Signs divorce is inevitable
9 warning signs you may be headed for a divorce
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's plans to divorce took the world by surprise —if six kids, amazing careers, philanthropic work and international fame can't make for a long-lasting couple or prevent "irreconcilable differences", what can?
Of course, it is possible to get a fractured relationship back on track — that's why it's important to recognize the signs.
How can you know if you're in a marriage that's 'going south' towards divorce? Here are nine key signs that it may be time to get some relationship help:
1. You are not happy
When you're in a good relationship, most of the time, you are happy. Every couple has disagreements and fights — but the majority of the time things are peaceful.
Is your partner unreliable, shut-down, critical or hostile most of the time? Or, do you feel like your partner is unresponsive, lazy, incompetent and you can't see eye to eye? Being unhappy is a clear sign that this isn't good anymore.
RELATED: 10 things I wish I'd known before getting divorced
2. Most of your interactions are not positive
Happy couples have an interaction ratio of 20:1 — that's 20 positive interactions to 1 negative interaction, according to marriage researcher John Gottman. Conflicted couples have a ratio of 5:1, and couples nearing divorce are .8:1, or practically equal number of negative to positive interactions.
If you are more negative than positive over a long period of time with no improvement in sight, this is not a good sign.
3. You find reasons to avoid your partner
When you get home from work and see your partner's car outside the house, do you sit in the car and avoid going inside? Do you find yourself wanting to hang out with your friends or family more? This can be a sign that things have changed on your end in an big way.
4. Your friends or family urge you to end the relationship
If many of your friends or family members don't like your partner and tell you to break up (and that you'll be better off) — pay attention! Those closest to you want the best for you, and may be able to see things clearly even when you can't.
5. Your instincts are telling you to get out
If your stomach is always in a knot, it may be your gut instinct talking to you. If your gut says you should go, and you're not sure, check in with your close friends or loved ones, or with an expert or therapist who can help you weigh the pros and cons.
6. You live like roommates
Maybe he sleeps in one room, you sleep in another room. You're hardly bothered when he comes home from a long trip and barely acknowledge each other. You live separate lives, and you're both more than OK with that kind of existence.
7. Everything is hard
Nearly every interaction feels like a chore or is painful. Whether it's what to feed the kids for breakfast, or who needs to have another boys' weekend — everything is difficult and dramatic. The conversations are provocative, painful, heated or even abusive.
8. One or both have changed values or priorities
In good relationships, couples value the same 'big' things.
Over time, people can change, and what they once valued, they don't anymore.
One partner may feverishly take up a new religion or lifestyle which forces a new way of life upon the partner. One partner wants to move across the country for a job opportunity, and the other wants to stay back for their own career.
Unless both people can adapt to significant changes like this, it can be a tough one to surmount.
When couples have different values and priorities, it can be a sign of trouble ahead. GUILLAUME HORCAJUELO / EPA9. There is a sudden change in behavior
When one partner suddenly drops lots of weight and takes a renewed interest in their appearance, and maybe starts spending a lot of time away from home, there could be an 'outside reason' for this.
If they start ignoring you or even start wanting LOTS more sex, it could be a sign that something (or someone) else is in the picture. A new sexual partner can heighten sexual arousal — even back in their own beds.
RELATED: 32 emotional signs that he's cheating
If you have more than 2-3 signs:
Can you imagine another 50 years with this person? What does that life look like?
Breaking up a marriage can be one of the hardest things to do — but think long term.
If you have a pit in your stomach after reading this, it may be time for some kind of action.
It could mean setting time aside to sit down and openly talk to your partner about your feelings, going to counseling or maybe even starting the separation process. Living unhappily is not necessary and there is usually a light at the end of every tunnel —if you look hard enough.
Dating coach Bela Gandhi is the founder and president of Smart Dating Academy (
19 Experts Give Warning Signs Of Divorce You Need To Pay Attention To
This is the sixth article in our seven part Causes of Divorce series. Links to the other articles are at the bottom of the page.
Some might equate the end of a marriage with tumultuous arguments, clandestine infidelities, or unforgivable betrayal. However, the signs of divorce can often be subtle, everyday occurrences that go unnoticed by one or both marital partners.
We surveyed family law attorneys, legal experts, counselors and therapists to get their opinions on what they consider to be the signs of divorce. Common factors include communication problems, lack of intimacy and lack of respect.
What are the most common signs of a divorce?
1. They Stop Communicating.
2. Lack of Respect, Resentment, or Contempt.
3. Lack of Physical Intimacy.
4. Other signs of divorce.
Sign #1: They Stop Communicating
Communication is a key ingredient to a healthy relationship. Even when it leads to a disagreement -- it is important for spouses to understand how the other is feeling on a daily basis. Some might think that avoidance of conversation to prevent arguments is preferable to fighting with a spouse.
However, when communication breaks down completely, this is a sign that neither party is willing to invest the effort to learn about what their spouse is feeling. This is an indication that both parties feel the relationship is no longer worth it.
Divorce experts shared with us how communication problems in a marriage are a sign of divorce.
“The top signs that a couple will follow through with a divorce is lack of communication. Couples that cannot communicate openly and honestly are likely to be unsuccessful at mediation.”
David Reischer, Esq. | Divorce Attorney & CEO of
“A breakdown in communication between the spouses and disagreements about fundamental, core values are the biggest relationship issues I see before a spouse files for divorce.”
Melina L. Muñoz Turco, Esq. | JusticeApp® Co-Founder
Sign #2: Lack of Respect, Resentment, or Contempt
Mutual respect is a foundational element of a healthy marriage. Insensitivity, ridicule or absence of empathy from a spouse can lead to anger, resentment and even fear. Divorce experts provided us with quotes on how lack of respect is a key indicator of divorce.
“The one sign that always concerns me is contempt. When a spouse is feeling and expressing contempt for their partner, unless it was just in the heat of the moment, it is very hard to come back from that.”
Gretta Duleba, LMFTA | Viridian Counseling, PLLC
“Lack of respect is the biggest sign of a troubled marriage leading to divorce. It's very common to hear partners who are heading toward divorce say, ‘I'm tired of this, of always fighting with you.’ They are usually more impatient than in the past and anger more easily.”
Rosalind Sedacca, CDC | The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce
Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach
“When a couple comes in, I can tell they want a divorce if they are condescending and dismissive of each other's thoughts and feelings.
Additionally, couples who want to divorce cannot be talked out of it.”
Chloe Ballatore | Chloe’s Consciousness Training
“If you're feeling resentful of anything: that's a definite warning. Resentment is like rust that can eat away at the foundations of the relationship. You need to talk about it, get it resolved.”
Tina B. Tessina, PhD | (aka Dr. Romance)
Psychotherapist and author of Dr. Romance's Guide to Finding Love Today
“As a therapist I often see these signs: criticism, stonewalling, contempt and defensiveness in high conflict couples who are heading for a divorce.”
Indigo Stray Conger | LMFT CST Choosing Therapy
“People divorce for a number of different reasons, but the common denominator is that the person who wants a divorce characterizes the other as a human being, to the core, in negative and critical ways.
Rajeh A. Saadeh | The Law Office of Rajeh A. Saadeh
“Disdain sets in - Once one partner begins to feel disdain for the other the relationship is in real trouble.
I'm right and they're wrong. Many couples in bad relationships begin competing with each other in unhealthy ways. Instead of working together toward a better future, it's a competition to prove that the other is wrong or that they're better than their partner.”
Kayla Broek | Dating and Relationship Expert for
“The most common behavior is a loss of trust and the most common words you hear are, for example, ‘I don't trust him,’ or, ‘She's lied to me so much I don't know when she's telling the truth.’ ”
Sonia Frontera | Divorce attorney, empowerment trainer and author
Sign #3: Lack of Physical Intimacy
Intimacy is one of the essential aspects of a successful marriage, and is often taken for granted. A reduction in affection can be a result of busy work schedules, children, or some other stressful event.
Temporary stretches of abstinence between partners are not necessarily a sign of a problem, however if these periods last for months and years, the marriage may have reached the end of its life. Our experts provide insights on how a lack of physical intimacy is a primary sign of divorce.
“No sex or intimacy [is a sign of divorce]. When the relationship is stale and there is little-to-no intimacy, hugs, kissing, or cuddling anymore, it shows that there is a lack of love interest. Often this starts with things slowing down in the bedroom.”
Chris Seiter
“When everything is starting to get blurry and hard, or if you cannot find the affection that once filled you and your partner, these might be some indications that your relationship is heading to a divorce.”
Sonya Schwartz | Managing Editor at Her Norm
“Lack of intimacy/no sex, date nights are non-existent, and communication consists of nothing but negativity and shutting down.
The common thread in all of these is the lack of effort. No work is being put in. They’ve just simply stopped trying.”
Destin Pfaff and Rachel Federoff | Founders and Relationship Experts of Love And Matchmaking
Other Signs of Divorce
Our divorce experts provided some other signs of divorce, including change in long term expectations, infidelity, incompatible lifestyle changes and emotional detachment.
“The ‘aha moment’ for many of my marital mediation clients who opt for the divorce route is finally realizing that they cannot change their partner’s behavior.”
Dori Shwirtz | Divorce Mediator and Coach
“Financial infidelity is one of the top signs that I see when a couple is about to divorce. If one spouse is living a lifestyle that doesn’t match earnings or doesn’t want to share bank statements or have budget meetings with their spouse.
If credit card bills stop being delivered and online passwords no longer work, it’s a major red flag.”
Brie Reyes, CDFA®, CFP®, ChFEBC
“A big sign is an increase in fantasy or escape behaviors: buying a new car, watching more porn, drinking more, or making new friends. All of these behaviors could indicate moving towards creating a new life without their partner in it.”
Nicole Arzt | Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, who serves on the advisory board for Family Enthusiast
“Most partners initiating divorce will use words like, “hopeless”, “despair”, “detached”, “What's the point?”, “I'm ready to move on”, etc.”
Dr. Wyatt Fisher | Licensed Psychologist specializing in marriage counseling
“1. They look like strangers to each other.
The spark is not there anymore. It’s like they are no longer happy with each other.
2. Everything is hard for them. When they try to talk about something they end up fighting.
3. There are no small fights anymore. When they don’t argue anymore, this might mean that they’re already being distant with each other and avoiding even a small confrontation.”
Samantha Moss | editor and content ambassador at
“Some of the signs as per my experience are: assuming the role of an absentee partner; refusing to partake in shared responsibilities; and choosing not to validate your significant other’s feelings.”
Leslie Montanile | Family Law Attorney
“When one spouse starts to detach, they can become less verbal and only provide bare minimum information when communicating about their day.
They begin to separate themselves financially from their spouse by using a separate checking account or no longer depositing their income into the joint account.
The most common areas of conflict for spouses prior to initiating a divorce include financial disputes, parenting disagreements of minor children, and communication issues.”
Tiffany M. Hughes, Esq. | Hughes Law
"Sleeping in separate bedrooms. So-called 'business dinners' and 'business travel' become more frequent, as do late nights out. Passwords on phones, computers and accounts are changed and not shared with the other spouse are some of the top signs.
If you suddenly find yourself alone most nights, your spouse is changing normalized routines including involvement with the children, financial information is literally disappearing from the household, passwords are changed, hardly speaking, you should consider seeing an attorney."
Lisa Zeiderman | Family Law Attorney and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
According to experts in the field, a universal predictor of divorce is emotional and physical detachment. The separation that happens emotionally, mentally and physically is often a precursor for the dissolution of the marriage. Detachment can lead to infidelity, dishonesty or divergent life goals.
If your partner feels like a stranger, your interactions are often combative, your lifestyle goals have moved apart, or there has been a betrayal in the relationship that cannot be surpassed, it may be time to consider divorce.
However, if you think there is still a connection with your spouse, it is imperative to take direct action to rebuild the bonds that originally brought you together. Forgoing pride, anger and resentment in order to make yourself emotionally available could be the life saver for your relationship.
In the last article of this series, we discuss the reasons that some couples find for divorce after 20 years of marriage.
Go to this page about online divorce to learn more.
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Read the Entire Causes of Divorce Series
- Causes of divorce
- How to know when your marriage might be over
- When to walk away after infidelity
- Emotional affairs and texting
- When to walk away from a sexless marriage
- Divorce after 20 years
Divorce is inevitable? How to understand that the relationship is over, and whether it is possible to fix them | Psychology of life | Health
Anna Shatokhina,
Artem Tolokonin
Approximate reading time: 4 minutes
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Relationships sometimes end. But at the same time, it is not always clear whether discord in the family indicates temporary difficulties and grinding, or is it a signal that everything is over, and we must disperse. How to understand that divorce is inevitable?
“From time to time, crises arise in any family. Some of them, unfortunately, give rise to the idea of divorce. The situation can develop in several directions: the thought or idea of divorce, which came as a response to a conflict or misunderstanding, can remain only a thought. The person calms down, reconciles. Or it all turns into constant discontent. The couple begins to live in parallel realities, maintaining a reputation in the eyes of the public and in their own. At the same time, they may have problems with trust and other areas of family life, but for the sake of family, children and the social model, they can continue to live under the same roof,” says Artem Tolokonin, PhD, psychotherapist, psychiatrist.
If the situation has not reached the peak, then it can be solved, settled and a compromise solution can be found. The main thing in this case is not to chop off the shoulder. “All conflicts that arise in families are, as a rule, the result of a conflict with oneself, the result of unjustified expectations from a partner, false or idealistic ideas that a partner had in his head, in the process of building relationships and their implementation. Then it becomes painful for a person that the partner behaves in a way that the other side would not like, and this is perceived very painfully, ”says Artem Tolokonin.
When passions boil and a person thinks about what can be done, the first recommendation in such a case, no matter how trite it may sound, is to calm down. A sober mind is needed. A person at this moment should not be controlled by resentment and anger. “When a person is driven by these emotions, it is impossible to act adequately and soberly assess what is happening. The first step towards reconciliation is to find a way to calm down. Sleep, take care of yourself, exercise, meditate, take a walk. If you are not in control of yourself at all, the best solution would be to contact a family psychologist who will help you calm down and establish contact with yourself, and then with the second half, ”explains the psychotherapist.
No matter what the crisis was dictated by - financial or other disagreements, or betrayal occurred - this is always an occasion to establish and improve relations. The help of a professional psychotherapist or psychologist will be very useful here. “A specialist can develop an individual program to get out of a crisis situation, and then this crisis will be a powerful resource for developing relationships. You don’t need to create old relationships, you need to create relationships that didn’t exist before, and then they will have good qualities that will help relationships build on unconditional love. Each of the partners will feel free, harmonious and confident that a family choice is not a prison and a bond, but a voluntary choice that you enjoy. With such an attitude, absolutely any relationship can be brought out of the crisis, ”warns psychotherapist Tolokonin.
According to the expert, the most powerful spiritual practice is family life. If you study it all your life, then the family will be a source of energy and the desire to divorce will definitely not arise.
Divorce is inevitable only when one of the parties has firmly decided to go this way, emphasizes the psychotherapist Tolokonin. And if the intentions are serious and irrevocable, then it is extremely difficult to make a person change his mind. “Any manipulations on this score by the second partner lead to the rooting of the conflict, and pressure from the outside leads to nothing,” the specialist notes.
If one of the partners finally decided to break up, packed up / left / filed for divorce, it is often impossible to do anything here, because the family is a voluntary, conscious choice, and not a forced prison where you have to live for the sake of someone unknown and what. “Accept this with honour. Release the person. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, a harmonious marriage is when if the other half decides to leave / live separately tomorrow, you wish good luck. When you do not perceive the second person as a property that should be under your complete control. Your partner is entitled to their opinion and decision. Only by respecting his choice, even if you don’t like it, you can come to an agreement, ”recommends Artem Tolokonin.
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How do you know when your marriage is over?
Divorce is a serious step in the life of any family. In modern society, unfortunately, not all love stories end with a happy ending. We find out what “bells” you need to pay attention to, thanks to which you can understand that an early divorce looms on the horizon.
You begin to doubt yourself
The realization that you are no longer the top priority in your partner's life can be very painful. Devaluation by a loved one is not in vain for our psyche, making us doubt our own personality, our strengths, abilities and talents.
Your partner has stopped making efforts in the relationship
Various difficulties constantly arise in the family. That is why spouses need to overcome difficulties together, and not throw all the questions on only one partner.
You no longer want to work on your relationship
You may not be putting in the effort because you don't feel responsible for your family's failure. If you refuse to attend family counseling and see no reason to save your marriage, then this is a clear sign that it is time to draw up divorce papers.
You spend quite a bit of time together
Psychologists say that spouses who try to spend as much time apart as possible, on a subconscious level, understand that their marriage is bursting at the seams.
You don't support each other
To build strong relationships, it is important to be able to listen and hear your partner. In a healthy marriage, spouses work together as a team, supporting each other in all endeavors.
Your sex life has worsened
Of course, infrequent sex is not the main reason for divorce. One way or another, sexual satisfaction is one of the important factors in marriage, and when you are sorely lacking it, you need to seriously think and realize that you have a relationship crisis.
You have different ideas about the future
Psychologists advise you to think about divorce if your life plans do not match those of your spouse. Suppose a woman is confident in her desire to become a mother, and her husband is against it. Such an outcome of events can serve as a serious reason for the dissolution of the marriage.
One of the partners “puts up a wall”
Sometimes one of the spouses may begin to withdraw due to problems in the family. By the way, indifference and coldness in relationships are the main signs of the approaching end of your married life.
Your couple lacks respect
Contempt often follows a loss of respect. If one of the partners constantly looks down on the other, does not take into account his opinion, without putting the opinion of his chosen one into anything, then the second begins to feel uncomfortable in such a toxic relationship.
You began to swear more often
If every little thing becomes a reason for a quarrel, the desire to get a divorce comes by itself.
You failed to become one big family
If someone in your partner's family dislikes you, it can be a huge problem for you. At the beginning of a relationship, this may seem like a trifle, but in the end it will still affect the atmosphere in the family.
Have you experienced domestic violence
If a husband hits his wife or children at least once, it will most likely happen all the time. You should not tempt fate, so it is better to get away from him as soon as possible.