Signs of falling in love through text
8 Texting Signals That Mean They're Falling In Love
Who knew text habits could reveal so much?
by Rebecca Strong and Corinne Sullivan
Originally Published:
Ivan Gener/Stocksy
It goes without saying that texting plays a pivotal role in our relationships. It provides a quick and convenient way to make date night dinner plans while you're still at work. It also offers a less vulnerable way to flirt with your crush and test the waters. It even gives you a way to stay connected to your SO while you two are apart. Not to mention, texting can also impart some invaluable insight into their feelings. There are certain signs of falling in love through text, so if you’re not sure where you two stand, then you might be able to figure it out from their texting habits.
Of course, texting is not the only way to tell if someone’s falling in love. And if you’re dating someone who’s not a good texter, then you’ll obviously have a harder time mining your text convos for any hints about where they stand. However, experts say there are certain signals that typically suggest someone is developing feelings through texting. Some of them are perhaps more obvious, but there are subtler signs to look out for as well. Wondering whether the person you’re talking to is head over heels for you? Then keep a look out for one of these telling text habits.
They Reach Out At Significant Times
Riska/E+/Getty ImagesAccording to Patti Wood, body language expert and author of SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, timing is the most important texting factor to consider in assessing someone’s feelings toward you. “What you do first in your day and what you do last has the most truth in it," she tells Elite Daily. “So, if a person’s first thought in the morning is to communicate with you, that says a lot.”
It’s not just those good morning and good night texts that matter, either. If your partner happens to check in during an afternoon lunch break or is quick to respond to your midday message, that’s a great sign, too. “If they make themselves available all day every day, then they're opening the door for you,” says Traci Brown, body language expert and author of Persuasion Point.
They Always Get Right Back To You
If they never let a text sit on read for longer than 20 minutes, then chances are they’re into you. Someone who’s falling hard will want to make you a priority, and text communication can tell you a lot. As online dating expert Julie Spira previously told Elite Daily, “If someone really likes you, they’ll be responding to text messages quickly, especially in the first hour of receipt to keep the spark alive.” And while not everyone is reliable with their phones, chances are that even an inconsistent texter will be looking out for your texts if they’re really into you.
They Keep You In The Loop
If you’ve ever noticed that your SO tells you what they have planned for the day or divulges what happened at the office without any prompting, experts say that’s a strong indicator that they may be falling for you. Why? Because they want you to know more about them, and they’re inviting you into their world.
“You might not realize it, but filling you in on even the mundane things — that’s significant,” says Wood. “Openly sharing information with you, without you even asking for it — there’s so much intimacy in that.”
They Have A Special Language They Use With You
recep-bg/E+/Getty ImagesDoes your crush or current partner have special greetings or nicknames they use when they text you? Or have they developed inside jokes with you that they pepper into your conversations? Coming up with this kind of coded language isn't just super flirty; it could mean they’re falling hard. “If you feel like it’s unique to you and your conversations, that’s special because no one else would understand it — only you two,” explains Wood.
It makes sense when you think about it. This is one way to reinforce your bond while also separating your conversations from all the rest in their phone. Obviously you’re special to them, or they wouldn’t bother to set your texts apart by personalizing them.
They Pay Attention To Your Life
Svetlana Repnitskaya/Moment/Getty ImagesIf the person you’re talking to remembers something you brought up in a chat a while ago or mentions something you posted on social media, it means they are paying attention and are actively interested in what’s going on in your life. “If they know things about you that you didn’t tell them, that’s a non-creepy sign they are into you,” behavioral scientist Clarissa Silva previously told Elite Daily.
Referencing something specific from your Instagram story or a TikTok you posted shows you that they care about and want to know what you’re up to. And bringing it up over text means they want you to know that they’re interested in you and simply want to keep chatting.
They Send You Lots Of Memes & GIFs
You may misinterpret a meme response as laziness, but these kind of texts are actually a good sign. It suggests that you two share a familiarity, and they understand what appeals to your funny bone. "Someone who sends lots of GIFs and memes is a creative person who’s thinking outside the box," April Masini, relationship expert and founder of Relationship Advice Forum, previously explained to Elite Daily. “Instead of using the standard emojis, this GIF sender is looking for something to express feelings that is beyond what’s normal."
They Ask Lots Of Questions
When the object of your affection asks how your night went or what you work day looks like, they’re showing that they care to be informed about what’s going on in your life. And when they ask you personal questions over text that delve into your preferences, interests, and goals, they’re demonstrating that they want to know you on a deeper level. Both of these behaviors point to one thing: They might very well be falling for you.
“If someone makes statements that don't beg a response, that's a pretty good sign they're not into you,” explains Brown. “People will ask questions or send messages that require a response if they're into you.” Questions keep the conversation flowing, so if bae is asking you things over text, then that suggests they want to stay as connected to you as possible.
They Want To Talk Outside Of Texting
According to Brown, one of the best signals of all is if they take your conversations off the text thread. Wanting to set up a phone call or FaceTime to talk is a pretty clear indication that they want to take things to a more intimate level, as both are more direct forms of communication.
“One of the biggest ways to confirm your feelings would be to progress from texting to phone calls, FaceTime, and eventually meeting in person,” Kayla-Brooke White, NCC, LPC-R, MA, a life coach at Blush, previously told Elite Daily. “If you have the same chemistry in person as you do via text, then you’ll have a little more certainty that those late nights [of] texting were worth it. ”
All these texting habits can certainly point to the possibility that someone is falling. At the same time, don’t stress if your crush or partner isn’t exhibiting all of these behaviors. Plus, if they make plans to see you in person, they’re proving in a different — and honestly more significant— way that they value quality time with you, and that’s one of the best ways to build real intimacy.
Traci Brown, body language expert and author of Persuasion Point
Patti Wood, body language expert and author of SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma
Julie Spira, online dating expert and author of Love in the Age of Trump
April Masini, relationship expert and founder of Relationship Advice Forum
Clarissa Silva, behavioral scientist
Kayla-Brooke White, NCC, LPC-R, MA, a life coach at Blush
This article was originally published on
20 surprising signs he is slowly falling for you through text (complete list)
Some women like the way the guy they like texts them, others are more cautious and realize that things may be a little bit more challenging than they seem.
But either way, if you want to know whether or not he is slowly falling for you through text, there are some things to look out for.
20 signs he is slowly falling for you through text
1) He makes time in his day just for texting with you
This is the first sign he likes you. He doesn’t text with anyone else, and he only does it with you.
The question is whether he’s making time in his day because he likes you or it’s because it’s just a habit.
The only way to find out is to ask him. Show him that you enjoy exchanging texts with him and that you enjoy getting to know him.
If you notice that he follows your lead in the conversation and doesn’t try to make the conversation about him, it is a sign that he is not selfish or self-centered.
Instead, he wants to know what you’re interested in or curious about.
2) He likes to keep in touch with you
The second sign he likes you is if he likes to keep in touch with you.
If you go through all his messages and see that he texts you the most, then it’s a clear indication that he needs to be in touch with you more than anyone else.
Besides, if you spend so much time together and he lets you use his stuff, it is a clear sign of trust.
It all boils down to this – if he is not able to stay away from you for a long time and is constantly texting you, there is a huge chance that he is falling for you and wants to keep you all for himself.
3) He can be jealous
Here’s the deal – if he shows jealousy when you talk with other guys, even if they are your friends, he is clearly in love.
This is another sign he likes you. If there is no one in his life that he wants to spend a single minute with, other than you, then it means that he might be falling in love with you.
And no matter how much he denies it, the truth will always show through.
If you feel the same way, make sure you show him slowly that you like him too.
4) He likes to text you first
Some guys like to text a lot, regardless of whether they’re in a relationship or not, but if he enjoys texting you right back and all the time, then it’s a good sign that he’s falling for you.
If you notice that every time you pick up the phone, there is a cute text from him, it means that he is thinking about you a lot.
If he writes long texts about what he likes about you and how great you are, then that means that he wants to get to know as much as possible about you and your interests.
5) He makes flirting attempts at you through texting
In essence, texting is a wonderful way to stay in touch with the person you like.
If he uses every chance he gets to send you the texts that make you feel happy and make the butterflies in your stomach fly non-stop, then you can be sure that his feelings for you are getting stronger.
If he starts using a lot of loving words like “I love when we hang out” or “I miss you”, then that’s a good sign he’s trying his best to show how much he cares about you.
He has probably seen something in you that makes him feel good, so he wants to enjoy this feeling even more.
6) He’s trying to be creative
The content of his messages can tell you clearly about his feelings.
If he sends you the same messages all the time, that can mean that he wants to keep in touch but doesn’t want to put an extra effort into it.
On the other hand, if he is constantly doing everything he can to capture your attention and sends something new every time, it means that he is making an additional effort to show his affection.
Pay attention to the questions he asks.
If he really wants to know how your day went, it’s a sign of caring and interest.
The same applies to other topics – if he is asking you about where you come from or about your work, it means that he is genuinely interested in what’s going on in your life.
Such kind of attention always makes a girl feel loved and wanted.
7) He compliments you all the time
Women like compliments, it is a simple truth. If he’s constantly telling you how beautiful you are or how great you look, that means that he wants to hear it more and more often.
If he is the one who usually says things first and compliments you, that’s a clear sign that he is falling in love with you.
He does it because he wants to see you happy. He wants you to know that you make a difference in his life.
And he appreciates all the good things about you that he finds so charming.
Besides, if he shows off your pictures, it means that he doesn’t mind if everyone knows that he likes you.
If you notice that every single time someone picks up his phone, they see your pictures, it means that he is proud of you and enjoys showing off how great time he has with you.
8) He’s asking personal questions
In general, once people start communicating and there is obvious chemistry between the two, there is this initial period when the partner usually spends time learning about each other’s personalities.
If he is constantly asking you questions like where you are from, what do you do, etc. it means that he is trying to establish a connection.
And if he likes what he finds in the first place, there will be no turning back.
People don’t often realize this, but once they start talking to someone and building a strong connection over text messages, that’s when the real bonding process begins.
9) He seems really happy when it comes to your relationship
If he’s being really happy with your relationship, then it means that you are making him feel good.
For the obvious reason, he would get really happy and smile a lot if he thought that you liked him. If he tries to hide his feelings, you might want to ask him about it.
If he is happy and smiling, it means that he thinks that you like him and that’s a big thing.
Paying attention to these little things will surely help you figure out what kind of feelings does this guy has for you.
Seeing his happy face and feeling his warm, positive energy every time he contacts you is a clear sign that he cannot wait to see you next time.
10) He makes plans to see you
Basically, the more he tries to involve you in his plans means that he wants you in his life.
Pay attention to the way he communicates with you and how much effort he is putting into it.
If he goes out of his way so that you two can meet up, it’s a clear sign that he is into you.
The fact that he is making room for you in his life is a clear indicator of his interest in you.
Make no mistake about it, if he is making an enormous effort to be there for you every chance he gets, the chances are that he has strong feelings for you that will only grow stronger.
He thinks of you as a priority, and making your way into his world is something he is proud of.
11) He’s paying attention to your hobbies and interests
If he shows genuine interest in what you do and who you are, then it is a good sign that he likes to see you happy because he wants to make you happy.
He may be texting you to find out what he could organize next, so you can spend more time together.
Obviously, if you feel comfortable when you are together, the guy you like will always want to know what makes you happy and will try to make it happen.
Perhaps you can spend some time together doing the things you both enjoy.
Spending time like this can help you bond beyond the texts.
12) He’s not pretending
The simple truth is that people try to portray themselves in a better light when they want to start a relationship.
However, if he is honest about his life and the problems he is facing, it means that he wants you to get to know his true colors and make you a part of his life.
He might even just be a nice guy who wants to make sure that his time with you is really special and meaningful.
It is already a great start because there will be no unpleasant surprises for you along the way.
13) He sends funny texts
Guys like to use humor to get the attention of the girl they like.
It is something that makes them stand out.
If the texts that he sends are funny and weird, then it means that something about you is getting into his head.
Maybe it’s your sense of humor, or maybe it’s something else.
If you notice that the texts that he sends are funny, it means that he has a good sense of humor and he is trying to make your day.
If he is being funny in every message, it means that he likes you and he is trying to make you laugh.
14) He seems very interested in your day
One way of showing love and affection that guys use is to show interest in the way you spend your day.
If he wants to know what you did and how your day was, then it’s a good sign that he likes to see you happy and doing well.
He might do things for you, just to make sure that you’re happy and satisfied.
He may be doing this, so he can organize a surprise for you and see you again.
If he is making an effort to know what you like and do, it’s a clear sign that he wants to be close to you.
This might seem like a strange one, but if he cares about what you’re doing, it means that he knows that there could be something more between the two of you than just texting.
Perhaps he wants to see if you share the same interests and ideas about the ways to spend free time together.
15) He’s asking for your opinion
This may be another sign that he likes you and wants your approval.
If he is asking you all kinds of questions, it means that he wants to know what you think about things.
He is probably trying to find something out because if you both agree on something, it makes the relationship stronger and can help you bond even more.
The fact that he confides in you means that he appreciates having you in his life and that you are someone he can trust.
16) He tries to be on his best behavior
This is another cue that he’s interested in you.
If he tries to be on his best behavior around you, it means that he wants to take care of you.
When a guy is very careful about the things he will say and the texts he will send, it is a clear sign that he wants to leave the best impression on you.
Spending time with someone and putting effort into paying attention to their interests demonstrates that the guy likes you and wants to be close to you.
A guy who makes an effort to become as close to you as possible is one who likes you very much.
He will try his best to find ways for both of you to spend time together and make it a fun experience for both.
17) He’s just plain nice
If he’s just plain nice, without any hidden agenda in mind, then it means that he’s trying to make sure that you have a good time with him.
If he really likes you, then he wouldn’t be interested in anyone else.
He is probably trying to establish a strong connection with you and wants to see if you feel the same way.
When you find a pure soul who is making an effort to share wonderful energy with you, it’s a good sign that there is something special going on between you two, and try to make the most of it.
Just the fact that he cares about the things you do and is making an effort to stay in touch all the time means that he has you on his mind constantly.
18) He likes it when you stay in touch with him
This is another one of the signs that he’s interested in you.
If he likes the effort you make to stay in touch with him all the time, then it means that he wants to keep the relationship going.
He may ask you to be in touch with him because he wants to secure his position in your life and make sure that you may consider being with him.
He probably recognized some qualities that you have that make him feel good.
He probably feels happy when he is around you, so he wants to spend as much time as possible with you.
19) He’s genuinely interested in his life
Usually, people ask questions just to keep the conversation going, not because they want to truly know what you are thinking about.
But if he genuinely asks you about your life, it means that he has a lot of respect for you and for what you do.
If he is so interested in what you do, then it means that he wants to make sure that you are always happy and doing well.
He might even be trying to find out how to make your life better because when we care about someone, we want to see them flourish.
It all comes down to this – if he wants to make you happy and make your life better by being your support, make sure you show just how much you appreciate your connection the best way you can.
20) He says that he misses you
This is the best sign of all the signs.
If he says he misses you and can’t stop thinking about you, then we can say for sure that he is totally into you.
If a guy feels that there is something special about you, then he will miss you a lot.
You should know that this is only the beginning because if things go well, you can be sure that your texting will develop into a nice relationship.
Look at it this way, if he manages to find the courage to expose himself and tell you in plain words what he feels, it means that he has given it a lot of thought and doesn’t want to wait anymore to take the next step towards a happy and fulfilling relationship.
Final thoughts
If you like a guy, it is important to understand that the more he tries to be with you, the more likely he has feelings for you.
If you notice that some of these signs are applicable in your case, then it might be worth considering giving him a chance.
Of course, if he talks to you with respect and treats your feelings with care, then this is already a good start.
Texting can be used in many ways that help relationships. It is usually a great way of communicating with the person you are attracted to.
All in all, if you suddenly notice that you have your phone with you all the time and that it is buzzing all the time, it is time for you to consider speeding things up and getting the guy you like.
Making him feel good and showing him that you care is a piece of essential advice for a happy start.
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How to understand by correspondence that a girl is in love: the most important signs
Are you one of those guys who find it difficult to understand women's feelings and hints? Then you probably want to learn to understand what a girl feels for you. In person, or via text message.
At first glance, it seems that online communication is not much different from the real one, but this is far from being the case.
Text messaging has revolutionized the way we communicate, talk, plan, and more importantly, flirt.
We have become completely accessible to other people, and we have stopped isolating meaningful phrases from casual conversations.
We communicate a lot by text these days. Without the clues that a girl's body gives us, the tone of her voice, the ability to surprise and provoke, it's very difficult to figure out if someone likes you or not.
Fortunately, even in the text of messages there are some nuances that can help you understand the feelings of the girl with whom you are corresponding.
Here are some of the distinguishing features of text messages, which show that a girl is in love by correspondence:
She does not just spend her time contacting you. Most likely, she really wants to feel your closeness even at a distance. And the surest way to do this is to write right now !
This also applies to continuing the conversation. If she does not want to communicate with you, she will write careless answers, consisting of one word, or just ignore . She will make no effort to keep the dialogue going.
In fact, if you always need to start and maintain conversations, then the young lady is not interested in you. Pay attention to who usually starts the conversation and how interested the girl is in continuing the dialogue.
Long texts indicate that she has time for you. Instead of giving flippant monosyllable answers, she makes up long, beautiful messages. This means that she wants to give you thoughtful answers, to reveal her thoughts and feelings.
Also, long texts tend to contain more information, making them useful for continuing a conversation. So it means: "Let's continue to communicate!"
After all, she wouldn't have spent so much time and energy if she didn't like you, so there's a good chance she's falling in love.
As they say, a kind word is also pleasant for a cat. Therefore, if in her messages she praises you, admires and admires you, notices even the slightest victories and achievements, then she wants to increase your joy, make you smile. Basically, it's flirting.
If you do not know how to understand by correspondence that a girl is in love, and not just feels friendly sympathy for you, then pay attention to the frequency of specific compliments about your appearance, style, hairstyle. She may not just say that you look good or very smart and talented, that you have a rare eye color that occurs one in a million.
Shared jokes and laughter form an almost intimate bond between two people. So, if she gave you a playful nickname that she uses when texting, it's because she loves you and is trying to flirt that way.
She will send you funny pictures and videos, try to cheer you up and make you laugh. She wants you to single her out from the crowd and remember her as a bright, positive, holiday girl.
If she always answers all your texts within a few minutes, then she is looking forward to them with her phone in hand.
Of course, sometimes a girl can be busy or out of the access zone, but still she will definitely answer as soon as she is free. At the same time, she will not forget to explain what delayed her so much. It's important to her that you don't get offended.
6. SHE FINDS ANY REASON TO SEND YOU A MESSAGE. Usually they show restraint and wait for the initiative. But only until they fall in love. From now on, they use every opportunity to send you a message, share their emotions, hear your opinion, feel support and participation. She wants to be with you all the time.
An even more striking sign of a girl in love is if she says that she saw a cute kitten, remembered you and decided to write. Such displays of tenderness are a huge plus in your piggy bank.
What stickers and emoji she uses when communicating with you says whether she likes you or not. If she sends hearts, lips, winks, then she flirts with you and flirts, waiting for a response.
Also, if you know that she usually doesn't use emoticons and only does it in your private messages, then you are special to her. It is with you that she feels playful and flirtatious.
She is interested in you and wants to know as much as possible. If she talks about herself all the time, on neutral topics that have nothing to do with you, or just makes small talk, then she doesn’t care about you. If a girl is in love, she constantly asks questions about you, about what you like, how your day went, what are your plans for the weekend.
She will be interested in your dreams and goals in order to understand how they correspond to her plans for the future. One day you will catch yourself thinking that you tell her much more than your best friend.
A girl who bombards you with jokes, memes, funny videos has strong feelings for you. She wants to make your day better, cheer you up, distract you from problems.
In addition, this is a good opportunity to test the compatibility of a sense of humor. This criterion in a relationship is no less significant than sexual compatibility.
If you have a different sense of humor, or she, for example, is a bore, then you will annoy each other and will not match as a pair of .
Girls with a good sense of humor are insanely attractive. There is never a dull moment with them. Therefore, if your pen pal is trying to cheer you up, pay special attention to it.
A girl in love falls asleep and wakes up thinking about you. She wants to be the first to wish you good morning and good night. It may seem cloying and intrusive to you, but for her it is a daily necessity.
She really wants to please you so that you smile and start your day with a positive attitude. She also hopes that during the day you will think about her more often. In any case, this is a wonderful, expressive gesture!

I don't mean endless selfish chatter. A girl in love will want to share with you some secret information about herself, which she will not tell anyone else. Your communication becomes deeper and more personal. Only the person she is in love with will she tell about her past and her dreams for the future. And also about the day. At the same time, it will be emotionally open and vulnerable. She wants to share her life with you!
Texting is fun, but not everything. You can't build relationships on messages alone. A girl in love will want to call you and meet you in person. She can write that she wants to be near you. He will look for an opportunity to meet you as soon as possible and spend the evening together.
If a girl shows such a strong emotional interest in you in text messages, then it's time to move to a new level of relationship and make her a date.
But if you're still not sure how she feels, it's time to take the first step and ask!
You will never know the truth until you take the initiative.
Good luck and happy texting!
About the Author: Dmitry Svetlov
In 2012, after the third divorce, Dmitry began to actively study seduction. He went through all the trainings, read all the books and watched all the videos, until in 2016 he received the status of a PMES project PM. After 3 years, many adventures and failures, when he could already confidently say about himself "An expert in relations with women", he launched this site. He will teach you everything you need to know about relationships with women. Just sign up for one of our online events.
Characteristic signs of a man in love: the rules of Love-diagnosis
If you are in love, it becomes difficult to think analytically. And I really want to know about his true feelings. Small details suddenly take on great significance, often they are interpreted biased. Are there certain signs of a man in love? Yes, and they are easy to spot.
Time for the main thing
If a man has tender feelings for a woman, he tries to find time for her every day. Even if it's only 5 minutes. In the brain of a lover, a focus of increased arousal is formed, and each new thought about the beloved enhances this effect. And the more often a man sees the object of his passion, the more pleasant thoughts come to mind. Signs of falling in love with a man are the search for contacts, “random” meetings under an absurd pretext, delaying the meeting.
There is a contact
A man who fell in love with you will definitely try to communicate with you as much as possible, not only directly, but also send SMS, e-mail, call more often than usual. Signs of a man in love, which can be identified during a telephone conversation: lowering the tone, slowing down speech, a kind of insinuation. Many men prefer to hide deep love. Although they strive to talk about the sweetheart, they don’t even tell their friends about their feelings.
Commendable selectivity
Men love to look at girls. Most tend to look back if a beauty passes by. But men in love do this much less often. Of course, if they see Angelina Jolie on the street, they will obviously look at her a second time. However, most often other girls for a man in love cease to exist.
Application for rights
Signs of a man in love sometimes become very bright. For example, when you start paying a lot of attention to his competitor. A man who treats you in a special way will jealously watch all the men in your environment. He may even ask you to evaluate his personality in some respect. Or even directly ask what you like about his opponent. The lover wants to be exceptional, so you will see how he tenses even just talking about another man. Especially if you praise his opponent.
Pampering and only
It is important for a lover that you feel good. Obvious signs of a man in love are touching manifestations of concern for your well-being and mood. During a business conversation, he may be distracted by the question of whether you had lunch. He will try to guess your desires. This will manifest itself in the fact that he will ask if he liked the gift. And will wait for the answer with bated breath. He will watch your sad glances towards the windows and, perhaps, will please you with a surprise. Signs of a man falling in love necessarily include this item - caring for the feelings of his beloved.
In a narrow circle
When a man is seriously in love, he will definitely introduce you to his closest friends, and sometimes even to relatives. And this is a very serious sign. Usually, only women who are really dear to the heart are allowed so close. After all, doing this is tantamount to an official announcement of you as your girlfriend.
Communication in VIP style
Beloved becomes a very authoritative person for a loving man. And even the most notorious macho begin to reckon with women's opinion. Intellectual respect is an indispensable component of true love and an indispensable condition for the transition of love into love.