Should i text my ex quiz
Should You Text Your Ex To See How They're Doing?
I understand your curiosity.
You are struggling after a breakup and wondering if your ex is too.
Now, before you pick up that phone to find out, let’s explore whether that’s a wise choice.
Should you text your ex after a breakup to see how they’re doing?
Well, you may want to first determine whether you really want to get your ex back or not.
Lucky for you, I’ve put together a special quiz that is designed to answer this very question.
It’s called the Ex Recovery Chances Quiz and it’s a free, two-minute quiz that will determine your chances of rekindling a relationship with your ex, so you don’t waste time.
Should You Text Your Ex After The Breakup Just To Check In?So, back to your question. You went through a breakup. You are heartbroken and devastated. It’s only natural that at some point you are going to wonder how your ex is coping. Should you reach out to your ex via text or a phone call to find out?
Well, the simple answer is no. You absolutely should not do it.
That means, no, don’t do it.
I will continue to repeat that.
No, do not do it!
But, why?
Why shouldn’t you reach out and just be a nice human being?
Well, there are two main reasons you should NOT contact your ex that I’ll discuss in more detail.
Reason #1: Your Ex Wins the BreakupQuite a few years ago, Jennifer Anniston made a movie called “The Breakup”.
The whole premise of this movie was designed around the concept of winning a breakup.
The basic plot of the movie consisted of a guy and a girl who breakup and both members then attempt to “win” the breakup.
Now, they often say that art imitates reality and I think that’s certainly the case in this movie.
But, how does one win a breakup?
Well, oftentimes you win a breakup by getting the other person to be extremely miserable without you or getting the other person to beg for you to come back.
Now, most of us like to think of an ex in a positive way.
But the truth is that no ex is exempt from the primal desire to win the breakup.
So, if you reach out to an ex to see how they are doing after your breakup, it could easily be misconstrued as misery.
Your ex will automatically think that you must be miserable without them. This will give your ex the advantage, because you are chasing them — thus, giving your ex a major point to win the breakup.
Reason #2: You’ll Likely Say the Wrong ThingNow the second reason you should not contact your ex to see how they’re doing is you will likely say the wrong thing.
Let’s be honest, your emotions after a breakup are still raw and close to the surface.
If you reach out to your ex too soon after your breakup, at some point it’s likely that you will say things like, “I love you” or “I miss you” or, my personal favorite, “why did we break up again?”.
This behavior can come across as “naggy” or what I like to call “GNATY”.
G.N.A.T. stands for “Going Nuts At Texting”.
If you go down this path, you will become as annoying as a gnat to your ex, so avoid this type of interaction at this early breakup stage at all costs.
What Should You Do?You are likely wondering, now that we’ve reviewed what you should NOT do, what SHOULD you do?
Well, if you are familiar with my website, podcast, or YouTube channel, you likely know that I’m a big proponent of the No Contact Rule.
I realized, though, that I have not gone into detail about why I believe this is one of the most effective strategies to implement after a breakup.
Now, the way I see it, the No Contact Rule has four primary functions:
- It Helps You to Play Hard to Get
- It Allows You to Rebuild Your Life
- It Gives You Clarity
- It Leads to Character Growth
Let’s take a moment and study each.
Function #1: It’s Helps You to Play Hard to GetDid you know that psychologists determined that playing hard to get works?
It’s true.
Ignoring your ex essentially causes a psychological consequence called “reactance”.
By taking away a behavioral freedom, like talking with you, you’re causing your ex to want that freedom back.
So, the No Contact Rule allows you to play hard to get and makes your ex to miss you a little more.
But, that’s not all it does.
In fact, most people misunderstand it and think that is all the No Contact Rule does, when in fact it does so much more.
On top of allowing you to play hard to get, it also allows you to rebuild your life.
I firmly believe that relationships are interconnected to all of the areas of our lives.
For instance, when you go through a breakup, you may feel really bad about yourself afterwards.
When you start to feel really bad about yourself, you may start to underperform at work.
When you start to underperform at work, you will likely lose your job.
Relationships have the power to create a positive or negative domino effect in our lives.
But the No Contact Rule allows you to dedicate time to the most important person in your life – YOU.
Instead of focusing so much of your time and attention on your ex, you get to focus your time on you and rebuilding the areas of your life that were lost during this breakup.
Inevitably, focusing on yourself and rebuilding the areas of your life that were destroyed during this breakup allows you to become more confident.
However, my most favorite thing about the No Contact Rule is, after you have gone through it completely, you gain clarity on your motives for wanting your ex back and are empowered to determine your next steps.
When you spend a prolonged period of time actively following the No Contact Rule and begin rebuilding your life independently, you will gain clarity on whether you only wanted your ex back in a moment of weakness or want them back for real.
In other words, you become empowered to make a decision about your future. Do you or do you not want your ex back?
The important word that I used above is “active”.
Following the No Contact Rule is an active process. It requires effort.
Effort to reign in your feelings. Effort to not contact your ex, even though you have a strong urge to do so. Effort to actively rebuild your life. But it is the effort – the active participation in the No Contact Rule – that makes all the difference for our clients, because the process rebuilds their confidence.
When you feel more confident, after focusing on yourself, you may even look at your ex and wonder why you ever wanted them back at all.
The No Contact Rule is in many ways the ultimate guide to helping you to gain clarity and determine if you want your ex back or not.
When Can I Contact My Ex?
I’m going to stop right here and answer the question that is likely rumbling through your mind. What is an acceptable amount of time that should pass before you contact your ex to see how they’re doing?
Well, if you haven’t already guessed, the only time I think it’s acceptable to contact them is – barring a few limited circumstances — after you complete the No Contact Rule without any hiccups.
Now, I will insert one interesting caveat into the equation. Before you contact an ex to see how they are doing, not only should you complete the No Contact Rule without any interruptions, but you should also have felt a meaningful change within yourself.
A meaningful change can be assessed through character growth. Yes, I said character growth.
Function #4: It Leads to Character GrowthNow, bear with me here. When a novelist is writing a book that they want to be successful, they must ensure that a character experiences growth throughout the story.
After all, stories are allegories for life. They are used to teach us something about the human condition.
An author will do this by creating a character who starts at point A, but desires to reach point B. Through a series of changes and challenges throughout the story, readers follow this character’s growth.
Now, writers do this by establishing the differences between want and need. For character growth to happen, a character must start out wanting something. But, perhaps, the journey helps them to realize what they want isn’t what they need.
You, my friend, can experience the same character growth through your No Contact Rule period. Now, what do I mean by that?
Well, we all start out wanting to get our exes back, even if the relationship wasn’t ideal.
The No Contact Rule helps you to experience this character growth when, like a character in a story, you recognize that what you want and what you need are two different things. In other words, you will survive either way.
Immediately after a breakup, most people think what they want and what they need are one and the same. You may think that you NEED your ex back.
The truth is, the trick to getting your ex back — if that’s what you truly want – is understanding, after the No Contact Rule ends, that it’s OK to want your ex back, but you don’t NEED to get them back.
Experiencing that paradigm shift and realizing you will survive regardless of the outcome makes you all the more powerful for when you are in contact with your ex. Your ex will sense that you are not hanging on their every word and your self-worth is no longer wrapped up in how they respond.
I often see female clients make the mistake of putting an ex on the “need” pedestal. They believe they “need” to get their ex back. Often, my job is to walk with them through this character growth journey, so clients can realize that what they want and what they need are two separate things.
Sure, it’s OK to want your ex back, but know you will be OK without them too. Following the No Contact Rule and arriving at that level of understanding makes you so much more powerful.
Is It Ok To Text My Ex? Quiz
When the relationship ends either of the party starts hating another. It is not easy to undergo through this brutal process, but sometimes you have a feeling for your ex, so take this quiz to know whether it is okay to text your ex or not. ------ ----- ---------- Is it ok to text my ex? During these times of instability, even your Netflix queue isn’t enough to divert you. You just miss hearing your telephone noise and picking it up to see that ~particular~ someone rising in to say hey. Now, the thought pops you harder: Wait, but truly, Is it ok to text my ex? Normally, your comfort answers that question for you – with a loud “no.” But, immediately and then, that breakup-fueled dream is too possible to ignore, and post-breakup behavior becomes less honest.

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Is It Ok To Text My Ex? Quiz
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Quiz Questions And Answers
Yes, many times.
Sometimes on his initiative, we use to talk with each other.
Yes, he confirmed his decision.
No, never he repelled his decision.
Maybe he feels so.
Yes, I am aware of this.
No, I do not think so.
Sometimes I feel for this.
Around 2 years.
Around 10 months.
Around 3 months.
No, not at all.
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Best Friends Quiz: 100 Questions to Test Your Bestie in 2022
When I was in high school, 'How well do you know me?' or ' Best Friend Test ' was all the rage. People could test their friends to see who actually knew them best. Of course, this was at the time when ' knowledge of ' was your friend just memorizing his favorite color, birthday, and favorite member of One Direction
But hey, it's had a value of , and that still has a value of today.
Want to test your friends how well they know you? Check out 100 questions below!
- Fact questions
- Favorites Questions
- Image questions
- Which questions do I prefer
- Relationship questions
- Have you ever… Questions
- What would you do if… Questions
- More ideas
Best Friends Quiz
Test your best friends for free! Grab the interactive Best Friend Quiz from AhaSlides template library 👇
get a free test
Best Friend Questions
If you're just looking for best friend quiz questions, we've got you covered. Check out 4 rounds of questions perfect for any best friend quiz.
Round 1: Best Friends Facts
- When is my birthday? 🎂
- How many brothers and sisters do I have? 👫
- What is my special talent? ✨
- What is my zodiac sign? ♓
- What do I mainly do in my spare time? 🏃♀️
- What do I dislike most about myself? 😔
- What is my daily routine? ⚽
- Who is my celebrity? ❤️
- What am I most afraid of? 😨
- Who is my worst enemy? 😡
Round #2 - Selected Best Friends
- What is my favorite place in the world? 🌎
- What is my favorite movie? 🎥
- Which Netflix series do I have? 📺
- What is my favorite food? 🍲
- What is my favorite genre of music? 🎼
- What is my favorite day of the week? 📅
- What is my favorite animal? 🐯
- What is my favorite topping for toast? 🍞
- What is my favorite piece of clothing? 👟
- What is my favorite possession? 📱

Round 3 - Pictures of Best Friends
(These questions are best for pictures)
- Which of these am I allergic to? 🤧
- Which one is my first Facebook image? 🖼️
- Which of these pictures looks like me in the morning? 🥱
- What pet have I always wanted? 🐈
- Which of these do I need most in the future?
- What is my favorite breed of dog? 🐶
- What is my worst habit? 👃
- Which one is my favorite group photo? 👪
- What is a scene from my favorite movie? 🎞️
- Which of these jobs is my dream job? 🤩
Round 4 - What do I prefer?
- Tea or coffee? ☕
- Chocolate or ice cream? 🍦
- Day or night? 🌙
- Go out or stay at home? 💃
- Summer or winter? ❄️
- Unsweetened or sweet? 🍩
- Pizza or hamburgers? 🍕
- Movies or music? 🎵
- Mountains or beach? ⛰️
- Early bird or owl? 🦉
These questions are in seconds. Sign up for AhaSlides for free to take the best friend quiz! 👇
More Q&A for Friends
Want to actually delve into your friendship? Here are a bunch more live Q&A questions that friends can ask each other.
You can even use the best friend quiz maker to turn them into quiz questions!
💑 Questions about relationships
The quality of relationships is determined by the people in them. Ask these questions to find out what your friends are really think about their relationship.
- When do you think it's time to break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend?
- What do you think is the difference between "good" and "bad" relationships?
- Do you think it matters if I met a person face to face before I met him?
- How to understand that your relationship is going somewhere?
- What questions do you ask your partner?
- In your opinion, how can I tell if my boyfriend or girlfriend is emotionally healthy?
- What is the best way to know if I am interested in someone?
- How do you deal with breakups?
- How would you describe an ideal relationship?
- How many partners do you think it is normal to have before marriage?
- How do you know that you are in love?
- What is the first thing you do on a first date?
- When do you receive your first gift from your partner?
- How many romantic anniversaries do you celebrate a year?
- Where is the best place to take your partner on your first vacation together?
- Are you satisfied with the intimacy you share with your partner?
- How much do you enjoy spending time with your partner's family?
- How do you and your partner most often show love for each other?
- Have you or your partner changed anything for each other?
- What do you think is the best way to apologize to your partner?
🤔 Have you ever… Questions
We all need a little more fuel to play Never would I ever . These questions will help you learn about your friend's past experiences.
Have you ever…
- Lost your job?
- Was fired?
- Was in a car accident?
- Traveled to another country?
- Have you been to an amusement park?
- Have you been to a concert?
- Had a very bad dream?
- Was in a fistfight?
- Have you seen a UFO?
- Have you been to the Renaissance Fair?
- Quarreled with parents?
- Did you break something on purpose?
- Wrote a love note?
- Was on the verge of death?
- Was your phone stolen?
- Did you ride a horse?
- Fell in love with a teacher?
- Have you seen a tornado?
- Tried to lose weight?
- Got into a fight with a bear?
What would you do if... Questions
People behave differently in different scenarios, so who knows what your friend does when he orders pizza? Better ask these questions!
What would you do if…
- Did you win $50,000?
- You woke up the President of the United States?
- Were you a child again?
- Every time you ordered a pizza, did someone shout "cheese" to you?
- Are you traveling to another country for the first time?
- Were you a character in a fairy tale?
- What would you do if there were no law enforcement?
- You were in charge of the police department?
- Was your friend kidnapped?
- Have you been asked to kill someone?
- Did you find the body?
- Did you know that everything in the world will end tomorrow?
- Did the government take half of your money?
- Were you a dog?
- Are you stranded on a desert island?
- Did the electricity go out in your house?
- Have you been transported to the Middle Ages?
- Did you find out that your best friend is dating your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend?
- Do you have a $100,000 scholarship to study at the worst university in the world?
- Were you a child in the 80s?
💡 Get more questions like this on the parade!
4 more ideas for best friend quiz
Best friend quiz game not always should be about scores and leaderboards. There are so many ways to ask questions that really reveal what your friends think of you .
Try some of these ideas!
# 1 - One word description
Ever wondered how your friends would describe you in one word? And a living word cloud can do it!
Just ask your friends a question and then let them submit their one word answers. When they are ready, the most popular answer will be displayed at the largest scale in the center, and all others will become smaller the smaller they are submitted.
My friends seem to think I'm funny, kind and sweet (and also stupid 😲)
# 2 - Rate me!
We understand that you are a complex person, friends cannot be expected to sum you up in one word, of course?
Well, with scale slide , they don't have to! Zoom slides allow your friends to rate you on different criteria from 1 to 10.
I need to improve my Fortnite skills 🤔
#3 - Our Memories
Give your friends the opportunity to pour their hearts out over your memories together.
An open slide allows your friends to print whatever they want as an answer to your open question. In addition, they can write their name and choose an avatar so you know exactly who is writing what.
# 4 - Ask me anything!
We all love AMAs (Ask Me Anything) - they're great for finding out more about your favorite celebrities and also for letting your friends know a little more about you. Give them the opportunity to ask with live questions and answers.
Using their phones, your friends can send you questions from anywhere with an Internet connection. You can answer them any way you like, pin them for later, mark them as answered, and if you have about 3,000 friends competing for the best friend spot, you can keep the thread of questions super-organized.
Ask the right questions
It's not always easy to know who your best friend is. The right questions can help, and we hope the 100 questions above will help you find yours!
If you're looking for an online best friend quiz maker, try AgaSlides. With this online tool, you can host free quizzes with up to 8 people and purchase more open plans at the best price in the market.
Image courtesy of the BBC
?How do I create a custom game quiz in PowerPoint?
Answering quiz questions is always fun! You see the cells with the names of the categories and the cost of the questions, and you inevitably feel nostalgia. I remember home evenings in front of the TV, when we puzzled over the next question with the players.
Thanks to modern technologies, you can literally create a quiz like "Your game" in 10-20 minutes and play it with your friends. In this article, we will show you how to make such a quiz in PowerPoint. Start thinking of questions!
In addition, you will receive detailed step-by-step instructions for creating a quiz from scratch and a free PPT quiz template.
So let's get started!
Step 1: Create the playing field
- Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation.
- On the Design tab, select and apply the theme you like.
- Create a new slide and add a table to it ( Insert → Table ).
- Create a table with five columns and five rows.
- Enlarge the table to fit the entire slide and fill in the cells.
- Change the color of the game board to look even more like the original Custom Game board. To do this, select the table and click Shading on the toolbar in the Table Styles section.
When you've completed all the steps, the game board will look something like this:
A hyperlink is inserted into each cell that leads to the corresponding question.
Understanding Slide Layouts
Each slide in PowerPoint has its own layout. For example, Title slide or Title and object.
You can select the desired layout by right-clicking on the slide thumbnail on the left side of the screen.
You can also edit and create new slide layouts using the Slide Master tool.
Working with layouts and using the Slide Master mode is very important when creating a quiz like this, because it consists of a large number of similar slides.
Basically you will have two types of slides:
- Question slide. It will contain the text of the question and the Find out the answer button to check the correctness of the player's answer.
- Slide with correct answer. It will contain the answer to the question and the Home button leading back to the playing field.
If you make any changes through the Slide Master, they will be automatically applied to all slides of that type in the presentation.
For example, you can change the background color, text position, or font size, then switch to normal view and see that all changes have been applied.
Step 2: Create Q&A Slide Layouts
The layouts described below are already included in our quiz template.
If you want to create your own layouts, follow these steps:
- Click the View tab and select Slide Master.
- Click Insert Layout.
- Right click on the layout and click Rename.
- Add a button to the slide. Go to the Insert tab, click Shapes and select Control Buttons from the dropdown list. Select a custom action button and add it to your slide.
- In Action setting select Go to hyperlink: next slide and click OK.
- Right-click on the button, click Change text and write the word "Answer" (or "Find out the answer" - as you like).
- Similar to the question slide, create an answer slide. Right-click on the left panel with slide masters and click Insert Layout. Name the new layout "Correct Answer".
- Add a Home button and insert a hyperlink that will take you to the slide with the game board. In our case, this is Slide 2.
- Exit the Slide Master view by clicking the Close Master View button on the top toolbar, or go to the View tab and select Normal View .
Step 3: Add Slides and Place Links on the Game Board
Now we have the title slide and the game board slide. In addition, we made slide layouts for questions and answers.
- Create the third slide. Right-click and select the previously created Question layout.
- Create the fourth slide. Right-click and select the previously created layout Correct Answer. You should end up like this:
- You have a question and answer pair. Duplicate slides 3 and 4 as many times as there are active cells on the playing field. In our example, the field consists of 20 cells. The total number of slides together with the first two will be 42.
Note: We recommend that on the slides with questions, instead of the questions themselves, first write a draft designation (for example, Category 1, Question for 200). So it will be easier for you to arrange hyperlinks.
Connect the cells of the playing field with the corresponding slides:
- Select the numbers in the cell of the playing field, right-click and select Hyperlink (or press Ctrl+K).
- In the window that opens, in the left pane, select Place in the document and select the desired slide (for example, Category 1, Question 200).
- Click OK to insert the hyperlink.
Restricting navigation
Switch to the Navigation tab. Select all slides except the first one and uncheck Change slide: on click. This will provide navigation through hyperlinks and buttons in your game instead of moving to the next slide on a mouse click.
Step 4: Add Interactive Questions
You can add audio, video, and PowerPoint animations and slide transitions to the quiz. You can use any effects you like to make the game more fun.
Adding images to questions
Simply drag and drop any image into the presentation from a folder on your computer. It is best to use PNG images with a transparent background.
Alternatively, go to the Insert tab, click Pictures (or Pictures from the Internet) to add an image to complement the question (or to puzzle participants).
You can add different effects such as shadow, reflection or highlight. Select the Format tab and click Format Picture. You can add animation if you want.
Correct answer: He feels out of sorts
Loading music and setting up autoplay
Drag an audio file onto the slide or click Insert → Audio .
Click on the audio file icon and go to the Playback tab. Set Start: Automatic.
We recommend using audio files of 15 seconds or less. By the way, is a great site where you can download music legally and for free.
Correct answer: Nightingale
Adding video questions
Drag the video onto the question slide or go to the Insert tab and click Video.
Similar to an audio file, go to the Playback tab and set Start: Automatic.
Subtitles will help make this question more understandable to all participants. Just add a text box below the video and paste your question text. In this video question for the text, we used the animation Appear with a delay of 9seconds. Thus, the text appears after the player has time to understand the meaning of the video.
Correct Answer: Italian
Other Improvements
Here are a few tips to further improve your game:
- Add transition effects to question slides (Fade in or Zoom in) using the Slide Master mode.
- Add a Flip effect to your answer slides to make them look like you're flipping a card.
- Add triggers to hide the answered question cells (you'll see them in the sample presentation that accompanies this article. They won't be visible in the HTML5 web presentation).
- Add audio triggers to question slides. For example, the sounds of victory or defeat. Use these sounds during the game to make it more fun.
- Add the second round of the quiz and the final and insert links to them on the slide with the first round's playing field.
Test the resulting game
Make sure all links and effects work correctly. Run the presentation by pressing F5 (P Slide Show → From Start ) and view the entire game. Check every hyperlink on the playing field and make sure they lead to the right questions.
Publish your game to the Internet
With iSpring Converter Pro, you can publish your quiz to the Internet in just one click as a web file, as in this article.
And if you want to share the game via a link or embed the code on your blog or website (as in this article), it's very convenient to use the iSpring Cloud service. Your quiz will be viewable on any device, even if recipients don't have PowerPoint.
Don't forget to test it after it's published.
Play your game
Now for the fun part! Once you've created a game and posted it online, it's time to invite your friends and play! You will need two or more players, a piece of paper and a pencil to write down the score.
Start the game and become its leader. In the original TV version of this game, the contestants press the big button to answer. Since we are not in the studio, the contestants can just clap their hands.
The rules of the game are simple:
- The first player chooses the category and difficulty of the question. For example, US Presidents, 300.
- The moderator clicks on the selected cell of the playing field and reads the question aloud. For example: "Teddy bear was invented after this American president refused to shoot a bear tied to a tree while hunting."
- After the facilitator has read the question, any of the participants may clap their hands to answer. For example, assume that it was Theodore Roosevelt.
- If the answer is correct, the player receives the number of points due for that question and can choose the next one.
- If the answer is incorrect, the player receives penalty points, while the other player can try to answer the question.
- After all the questions on the playing field have been answered, the scoring begins. The player with the most points wins.
Learn more