Rare personality types infj
What is the Rarest Personality Type?
Of all the 16 possible personality types, you might be curious to know which is least common and where your type ranks. Here’s everything you need to know about the rarest personality type, including traits, gender differences and other uncommon types.
Overall, the rarest personality type is INFJ
The rarest personality type is the INFJ personality type, known as ‘The Counselor’. INFJ is the rarest personality type across the population, occurring in just 2% of the population.
It is also the rarest personality type among men.
INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. This unique combination is hard to find in most people.
The INFJ personality type is characterized by their deep sense of integrity and their natural intuition. INFJs are skilled at interpreting the emotions and motivations of others and they work hard to help the people around them. This personality type tends to be idealistic and seeks out deep, meaningful connections with people.
They can often come across as quiet and gentle.
However, the situation is not clear cut
While INFJs are generally understood to be the rarest personality type, there are some other factors to bear in mind. Personality types can vary geographically with some personality types occurring more frequently and more rarely depending on the country, region or environment.
There are also some differences between the rarest personality type for men and women.
The rarest personality type for men
Like the general population, the rarest personality type among men is INFJ. Among men, INFJs make up just 1% compared to 2% of the general population.
There are some questions about why this might be. The INFJ type includes some personality traits that Western society typically views as feminine traits such as high levels of emotional intelligence and empathy. INFJs are known to be sensitive and quiet, often spending time listening to the concerns of others rather than sharing their own thoughts.
It’s possible that boys are raised in a way that encourages them to subdue these aspects of their personality. Maybe they are making choices or exhibiting behaviors that give them a different type on a personality test. We don’t really know why, but the data shows that INFJ is the rarest personality type for men.
The rarest personality type for women
For women, however, the rarest personality type is INTJ and ENTJ. Just 1% of women type as INTJ and ENTJ respectively.
Among women, INFJ is only the third rarest personality type with approximately 2% of women categorized as INFJ.
Both INTJ women and ENTJ women are extremely rare in the general population. It is not clear why this would be. However, the INTJ and ENTJ personality types are associated with being strategic, assertive and analytical. They tend to be less capable at reading their own emotions and the emotions of others. These traits are not typical of women in general, and it could be that – as with INFJ men – INTJ/ ENTJ women are changing their reported behaviors or honing their weaker skills to fit in.
The top 5 rarest personality types ranked
Curious to know the other rarest personality types? INFJ isn’t the only personality type that’s hard to find! There’s actually a large group of personality types that are pretty uncommon in the general population.
Read on to find out the top 5 rarest personality types, ranked from rarest to most common.
The INFJ personality type is the undisputed top 1 rarest personality type in the general population coming in at just 2%. INFJs are especially rare among men with only 1% of men qualifying as this personality type. It is slightly more common in women at around 2%.
Known as ‘The Mastermind, INTJ is the next rarest personality type in the general population and the rarest personality type among women. INTJs make up just 2% of the general population and account for 3% of men and just 1% of women.
Sharing the top spot for the rarest personality type among women, ENTJ is also one of the rarest personality types in the general population. Like the closely related INTJ, ENTJs come in at just 2% of the general population, 3% of men and 1% of women.
Another of the rarest personality types is ENFJ which can be found in just 3% of the general population. ENFJ is the second rarest personality type among men, occurring in just 2% of men. For women, the rate is a little higher at 3%.
ENTP snags the 5th spot for the top 5 rarest personality types. This personality type can be found in 3% of the general population. It is slightly more common in men, with 4% of men categorized as ENTP. For women, the personality type is rarer at just 2%, making it one of the rarest personality types.
Understanding the rarest personality types
Looking at the top 5 rarest personality types, it is possible to pick out some patterns in their style of thinking and behaving. The rarest personality types tend to be Intuitives and Judgers, rather than Sensors and Perceivers.
So what does that mean?
All the rarest personality types have one thing in common: they are Intuitives rather than Sensors. This is interesting because Intuitives tend to be more abstract in their way of thinking and processing information. They like to look for patterns and theories and are generally more concerned with the future than the present.
The more common personality types tend to be Sensors. Sensors process information differently than Intuitives, preferring to focus on what they can see, hear and feel. They are often described as more practical and they look to understand the world in a more hands-on way.
There is also a high prevalence of Judging rather than Perceiving types among the top 5 rarest personality types. The Judging/Perceiving dimension of the 16 type system describes how people prefer to structure their lives. Judgers tend to look for order and structure and will prioritize planning over spontaneity.
It is more common to find people who fit into the Perceiving personality type in the general population. Unlike Judgers, Perceivers prefer things a little less predictable. They value flexibility and prefer to adapt rather than plan.
How does your type compare?
While INFJ is the rarest personality type, that doesn’t make it any better or worse than the other personality types. Each personality type has its own strengths and weaknesses, whether it is more common or harder to find in the general population.
To find out more about the 16 type system, read this next or take the test to find out your personality type!
10 Secrets of the INFJ, the Rarest Personality Type in the World
The INFJ is thought to be the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type, making up only 1-3 percent of the population. “INFJ” is an initialism that stands for Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), and Judgment (J), which describes the INFJ’s core characteristics. Both introverted and people-oriented, emotional and rational, thoughtful yet at times spontaneous, INFJs can feel like walking contradictions. They read others well and easily “see behind the mask” that people unconsciously wear; ironically, however, INFJs may struggle to understand themselves. Their reactions and behavior sometimes confuse even their own sharp intuition.
The INFJ personality contains many layers and is indeed a trove of secrets. Private and mysterious, INFJs will reveal those layers slowly — if ever at all! Let’s dive into some of the “secrets” of the rarest personality type in the world. Here are ten of them.
‘Secrets’ of the INFJ Personality
1. On a different wavelength
INFJs may feel like perpetual outsiders. That’s because most people aren’t on the INFJ’s wavelength, explain Antonia Dodge and Joel Mark Witt of Personality Hacker. The INFJ’s dominant function is Introverted Intuition (Ni). (A type’s “dominant function” is the main way that type processes information and interacts with the world.) Introverted Intuition subconsciously notices patterns; INFJs, specifically, notice patterns related to human nature, because their secondary function is Extroverted Feeling (Fe), which orients them toward people.
Although not necessarily a “magic” power or a psychic ability, using their intuition can feel that way because it works subconsciously. Sometimes INFJs will have hunches or gut feelings they can’t explain. The INFJ may know something without quite being able to put their finger on why or how they know it.
This “sixth sense” can be difficult to explain to others, so INFJs often give up trying. This may leave them feeling isolated and misunderstood.
2. Highly perceptive of others
To be an INFJ is to read others well, grasping their emotional states and motivations in mere seconds. But others don’t seem to “get” INFJs as easily as they “get” them. INFJs often wish for someone to understand them as well as they understand others.
INFJs are highly perceptive of others, but they don’t just remember their coworker’s birthday or how they take their coffee. In fact, as big-picture thinkers, these small details may escape even the most observant INFJ! People of the INFJ personality use their intuition to penetrate below the surface. They get into other people’s heads and figure out what makes them tick. They often know when someone is lying even to themselves. INFJs aren’t consciously aware of how they know so much about other people — and they’ll probably never reveal just how deep their knowledge runs.
3. Absorb other people’s emotions
It’s not unusual for INFJs to absorb other people’s emotions. They don’t just sense the emotions of others — sometimes they actually feel them in their own bodies.
According to Dodge, no other personality type does this quite like the INFJ. Some INFJs even report absorbing the emotions of strangers. An INFJ may suddenly feel grumpy, only to look around the room and discover a grumpy-looking person has just walked in. The closer the person is emotionally to the INFJ, like a spouse or a best friend, the more likely it is that the INFJ will absorb that person’s mental state.
To feel not only your own emotions but also those of other people can be overwhelming. But the INFJ’s ability can be used to bring healing and comfort to others. “The ability to unconsciously absorb other people’s emotions with very little information to go on — how is that not a superpower?” Dodge told Introvert, Dear. “INFJs have the ability to get inside the suffering of others and tell them it’s going to be okay.”
4. Amazing long-range forecasting abilities
At times, INFJs feel like prophets or psychics, as what they predicted comes true. But INFJs don’t necessarily have a crystal ball. Rather, their Introverted Intuition helps them see the big picture, notice patterns, and make predictions for the future based on the patterns they’ve observed. They see what could be — not necessarily what will happen with absolute certainty. Nevertheless, mature INFJs have honed their forecasting abilities well.
5. Both emotional and rational
Although sensitive and emotional, INFJs often mistype as INTJs, their “Thinking” twin. Due to their third function, Introverted Thinking (Ti), they paradoxically can be quite analytical and scientific. They may enjoy careers in technology, the sciences, and research. Because Extroverted Feeling is their second function and Introverted Thinking is their third, these two functions are fairly balanced in the INFJ. Indeed, INFJs don’t outwardly appear as emotional as the ENFJ or ESFJ, whose Feeling function is dominant. It’s said that the INFJ can be “too emotional for the Thinkers but too logical for the Feelers.” But this common sense comes in handy, making INFJs balanced and well-rounded.
6. Creators of deep emotional intimacy
In the presence of strangers or casual acquaintances, INFJs might seem reserved and shy. In reality, INFJs are extremely relational — it just might take a while for this side of the INFJ to come out. Because they feel other people’s pain and joy, they’re able to truly walk in another person’s shoes. Their ability to empathize creates strong bonds of intimacy — perhaps one of the greatest strengths of this personality type.
7. True introverts
INFJs are sometimes called the “extroverted introverts” or even ambiverts. They get this nickname because they can be passionate, enthusiastic, and talkative when in the presence of someone they feel comfortable with. Likewise, when they’re fighting for a cause they believe in — like asking people to sign a petition to end animal abuse — they may come across as extroverts. However, INFJs are true introverts who prefer a small circle of friends to a large network of casual acquaintances. And introverts by definition need plenty of downtime to recharge their batteries.
8. Sensitive to conflict
Due to Extroverted Feeling, INFJs have a strong need for harmony in their relationships. They’re always striving to build rapport with others — and they value people who do the same in return. When conflict arises, especially in close relationships, the sensitive and emotional INFJ may become extremely distressed. They may have trouble sleeping or concentrating, perhaps even feeling the stress of the conflict physically in their bodies through headaches, muscle aches, an upset stomach, etc.
This doesn’t mean INFJs should avoid conflict altogether (although, unfortunately, many of them have a learned tendency to do just that). INFJs can learn to set healthy boundaries and stand up for their needs. And perhaps better than many other personality types, they can do this in a diplomatic way using the warmth and understanding that flow naturally from their Extroverted Feeling.
9. End up in one-sided relationships
Many INFJs are great listeners because they truly care about others, and as introverts, they rarely feel the need to hog the spotlight. Likewise, they enjoy helping others understand their emotions and grow. They’re nicknamed “the counselor personality” for a good reason. Although these abilities allow the INFJ to create a level of emotional intimacy in their relationships like few other types can, it also means INFJs tend to get ensnared in one-sided relationships.
One-sided relationships occur when others take more than they give. For INFJs, a one-sided relationship might look like someone frequently venting to them but not listening to the INFJ in return. Or someone taking advantage of the INFJ’s willingness to help. Or it could simply be that the other person gets more enjoyment out of the relationship than the INFJ does; when this happens, INFJs are inclined to just go along with it, not wanting to hurt the other person’s feelings. Unfortunately for the INFJ, these relationships get exhausting and emotionally draining. It’s important that INFJs learn to choose balanced relationships that make them feel good, too.
10. Looking for their soulmates
INFJs desire to connect deeply with others. Shallow, one-sided relationships won’t do. Likewise, because they’re introverts, they have limited social energy. So INFJs look for friends or a romantic partner who are their “soul mates.” These are people who truly click with the INFJ and can feed their very real need for authentic connection, intimacy, and meaningful conversation. However, INFJs often struggle to create the kind of relationships they desire. When they do find people with whom they truly connect, it feels like a miracle.
Are You an INFJ?
Some of these secrets are things a lot of people will identify with, and every INFJ is going to be a little different. If you can relate to most of them, however, chances are good that you’re an INFJ. Want to be one hundred percent sure? There’s an easy way to find out: Take this free personality assessment from Personality Hacker and see your personality type in minutes.
More INFJ Resources
- What Is the INFJ Door Slam, and Why Do INFJs Do It?
- 12 Things INFJs Absolutely Hate
- 12 Things INFJs Absolutely Need to Be Happy
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90,000 3 of the rarest types of people on Earth. We learned how they differ from others / AdMe In the 1960s, Isabelle Myers-Briggs came up with the MBTI system. It is based on Jung's theory of personality types. Thanks to Briggs, today each of us can recognize our strengths and choose a life's work in order to realize our potential in it.
Total personality types 16. But among them there are 3, which are extremely rare. These are individuals who are destined to change the world, inspire or horrify others, but in any case leave a mark on history. nine0003
We at Bright Side found out what features and traits representatives of these types have. You may not yet know that you belong to one of them.
1. INFJ: 1% of the world's population
© Game of Thrones / HBO, © motherteresa
INFJ: Introversion, Intuition, Irrationality, Organization.
These are idealists who choose global altruistic goals and work hard to achieve them.
They are seriously concerned about what most people prefer not to remember, whether it is drought, famine or infringement of someone's rights. They strive to improve the situation and pursue seemingly unattainable goals, which is why they do not always find understanding among those around them. nine0003
INFJ characteristics:
- decisiveness and stubbornness;
- a clear goal and point of view on important issues;
- the gift of persuasion;
- insight and developed empathy;
- humanism.
© haappycat / imgur, © depositphotos
Talents and professional qualities:
- INFJs are intuitive, they can feel people and predict events. They are distinguished by delicacy and patience towards others; nine0030
- INFJ - leaders, but not commanders. They do not seek leadership for the sake of power, so it is easy for them to inspire people to an important cause;
- INFJs choose companies and movements that meet their inner ideals. And if they don’t find anything suitable, they are quite capable of organizing something themselves.
Famous representatives: Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela.
2. INTJ: 2% of the world's population
© Sherlock / Hartswood Films, © National Portrait Gallery
INTJ: Introversion, Intuition, Rationality, Organization.
This is one of the most intelligent types. Usually, its representatives choose one industry and work in it all their lives, often becoming pioneers and making important discoveries.
Science and technology, Internet technologies are close to such people. Logical, caustic, insightful, and generally successful at work, these people have one weakness: human relationships. Dating, omissions and love games are not their element. nine0003
Characteristics of INTJ:
- absolute self-confidence;
- decisiveness and independence from other people's opinions;
- attention to detail;
- strategic thinking;
- diligence and purposefulness.
© The Big Bang Theory / Warner Bros. Television, © Avengers: Infinity War / Marvel Studios
Talents and professional qualities:
- INTJs are good strategists, they are better than others at analyzing, planning and calculating.
This is the most corrosive and pedantic of all 16 types; nine0030
- INTJs are creative thinkers and rarely use off-the-shelf solutions. They love challenges and are willing to take on projects that seem impossible;
- this type is introverted. They do not like teamwork, but they are good at setting tasks and leading.
Famous representatives: Steve Jobs, Margaret Thatcher.
3. INFP: 4.5% of the world's population
© Amélie / France 3, © rowlingnews
INFP: Introversion, Intuition, Irrationality, Spontaneity. nine0008
Kind and modest personalities, who at first glance may seem inconspicuous. However, after a closer acquaintance, it becomes clear how creative and purposeful they are.
Such people begin to compose and fantasize early, it is often easier for them to express their thoughts on paper than orally. They are easily given foreign languages, and the most talented representatives of this type are even able to create their own language and alternative world, like John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. nine0003
Thanks to a vivid imagination and an unusual view of the world, they can take place in many creative professions.
Characteristic features of INFP:
- purposefulness and activity in defending one's interests and ideals;
- rich imagination;
- kindness and responsiveness to others;
- broad outlook, love of learning new things;
- idealism.
© Appropriate_Buyer / reddit
Talents and skills:
- INFP's brightest quality is a gift of words. Many of them find professions related to text and speech;
- representatives of this type are introverts, they are productive when they work alone or in a narrow circle of like-minded people;
- INFP — irrationals and intuitives. They are primarily concerned with the realization of their abilities, and not the respect of others and a good income.
Famous representatives: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien , JK Rowling, Julia Roberts. nine0008
Have you found traits of any of the three types in yourself? If not, no problem. Among the representatives of other types there are many talented people who have benefited the world. Take the MBTI test: it will help you better understand yourself, your strengths and talents.
Preview photo Appropriate_Buyer / reddit
Bright Side/Science/The 3 rarest types of people on Earth. We found out how they differ from others
5 of the rarest personality types in the world according to the Myers-Briggs typology
When you hear the word "rare", you will most likely imagine someone close to you who is really special to you . Maybe this is your best friend or relative - or maybe you yourself. You know who I'm talking about, people who don't look like anyone else, like they're made of a different fabric. Maybe this unique person has one of the 5 rare personality types that I will tell you about today!
By the way, let me remind you how to "read" the name of personality types in MBTI. In general, the type is calculated based on what you like or dislike, what you are strong in and what you are a little weak in. Tests are designed to calculate what you are more inclined towards: extraversion (E) or introversion (I) ; sensory (S) or intuition (N) ; think more (T) or feel (F) ; condemn (J) or perceive (P) .
In total, the Myers-Briggs typology identifies 16 personalities whose names are combined from the letters and their meanings above. In these 16 types there are several especially rare ones, which are quite rare even in Russia and in the world. Well, are you ready to look for something special in yourself and others? nine0003
🌍 In the world: 2.5%
⭐ How much in Russia: 4. 77%
TOP-3 countries with the maximum number Coaches: Gibraltar (9.40%), Lebanon (9.09%), Fiji (8.94%).
Top 3 countries with the least number of Coaches: Myanmar (Burma) (4.52%), Singapore (4.52%), Latvia (4.61%).
People who are extroverted, intuitive, sensory and rational tend to be a bit unusual and stand out from the crowd. Coaches intuitively feel people, even without words. But what really sets them apart is the use of their empathy. If INFJs use it for the benefit of others, then ENFJs do it and use their abilities for themselves. nine0003
Yes, they are happy to help, sincerely, but the Coaches will not forget about themselves. Their charisma and obsession with what they love never go unnoticed, sometimes they can even seem like fanatics. But what really makes ENFJs unique from other types is their special ability to see potential in other people . And, which is also cool, to inspire them and help them achieve their goals.
ENTJ - "Commander"
🌍 How many in the world: 2%
⭐ Number in Russia: 4.47%
Armenia (6.90%).
Top 3 countries with the least number of Commanders: Brunei (1.18%), Singapore (1.26%), Faroe Islands (1.28%).
This personality type is distinguished from ENFJ by a special combination of intuition and extraversion. Last Commanders use first, support first. ENTJs are great at networking and meeting new people, combining friendliness and sociability with a rich inner world. At the same time, Commanders also have negative traits, such as a tendency to blame other people for their failures or to be impatient. nine0003
Commanders are unique in their insight. They can quickly figure out a problem and find an efficient solution. Whether it's a slow workflow or a lack of a schedule, ENTJs can find a way to transform chaos into harmony to suit their needs. Moreover, the Commander can easily maintain order for a long time.
INTJ - "Strategist"
🌍 How much in the world: 1-4%
⭐ How much in Russia: 6.66%
Top 3 countries with the most Strategists: Algeria (8.96%), Syria (8.23%), Georgia (7.79%).
Top 3 countries with the least number of Strategists: Northern Mariana Islands (1.65%), Bhutan (1.90%), Brunei (2.02%).
The first introverts on our list who combine a penchant for being a nerd with an excellent problem solver. Yes, they keep a lot in themselves, but this does not prevent them from showing themselves perfectly in work or study. INTJ will never say something just like that, and he is only interested in a conversation when topics that are really interesting to him are raised. And they can’t stand stupid actions and lack of motivation. nine0003
Strategists stand out from the crowd with a sense of the future and where it will lead mankind. They can predict the development of a particular industry, and very accurately. They use this ability to develop a strategy (the name of the type, you understand) that will help them put what they "see" into action. They say about such people that they are destined to accomplish great things.
INTP - "Scientist"
🌍 Share in the world: 3-5%
⭐ Share in Russia: 12.52%
Top 3 countries with the highest number of Scientists: Algeria (14.10%), Morocco (12.97%), Lithuania (12.74%) .
Top 3 countries with the least number of Scientists: Haiti (3.41%), Fiji (3.72%), Cameroon (3.78%).
Intuitive thinkers, Scientists are ways to go into themselves headlong, but at the same time it is easy to adapt to changes around and adapt flexibly to the conditions put forward by them. They like to question everything, but this is due to the fact that Scientists love to learn everything new and study the incomprehensible. At the same time, INTPs find it difficult to adapt to working in a group, therefore they find ways to remain independent. nine0003
The superpower of Scientists is the ability to analyze a hopeless situation without panicking. Where others give up, the Scientist systematizes everything, scatters it and finds a way to fix everything or turn it into a positive. The more complex, the better, INTP will be even more interesting to dig and think. The solution to the problem from the Scientist can be striking in its novelty and simplicity. Everyone would like to get such a skill!
INFJ — “Activist”
🌍 World share: 2%
⭐ Share in Russia: 5.82%
%), Puerto Rico (9.73%).
Top 3 countries with the least number of Activists: Afghanistan (4.63%), Kyrgyzstan (4.75%), Uzbekistan (4.90%).
Well, finally, we got to the rarest type of personality in the world - the Activist.