Psychology of women topics
Psychology of Women - Psychology
The field of the psychology of women provides feminist correctives to the theories and research that have omitted, trivialized, and distorted women’s experiences to fit into a male-biased structure. Thus, the field of the psychology of women recognizes the inequality of social and institutional power between women and men; makes values of the researcher central to scientific study; studies women’s behavior and experiences within social contexts across the life cycle; and advocates for change at the individual, organizational, and societal levels. The field of the psychology of women also encourages individuals to critically analyze all subareas in psychology for their portrayal of women. The psychology of women addresses topics such as gender stereotyping, physical development across the female life cycle, theoretical perspectives on women’s personalities and mental health, women’s health issues, sexuality, reproductive rights and reproductive health, verbal and nonverbal communications by and about women, women and intimate relationships, career psychology of women, women and leadership, gender, power and violence against women, and equity and social change.
The psychology of women also is concerned with intersectionalities among sex, race, class, age, ability, sexual orientation and national origin. Empirical research in the psychology of women is used in policymaking on issues such as work–life integration, day care, violence against women, and child abductions and missing children. Researchers in the field of the psychology of women serve as expert witnesses in court cases on issues such as sexual harassment, race discrimination, child sexual abuse, rape, and intimate partner violence. The field of the psychology of women is also referred to as feminist psychology since the objective of this discipline is to understand the individual within the larger political and social aspects of society.
General Overviews
The field of the psychology of women initially was focused on differences between the sexes with very little attention paid to intersectionality and also diversity because of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disabilities, and age (Bardwick 1972, Sherman 1971, Unger and Denmark 1975). Feminist scholars (e.g., Denmark 1994, Worell 1990) have noted that throughout much of the discipline of psychology, an androcentric view of human behavior has posited that men were the normative population and women were studied in order to determine how they compared with male standards. Theories and research in several subfields of psychology were based on boys and men only, e.g., achievement motivation, mental health, and morality (Weisstein 1971). In addition, gendercentrism has been evident in the discipline of psychology since separate paths of development are suggested for women and men as a result of the biological differences between them. The discipline of psychology has also been ethnocentric; psychological theories assume that development is identical for all individuals across all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic class groups (Chisholm and Green 2007). Furthermore, psychology has been heterosexist; theories and research assume that a heterosexual orientation is normative, while gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered, or questioning individuals are deviations from the heterosexual norm.
The first section of this bibliography introduces textbooks and journals on the psychology of women. Subsequent sections examine topics commonly addressed in the psychology of women: history of the field; research methods; teaching courses in the psychology of women; social development; personality development; physical development and health; sexualities, reproductive rights, and reproductive health; mental health; violence; and career development and work. Attention is paid to presenting sample texts, book chapters, and journal articles that address women’s sexual orientations, race, and ethnicity. Classic readings in the psychology of women are presented in addition to more recent research and theories, illustrating the changes in ways the field has evolved since the reemergence of the feminist movement in the early 1970s (Chrisler and Smith 2004). Feminist academicians have claimed feminist principles help them cope with sexism and other forms of discriminatory treatment, noting that feminism is a “life raft” for women (Klonnis, et al.
Bardwick, Judith, ed. 1972. The psychology of women: A study of bio-cultural conflicts. New York: Harper & Row.
Assesses the current field of the psychology of women at the beginning of the feminist movement in psychology. Focus had been on finding differences between the sexes rather than viewing women’s experiences in their own right without comparing them to men’s experiences. Discusses ambivalence and the socialization of women, the “motive to avoid success,” sex differences in intellectual functioning and other topics subsequently reexamined and found to have little empirical support.
Chisholm, June, and Beverly Green. 2007. Women of color: Perspectives on multiple identities in psychological theory, research and practice. In Psychology of women: A handbook of issues and theories. 2d ed. Edited by Florence L. Denmark and Michele A. Paludi, 40–69. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Overview of American culture including dominant culture members and “subcultures” of minority individuals.
Introduces the concept of “multiple identities” that acknowledges women define themselves by more than one identity, e.g., race and sex; race, sex and sexual orientation; disability, sex, and age. Includes recommendations for mental health interventions to assist women of color who deal with the social marginalization as a consequence of multiple identities.
Chrisler, Joan, and Christine Smith. 2004. Feminism and psychology. In Praeger guide to the psychology of gender. Edited by Michele A. Paludi, 271–291. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Provides an overview of the influence of feminism on the discipline of psychology including liberal feminism and socialist feminism. Discusses the impact of feminism on theories about women’s personality and conducting research on women’s lives and realities. Addresses threats to feminist psychology, e.g., evolutionary psychology.
Denmark, Florence L. 1994. Engendering psychology. American Psychologist 49:329–334.
DOI: 10.1037/0003-066X.49.4.329
Brings attention to the fact that psychology had ignored, trivialized, and distorted women’s (especially women in poverty, women of color, and lesbian women) realities and issues. Argues that researchers had permitted their personal opinions about women and men to bias their research. Engendering the discipline of psychology refers to cultivating a discipline that is sensitive to gender and diversity. Presents reviews of textbooks and classroom pedagogy.
Klonnis, Suzanne, Joanne Endo, Fay Crosby, and Judith Worell. 1987. Feminism as life raft. Psychology of Women Quarterly 21:333–345.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-6402.1997.tb00117.x
Addresses the relationship between being feminists and experiencing discrimination of women professors. Examines responses indicating feminism was not a provocation of discriminatory treatment in academia but rather a way to help women faculty cope with discriminatory treatment.
Sherman, Julia Ann. 1971. On the psychology of women. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.
One of the initial textbooks in the psychology of women. Focuses on differences between women and men in cognitive, social, and personality development. Provides “history in the making” of the field of the psychology of women.
Unger, Rhoda, and Florence L. Denmark, eds. 1975. Woman: Dependent or independent variable. New York: Psychological Dimensions.
First issue-oriented reader on the psychology of women that included new scholarly writings as well as previously published articles. Addressed ways psychologists’ research assumed that biological sex was the variable that predicts the outcome of social interaction rather than viewing social contexts as shaping the meaning of being a woman or a man in individuals’ lives.
Weisstein, Naomi. 1971. Psychology constructs the female: Or, the fantasy life of the male psychologist (with some attention to the fantasies of his friends, the male biologist and the male anthropologist).
Social Education 35:362–373.
Discusses ways in which social scientists have permitted their personal biases about women to bias their research endeavors through topics they believed were worthy of study, excluding women from research, only comparing women to men and excluding women of color and lesbian women. Includes a call for placing equal respect for both women and men.
Worell, Judith. 1990. Images of women in psychology. In Foundations for a feminist restructuring of the academic disciplines. Edited by Michele A. Paludi and Gertrude Steuernagel, 185–224. New York: Haworth.
An overview of traditional and contemporary views about women in psychological theory and empirical research. Reviews gender stereotyping and theories of gender role development, including those of Sigmund Freud, Albert Bandura, and Erik Erikson. Includes a discussion of psychological androgyny. Provides recommendations for feminist psychotherapy.
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Psychology of Women - Psychology
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Psychology & Sociology Librarian
Required Reading
Recommended Databases
These are great databases to start with to find books and articles written by and about famous women in psychology.
Scholarly Journals
All of these journals have some issues available online. Click on a title to access available issues.
Psychology's Feminist Voices
This website contains over 200 profiles of women in psychology's past and today's feminist psychologists. Many of the profiles contain videotaped interviews.
Citing Electronic Resources in APA Style
Required Videos: Watch Online!
Daddy & Papa: A story of gay fathers in America. This documentary examines four families headed by gay couples and the issues they face, including surrogacy and adoption, marriage and divorce in the gay community, and legal issues of parenthood. (57 minutes)
Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's image of women. Jean Kilbourne takes a fresh look at how advertising traffics in distorted and destructive ideals of femininity. The film examines a new group of print and television advertisements to lay bare a stunning pattern of damaging gender stereotypes. (46 minutes)
Reviving Ophelia: Saving the selves of adolescent girls. Clinical psychologist Mary Pipher discusses the challenges facing today's teenagers, especially girls, as well as the role of media and popular culture in shaping their identities. (43 minutes). Here's a clip from a speech Dr. Pipher gave on C-SPAN:
Mickey Mouse Monopoly. A close and critical look at the world that Walt Disney animated films create and the stories they tell about race, gender and class, this documentary reaches disturbing conclusions about the values propagated under the guise of innocence and fun.
Tough Guise: Violence, Media and the Crisis in Masculinity. This film systematically examines the relationship between pop-cultural imagery and the social construction of masculine identities in the U.S. at the dawn of the 21st century.
Tough Guise 2: Violence, Manhood, and American Culture. Examines mass shootings, day-to-day gun violence, violence against women, bullying, gay-bashing, and American militarism against the backdrop of a culture that has normalized violent and regressive forms of masculinity in the face of challenges to traditional male power and authority.
The Mask You Live In. Follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America's narrow definition of masculinity.
Miss Representation. This film challenges the media's limited and often disparaging portrayals of women and girls, which make it difficult for women to achieve leadership positions and for the average woman to feel powerful herself.
Online Books
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Psychology of a woman: how men should take into account women's characteristics Kozlov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Rector of the University of Practical Psychology
Women who look like men do not attract men, but those who are unlike them annoy. .. Dear men, instead of unproductive irritation, something else is needed, namely, to understand and begin to take into account the design features of women. Women are really a little different.
Perhaps one of the most important features of women, which confuses everyone (including women themselves) is female fickleness. A woman in the kitchen is a chef, when guests are a queen, in bed with her husband she is completely different ... At work, she can be businesslike and prudent, but once in a cafe, surrounded by friends, she is all in feelings and does stupid things, including the head never... So what is she, this particular woman?
That's exactly what it is: changeable. And if in this article you read that in some situations women do not behave smartly, this does not say anything about female intelligence in general, but only about their behavior in such situations.
Actually, do men think well when they drink? What is your reaction rate when you sleep? We all have our own, situational features, and in women they are simply more pronounced.
A woman is a very hormonal being. A woman in a situation of premenstrual syndrome is obviously different from herself, which she was a week ago and will be a week later. The variability of a woman's mood is really largely due to her hormonal system, and when women say: “When he told me this, I stopped thinking at all!” or “Here I just flew off the coils!”, This is largely true: if you are injected with chemistry, the same thing will happen to you. And her wave flies on women, and she - swam ...
In short, “Oh, how dizzy, oh, how dizzy!”
In addition to the changeability of mood, men are often angry with the talkativeness of women. "What were you talking about for 3 hours?" - the husband is indignant. In fact, there is no point in getting angry here, since speaking has different functions for men and women. Men often speak for the sake of meaning, their speech is usually structured from the thesis. Women are different. Communication for a woman, at least in a situation of personal communication, is a way to express herself and her thoughts, women speak for the pleasure of talking. A typical picture: girlfriends meet, start talking, discussing their problems. For them, it's like going to a psychologist: you can speak out and pour out your emotions about various problems, and get feedback on what to do in this situation. Meeting with girlfriends is one of the favorite hobbies for many women. A woman in a conversation with a friend does not need any clarity or structure of speech. She just speaks, voicing what she has in her head right now. A woman experiences inner satisfaction from a simple chirping.
In the opinion of men, women are not only talkative, they still do not know how to speak to the point: briefly, clearly and definitely. Men - relax! The male way of thinking according to the type “first formulated his thought inside himself, then said” is possible for women, but difficult. A woman thinks when she speaks, the process of speaking is her way of thinking. Women's thinking without speech is impossible, more precisely, accompanied by speech, it occurs more easily and habitually. In the process of a monologue, or rather a dialogue, something begins to clear up, a woman has some meanings. In the process of ordinary life, a woman begins to speak only in order to understand herself, her thoughts and what she wants to say. What do men need to consider in such a situation? You should be more tolerant, not demand clarity right away. It is difficult for a woman to formulate her thesis briefly and in advance: she understands her main idea only when she has said everything that was in it. Do not demand clear theses at the beginning of a woman's speech - with a high probability they really do not exist. They will appear later, and sometimes these will be very wise considerations, but you need to wait until the woman has finished speaking and understands what she wanted to say at the beginning.
Let them speak to the end.
Recordings in the course of a conversation may look like this, for example
However, sometimes a man needs to have a serious talk with his girlfriend, to the point, and seriously agree on something. What do you need to do and what do you need to be prepared for? You need to be prepared for the fact that the conversation will spread in all directions, and constantly keep it on track. How? If you want to ask a girl and get an intelligible answer from her, learn how to ask prepared questions. This is the only way to control the thoughts of a woman, directing them in the right direction. The second serious means of organizing the content of the conversation and keeping to the topic is to fix the whole conversation with the simplest records, which, like pictures, will illustrate the conversation scheme. They said something - they wrote it down in a couple of words. They said the following - two more words. From this conclusion - they drew an arrow and, in a nutshell, a conclusion. It turns out visually, it is easy to return to this, the process of understanding is facilitated. And you can always clarify: “Are we talking about this now - or about this?”
When you can point one or the other with a pen, your friend will begin to understand you. It's also important to write down the main things your friend says. One thesis, another thesis. With your help, she herself will better understand what she said, you will be able to clarify her thoughts, and in any case, this shows your attention to her and respect for her words.
It is difficult for men to argue with women. There is a famous joke: "There are only two ways to argue with a woman, and both of these methods do not work." Indeed, women are emotional, and even when a man behaves reasonably, the conversation does not always work out. What to do with it? “Skip the emotions, wait out the emotions, shut down the emotions—and continue to stick to your line in the conversation.
Men and women have different attitudes towards emotions. Most men have been taught since childhood that showing emotions is not masculine. Therefore, if a problem or difficulty arises, the man immediately joins in its solution. Of course, in parallel, he can worry about what happened, but in his head there is already a clear plan of action despite the emotions. In women, in difficult situations, emotions often come to the fore. This is hardly biology, rather it is the result of appropriate upbringing, during which, year after year, girls were taught that it is right to live not with their heads, but with their feelings. And now we have a fact: in a situation of problems, a woman first needs to worry about what happened, and only then, after some time, the woman comes to understand that something needs to be done to correct the situation that has arisen. This approach to solving the problems of men is often annoying, but it usually cannot be fixed quickly.
Men, keep in mind that a woman from childhood was allowed to cry and worry if something happened.
Give her time to recover!
Also, a man should not appeal to logic if a woman has "dispersed" emotionally. In a woman, if feelings are strong, then there is no time for logic. Logical statements can only inflame the situation, so it is better to wait until the emotional storm has passed.
How to extinguish female emotions and unfair reproaches? If a woman is upset and angry with you, expressing completely unfair reproaches to you, it is hardly worth it for her to object and prove the illogicality of her statements. The more persuasive you are, the more it usually pisses you off. If in this situation you have the opportunity to approach her, hug her, fix her in your arms and, looking into her eyes, carefully say that she is wonderful and beloved, that you really need and value her, this will be much more effective.
It is important for a woman, especially in stressful situations, when she is excited, to speak for a long time and in great detail. The longer and more detailed she speaks, the easier it is for her to discharge. If a man has the opportunity and this does not distract him from the case, he can at least make a sympathetic face and listen to her to the end. If not, it’s better to seriously explain that you don’t understand anything and ask her for help: “What can I do in this situation for you? Can I help you with something? Men only understand actions. Is there something I can do? Who to talk to? Where to turn?
When a woman is upset, she wants to be taken care of, either hugged or talked to. It is not always easy for a man to understand this: in the world of men, when a man is upset, you do not need to climb on him, and a man, when he sees that a woman is upset, usually wants to leave. This is mistake. Be there, hug, let them talk - and only after that switch to something more positive.
Men and women have different attitudes towards dreams and daydreaming. For women, dreaming is like being in a fairy tale. An expression of relaxed contentment appears on his face. In her dreams, a woman can fly very far, literally dissolve in a dream. Very often, a woman's dream has nothing to do with reality.
For example, you can dream on a cold winter evening how great it would be to be on the coast of a desert island and swim in the warm azure sea.
It is difficult for men to dream. They immediately perceive a dream as a goal to which one must strive. He has thoughts: what am I dreaming of here - something needs to be done! Yes, but women are not men, and men should know that for a woman, a dream is just a dream. You shouldn't get annoyed about this.
Let a woman dream to her heart's content! A pleasant dream improves mood!
A woman loves attention, but men don't always understand what "attention" means to a woman. A lot of small signs of attention to a woman are usually more pleasant and important than one expensive gift amid constant inattention. If you want to surprise her, it's best to warn her of a mysterious surprise, bring it up a few times, pique her curiosity, then have a little show where you can express feelings, groan and admire, and then repeatedly return to these cute moments in your shared memories.
And now again: the main feature of a woman is her changeability. What is written here about women is true, but there is a completely different truth about women. It is true that women are more logical, more purposeful and cold-blooded than men, and most often a woman changes herself for the better next to the wisest and strongest men. Men, be men, and then the most beautiful women in the world will be next to you!
Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov
Topics of conversation: What kind of woman do you need to be in order to successfully marry? How many times do men get married? Why are there so few normal men? Childfree. Parenting. What is love? A story that couldn't be better. Paying for the opportunity to be close to a beautiful woman.
- Male and female
- Understanding M-F
- Author N.
I. Kozlov
- Women's psychology
- Training "Private life-1"
Comments (41):
Guest, 29November 2013 09:54
*If you want to surprise her, it's best to warn her about the mysterious surprise, bring it up a few times, pique her curiosity* In my experience, this recommendation is dangerous - some women already imagine this from such an announcement ... at least a fur coat, and if it is less (according to her internal scale of material values), her mood will be spoiled.
Guest, December 10, 2013 5:21 pm
It is necessary to subtly and skillfully sum up the conversation in order to minimize imagination.
Karpenko Kirill Evgenievich, December 15, 2013, 07:07 am
The video is cool, of course! To know the author.
Guest May 14, 2014 1:28 AM
John Gray writes about the same thing in his book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".
Guest, April 23, 2015 00:08 am
Mark Gungor The video is called "Male and female brain"
Guest, May 14, 2014 01:34 am
So I agree with this (you can't argue against nature) and I don't agree. "Went to work" = 1 point - that's great, of course. Only if all women's work is reduced to the expression "taking care of the house and the household" - I think the answer will be "and you try it yourself!" (further perturbation everest). After all, if you expand the "go to work" and show all the details - there will also be far from 3 points, as this video tells. I consider here the situation "the husband works, the wife is at home with the child," of course. If both work, both of them should work at home too.
Guest, September 15, 2014, 01:43
Draw charts and arrows so that a woman "understands better what she herself said"? Are you seriously? A woman cannot formulate a thesis briefly and in advance? Where do such inferences come from?
Guest, January 28, 2016, 04:46
She cannot formulate the thesis clearly and concisely because her feelings are pushing her to talk, and not an attempt to solve the problem. Those. she believes that something needs to be solved, but in fact she needs to merge her emotions, and the brain "throws" the problem to be solved.
N.I. Kozlov, September 15, 2014, 23:08
Now we are conducting such an experimental study. A pilot study showed that yes, it is more difficult for women to formulate their thoughts in short and clear theses than for men. At the same time, it is clear that, even if subsequent research confirms this, the question will still remain what is the cause of such a phenomenon: the nature or characteristics of the culture that educate and develop boys and girls, men and women in this way.
Guest, September 16, 2014, 11:43 AM
But how? For a long time there has been serious gender research, which, in particular, is being carried out by one of the departments of Stanford University. According to the results of these studies, female and male brains do not have significant differences at birth. Moreover, the hormonal background has no effect on the "type of thinking. " That is, boys and girls are born with the same mental potential. And if a girl plays with dolls, and boys play with cars, then this is the result of the external environment, and not a biological predisposition. Hence the conclusion: anyone can think in short and clear theses, regardless of gender.
Nadezhda, April 12, 2015, 12:12 pm
Let me add to your comment. Of course, at birth, the brains of girls and boys do not differ significantly, but the "hormonal background" manifests itself much later. Hence the differences. But I ask all women not to “row” one size fits all. They are also all very different. mean 90% of people - there is always another part.
Guest, January 05, 2017, 13:27
There are no less problems with hormones in men now, terrible feminization mixed with mother's upbringing, overgrown sons who think only about their needs and are waiting for admiration for their loved ones from scratch.
Guest, January 28, 2016, 04:49
Yes, but when a man communicates, he communicates on business, and a woman in order to merge emotions. There are women who don’t pour emotions on men like that (mostly) and we respect such people.
N.I. Kozlov, September 16, 2014, 13:03
Could you provide links to these studies? We are in the business of science, not propaganda, and if the data is as you describe it, this article will be edited immediately. As for "thinking in brief and clear theses," of course, anyone can do this, regardless of gender; just so far, judging by the data, it is easier for men to do this. And the reasons for this need to be dealt with.
Guest, September 17, 2014, 13:23
Happy to share links. Here's what immediately came to mind: 1. Stanford University professors J. Parvizi and Ben A. Barres: According to Western tradition, most studies are available only by paid subscription to specialized resources, but there are a lot of reviews on their activities on the net. 2. The book itself, about which Barres writes: Author - Cordelia Fine. Here is a complete list of her academic papers (again, most are only available through a paid subscription, but you can always read at least an abstract): In addition, he writes for such authoritative publications as the New York Times and The Guardian. 3. A very interesting study of such a phenomenon as stereotype threat, which also offers a successful solution to the problem: 4. On the same subject, an article by Elizabeth S. Spelke, PhD (currently at Harvard): The article is accompanied by a huge list of used literature.
N.I. Kozlov, September 17, 2014, 2:20 pm
Thank you very much. Long live honest science!
Maksim, April 9, 2015, 12:05 pm
For a long time I was going to ask your opinion about the book Novoselov O. "Woman. A textbook for men". If it's not difficult, in a nutshell ... Or a link to your comment if I missed it.
N.I. Kozlov, April 10, 2015, 09:50
The book is truthful, realistic, but not very constructive: it teaches, first of all, to fight, suspect and expose. This may be necessary, but if we, men and women, suddenly want to cooperate, we need other settings.
guest, March 20, 2015, 9:28 pm
The article probably meant extroverted women. And I, for example, an introvert, not talkative. And about the inability to quickly and clearly articulate their thoughts, I also disagree, many times I saw how some men could not connect two words.
Guest, April 09, 2015, 12:04 pm
It happens to me that after talking to a person, while in a taxi or on public transport, I begin to mentally scroll through this dialogue and understand that I really could be more persuasive , but at that right moment, for some reason, I lack composure, determination. I begin to confuse words, stutter, mumble.
Ivan, April 9, 2015, 1:52 pm
To understand a woman, you don't have to become one. You need to observe, structure and draw conclusions. Let's start. What does every woman need? No, not that nonsense about love, this is for romantics ... A woman needs power! And if she manages to manipulate a man, this will be her “female happiness”. What exactly is needed? To give the entire salary, to think of her as the only one on Earth, as the Queen, to fulfill all requests, instructions, whims; no matter what he objected to, he himself came up with daily entertainment and constantly gave gifts so as not to work, but to live at his expense; to fly to the islands at least twice a year; Well, don't look at anyone else. Here is just a small list. Summing up, we understand that any woman seeks power over a man. And any man does not accept "henpecked". Hence the eternal war. It turns out that the hunter is a woman, the victim is a man. So different from traditional brain fog, right? There is only one solution, but it will not suit the female part of society, although it has long been used by the active part of the male population: deceit for the sake of sex and goodbye. Here is the bitter truth. But who is to blame? Except for themselves, women. Is not it?
Hope, April 12, 2015 at 12:33
Thank you very much for your comment. Perhaps in your destiny this meeting is yet to come, when you yourself will forget both peace and sleep, and you will feel so good with her that you don’t even have time for sex. Catch your luck!!! And then don't miss it.
Guest, May 30, 2017, 09:55
Ivan, in my environment there are families where power belongs to a woman. For the sake of justice, I will say: there is no smell of happiness, either female or male. And for the sake of justice, I note: a man in these families is so-so if he allowed a woman to seize power.
Larisa, April 12, 2015, 11:27 am
If, during a serious conversation, my man starts drawing diagrams, showing them in them and asking me to speak to the point, and not to boil over, I will consider this humiliating for me and sooner or later I will crumple this sheet and throw it in his face. Maybe a man should strain himself and if he doesn’t know how to talk without schemes, draw them in his head?
Fedor, April 12, 2015, 12:49 pm
I believe that if you were talking to a person you respect, you would not do this. 9January 28, 2016 - one that is understandable to both sexes. When a woman talks, indeed, she recorded it on video and then watched it together - everything is there at once - something with words, something with facial expressions, etc.
Inna, April 13, 2015 5:31 pm
I think the article describes women as unbalanced half-wits, unable to articulate their thoughts and living at the whim of the hormonal cycle. I do not agree with this description.
Maxim, April 14, 2015, 2:13 pm
Agree or disagree - that's half the trouble. The trouble is that the description is correct and you need to live with it somehow.
Natalia, April 27, 2015 10:51 am
I completely agree with this article. Yes, we are: changeable and unpredictable.
Clever beauty, February 16, 2016, 13:45
I talked to many foreigners and they say that such an attitude towards women is only in Russia. In Europe and America, a lot of women occupy leadership positions while having a family and children. Our men do not respect women, which is also felt in this article. Treating a woman either with hatred and blaming her for all her failures, or as a mindless animal, like a cat, which you can caress if you want sex, or you can kick if you're tired. How about understanding and respect? Well, who would think to understand and respect a pet?
Guest, June 23, 2016, 5:08 pm
You probably talked to Muslim foreigners? If a woman occupies a leadership position, then she is still a woman. And leadership positions are different. It is unlikely that any man will respond differently to understanding and respect from a woman. As it comes around - so it will respond. Probably, it is necessary to look into each other's eyes more often, and adjust.
Guest, September 03, 2016, 06:56
"Women love attention to themselves... Many small signs of attention to a woman are usually more pleasant and important than one expensive but rare one." what about other men? Or is it enough for them to have grand sex once a year and a sumptuous dinner once a week? And the rest of the time they are quite happy with themselves? Living together involves daily joyful attention to each other for both sexes, IMHO. A woman needs to twitter with her friends... Hmmm. Men don't spend Friday evening and night with friends? Or are they generally silent when meeting with them and it is enough for them to see a friend, shake hands and calmly go about their business? Man is a social being, and any of us needs to communicate with different people in the amount of more than one, this is also my opinion You know, all my "hormonal levels" stopped affecting me after the divorce))) well, there is always a joyful, calm mood. If something disturbs for more than an hour, I sit down, write it out, find the reason and be happy again. So it's not the hormonal background that's the reason ...
Guest, April 16, 2020 1:52 AM
Guest, September 19, 2016 10:58
Guest, September 19, 2016 10:58
are mutually exclusive, for if women are what they are described here, then by definition they cannot be what they should be according to the article about men. And vice versa: if men are the way they are described in "How to understand men", then they will never understand and perceive such women as from this article ... In short, solid "your may not understand")
Guest, January 05, 2017, 13:24
It's strange, but at the expense of talkativeness, I just have an acquaintance who is chatty to the point of eerily, his mouth does not close for hours, chatting and chatting, bathing in the sensations of his own unique eloquence (even if he talks not about the case and not about that). Does it mean a woman or something?))
Guest, April 30, 2017, 07:20 PM
Somehow it is written down to a woman. Just a selection of words: "a hormonal creature", "does not turn on the head at all", "feelings are a rod" and so on. Men are described here more respectfully. And at the end - someone higher will come - a wise and strong man and will help this ridiculous creature to change. Become better. That is, initially the "creature" was "so-so".
Guest, October 05, 2017, 2:21 pm
Well, actually, if you read articles about male psychology, you also get the feeling that a man is a clinical curiosity that needs to be explained and chime in on time. It's just that the articles describe the general, without considering all the details, and this gives rise to the feeling that the opponent is without a screw in his head. If we put what we read into practice, then, of course, we will act, taking into account the characteristics of the partner’s character, so as not to offend him / her and not harm ourselves.
Guest, December 31, 2018 11:35 PM
Looks like I'm going to die alone. How annoying it is that a woman doesn’t care what kind of man is next to her, as long as she endures all this garbage and directs her thoughts in the right way. He took possession of her. Today one has taken possession, and tomorrow another. I won't even try, you abomination.
Guest, January 10, 2020, 3:31 pm
The girl does not understand.
February 14, 2022 took them into account. A man is a leader in relationships, and it is excusable for him not to take into account the female "subtle" state, because, in the end, he will make all the decisions, work out what the "wise" woman will impose. Adjustment should be for a woman, this is her natural quality - support. Otherwise - everything does not work and it turns out a man "taking into account" the female mood (and so on) in the direction of female emancipation. Men! Don't fall for it)! In this way, the female body begins to produce testosterone through the management of the situation, and the man ceases to be a man. If a woman wants - let her develop in a different direction than pretense, it will turn out - a man! The effectiveness of a pair lies beyond accounting and fine-tuning each other.
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Psychology of a woman — Human psychology
Let's talk with you in this article about female psychology. And at the same time I present to you my book on this topic. Women and with women often have various problems that are not easy to figure out right away in order to solve them. Those causes of these problems that lie on the surface often do not allow them to be dealt with, therefore their understanding is not enough to influence the situation. We must dig deeper, look further, to understand the motives of a woman's behavior and in the course of her thoughts. This is necessary for both men and women themselves. After all, women, too, in some cases do not understand themselves at all, they cannot explain well enough why they do what they do, why they want what they want, why they think the way they think, and so on. Therefore, in order to know a woman, you need to know more about her. And here, in this article, we will discuss important points in female psychology. And even more information on this topic, you will find in my book.
Purchasing the book
First I will explain to those of you who are interested in this book how you can get it. To do this, follow the link in the menu to the "Books" page. You will be transferred to my other site, which is dedicated to my books. Choose the book you need, in this case "Psychology of a Woman" and use the payment method that suits you to buy it. If you have any problems or questions, please email me.
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I would be glad for any of your opinions about the book and your questions. And I'll be happy to answer all of them.
Something about women
And now about women. I want to draw your attention right away, friends, to a very important point related to women: you should not compare them with men. A woman is a woman, and a man is a man, these are two different beings, not opposed to each other, but complementing each other. Both those and others, these are people, it's just that nature provides for these people to perform different tasks. Comparing the mental abilities of a woman with the mental abilities of a man and on the basis of this comparison to draw some conclusions about both is unprofessional and frivolous. We can do this, but it will not give us anything, a man will remain a man, with his inherent qualities, and a woman will remain a woman who must solve her problems according to the idea of \u200b\u200bnature, but also copes quite successfully with many men.
When someone says that women are dumber than men, referring to the fact that there are very few geniuses among women, that 99% of patents in the world are registered by men, that there are fewer women who left their names in history than men, this is it's like comparing a washing machine with a computer or there, a closet with a bed, saying that the computer is smarter and the bed is softer. Men and women are designed to solve different problems and they cannot do without each other. Otherwise humanity will die out. Therefore, why raise such a topic at all when there is a much more important topic regarding how people of different sexes can get along better with each other so that they are happy.
A man, no matter how brilliant he is, according to one or another criterion of genius, will not be able to give birth to a child and continue the human race, and without this, no achievements make sense. But a woman gives life to this world, not without the help of a man, of course, but it is she who gives birth to children, and if this is a real woman, then she also educates them properly, which is also very important. Therefore, the men in this world do their work, and the women do theirs. Again, they complement each other. Nature has its own goals for males and females. Well, we can distort or improve our lives in any way, we can fight for equality, we can distribute duties among people and come up with all sorts of rules for women and men - these are our own games. And nature, through instincts, will still demand from us what it needs, for which it created us.
Thus, in order to understand the psychology of a woman, we must understand why nature created her. Well, or God created, to whom it is more convenient. We do not need to compare a woman with a man, but pay attention to her destiny and how well she corresponds to this destiny. Just like a man, being a breadwinner, a protector, he must also correspond to the tasks that are determined by his genes.
I don't think that nature has created a woman so that she strives to copy a man and compete with him in various matters. Why would she? The fragile female body is not very suitable for some cases, although this does not apply to all women. A woman in general is not suitable for many things, for that matter, because she does not need him, unlike, say, restless men who are ready to discover new lands, conquer space, descend to the depths and generally poke their nose wherever they can put it in, so that later you can be proud of your achievements and great victories. This is also necessary and a man is set up for such activities. A man is set up for such feats from birth, like a TV set to certain TV channels, but a woman is not, she has other goals and desires. Hence the difference in lifestyle, behavior, thinking.
In some cases, a woman is forced to do a man's job, and quite well, which proves that if a woman needs it, she will solve almost any task, her brain is almost the same as a man's. And if there is no real man nearby, who, according to his mission, must solve certain tasks, this will be done by a woman. Women naturally live in a different world, but since men are stronger than women and therefore often impose their will on them, as was the case before women had certain rights, women were forced to play by men's rules. It is unlikely that the idea of equality is a good solution, as it can be interpreted in different ways, including to the detriment of women, but what is, is. The main task of a woman is children, offspring, and around this goal, which, by the way, many women do not realize, and then resist it, all her behavior revolves. Even when a woman refuses the idea of having children or cannot complete this task, the maternal instinct still lives in her. Through it, by the way, cunning people can manipulate almost any woman.
Behavior of a woman
No matter how much a woman wants and tries, she cannot escape her nature. She can choose any way of life for herself, start striving for any goals, live with any ideas, profess any values, but her instincts will push her to what she, let's say, owes nature. Provided, of course, that she is physically and mentally complete. I will not repeat its purpose, we have already found out and there is nothing new here. Therefore, the behavior of a woman will somehow reflect her nature, no matter what is in her head. It is very important for a woman to be beautiful in order to attract the attention of men, without whom she cannot fulfill her destiny, therefore a woman pays great attention to her appearance, unless, of course, she is morally broken. Therefore, if everything is fine with a woman, she cannot but take care of her appearance. But she can do it in different ways. Very often it comes down to obsession with clothes.
According to the laws of nature, a woman strives to find herself a strong man, a strong male, next to whom she will feel protected and confident in the future. Here, too, not everything is clear, because strength can be assessed in different ways, depending on the conditions. Therefore, a woman is attracted to men whom she considers strong. Different women have different assessments of the abilities of a man.
Women want simple things, they want material well-being, security, attention, love and respect, which they hope a man who loves them will give them. But not every man, unfortunately or fortunately, can give them all this. It should not be too good, otherwise it will cease to be appreciated. But those men who can give a woman a lot of what she needs do not experience serious problems with women. What problems can a strong, free, prosperous man have, to whom women themselves stick like flies? If he has any disagreements with one woman, then he will simply take her and replace her with another, more correct from his point of view, that's all. Provided that everything is fine with him and he does not become attached to women without good reason.
Clever women know this and therefore respect such men and therefore reckon with them. A woman, if she is smart, understands that a man should not serve her, because this is a sign of weakness that can harm her as well. Therefore, women, although they love excessive courtship, are not always respected and appreciated, which often surprises men. How is it, I'm everything to her, and she turns up her nose. And you don’t need everything, you just need to do what you need, nothing more. It's like with children, if you pamper them, nothing good will come of it, they will only become insolent. Women themselves sometimes don’t understand why they don’t appreciate being treated too well, because they don’t think about it. And the point is precisely that in this they see the weakness of a man. And therefore devalue it for themselves.
Why does a woman need masculine strength
A woman needs a man's strength in order to fulfill her destiny properly. She needs her, like a mother, to protect her offspring, to be able to raise this offspring. Therefore, many women love moderately rude, arrogant, overly self-confident and even cruel men, to whom they are instinctively drawn, because they need their strength. From the point of view of reasonable behavior, this is often unjustified, but the mind still needs to be developed, but the instincts already exist and they work. Therefore, a woman happily submits to the will of a strong man, she herself does not need dominance, she is not against male domination, moreover, she needs it, provided that she sees and feels the benefit for herself in this. A woman needs strength, confidence, determination, responsibility, will, in the person of a man - she needs a dominant male who is able to take care of her, then she herself will not strive to dominate the family. Except for those cases when women are genetically and upbringing closer to men, when their character resembles that of a man. But it doesn't happen that often.
Even very strong women are ready to trust a strong man.
Therefore, by the way, women often love "bad guys", they are drawn to them and respect them for their confidence and character. Although they often suffer. Women's instincts make them see in aggressive, violent, self-confident, arrogant men - genetically promising and successful males, who in primitive times were high-ranking males, with appropriate privileges. In the civilized world, everything is different, in it strength lies in other abilities of people, mainly in cunning and flexibility, but we think according to the laws of the wild world, because these are the basic conditions for human life. This primitive animal logic, it also does not correspond to the spirit of the times in men either. They too primitively estimate women.
The mind rules the world, but not the mind when you are educated in a standard way, but the mind that helps to influence people and manage them competently. If you know how to subjugate people, you will have power, and therefore strength, and if not, then whether you are at least some kind of alpha male, you will still depend on those who manage the system. Therefore, the assessment of a promising partner or one that has already taken place is somewhat different today than in those days when we hunted mammoths with spears and arrows. But the brain of a person, in particular, a woman, is first of all tuned to the basic conditions of life, and not to those that we ourselves have created in the form of civilization. Therefore, instincts are responsible for the primitive conditions of life to which people must be able to adapt, and a woman's education helps her to be effective and choose the right partners for herself already in the civilized world and in specific living conditions.
Attitude towards women
At this moment, in my opinion, based on my experience of communicating with different women, there can be no general model of behavior that would allow a man to always treat all women correctly. I agree with the opinion of many, shall we say, experts on women who, in their books and seminars, say that it makes sense to treat most women in the same way as men treated them in the Stone Age. It is necessary to dominate in relations with them. But such an attitude towards women does not always give a positive result. Like it or not, you need to classify women, which I do in my book, showing what women can be. Well, they are not the same, despite the instinctive base common to all of them. Some of them hate it when a man imposes his will on them, even if it is in their interests.
The main thing to understand is that a man's respect for a woman should be literate and moderate. Admiration, servitude they do not need. They don't appreciate it the way men do. And even more so, pouring snot in front of them is not worth it. On the one hand, the maternal instinct will force many of them to show pity for the slobber, and on the other hand, they will not see a man in such a person. Why does a woman need a weakling to live in fear and be insecure about the future? The whiner repels, as does the one who admires them to the fullest.
You should behave with a woman as if you clearly know what you need, what you are doing, where you are going and you have no doubts and fears, you are completely confident in yourself and your rightness. They love and are inclined to doubt and fear. And in order to see in a man an addition to herself, a woman must see opposite qualities in him. Therefore, a man should not have any doubts and hesitations. If a woman sees a self-confident man who knows what he wants, then he attracts her already on an instinctive level. Well, if you think about it, then logic suggests that there must be clarity in the behavior of a man, otherwise he will not achieve anything serious in life. And this is important for leadership. Looking at many women, one can see the thinking that is characteristic of them, when they often cannot decide what they want, what is the best thing to do, who to listen to. Women doubt their own decisions, they can constantly change them. This doesn't apply to everyone, but it's not uncommon. Therefore, in a man, such women will look for what they themselves lack, the same confidence, certainty, determination, courage.
It is also very important to make decisions for a woman and not to put her in front of a choice. Again, not all, but many women, especially those who are not deprived of male attention, do not like to take responsibility for their decisions. And when you put them before a choice, then you call for this. It's good to choose, but they don't like it. It is better to choose for them. A woman, if she is not a leader by nature, does not need a choice. She needs everything to be normal, good. She likes surprises, likes when all issues are resolved and she doesn’t need to worry about anything, especially about all sorts of little things, women are picky about little things. Therefore, if you, as a man, decided everything yourself and it didn’t get worse, then a woman will like it. And if you constantly ask her to make decisions, if you put her before a choice, then not only will you fall in her eyes, like a person who does not know how best and how right, she can also make the wrong choice, but she will blame it you.
Arguing with a woman
This is probably the biggest mistake men make. And we, men, all sometimes fall into this trap when we start to prove something to a woman, and she does not agree with this, but we insist on our own and this is how a dispute arises. No, of course, knowing that women are different, including very reasonable ones, therefore, with some of them it is possible to discuss something with great interest through a dispute, come to new truths, look for old ones, even develop in such a dispute. But, if a woman falls into hysterics during an argument, which happens quite often, because this is how a woman defends herself from criticism against herself, with the help of emotionality, then the argument becomes meaningless.
A woman often argues not because she wants to prove her truth to a man and convince him of something, but because she expresses her dissatisfaction with the man's attitude towards her and tests the firmness of his character. She, firstly, needs to be reckoned with, and secondly, so that the man himself is sure of what he says. A weak-willed man will argue with a woman with foam at the mouth with or without reason, which will immediately show the woman who she is dealing with. And it will no longer matter to her who is right and who is wrong, because if she sees that a weak man is in front of her, then she will simply begin to belittle him. It would be more correct to give several reinforced concrete arguments, perhaps explain them in detail in order to show respect for the woman, and then persistently do as you see fit, pushing through your decision. If you are sure that you are right, you should not prove it with foam at the mouth, but do the necessary things. This will show your strength.
Women do not always understand that it is not so important for them to be right in any matter, it is important for them that a man himself be sure of his own rightness, their man, and that he respect their opinion, respect themselves, take care of them. He must pretend that he listens to the opinion of a woman and takes it into account, but he does not have to accept it. He can act in his own way, a woman will accept it if she sees that she was heard. For a man, it is not necessary to take into account the opinion of a woman, you just need to listen to him, or rather, you need to show the woman that you listened to her opinion and took it into account. This can be useful, because women often see what a man does not see, or it is useless when a woman does not understand the issue, but simply wants to be heard, but you need to show respect for the woman by explaining her position and praising her for her for an interesting opinion. And then, you have to act as you see fit. Determination and self-confidence for a man are the same as his sexual dignity.
How am I kidding: how can there be arguments with a woman if the woman is always right? But a man will act as he decides. Otherwise, what kind of a man is he? The position of a man should be firm and clear, he needs to make it clear to a woman that she is right in everything, that she is just super good in everything, but at the same time, the man’s decision is the law! But this law is fair, justified. You're right, but I will do as I decide, because I have such and such reasons for this. The point is not to subdue a woman under him, to subordinate her to his will, but to gain her respect and maintain self-respect by showing respect for her. A kind of diplomatic trick.
A man is a leader by nature, this is his role, his duty, he must bear this burden if he wants his life to go well. Being led is not the best fate. The meaning of the dispute between a man and a woman is not about who is right and who is wrong, but that a man, having shown respect for a woman, remains at the same time a man, the way nature made him, so that he himself is responsible for his decisions and his life. And not like that, when you listened to a woman, made a mess, did things, got bogged down in problems, and then you scold yourself for listening to her. A man knows [should know] what and how he needs to do, that's why he is a man. And a woman, she is a queen for a man, in her eyes. Therefore, we praise her, but she acts in her own way.
But some wise women's advice still needs to be heard. A smart man will definitely listen to them, because he understands that such thoughts can appear in a woman's head that cannot appear in a man's head. Women are sensitive to trifles, to various details, they are able to supplement the vital and situational picture of a man with their own details. And this can be very helpful when making decisions. What a woman is able to see and understand, a man can lose sight of, not perceive, not analyze properly, as a result of which his decision will turn out to be ineffective or completely erroneous. And then the woman will say that she said, warned, but the man did not listen, rested on his own and made a mistake. And it will be right. So a man's head is good, and a man's head together with a woman's head is many times better. But in order for a man to take advice from a woman, his ego must not resist them, and for this he must maintain self-esteem. This is important to remember always for both men and women. You need to prompt a man carefully so as not to humiliate him. Such a woman will always be in good standing with a man, unlike the one who, although she is right, talks to a man like that, as if he is a complete nonentity.
Women's mind
Are women more stupid than men? Well, of course not. All this talk about men being smarter than women that I hear from time to time, including from the women themselves, they too narrowly assess the mental abilities of both sexes. A lot of things affect a person's mind, including what his attention is focused on. We are smart about what we know a lot about and about what we think a lot. Gender doesn't matter. No research on male and female brains so far shows that one is smarter than the other. We know that the average male brain is larger, but the female one seems to be better equipped, that's all. And in solving different problems, in the ability to think, reflect, people of both sexes can be equally effective or ineffective. It all depends on what a person does, what tasks he solves, what he thinks about and whether he thinks at all. Yes, there are statistics showing that the majority of patents and discoveries belong to men. But this is not because women are not able to invent, discover, solve the mysteries of nature, create something smart, but because they are mostly usually concentrated on other things. Well, as in sports, Canadians are good at hockey, not because they have some special gene there, but because this sport is very popular in their country and many people play it. As a result, high competition, a large selection of talents. The same can be said about Brazilians in football. What certain nations pay more attention to, they succeed in. Also with people of different sexes. What most of them dedicate themselves to is where they succeed.
It makes no sense to compare a woman with a man in terms of intellectual abilities. It makes sense to compare different people, regardless of their gender, among themselves in order to better understand the system by which human intelligence develops. And make everyone smart so that there is less stupidity in the world.
Interesting facts about women
And now let's summarize all of the above, and at the same time turn our attention to a few more interesting facts about the psychology of women. So, the natural destiny of a woman is to give birth and raise children. Whether a woman wants it or not, whether she recognizes this destiny or not, nature will push her to fulfill this task, no matter what lifestyle she leads. And in order to fulfill her destiny, a woman needs a man whom she needs to find, select from among others, seduce, for which it is important for her to be beautiful and feminine smart, and build a serious relationship with him. A woman needs a strong man, next to whom she will feel safe and thanks to whom she will be confident in the future. Women and children need protection, in the broadest sense of the word. Therefore, when evaluating the behavior, actions, motives of a woman, one should always remember this natural mission. Often everything revolves around her. The rest is nothing more than a husk. All this female commercialism, which men so often talk about, is only a manifestation of one of the criteria for selecting a man by a woman. For one reason or another, a woman does not take into account other criteria, but on this, as they say, she gets hung up.
A woman does not need leadership in relationships, she does not need absolute freedom in the form of independence from a man, and even her own truth is not really needed. She needs a normal, reliable man next to her, who would love her, respect her, protect her, support her [to the extent necessary], be romantic at times and take care of her. She needs this and everything that contributes to this, she sees strength.
The mental capacity of a woman is the same as that of a man. And often women are smart enough to solve their main tasks related to managing the man they charmed, and of course, to raise children. Some women do not solve these problems very well, but they solve them. Well, professional success, success in science, art, they depend on dedication. Gender doesn't matter here. In some matters, a woman, due to her character, can think more flexible, and therefore more practical than some men who will rest on their own and are not ready to take a step to the right or left, the ego does not allow.
If there is no male leader in a woman's life, then she takes on the role of leader, which some women do very well. But we must understand that when a woman is the leader in a family, and not a man, this is not normal. My practice shows that because of this, there is tension in the relationship, which reinforces all other disagreements. A man does not feel like a man, and a woman does not respect her man for his weakness. For a family to be strong, reliable and happy, the man in it must be strong, and the woman, she must be a woman. Women understand what it is.
Some more facts about women that I can confirm by experience. Women are quite talkative, much more talkative than men. If you talk to them, they can tell a lot of things, including too much for themselves. You only need to listen to them when they start to tell something, do not interrupt, do not insert your five cents into their opinion, but simply listen, occasionally asking questions to demonstrate your attention, sympathizing or supporting the woman where it is required, and then you will learn a lot anything interesting and often useful. But there are also many things you can learn.
Women are more emotional than men. But for them this is as much an advantage as it is a disadvantage. It all depends on the situation, in some cases emotions help women, in others they harm. In my book on the psychology of women, I talk about how women benefit from their emotionality, show why nature made them like that. But if this quality is not controlled, it will, of course, be harmful, because emotions interfere with thinking and making informed decisions.
Women are more cruel than men. It is difficult for me to confirm this fact with my psychotherapeutic practice, but once, when I was engaged in forensic science, I received confirmation of this fact by studying the history of various crimes. There are different explanations for precisely female cruelty and why it is superior to male cruelty, but if we talk about my opinion, then I believe that this is due to the woman's compensation for her physical weakness. I will not delve into this point in this article. We just need to take note of this fact. In certain situations, it may be more appropriate to appeal to male pity rather than female pity.
Women need sex less than men. Well, this fact, I think, is not worth explaining, much less proving, confirming. It is visible to the naked eye. Therefore, it just needs to be taken into account. Especially to those men who are trying to attract a woman with some sexual moments. This doesn't always work. Women need feelings to experience desire and passion. Not just attraction.
Women use cunning to achieve their goals more often than men. It is clear that when you are physically weaker, it is more expedient for you not to solve various controversial issues with people with the help of physical strength, but with the help of cunning. But here, it should be noted, everything depends too much on the situation and specific people. Some men can be terribly cunning, even when they are physically strong enough, because they understand that violence is not the best tool to influence people, it is better to use manipulation to achieve their goals. And some women, instead of being cunning, can scandalize and even attack a man with fists, not realizing that this can lead them to very negative consequences. But, in general, women are more cunning than men.
Women are more likely than men to seek help from other people, in particular, from psychologists. In my work, this fact is confirmed by the fact that I consult women more often than men. I didn't count the percentages, but I think it's about 65/35. Women are definitely more active here. Although everyone has problems. Moreover, men turn to me more often for the development of thinking [I have such a service], and women for advice on issues related to relationships, and mainly to speak out and get advice. This fact is explained by the fact that the male ego is stronger than the female. Men like to solve their own problems, and women are in a hurry to share them with other people. Both approaches have their pros and cons, but if you think about it, it is more practical to use not only your own, but also other people's mental resources for the fastest and best solution to your problems.
Well, the main thing that I want to say about women, and what I found out by experience, is that the presence of a normal man in their life, and therefore a full-fledged relationship, can solve many of their internal problems. A suitable man for a woman, who is also a normal man, can be an excellent cure for many psychological problems for her. I have never seen real miracles of female transformation, when a worthy man appeared in a woman’s life and she flourished. This, in a sense, proves that love heals many mental ailments. For happiness, a woman needs a man suitable for her, and a man, accordingly, a woman suitable for him.