How does ptsd affect work
How PTSD is Affecting Return to Work
Timely and effective return-to-work is the goal of all workers’ comp professionals. Yet, despite the growing concern of post-traumatic stress disorder in the industry, too many injured employees at risk for PTSD are not being properly assessed for the disorder. This can have a significant impact on delayed RTW, as Genex’s Mariellen Blue tells us in today’s Inside Workers’ Comp. In this podcast, she offers suggestions on how to spot PTSD in injured employees and give them the help they need to return to function.
Tom Kerr (TK): PTSD is a medical term that has entered the mainstream vernacular as mass shootings and other catastrophic events dominate our news feeds. What many may not realize, however, is trauma associated with workplace injury can also have a strong impact on injured employees and delay return to work. Mariellen Blue, Genex national director of case management services, joins us to talk more about this issue in today’s Inside Workers’ Comp.
Mariellen, welcome to the podcast.
Mariellen Blue (MB): Thank you, Tom.
TK: Mariellen, can you start by helping us better understand what PTSD is and why it’s sometimes an issue in workers' comp?
MB: Post‑traumatic stress disorder, also referred to as PTSD, is really a mental health condition that can develop when a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, terrorist attack — things that are very common, unfortunately, today — mass shootings, war combat, rape, or other types of really violent personal assault. And these symptoms that can occur include things like flashbacks, severe anxiety, nightmares, and even uncontrollable thoughts about the specific traumatic event that can last long after the event is really over.
PTSD was first referred to as shellshock or combat fatigue during World Wars I and II, and we really started to use the term post‑traumatic stress disorder in the 1970s, really in large part due to the diagnosis of US military veterans during the Vietnam War. It was officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association in 1980. According to the National Center for PTSD, seven to eight percent of the US population will suffer from PTSD during their lifetime. It affects 5.2 million American adults each year, and women are twice as likely as men to have PTSD.
So, looking at the workplace today, there are violent situations in the workplace, there are individuals that are exposed to catastrophic events, and PTSD, unfortunately, is a disorder that can go along with these types of events.
TK: Are PTSD factors something case managers always look for following a catastrophic event, or is it more of a case‑by‑case basis?
MB: Most people who experience or witness a traumatic or catastrophic event will have some degree of difficulty coping, as well as experience feelings such as shock, denial, fear, nervousness, anger, hopelessness, and even guilt. These are really common symptoms which typically will get better with time, but unfortunately for individuals with PTSD, these feelings don't get better, and even become worse, typically lasting for months or even years.
And these interfere with their ability to perform their normal day‑to‑day activities, including functioning in relationships and work. And it's really important for case managers to always be alert for signs of PTSD in cases that they manage, because the symptoms of PTSD most often begin within three months of the traumatic event, but may not appear until years after the event.
Once the symptoms develop, evaluation by a mental health professional and treatment is really critical to reduce the symptoms and improve functioning. Case managers are in a really unique position to recognize risk factors and symptoms of PTSD in the individuals that they're working with and to assist them with getting the right diagnosis and the proper treatment.
TK: What are some symptoms of PTSD to be aware of after a catastrophic incident?
MB: Symptoms of PTSD are typically grouped into four categories; these include intrusive memories, avoidance, hyperarousal, and negative alterations in cognition and mood. I'll just give you a little more background about each of those.
The first is intrusive memories and this really refers to the individual reliving or re‑experiencing the tragic event through involuntary memories, hallucinations, nightmares, and flashbacks. They might also experience severe physical and emotional distress when they're exposed to triggers that remind them of that traumatic event. For example, the anniversary of the event, passing the site of the event, and even things such as sights, sounds, or smells that were associated with that particular event.
The next is avoidance. Avoidance is characterized by the person avoiding people, places, situations, or activities that remind them of the traumatic event. They try to avoid remembering or thinking about the trauma they experienced. They resist talking about it to others. This often leads them to feelings of isolation, detachment from family and friends, as well as a lack of interest in all the people, places, and activities they used to enjoy prior to the event.
Next is hyperarousal and this refers to changes in that person's physical and emotional reactions that result in their body being in almost a constant state of high alert when they're thinking about the trauma even though they're not currently in any type of danger. Symptoms of hyperarousal can include things such as chronic anxiety, being easily startled or frightened, difficulty concentrating and sleeping, irritability, angry outbursts, aggressive behavior, panic attacks, and even self‑destructive behavior such as excessive drinking, drugs, and reckless driving.
The last category is negative alterations in cognition and mood and this is really manifested through ongoing negative thoughts and feelings about themselves and others related to blame, fear, even horror, anger, guilt, and detachment from others and ongoing memories of the trauma that they experienced.
TK: How do case managers help target those at risk of PTSD?
MB: When a case manager's working with an individual who's lived through a traumatic event, it's really important to remember that not everyone is going to develop PTSD. Most individuals are going to recover. They're not going to need any intense intervention.
While many people who are exposed to a traumatic event are going to experience symptoms that could be associated with PTSD such as what I just mentioned, intrusive thoughts, avoidance, hyperarousal, and negative thoughts and feelings, for symptoms to be considered PTSD they must last more than a month and be severe enough to interfere with functioning in relationships or work.
According to the Institute of Mental Health, there are many factors that play a role in whether a person will develop PTSD. These include both risk factors that make a person more likely to develop PTSD as well as resilience factors that can help reduce the risk of developing the disorder. Some of these risk and resilience factors are present before the trauma in the individual and others become important during and after a traumatic event occurs.
Some of the risk factors for PTSD that could assist a case manager in identifying their patients that might be most at risk would be:
- Having a history of living through dangerous events and traumas
- Getting hurt during a traumatic event
- Seeing other people hurt or killed during the event
- Having a job that increases the risk of being exposed to traumatic events — this is particularly evident in military personnel and first responders
- Having history of childhood trauma or abuse
- Experiencing feelings of horror, helplessness, or extreme fear above and beyond what you might normally expect
- Lacking a good support system of family and friends
- Dealing with the extra stress after the event such as a loss of a loved one, pain, injury, loss of home, or loss of job
- Having a personal or family history of mental health issues including anxiety and depression, or a history of substance abuse such as excessive drinking or drug use.
Some of the resilience factors that might help reduce the risk of PTSD include:
- Seeking support from other people such as their family and friends
- Engaging in support groups after the traumatic event
- Learning to feel good about their own actions in the face of danger
- Having a coping strategy or way of getting through the bad event and learning from it
- Being able to act and respond effectively despite feeling afraid
TK: So, if PTSD is evident, what's the protocol to helping the injured worker get the treatment he or she needs?
MB: It's really critical that case managers working with individuals who have experienced or witnessed a catastrophic or traumatic event be educated in risk factors, symptoms, and treatment of post‑traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is not diagnosed, as I mentioned before, until at least one month has passed since the time a traumatic event occurred.
If symptoms of PTSD are present, the treating physician is going to typically perform a complete medical history and physical exam to rule out any physical causes that could be causing the problems. Once a physical cause for the symptoms is ruled out, the patient is typically evaluated by a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or other mental health care professional who can diagnose PTSD and assist in developing an individualized treatment plan for that person.
The goal of treatment for PTSD is to reduce the physical and emotional symptoms, improve daily functioning, and help that individual better cope with the traumatic event that triggered the disorder. The main treatments for PTSD include psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy, medications such as antidepressants, or a combination of both.
It's important to remember that everyone is different and PTSD affects people differently, so a treatment plan that works for one person may not work for everybody. The case manager can work with the patient and their mental health care professional to find and coordinate the best treatment for their symptoms as well as provide that ongoing education and support to that individual.
TK: How does PTSD affect return to work and activities of daily living?
MB: According to the American Psychologic Society, the symptoms of PTSD cause significant distress for the individual, which could impact their social and occupational participation to a degree that is clinically significant. Difficulties are frequently seen in the person's ability to engage in their selfcare and home care activities, education and work roles as well as any of their usual social and leisure activities.
For them, doing normal, ordinary tasks can become quite overwhelming, and the ability to develop and maintain relationships is often negatively impacted and there's also an increased risk of self‑injury behaviors, again, such as substance abuse, self‑mutilation, and even a high risk of suicide.
Because one of the primary symptoms of PTSD is avoidance of places and situations associated with the traumatic event, for employees who experienced or witnessed a catastrophic injury or event at work, they can have an extremely difficult time returning to work.
Unfortunately, research has shown that employees who are unable to return to work also experience more persistent PTSD symptoms. Without clear strategies in place to assist in developing and facilitating a successful return-to-work plan, that individual can remain in a cycle where their PTSD symptoms are preventing them from returning to work, but their absence from work is negatively impacting their ability to overcome the PTSD symptoms.
Now, symptoms of PTSD can interfere with the individual's ability to work in numerous ways. These include memory problems, lack of concentration, poor relationships with coworkers, trouble staying awake, fear, anxiety, panic attacks, emotional outbursts while at work, flashbacks, and absenteeism.
TK: What are some effective strategies to reintegrate the worker with PTSD back to the workplace?
MB: One of the most important strategies that a case manager can implement is really making the patient feel comfortable in discussing what their fears and concerns are relative to returning to work. This is particularly evident if the injury or the traumatic event occurred at that particular workplace.
Once an employee has been released to safely return to work by their treating physician, the case manager can assist in helping both the employee and employer through the process including discussion of any workplace accommodations that might be needed. For the returning employee, the experiencing of symptoms related to PTSD might be unavoidable, but there are actions and safeguards that can be taken to avoid exacerbating the symptoms.
Workplace accommodations can help the individual with PTSD better manage any physical, cognitive, or emotional limitations. It's important for the case manager to allow the injured employee to feel comfortable talking about any fears or concerns that they have with returning to work.
Some strategies that might be able to be used initially are enabling them to go back to work on a part‑time basis, even having visits to the workplace in advance of an actual return to work. In terms of workplace accommodations, each person will have specific needs, and you really have to look at accommodations based on that individual.
- Providing instructions or job related responsibilities in writing as well as verbal instructions
- Offering additional training or refreshers to assist that individual with some of the memory difficulties
- Allowing workers to maintain more flexible schedules and being able to take time off for any treatment or appointments that they have to attend
- Permitting time to complete non-urgent tasks
- Letting employees wear noise canceling headphones to reduce distractions while they're working
- Increasing the amount of light in the work environment to help maintain alertness and help them improve concentration
- Removing any emotional triggers that remind the employee of the trauma that are upsetting (when possible)
- Making sure parking areas are well lit or that security personnel is available to accompany them when walking to a car or unsafe locations in the dark
Again, these are just some examples but it's really working with what are the things that are most concerning to that individual — what are their triggers, and what can be done at the workplace to assist them in their coping mechanisms.
TK: With PTSD becoming more recognized, is there still a stigma associated with it?
MB: Yes, unfortunately, there is a stigma with PTSD, and the best way I can describe it is that people tend to fear what they don't understand. And educating employees about PTSD is another strategy that can be used in the workplace.
So, again, it's facilitating a work environment of understanding what that individual is going through and trying to help the other employees cope in addition to that particular employee.
TK: How can listeners find out more on PTSD?
MB: There are resources that can assist with understanding and education related to PTSD, which include the National Center for PTSD, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the US Department of Veterans Affairs.
These can be significant resources not only for the patient who is suffering from PTSD, but to others who are interested in more information as well as case managers who are working with these individuals.
Why Is PTSD Affecting My Job?
Recovering from a car accident isn’t just about healing from physical injuries. In the wake of a traumatic crash or the death of a loved one, people are listless, depressed, or have a hard time focusing. In a perfect world, they’d be afforded all the time they need to recover emotionally and psychologically.
But this is not a perfect world.
People with PTSD often have a hard time holding down a job. Perhaps there are triggers all over the office, or maybe their brains associate work with the accident. In many cases, it’s simply a matter of work being too mentally demanding for an injured brain. Accident survivors may be suffering from the stresses of financial uncertainty long after the incident, which is its own form of trauma. That’s why it’s vital for accident victims to get all of the resources they need to recover—not just medical bills. Read below to learn how PTSD negatively affects your work life in specific ways.
Impact on Mental Capacity
Typically, someone dealing with PTSD will encounter three different symptoms that sap their mental capacity.
These include the following:
- Reliving the traumatic events in their heads.
- Displaying avoidance tendencies, which manifests as dissociation or disconnecting from everyday life.
- Displaying arousal tendencies in order to heighten their awareness and/or vigilance to avoid triggers—it is natural for the body to respond with anxiety if they are having intrusive thoughts or feelings about the event happening again.
- Reliving the incident may be triggered by a loud crashing noise or a horn that sounds like a vehicle honking. Noises that the brain associated with the original trauma are typically where triggers are formed.
How PTSD Affects Physical Capabilities
For some, PTSD could cause a person to freeze up from anxiety, almost as if they are frozen in time. This is similar to dissociation, in which the individual feels out of their own body—in essence forcing them to stop conversing or even moving during the moment of fear.
Typically, the effects of PTSD are primarily mental; however, there are physical symptoms that can arise from post-traumatic stress. For instance, when someone is dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression, they may experience dizziness, headaches, or even fainting. Although there is no research that proves PTSD is linked to poor physical health, cases show that those who report PTSD symptoms are more likely to have a greater number of physical health issues than those who don’t.
Here’s what we mean:
Say you were injured as a result of a crash where another driver ran a red light. The moment prior to the crash, all you heard was a horn, felt a loud collision, and saw glass flying around you. While trying to work months later, someone near you drops a piece of glass. You hear the bang and the shatter, bringing memories of the crash back. In that moment, the anxiety could cause a survivor to stand still in a daze.
In jobs that require consistent focus (especially jobs that are physically demanding or risky), PTSD might prevent a person from making a living.
Some examples of problems associated with the workplace for those who have PTSD are:
- Memory problems
- Lack of concentration
- Difficulty retaining information
- Panic attacks
- Trouble staying awake
- Unreasonable reactions when triggered
- Feeling of fear or anxiety
Unfortunately, going back to work may be a path to normalcy for many accident victims, but it’s not always a possibility. There are many instances where a victim of an accident simply can’t overcome the symptoms of PTSD in order to work. It’s not impossible, though, and healing will take time, but it is something that you can do with the right help and support.
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how to get, why you need it, the procedure for issuing and making changes
Dmitry Sergeev
auto expert
Author profile
In Russia, for each car registered with the traffic police, a vehicle passport is issued - PTS.
Previously, it could only be issued on paper. But now the situation has changed: at the time of writing, almost four million cars in Russia already have an electronic vehicle passport (EPTS).
EPTS has both advantages and disadvantages. We will tell you whether it is necessary to issue an electronic passport and how to properly sell and buy a car with EPTS.
Why do you need a vehicle passport
According to the PTS law, this is one of the main documents that identifies a vehicle. You can confuse two cars of the same brand, color and year of manufacture, but the PTS will have all the signs that allow you to distinguish one car from another.
paras. 1 p. 1 art. 14 Federal Law "On state registration of vehicles"
The functions of the PTS are similar to the passport of a Russian citizen. But if a citizen's passport contains data about himself, then data about the car is entered in the PTS: its technical characteristics, numbers of main units, about all owners, as well as registration and deregistration in the traffic police.
You can also enter additional information about the car into the PTS, for example, that gas equipment was installed on it, that a recycling fee was paid for the car, and much more.
But what kind of PTS a car has does not affect anything: it is information certified and confirmed by the state about the unique features of a particular vehicle.
Also, the Title without a sales contract still does not confirm the ownership of the car. It arises at the moment of signing the contract of sale. After registering with the traffic police, the owner of the car receives a vehicle registration certificate (STS) in his hands - this is still a paper document.
An amazing story 05/11/17
Ownership of a car does not depend on registration with the traffic police
What is an electronic PTS
Until 2015, PTSs were exclusively paper and were issued only by the traffic police. The procedure for issuing and replacing was regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2019 No. 267 "On approval of forms of documents identifying a vehicle and requirements for them."
This document is still valid, but only for paper PTS. They can still be obtained, replaced, and modified. The traffic police has the right to issue paper titles until their forms run out. But from 2025, there will no longer be an opportunity to get a paper TCP.
The idea to replace paper PTS with electronic ones appeared in 2015. And the task was not only to simplify the life of car owners. It was important that a unified procedure for issuing electronic passports work throughout the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) - in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
The procedure for the operation of electronic vehicle passport systems
It was assumed that electronic Title Deeds for all new cars would begin to be issued in 2017, but the deadlines were postponed several times. All deferrals ended November 2, 2020: for all cars manufactured after November 2, 2020, an electronic TCP is issued without fail, but it is impossible to issue a paper one. For cars manufactured before this date, it is still possible to apply for a paper passport at the traffic police.
In Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the period for the mandatory transition to the EPTS was extended until December 31, 2021 - until this date it is still possible to issue a paper TCP according to the rules and forms established in these states.
Should I buy a used hybrid car? And this will have to be done according to the same rules. At the same time, each state can independently determine the operator - the organization responsible for issuing EPTS. In Russia, this is Electronic Passport OJSC.
Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated September 18.2014 No. 59PDF, 197 KB
Where and how can I apply for an EPTS
It is impossible to make changes to an existing EPTS or get a new one in the traffic police. The state does not provide services for issuing EPTS. The document cannot be issued through the public services website, you cannot apply for registration, you cannot get a discount for registration: the service will cost 600 rubles in any case.
And even the operator of electronic passports does not issue EPTS. JSC "Electronic Passport" simply ensures the maintenance of the register, which is available to organizations and individuals. But everyone who gets such access has clearly defined powers.
PTS in the form of an A4 paper sheet appeared in 1993, and since then the amount of information entered into them has constantly increased. VIN, information on the payment of a recycling fee, information on the installation of additional equipment, such as a gas cylinder, on a change of ownership, and much more were entered on a paper form. And when the place on the form ran out, they transferred it to a new one. But the amount of information about the car that needs to be taken into account is growing all the time, and the free space on the form is not infinite.
Another problem with the paper form is that you can only make changes to it at the traffic police. And they also need to be certified with the seal and signature of the responsible employee. For this, the owner of the car has to personally visit the traffic police department. Electronic registration for an appointment solves many problems. But in many cities, the reception time is scheduled a month in advance.
Therefore, it was decided to abandon the paper form, and in general from registration of the TCP as a public service.
Electronic passports can be issued by a manufacturing organization - in relation to vehicles manufactured by this organization. Or maybe an authorized body or organization.
Clause 5 of the Procedure for the Operation of EPTS Systems
A manufacturer can issue an EPTS for cars that it produces itself from the date the electronic passports are used. The manufacturer cannot issue an EPTS for an older car. It works like this: you can buy a new Lada 2021 at a car dealership, an electronic passport for which the car factory issued. But at the same time, it is useless to apply to the plant with a request to issue an EPTS for a 2013 car.
But such an electronic passport can be issued by an authorized organization. The list is approved by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and posted on its website.
List of authorized bodies (organizations) and manufacturing organizations issuing EPTSPDF, 414 KB
In general, the process of obtaining EPTS depends on how and from whom the car was bought and whether a paper title was previously issued for it.
If a new Russian-made car is bought at a car dealership, the car factory has already produced EPTS for it. Such a car has never had a paper title. The data of the new owner in the EPTS will be entered either by the dealer or an authorized organization.
At the same time, when registering with the traffic police, you will not need to provide any printouts from the electronic PTS: the traffic police themselves will check the compliance of all data. The owner of the car will not have to pay state duty for this.
How to register a car with the traffic police
If the car is imported from a member country of the EAEU, it will not be possible to issue a paper passport either. For registration of EPTS, you will have to apply to one of the authorized organizations. The service can be ordered by both an individual who imports a car for personal use, and an importing organization. EPTS will be issued for 600 R.
If the owner of the car has lost the paper PTS or decided to change it to an electronic one, will also have to contact the authorized organization. The service costs 600 R. In this case, you will not have to pay a state duty of 800 R for replacing a paper PTS in the traffic police.
Even if such a PTS remains, it will not be possible to use it to register a car with the traffic police: when issuing an electronic passport, a paper one will be given the status “cancelled” and the traffic police will see this information.
Who can make changes to the EPTS
The owner can independently make changes and additions to a previously issued EPTS: for example, when selling a car, he can enter the data of the new owner. Instead of a handwritten signature, the old and new owners confirm the changes using a password from SMS.
But the owners cannot change the technical characteristics of the car, for example, reduce its power in order to save on transport tax: the system does not provide for such a possibility.
Transport tax 2022: who should pay
Testing laboratories can make changes: if the owner installed LPG on the car or made other changes to the design - for example, replaced the body with another one not provided by the manufacturer. But these laboratories cannot change the data about the owner.
Banks also have access to the EPTS: they can enter into it information about both the pledge of a loan car and the termination of the pledge.
Here are other organizations that can connect to the EPTS system:
- Representatives of foreign car manufacturers.
- Official dealers.
- Leasing companies.
- Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - owners of vehicles.
- Bodies that certify vehicles.
- Testing laboratories and state technical supervision bodies.
Each user will have their own, limited permissions. The amount of information that can be entered into the EPTS is limited only by the capabilities of the database. If there is a need to take into account some new information, you can set new fields for them in the database.
How I bought an electric car
Is it necessary to change paper titles to electronic ones
If your car has a paper passport, you can continue to use it without restrictions. The law does not limit the validity period of paper titles in any way: in 2025 they will stop issuing them, but previously issued ones will be valid until the owner decides to replace them or get rid of the car.
In case of loss of a paper vehicle title, the car owner can still obtain a duplicate paper passport from the traffic police. At the same time, the car owner can voluntarily replace a paper passport with an electronic one. That's when it makes sense.
Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2019 No. 267
Paper PTS on hand, but there is a “Duplicate” mark in it. If the special marks say "Duplicate issued to replace the TCP of such and such" - it's okay. But the mark “PTS such and such was issued to replace the lost one” is a real problem: a car with such a PTS is more difficult to sell, buyers treat them with distrust. So, if there is such an entry in the passport and the car is not pledged, you can safely go for the EPTS: there will be no marks in it.
Paper PTS lost. EPTS will cost 600 R: this is 40 R more expensive than getting a paper duplicate of the PTS in the traffic police. But the electronic passport will never be lost again. The advantage that we mentioned above still works: they will not write in the EPTS that it was issued to replace the lost one and there will be no problems with selling the car.
An EPTS will be issued for a pledged car without any problems and immediately put a mark on the pledge. But such data was not entered into the paper PTS, issued by the traffic police: traffic police officers are not obliged to check the car for collateral. Still, the fact that the title deed is with the bank cannot be grounds for refusing state registration.
The owner of the car changes his last name: , for example, due to marriage.
What documents need to be changed after marriage
A car owner often loses documents. Losing EPTS is basically impossible.
Why an electronic PTS is better than a paper one
Compared to a paper passport, an electronic one has a number of advantages.
Unlimited new owner records. While only six entries can be made in a paper TCP, and then you need to go to the traffic police, pay a fee and get a new one, marked "Duplicate".
It is not yet possible to forge EPTS. The hijackers have long mastered the scheme when the numbers of the main units are interrupted on the stolen car, the PTS form is printed on a color printer and the data of another real-life car is entered into it.
If the traffic police do not detect a fake during registration, two cars with the same title will appear on the roads. But even if they are detected, by that time the hijackers will have already managed to get money from the buyer and hide, and the buyer himself will be left without a car and without money.
In the case of EPTS, it is not possible to create two electronic passports with the same data.
What are “mirror” documents and why are they dangerous? But this is more of a plus for a car buyer in the secondary market and for a conscientious seller. Outbids will be more difficult.
What information is indicated in the EPTS
EPTS are issued for vehicles, chassis and self-propelled vehicles. The amount of information will vary.
All information from the paper PTS is placed on a half sheet of A4 format. Here is what you can find in EPTS:
- EPTS number.
- EPTS status: for example, "Incomplete", "Active", "Cancelled", "Recycled".
- Vehicle category in accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union.
- Addresses of the manufacturer, his representative and the factory where the vehicle was assembled.
- Locations of the manufacturer's plate, VIN, as well as the structure and content of the VIN - in accordance with Section 3 of GOST R 51980-2002.
- Location of the engine number, its structure and content - in accordance with Section 4 of GOST R 53602-2009.
- Number of seats front and rear, number of seats, passenger capacity, total volume of luggage compartments.
- Description of the hybrid powertrain, if fitted to the vehicle.
- Motor information, if any: make, type, operating voltage, maximum thirty-minute power, energy storage device, location and range.
- Tire size, bearing capacity index and speed category.
- Number of gears in the gearbox, their gear ratios.
- Restrictions on the ability to use on public roads, the ability to use as a shuttle vehicle.
- Territory where vehicle registration is allowed.
- Theoretically, it is possible to include other information in the EPTS: for example, about insurance and insured events, about OSAGO, DSAGO, hull, Green Card policies, damage, accidents, technical inspection, maintenance and repair.
- Information about restrictions and encumbrances.
Information specified in the EPTS for the vehicle, chassis and self-propelled vehiclePDF, 557 KB
Regulation of the Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehiclesPDF, 197 KB
Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Commission 9 on the functioning of systems of electronic passports of vehiclesPDF, 210033 KB 21003 SPTS Registry User Guide, pp. 20-21PDF, 1.38 MB
How to view the electronic PTS and get an extract
The car owner can access the electronic passports of all his vehicles. To do this, it is enough to register on the SEP portal - the system of electronic vehicle passports. Here's how to do it:
- Anonymous. You will not be asked to introduce yourself, but you will need to provide a phone number and email.
- As an individual using the login and password from the public services website.
- As an individual or representative of a legal entity by electronic signature.
The owner of the car registered on the portal will see only the electronic PTS of his vehicles. Here's what he can do:
- View a list of his EPTS.
- Get extracts from your EPTS.
- Enter information about the new owner - this will be needed when selling the car.
A potential buyer of a used car can also register on the portal. Here's what he can do, knowing the number of the EPTS or the VIN of a particular vehicle:
- Check the status of the EPTS - for example, it can be valid, canceled or disposed of.
- Check information about restrictions.
- Get an extract from the EPTS for someone else's car.
- Get a vehicle report.
- Check information about the presence of an electronic passport: does the car have an EPTS, does not have this document or there is no information.
What you can find out about the car by VIN and how much it costs
You can get this information only if the car has an electronic Title.
Portal services are paid.
For example, to enter information about a new owner when selling a car using the portal, you will have to pay 120 R. This is cheaper than the state duty of the traffic police for making changes to a paper Title and making changes to the EPTS by an authorized organization.
Get an extract from the EPTS about a car by its VIN costs 250 R, anyone can do it. Given the amount of information contained in the electronic passport, it may be possible to save on services that tell about the history of the car
The scammer promises to clean up the history of my car
- you can still issue a paper TCP, for example, to replace the lost one, or make changes to the one that already exists.
- From 2025, new paper TCPs will no longer be issued, but those that were issued earlier can continue to be used until they are replaced.
- Electronic PTS cannot be lost, which means that you will not have to pay for its restoration.
- When selling a car, the owner can enter the buyer's data into the electronic PTS himself. The service is paid, but it costs less than the state duty for entering data into a paper PTS.
- The amount of information in EPTS is greater than in paper. Credit organizations can enter information about collateral and restrictions there, which means that it will no longer be possible to deceive the buyer of a collateral car.
Duplicate PTS: what is dangerous and how to distinguish it from the original
Duplicate Title is a legal replacement for the original technical equipment passport, which may only be needed when selling a car. However, when buying a car, many people try not to contact the seller who offers a non-original vehicle passport.
Duplicate Title
Vehicle Passport (PTS) is an important document that contains all the necessary information about the car, its owners, and registration information. Without the Title it is impossible to carry out any registration actions with the car. Duplicate car passport is a form with a unique number and duplicated information from the original title. A legally correct duplicate of the TCP has the same legal force as the original.
Important! From November 1, 2020, electronic Title Deeds will be issued for new cars and cars imported from abroad in accordance with Part 3 of Article 14 N 283-FZ of August 3, 2018 “On State Registration of Vehicles”.
What is the duplicate for? That is, according to Russian law, it is impossible to carry out operations for the purchase and sale of a car, registration of vehicles with the traffic police without a passport of a technical device.
There can be two reasons for replacing the original document with a duplicate:
- Firstly, a duplicate can be issued instead of a utilized TCP. Recycling can occur if the document is damaged and cannot be restored, or all fields for indicating new owners are filled out.
The second option is the result of a frequent change of owners. You can enter 6 owners in the original registration certificate, the first of which is a dealer.
- Secondly, instead of a lost car passport.
Both reasons must be indicated in the column "special notes".
How to get a duplicate Title
The process of obtaining a duplicate Title consists of the following algorithm of actions:
- Preparation of a package of documents which consists of: an application, an explanatory note indicating the reason for replacing the Title, documents received when buying a car, a receipt for payment of state duty.
- Pass an inspection of the car in the MREO and obtain the appropriate document.
- Submit documents to the traffic police.
After registration, specify when the document will be ready and where you can get it.
Pitfalls of a duplicate TCP
The cost of a car mainly depends on its history. You need to be doubly careful if, when buying a vehicle, the owner has a duplicate title in his hands. Buying a car with a non-original registration certificate includes the following risks:
- Buying a car that was on the organization's balance sheet. Such vehicles tend to be carelessly operated. This fact can be signaled by the "fresh" date of issue of the document;
- The car is in debt to the bank. An unscrupulous seller who wants to get rid of a credit car can file an application for the loss of a document that is actually in a bank vault. The traffic police does not have the authority to check whether the technical facility is pledged to the bank, therefore it issues a duplicate title to the owner.
Verify vehicle information before signing a sales contract. The number of all owners can be found in the traffic police. You can find out if the vehicle is pledged on the portal of the Notary Chamber.
Nuances unlike the original from the duplicate
The duplicate of the TCP is made on the same paper as the original, with watermarks, information about the owners and technical characteristics of the vehicle.