusion of what seems real.
You left so suddenly It's unthinkable that your life ended like this, we are left with only tears and the truth: Remember and pray all the time.
Yes. I have nothing left. I lost everyone. Lost? You pity yourself so funny. You didn't lose anyone, you didn't have anything from the very beginning.
Do not think that you alone have lost something. The lost cannot be returned. Think about what you have left.
Surviving grief does not mean forgetting. Surviving means learning to fully live after the loss.
After the intoxication of victory there is always a feeling of great loss: our enemy, our enemy is dead! Even the loss of a friend is not as deeply regretted as the loss of an enemy.
The one who has never sought either friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than the one who has lost them both.
Feeling and enduring losses is, in my opinion, a skill, experience, without which a person, no matter how significant, will always remain a big child, a sort of whining screamer.
I'm afraid of being included in a corporation, I'm afraid of losing my memory and sense of proportion. Also waste time.
You can't lose those you truly love, they will forever remain in your heart I don't need a heart, I really need it!
To give up one's love is the most terrible betrayal, an eternal loss that cannot be replenished either in time or in eternity.
It is very painful and scary to lose loved ones, relatives, loved ones, but with each loss feelings become dull and the heart becomes colder
Loss, it cannot be understood, cannot be measured! Ridiculous! And yet you can believe: Only rocks are immortal, and I am a man!
Ignore those who say that you should return to normal life in a month. Grief is also part of helping yourself.
There is a law of conservation of energy: nothing disappears without a trace and nothing is taken from nowhere. But to understand how great the losses and gains are, it is possible only after a while.
It is necessary to pray for those who have passed away, into the world of dreams of silent silence. So that tears do not shed from heaven, they are for us, for sinners.
They say that time heals It seems to me that it simply tears out pieces of our memory, with blood
What remains inside after you learn about the death of a loved one? Probably love. Perhaps even one that you did not suspect while this person was around.
One single loss can teach in a way that hundreds of the happiest encounters cannot teach.
Damn, it's so scary to see a person, say hello to him, and after a couple of days they call you and say that he is no longer there. Scary
Do not try to avoid painful experiences. Don't hold back your tears. What happened is real grief. It needs to be felt and experienced.
Somehow reconciled with the fate of us, then the two and you are there alone. Stock up on a pood of salt with you, now we eat it with our son
Do you know why people look at the sky when they are in pain? So they try to hold back their tears
Closer circle. Less and less meetings. Losses and separation fly; There are no others, and those are far away, And who is weak, goes into bitches.
Sometimes a man needs to lose something or almost lose something in order to truly appreciate what he has lost.
A person can come to terms with the thought of his own death, but not with the absence of those he loves.
You left the pain in your heart forever! Gone from this life forever! Dear, sweet and tender, my beloved mom!
I love and remember. We remember those who left us, We remember those who closed their eyes forever.
Getting out of depression gradually becomes possible, mental pain becomes less. A person begins to look for ways to solve psychological problems that are not related to the loss.
In general, I noticed that the half-life of all "focusing" ideas in general is usually 2-3 weeks.
Who once found himself, he can not lose anything in this world. And who once understood a person in himself, he understands all people.
We can know not the day and hour when we lost something, but the day and hour when we noticed the loss.
It's very sad to lose money, but it's even more insulting to lose a person who was once considered your friend and is now disintegrating before your eyes into rotten meat.
Let nothing go that can be held; because what is gone cannot be returned.
When you can't comprehend someone's departure, you hold on to what they left you. It is much easier to come to terms with the loss if something beautiful remains in memory.
The earth is empty without you
No matter how old a person is, but when he leaves, it always turns out to be a surprise for his loved ones. And it doesn’t matter how smoothly the relationship between the spouses developed. A woman realizes that she has lost her most reliable support in life.
Until death do you part
- You understand what real heartache is only when you lose your loved one forever.
- It is not so scary that loved ones die sooner or later than the fact that you will never see them again.
- Lord! Don't leave my husband! May the earth rest in peace with him! May he rest in peace!
- My husband looks at me from an old photograph.
And I understand that his image is only paper. In reality, it no longer exists. And the pictures do not keep the memory of those who have left us. The deceased loved ones live only in our soul.
- It's good to see dead relatives in a dream. It is no longer possible to meet them in reality, but in a dream they come to us.
- You understand what loneliness is only when your spouse leaves you forever.
- Death is an empty phrase for people until the most beloved person in the world dies.
- Only when our loved ones leave us forever, do you begin to understand the real meaning of the word "Love".
- When a man promises a woman to be with her forever, he does not think that he will ever leave her alone.
- He went to a place where there is no pain and suffering. Let him leave me forever, but I know for sure that now he is well.
- There is nothing eternal on earth, except death.
About what "never again" means
- A woman spends her days at work, takes care of small children and pays almost no attention to her husband.
Sometimes it even seems to her that he only spoils everything. But one day the day comes and he leaves her, leaving for eternity. And only then she realizes with horror how strong their love was and how strong the bond between them was. Until death tore it apart. And no one else will replace him. No one's care will ever close the terrible gap in her soul.
- Don't be angry with your loved ones, they won't be with you forever.
- They say that love is much stronger than death. But she is not able to keep a loved one next to you.
- Tears do not dry up if you continue to love the deceased.
- You just got married. You are still young and happy. And it seems that only a few days pass, and the widow is already standing at the grave of her husband.
- When a spouse dies, horror sets in. But the real horror happens when he leaves unexpectedly.
- Do not rely on anyone in life. Everyone you love will sooner or later leave you forever.
- Husband dies and takes his wife with him. She, of course, remains to live out her rest of her days in this world, but there is nothing for her, but there is simply an illusion of existence.
- Everything good that you have is only for a while. Death is forever.
- No human feeling is as strong as the unbearable pain of losing a beloved spouse.
- If your husband is sick, fight. When he leaves you, all trials will seem easy and pleasant to you compared to his terrible death.
- The worst thing is to continue to live after the death of loved ones.
- A loved one does not die, he leaves. Where? Don't know. But it doesn't disappear forever.
- Even if the spouse did not earn much or devoted little time to the family, after his funeral the wife feels a terrible emptiness. Then even the crumbs of warmth she inherited already seem like a treasure.
Statuses about the death of loved ones
Do not be afraid of your death, it is like life - an endless road that everyone needs to pass with dignity.
During that short period of life, we sometimes cannot understand the main thing - what we live for.
Death passes over the Earth, separating loved ones so that later they can unite in eternity.
You will never be able to return anything and you will not be able to return back - this truth is simple and, like the death of loved ones, is immutable.
Sometimes we forget that the most important thing in life is that you are healthy and still alive.
It is strange that when we celebrate our birthday, we also have fun and rejoice at the approach of our end.
When you first encounter the loss of a loved one, then you understand the price of life and the inevitability of death.
Top status: Our life is a short moment between two eternities: non-existence and death.
Our death is the next step, dying, we make room for another person.
When one person dies, it is a sad loss, but the death of millions of souls is a statistic.
Kostya named his cat “Death”, and now every day he boldly plays with her and pulls her tail and whiskers.
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Quotes and aphorisms about everything
Each person forms his own unique value system. However, one way or another, it includes good relationships with loved ones. There is nothing surprising in this, given that they are our main support. With them we share grief and joy, with them life is filled with meaning, becomes brighter.
Many great minds of this world once talked about the role of close people in our destiny. You can get acquainted with their most interesting quotes directly on our website.
Priceless are those people with whom even silence seems to be a sincere conversation.
It's even nice to be sick when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery, like a holiday.
Only those closest to you beat you most precisely and most painfully. Strangers don't know your weaknesses. Piotr Kwiatkovsky.
Sad statuses about the loss of a loved one. Statuses about death
You will have to live with the pain of loss. There is no escape from this pain. You can't hide from her, you can't run away. Sooner or later, it covers again and I want only one thing - deliverance.
DEATH of a loved one is the most terrible grief that can befall a person. The pain of loss sometimes seems unbearable.
Everyone died, what's the point in denying it now. But how to understand this with the heart.
When you first encounter the loss of a loved one, then you understand the price of life and the inevitability of death.
Denial of death. Family members may act as if their loved one is not dead; waiting for him, talking to him.
Although it sounds sad, our life is short and sooner or later we will all go into oblivion.
The feeling of loss gives rise to torments similar to the torments of a man thrown overboard a ship
Take care of those you love. Appreciate the moments spent together! Feel free to forgive! So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for unspoken words, for uncommitted deeds!
Probably, if you truly love a loved one, you will never come to terms with his loss.
People do not regret what was or is. People regret lost opportunities.
Time may heal, but one does not live long enough to forget someone who was dear.
Death passes over the Earth, separating loved ones so that later they can unite in eternity.
Friends always live in each other's heart, even after one dies, in the heart of the other he will remain forever.
You left so suddenly It's unthinkable that your life ended like this, we are left with only tears and the truth: Remember and pray all the time.
There is no life on earth where there is no child. Why do I live on earth if children are dying?
It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget. Time is relentless. Half a year has already passed. Life flows by. Awareness has not come.
To give up one's love is the most terrible betrayal, an eternal loss that cannot be replenished either in time or in eternity.
We mourn for Lokomotiv, sorry for the guys, but we were waiting for them in Minsk Life is very unpredictable
As soon as we lose faith in our strength, we lose ourselves. Statuses about the bitterness and pain of losing a loved one
It is very painful and scary to lose loved ones, relatives, loved ones, but with each loss feelings become dull and the heart becomes colder
dream world of silent silence. So that tears do not shed from heaven, they are for us, for sinners.
They say that time heals It seems to me that it just tears out pieces of our memory, with blood
Damn, it’s so scary to see a person, greet him, and after a couple of days they call you and say that he no more Scary
When a loved one dies, you get the feeling that you have lost a part of yourself.
Do not try to avoid painful experiences. Don't hold back your tears. What happened is a real tragedy. It needs to be felt and experienced.
Only when we lose do we begin to appreciate. only when we are late do we learn to hurry. If you don't love, you can let go. Only by seeing death, we learn to live.
Somehow reconciled with the fate of us, then the two and you are there alone. Stock up on a pood of salt with you, now we eat it with my son
Life is too short to realize its meaning, death comes too quickly, not allowing time to understand that life is given only one.
This status is for all those who once foolishly lost their soul mate and because of pride missed the moment when they could return it.
How to relieve the pain when a loved one leaves for a place where there is no way back.
Do you know why people look at the sky when they are very hurt? So they try to hold back their tears.
It's sad when people die. It's even worse when the scum that killed them is still alive.
I have a lot to do today: I need to kill my memory to the end, I need to make my soul petrify, I need to learn to live again. Anna Akhmatova.
How often, for the sake of fidelity, you are tormented by loneliness, your love is not needed by the dead, your love is needed by the living.
It's just that sometimes your messages and voice are not enough. I ask me not to forget gradually turning into the past
What kind of heart can withstand. All the pain and sorrow cannot be expressed in words. Nobody knows how to love like a mother. How painful it is to lose your mother.
When one person dies, it is a sad loss, but the death of millions of souls is a statistic.
A person can come to terms with the thought of his own death, but not with the absence of those he loves.
The highest wisdom is in accepting death. It is important to understand that life does not end. We are all immortal. Our death is a tragedy only for our loved ones. - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
You left the pain in your heart forever! Gone from this life forever! Dear, sweet and tender, my beloved mom!
I can't live without you. The heart is crying, and the soul is groaning. I, too, my dear, have "GONE" from life.
I recognize you in the touch of a birch branch, I recognize you in the river with seething water, I recognize you in the dew that looks like tears, I know the LOVE. you're near me.
I love and remember. We remember those who left us, We remember those who closed their eyes forever.
Getting out of depression gradually becomes possible, mental pain becomes less. A person begins to look for ways to solve psychological problems that are not related to the loss.
The pain of loss is the strongest emotion that a person can experience. At this moment, a person wants to be understood by sad statuses about death.
What can I do without you in the world?
It takes a very long time for a widow to get used to the idea that no one else will support her in life. Therefore, each of her status, when her husband died, breathes confusion and hopelessness. The saddest of them are those where a woman writes that she does not want to live without him.
- A light bulb burned out inside of me forever.
- I would have followed you if it weren't for the children.
- When a husband dies, it seems that he was torn out of your soul with meat.
- No matter how long love lasts, no matter how happy it is, one day death will come and destroy everything.
- Let me follow you. I don't want to be alone without you.
- The person leaves and the thread breaks. And the pain is just beginning and it inextricably binds loved ones to the deceased.
- It is impossible to let go of your beloved husband. It seems that if you stop thinking about him even for a moment, then you yourself will perish.
- If everything ended with death, it could still be experienced. But for loved ones after the death of relatives, all the bad things are just beginning.
- The only consolation is that I am no longer young. I don't have long to suffer without you.
- The worst thing is to put into your mind the thought that you will never see your loved one again.
- I don't believe the day will come when I can smile again.
- The husband is gone, but the wife thinks that they died together. What is left is no longer life for her.
- I was afraid of death as long as my darling was alive. Now I call her.
- When a spouse leaves for another world, it becomes easier for him. But he shifts all his pain to the surviving widow.
Of course, it is very difficult to read statuses about the loss of a beloved husband, whose death took a lot from his wife's life. Anyone who has not experienced the unbearable pain of loss can hardly appreciate it. But the words of the remaining relatives will allow them to cherish more those people who have not yet left them and are still close to them.
Most often, death is sudden.
Status about the death of a person for those who are concerned about high concepts. And also for those who know how to feel the phrase with all their heart.
Serious phrases about death are rare in someone's status bar. However, if you like any of the statuses listed above, don't be afraid to show your individuality!
It hurts the most not right away It hurts later in a few months When you start to realize that you have died, that he will not come Never
If you are visited by thoughts of death, it's not so bad. The trouble is when thoughts about you visit death.
I used to be afraid of death, but now I'm waiting for it! After all, then we will be together again! It's not you who left this life, it's me who stayed here!
Time loves no one, hates no one, Indifferent to no one - it takes everyone away!
People don't actually die. They go to a better world and wait there for those they love. And then one day they will all return to this world again, just like the first time.
They say that the worst thing is to outlive your children How then do people live after abortions?
Nobody knows. No one knows the length of their life. Nobody knows how many years allotted. But many live with hope And many without it at all.
Immortals are mortal, mortals are immortal; by each other's death they live, by each other's life they die.
The subscriber is not available. And, the devil only knows, what's worse. Isn't waiting for you? Not you, waiting? Don't be afraid for now. There is no Love, There the battery is dying.
People don't die from overwork. People are dying from a senseless waste of energy and anxiety.
The good go to heaven. The good ones go to heaven, the bad ones are not taken to heaven. With a heavy and evil burden, the Underground will judge them.
No matter how fate turns, you can find a way out of any situation Everything can be corrected in this life, except death
No memory, no pain How can you not remember if you love? And how not to feel pain, if only a memory remains.
Death makes us forget the weaknesses of those who are gone forever, leaving us only belated regrets.
From a conversation with children (everything is simple and damn beautiful): -How do people die? - the stork takes them away.
There is no life without you, And there is no death. There is a VOID. Only black, All-consuming emptiness Which destroys everything inside.
Once the surgeon Ivanov lay down to take a nap on the table of the pathologist Sidorov In general, a stupid, absurd death.
People don't die at 90, not in accidents. and nothing to do with the flu. People die after opening the envelope: “I don't love you and the person is dead.
In anticipation of death, three different fears converge, you do not know the day when you die, the reason from which you die, and, finally, death itself is an unknown.
Before they die, people think about their past, As if looking for evidence that they really lived.
When a person close and beloved to you leaves your life, A strange feeling, As if a piece of your soul was torn out, Emptiness without you. I'm really scared. Please find me quickly. After all, it’s impossible that I didn’t have me
They don't lose their loved ones - they are kept inside They don't repeat fate - they don't call the forgotten
Baby, what are you doing? Smile After all, he will never have another like you!
A great love passed by her, which is repeated only once in a thousand years.
“I don’t regret what I lived, I don’t swear I’m gone There’s a lot of good in life, even if it’s a little crazy And the loss of a find will turn into an accident In this short life there is nothing accidental”
If you have lost the idea that the world is left without good people, contact the Lost and Found Office of the Central Station.
It's so sad when every day you watch how friends leave the "Subscription" lists. It’s like you’re losing someone’s trust, And it’s like you’re losing a piece of yourself
I thought the hardest and scariest thing was to wait and catch up, but I didn’t know that the worst thing is the fear of losing
I'll look at the sky in search of an answer — Where are you, love?
You truly become yourself the day you lose your parents.
A person loses everything over the years: youth, beauty, health, impulses of ambition. And only one stupidity does not leave people.
For five years I have not had a dear person with me - PAPA. For mom, there is no HUSBAND. For a grandson, there is no GRANDFATHER. It's a pity (((Cold.
What can I do? I'm sorry dear, I'm not a sorceress and I'm not a doctor! Oh, if only I could give my life for salvation, but only crying from impotence.
Quotes about the death of a loved one
The fear of death completely takes possession of those who live selfishly. - Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov
We are much calmer about the death of millions of people due to an explosion than about the death of one acquaintance. - Erich Maria Remarque
Wisdom is the highest in accepting death. It is important to understand that life does not end. We are all immortal. Our death is a tragedy only for our loved ones. - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
Before you even look back, the time of death will come. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of life - there is very little of it left. - Friedrich Nietzsche
There is no need to turn away from death. Look into her face - and life will be filled with colors. – Georges Bztay
A good man, whose life is full of virtue, will not be afraid of his own death. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
Understanding death gives understanding of new life. — Oswald Spengler
It's not stupid to be afraid to die. Moreover, it is vital, this fear is the main condition for survival, the main natural law. If not for this fear, humanity would have died out a long time ago. – Jean Jacques Rousseau
Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:
If you truly want to see the spirit of death, open your heart to the flesh of life. For life and death are one, as the river and the sea are one. – Kahlil Gibran Gibran
Death, like birth, is a mystery of nature. These are the same elements, on the one hand, uniting, on the other, decomposing into the same beginnings. There is nothing repulsive in death to a rational being or to the plan of our structure. — Marcus Aurelius
A person sentenced to death immediately before execution begins to believe that he will be pardoned at the last moment. – Viktor Frankl
People would be unhappy if they knew the day of their death. - Unknown author
Fear of death is the best sign of a false, that is, bad life. — Ludwig Wittgenstein
Do not be afraid of the last day, but do not call for it either. - Martial Mark Valery
Death is not evil. You ask what she is? - The only thing in which the entire human race is equal. - Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
Death is that after which nothing is interesting. - Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov
Death is not an act or even an event for the dying person. She will be both for the living. — Eric Byrne
An unchanging and great consolation in the death of people who died from the disease is its inevitability. - Pliny the Younger
We must live in such a way as not to be afraid of death and not to desire it. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
The death of a sage is death without fear of death. - Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
The higher the piles of dead bodies over which the survivor stands, the more often he experiences these moments, the stronger and more irresistible the need for them becomes. – Elias Canetti
Dying at eighty and dying at 10 each has only a second of death. – Alexander Vvedensky
Civilization is concentrated in big cities; suicide too. — Emile Durkheim
May the earth be easy for you. May the earth rest in peace for you. - The usual formula of Latin epitaphs.
Some of the dead rest in peace, others are deprived of it. — Benito Galdos
Some do not succeed in life: a poisonous worm gnaws at their heart. May they use all their strength to make death a better success for them! - Friedrich Nietzsche
God Himself commands you to remember death. - Martial Mark Valery
Only the individual dies completely. – Georg Simmel
If we know so little about life, what can we know about death? – Confucius (Kung Tzu)
The only brotherhood possible in our time, the only one that is offered and allowed to us, is the vile and dubious brotherhood of soldiers in the face of death. — Albert Camus
The best proof that the fear of death is not a fear of death, but of a false life, is that often people kill themselves out of fear of death. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
Nobody can avoid death. - Unknown author
In the birth of an individual, the world is born; in his death, the whole world dies. – Lev Karsavin
To wish for death when one is living is just as cowardly as to lament over life when it is time to die. — Anatole France
Here rests the one who has never rested, keep quiet! - Unknown author
Death is life, closed on me alone and therefore lost in advance. — Maurice Blanchot
Death manifests itself primarily as the destruction of life. — Jacques Lacan
Death is the more complete for a being, the more individual it is. – Georg Simmel
If there were no death, life would be deprived of all poetry. – Arturo Graf
Do not hope that you will know which path death will take you. – Frantisek Krykka
Communion in death is a substitute for true communion. — Maurice Blanchot
The dead have neither a sovereign above nor subjects below; they have no worries that the four seasons bring. Careless and free, they are as eternal as heaven and earth, and even the joys of the kings who sit with their faces turned to the south cannot be compared with their bliss. – Unknown Chinese author
Many die too late, and others too soon. For the time being, the teaching will seem strange: Die on time! - Friedrich Nietzsche
Man will not be free until he overcomes the fear of death. But not by suicide. You can't overcome by giving up. To be able to die, looking death in the eyes, without bitterness. — Albert Camus
Death communicates a new form of love - as well as life, it turns love into destiny. — Albert Camus
The one who is happy should not have fear. Even before death. — Ludwig Wittgenstein
When you retreat, death stands behind you and your meeting with it is inevitable. - Ali ibn Abi Talib
The fear of natural death will be destroyed by a deep knowledge of nature. - Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky
What really happened is death. – Alexander Vvedensky
Death is certain, but its hour is unknown. - Unknown author
There is probably no society that does not show respect for the dead. – Claude Levi-Strauss
The moment of survival is the moment of power. The horror from the feeling of death turns into satisfaction from the fact that it is not you who is dead, but another. – Elias Canetti
Before you die or later, it doesn't matter; good or bad, that's what matters. And to die well means to avoid the danger of living badly. - Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
There is only one freedom - to find out your relationship with death. After that, everything becomes possible. I can't make you believe in God. To believe in God means to come to terms with death. If you were reconciled to death, God's problem would be solved - but not vice versa. — Albert Camus
The only freedom that can be opposed to the freedom to kill is the freedom to die, that is, to free oneself from the fear of death and find a place for this accident in nature . .. - Albert Camus
There is a group of people who were born on earth just to talk about death. There is a peculiar beauty in the slow fading, like the beauty of the sky at sunset, and this fascinates them. – Rabindranath Tagore
Another descends into the grave of a hundred years, and died as soon as he was born. – Jean Jacques Rousseau
In order not to be afraid of death, always think about it. - Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
The shadows of death are reborn against our will. — Georges Bataille
Death is the first and oldest, one would like to say the only fact. It is monstrously ancient and new every hour. – Elias Canetti
Knowing that he himself is mortal, the slave also knows that the master can also die. — Jacques Lacan
We will rise above death if we discover God in it. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I wanted a violent death, the kind where it's forgivable to scream in pain because your soul is being ripped out of your chest. On other days, I dreamed of dying for a long time and in full consciousness - so that at least no one could say that death took me by surprise, that it came in my absence - in a word, to know ... But it is so stuffy in the earth. — Albert Camus
The death of those who do immortal deeds is always premature. - Pliny the Younger
A poem about death ... Why, in fact, should this not be a poem? - That's why it is sung that it's hard. – Lev Karsavin
Let us try, while life is given to us, so that death gets as little as possible of what it can destroy. - Pliny the Younger
The life of the deceased seems to us smoothed out, as if we see it through a haze. — Ludwig Wittgenstein
Death chases the fleeing. - Unknown author
It is death that must finally reveal us. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
About the dead, as well as about the living, neither good nor bad, but only the truth. - Unknown author
The worst thing that can be is to die alive. – Martin Andersen-Nexo
Death is a serious matter, it enters into life. You have to die with dignity. - Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky
Death is only powerful to produce a temporary separation. - Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov
The death wish for another is really everywhere, and in order to find it, one does not have to delve into the human soul for a particularly long time. – Elias Canetti
If you cannot escape death, die at least with glory. – Aesop
Death is evil only because of what follows it. – Aurelius Augustine
The day will come and you will die an idiot. — Georges Bataille
You don't have to go far for death. - Petronius Arbiter Gaius
Later or earlier we hurry to one dwelling (grave). - Unknown author
If you called unfortunate only those who are destined to die, you would not miss anyone living. - Unknown author
Death is the last argument. - Unknown author
What is life, such is death. - Unknown author
A person is not yet able to overcome death, but premature death, premature old age is possible and necessary. - Alexander Evdokimovich Korneichuk
Suicide appears only with civilization. — Emile Durkheim
I'm not afraid of death. So life is mine. - Vasily Makarovich Shukshin
Those who invoke death upon themselves know it only by hearsay. — Wilson Mizner
Every organism begins to die from the moment of birth and carries within itself the causes of its impending destruction. – Jean Jacques Rousseau
Death so immeasurably surpasses any earthly darkness. — Ernst Simon Bloch
If you are afraid of death, you will not do anything good; if you're going to die anyway because of some pebble in your bladder, or from an attack of gout, or for some other equally ridiculous reason, then it's better to die for some great cause. — Denis Diderot
The fear of death is explained solely by a sense of self-preservation. - Lev Shestov
Death always has one cause or another. - Unknown author
Usually people have a good idea of their funeral. — Eric Byrne
There is no such tribe, clan or people, which would not indulge in long thoughts about their dead. – Elias Canetti
It is possible for someone who does not like to live to die. - Unknown author
The fear of death is inversely proportional to the good life. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
We are all like that. We remember each other towards the end of life, when someone becomes seriously ill or dies. Then it suddenly becomes clear to all of us who was lost, what he was like, what he was famous for, what deeds he did. - Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov
Omniscience about death will not cancel the fact that death is not an integral part of life, and we have no choice but to accept the very fact of death; no matter how much we worry about our life, it will end in destruction. — Erich Fromm
In the depths of your hopes and desires lies a silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds dormant under the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Believe in dreams, for the gates to eternity are hidden in them. Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd standing before the king, who will soon lay his hand on him as a token of mercy. Doesn't the shepherd's trembling rejoice at the fact that he will be marked by the king? And isn't it trembling that worries him most of all? – Kahlil Gibran Gibran
If death were a blessing, the gods would not be immortal. - Sappho (Sappho)
Dying is quick and easy; living is much more difficult. — Lion Feuchtwanger
Death is exactly what it means to be light. — Maurice Blanchot
Death is the resolution and end of all sorrows, the limit beyond which our sorrows do not cross. - Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
When you are disturbed or upset by something worldly, then remember that you will have to die, and then what you previously thought was an important misfortune and worried you will become in your eyes an insignificant nuisance that is not worth worrying about.