Does he like you quiz
Does He Like Me Test (Free Quiz- 100% Accuracy)
Practical Psychology
“He loves me, he loves me not…” Whether you are relying on the petals of a flower or taking an online test, you’re not the first person who wondered whether a guy likes them more than a friend. Men have been taught to be unemotional and elusive. Expressing feelings is usually not a guy’s forte. But there are ways to determine, from his actions, that he is interested in a more serious, romantic relationship.
Of course, this quiz won’t give you the right answer every time. Guys may act a certain way to earn affection in the moment, even if they do not have any interest in a committed relationship. The best way to determine whether a guy wants to date you is to ask him yourself. Nervous? Afraid of rejection? These are all normal feelings that bubble up when you are facing uncertainty. Use this post and the advice throughout the Practical Pie page to prepare for this conversation and the results!
Signs That He Likes You
The Best Way to Find Out If He Likes You? Ask!
How to Ask a Guy if He Likes You
Signs That He Likes You
- He introduces you to his friends and family.
- He goes out of his way to do nice things for you.
- When you talk, he listens.
- His body language is open when you’re with him (eye contact, arms open, leaning toward you, etc.)
- The way he shows affection is the same in public as when you are alone.
- His compliments are about more than just your looks.
- He posts about you on his social media pages.
- He isn’t afraid to be vulnerable about his feelings, hopes and dreams, goals, etc.
The Best Way to Find Out If He Likes You? Ask!
You can take all the tests in the world, but nothing will give a more accurate picture of his feelings than an honest conversation. Ask this guy how he feels about you. If you trust him to be an honest person, he will tell you honestly about his feelings. If you don’t trust him to be honest about his feelings, do you really want to date him in the first place?
Rejection is tough, but don’t let the fear of the “wrong answer” hold you back. If he does like you, this will be the first of many tough conversations you will have as a happy couple. If he doesn’t like you, you will have more space to date, explore, and find a person who does like you in the way you deserve. You deserve a relationship with a guy who can honestly tell you that he likes you!
How to Ask a Guy if He Likes You
Tell him you want to have a serious conversation. Let him know ahead of time that you’re interested in having a chat about your relationship. If he is hesitant to engage with you, take it as a sign that he is not interested (and let him know!) Avoiding these conversations could be a sign that he does not want to commit or hurt you. If he is open to the conversation, great!
Talk without distractions. Don’t have a chat over text or when you could be focusing on other people. A pool party or a club is not the proper setting to have an open and vulnerable conversation. Find a time when the two of you can put away your phones and just focus on each other.
Again, if he is hesitant, he might not be that into you. Let him know that you want to have a one-on-one conversation if you would like the relationship to progress.
Be open and vulnerable. You cannot expect him to be open and vulnerable if you don’t reciprocate. Since you are starting the conversation, let him know how you feel and what you intend to learn from the conversation. Be very clear with how he has made you feel through his actions.
Then, ask him if he likes you as more than a friend!
What Happens If He Does Like You?
Congratulations! If the two of you have expressed mutual, romantic feelings for each other, you’re on the right track. Now it’s time to figure out where to go on your journey together. Continue to share your feelings openly and honestly. Are you ready for a romantic relationship? Do you want to be exclusive? Do you need to have conversations with other people before you can be exclusive?
Your relationship may not begin the moment you both declare that you have feelings for each other, and that’s okay. Allow your relationship to start on your timeline when both of you are ready. If there is a disconnect on when your relationship should start, talk about it. In these conversations, you may discover that you may be best off as friends, and that’s okay, too. Leave yourself open to any and all possibilities.
What Happens If He Doesn’t Like You?
This news isn’t probably what you want to hear. Give yourself time to process your emotions, and know that your emotions are valid. If this means taking a step back from your friendship, that’s okay. Be honest about your expectations and how he should best approach your relationship as you move on. You can still be friends, but only if you feel comfortable with that.
Letting go of someone is hard, especially if you had expected to grow with them in the future. Feelings of grief are normal. Take as much time as you need to heal from this change in your relationship. Reach out to friends and family or indulge in some self-care.
This time should be a reminder that, single or not, you are a great person who deserves a great, healthy relationship. Healthy relationships begin with two people who are excited to be together. This guy may not have been excited to be in a romantic relationship, and that’s okay. With this knowledge and experience, you can find someone who is excited to be with you.
Best of luck on your dating search!
- Has this person told you directly that he likes you?
- No, I don’t know how he feels about me. – 2
- No, he told me that he’s not interested in me. But maybe he’s playing hard to get, right? – 1
- Yes, he told me he likes me! – 3
- Has he introduced you to his friends?
- No, he has not brought up introducing me to his friends yet. – 1
- I know his friends through school, work, or other introductions not made by him. – 1
- One or two friends! – 2
- Yes, I know a lot of his friends. – 3
- Does he talk to you about his girl problems or romantic life?
- Yes, he complains about girls that he’s been seeing.
– 1
- We don’t really talk about that kind of stuff. – 2
- No, because I am his romantic life! – 3
- Yes, he complains about girls that he’s been seeing.
- Does he make an effort to see you or are you asking him to hang out?
- It’s split 50/50. – 2
- He is usually asking me to hang out. – 3
- I’m usually asking him to hang out. – 1
- Is he single?
- Yes. – 3
- Not really, but it’s complicated. – 2
- No, but there’s still hope for me! – 1
- Have you met his family?
- Yes. – 3
- Yes, but he wasn’t the person to introduce me to them. – 2
- No. – 1
- How often do you catch him looking at you?
- Very often! – 3
- Sometimes, but he’s hard to read. – 2
- Rarely. – 1
- What do his friends know about your relationship?
- He likes to keep relationships private. – 1
- I’m not sure what his friends know about us! – 2
- He tells them everything, so they likely know what’s going on between us.
– 3
- Do your friends think that he likes you?
- Yes, they keep encouraging me to ask him out! – 3
- They don’t know him well enough to make a judgment call. – 2
- They are just worried that I’m going to get my feelings hurt. – 1
- How does he prefer to communicate with you?
- We typically text unless we’re together. – 1
- He will call or FaceTime me. – 3
- All of our time is spent together! – 2
- Has he expressed wanting to be in a relationship?
- Yes, he wants to be in a relationship. – 3
- Yes, but I don’t know if he wants to be in a relationship with me. – 2
- I don’t know if he is looking for a relationship or not. – 2
- He is very clear that he does not want to be in a relationship. – 1
- Does he ever send you a message just because he’s thinking about you?
- Yes, all the time. – 3
- Sometimes, but it’s usually late at night. – 2
- No.
– 1
- Do people generally say that he’s shy or reserved?
- Not at all! – 1
- Sometimes, he doesn’t open up to people easily. – 2
- Yes, he’s known for being super shy. – 3
- Do you have any reason to believe that he doesn’t like you?
- He’s told me. – 1
- No, but he hasn’t given me a reason to believe that he does like me. – 2
- No, I’m just curious. – 3
- Has he ever bought you gifts?
- Yes, all the time! – 3
- For special occasions like birthdays and holidays, yes. – 2
- Not yet! – 1
- Does he post you on his social media stories?
- Yes! – 3
- No, but he doesn’t post much. – 2
- I don’t follow him on social media. – 1
- Does he offer any public displays of affection?
- Yes! – 3
- No, but he knows I don’t like that. – 2
- No, he prefers to keep our relationship between us. – 1
- Does he ever talk about your future?
- Yes, and it’s very sweet.
– 3
- It hasn’t really come up. – 2
- No, he would hate talking about that. – 1
- Yes, and it’s very sweet.
- Has he asked about your feelings toward him?
- He doesn’t seem that interested in my feelings. – 1
- Occasionally, but he doesn’t reciprocate. – 2
- He asks me all the time! – 3
- When he makes plans, what do they usually look like?
- Going over to his place to watch a movie or play video games. – 1
- Going out to eat at a nice restaurant. – 2
- It varies! Hanging out with friends, going shopping, you name it! – 3
All Signs Point to Yes!
50-60 Points
Based on his actions, it sounds like this guy likes you as more than a friend! Keep in mind that this quiz can’t tell the future. Be confident when you ask him about his feelings, but know he could still not want to enter a relationship right now. Allow you and him both to be open and honest about your feelings. Best of luck!
It’s Time to Have a Conversation.

36-49 Points
It’s hard to say for sure whether he likes you as a friend or more. Sit this guy down and be honest about your feelings for him. If he’s not willing to open up, let him know that you’re taking it as a sign that he doesn’t like you and you are going to move on. Set clear expectations for your relationship moving forward whether he likes you as more than a friend or not. Good luck!
This Might Not Be Going in the Direction You Think It’s Going…
20-35 Points
Unfortunately, his actions don’t appear to show that he likes you as more than a friend. If this changes the way you want to approach your relationship, have a conversation. Tell him that you don’t think the relationship is moving forward in a romantic direction, but give him space to share his view. He might just be shy or nervous to show affection. Know that a healthy relationship begins with two people who enthusiastically show affection for each other. Even if you do not enter a relationship with him, you can find a relationship with a guy that likes you for you – and isn’t afraid to show it!
Practical Psychology
Practical Psychology began as a collection of study material for psychology students in 2016, created by a student in the field. It has since evolved into an online blog and YouTube channel providing mental health advice, tools, and academic support to individuals from all backgrounds. With over 2 million YouTube subscribers, over 500 articles, and an annual reach of almost 12 million students, it has become one of the most popular sources of psychological information.
"Does He Like Me?" Free Quiz Tool Calculates Your Chance With Any Guy
“Does my crush feel the same way or is he not interested?”
Use this free quiz to find out your odds!
How old are you?
---Under 16 years old16-19 years old20-25 years old26-34 years old35-45 years old46-55 years old55+ years old
How old is your crush?
---Under 16 years old16-19 years old20-25 years old26-34 years old35-45 years old46-55 years old55+ years old
Are you single?
---YesKind of I'm seeing someoneI have a boyfriend
Is he single?
---YesI don't knowHe's seeing someoneHe has a girlfriend
How long have you known each other?
---We just metA few monthsWe've known each other for years
Has he ever referred to you as his friend?
---No, we're not friendsI'm not sureYesHe says I'm his best friend
If he texts you, it's most likely to. ..
---Talk about work or schoolAsk for a favorShare a joke/memeAsk personal questionsHe doesn't text me
Does he compliment you?
---No, neverEvery so oftenAll the time
Have you kissed?
---No, neverYes, onceAll the time
Does he ever touch you?
---NeverSometimesHe's all over me
Is he comfortable around you?
---He seems nervousSometimes he's relaxed but sometimes he's flusteredWe're like brother and sisterHe says I'm easy to talk to
Does he make eye contact?
---He doesn't look in my eyesSometimes he sneaks glances at meOur eyes always meet when we talk
You're in a room full of people. Is it hard to get his attention?
---Yes, he's always talking to other people.Not reallyHe makes time to talk to meHe's focused on me
If you touch his arm he will probably. ..
---Pull away from mePut me in a headlockDo nothingPut his hand on mine
Does he treat you differently than other girls?
---He’s more open and complimentary with meHe seems more nervous around other girlsHe's more open an complimentary with other girlsHe seems more nervous around me
Does he tease you?
---Yes and it's really meanYes but it's cuteNot reallyNo but he teases other girls
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What Does This Quiz Do?
This interactive, science-based quiz will help you determine whether or not the man you’re interested in feels the same way about you, how strong his feelings for you are and how you can make him yours.
How Long Will It Take?
The quiz can be completed in 3-5 minutes.
When Do I Get The Results?
You’ll be emailed a link to view your full results report within 5 minutes of completing the quiz. The results report displays your quiz score, how he feels towards you, and various personalized advice and recommendations based on your answers.
Who Made the Quiz?
The quiz questions and the proprietary algorithm used to calculate scores were both developed by Amy North, a relationship coach and love expert from Vancouver, Canada.
Are All Questions Required?
No, all the quiz questions are optional, but answering all the questions is strongly recommended for best results.
This quiz should only be used for entertainment purposes. Individual results may vary, and you should always seek guidance from a licensed professional before acting on any recommendations the quiz results page may provide to you.
You will be required to provide a valid email address, and your consent to allow us to email you, in order to receive your quiz score & results report. We will never sell, share, or disclose your personal details. See our privacy policy for details.
After you click submit, you will be asked to provide a valid email address.
This is required in order to receive your quiz Results Report (which will be emailed to you immediately).
Quiz: Does he like me?
If you like a guy, then, of course, you want to know if these feelings are mutual. But how do you know for sure? Asking him directly is too scary and embarrassing, it’s not always possible to find out through friends, and tormented by guesswork is also not an option. New questions pop up in my head. What does he feel for me? Will they offer to be together? Do I like him? The test will tell you the correct answers and help you decide how to proceed.
1. Does he have your personal telephone number?
Yes, but this is due to work/study needs.
Most likely not, and he made no attempt to recognize him.
Yes, but you don't know how he got your number because you definitely didn't give it to him.
Yes, he asked you about it himself.
2. You were talking to a guy when his friends approached you and asked him to go play football. How will he behave?
Quickly casually say goodbye and go to friends.
Refuse and stay with you.
Politely end the conversation with you and leave.
He invites you to come and watch him play.
3. What do you think: what will he answer you if you write to him that you are in a bad mood and you need to talk to someone?
Advise to talk to a friend, write a few encouraging phrases.
Thinks you have the wrong number.
Will continue to correspond with you, trying to find out all the details. It will come immediately, only if you directly ask for it.
Immediately offer to meet.
4. Have you ever noticed that a guy is looking at you?
He looked, and when he crossed his eyes, he instantly averted his eyes and, it seems, slightly blushed.
Yes, I did, but with the same look as everyone else.
No, he doesn't seem to notice you at all.
Yes, you often caught him looking at you. At the same time, they were thoughtful or he smiled at you.
5. You are alone with each other. How does he react?
You were never alone with him, or he left almost immediately.
Tries to talk to you, but does it a little hesitantly: mixes up words, stutters, tells something incomprehensibly.
Tries to be as close to you as possible, finds out what you like, makes compliments.
Talks to you, asks how you are, but superficially, without going into details, as if out of politeness.
6. Did he congratulate you on holidays (happy birthday, March 8, etc.)?
Yes, he congratulated you on every holiday and perhaps gave you small gifts.
He congratulated everyone (including you) on well-known holidays - New Year or Easter, for example.
No, never, although there have already been holidays.
Congratulated, but only by correspondence or spoke very briefly, and then embarrassedly walked away.
7. How does he communicate with other girls in your presence?
You think that it is much easier for him to communicate with other girls than with you, although he often casts glances in your direction.
May flirt with them, joke around, generally pays more attention to them than to you.
He communicates with you much more often, even if there are many pretty competitors around.
He is equally friendly, open and cheerful with all the girls.
8. Does he try to touch you?
Not at all.
Yes, they can give you a hug, hold your hand, straighten your hair, or put a hand on your shoulder.
Sometimes "accidentally" touches the hand or sits very close.
May give a pat on the back or high five.
9. Was he interested in your personal life (do you have a boyfriend, do you like anyone, etc.)?
Didn't ask directly, but you seem to be interested. Perhaps he tried a couple of times to hint at his interest in this topic.
Yes, I have asked several of these questions.
Asked, but in a company, when everyone answered the same question.
No, I didn't ask at all.
10. Does he have a girlfriend?
You accidentally found out that you didn't.
Yes, or he is not interested in a relationship at all.
Certainly not, he himself told you about it.
You don't know for sure.
11. What do you think: does he like you?
It's very difficult to say for sure.
Probably yes.
Most likely yes, but you are not sure.
12. Has he ever suggested that you meet outside of work/school hours?
Yes, he invited you to some place or just the two of you.
Yes, but not directly, but by correspondence or through friends, for example.
Yes, but he invited me to the company.
13. Do you communicate with him in social networks or instant messengers?
You communicate very often, almost every day.
Not at all, you don't even have him as a friend, or you communicate extremely rarely, dryly and exclusively for work/study.
You communicate, but only in group chats with other acquaintances. If he writes something to you personally, then usually on business.
You communicate relatively rarely, but he often likes your posts, photos, sometimes several times, but does not leave comments.
14. Is he boastful? How often does he like to talk about his achievements, successes or good qualities in front of you?
In principle, he is a very reserved or indecisive person, but sometimes in front of you he can mention some advantage of himself.
He is equally (un)boastful in conversations with all interlocutors.
You rarely find yourself next to him, and when you do come up, he does not seem to notice your presence or cuts off the conversation and defiantly steps aside, expressing distrust.
Often talks about his own achievements when you are around, and often his eyes are focused on you.
15. How does he behave when both of you are in the company?
He talks cheerfully with you, he can start a conversation himself, but he behaves like this with everyone.
Often looks at you or stands next to you, but very rarely initiates a conversation himself.
Pays a lot of attention to you, jokes, asks questions, starts conversations himself.
Almost does not communicate with you, very rarely is near.
16. How often does he tell you about himself, share his experiences?
Quite often, it feels like he trusts you.
Whenever you ask him about something, he himself does not start such a topic.
Sometimes shares minor difficulties, which he tells others too.
Never, in principle, you rarely communicate.
17. A mutual friend of yours is having a party, going to a park, a picnic, a concert, or something like that. How is your friend behaving?
Invites you to go together in advance, and at the party itself, obviously pays more attention to you than to others.
Comes by himself or with friends and often looks in your direction or tries to start a conversation from time to time.
Walks with his friends, but at the event he doesn't seem to notice you at all.
Comes with his company. Noticing you, he openly greets you, may exchange a couple of phrases, but then returns to his group.
18. What posture does he take when talking to you?
You didn't notice much, but it seems that open poses are replaced by closed ones.
Head slightly tilted towards you. When sitting, spreads arms or legs. The posture is mostly open. The toes of his feet are often turned towards you.
His arms or legs are crossed, his eyes wander, or he constantly tries to avoid contact with you.
Legs pressed together or in a narrow stance, fingers picking up small things or clothes. Look - then at you, then sharply down or to the side.
19. Did he say compliments or simply nice words to you?
Not at all.
Yes, he does this often enough that you haven't noticed that he compliments other girls just as often.
Sometimes he tries to say something like that, but he does it quietly, timidly, so that no one else can hear.
Yes, but he says nice words to absolutely all the girls.
20. How often does he smile at you?
As often as other acquaintances.
He doesn't look at you at all.
Very often, almost every time your eyes meet.
Only sometimes, more often he just looks thoughtfully.
Online test: Do you like a guy?
Do you correspond/contact him?
Yes, every day
Hmm... very rarely and by necessity... or not at all
We talk a couple of times a week
Once or twice a month
Does he know about your existence?
Yes, but not sure
We know each other
Yes, we are good friends
Of course! We are quite close
When he sees you, what emotion does he have on his face? How do you think he feels?
Well. ..
Nothing really changes
No emotions, but I feel that he is disposed towards me
Smiling and a little embarrassed
Have you kissed?
1 time
Yes, many times
Only in my dreams
He tried to kiss me
Who starts the dialogue/correspondence?
I'm always the first
50 to 50
Definitely he
Gets in touch if he needs something
How does he behave when you communicate?
Looks into the eyes almost all the time, open posture. Behaves friendly
Doesn't look at me at all and tries to end the conversation
He studies, tries to get closer, touch
Sometimes his gaze lingers on me, but keeps his distance
Did he give you anything?
Gave more than once
Flowers were 1-2 times
I don't think he had such thoughts at all
Did he compliment you?
Often. He is so cute!
I think yes
I'm the one giving him compliments
Is he dating anyone?
He has a girlfriend and it's not me
He has a girlfriend and it's me
I don't know
If you invited him somewhere, what would he say?
Why should I invite him if he invites me?
Most likely, he would be at a loss
Definitely not
I don't know, but there is a chance that he would not mind
What do you usually chat about?
We don't talk
Everything in the world!
On abstract topics and sometimes flirting
Do you think he is frank with you?
Yes, he trusts me completely
Can't be sure, but sometimes yes
I don't think so. .. Sometimes he gets confused
I don't have anything to say because we don't talk much
Does he like you ? No doubt yes!
It looks like he's really screwed up because he's thinking about you all the time. You have a warm connection that both of you constantly feel. Do not doubt him, he is already yours. Try to keep your feelings and do not worry about trifles.
Everything is better than you think!
Doubts about his attitude towards you do not leave you. It seems that you are still not indifferent to him. Now you are not in such a close relationship as you would like, but there is a spark between you that can be dispersed to a warm hearth. You are interested in him, do not overdo it, be yourself and just go with the flow.
Hmm... maybe worth considering
It seems that at the moment he is not the person who will make you happy. Everything has its time. If destined, then after some time your dreams about him will come true. However, now it is better to take a closer look at someone who thinks of you with the same trepidation.