Percentage of introverts by country
Most extraverted and introverted countries in Europe mapped
The words introversion and extraversion were presented in psychology by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.
Extraversion is the state of predominantly getting gratification from beyond oneself. Extraverts are prone to enjoy human interactions and be enthusiastic and talkative. They like being around other people. They enjoy activities that affect big social gatherings, such as parties and demonstrations.
Introversion is the state of being primarily interested in one’s own cognitive self. Introverts are generally sensed as more reserved or thoughtful. Introvert persons predominantly enjoy time consumed sole and find less reward in time spent with sizeable groups of people. They are readily overwhelmed by excessively much stimulation from any social gatherings.
Can you be both extroverted and introverted?
Our brain is the most complicated structure in the known universe. With 100 billion neurons, our characteristics are much more intricate than the binary introvert and extrovert distinctions. There is a spectrum. Many people do not feel that they belong to one distinct category.
For instance, suppose you’re an introvert-extroverted. You may feel that you’re primarily introverted, but you don’t always choose to be isolated or in small companies, and you can feel energized when you’re around the right mass at the right time.
Edmund Conklin also declared in 1923 the presence of ambiverts, regarding them to be the most ‘normal’ with individuals exhibiting flexibility between the two extremes.
But if simplified, being extroverted and introverted is like falling into one of two containers: Would you preferably be the center of attention or remain as far away from the public eye as you can? Would you rather stay at a house on a Friday night in your pajamas or go to the bars with a sizeable group of pals?
Extraverts and Introverts in Europe
Just under half of the global population (about 44%) is introverted. Europe has many countries that are considered introverted. Lithuania is the most introverted nation in Europe, while Albania is a nation of extroverts.
The map below shows extraversion and introversion in Europe according to the NERIS Analytics data.
Overall, North-eastern Europe tends to be more introverted, and south-eastern Europeans tend to be more extroverted. Below is the animated version of this map.
For more on introverts and extraverts, have a look at the following books:
- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain
- Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want to Come: One Introvert’s Year of Saying Yes by Jessica Pan
- The Introvert Advantage: How Quiet People Can Thrive in an Extrovert World by Martin Olsen Laney
8 Best Countries to Live in as an Introvert — All About Introverts
Written By All About Introverts
Finding the right country or city to live in can be challenging if you're an introvert. Settling down in a community of like-minded individuals is the ideal scenario, and certain places have a little too much small-town charm or big-city energy for your tastes.
For introverts who know they’d like to live in the United States, this list of the best US states for introverts can be extremely helpful. But the US isn’t the best place for all introverts.
So, this list of the best countries for introverts can help you discover where in the world is the best place for you to live.
1. Sweden
Sweden is often hailed as a great place to live with a high quality of life—and it’s also an amazing haven for introverts.
Swedish culture is very introverted in nature, and Swedish people tend to find a careful balance between being friendly but not overly outgoing. In Sweden, extroversion can be seen as obnoxious. In fact, the Swedes have a dedicated word for “forced socializing,” which has many negative connotations to it: tvångssocialisering.
So, if you want a culture where you fit right in, Sweden is the place for you. There is a high proportion of single-person properties, which is great if you want to live alone, and most people in Sweden speak English.
Like many introverts, Swedes tend to be difficult to know at first yet fiercely loyal once you’ve gained their trust. Because of this, establishing a strong network in Sweden can prove challenging—but it’s not impossible.
2. Japan
There are also a lot of English speakers in Japan. But, unlike Sweden, you’ll probably need to learn the native tongue if you’re going to live there for a long time.
But taking the time to learn Japanese will be well worth the effort. There are many great aspects of Japanese culture that introverts love, making it one of the greatest countries to live in as an introvert.
Japanese culture emphasizes not inconveniencing others. Strangers rarely approach you, and you’re unlikely to get trapped in conversation—even with a coworker.
People are very respectful of others' boundaries, which means you can be surrounded by people but still live a quiet life in Japan.
Japanese hobbies are also perfect for introverts. While you can enjoy hobbies with others, many popular Japanese hobbies are easily enjoyed alone, like ikebana (flower arranging), calligraphy, and playing musical instruments.
It is also very normal to do things solo in Japan. For example, there are manga cafes with plenty of individual reading nooks and dedicated solo karaoke shops where you can sing to yourself in the privacy of an individual booth. And no one will give you a strange look if you eat out alone—it’s incredibly common!
3. Finland
Finland is also home to many introverts due to their cultural norms. Finnish people are open, warm, sincere, and authentic—and a big part of that authenticity plays into their social interactions.
Finnish people are social when they need to be. They don’t feel pressured to socialize, and they don’t feel offended when others are disinterested in socializing.
Like many introverts, Finnish people do not enjoy small talk, and when they do speak, they mean what they say. If they ask, “How are you?” they aren’t surprised by an honest answer.
Finnish people rarely chat with strangers, but their limited social interactions are usually genuine and meaningful.
Finland is not overcrowded, but it is beautiful. The air is clean, and they have a quality education system. The weather is also generally cold, which means there’s always a good reason for a night in!
4. Norway
Norway is another great country for introverts thanks to its small population and introverted culture. Norway is a part of the cultural region of Scandinavia, which includes Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland (which are all on this list of the best countries for introverts to live in).
In general, the Scandinavian countries share many cultural similarities—although that does not mean they are the same.
In Norway, it is very normal to be able to go about all of your daily routines without needing to socialize with others. People are unlikely to chat with you on your commute, and neighbors will generally only give a smile and a wave. Even your coworkers (assuming they are Norwegian) will keep to themselves.
While the introverted nature of Scandinavians has dissuaded many foreigners from living there, many introverts may find the culture shock enlightening.
5. Denmark
If you’re an introvert who prefers plenty of alone time to recharge, you’ll love living in Denmark. The Danish, like other Scandinavians, enjoy a largely introverted culture where communication is quick and efficient without unnecessary fluff.
Being loud in public and engaging with strangers is extremely unusual for the Danish. For fellow introverts, public life in Denmark is perfect. It’s remarkably quiet and modest. Even within private social circles, people are calmer and quieter compared to most other countries.
6. Iceland
Iceland is an island situated between Greenland and Norway and the chilly waters of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. Iceland is one of the most beautiful and untouched landscapes in the world, with gorgeous views all around the country.
In Iceland, you’ll find hot springs and ice caves, mountain waterfalls and sprawling meadows. Although much of the country offers the promise of solitude and quiet living, any areas well-known to tourists are crowded during summer days.
However, it is true that Iceland has a low population, low crime rates, and overall peaceful environments where introverts can recharge.
7. Poland
Compared to countries in Eastern Europe, Poland is one of the most economically developed countries, and compared to other European countries such as Germany or France, Poland is an incredibly affordable country to live in—it’s a sort of middle-ground option for people who want a nice quality of life without paying premium housing costs.
Polish people are friendly and welcoming to foreigners, which means making friends (especially as an introvert) will be much easier in Poland than in Scandinavia.
However, Poland is still a great country for introverts because their culture dislikes small talk and intrusive social interaction. The people are friendly and welcome but not pushy or rude. Generally speaking, Polish people are good listeners. They tend to be quiet and observant rather than loud or superficial.
8. Canada
Canada is a big country with plenty of options for introverts to choose from when looking for a new place to live. Cities like Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal are great choices, but there are lesser-known cities and towns, like Calgary, Edmonton, and Kingston, for introverts who prefer a quieter life in Canada.
Overall, Canada offers great medians salaries and a reasonable cost of living along with high quality internet, which makes Canada the perfect country for introverts who love being online. Fast Wi-Fi is great for WFH jobs, browsing YouTube, streaming TV, and tuning into your favorite podcasts.
Although Canadian culture overall is much less introverted than Scandinavian, Japanese, or Polish culture, Canada is still a great place for introverts. People are friendly, polite, and reserved, despite having strong opinions.
All About Introverts
how to silence yourself in a world where everyone talks - T&P
In a culture where the ability to be charming and admire people is almost the main social virtue, being an introvert can be difficult - if not embarrassing. Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, argues with this thesis. Theories and Practices publishes a transcript of her TED talk.
When it comes to creativity and leadership, we need introverts who do what they do best. 30-50% of the population are introverts. This is every second or third of your acquaintances. All of them are treated with a bias that is deeply rooted in our society. We learn this attitude towards them from childhood, although we cannot even say what our mistake is. nine0005
To see this bias clearly, you need to understand what introversion is. This is not shyness. Shyness is the fear of social condemnation. Introversion is a feature of how a person reacts to signals from the external environment, including communication with people. Extroverts need a lot of stimuli, while introverts feel best and work most energetic in quiet, quiet environments. Not always - everything is relative - but in most cases. Therefore, in order to maximize our talents, each of us must be in the most optimal environment for ourselves. nine0005
But here we encounter a stereotype. Our most important institutions—schools and workplaces—are designed primarily for extroverts and their need for more stimuli. There is also a belief system now that I call the new groupthink, which holds that creativity and productivity are only possible when jobs are tightly clustered.
“Loneliness is the main component of creativity.
For example, Darwin liked to walk alone in the woods and firmly refused invitations to dinner parties.0005
Imagine an ordinary modern classroom. When I was in school, we sat in rows. The desks stood in rows, like this, and we did most of the tasks ourselves. But in modern classrooms, desks stand in groups - 4, 5, 6, 7 students sit facing each other and do countless group tasks. Even in mathematics lessons or essays, where there should be room for their own thoughts, children should behave like members of a commission. Children who prefer to leave the classroom or work alone are often perceived as outcasts, or even worse, difficult to educate. Most teachers describe the ideal student as an extrovert and not an introvert, despite the fact that introverts are better learners and more well-read, which is confirmed by various studies. nine0005
The same applies to workplaces. Most of us work in open-plan spaces, without walls, constantly subjected to clamor and surveillance from colleagues. In the area of leadership - introverts rarely get leadership positions, despite the fact that they are usually thorough and not prone to excessive risk - which today needs to be strongly supported. Interesting research by Adam Grant of the Wharton School of Business has shown that introverted leaders often achieve better results than extroverted leaders because they are more able to let the ideas of their subordinates come to fruition, while an extrovert may, unintentionally, get excited about his ideas and twist everything for themselves, without giving free play to the proposals of others. nine0005
Some of the most influential leaders were introverts. For example: Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Gandhi - they all described themselves as soft and even shy people. All of them came to the center of public attention despite their personal motives. This turned out to be especially attractive, since they rose to power not because they were drawn to command, and not because they were admired, but because they saw no other choice and were forced to act for a just cause.
"As you know, teams are influenced by the most representative or charming person present, despite the fact that the relationship between eloquence and the value of ideas is zero"
Loneliness is the main component of creativity. For example, Darwin liked to walk alone in the woods and firmly refused invitations to dinner parties. Theodor Geisel, known as Dr. Seuss, imagined many of his wonderful characters while sitting alone in the belfry in his backyard in La Jolla, California. He was even afraid of meeting children who read his books. He thought that the children imagined him as a sort of good-natured Santa Claus, and did not want to disappoint them with his reserved appearance. Steve Wozniak invented the first Apple computer while sitting alone in his office at Hewlett-Packard, where he worked at the time. According to him, he would never have been able to become such an expert if he had not been such an introvert and a homebody in his youth. nine0005
Of course, we should not stop working together - the same Steve Wozniak teamed up with Steve Jobs in order to found Apple Computer, but being alone is very valuable and for some it is absolutely necessary. People have known for centuries the extraordinary power of solitude. Only recently, oddly enough, we forget about it. In most of the known religions of the world, there are seekers of truth - Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad - they alone go to deserted, wild places, where they experience deep revelations and insights, which they then transmit to the peoples. Without nature, there are no insights. nine0005
No wonder modern psychology interprets the same thing. It turns out that it is impossible to be in a society of people without imitating, instinctively, the opinion of the majority. You will be drawn to misbehaving even in purely personal affections and inclinations, and you will begin to copy others without even realizing it.
Collectives are known to be influenced by the most representative or charming person present, despite the fact that the relationship between eloquence and the value of ideas is zero. Maybe you go after the leader with the best plan, maybe you don't. Are you willing to take a chance? It would be better for everyone to disperse, think with their minds away from the influence of the group, and then get together and discuss ideas together in a calm environment, and then draw conclusions. nine0005
“But then the 20th century came and we had a new culture that historians have called “personality culture.” The main change was the transition from an agricultural economy to a world of big business.”
If everything is so logical, why are we still wrong? Why are our schools and workplaces the way they are? Why do we judge introverts when they seek to be alone for a while? One answer can be drawn from the depths of our history. Western societies, especially the United States, have always preferred the acting man to the thoughtful man, especially the thoughtful man. At the beginning of American history, the character of the leader was given great importance, and we valued people with a rich inner world and high morals. If we look at the personal growth books of the time, we see titles like, "Character is the greatest thing in the world." These books set the example of people like Abraham Lincoln, who was famous for his modesty and unpretentiousness. Ralph Waldo Emerson called him "A man who does not take offense at the superiority of others." nine0005
But then came the 20th century, and we had a new culture that historians called "personality culture." The main change was the transition from the agricultural economy to the world of big business. People suddenly had to move from small towns to big ones. Instead of working alongside those they have known all their lives, people had to fight for their place under the sun in a crowd of strangers. Therefore, it is quite reasonable that charm and charisma have become new important qualities for life. Since then, personal development books have changed, with titles like "How to Win Friends and Influence People" that point to successful salespeople. This is the world we now live in. This is our cultural heritage. nine0005
The author of the transcript is Anna Novikova .
5 surprising facts about introverts and extroverts
How do you feel about spending more time at home? Do you dream of noisy companies, office open spaces and precious minutes of attention at parties? Or do you enjoy solitary evenings, free weekends and the opportunity to work remotely? In both cases, now is a good time to read Introverts by Susan Cain. How to use the features of your character, ”yes, you understood correctly: even if you do not consider yourself one of those. nine0005
Introverts. How to use your personality traits
Kane S.
The habitual practice of building a career for a modern person requires sociability, pressure and the ability to present oneself. Society encourages the manifestation of these qualities, thus contributing to a kind of "natural selection".
Public opinion puts enormous pressure on us. What to do with a person who does not meet the established standards? Susan Cain convinces us that introverts are just as capable as extroverts of coping with complex tasks. And sometimes, due to the peculiarities of their temperament, they manage to do it much better. nine0005
Here are 5 unexpected facts from this book that may surprise you:
1. Introverts and extroverts are not only people, but also representatives of the animal world.
2. There is approximately the same percentage of introverts and extroverts among people. However, introversion is more often preferred to be hidden, because today's society is set up for extroverts.
3. However, most people are able to display introvert and extrovert mode, depending on the current situation. That is, they combine those and other features. It’s just that some are more pronounced and located in the so-called human comfort zone. nine0005
4. Introversion and extraversion are formed in the first months of life or even during pregnancy. By the age of four months, a baby can most likely be assigned to one of two groups.
5. Introverts have a more active neocortex - the area of the brain that is responsible for decision making, rational thinking and planning. Extroverts are dominated by the limbic lobe, which is responsible for instincts and emotions.
Two types of temperament were first identified a hundred years ago by the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. He noted that extroverts pay great attention to the outside world and experience discomfort with a long absence of social contacts. Introverts are more self-absorbed and need regular solitude. nine0005
However, the modern “fashion” for extroverts is an exclusively social phenomenon and, with a high probability, temporary. Perhaps the balance of power in favor of showing their maximum in solitude introverts is changing in the world right now. In any case, this does not mean at all that one is better than the other. The main thing to know about introverts and extroverts is that they are able to open up to their full potential in the right conditions. And the creation of such conditions is quite within the power of them.
Perhaps you also know cases when someone you know was known as an introvert for a long time, and then revealed himself as a real extrovert, becoming the soul of the company and achieving success at work. This does not mean that the person has changed. This means that he was able to choose the right occupation and built relationships with people suitable for him. In a word, he created a favorable environment that allowed him to feel supported and safe. nine0005
This is called "reciprocal correspondence between the individual and the environment." Psychologist Brian Little found that people succeed if they "deal with jobs, roles, and conditions appropriate to their personality type." Dependence also works in the opposite direction - conditions that are not suitable for our type of personality lead to burnout and the cessation of self-development.
A lot of interesting and useful information about all this and much more - in the book by Susan Cain "Introverts. How to use the features of your character. From it you will learn how to find your comfort zone and use it to the maximum. How to raise an introverted child and help him create a supportive environment. That among leaders of almost any scale there are both extroverts and introverts, it’s just that both differ in their leadership styles. And that extroverts and introverts can turn any situation to their advantage - just in different ways. nine0005
Despite the title clearly naming "target audience", this book will be useful for extroverts too. For example, from the knowledge gathered in it, we have formulated a few simple tips that will help to more easily survive isolation for those who cannot do without the attention of others for a long time. And we advise you to read it for your own conclusions. And a better understanding of yourself - as well as the world around you.
An extrovert in isolation: how to make life better
☆ Organize your workspace in the center of the room or somewhere prominent. So that family members pay attention to you more often and do not forget to communicate with you. nine0005
☆ If possible, use video calls and conference calls instead of business emails. This will help you get the attention you need and connect with people in a way that's right for you.
☆ Record videos and share your thoughts about anything on social networks. Likes and comments are the most accessible form of social approval right now and will help extroverts feel like they're being seen.
☆ Throw a video call party. Your need to feel like the soul of the company takes on new technologies. nine0005
☆ Create chats. Friendly chat and chat with colleagues, neighbor and interest chat - a lot of parallel conversations will also benefit your thirst for communication. In this form, they even have an additional plus: at your discretion, you can take a break by turning off notifications.