Am i more of an introvert or extrovert
This Simple Quiz Reveals Which One You Are
Have you ever taken an introvert quiz and been left wondering? Ever heard the way people describe introverts and extroverts and wonder which way you would test? This easy, in-depth introvert/extrovert test can give you a clear answer and help you understand your personality.
Take the “Introvert or Extrovert” Test
For the best results, don’t answer how you think you’re supposed to. Choose the answer that is most true for you, most of the time. For some questions, you may have a hard time choosing (and that’s okay!). When there is no perfect answer, pick the option you are most drawn to. If you’re really stumped, you may want to ask someone close to you to weigh in.
To learn more about introversion and extroversion, see the resources below.
If You’re More of an Introvert…
If your quiz result shows that you’re more of an introvert, you tend to…
- Look at life from the inside out.
- Gain energy through inner reflection and solitude.
- Get more excited by ideas than by external activities.
- Prefer a few deep, close relationships to many casual ones.
- Feel tired and drained after socializing, even if you enjoyed it.
- Listen well and expect others to do the same.
- Think first and talk later.
- Express yourself well in writing.
Read more about what it means to be an introvert.
If You’re More of an Extrovert…
If your quiz result shows that you’re more of an extrovert, you tend to…
- Be primarily interested in and concerned with the external world.
- Gain energy from socializing and being “out and about.”
- Find your energy is depleted when you spend too much time alone.
- Prefer talking with someone rather than sitting alone and thinking.
- Think as you speak.
- Express yourself well verbally.
- May seem “always on the go.”
- May come across as confident, friendly, and assertive.
Introverts and Extroverts Are Born, Not Made
No matter which way the introvert quiz says you lean, it’s likely that you were born that way (at least in part). Being an introvert or an extrovert is part of your innate temperament — the way that you gain energy and prefer to interact with the world. Introversion and extroversion are both temperaments, and both are normal and healthy. About 30-50 percent of the population are thought to be introverts.
You are shaped by both your genes and experiences. Research shows that you were likely born an introvert or extrovert, and that preference will stick with you for life. Introverts will probably always have a preference for calm and solitude, while extroverts will thrive in more stimulating environments.
However, people change. You have new experiences and learn new things. You grow and stretch as a person. In fact, research shows that people tend to change over their lifetime — and usually for the better.
That’s because our personalities, not temperaments, grow and develop.
That means your temperament doesn’t have to “doom” you. If you’re an introvert who wants to, say, become a better conversationalist, you can learn and practice those skills. Likewise, extroverts can learn to slow down, listen more, and enjoy solitude.
Above all, honor your temperament — and also know that you can work on anything that holds you back.
No Pure Introverts or Extroverts
No two introverts (or extroverts) are exactly alike. What’s true for one introvert may be be quite different for another. Each introvert has a different level of tolerance for stimulation. Each extrovert will vary in their need for “people” contact, among other things.
Also, there is no such thing as a pure introvert or extrovert — no matter what the introvert/extrovert quiz says. “Such a man would be in the lunatic asylum,” the famous psychotherapist Carl Jung once noted. Introversion and extroversion are on a spectrum, meaning, they are not all-or-nothing traits. Everyone acts introverted at times and extroverted at other times. It’s all about what your preference — in general — is.
Why It’s Important to Understand Your Temperament
It’s powerful to understand your temperament, because when you live a life that complements your nature, you unleash incredible stores of energy.
On the other hand, when you spend too much time fighting your nature, the opposite happens, and you end up depleting yourself. If you’re an introvert who has been stuffing your schedule full of social events — and leaving no time for solitude — you won’t feel or function at your best. If you’re an extrovert whose career forces you to be alone for long periods of time, you’re probably not living your best life. Working with your temperament rather than fighting against it will ultimately make you happier, more productive, and more present for the people in your life.
That’s one of the reasons that taking the introvert test can be so powerful; knowing where you get your energy means you can be your best self.
Learn More About Introversion
Check out the bestselling book, The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden World, by Introvert, Dear founder Jenn Granneman.
Also, we recommend starting with these articles:
- If You Relate to These 21 Signs, You’re Probably an Introvert
- Introverts Don’t Hate People, They Hate Shallow Socializing
- Why Do Introverts Love Being Alone? Here’s the Science
And thank you for taking the introvert/extrovert quiz. We hope it’s the first step toward a long path of getting to know yourself.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Question 1/14
You’re really busy at work and a colleague is telling you their life story and personal woes. You:
All questions are required
- A Don’t dare to interrupt them
- B Think it’s more important to give them some of your time; work can wait
- C Listen, but with only with half an ear
- D Interrupt and explain that you are really busy at the moment
Question 2/14
You’ve been sitting in the doctor’s waiting room for more than 25 minutes.

All questions are required
- A Look at your watch every two minutes
- B Bubble with inner anger, but keep quiet
- C Explain to other equally impatient people in the room that the doctor is always running late
- D Complain in a loud voice, while tapping your foot impatiently
Question 3/14
You’re having an animated discussion with a colleague regarding a project that you’re in charge of. You:
All questions are required
- A Don’t dare contradict them
- B Think that they are obviously right
- C Defend your own point of view, tooth and nail
- D Continuously interrupt your colleague
Question 4/14
You are taking part in a guided tour of a museum.

All questions are required
- A Are a bit too far towards the back so don’t really hear what the guide is saying
- B Follow the group without question
- C Make sure that everyone is able to hear properly
- D Are right up the front, adding your own comments in a loud voice
Question 5/14
During dinner parties at your home, you have a hard time with people who:
All questions are required
- A Ask you to tell a story in front of everyone else
- B Talk privately between themselves
- C Hang around you all evening
- D Always drag the conversation back to themselves
Question 6/14
You crack a joke at work, but nobody seems to have noticed.

All questions are required
- A Think it’s for the best — it was a lame joke anyway
- B Wait to share it with your friends after work
- C Try again a bit later with one of your colleagues
- D Keep telling it until they pay attention
Question 7/14
This morning, your agenda seems to be free. You:
All questions are required
- A Know that somebody will find a reason to come and bother you
- B Heave a sigh of relief and look forward to a day without stress
- C Question your colleagues about a project that’s been worrying you
- D Pick up the phone and start filling up your agenda with meetings
Question 8/14
During dinner, the discussion moves to a subject about which you know nothing at all.

All questions are required
- A Don’t dare show that you don’t know anything about the subject
- B Barely follow the discussion
- C Ask lots of questions to learn more about it
- D Change the subject of discussion
Question 9/14
You’re out with a group of friends and there’s a person who’s quite shy and doesn’t talk much. You:
All questions are required
- A Notice that they’re alone, but don’t go over to talk with them
- B Go and have a chat with them
- C Shoot some friendly smiles in their direction
- D Hardly notice them at all
Question 10/14
At work, somebody asks for your help for the hundredth time.

All questions are required
- A Give them a hand, as usual
- B Accept — you’re known for being helpful
- C Ask them, please, to find somebody else for a change
- D Loudly make it known that you’re annoyed
Question 11/14
You’ve been see a movie with your family and the reviews are mixed. You:
All questions are required
- A Don’t share your point of view with anyone
- B Didn’t like the film, but keep your views to yourself when asked
- C State your point of view with enthusiasm
- D Try to bring the others round to your point of view
Question 12/14
A friend arrives late for your meeting.

All questions are required
- A Say, ‘It’s not a problem,’ even if that’s not what you really think
- B Give them a filthy look and sulk for the rest of the evening
- C Tell them, ‘You’re too much! Have you seen the time?’
- D Make a scene in front of everyone
Question 13/14
You can’t find your car keys. You:
All questions are required
- A Don’t want anyone to find out, so you take the bus instead
- B Panic and search madly without asking anyone for help
- C Grumble without telling your family why you’re in a bad mood
- D Accuse those around you for misplacing them
Question 14/14
It’s time for your annual appraisal with your boss.

All questions are required
- A Go with great hesitation as these sessions are torture for you
- B Look forward to hearing what your boss thinks about you and expects from you
- C Rehearse ad nauseam the arguments and ideas that you’ve prepared for the meeting
- D Go along unprepared as you are confident and like improvising
Test: introvert, extrovert or ambivert?
Why are some people sociable and active, while others prefer to withdraw into themselves? Why is the difference between some so strong that it is very difficult for them to understand each other? Due to different focus and perception. For some, they are directed to the outside world, for others, to their own experiences. Do you want to determine whether you are an ambivert, introvert or extrovert? The test will help you find out and learn a little more about yourself.
1. For advice and information, you would rather go to:
Friends, professionals in a particular field.
Books, informational articles on the Internet.
2. Does it often happen to you that you think so deeply about something that you hardly notice anything around you?
3. You are better at work that requires:
Attentiveness, thoughtfulness, perseverance.
Frequent movement, making quick decisions.
4. Being tired after an emotionally charged day, would you rather stay at home than go to a concert of a famous star with your friends? nine0003
5. Which of these problems related to the management and distribution of finances seems closer to you?
I save more often, sometimes I'm stingy, afraid to make a rash purchase.
I suffer from spending money, more often I throw away money on unnecessary things.
6. Do you like frequent change of activities, multitasking and fast pace of solving cases?
7. Do people around you misinterpret your emotions (called sad or angry when you are just focused, for example)? nine0003
8. You are usually much better at:
Plan your affairs, stick to the plan.
Improvise on the go.
9. Why do you think your loved ones appreciate you?
For the ability to cheer up, dispel anxieties.
For understanding, deep sympathy.
10. What do you value most in people?
Activity, sense of humor.
Lack of obsession, tolerance.
11. Do you enjoy working in a team or managing people more than doing all the work yourself?
12. Do you often try to see your actions from the outside, understand their motives, predict the results?
13. You are more often told that you act like you:
More years than you really are.
Less years than it really is.
14. Do you prefer music to which you can:
Dance, putting aside all thoughts.
Lose yourself in thoughts, images and/or emotions.
15. Are you often told that you are terribly stubborn and very difficult to convince of anything?
16. Do you prefer to think about your steps, to plan them clearly and in detail before proceeding directly to action?
17. Your movements and speech are usually faster
Slow, with spacing.
Fast, confused.
18. Do you tend to have long phone conversations (personal, non-work related)?
19. Is it easy for you to meet new people?
20. You would rather prefer a job that offers:
A good salary and a prestigious position, but a disgusting team and an inadequate boss.
Warm relations with colleagues, fair bosses, but the average level of salary without much prospects for growth. nine0003
what personality types are and how they differ, who are ambiverts
Many people think that an introvert and an extrovert are just two sides of the same coin. Will you stay at home on Friday night or meet up with friends? Will you be the center of attention or away from the spotlights? In fact, a person is not white or black, there are no pure types in psychology, experts assure. There are people, for example, very tall or short, but most strive for average values. So it is with extroversion. This is just one of the five main personality traits (openness to new things, conscientiousness, pleasantness, neuroticism), so it cannot completely determine our behavior. Let's take a closer look at what introvert and extrovert mean. nine0003
Vita Zorina
Psychology of communication
The famous psychiatrist Carl Jung at the beginning of the 20th century identified types of people - extroverts and introverts. In psychology, this distinction became convenient and popular, and over time began to be used to define a person in ordinary life. Knowing who you belong to, it is easier to understand yourself and choose a circle of friends. Sometimes it seems to us that the world is ruled and dominated by extroverts. Although in reality, they can simply make themselves louder, making more noise. But is the gap really that deep between an introvert and an extrovert? Do the former really need help and support in order to develop their own talents and not remain on the margins? nine0003
Everything is not as categorical as it seems at first glance. Yes, open and closed people exist. But there are many examples when an extrovert and an introvert behave in unexpected ways, because each person throughout life demonstrates flexibility and opens up from different angles. And in these categories there is a place for the golden mean. We will talk about it and the main opposites from the point of view of psychology below.
What does introverted personality type mean? The tendency to introversion is manifested if you like to spend time alone with yourself, your thoughts and ideas. If you do not know how to determine whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, try to find the following main features in yourself. They are characteristic of those who prefer to isolate themselves from the outside world more often. nine0003
- love of being alone;
- unwillingness to be the center of attention;
- one-on-one preference;
- first think, then do;
- recovery alone;
- work in a quiet independent environment;
- secrecy.
There is a big difference between introversion and shyness. Shy people are often also afraid of what others will think of them, while introverts do not have negative emotions and such fears. nine0003
Just because introverts don't like big groups doesn't mean they can't make friends and relationships. In this sense, they are almost no different from extroverts. In addition, they can make great careers simply by sticking to roles in which loneliness is possible: accounting, engineering, writing, driving trucks, etc.
The main difference between an introvert and an extrovert is the desire to focus more often on their own feelings and thoughts . They are characterized by a greater concentration than representatives of the opposite camp. It is unfair to call them socially isolated, selfish or unhappy people. nine0003
Introverts also desire to communicate, show feelings, and care for others. But the difference is that an introvert will do all this with more restraint, "impartiality" than an extrovert. So the talk that people who are less generous with emotions love order too much, are sensitive to negativity, or are “on their own minds” are also groundless. These are already other characteristics, from the category of neuroticism.
How an extraverted personality type manifests itself
Whom it is difficult to blame for passivity or love of solitude is an extrovert. He just needs to draw strength from external sources. To shine and find grateful listeners in the society is about them. Hence the significant differences: an extrovert knows how to present himself, and an introvert, no matter how smart and educated, is not always capable of this. nine0003
Such people direct their energy outwards - to other people and the realization of their ideas. We have looked at personality types in which an introvert manifests itself, and you can compare the main traits with an extrovert.
- many acquaintances and friends;
- love of attention;
- quick decision making;
- getting energy from being among people;
- enthusiasm and positive attitude;
- work in a team or group.
Extroverts tend to get more support from other people when they find themselves in a difficult situation. And in general, there is a stereotype that society loves extroverts more, so they more often become leaders and choose sales, marketing, PR and other areas where communication with people is important. nine0003
It is important to remember that this is only one of the characteristics. And there is a big difference between a pleasant introvert and a rude extrovert.
By the way, people often talk about introverts as being too sensitive, unlike extroverts. The latter, they say, go through life easier and are not led to mental troubles. American psychologist and researcher Elaine Eyron has carefully studied the issue of sensitivity and came to curious conclusions. In particular, the writer noticed that Jung singled out in extroverts a love of risk, the ability to enter into a conversation without a shadow of a doubt and speak their mind. In his opinion, introverts are completely incapable of these feats. nine0003
And Elaine Ayron believes that about a third of highly sensitive people can be called extroverts. She singled out the concept of "social extrovert", which differs from Jung's introvert in that the former easily make acquaintances and feel confident in crowded places. Otherwise, they are even similar.
The definition of introvert and extrovert can help leaders and managers when working with employees. In particular, when issuing orders. It will be more difficult for an extrovert to cope with a task that requires perseverance and attention to detail. And it is desirable to encourage the initiative of introverts, not allowing extroverts to become "irritants" in the team. nine0003
Despite the fact that the extrovert and introvert have significant differences, they are able to get along in the same unit of society. You probably noticed in the company a ringleader and a “quiet woman”, in a pair a more impulsive spouse and her “obedient” husband, and so on. They find compromises and interact with the whole world, and not just representatives of their "clan".
Introvert and extrovert at the same time: ambivert type
As soon as a friend refrains from a verbose conversation or wants to read a book alone on the weekend, you involuntarily begin to write him down as an introvert. Labels are always easier to attach. So there is a feeling that the person was able to “bite through”, which means it will be easier to build an appropriate relationship with him. But you should know that there are not only extrovert and introvert, but also other concepts. nine0003
Introverts and extroverts view pleasure differently. Their source for this is different. For one, this is a quiet rest, and for the other, being in the center of attention. But if after a noisy party there comes a desire to sit alone, this is the golden mean. The ambivert is the bridge between the introvert and the extrovert, containing the qualities of both. Psychologists believe that it is mixed personality types that prevail. Barry Smith, professor emeritus and director of the Laboratory of Human Psychophysiology at the University of Maryland, claims that ambiverts make up 68% of the total population. nine0003
Thanks to this view, we understand that not everything is so simple in the psychological portraits of people. Ambiver is the middle between the introvert and the extrovert, its features are inherent in it:
- Flexibility in communication
- The ability to appreciate the charms of loneliness
- desire to go out (dosed)
- ability to adapt to situation
- good listener and orator
They took the best from two fronts, combining the character of an introvert and an extrovert. According to psychologists, ambiverts become worthy managers because they show leadership qualities and remain reasonable, able to stop and delve into issues. They are equally comfortable shining in society and secluded from prying eyes. nine0003
Director of the Indiana State University Shyness Research Institute Bernardo Carducci believes that the prevalence of introversion and extraversion is strongly influenced by genetics. The cross between an extrovert and an introvert - ambiversion - is also a hereditary tendency, not an acquired one.
How to know if you are an introvert, extrovert or ambivert
Most people are in the middle of the extraversion scale. This means that an introvert and an extrovert in their absolute form are extremely rare. And this is very good. Everyone has their own temperament, which reveals our emotionality to one degree or another, reflects actions. But this is only one of the puzzles of the multifaceted nature of man. nine0003
Extroverts and introverts, whose characteristics should not be reduced to the peremptory "soul wide open" and "lone wolf", can actually make friends. To do this, it is enough to mark the boundaries and build a dialogue.
There are many tests to determine your type, but they are of little importance and should not determine your life as the ultimate truth. Experts believe that one cannot forcibly change one's personality by stepping on one's own throat. But with a signal to leave the comfort zone, everyone can show and develop the necessary qualities.