Science careers for introverts

10 Highest Paying Careers for Introverts

Introverts are generally described as people who thrive on their own and who feel drained when they must interact often with other people. While introverts often get a bad rap, they should simply be seen as people who are energized in quiet spaces and during alone time rather than in loud, large social gatherings. Although extroverts are very good at making their presence known because they love to talk, share and be seen frequently in public, the number of introverts in the world is truly astonishing. In fact, it is estimated that from 26 to 50 percent of people in the United States are introverts.

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Are You an Introvert?

Those who are not sure whether they are introverts should examine how they feel when they are with others. True introverts enjoy alone time, think more clearly when they are on their own, are described as self-starters and avoid uncomfortable run-ins with unhappy or angry people. They may not often call people on the telephone or send many texts or emails even to their friends or family. In general, they feel happier and more content when they keep mostly to themselves, and they try to stay away from casual conversations.

Finding the Right Job as an Introvert

Employment in certain fields can be problematic for introverts who prefer to work alone rather than in large office environments or in teams. Certain careers require plenty of personal interaction or public speaking. Some examples of poor career choices for introverts could include becoming a family practice doctor, a lawyer, a public relations manager, a sales manager or a fundraising manager. Despite their high wages, these careers would be dreaded by many introverts. Introverts who do try to make a living in these careers may find themselves feeling quite unfulfilled at the end of the day or even burned out after a few years.

Therefore, it is important for introverts to choose their careers wisely. Not only must they consider what fields interest them, but also they must consider how much alone time they will have each work day and how often they will need to interact with their coworkers, managers or clients. In addition, these individuals should factor in their salaries, the flexibility that they have in scheduling their hours and vacation time and the level of stress in their jobs to determine the perfect job for them.

The good news is that one does not have to be extroverted to thrive in a job. Introverts do not have to feel as if they are on the sidelines or as if they have been cut out of meaningful jobs that allow them to succeed and grow in their careers. Instead, an introvert should choose a job that allows more time for quiet work on one’s own rather than on personal connections that must be maintained.

Best Careers for Introverts

Whether individuals are heading to college for the first time upon high school graduation or are heading back to further their education for the start of a second career, these 10 career paths are among the most ideal for introverts wanting high-paying careers.

1. Software Developer

Individuals who love computers and technology and who are comfortable sitting behind a monitor for most hours of the day will love the salary and the benefits that they get from a software development career choice. Software developers help to create new computer programs for nearly any commercial or consumer use. They must know how the software will be used, how to create a secure platform and how to write the correct code for the software. In addition, they may also help to install new software or work bugs out of the system if the software does not work correctly.

Many software developers spend most of their working hours on their own. Although they must occasionally meet with clients or coworkers to discuss software needs, graphic design, upgrades or maintenance, many of these individuals can choose to work from home, picking and choosing the best projects for them as a freelancer. In general, software programmers will have more time on their own than will software engineers.

Software development is a growing career in the United States. While there are currently over 1.2 million people employed in this area, the number of software development jobs is expected to rise by 24 percent by 2026, producing over 300,000 more jobs. Not only does the current need for software developers produce great job security for individuals in this field, but also the high average salary of $105,590 keeps people happy in this financially secure career.

2. Computer System Administrator

A spectacular tech job for introverts is computer system administration. This is another behind-the-scenes job that requires individuals to set up computer systems for companies of all sizes. Individuals will work with networks, servers, hardware, software and Internet networks. Although this may be a lesser-known job, it is certainly not unimportant because organized and properly working computer systems are vital to the overall smooth daily flow of a company.

Not only must computer system administrators know how to properly set up networks, but also they must be able to respond quickly and knowledgeably to problems so that companies’ systems remain up and running at all times. In addition, these individuals must stay current with network needs and trends, upgrading equipment and software as needed.

Although this is not a large profession, it is a quickly growing one that has an incredibly low unemployment rate of only 1 percent. With 391,000 jobs currently, this field is expected to grow by 6 percent in the next several years, adding approximately 24,000 jobs by 2026. System administrators can expect to make a healthy $82,050 yearly with the highest pay rates going to those who work in information technology, finance and insurance industries.

3. Veterinarian

A career as a veterinarian is a great choice for those who prefer working with furry creatures rather than talking to humans. These individuals often work in private clinicals or in animal hospitals. However, others venture out on their own to care for sick farm animals. They can diagnose and treat a variety of animal illnesses, help with animal births and provide vaccinations. As increasing numbers of people are seeing their pets as parts of their families, the role of veterinarians is becoming increasingly important.

While this career does require an advanced degree, which is usually a doctorate, most graduates can quickly find work immediately after graduation. The job market is strong, and veterinarians have only a 1.7 percent unemployment rate. Veterinarians have great options for moving ahead in their careers, but they do often have to take on some increased stress with uncomfortable work hours and increased responsibilities to do so.

Thankfully, the great salary more than makes up for the lack of flexibility in this career. The average annual salary for veterinarians is $93,830 per year, and the number of open jobs is expected to increase by 19 percent by 2026, leading to 15,000 more jobs by that time. These increases are mostly due to the increased number of people who are willing to spend more on their pets than they once were.

4. Radiologist

While radiologists do work with humans rather than with animals, theirs is a behind-the-scenes job that rarely requires much interaction with patients. This job revolves around diagnostic tests in the health care field. It could include reading X-rays, CT scans and MRIs as well as providing proper diagnoses and recommendations for further testing. Most of these physicians work in clinics and hospitals, and most spend a majority of each day on their own while they analyze images. Some may specialize in oncology while others may work in interventional radiology during in-depth patient procedures. However, the best option for introverts in this field is diagnostic radiology.

Of course, it is no easy task to become a radiologist as these professionals must have well over a decade of higher education under their belts. However, the payoff is great with an annual entry-level salary of over $200,000 and some experienced radiologists making over $400,000 annually. Plus, the job outlook for physicians in general is positive with an expected growth rate of 13 percent in the number of jobs in this field by 2026.

5. Biochemist

For introverts with a strong background in science, a career as a biochemist is a great option. Social interaction in this field is low as workers spend most of their time on their own in the lab. These individuals study the chemical processes at work within living organisms and work to solve biological problems. They are involved with research, work with DNA and the smallest organisms known to mankind, and help with the creation of drugs and artificial tissues. While they may work in corporate labs, many biochemists work for universities and pharmaceutical companies, and many provide research through fully funded grant programs.

A career as a biochemist begins with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry or a similar science-backed degree. To work on one’s own in a research setting, the individual will need to have. Ph.D. With an unemployment rate currently sitting below 2 percent, biochemists can typically find ready work in a high-paying field. Those with Ph.D.s can expect to make an average of $93,280 per year. Those who worked in wholesale trades often make much more than this while those who work for universities and other educational systems may make less.

6. Marine Engineer

Listed in CNNMoney/PayScale’s top 100 careers for great paychecks and amazing career growth, a career as a marine biologist is one that is perfect for introverts wanting a high-paying job with limited human interaction. Marine engineers help to build the inner-workings of ships and other types of naval transportation. For example, they may help to build engines, refrigerations units, electrical systems and steering systems for ships and watercraft of all sizes. A few marine engineers may also work with electrical power generators, including wind turbines.

While these individuals work in offices and will need to have some interaction with their clients and coworkers on their teams, they will spend most of each work day in front of a desk, working on computer designs. After planning and designing marine systems, they may then need to be on-site during system installations and during marine inspections. Many of these individuals work for engineering firms. However, a good number of them instead work for the federal government.

Although this field of engineering may not be as well known as its mechanical, electrical, chemical and civil engineering cousins may be, it remains as a quickly growing career. The field is expected to grow at a slightly above average rate of 12 percent in upcoming years, far faster than other areas of engineering are projected to grow. Average salaries are $92,560 per year, and workers can expect to enjoy highly fulfilling and generally low-stress careers.

7. Astronomer

Although not many people are familiar with careers in astronomy, this is an incredible science- and math-based career that allow individuals to study the depths of the universe and develop new theories for the natural world. These individuals also get to work with high-powered devices, such as electron microscopes, lasers and particle accelerators.

Astronomers must usually have a Ph.D. in astronomy to get a job in research or education. While the educational road to acquire this job may be a long one, the pay-off is high with those carrying a Ph.D. making an average of $105,680, and some working for the government making over $148,000 per year.

Many astronomers work alone and at night so that they can observe the universe without the sun’s radiation hampering their efforts. Many work in scientific research labs or in public or private universities where they carry on a majority of their daily work on their own. Others work for the government and for health care companies. Job openings for astronomers in the United States are expected to grow by 10 percent by 2026, giving up-and-coming graduate students a chance to find a great job immediately.

8. Technical Writer

Although the majority of the best jobs for introverts focus on math, science and technology, there are a few rare exceptions, such as is the case for technical writers. These writers do not focus on blogs, fiction, journalism or entertaining writing. Instead they focus on writing manuals, deep non-fiction articles and in-depth documents that are fact-based, analytical and clear. These writers must have a great grasp of vocabulary and grammar and must be very detail-oriented. This career typically begins with a bachelor’s degree in English or journalism. Most writers begin in a related field before making their way into technical writing.

This is a great job option for introverts because many technical writers work from home or work on their own in quiet offices. Those who are self-employed pick up freelance jobs either as short-term work or as recurring assignments. Wherever these individuals work, the environment must be quiet and solitary.

Technical writers make surprisingly good money with average annual paychecks of $71,850. However, some can earn over $100,000 per year. Self-employed writers often get paid for each completed project rather than on a weekly or monthly basis. With the increase in technical products and electronics sold to consumers today, the need for technical writing is growing. This field is expected to expand by 11 percent by 2026 with over 5,000 new jobs added in that time.

9. Accountant

Although accounting may not be the highest paid career on this list, it is still a great job for introverts who love working with numbers, want to be upwardly mobile in their careers, prefer a great deal of autonomy and value financial security. Unlike a financial advisor who spends much of each work day talking with his clients and discussing the best financial plans for them, accountants spend most of their time looking at numbers and spreadsheets. While some client interaction is certainly necessary, most time will be spent in front of a computer screen as the accountant seeks to make sense of numbers and balance accounts.

Accountants may work for a specific company or may freelance, choosing their own clients. They may keep company records, make recommendations to businesses regarding financial welfare, compute taxes and examine financial documents. Some accountants will also need to prepare written reports of their findings, and some may have to present these reports in face-to-face meetings. However, this career path allows for a great deal of specialization, allowing introverts to choose a career path that works for them.

Accountants remain in high demand as very few people can understand the tax code and many struggle to organize and compute complex numbers. The number of accounting jobs is expected to rise by 10 percent over the next several years, and accountants can expect a healthy salary of $70,500 on average.

10. Actuary

Becoming an actuary will give individuals a chance to enjoy an even higher-paying numbers-based career when compared to accounting. In fact, this job may be even better for introverts than accounting is because they will most likely have even less interaction with clients. Many actuaries work in the insurance industry and spend most of their time behind desks. Introverts should be sure to stay in the office-based realm of actuarial services rather than becoming an actuary consultant.

Actuaries work with numbers and statistics primarily in the financial and insurance industries but occasionally for professional and technical companies or even for the government. They analyze economic and monetary data to help businesses make wise decisions as they forecast the possibility of future costs. In addition, actuaries may help design insurance policies, retirement plans and business strategies to help businesses bring in more money. Most actuarial work is done behind a computer although workers may occasionally be called on to share their findings with management, shareholders or other professionals.

A job as an actuary can be highly rewarding with an average annual salary of over $100,000. Plus, this field is expected to have a growth explosion by 2026, adding 5,300 jobs by that time in a 22 percent expansion.


Obviously, most of the best, high-paying jobs for introverts are found in the realms of mathematics, science and technology. Thankfully, these are often the fields in which these types of people excel. These ten jobs definitely minimize the necessity of frequent connections with others whether they be coworkers or clients and focus more on one’s connection to his own work. They focus on independent work in quiet spaces as well as the need for highly focused attention to detail. When introverts choose one of these careers, not only will they see great improvements in their bank accounts, but also they will daily feel more satisfied with their jobs.

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What Are the Best Science Careers for Introverts?

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There are a lot of science jobs that are perfect for introverts who prefer to work independently. Introverts don't tend to like customer-facing jobs in retail or hospitality, but science jobs are great for introverts because they often require very little interaction with others.

The Hyper Recruitment Solutions team are dedicated to finding candidates their dream science jobs, so whether you're introverted or extroverted, we can help! Take a look at some of the best science careers for introverts and when you're ready to start your search, get in touch with us.

Data Analyst

If you're an introvert who's good with numbers, a job that's centred around data analysis could be perfect for you. People who work in data analyst roles spend most of their time sifting through data, finding errors and summarising results. Data analysts are vital because they turn hard-to-digest data into real-life results and findings. These findings can then be used to make decisions about a particular experiment - for example, whether a medicine is safe for human consumption or not. Data analysis is a great science job for introverts because it requires a lot of independent thinking. 

Key skills for data analysts:

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Investigative skills
  • Interest in statistics
  • Interest in predicting trends and identifying patterns
  • Observation skills
  • Critical thinking


Science Writers

Scientific writers play a key role in the science industry because they help to prepare a number of technical documents including, instruction manuals, reports and journal articles - all of which convey complex scientific ideas in a way that the reader can easily digest. You'll spend a lot of time researching scientific ideas and keeping up to date with science industry news. A lot of science writing jobs can be done independently, and some can even be done remotely, meaning science writing is a great science career for introverts.

Key skills for science writers:

  • excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Logical thinker with an understanding of complex ideas and data
  • Self-motivated and organised
  • Able to work under pressure and stick to deadlines


Laboratory Technicians

Introverts tend to prefer listening rather than speaking or leading a team. For this reason, a great science job for introverts is a laboratory technician. Generally, a laboratory technician will work alongside a small team of scientists and will be required to do follow instructions and complete tasks that help ensure the success of the experiments and technical work in the lab.

This is also a great science career for introverts who are only just starting out and are keen to build their confidence in a particular field. Spending a few years as a laboratory technician in a pharmaceutical research company might help you build the confidence you need to go for a more technical, higher-paying job.

Key skills for laboratory technicians:

  • the ability to learn specific, practical techniques 
  • the ability to maintain and use scientific equipment
  • time management skills to work on several different projects at once
  • attention to detail

Nancy Enkowitz - A career for introverts.

12 3 4 5 6 7 ...76

Nancy Enkowitz

A career for introverts. How to gain credibility and get the promotion you deserve

Published with permission from McGraw-Hill

© Nancy Ancowitz, 2010

© Russian translation, Russian edition, layout. Ltd. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber., 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by Vegas Lex law firm

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Susan Cain


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to all who are silent at meetings, who are bypassed when promoted and who find it easier to look at the rulers of the world than to join them. You are the true brain behind action, the master of innovation, and a never-ending source of new ideas. You want to have more weight in your own eyes and in the eyes of others - but first they all have to find out who you are. nine0016


I have seen how silent you are in meetings. I saw how you eat alone during your lunch break. And I saw how your more sociable and less talented colleagues are promoted instead of you. What keeps you quiet when you have something to say, especially when it comes to you? You may not want to brag or draw too much attention to yourself. And to top it all off, as an introvert, you need to think before you say anything. If you think long enough, a strange logic will make it seem that others will notice your virtues themselves - they just have to look at you. If it were so…

Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone saw something more in you? But is it likely that this will happen? And how long will it take, given the downturn in the economy and the situation in the labor market? If waiting doesn't work for you, then this book - written by an introvert for introverts - will come in very handy. Together, we will highlight your strengths and hone the necessary skills to make you more visible. You decide how visible you want to be in order to get what matters to you. And you yourself will be able to enter a state of drive on the way to your goal. nine0003

How to Find Your Way to Success

From actress Whoopi Goldberg to businessman Donald Trump, people who have become famous have experienced success in different ways. The path that suits them may be completely unacceptable for you, especially if you are an introvert. Just as there is no single scheme for promoting oneself, so there is no single goal for all. Together we will select a methodology that is applicable to your case and suitable for achieving your goals.

At first it may seem that self-promotion is beyond your powers. Still, I strongly recommend sticking to the path you have chosen and approaching your studies with the diligence and diligence that you, as an introvert, certainly have. Don't be afraid to step back from the mold as you move forward showing your talents to the world; but however you do it, it has to be authentic. You will find a voice, learn to make your presence meaningful, and bring your truth to others in a strong, clear voice. As Leonard Nimoy aptly put it: "We all strive to find our inner voice - the one whose sound brings harmony into our lives." nine0003

Introverts and extroverts

Which of the following characteristics do you have in more than 50 percent of life situations?

Know thyself

Self-promotion begins with introspection, which means that it involves careful self-observation, devoid of evaluation. This allows you to understand who you are and what you are, instead of lamenting what you think you lack. The better you know yourself, the easier it will be for you to connect with others. And the less effort you spend on creating an image that is favorable from the point of view of public opinion. nine0003

Shakti Gattegno, Educational Consultant

Why it's important to be visible

Tired of not being noticed when you're always at work? I know that you do not waste time - but work harder than many. But do others know about it?

Being in the public eye is not an easy task for introverts. We often completely go into work and, having plunged headlong into our inner world, sometimes we even forget to emerge from it in order to take a breath of fresh air and receive a worthy reward for our work. Maybe this is the fate of all introverts? nine0003

Broadway legend Chita Rivera has good advice for you: “Be proud of yourself,” she says. “Be most proud of who you are and what you do. Also, choose your friends wisely. Make sure you are surrounded by the right energy, the right people for you. You should influence them positively, and they should stimulate you.” Very comprehensive advice. But still, I offer a couple more recommendations from people who have achieved success in various fields.

“First, be clear about what you want,” says Ann Hoole, senior manager of leadership development at Saks Fifth Avenue. “People are often mistaken in thinking that for self-promotion you need to be in the public eye all the time and endlessly talk about yourself to everyone you meet. That's not the point of self-promotion." My client Amy Jacobs, vice president of technology at a major investment bank, has something else to add: “Think about when to use we are and when talking I am talking about my work. It's not easy for me to pronounce and as I like to give credit to my team. And yet, when the idea is really mine, instead of saying: "We had an idea" , I learn to say: "I came up with the idea ".

“We are each a universe of value in our own way, with unique gifts to offer to the rest of the world,” says Dr. Lewis Bernstein, executive vice president of education and research at Sesame Workshop, a nonprofit educational program "Sesame Street". “So, like my good friend Grover from Sesame Street, who is naturally very shy, we all need to learn how to project our enthusiasm into the real world and let our potential be seen by everyone. Sometimes it takes a lot of practice, discipline, trial and error. But the result is almost always worth the effort. Bernstein's passion and potential have earned him and Sesame Workshop three Emmy awards. nine0003

After reading this book, you will learn:
- how to turn your introversion into an advantage;

- articulate what makes you stand out from the crowd;

- create a personal promotion plan;

- identify your target "customers";

- formulate your personal strategic goals.

Who is this book for
This book was written by an introvert for introverts.

Chip book
Nancy Enkowitz is a successful business coach, teacher and blogger. And by the way, an introvert. For 12 years she worked on Wall Street, where she received several awards for outstanding performance at JP Morgan Chase and Citibank. nine0003

Susan Cain, author of the acclaimed bestselling book Introverts, took Nancy Enkovitz's courses years before writing her book.

The author included tips on how to become more visible from many famous introverts and extroverts she interviewed. For example, it has exclusive tips from Warren Buffett, Bill Clinton, and Seth Godin.

The book was included in the list of the best books of 2009 according to the authoritative magazine Publishers Weekly.

From the author
Tired of no one noticing you, always plodding on your work? I know that you do not waste time - but work harder than many. But do they know about it?

Being visible is not an easy task for introverts. We often completely go into work, and, having plunged headlong into our inner world, sometimes we even forget to emerge from it in order to take a breath of fresh air and receive a worthy reward for our work. Maybe this is the fate of all introverts?

This book allows me to share my experience and help as many people as possible, in particular introverts, learn to defend their interests more effectively. I have spoken to many astute introverts and extroverts in all walks of life, not counting celebrities such as Kathy Black of Hearst Magazines, Warren Buffett, President Bill Clinton, marketing guru Seth Godin, Irwin "Magic" Johnson; Katherine Myers of the Myers-Briggs Trust; Craig Newmark, founder of Craiglist, Leonard Nimoy and Chitu River.

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