Sick love quotes
Lovesick Sayings and Lovesick Quotes
Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old lovesick quotes, lovesick sayings, and lovesick proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.
Lovesick, bitter and hardened heart. Aching, waiting for life to start.Bil Keane
It is only love that has already fallen sick that is killed by absence.Diane de Poitiers
When love fills your life all limitations are gone. The medicine this sick world needs so badly is love.Peace Pilgrim
Breaking up is like having the worst nightmare after having the best dream.Anonymous
Tolerance is love sick with the sickness of haughtiness.Khalil Gibran
A love-sick heart dies when the heart is whole, for all the heart's health is to be sick with love.Anonymous![]()
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.Mother Teresa of Calcutta
All fancy-sick she is and pale of cheer, with sighs of love, that costs the fresh blood dear.William Shakespeare
Many men kill themselves for love, but many more women die of it.Helen Rowland
Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other.Judy Collins
No matter how lovesick a woman is, she shouldn't take the first pill that comes along!Joyce Brothers
A wolf is handsome in the eyes of a lovesick girl.Anonymous
The pain of love is the pain of being alive. It is a perpetual wound.Maureen Duffy
The fact that the word lovesick exists, that the simple absence of a person can make you feel physically ill, says a great deal about the terrible power of the human heart.Beau Taplin![]()
The lovesick, the betrayed, and the jealous all smell alike.Anonymous
The sad truth is so many people are in love and not together and so many people are together and not in love.Anonymous
Sometimes divulging your vulnerabilities without any kind of filter can make you more human, but then again, it can also provide material that can be used against you.Tonya Hurley
The folly of all follies is to be love sick for a shadow.Alfred Lord Tennyson
All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.Tahereh Mafi
Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better.William Shakespeare
This is what happened in love.Lorrie MooreOne of you cried a lot and then both of you grew sarcastic.
If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.Michael Jackson
I wished a companion to lie near me in the starlight, silent and not moving, but ever within touch. For there is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which, rightly understood, is solitude made perfect.Robert Louis Stevenson
Most relationships are troubled because of negative beliefs and decisions set up in the first seven years of life.Gill Edwards
Our relationships with others mirror our primary relationship with self and if we don't see ourselves as worthy of love, caring and attention, nor will those around us.Gill Edwards
It doesn't matter that you've broken your vow a thousand times, Still come, and yet again, come.Coleman Barks![]()
50 Get Well Soon Quotes to Tell Those You Love When They Fall Ill
These get well soon quotes will help you know what to say when someone you love is feeling sick.
It’s not fun for anyone when someone you love is feeling ill.
It is natural to be inclined to help them in whatever way you can.
Sometimes the best thing you can do to lift their spirits is to send a bouquet of beautiful flowers (and maybe a bowl of soup) with card and well wishes for a speedy recovery.
While you may have someone’s best wishes at heart, it can be hard to come up with the right words to express your feelings on paper.
Take a look at our list of get well soon quotes to find inspiration on what to tell those you love when they are feeling under the weather.
Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.
Our inspirational quotes category page has all of our motivational quotes for all the different areas of life.
1. “There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow” – Orison Swett Marden
2. “We’re sorry you’re feeling poorly, the (factory’s) empty of your laughter so get yourself well, cos we miss you, mate you’re a much sought after grafter.” – John Bratton
3. “I heard your’re feeling blue today and wanted you to know friends are all around you till the dark skies are to go when you’re down and want to smile but haven’t found the strength just open up this little card and feel the love I’ve sent.” – Unknown
4. “The treatment is really a cooperative of a trinity. the patient, the doctor and the inner doctor.” – Ralph Bircher
5. “This card is sent to cheer you as you’re confined to bed, I’m sure it’ll feel all worthwhile In the happier days ahead.” – John Walter Bratton
6. “Okay, so today you are feeling low. But soon you will be better you know. Listen to the doctors you meet and before you know it you’ll be back on your feet.” – C. Pulsifer
7. “If knowing that someone really cares, helps healing along its way then I hope you now feel better and keep improving, day by day.” – Jon Bratton
8. “There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.” – Orison Swett Marden
9. “The is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before.” – Henry David Thoreau
Humorous Get Well Soon Quotes10. “Get well cards have become so humorous that if you don’t get sick, you’re missing half the fun.” – Flip Wilson
11. “Health and good humor are to the human body like sunshine to vegetation.” – Jean Baptiste Massillon
12. “You have a cough? Go home tonight, eat a whole box of Ex-Lax – tomorrow you’ll be afraid to cough.” – Pearl Williams
13. “Happiness is your dentist telling you it won’t hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill.” – Johnny Carson
14. “If I had my way, I’d make health catching instead of disease.” – Robert Ingersoll
15. “A bad cold wouldn’t be so annoying if it weren’t for the advice of our friends.” – Kin Hubbard
Spiritual Get Well Soon Quotes16. “Heard you’re feeling not so good and need some cheering up, something that would brighten your day and says you’re valued much we pray that you will feel God’s love and know that He is near and that we all are thinking of you and want to show we care.” – M. S. Lowndes
17. “Thinking of you and praying for you for a fresh touch from the Lord, so you will get well and be strengthened again to be whole and completely restored. ” – M. S. Lowndes
18. “May God’s love overshadow you at this time you feel unwell and know we’re here thinking of you and praying for your good health.” – M. S. Lowndes
19. “I am praying that you have the strength and the peace to get you through your illness.” –Blake Flannery
20. “I just wanted to write you to encourage you to stay strong and to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.” – Blake Flannery
21. “Get well soon my dear, you’re the only one in my life may Lord be with you for the quick recovery.” – Jentrinda Banda
More Get Well Soon Quotes22. “I am sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you have a complete and quick recovery. ” –Blake Flannery
23. “Here’s us hoping avidly, your recovery will be trouble free and very soon we shall see you fit as fit can be.” – Jon Bratton
24. “I was starting to think that you were invincible. It’s good to know that you are human after all. I’m looking forward to you getting back to your invincible self. Get well soon, superman.” – Blake Flannery
25. “When I see the moon, I think of you. So, get well soon and you’ll be good as new.” – Ellice Booth
26. “Remember what I say, you’re getting better by the day.” – Unknown
27. “It’s nice to hear you’re doing well and convalescing fast, and here’s a wish that your good health will last and last and last.” – John Bratton
28. “If these flowers were wishes, then my wish for you is to get well soon.” – Unknown
29. “For life is not to live, but to be well.” – Unknown
30. “Wishing that each day brings your renewed strength, brighter times, and a healthier, happier you. Get well soon.” – Jahanzab Waheed
Cute & inspiring get well soon quotes for your loved ones
31. “I enjoy convalescence.
” – George Bernard Shaw It is the part that makes the illness worthwhile.
32. “The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.
” – Vladimir Lenin
33. “I reckon being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill and is not obliged to work till one is better.
” – Samuel Butler
34. “A Jewish woman had two chickens. One got sick, so the woman made chicken soup out of the other one to help the sick one get well.
” – Henry Youngman
35. “Throughout history, ‘tender loving care’ has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing.
” – Larry Dossey
36. “Know that healing can be yours with time, effort, and desire. Know you can laugh again, can enjoy life again.
” – Sally Peters Roll
37. “Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
” – Lord Byron
38. “
Healing yourself is connected with healing others.
” – Yoko Ono
39. “If these flowers were wishes, then my wish for you is to get well soon.
” – Nana
40. “Sometimes all we need is a little pampering to help us feel better.” – Charles M. Schulz
Get Well Soon To Help You Have Faith In Recovery
41. “The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” ― Voltaire
42. “There’s no better way to energize your body, mind, and spirit than by taking care of yourself.” ― Stephanie Tourles
43. “Each patient carries his own doctor inside him.” ― Norman Cousins
44. “We are not victims of aging, sickness and death.” ― Deepak Chopra
45. “Eventually, you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.” ― Gary Zukav
46. “Sickness is a sort of early old age; it teaches us a diffidence in our earthly state. ” ― Alexander Pope
47. “Some remedies are worse than the disease.” ― Publilius Syrus
48. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ― Jim Rohn
49. “You can’t have healing without sickness.” ― T. D. Jakes
50. “First thing about being a patient – you have to learn patience.” ― Oliver Sacks
Did these quotes inspire you what to write in a get well soon card?In the digital age, receiving a hand-written card is rare and unexpected.
The smile your card will bring to your loved one’s face when they read it can make all the difference when they’re feeling sick.
But even if cards aren’t your style, keep these quotes handy so that you know what to say when someone you love falls under the weather.
Whether you express your wishes in person, over the phone, through text, or in a card, they will appreciate your good thoughts.
Did you like these get well soon quotes?
Which quote did you like the best?
Let us know in the comment section below.
August 30, 2022 5:00 AM EST
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Quotes about unrequited love
Unhappy love is a terribly unpleasant thing, but worse is her fate, which divorces two people against their will.
It is strange that people attach so much importance to first love, because, if you look at it, the last one is much more important.
Love is the only unchanging myth that lives in our heart forever.
Men are different: one lacks the reciprocity of one woman and he seeks it from different ladies, while the other does not have enough life to love the very one. (Konstantin Khabensky)
Unhappy love is always supported by unjustified hopes and far-fetched illusions that feed the so-called torment.
I want to see you again in order to understand whether it will be pleasant for me again or not.
Love has one wonderful quality, it can make even the most vile and unpleasant weather good.
Better to die than live a long life without you.
I can’t stand her pathos and frivolity, how, after all, it’s good that she’s not mine ...
We are always trying to find out if what we feel today for our chosen ones is true love or not yet. So, if over time the soul still hurts the same, and it’s too late to change something, then it was real.
Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:
Perhaps love for a woman, like love for life, is rarely mutual.
The web of love is unimaginably strong, consisting of thin invisible threads-feelings.
Nothing ruins a relationship like breaking it down.
Love is like a flower - it needs time to bloom.
There is a bright shelter on earth. Love and loyalty live there. Everything that sometimes we only dream of - settled there forever!
It is sad and insulting when love unites two hearts, but they cannot be together, since one of the two is a fool.
The less people know about your relationship, the stronger it is!
Mother's love is the only love from which betrayal cannot be expected.
As long as we love, we can forgive
It is sad and insulting when love unites two hearts, but they cannot be together, since one of the two is a fool.
It's not love, it's a habit. And as they say, bad habits need to be abandoned.
Runaway love is not the end, because there is a possibility that she will return again.
For most people, the problem of love is to be loved, and not to love, to be able to love.
Loneliness is especially acute in winter, when it is really cold to be alone.
Do not confuse love and desire. Love is the sun, desire is the flash.
If in the absence of a person you are completely indifferent to him, and his presence intoxicates you with happiness, what is really happening?
I believe in you. You believe in me. Why don't you believe in us?
When you love someone, no one will force you to believe that the one you love can not love you.
Love is like a cat. She scratches us until we bleed, even if we just wanted to play with her.
Love is a disease with new symptoms every time.
The fire of love burns as long as there is an answer from the other side. I couldn't answer, start looking for an excuse.
Still, a wonderful thing is first love, especially if you manage to get rid of it in time.
Love without pain is not love.
Where there is no love, there is no soul.
At the last minute before the explosion, someone will fall in love and the world will be saved.
The richest in the world is the wind. People throw money at him, hopes, words, love.
Hold me tight, hold my world in your palm, don't let go...
Love has two barriers - circumstances and fears. We often lack the courage to step over the stones of the past, the doubts of the present.
Love is worthy only of that which, despite the distance, remains faithful to you.
It's hard when you put an end to a relationship, and someone very close draws two more.
It is unlikely that someone with even a minimal amount of pride will talk about their problems to the person who confessed his love to him.
Ideal love is dead, and worse than dead: out of fashion.
Humanly, we can sometimes love ten, lovingly - many - two. Inhumanly - always alone ... (Marina Tsvetaeva)
Yes, I believe in love at first sight. I realize this especially clearly when, leaving my car, I catch a huge number of loving female eyes, only looking not at me, but at my Bentley.
The man asked the sage: “Which woman is the most beautiful?”… He thought and answered: “Beloved”…
If anyone says that love and peace is a cliché that went away with the sixties, that will be their problem. Love and peace are eternal (John Lennon)
Unrequited love, like a barrier, prevents you from falling in love with a worthy person.
Relationships fail when a person is partly with another, and partly with someone else imaginary.
It is not difficult to kill love in yourself, it is difficult to kill memories.
Unrequited love is like living in a room among mirrors. These mirrors reflect not you yourself, but another person.
Love begins where nothing is expected in return.
You know, I love you, because I try to find an excuse even when there is no reason or sense to make excuses.
If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will get her no matter what.
The difference between love and friendship - for the latter there is no expiration date ...
A true king only needs one queen.
They didn't even live... They crept after each other, afraid to lose each other and get too close.
Everything returns ... and if you allow yourself to destroy love, it will destroy you yourself.
To live and not love is impossible, you need to live and love, but only carefully.
You can love without even getting reciprocity. It's much worse... a broken heart.
Love is not when he tells you: “I love you”, but when you just look at him and understand - he loves.
Love is a sweet trap that no one leaves without tears.
A huge amount of effort is invested in unrequited love. This amount is enough to rise to the height from which our object of adoration spits at us.
In love, as in nature, the first colds are the most sensitive.
Love is like a flower that at some point can be given only to one person.
In love, there is no word it seems - love either "is" or "is not."
Sometimes fatigue, doubt make you give up the search for love. And it remains only to wait for it to fall from the sky.
Sad statuses will not cause sympathy. They will only make you glad that you feel bad and hurt.
Sometimes it's better to love someone who will never be yours than someone who will never be loved or loved.
Love is fire: it does not shine - everything is dark, but it shines - so it is not surprising to burn.
Don't rush to get close, don't rush to fall in love, don't rush to reject, don't rush to leave. In a hurry, you can miss love, mistaking it for a random episode in your biography.
Unrequited love is like a fence that closes the horizon. Behind it you will not be able to see real feelings.
Nothing burns like you.
Blind love leads to the appearance of a blank wall of misunderstanding.
All love is happiness, even if it is not divided.
A man is cruel when he doesn't love anymore. Especially if he loves another.
It doesn't matter how many relationships were behind. After all, it is worth talking about love - and only one face appears before your eyes ... one memory.
There is no stronger love than between a fly and a spider. It's a shame she's unresponsive...
It makes no sense to look into the future, because I now live with you: seconds spent with you and hours without you ...
One outstanding person can completely kill the ability to become attached with his great love, responding to minor loves of people who are simpler. Remember, the art of parting frees not for, but only from.
If love doesn't make you cry, love.
If you confess your love, you will be unloved.
Looking for a man who will make my life easy? I'd rather have someone who makes her interesting.
The one who is to blame does not always ask for forgiveness. The one who values \u200b\u200bthe relationship asks for forgiveness.
Sometimes it seems that my fate is an eternally broken heart!.
It happens that love will lead you so far that you will not find a way back.
Yes, if our paths part on a rainy day, remember! I can never leave your heart. And you are mine. We are together forever.
Quotes about unrequited love. Sayings and aphorisms about unrequited love.
Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about unrequited love.
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There is nothing worse than unrequited love.
• Maxim Gorky
Unrequited love, Life, Love
Unrequited love does not humiliate a person, but elevates him.
• Alexander S. Pushkin
Unrequited love, love
How sorry that the
Your existence has not been for me
My existence for you.
• Joseph A. Brodsky
Unrequited love, Beautiful quotes, Relationships, Regret, Feelings
Do not laugh at the pain of unrequited love.
• Theodore Dreiser
Unrequited love, torment
Half, half a floodplain ...
Here is not a revision ...
There is no sad crime,
than love without love!
• Julia V. Drunina
Unrequited love, Life quotes, Love
Not through mutual love does the misfortune of unrequited love stop, but through great love.
• Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Unrequited love, Mutual love, Unhappiness
your unhappiness and love is powerless.
• Karl Marx
Unrequited love, Powerlessness, Reciprocity, Love, Unhappiness
Too frankly expressed love is rarely reciprocated.
• André Maurois
Unrequited love, Reciprocity, Love, Feelings
In silence it will become fruitful
• Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Unrequited love, Reciprocity, Life, Love
Of course, not all people will be happy in a hundred years. This doesn't happen. Resentments, and unrequited love, and quarrels, and even such feelings as envy, hatred and anger will remain. Not everyone can be kind. But if the society in which you live operates according to the rules of goodness, then your anger will remain your own business. Your stupidity is your trouble, your envy is your anxiety. We will become tolerant, and a sense of humor will be mandatory for everyone. Smile, doctors will say in a hundred years. Smile and you will feel better. This medicine will help better than any aspirin
• Kir Bulychev
Unrequited love, Life, People, Philosophy
All love is happiness, even if it is not shared.
• Ivan A. Bunin
Unrequited love, Love, Happiness
There is no miraculous, last love; so the closest to it is undivided, that is, not the same, but different on both sides.
• Zinaida N. Gippius
Unrequited love
I know so many smart, strong, hardworking people who have very difficult lives, who suffer from loneliness or suffer from unrequited love, who are confused, desiring this, they torture their loved ones and suffer themselves. That is, people who do not have an external enemy, but who live in a very difficult way. But they continue to live and continue to worry, wish for happiness, suffer, fall in love, be disappointed and again hope for something. These are the people I'm interested in. I'm probably like that myself.
• Evgeny V. Grishkovets
Unrequited love, experiences
and again the Big,
and shame, and child -year -olds:
You, Evil, Evil,
You proudly answer me: “No!”
• Nikolai S. Gumilyov
Unrequited love, Sad quotes, Adoration
“In this world there are big stars, seas and mountains,
0176 Here Beatrice loved Dante,
Here the Achaeans ravaged Troy!
If you don’t forget now
The girl with huge eyes,
The girl with skillful speeches,
The girl who doesn’t need you,
Then you don’t deserve to live. ”
• Nikolai S. Gumilyov
Unrequited love, Dignity, Beautiful quotes0176 and the sweetness of the hopeless to expect,
and the happiness of stupid fidelity to the unfortunate.
And, secretly stretching towards rebellion
against my icy soul,
entangled in half-love, I wander
with longing for unrequited love.
• Evgeny A. Evtushenko
Unrequited love, Beautiful quotes
know how to love when you are unloved.
• Evgeny A. Evtushenko
Unrequited love, happiness
Unrequited Love is terrible,
But those who are only an exchange, a fight,
Love are not ridiculous,
as a profile of the Sirano de Bergerak.
One of my businesslike tribesmen
said to his wife at the Sovremennik Theatre:
“Well, what did you find in your Cyrano?
What a fool! For example, I would never
suffer so much because of some woman . ..
I would find another - and that's it.
In the haunted eyes of his wife
, something widow-like peeped through.
From a pearl pearl - the seams were already cracking! -
deadly spiritual health.
Oh, how many of them, such healthy people,
suffering from the absence of suffering.
There are women for them: there is no beautiful lady.
• Evgeny A. Evtushenko
Unrequited love, Sad quotes, Fight
0176 for what is more accessible, simpler.
The inner scum
whispered to me more than once from the dirty subconscious darkness:
"Hey, brother, this is a complex material ..." -
and I cowardly slipped away into the simplicity of
and, perhaps, I lost the great opportunity
of unrequited love.
• Evgeny A. Evtushenko
Unrequited love, Sad quotes
In love you are either a knight, or
you do not love. There is an unshakable law:
in whom there is no gift of unrequited love,
in him there is no gift of God's love.
• Evgeny A. Evtushenko
Unrequited love, Sad quotes, Love, Knight
He who loves cannot call himself unhappy. Even unrequited love shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.
• James M. Barry
Unrequited love, Love
The strongest love is unrequited. I'd rather never know, but the truth is, there's nothing worse than loving someone who doesn't love you, and at the same time, nothing more beautiful than this has ever happened to me in my life. Loving someone who loves you is narcissism. Loving someone who doesn't love you - wow, that's love.
• Frederic Begbeder
Unrequited love, Love
Irresponsible love is a trick of the ego. If you love humanity, but cannot enter into the position of real cats and chickens, you love from your container. The responsibility of love is real understanding. This is when you managed to get out of the bag of your love and screw into the real world of love. If you're drugged, your beaming smile is nothing more than an advertisement for toothpaste. You need to get inside to see and love what is really there - that's what's beautiful. What you do after bed counts.
• Eric L. Bern
Unrequited love, Understanding, Advertising, Ego
Any dropper dreams of becoming an enema!
• Mikhail N. Zadornov
Unrequited love, Relationships
Unrequited love, the quiet ringing of the dawn,
Really paid for everything.
You don't take care of yourself, you give yourself,
So forever you are destined by fate.
Unrequited love, hopeless,
Like a roadless wilderness.
Hopeless love, unrequited,
And if it were yours, selfless.
Hopeless love - the sky on your shoulders,
Why did you take it full, what will you repay in return?
I don't know why there is light and fear in my heart,
And why an arrow flies, a golden mirage.
Unrequited love, hopeless,
And it would be your selfless.
• Rimma F. Kazakova
Unrequited love, Love
There is nothing worse than falling in love without reciprocity with your own wife.
• Gabriel Laub
Unrequited love, Marriage, Sarcastic quotes
• Gabriel G. Marquez
Unrequited love, Sad quotes, Longing
He tried to drown his old pain in other people's broken hearts.
• Gabriel G. Marquez
Unrequited love, pain
Well, if they speak without falsehood,
you are going further,
I see in your eyes
And by the evasive smile, -
I see, my friend, without mistake,
That there is no return to miracles.