Curious personality type
Here’s How Curious Each Personality Type Actually Is
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Here’s How Curious Each Personality Type Actually IsCuriouser and curiouser…
Some people are extremely intrigued by the unknown, while others prefer to stay unaware. Here is how curious you are, according to your personality type!
INFJINFJs are naturally curious people, simply because they love to learn. They enjoy absorbing knowledge as a way to understand people and the world around them. INFJs can become extremely curious about certain things, but are capable of stepping back when they know it isn’t their place. Their curiosity is often very well balanced, since they know when they reign it in. INFJs can sometimes feel their curiosity boiling inside of them, but will certainly try not to let it get out of control. They want to know more about people they care for, which is often a big inspiration for their curious side.
ENFJs are extremely curious individuals, especially when it comes to other people. They love learning about the people they care for, and find themselves always interested in understand people. ENFJs are focused on the emotions of others, and are naturally in tune with other people. They can sometimes let their curiosity get away with them, and might become a bit nosey at times. They do not intend to invade other people’s privacy but simply find themselves interested in the well-being of others.
INFPINFPs are extremely curious people, and are constantly interested in learning and understanding the world around them. They become extremely intrigued by other people, and love exploring new things. They are often viewed as emotionally focused people, but INFPs actually love knowledge. They have this desire to explore new possibilities, but usually just like diving into these ideas with their minds. Their curiosity is a big part of INFPs personalities, and can sometimes even get them into a little bit of trouble.
ENFPs are extremely curious people, and absolutely love exploring as many new possibilities as they can. ENFPs are often the first person to jump into something new, without much fear of what might happen. Their curiosity can sometimes get the better of them, and mind land the ENFP in some tough situations. They are perfectly capable of finding their way out though, and will be ready and willing to take on whatever comes their way. ENFPs often let their curiosity take control of them, but they are capable of reigning it in when it might hurt someone else. They simply enjoy excitement and adventure in their lives, and love to learn about everything around them.
INTJINTJs are truly curious when it comes to learning and absorbing new knowledge. They find themselves wanting to understand everything around them, and love diving into different subjects. If a new piece of information pops up somewhere, the INTJ will be eager to learn everything they can about it.
INTJs can be considered curious, simply because they love learning about as many different subjects as possible. They are less curious when it comes to people though, and might find themselves lacking interest as far as social constructs go. INTJs simply enjoy being able to explore different ideas, without having to be bothered by other people. They aren’t curious about most people’s lives, but they are certainly curious about learning and education.
ENTJs are very focused and driven people, but they do have a curious side. They become curious when it comes to people they care about, and will actually research and try very hard to understand them. ENTJs are deeply caring people, but they only reserve this for those they deem special and worthy of their affections. ENTJs are also curious when it comes to knowledge and understanding, and will work hard to remove ignorance from their surroundings. They enjoy learning as much as they can about important subjects, and this plays a role in their curiosity.
INTPs are naturally very curious people, and love learning about everything they can. They enjoy exploring new ideas and dislike being held back from possibilities. They have a natural desire to understand the world around them, and are constantly diving into new information that other people are completely unaware of. INTPs are often ahead of other people as far as information goes, and will be the first person to learn about a new subject. INTPs are also very curious about people, but prefer to observe from a distance. They enjoy understanding what makes other people tick, and are especially interested in people they care for.
ENTPENTPs are extremely curious people, so much so that it often gets them into tricky situations. ENTPs will dive into something purely out of curiosity and might find themselves having to find a way out of whatever mess they have discovered. Instead of turning down a new opportunity out of fear, most ENTPs will find themselves far too interested to walk away. They are extremely curious about understanding and learning everything they can, and are extremely excited by new possibilities. ENTPs are also curious about people and love figuring out what makes them tick. They will often push other people’s buttons just to figure out where their boundaries are.
ISTJs are hardworking people, and are often very focused on providing for the practical needs of others. They want to be seen as intelligent and useful people, and because of this they are extremely reliable. They aren’t always the most curious individuals, simply because they know what they like. ISTJs love to learn and absorb new knowledge, and this is about as far as their curiosity goes. They have often tried new things and found themselves disappointed in the results, so ISTJ prefer to follow tried and true methods.
ESTJESTJs are very focused on being a valued member of their community, and work hard to be the best at whatever they do. Their desire to get things done can often cause them to feel less curious about new subjects. They don’t always want to try new things, simply because they have experienced negative results in the past. ESTJs prefer to follow methods that they have already found to be useful and effective. ESTJs are focused on efficiency, and exploring their curiosity is simply a divergence from being more efficient.
ISFJs are kind and compassionate people, and are extremely focused on the emotions of others. They are not usually curious people, and might be hesitant to try new things. ISFJs often prefer to follow methods that they know will work, and actually enjoy keeping things the way they are. ISFJs can become curious about their loved ones though, and want to know everything they can about them. ISFJs are people focused, which can cause their curious side to come out when they are interested in someone’s well-being.
ESFJESFJs are in between being curious, and being happy just where they are. They enjoy being able to explore their curious side, but often need to be inspired by someone else in order to do so. ESFJs often prefer following methods they know and understand, and feel happier inside of their comfort zone. They are very curious when it comes to people though, and enjoy learning about their loved ones. If the ESFJ cares for someone they often will do whatever it takes to make them happy, which includes a natural curiosity about that person and their desires.
ISTPs are generally curious about different subjects, and love learning new things. They can become intrigued by something exciting, since they do have an adventurous side. ISTPs rarely find themselves curious about the business of other people, and prefer to give others space and privacy. Their curiosity is often a very personal thing, and ISTPs will not be afraid to take advantage of it. They love seeking out new adventures and excitement, and will dive in headfirst to anything that makes them feel curious and intrigued.
ESTPs love seeking out new adventures, and because of this they are naturally curious people. They want to find things that ignite their passion and make them feel truly alive. ESTPs will become curious about new things, especially if they find them fun and interesting. They are also very curious about other people, and can be very nosy when it comes to the lives of their loved ones. ESTPs simply dislike being left in the dark, and would rather know than be caught blind. Their desire to be in the know is a big part of what makes ESTPs such curious people.
ISFPISFPs are generally curious people, and love seeking out new things. If someone draws the attention of the ISFP, they will have a hard time pulling themselves away from it. Whether it be a gorgeous sight in nature, or a person who catches their eye- ISFPs love to explore their curiosity. They enjoy things that make them feel alive, and because of this they are very curious people. ISFPs are kind and whimsical people, who absolutely love trying new things that excite and intrigue them.
ESFPs are extremely curious people, who absolutely love trying new things. They dislike staying stagnant for too long, and will seek out different adventures. When ESFPs see something that seems interesting to them, they will definitely dive into whatever it is. ESFPs are rarely afraid of trying new things, which often causes their curiosity to get them into trouble. They are definitely the type of people who find themselves getting caught up by their curious side, but they often prefer it that way.
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here. Sign up for less than $70/week.there are 2 types of curious people – which are you?
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A new study has revealed key differences in the reasons why different people seek new information.
While some people are more curious than others, we all have the drive to learn new things from time to time.
From looking up a new recipe online to asking a friend for a restaurant recommendation, seeking new information is something most of us do on a daily basis.
In some cases, the new information is necessary – we might need to learn how to unblock a sink or look after a plant when presented with a challenge or issue. But in some cases – such as when we look up a new recipe – this information is not necessary at all. So why do we seek these new ideas, experiences and ways of doing things?
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According to a new study, the reasons why we go about seeking this so-called ‘noninstrumental’ information varies from person to person.
In fact, the research – which was conducted by psychologists at the University of Melbourne – suggests there are two types of personalities when it comes to information seeking.
The first ‘type’ of curious person put forward by the researchers was someone who does so because they simply love to explore and learn new things. These types of people might enjoy taking part in quiz shows or reading books about random topics just for the sake of it and are likely to have personalities higher in traits associated with curiosity and openness.
The first type of curious person was someone who seeks new information for fun.The second curious personality type the researchers outlined was quite different. These people don’t seek information for enjoyment, but do so to reduce uncertainty – they’re driven by worry and a need to feel safe and informed, and are likely to have personalities higher in traits associated with anxiety, such as neuroticism.
For example, these people might look up the route to a destination numerous times before going there to make sure they don’t get lost, or research every symptom of a health condition to reassure themselves that they don’t have it.
To test their theory, the team conducted two online studies in which they rated participants on a number of different personality traits (openness, neuroticism, curiosity and uncertainty intolerance) and compared it to the way they approached a series of online games compiled of two routes – an exploration pathway, and a safety pathway.
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It mostly concluded what the researchers had suggested in the first place: those who ranked higher in openness and curiosity were more likely to follow the exploration pathway, while those who were higher in uncertainty intolerance (but not neuroticism, surprisingly) were more likely to take the safety pathway.
It’s an interesting way to look at how we navigate the world – and is a reminder of how fun it can be to simply seek out information for the sake of it, especially if you’re someone who usually seeks information as a way to calm your anxiety.
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Lauren Geall
As Stylist’s digital writer, Lauren Geall writes on topics including mental health, wellbeing and women’s issues. She’s also a big fan of houseplants and likes to dabble in film and TV from time-to-time. You can find her on Twitter at @laurenjanegeall.
Personality types | 16Personalities
Imaginative, strategic thinkers with a plan for all occasions.
Creative inventors, with a strong belief in the power of knowledge.
Brave, resourceful and strong-willed leaders who always find a way - or make a way.
Smart and curious thinkers who never turn down an intellectual challenge.
Quiet and mystical, but inspiring and relentless idealists.
Poetic, kind and altruistic personalities, always ready to stand up for a good cause.
Charismatic and inspiring leaders who captivate their listeners.
Enthusiasts, creative and sociable free minds who always find a reason to smile.
Practical and factual people whose reliability is unshakable.
Very responsible and kind protectors, always ready to protect their loved ones.
Excellent administrators, unsurpassed specialists in process and people management.
Extremely caring, sociable and popular people, always ready to help.
Brave and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of techniques and tools.
Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.
Smart, energetic and very receptive people who truly enjoy risk.
Spontaneous, energetic and tireless merry fellows - where they are, it's never boring.
Mediator Personality Type (ISFP)
The mediator man has many friends and acquaintances, and he understands people very well. It is difficult to hide from him whether he is a bad person or a good one, what state he is in.
Always ready to support the company, he is a master at telling compelling stories and is often the center of attention. Usually these are stories about some everyday events. As a rule, in these stories there are always people and a lot of visual, tactile and olfactory details. The narrative is dynamic, intriguing, exciting, accompanied by well-dosed, pleasant emotions.
A "mediator" likes not only to have fun, but also to eat delicious food, and often knows how to cook quite well himself. This is a hospitable person. If you are visiting him, he will be happy to treat you: "Help yourself, try it! It's just delicious!" Blurs with pleasure when the guests praise his treat. But as a rule, there is no arrogance and arrogance in his character. The "intermediary" knows how to be extremely appropriate in any company, always showing delicacy and unobtrusiveness.
It often happens that he amuses the whole company, maintaining an atmosphere of celebration and friendliness, but a little scandal started, something went wrong - you look, he is no longer there. Worldly wise, he always stands aloof from what he does not consider his own, from what is unpleasant to him, with quiet adherence to principles. But don't be fooled by his softness and pliability. At a critical moment, he will be able to fend for himself.
At the first meeting with a woman, the "Mediator" is charming. He jokes, flirts skillfully, knows how to quickly close the distance and move on to informal communication. Soft charm shines through in every movement.
Men "Mediators" are not indifferent to the female sex. It costs them nothing to win over any woman they like. The "Mediator" is courting beautifully, one might say, professionally, so few can resist his charm. If he is set on marriage, he will always find a suitable girlfriend for himself, and no matter how difficult her character may be, she will be able to get along well with her.
He likes the warmth of family relationships and home comfort. He loves to be served. At the same time, he automatically takes care of his loved ones, carefully monitors not only his health, but also that his family regularly goes to the doctor, is healthy, well-fed, and beautifully dressed.