Psychological control issues

Signs, Causes And How To Get Help – Forbes Health

An individual with controlling behavior may exhibit jealousy, possessiveness and even use threats or insults to exert power over someone—for example, a partner who tells you how to dress or a friend who peer pressures you into doing something bad for your health. People who are controlling may try to take advantage of another person or dominate romantic relationships, friendships and other social situations to get their way.

Living in a controlling environment can be exhausting and often damaging to your mental health. Here’s what you need to know about spotting controlling behaviors, and how to get help for yourself or a loved one.


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What Are Control Issues?

A person who exhibits controlling behavior may meddle in the lives of others, exert dominance or try to remain in charge of all decision-making. This may look like depriving an acquaintance of their independence by deciding who they can be friends with, or one partner regulating their other half’s weekend plans. Controlling people may come across as intimidating, overbearing and use manipulative techniques.

People with control issues may “often come across as rigid, believing their way is better than others, have a need to be praised, are critical of others’ ideas and have a hard time respecting boundaries,” explains Sid Khurana, M.D., a clinical assistant professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who is double board-certified in adult, child and adolescent psychiatry.

Control issues can come to light in many different scenarios, such as in the workplace, where a micromanaging boss leaves colleagues feeling exploited, says Dr. Khurana. In a romantic partnership, your significant other may control what family members you see and when, and in friendships, controlling behavior can manifest in the form of a friend growing cold if you resist their recommendations or plans.

What Can Cause Control Issues?

Desiring a sense of control is natural in humans, but when the tendency to control becomes persistent and pervasive, it’s problematic, says Dr. Khurana. “It often has origin in childhood, where the basic attunement and attachment process with primary caregivers was not quite right,” he says, explaining that this can lead to adults craving control. According to Dr. Khurana, possible causes can include:

  • Lack of unconditional love from caregivers
  • Lack of adequate nurture from caregivers
  • Household abuse and neglect
  • Households with mental health and substance abuse issues

Children who are not adequately supported in their early years are at a higher risk of developmental and mental health outcomes later in life.

A person with a history of trauma, such as child abuse or domestic abuse, may later feel compelled to dominate later in life, says Deena Manion Psy.D., a licensed clinical social worker in the Los Angeles area and the executive director and chief clinical officer at Westwind Recovery. “It may also be a need to feel ‘above’ someone else, which comes across as controlling, but more often than not, it’s fear-based or anxiety from past experiences,” she says.

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Acting in a controlling manner might also be consequential as a fear of failure, the need to strive for perfection or dreading specific emotions. Quite often, controlling people seek praise from others as a means of reassurance and boosting their own self-esteem.

Control issues may also result from:

Learned behavior: Often people shadow controlling behaviors of those in their immediate family or community, which can lead them to crave power.

Disorders: Controlling behavior can result from several mental health disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which cause intrusive or uncontrolled thoughts, pushing a person to spiral in a controlling manner.

Anxiety: Generalized anxiety disorder can cause a person to obsessively worry and develop a need to exert control as a coping mechanism.

How to Spot Controlling Behaviors

Controlling behavior can present itself in many forms, such as an individual refusing to accept blame for a mistake, or a friend who seems to be annoyed with you for no obvious reason. Because of its wide-ranging forms, it’s not always easy to spot.

Control issues are not a medical disorder, explains Renee Solomon, M.D., a clinical psychologist and head of the drug and alcohol addiction treatment center Forward Recovery in Los Angeles. They can, however, be pinpointed by a qualified professional in the mental health space, such as a psychologist or a licensed therapist.

Telltale signs that a person may be exhibiting controlling behaviors toward you include the following, according to Dr. Solomon:

  • A partner or friend telling you who you can or can’t spend time with
  • One partner telling the other how to dress
  • Someone speaking for you, without asking your opinion first
  • In a marriage, one partner controls all of the finances, including the other partner’s money
  • A colleague not letting you arrange the office furniture or decor unless they approve it
  • A friend who insists on which restaurant you eat at and will usually resist any change of plans
  • A sibling deciding how the family reunion or vacation is planned depending on what works best for them

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The Impact Control Issues Can Have On Relationships

Having controlling tendencies doesn’t make a person “bad,” says Dr. Khurana, rather it means they struggle with factors that have contributed to them exerting certain behaviors. Nonetheless, controlling behavior can be destructive to relationships when it results in emotional and mental abuse toward the person being controlled.

When persistent and pervasive controlling behavior is used to dismiss, humiliate or gaslight another person, it may not be possible to resolve the conflict through cooperation, says Dr. Khurana. In fact, when this type of behavior escalates past a certain point, it is considered abuse, says Dr. Manion. This type of abuse can often look like:

  • Intimidation
  • Coercion
  • Ridicule
  • Harassment
  • Treating an adult like a child
  • Isolating an adult from family, friends or regular activity
  • Using silence to control behavior
  • Yelling or swearing

According to Dr. Solomon, a worst-case scenario is when a controlling person in an intimate relationship acts out physically with violence, which is referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV). If you are at risk of, or think you may be experiencing, IPV, it is important to get help and support from a trusted source. Resources include the National Domestic Violence Helpline and / or a local domestic violence organization.

Treatments for Control Issues

Processing control issues and emotions in therapy can help you to stay present and avoid negative repercussions, says Dr. Manion. “Clients actually are able to free themselves of their anxieties and gain more control over their lives when they embrace this truth.”

If you’re looking to manage your own controlling behavior, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be a helpful tool and a good place to start. In addition to CBT, Dr. Manion recommends other integrative therapies like mindfulness, meditation and yoga. Such mindful and spiritual practices have been found effective at calming one’s mental state, allowing for better self-regulation and reduced anxiety.

For example, if you find yourself wanting to control a moment, practice mindful breathing to help dial down your response to the situation, suggests Dr. Manion. On the other hand, if you feel someone is trying to control you, advocate for yourself (if you can do so safely) to address a person during a situation in which you feel controlled. If the situation is volatile or unsafe, however, it may be wise to seek help from a mediator, or leave the situation.

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7 Signs To Look For

Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors

In this Article

  • What Is Controlling Behavior?
  • Signs of Controlling Behavior
  • What Is Coercive Control?
  • Causes of Controlling Behavior
  • Dealing With Mild Controlling Behavior
  • Signs of Danger and How to Get Help

What Is Controlling Behavior?

Everyone wants a measure of control over their own lives. But controlling people also want to have a say in the lives of others.

When you’re on the receiving end of controlling behavior, it can make you feel embarrassed, angry, or inferior. In severe cases -- which can sometimes include a pattern of behavior called coercive control -- you might face threats, intimidation, or abuse.  

Find out how to spot the signs that someone is trying to control you. Then, you can learn practical ways to take charge of your life.

Signs of Controlling Behavior

Some of the signs are:

They insist on having things their way

Controlling people often insist everyone do things their way, even when it comes to small issues that are a matter of personal choice. Your partner might insist you change clothes if you’re wearing something they don’t like. They may refuse to back down even after you make it clear you disagree with them.

They refuse to accept blame

No one likes to admit they made a mistake, but people who are controlling seem incapable of admitting fault. Even when their actions are clearly the issue, they'll find some way to blame you for what went wrong. It may be as petty as accusing you of distracting them when they made a mistake. 

They need to be the center of attention

If you have a victory, no matter how small, you can count on the controlling person in your life to try to upstage you. They want to be in the limelight regardless of the circumstances. 

They’re unpredictable

They will keep you uncertain about what they will do next. They may swing between telling you how great you are and sulking because you don’t do what they want. The goal is to keep you guessing and focused on them. 

They lie

Controlling people want to control your reality. Truth is the bedrock of reality. They will try to deny your reality by lying about their behavior or yours. They may insist you’re the crazy one when you try to contradict them. 

They want to be in charge of finances

If you’re married or living with a controlling person, they probably want to handle all of the money. They may claim that they’re better at it than you are or that you spend too much. They want to control access to money as a way of controlling what you do. 

They dictate where you can go

One of the most intrusive ways someone may try to control you is by controlling your movements. They may want to know where you are all the time. Whether it’s by threats, intimidation, or pouting, they try to isolate you from other, supportive people in your life. 

What Is Coercive Control?

It’s a pattern of abusive controlling behavior that can turn violent. Another name for it is intimate terrorism.

Coercive control is when someone -- usually an intimate partner like a date or a current or former spouse -- tries to dominate your life. They may intimidate you, keep you isolated, threaten you with violence, or terrorize you with actual violence.

The controlling person might limit your freedom and independence by:

  • Keeping you away from family, friends, and other supportive people -- or making you feel guilty when you spend time with loved ones
  • Putting financial, social, and emotional barriers in your way that make it hard to get out of the relationship
  • Making you fear for your safety, or the safety of loved ones or other people you know

They might also:

  • Deprive you of sleep and other basic needs
  • Stalk you and keep a close eye on where you go, who you see, and who you talk with
  • Question you a lot
  • Embarrass you
  • Gaslight you, or make you question your own beliefs

Coercive control can fill you with fear even if your partner isn’t physically violent with you -- and the terror and trauma could last after your relationship ends.

Causes of Controlling Behavior

Several things can drive controlling behavior.

The most common are anxiety disorders and personality disorders. People with anxiety disorders feel a need to control everything around them in order to feel at peace. They may not trust anyone else to handle things the way they will. 

Controlling behaviors can also be a symptom of several personality disorders, such as histrionic  p ersonality, borderline personality, and narcissistic personality. These disorders can only be diagnosed by a licensed health care professional. 

Dealing With Mild Controlling Behavior

Sometimes controlling behavior is simply an annoying trait, but it may cross the line into abusive behavior. Once you determine the severity of the behavior, you can decide how to handle it. 

If the controlling behavior is mild, it can help to discuss it with the offender. You can tell them how their behavior makes you feel, using “I” statements to avoid sounding like you're blaming them. A sentence that begins with, “I feel,” will likely be better received than one that starts with, “You always.” You will probably also need to set clear boundaries to see a change. 

If your partner is isolating you from family and friends and using different tactics to wear you down so that it’s easier to give in than to argue with them, you may be in an abusive relationship. If this is the case, the National Domestic Violence Hotline recommends creating a safety plan to improve your situation while maintaining your safety. 

Signs of Danger and How to Get Help

You may be in an abusive relationship if your partner isolates you from family and friends and uses different tactics to wear you down, so that it’s easier to give in than to argue with them.

Relationship violence can begin slowly, and it can be hard to spot. It can include physical or sexual violence, threats of either, emotional abuse, and stalking.

Some signs your relationship might become violent are:

  • Your partner makes you feel afraid or disrespected
  • Blames you for things that aren’t your fault, including how they treat you
  • Forces you to do things you don’t want to do
  • Keeps doing hurtful things to you after they’ve promised to change their ways

If someone forces or pressures you to be sexual with them when you don’t want to, that’s sexual violence.

Even if you’re not sure whether you’re in a violent controlling relationship, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233). You can also chat online with someone who’s trained to help. The hotline and the chat are free, available around the clock, and you don’t have to share your name.

You can also set up a safety plan that helps you lower your chances of being hurt by your partner. To do this, you’ll answer some questions about yourself and your life. You can do it alone or ask a loved one or someone else you trust to help. The plan includes info about you and your life that could make you safer at home and other places you go each day.

If you’re in danger now, call 911 right away.

Psychological features of the test form of monitoring learning outcomes

Yu.F. Gushchin

The use of pedagogical tests to control the knowledge of schoolchildren is a fairly new form of knowledge control for many schools (and schoolchildren). It is believed that the reliability and objectivity of control in pedagogical testing is one of its main advantages. However, the uncommonness and unfamiliarity of this form of control for teachers and students can lead to negative effects on test results. The reasons and circumstances of such influence can be very different. Therefore, it is important for test organizers, methodologists and teachers to know and anticipate such influences and be able to compensate for them with the help of special events. nine0003

Traditionally, testing is divided into two main stages: preparation and actual testing. Preparation includes familiarization of students with the test form of control, the rules for conducting testing, correctly filling out the answer form, etc. For younger students, teachers are also recommended to conduct trial, preliminary testing, using test items specially prepared for this purpose. It should be agreed that the acquisition of preliminary knowledge and experience in testing allows, in some cases, to remove the problems associated with an unusual environment and other circumstances that adversely affect the conduct and results of testing. But this is not always possible, and, in addition, the effectiveness of these activities increases significantly if the reasons that can cause difficulties for students in the testing process are known. In addition, knowledge of the causes makes it possible to more purposefully prepare measures to eliminate or compensate for them and, thereby, achieve greater objectivity and reliability of knowledge control using tests. Some of these reasons will be discussed and analyzed below. nine0003

The introduction of a new form of control - testing - into the context of learning, leads to a change in control situations at school.

Not only the means and forms of control are actually changing; the whole situation changes, including the psychological situation associated with the perception of new means, the formation of schoolchildren's attitude towards them, the acceptance (approval) or rejection (rejection) of tests as a form of control. For many schoolchildren, testing is, first of all, new and unusual conditions and situations of activity for them. If we take into account that control and evaluation in itself causes a state of psychological discomfort for many of them, then it should be assumed that a new unusual situation will only increase this discomfort, which, in turn, will adversely affect the results of their activities. A negative attitude towards testing can also arise under the influence of various kinds of organizational errors - inaccuracies, overlays, etc. The problem, then, is that testing - at least in the initial stages - can create difficulties for students. They may be associated with getting used to new circumstances and situations of activity, expectation of negative results, mistakes, etc. This can lead to the formation of negative motivation, and in the future - to a stable negative attitude of schoolchildren towards testing. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to specially prepare schoolchildren for testing, and not only in terms of information, giving them a variety of information about tests and testing, but also psychological, by creating positive motivation in them. In other words, special events and actions are needed to form the psychological readiness of schoolchildren for the upcoming activities and ensure the creation of positive motivation for testing. nine0003

In preparation for testing, a number of organizational and methodological activities are usually carried out, including briefing and methodological sessions with school methodologists and teachers, trial testing, etc. Along with this, it is also advisable to conduct psychological preparation, and it is not necessary to allocate this preparation to a special stage and conduct it separately from other preparatory activities. It is enough that it is correctly understood by those who organize and carry it out. "Correctly" in this case means - in accordance with the understanding of the psychological problems and tasks included in psychological preparation, and adequate means. nine0003

Among the various reasons influencing testing, in our opinion, motivation and readiness for activity are the most important .

Motivation determines the personal attitude of the individual to the activity or its individual components - goals, content, procedures, means. This attitude can vary from "very positive" to "very negative". It is known that with a positive attitude towards what remains to be done, the individual has the appropriate attitude and desire, he easily joins the activity and expects positive results from it. Difficulties arising in this case are perceived normally; they do not destroy activity, but, on the contrary, even stimulate it. With an initially negative attitude towards the upcoming activity, entry into the activity is usually accompanied by negative emotions, increased anxiety, avoidance (avoidance of activities under various pretexts), etc.

Among the various reasons influencing testing, in our opinion, motivation and readiness for activity are the most important .

Motivation determines the personal attitude of the individual to the activity or its individual components - goals, content, procedures, means. This attitude can vary from "very positive" to "very negative". It is known that with a positive attitude towards what remains to be done, the individual has the appropriate attitude and desire, he easily joins the activity and expects positive results from it. Difficulties arising in this case are perceived normally; they do not destroy activity, but, on the contrary, even stimulate it. With an initially negative attitude towards the upcoming activity, entry into the activity is usually accompanied by negative emotions, increased anxiety, avoidance (avoidance of activities under various pretexts), etc.

The nature of motivation depends on many reasons, but there are situations and activities that are perceived by many as threatening or carrying a "negative charge". In relation to them, a negative attitude is initially formed. These include the control and evaluation of the individual and, therefore, testing. Until now, there is a dispute in pedagogy regarding the usefulness and productivity of assessments and marks in learning, moreover, opponents of control cite as the main argument just the considerations that grades (and marks) create a negative motivation for schoolchildren to learn [1]. nine0003

The problem, then, is that many people have negative motivations for monitoring and evaluating. This must be taken into account in testing. Psychologists and educators of the humanistic direction say that in order to overcome this "ailment", it is necessary to build control and evaluation differently, as well as purposefully form positive motivation in relation to evaluations. In particular, the child must learn to properly control and evaluate himself[2].

Another factor that significantly affects the attitude of schoolchildren to testing is readiness for activity. It is characterized as the mobilization of the internal reserves of the individual and as a certain internal mood to perform activities. In the psychological literature, in particular, in ergonomics and engineering psychology, there are quite convincing and eloquent descriptions of how the operator's unpreparedness for activity often leads to errors and accidents.[3] The negative effects of unavailability fully apply to control and evaluation activities. Errors, malfunctions, confusion can also appear here, negatively affecting the results in testing. nine0003

The factors influencing motivation and readiness for activity in testing conditions include:

a) specific information (knowledge) of schoolchildren about tests and testing, their features, advantages and disadvantages, positive and negative points;

b) work experience, which determines the level of mastery and practical competence in terms of working with tests; here it will matter whether the student makes mistakes when working with tests or not, what kind of mistakes they are, how he realizes them, whether they have negative consequences for him, etc.; nine0003

c) test results; in particular, their compliance or non-compliance with the expectations of the student;

d) education or educational level of the student;

attitude towards tests and testing of teachers and parents of a student;

e) individual psychological characteristics and qualities of a student's personality;

f) the quality of the tests themselves, etc.

The nature of the influence of these factors largely depends on how motivation and readiness are formed - spontaneously or purposefully. In the first case, the result is not predetermined and depends largely on how the specific circumstances of the activity develop; in the second, they (the factors) are objects of purposeful influence and control, and therefore the likelihood that their negative impact can be compensated or removed is much greater. It follows from this that in order to create positive motivation among students and form readiness, it is necessary, first of all, to understand this task itself, its significance in the context of testing, and to have the appropriate means (knowledge) for its implementation. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the attitude is formed, on the one hand, unconsciously, under the influence of experience, knowledge, rumors, etc., on the other hand, purposefully, in the process of special events. In the first case, the quality of testological and methodological work at the stage of preparation for testing is of great importance. Any mistakes and miscalculations in this activity will negatively affect the final result. For example, if a teacher himself has a negative attitude towards tests, but nevertheless acts "according to instructions", then schoolchildren (at least some of them) will form a negative attitude towards testing. If the teacher exaggerates the situation, talks about the negative consequences of testing for those who fail to complete the tasks or deviate from the proposed rules and requirements, this will also negatively affect the test results. To create a positive motivation for testing, constant systematic educational work with students is necessary. The means of solving this problem include:

  • specific, objective information about tests, their purpose, content, structure, experience and results of testing, as well as how and why tests are created, how they are developed, etc.;
  • training in working with tests as part of preliminary trial testing;

- discussion with students of the results of testing, and, in the
context of this, a discussion of its (testing) advantages and

  • specific, objective information about the tests, their purpose, content, structure, information about the experience and results of testing, as well as how and why tests are created, how they are developed, etc.;
  • training in working with tests as part of preliminary trial testing;

- discussion with students of the results of testing, and, in the
context of this, a discussion of its (testing) advantages and

In the context of the above, it must be emphasized once again that the transition to mass testing in schools, among other things, is a fairly convenient moment for changing the attitude of schoolchildren to assessments and control, in particular, changing negative motivation towards them to positive. The implementation of such an installation largely depends on the pedagogical community (teachers, educators, methodologists involved in testing), testers and other test organizers. nine[4] This approach is necessary when there are students in the class who negatively perceive any kind of assessments and assessment activities. The negative attitude towards grades among these students is usually associated with increased anxiety due to various reasons. This anxiety in testing situations (as, indeed, in any other assessment) can develop into stress. For them, any situation related to the control and evaluation of their work causes discomfort, since it is perceived as a threat. If something new and unusual is added to these conditions, unknown in its results, then anxiety and tension, as a rule, increase. In this case, the best way to deal with this kind of phenomenon is to give the opportunity to get used to (adapt) to the situation. To do this, for such students, it is necessary to increase the time of training, trial series. Another effective tool can be unobtrusive and benevolent supervision by the teacher. Such children do not need to be constantly "pulled" and strongly and persistently patronized. nine0003

To form readiness for testing, in addition to the actions already listed, it is necessary to create a setting for a specific activity in advance (several days before testing). To do this, it is enough to specifically and, if possible, inform students in detail about the upcoming testing. Such information should include: a message about the time of testing, its goals, a list of topics and questions that are submitted for control, general requirements for students during testing (what is allowed, what is prohibited) and how testing will be organized; if possible, it is also necessary to inform about when the results will be received, whether or not they will be commented and discussed, and how they will be taken into account or affect the final grades. nine0003

To form a positive attitude towards tests and testing, first of all, specific information is needed for students, explaining to them the prospects and advantages of the test method. This information should be directed to:

- neutralization of students' negative attitude towards control and evaluation; clarification that testing allows you to remove the problem of the dependence of the assessment on the attitude of the teacher to the student;

destroy his activities. Optimal for him will be an environment in which he works independently and is not constantly subjected to external control. nine0003

- removal of anxiety, tension, stress caused by
the expectation of negative consequences of control;

- emphasizing the objectivity of control and the fairness of
assessments obtained as a result of testing.

It is also necessary to systematically and gradually develop in students the ability for self-control and self-analysis. Testing opportunities in this case - in terms of providing a variety of information - are currently practically not used. nine0003

At the testing stage students must be required to strictly follow the instructions and rules. If the preparation is carried out correctly, then at this stage there should not be any special problems. If the preparation was incomplete, insufficient or inadequate, then deviations are possible that require the intervention of the teacher (or other person conducting the test). The most typical of them are errors when filling out the form and transferring the answer numbers to the appropriate cells in the answer line of the test form or to the answer table in the test itself. Errors can occur not only because of poor attention, but also because students may not attach much importance to the quality of filling out the form (ie, due to the weakening of attention to this issue). At the same time, for testing, this is one of the key technological moments associated with the processing of completed tests. nine0003

Various means can be used to deal with errors. Directly during testing, the main thing is to control the correctness of filling in the forms by the teacher. But the teacher can also make a mistake (or ignore the requirement contained in the instruction to the teacher). It is more reliable and more correct to teach the students themselves to control the completion of the form. For this, it is not necessary to conduct special classes. It is enough to regularly analyze these errors in the lesson - during the communication and discussion of the test results. This may not be enough for those students who have certain deficiencies in the development of attention. For this category of students, classes are required according to a special program. nine0003

Various means can be used to deal with errors. Directly during testing, the main thing is to control the correctness of filling in the forms by the teacher. But the teacher can also make a mistake (or ignore the requirement contained in the instruction to the teacher). It is more reliable and more correct to teach the students themselves to control the completion of the form. For this, it is not necessary to conduct special classes. It is enough to regularly analyze these errors in the lesson - during the communication and discussion of the test results. This may not be enough for those students who have certain deficiencies in the development of attention. For this category of students, classes are required according to a special program. nine0003

Thus, the teacher conducting the test must require students to comply with the instructions and rules governing the test. At the same time, it must be emphasized that these rules and requirements are determined by the technology of testing, and not by the wishes of the teacher or the administration.

Another important step in testing is to discuss the results of the assessment with the class or individual students. Its meaning is, firstly, to bring to each student reliable information about his real achievements for a certain period. Another task is to explain to the student what mistakes and miscalculations he made and why he deserves the grade he received. And, finally, the communication of the results and their analysis allow the teacher to plan activities to correct errors and gaps, i.e. adjust activities. These tasks can be solved both individually and in combination, depending on the specific circumstances and possibilities of control. nine0003

If testing is completed only by reporting the results of the control, then its impact on the learning, growth and development of schoolchildren is minimal. In this case, testing works to a greater extent for the educational authorities. At the same time, even with this option, the teacher has opportunities for a psychological approach to assessment and its differentiated impact on the learning and development of the student [5]. Ananiev B.G. and other psychologists, in particular, note that the assessment of a student's achievements may be different depending on the selected assessment criterion [6]. the result obtained is compared with the previous or past achievements of the same student. For example, a teacher says to a student: "Your result today is better (or worse) than last time. And although you have mistakes, in general you did a good job. Well done." In this case, in addition to reporting an objective result, the teacher fixes attention on the dynamics of learning. In addition, the assessment also performs a stimulating function. nine0003

Grades will have a much greater effect if the student receives a visual idea of ​​his achievements (past and present). What are the possibilities for this? The computer database of testing data, which is being formed in the laboratory of attestation technologies of MIPKRO, allows schools to provide qualitative and quantitative information about the achievements of both individual students and a class or school as a whole; both in individual and in several or all subjects for which testing was conducted. In this case, both the form and the context of the presentation of the results can change. For example, information can be presented in the form of tables, graphs, histograms, etc. They can reflect (present) a) test results (of individual students, classes or schools) in comparison with the results obtained earlier, in past tests; this allows you to identify the dynamics of changes (trends) in learning, b) the results (achievements) of the student in comparison with the achievements of other students in the class, school, district, city; c) results in a particular subject against the background of achievements in other subjects, etc. In principle, test technology makes it possible to record a variety of achievements in the learning and development of students and present them in various forms. In reality, this makes it possible to significantly change the very practice of control and evaluation activities in schools. nine0003

To a lesser extent, testing makes it possible to obtain information about students' mistakes and their causes, although in this aspect

the test method has certain prospects. Currently, testing allows you to determine which of the topics covered by schoolchildren are not learned, or are learned poorly. This is determined by the number of outstanding tasks for a section or topic. In addition, in principle, it is possible to obtain additional information about the nature of errors and miscalculations based on an analysis of the percentage distribution of responses to distractors (in the case, of course, if the distractors take into account the nature of students' possible errors). nine0003

In conclusion, in the context of the above, it is necessary to emphasize once again that the transition to mass testing in schools, among other things, is a fairly convenient moment for changing the attitude of schoolchildren to assessments and control. The implementation of such an installation largely depends on the pedagogical community (teachers, educators, methodologists involved in testing), testers and other test organizers.

[1] See, for example: Amonashvili Sh.A. Educational and educational function of assessing schoolchildren's learning. - M., 1984 - 169s. Polonsky V.M. Assessment of schoolchildren's knowledge. - M. Knowledge, ser. "Pedagogy and psychology", 1981 - 96 p.

[1] See, for example: Amonashvili Sh.A. Educational and educational function of assessing schoolchildren's learning. - M., 1984 - 169s. Polonsky V.M. Assessment of schoolchildren's knowledge. - M. Knowledge, ser. "Pedagogy and psychology", 1981 - 96 p.

[2] See: A. G. Maslow. Psychology of being. - M., 1997 - 302 p. and Far reaches
of the human psyche. - M., -1997 - 430 s

[3] See: V. I. Lebedev. Personality in extreme conditions. - M., 1989.

[4] For example, people with a strong nervous system (sanguine) have great endurance in relation to stress factors, are efficient, like to compete, but quickly lose interest even in the new. To create optimal performance and readiness for the activities of such people, they must be constantly kept in a certain excitement and from time to time a little "shake". On the contrary, if you do this in relation to a melancholic who has a weak nervous system, this can lead to stress, increased anxiety, or even completely. nine0003

[5] Fridman L.M. Pedagogical experience through the eyes of a psychologist: Book. for the teacher. - M., Education, 1987.

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Topical issues of methodological and psychological support for the training of combat athletes

(Vasiliev G.F. Topical issues of methodological and psychological support for the training of combat athletes [Text] / G.F. Vasiliev, O. V.Tiunova // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2017. - №2 - С.20-22)

This article is in English here


The development of any branch of knowledge, branch of human activity requires periodic revision and reassessment of accumulated experience, technologies used and stimulation of professional discussion. The article formulates topical directions for improving the scientific and methodological support for the training of martial arts athletes of various qualifications. Some "painful" points in the development of sports at the present stage are indicated and practical solutions are proposed based on the authors' many years of experience in scientific, methodological and psychological work with athletes. The material of the article is intended to provoke a fruitful discussion in the professional sports community and, at the same time, will be useful to scientists and coaching staff. nine0003

Keywords: martial arts, psychological preparation, training process, control, testing

Introduction. The development of any branch of knowledge, branch of human activity requires periodic revision and reassessment of the accumulated experience, technologies used and stimulation of professional discussion. 2016 is a significant year in the life of the professional community of coaches and martial arts athletes, which means that a fruitful exchange of views and the subsequent solution of a number of problems relevant to the development of martial arts are possible. Our article is an invitation to such a discussion .

The purpose of the study is to identify relevant areas for improving the scientific and methodological support for the training of combatants of various qualifications.

Research results and discussion. Among the topical issues of improving the methodological and psychological support for the training of martial arts athletes, there are more general issues relating to all participants in the process, and more specific, but it is their solution, as a rule, that has great practical value, since they allow you to quickly improve the training process. Let's start with general questions. nine0003

Of paramount importance is the analysis of global trends in the development of each of the types of combat sports . Appropriate experts, high-class specialists, should be involved in this process. Their recommendations will make it possible to improve the methodological support for the training of not only national teams, but also, as a result, to modernize all parts of the training of the sports reserve. This function is usually performed by the scientific committees of sports federations or members of the Executive Committee. However, their decisions should be embodied in the form of specific methodological recommendations addressed to coaches and athletes. In this regard, it is appropriate to emphasize the need to create public committees - special "unions of athletes", the role of which has so far been clearly underestimated. This organizational measure will make the work of any federation more open, democratic and efficient. nine0003

Systematic analysis of the performance experience of national teams at the world's largest tournaments allows us to determine the positive and negative components of the performance of leading athletes; discuss measures to improve training; evaluate the refereeing system and prepare proposals for improving this system to the relevant international sports federations; add new sections to the next Comprehensive Target Program for the preparation of the national team, as well as modernize its content. nine0003

Obviously, under this condition, even after a serious sports failure, it will be easier for the newly appointed head coach of the national team to organize the work.

Of particular importance in the individual training of athletes is a retrospective analysis of competitive activity according to the complex of the most significant statistical indicators [3]. Such an analysis is important not only in terms of method, it is a useful tool for the psychological preparation of an athlete (it affects his motivation, self-confidence, etc. ). A retrospective analysis makes it possible to predict sports performance, which also has a great “psychological” significance [4]. nine0003

Information about the dynamics of sports growth of leading athletes becomes a good motivator for the sports reserve and can be successfully used by the coaching staff to improve the planning of young athletes [2].

Analysis of the final fights of boxers at the Olympic Games for the period 1996-2016. revealed that 42% of athletes increase the performance of impact actions from the first round to the third [1]. A similar analysis in other types of martial arts allows the coach to form a "primary" style of conducting a competitive duel . Systematic analysis of video recordings of a competitive fight, actual data on the implementation of technical and tactical mastery in competitive activities is a source of invaluable information that allows you to correct the training process at the next stage of preparation, as well as plan targeted work on mistakes, including using modeling of competitive activities. Comparison of the arsenal of techniques used by an athlete in a duel with his actual arsenal has both methodological and psychological significance. nine0003

The technology of effective psychological correction of the athlete’s state after a defeat includes several methods [4], including:

- preparation by the athlete of a list of successful actions, useful conditions, effective solutions that appeared during the competitive struggle,

- a clear awareness by the athlete of the admitted mistakes, formulating appropriate attitudes for the next competition and preparing a plan to correct these mistakes in the training process. nine0003

We must not forget that over the millennia of the development of martial arts (in one or another of their incarnations) a fairly stable type of use of various training models has developed. Depending on the type of wrestling, stage, pre-competitive situation and other factors, a coach can use one or another system-structural approach in combining forms, means and methods of training. Indeed, the concepts of “individual”, “complex” approach have long entered the vocabulary of coaches and other sports specialists, but we must not forget that they are implemented within the framework of a multi-level training management system [1]. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the load for the previous year, the value of the training load, its volume and intensity of the current year are determined. nine0003

It must be emphasized that this complex planning process begins with the implementation of the simplest professional competencies by the coaching staff: drawing up a schedule of training loads, conducting ongoing pedagogical observations with a quantitative assessment of the amount of workload and the quality of tasks, correction of the next training plan.

Rational organization of the training process - the optimal combination of individual and group tasks, as well as a variety of means used in training - are an obvious reserve for increasing the effectiveness of training work [3]. At the same time, the modernization of the training system for highly qualified martial arts athletes can be based on a more rational use of their individual physical capabilities, since they significantly limit the arsenal of technical and tactical actions used in a duel [1]. nine0003

Unfortunately, in recent years in the training of young martial arts athletes there has been a dangerous trend of departure from the testing procedure for general physical and special physical training. Moreover, it is important to take into account that the formation of an appropriate battery of tests should not only comply with the basic metrological requirements for testing, but also provide for the use of already existing tests of a regulatory nature. If the teams do not have periodic testing of general physical and special physical fitness, this reduces the responsibility of the athlete, his "involvement" in the training process, motivation and self-confidence. nine0003

We are conducting a study that allows not only to formulate the main components of the psychological and pedagogical support of sports training, but also to identify a range of issues on which the opinions of a coach and an athlete differ. It is these issues that require a priority solution or convergence of positions, since they are a resource for increasing the competitive efficiency of an athlete. As an illustration, it is appropriate to give examples of the non-systematic work with video materials that we have identified, the almost complete absence of work with the “sports diary”, the fuzziness of the competitive struggle plan formulated by the coach, etc. nine0003

It is important to emphasize that such concepts as the result of competitive activity, technical-tactical and psychological preparedness of an athlete are closely related [1].

In martial arts, special attention should be paid to the methodological aspects of improving the technique of performing techniques, which is characterized by a high degree of variability due to the variety of reactions and responses of the opponent [3]. A possible solution to this problem is the creation of special stands that allow evaluating individual biomechanical characteristics of techniques and simulating a particular competitive situation [1]. A necessary condition for their equipment is the possibility of a special biomechanical video analysis and telemetric fixation of the athlete's condition. All this in the future should be compared with similar parameters of the competitive struggle. Modeling of load parameters is carried out in strict accordance with the characteristics obtained in competition conditions. At the same time, it is obvious that the technical and tactical mastery, manifested in competitive activity, significantly depends on the psychological readiness of the athlete [2]. nine0003

Carrying out stage, current and operational control , carried out in the preparation of national teams of the country, is also relevant in the preparation of club teams and young athletes. At the same time, it is not necessary to rely on expensive and requiring special training equipment. It is enough to systematically use the traditional methods of pedagogical control, which include both the assessment of training standards and the control of the body's response to the training load. In the absence of this work, at the first stage of the athlete's psychological preparation, it is necessary to restore his correct understanding of the training process. nine0003

The psychological block in the organization of stage, current and operational control was tested in the period 2009-2016 [4]. It can be used in work with single combat athletes. The need to return to the “sports diary” technology has become obvious, however, its content should be modernized and include sections related to the “life base”, “sports base”, the training process, psychological preparation, preparation for competitions, competitive activities, analysis of the experience of victories and defeats. [4]. nine0003

Carrying out psycho-physiological examinations of young martial artists makes it possible to identify promising athletes already at the early stages of training . So, for example, in our studies with boxers, the most important prognostic factor was the minimum spread of individual indicators relative to the group average. The development of model characteristics of the psycho-physiological state of athletes is still a relevant topic and allows not only to identify promising athletes, but also to take a long-term cycle of their training under special control in order to avoid possible decreases in motivation and loss of interest in adolescence and youth. in general to sports. Many years of experience in psychological counseling of young athletes shows that the weakest link in their motivation is a lack of understanding of the tasks of the training process and fuzzy prospects for sports growth [4]. nine0003

In martial arts, competition rules change regularly, scientific and methodological support for national teams is constantly improved, foreign training systems become known. The task of professional development of the coaching staff does not lose its relevance, despite the high level of general information support of the sports industry. The most in demand is up-to-date, verified, practically oriented information of a methodological nature.

Output. According to one of the psychological laws, goals and objectives can be formulated only when the conditions and resources for their implementation have already appeared ... We have formulated a number of questions, the solution of which depends on the coordinated interaction of all those who are responsible for financial, scientific, biological, psychological and information support of the sports industry. Questions have been raised and we are ready for discussion!


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