Pastor personality types

Top 3 personality types for clergy – John Meunier

Roy Oswald and Otto Kroeger of the Alban Institute collected data about Myers-Briggs personality types for more than 1,300 clergy. The selection of clergy was not random, so may not be representative of the entire clergy population, but information is still interesting.

Of the 16 Myers-Briggs types, these three were the most frequent.

ENFJ (16.1%)

ENFJs are the benevolent ‘pedagogues’ of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. But it’s usually not meant as manipulation — ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are.

ESFJ (12.4%)

Guardians of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, ESFJs are generous entertainers. They enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes.

All else being equal, ESFJs enjoy being in charge. They see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard and play with zest. ESFJs, as do most SJs, bear strong allegiance to rights of seniority. They willingly provide service (which embodies life’s meaning) and expect the same from others.

ENFP (11.6%)

ENFPs are both “idea”-people and “people”-people, who see everyone and everything as part of an often bizarre cosmic whole. They want to both help (at least, their own definition of “help”) and be liked and admired by other people, on bo th an individual and a humanitarian level. They are interested in new ideas on principle, but ultimately discard most of them for one reason or another.

The two least common types are:

ISTP (0.9%)

Like their fellow SPs, ISTPs are fundamentally Performers (note the capital ‘P’ :-)), but as Ts their areas of interest tend to be mechanical rather than artistic like those of ISFPs, and unlike most ESPs they do not present an impression of constant activity. On the contrary, they lie dormant, saving their energy until a project or an adventure worthy of their time comes along–and then they launch themselves at it. The apparently frenzied state that inevitably ensues is actually much more controlled than it appears–ISTPs always seem to know what they’re doing when it comes to physical or mechanical obstacles–but the whole chain of events presents a confusing and paradoxical picture to an outsider.

ISTPs are equally difficult to understand in their need for personal space, which in turn has an impact on their relationships with others. They need to be able to “spread out”–both physically and psychologically–which generally implies encroaching to some degree on others, especially if they decide that something of someone else’s is going to become their next project.

ESTP (0.3%)

ESTPs are spontaneous, active folks. Like the other SPs, ESTPs get great satisfaction from acting on their impulses. Activities involving great power, speed, thrill and risk are attractive to the ESTP. Chronic stifling of these impulses makes the ESTP feel “dead inside.”

Gamesmanship is the calling card of the ESTP. Persons of this type have a natural drive to best the competition. Some of the most successful salespersons are ESTPs. P.T. Barnum (“Never give a sucker an even break”) illustrates the unscrupulous contingent of this type.

For more of Oswald and Kroeger’s data and discussion about MBTI and religious leadership, buy the book.

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Posted on by John MeunierPosted in PastoringTagged Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Personality type.

14 Pastoral Leadership Styles & Personalities – Part 1 – A Pentecostal Blog & Podcast

If you are a pastor wanting to be more self-aware, a saint hoping to understand your shepherd better, or a pastor who wants to understand other pastors better, this article is for you.

Pastors and preachers are people with personality strengths and weaknesses, just like everybody else. They’re anointed, and God called, but that doesn’t mean they lose their distinctiveness. Pastors are not monolithic. This diversity of personalities and leadership styles is helpful and necessary for the overall health of the Church.

I’m fascinated by personality studies. There are hundreds of them (I still prefer Why You Act the Way You Do? by Tim Lahaye). Like many teenagers, I was awkward with a touch of moroseness; understanding why people acted the way they worked helped me make sense of the world, and it still does (here’s a very brief online temperament test that tends to be scary accurate).

Pastors are not monolithic. This diversity of personalities and leadership styles is helpful and necessary for the overall health of the Church.


From a ministry leadership standpoint, having a grasp of basic personality types is invaluable. When you understand personality differences, you are less likely to be offended or caught off guard by common weaknesses. You spot strengths faster and see buried potential in people as well.

When you understand personality differences, you are less likely to be offended or caught off guard by common weaknesses. You spot strengths faster and see buried potential in people as well.


Even more importantly, understanding your own personality creates self-awareness. Knowing your temperament will help you avoid lots of grief. We’ve all worked alongside people who are entirely unaware of their flaws and overconfident about mediocrity. Or worse, they can’t see their tremendous potential. That lack of self-awareness is dangerous in a leadership paradigm.

I’m a pastor’s kid and a pastor. I’ve spent my whole life observing preachers and pastors from all around the world. I love pastors and have been blessed with the opportunity to interact with dynamic preachers regularly. Over the years, I’ve observed fourteen distinct pastoral leadership styles that directly result from personality types and influences. Most pastors and preachers are a mixture of several of these styles but predominated by one. Each of the styles listed below contains distinct giftings and shortcomings. I don’t think one type is any better than the other. What’s essential, regardless of which leadership style a personality enables, is that the strengths are cultivated, and the weaknesses are minimized.

What’s essential, regardless of which leadership style a personality enables, is that the strengths are cultivated, and the weaknesses are minimized.


My prayer is that this list will be helpful to pastors and maybe a few saints as well. Most problems between saints and pastors are nothing more than personality conflicts. Many saints misunderstand their pastor’s personality and find unnecessary offense and vice versa. I highly respect and honor every pastoral temperament and mean no disrespect by discussing them in this format. The Bible gives us snapshots of spiritual leaders from diverse backgrounds and emphasizes drastic differences between personalities. It’s still that way today.

Most problems between saints and pastors are nothing more than personality conflicts. Many saints misunderstand their pastor’s personality and find unnecessary offense and vice versa.


So, let’s jump into the fourteen distinct pastoral personalities and their resulting leadership styles. Remember, as you read, you or your pastor are likely a blend of more than one of these styles, but one will outshine the others.

  1. The Theologian is a master of doctrinal dispositions and a student of Scriptural nuance. They are intensely smart. The Theologian is well versed in even the most obscure details of Scripture. Minutia matters in a big way to this kind of pastor. They’re likely to be a more introverted temperament with a strong sense of self-discipline. The Theologian’s quiet confidence and knowledge inspire and bring clarity to those around him.

Strengths: attention to detail, doctrinally sound, calming, focused, inspire spiritual confidence, produce well-rounded disciples, mentor other leaders, produce helpful resources, and hold the line against invading false doctrines. The Theologian is an irreplaceable and indispensable resource within the kingdom of God.

Weaknesses: The Theologian struggles with being heavy on information and light on application. They can be extremely introverted (check out this article for introverted leaders). At times, they borderline being extremely anti-social. The Theologian’s hyper sense of focus can easily be mistaken for unfriendliness. When teaching and preaching, the Theologian’s natural tendency is to remain bland and detached, making an otherwise powerful presentation low impact.

The Theologian is well versed in even the most obscure details of Scripture. Minutia matters in a big way to this kind of pastor. They’re likely to be a more introverted temperament with a strong sense of self-discipline.

  1. The Teacher is much like The Theologian minus the extensive doctrinal savvy. That’s not to say they don’t have firm doctrinal grounding; they do. The Teacher fills an important and tragically underemphasized role as outlined in Ephesians 4:11-13. Although their ministry may seem less dynamic on the surface, nothing could be further from the truth. The Teacher grounds what other more extroverted ministries leave unfinished. In many cases, The Teacher is introverted, but not always.

Strengths: mentally disciplined, consistent, highly organized, carefully structured, well-rounded, dependable, typically compassionate, produces helpful resources, inspires confidence, exposes and corrects false doctrine, strengthens other ministers, and produces other ministries. The Teacher is extraordinarily dependable, trustworthy, and unflinchingly honest.

Weaknesses: usually lacks creativity, resists healthy changes, and struggles to engage people emotionally. The Teacher finds it challenging to be concise and naturally overloads people with more information than they can retain in one sitting. The Teacher’s high level of intelligence can unintentionally seem arrogant and condescending.

The Teacher grounds what other more extroverted ministries leave unfinished. In many cases, The Teacher is introverted, but not always.

  1. The Authoritarian has an enormously outgoing and strong personality. This leadership style is usually coupled closely with one of the other personalities on this list. The Authoritarian has a top-down mindset. Authoritarians are confident, self-assured, and strong-willed (making them exceptionally gifted and effective preachers). They make an impression everywhere they go and are easily spotted in any setting. Authoritarians have a keen sense of right and wrong, loyalty and disloyalty, honor and dishonor, and law and order. They command respect and inspire others to do great things. Many of the great leaders in the Bible were authoritarians.

Strengths: brave, concise, competent, efficient, inspirational, self-disciplined, and confident. The Authoritarian inspires the kind of loyalty that generals have when leading troops into battle. They are fearless, focused, accomplished, disciplined, and courageous. They never do what the crowd is doing just because the crowd is doing it. They make fierce friends and worthy adversaries. They are a true leader in every sense of the word.

Weaknesses: ego, pride, unwillingness to change course when needed, tone-deaf, unkind, quick-tempered, and reckless. The Authoritarian struggles to accept wise counsel and respect the reasoned opinions of others. Because authoritarians are so often right, they don’t handle being wrong very well. Strong people are attracted to an authoritarian’s leadership. However, more sensitive people are easily wounded by The Authoritarians’ aggressive personality. Without meaning to, authoritarians occasionally harm gentler personalities without even knowing it. The Authoritarian naturally lacks compassion for weaker vessels. Because loyalty is so important to The Authoritarian, disloyalty (whether real or perceived) is met with overly punitive measures. Their mission mindedness makes them extremely useful in completing tasks but generally makes them lose sight of the feelings and emotions of the people around them.

Authoritarians have a keen sense of right and wrong, loyalty and disloyalty, honor and dishonor, and law and order. They command respect and inspire others to do great things. Many of the great leaders in the Bible were authoritarians.

  1. The People Person is a fascinating blend of introvert and extrovert. In the right setting, they are incredibly outgoing, but they become reticent in other settings. The People Person likes people, likes to be appreciated by other people, and wants people to like other people. They are talkative, emotional, engaging, charming, fun, humorous, witty, and networked. They thrive in a crowded room. They thrive off the energy of large groups. They dislike being alone. Their effervescent personality makes them terrific communicators. Their preaching often full of humor and down-to-earth relatability.

Strengths: passionate, compassionate, likable personality, excellent communication skills, super relatable, community builders, bring other personalities together (networking), very creative, open to ideas and opinions, make people feel loved, and big-hearted. The People Person operates on bursts of creative and emotional energy that is compelling and contagious. They always have big plans that usually includes bringing people together in one way or another. They are inclusive and exude self-confidence even when they don’t feel confident.

Weaknesses: quickly discouraged, easily offended, insecure, prone to bouts of melancholia, sometimes quick-tempered, disorganized, lack follow-through, forgetful, appear shallow, and enigmatic. The People Person has lots of big ideas but doesn’t implement them well because they continuously overlook “pesky” details. In worst-case scenarios, that same inattention to detail causes them to be doctrinally imbalanced. Because they love people deeply, they are also hurt deeply by people. The People Person seems confident but often wrestles with profound insecurities. Their desire to be liked can be detrimental when making difficult decisions. They handle rejection poorly. The People Person’s desire to be center stage may cause them to feel jealousy when others are in the spotlight. They privately battle depression, but most folks would never know it.

The People Person likes people, likes to be appreciated by other people, and wants people to like other people. They are talkative, emotional, engaging, charming, fun, humorous, witty, and networked. They thrive in a crowded room.

  1. The Orator: Although it does become a defining characteristic for many pastors, the Orator is not a standalone personality trait. Not all dynamic orators are great leaders, and not all great leaders are fiery orators. However, when the two are combined, it becomes incredibly potent. Biblically speaking, I think the apostle Paul was an example of a powerful orator (Acts 17:22-31). The Orator is demarcated as being an incredibly moving preacher and communicator. Regardless of their other traits, they have the uncommon innate ability and God-given anointing to move crowds via preaching. Their preaching calls people to repentance, builds faith, motivates change, encourages, convicts, and shapes entire generations. The Orator is not typecast into one personality or leadership style. Their gift crosses lines and spectrums. Some are incredibly inward, while others are highly outgoing. Some pour themselves out while preaching and finish empty and spent, while others are fueled up by preaching and end with a frenzy of energy. Regardless, their gift is usually in high demand.

Strengths: highly skilled communicators, heavily anointed, insightful, reflective, unique, inspirational, thought-provoking, culture shaping, smart, mentally organized, prepared, persuasive, influential, compelling, convincing, adept, well-read, forward-thinking, sensitive to the Spirit, and they exude confidence. The Orator often plays a crucial role in influencing movements and instigating revival on a large scale, even without official positions or titles.

Weaknesses: pride and ego are dangers that every spiritual leader must navigate, but this is especially true for The Orator. Because they are so gifted and well-liked, their egos can swell quickly. The Orator needs the anointing just like every other preacher, but they typically have natural abilities that could just as easily make them great politicians, salesman, motivational speakers, or actors. This means, if they aren’t careful, they will rely on their own ability rather than the Lord. Also, because powerful orators are in such demand, they may not always have time to develop other leadership skills before launching into public ministry. As the old saying goes, “not all great preachers make great pastors, and not all great pastors are great preachers.” Because orators love preaching and communicating so much, it’s often difficult for them to invest their time into developing other important attributes. However, when they do, they are amazingly impactful within the kingdom of God.

Not all dynamic orators are great leaders, and not all great leaders are fiery orators. However, when the two are combined, it becomes incredibly potent. Biblically speaking, I think the apostle Paul was an example of a powerful orator (Acts 17:22-31).

  1. The Nice Guy is just that, a nice guy. This person genuinely cares and has a sincerity that cannot be denied. They lead from a solid core of kindness. Their personality is gentle and calming. Everyone they meet feels loved. Everything they do flows from love. They can be introverted or extroverted, but meekness (not weakness) is their dominant trait. This kind of leader’s personality is usually coupled with a complementary style; typically, The Theologian, The Teacher, The Orator, The People Person, The Poet Performer, The Organizer, The Motivator, The Weeping Prophet, or The Dreamer. They reap a loyal following because of their sincere and warm demeanor. I imagine John the Beloved (John 19:26-27) as a biblical example of the Nice Guy.

Strengths: kindness, compassion, empathy, loyalty, sincerity, warmth, and relatability. Notwithstanding other flaws, much is forgivable with The Nice Guy because they are so likable. People are drawn to them like a magnet. Their love for others flows from their love for the Lord.

Weaknesses: on the surface, you wouldn’t think The Nice Guy could have flaws, but they do. They dislike confrontation more than the average leader, making them anemic in crisis situations where conflict is needed. They are often too slow to rebuke and correct, which causes problems to escalate that could have been alleviated. They are susceptible to being victimized by manipulators and blindsided by pretenders. The Nice Guy may shy away from necessary doctrines that might offend the hearers. In other words, sometimes they forget that love must often be tough.

The Nice Guy is just that, a nice guy. This person genuinely cares and has a sincerity that cannot be denied. They lead from a solid core of kindness. Their personality is gentle and calming. Everyone they meet feels loved. Everything they do flows from love.

  1. The Poet Performer is artistic, talented, and entertaining. David comes to mind as a biblical example of The Poet Performer (1 Samuel 16:16). The Poet Performer doesn’t necessarily have to be musical, but they are always creative, imaginative, and gifted in some artistic way (frequently, they are multi-talented). They are cerebral. Like David, they can also be a warrior, but they are predisposed to spiritual things. Praise and worship come as naturally as breathing to The Poet Performer. They are anointed in almost everything they do. They are emotional, sincere, and sensitive.

Strengths: Besides their talent, The Poet Performer is smart, intensely spiritual, focused, and passionate. Their worship compels others to worship. Their creativity helps others to experience God in dynamic and dramatic ways. They breathe life, energy, and passion into the Church. When The Poet Performer preaches, it is with cadence and rhythm, almost like a spoken song.

Weaknesses: Much like The Orator, The Poet Performer is prone to egotism and pride. They have so much innate talent that even if they stop depending on the Spirit, they can still manipulate a crowd’s emotions. They receive a lot of admiration (deservedly), which produces narcissism if not received correctly. The Poet Performer’s emotions fluctuate wildly (just read the Psalms), hysterically happy one minute and manically melancholy the next. Selfishness is another personal battle that many Poet Performers must fight.

Praise and worship come as naturally as breathing to The Poet Performer. They are anointed in almost everything they do. They are emotional, sincere, and sensitive.


Caveats: again, I feel compelled to mention that most ministers are not a perfect match to any of the above traits. The strengths and weaknesses are generalities, not absolutes. Also, commenting on weaknesses is not intended to be disrespectful or to help generate criticism. Rather, the intent behind this writing is to help us address issues with clarity and resolution. If you take the time to peruse the related articles below, you will find that I support apostolic ministry and believe that pastors should be vigorously defended. Saints, I believe you should give your pastor the benefit of the doubt and lift his arms when and where he is weak. Celebrate his strengths and honor his faithful service at every opportunity. 

Saints, I believe you should give your pastor the benefit of the doubt and lift his arms when and where he is weak. Celebrate his strengths and honor his faithful service at every opportunity. 


Chapter 1. Man, servant, personality. Call to be a pastor

Chapter 1. Man, servant, personality

Ezek. 22:30-31 ... I looked for a man among them who would put up a wall and stand before Me in the gap for this land, so that I would not destroy it, but I did not find it ...

God pays so much attention to the individual! So much depends on one person! Our cities and villages, and the country as a whole, need individuals who would put up walls around each city and village, and would stand in the gap, protecting those who depend on him with their chests. Otherwise, God will destroy this city and this village!!! Our whole country is perishing, because there are few who want to put up walls and stand in the gap. nine0003

Our history has many examples when one person gave his life on the altar to create a church in a city or village. But time passed, and there was no one to take his place, the enemy struck blow after blow, but there was no person who would stand in the gap! The Apostle Paul writes:

Acts. 20.29. “For I know that after my departure, fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.

While Ap. Pavel stood in the gap, the wolves did not dare to torment the herd. But he knew that in this church there was no such person who could fully replace him. Therefore, he regrets that after him the church will have many problems. nine0003

The whole history of Christianity is based on personalities. Everything that God has done and is doing on earth, He does through people. He is looking for people through whom He could work in this world. He needs the bodies of people, so that, having entered them, he can act with their hands, feet, head and tongue, in order to become accessible to people and serve them. This He does by the Holy Spirit, dwelling in hearts that are open to Him. Word of God says:

1 Cor. 6:19 "Don't you know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?" nine0003

Some people accept Him into their hearts, others reject Him. But there are those who accept Him, but do not obey Him and do not give Him the opportunity to manifest Himself through them. They wrestle with Him, wanting to act on their own and do their own will, not His.

If the entire plan for the salvation of the world is based on the cooperation of God with man, then it depends on man whether God will act on earth and to what extent. It is a great privilege for man to be God's worker in saving the world. But it is also a great responsibility. Not only for myself, but for the whole world. Who will God ask? nine0003

Of course, with personalities! Each person is responsible to God in his own way for what is happening in our country, city or village, and most importantly, in the church. God places a special privilege and responsibility on pastors, who are called to be the main executors and spokesmen of the will of God.

I believe that the state of the church and its growth is 90% dependent on the personality of the pastor. Let's look at the personality of a pastor who cannot fail to be successful in his ministry.


The first and foremost condition for serving God is a call to serve. It is impossible to please God by doing the work of God with your own efforts and your own will. The person whom God calls will do the work of God, and the one who goes by his own will will do his will. God does not need our work for Him, He needs Him to act, but through us. If you invite builders to build your house, how important is it to you that they do what you want? After all, it may happen that they are all good people and excellent workers, but in their diligence they will do not what you want, but what they consider the best for you. One will make a high wall, the other low. Someone will make a wide opening for the window, and someone will make it narrow. They all have their own thoughts on this and will tell you that they did it from the bottom of their hearts. But that won't do much for you. You need them to show their professionalism within the framework of your will! nine0003

Do you remember Moses, who in his boldness killed an Egyptian, and God had to send him to the wilderness for another 40 years. And when he squandered all his ambitions, then God called him to serve, to lead the people of Israel out of the slavery of Egypt and lead them into the promised land. Until then, he had been unable to do the will of God. There were too many desires. If he had led the people at that moment, he would hardly have obeyed God. But when his will was no longer there, his ambitions were over, now he did not want to do as he wished. Here to do what God wants! nine0003

Some brothers are waiting for God to call them like Moses, or Isaiah, or Jeremiah. But I understood the following: in a special way God calls those to whom He entrusts a special ministry. No more and no less! If God in his plan provided for calling you to the usual pastoral or missionary service, then He will call you in the usual way. If a person has to do something unusual, or especially difficult, then a special calling will be evidence to him that he is on the right path and will not deviate from it. nine0003

What does “ordinary calling” mean? This means that God will not do it in a supernatural way, but will do it in the way He usually does it. Usually He calls a person in the following way:

Gives in the heart a sincere desire to work sacrificially for Him;

Gives an opportunity to test oneself in this ministry;

A person finds satisfaction in his service;

The person is successful in the ministry;

The surrounding people confirm this success and vocation. nine0003


People say: "They meet by clothes, see off by mind." For a minister of the church, both are important. A person, coming to church for the first time, first of all pays attention to the pastor: who is this person, what is he like. His mannerisms, voice, smile, gestures, clothes, etc. - all this creates the first impression about the church and about Christianity in general. This suggests that even the appearance and manner of a pastor can help a person come to God, or they can push him away.

In all the appearance of a pastor, in his words and deeds, there should be nothing feigned, artificial. People really appreciate sincerity when they are treated sincerely, with an open and loving heart. There should be no extremes that many will not understand or are unpleasant. If the pastor has too refined manners and clothes, then ordinary people will not understand him, they are unlikely to perceive his sermon and want to communicate with him. High culture, simplicity and accessibility - this is what should be in the appearance of every minister. Therefore, the Word of God addresses the ministers:

1 Tim. 3.2 "...but the bishop must be blameless..."

Love for people

Of course, it is impossible to be successful in ministry without love for people. Love for people is the main quality of a successful minister. If he loves his flock and does not work because of self-interest, then this can be seen with the naked eye. No one will follow someone who does not love him. Today the world is choking in malice, filth and betrayal. And people need someone to love them. They will go where they feel genuine love for them. Some pastors love their church and their ministry, but do not love the individual, when that is what is expected of him. You can talk a lot about God's love, but people first of all want to see it in the pastor and ministers. If they do not see it in them, then naturally they will not believe in God's love for them either. nine0003

1 Jn. 4:20-21 "Whoever says, 'I love God,' but hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? And we have such a commandment from Him, that he who loves God love his brother also.

I have seen this picture more than once: a person who suffered a lot from the wrong actions of the pastor, himself, becoming a pastor, began to treat members of the church so cruelly that he far exceeded his predecessor. Looking at such unfortunate pastors, one wants to beg God to send His laborers to replace these mercenaries. nine0003

Personal spiritual life

A pastor in a church has one more duty: to be a spiritual father to all members of the church.

1 Cor. 4:15 "...for though you have thousands of leaders in Christ, yet there are not many fathers"

Naturally, if he leads them, he must be a model for them. They want to see him as the strongest, the most courageous, the most faithful, and so on. It is important for them to see in it how to live, how to act in certain cases. They want to receive comprehensive answers to their questions and requests. If they see in him a rich personal spiritual life, sincerity, self-sacrifice, a rich spiritual experience, a wonderful family, then this will force them to be closer to him in order to learn from him and imitate him. nine0003

Erudition and education

If you want capable, talented, smart, literate people to come to your church, then you must be the person who would answer all their questions. People willingly follow leaders. Most of the people who will remain in the church are those who are no higher than the level of the pastor. Therefore, the pastor must constantly engage in self-education. It is very important to learn how to express your thoughts correctly and pronounce words correctly. Otherwise, for educated people it can become an obstacle on the way to God. nine0003

Organizational skills

The pastor is also called to be an organizer. He must be able to organize people to perform specific tasks. He works among people and must be able to treat them so that they willingly help him, and not fulfill his requirements. He should be able to start the mechanism, and not do everything himself.

There are pastors who work hard to do the best they can in the church. They are builders, and preachers, and choristers, and maybe even choir directors, they also act as evangelists. They prepare people for baptism, visit the sick, and much more. They are torn apart, having no time to dine, read the Bible, but they have the satisfaction that they have dedicated their whole life to God without a trace, and they have no personal life, no free time to relax. nine0003

Despite this, the church is still not growing or growing very slowly, or only growing up to a certain amount. Then there comes a moment when you need to stop and think - am I doing everything right? If he understands that the church should be like a beehive in which all the bees work, each in its place, and begins to trust others to serve, then the church will continue to grow. If he does not understand this, then he becomes the main obstacle in the work of God.

God can teach the most sincere and zealous through illness. It’s just that they won’t be able to pull all the work on their own for a long time, their strength will not be enough for a long time, and then there will come a moment when you want it or you don’t want it, but you need to transfer the service to others. nine0003

This is what happened in my life. I did everything I could for God: during the day I was engaged in the construction of the House of Prayer, in the evening after the builders finished their work and went home, I led the reception of church members, helping them in solving their spiritual and material issues, interviewed those who were preparing to baptism, sometimes church members brought their unbelieving relatives to talk to me as a pastor. Very often it was necessary to have repeated exhausting conversations and prayers with people who were addicted or possessed in order to help them get out. And at the same time, it was necessary to hold a Council of the Church weekly and prepare for it, as well as discuss the upcoming service with the head of the music ministry, develop plans for evangelization in the city and the region, and solve economic and financial issues. But most importantly, it was necessary to have inspiration and strength in preaching the Gospel, which required time for solitude with God and His Word. In addition to church ministry, I had to take care of churches in two regions of the Urals, where it was also necessary to have a vision and organize all types of ministry in the region and visit churches. nine0003

I came home around 12 am, often with a severe headache. At night he slept anxiously, if he suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, he could no longer fall asleep until the morning, because thoughts about what had been done and what had not been done did not give rest. This continued until he was admitted to the hospital in a pre-infarction condition. And so, lying on a hospital bed, he began to ask God why He allowed this, and what will happen to the church now?

He gave the answer a little later, when I had to retire from church affairs for half a year due to illness. It was then that God opened my eyes to my ministry. It turned out that the church lost quite a bit because of my absence, but it gained in the fact that the young brothers felt not responsible for themselves and went to the ministry. This gave a certain revival in the church, and the work of ministry continued with renewed vigor. nine0003

Knowledge of the Bible and the ability to apply it correctly in life

The Bible is the basis of the life of a Christian and the church. If the pastor is not strong in the Bible, gets confused or “floats” in it, then this will discredit him in the eyes of church members, since many of them study it very seriously, and if it turns out that the pastor knows it worse, then his authority will be undermined and his sermons will not have much success. It is especially important that the life of the pastor is consistent with the Word of God, and that he correctly applies it in life. This will give him the right to teach this to people. nine0003

But the most important thing is that the minister should love the Word of God. Love for the Word of God gives the power to fulfill it and live in accordance with it. This is visible to people, and if they see a good example of love for the Word, they will unwittingly imitate it.

Ps.118, 140 Your word is very pure, and Your servant loved it.

Past "valley of the shadow of death"

Ps. 22:4 If I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. nine0003

A good pastor is the person who has gone through the "valley of the shadow of death", that is, has gone through the period of "childhood illnesses", has gone through tests and hardening in difficult life situations, has gone through the stage of dying for himself, the world and the flesh, having solved all his questions before God and able to help others. If he did not pass this, then God will lead him through these difficulties, and he will need to simultaneously solve both his own questions and the questions of the people who will come to him. And this is very difficult. Therefore, I would recommend to all present and future ministers not to shy away from the trials sent by God in order to pass them as early as possible so that ...

1 Pet. 4:1-2 “the rest of the time in the flesh is to live no longer according to human lusts, but according to the will of God”

A person who has come to God can be likened to a person who carries a bag with old unnecessary or even harmful things. The sooner he gets rid of them, the easier it will be for him to go. We come to God loaded with our old habits, addictions, sins, and so on. At the time of repentance, we rejected the old path that we walked without God and agreed to follow the new path. Few realize at that moment that each individual sin and each sinful habit must be rejected. They remain in the heart of a person forgiven and walking a new path, because they remained unrecognized and unopened. At first, they do not manifest themselves, since a person is overwhelmed by the powerful action of the Holy Spirit, reviving this soul and giving hitherto unseen fullness of life. But as they follow Christ, they begin to make themselves known. Here and there they begin to appear and depress the Christian. He believed that everything was over with his sins, but for some reason they appear again and again. Some Christians are disappointed in their Christianity because of this, some begin to fight hard against them on their own, but without visible success. nine0003

The Apostle Paul well described this state in the seventh chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, where he says:

Rom. 7:9 “...the good that I want I do not, but the evil that I do not want I do”

The Apostle Paul would hardly have become the Apostle Paul if he had not once exclaimed:

Rome. 7:24 “I am a poor man! who will deliver me from this body of death?”

It was a cry of despair and disappointment in one's own strength. It was the realization that without outside help he could not cope with his sins. This was the lowest point in the destruction of his old nature. Here happened what can be called death to sin and the beginning of a victorious life. nine0003

Rom. 8:2 "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which made me free from the law of sin and death"

Later he will write:

1 Cor. 15:57 "Thanks be to God, who has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!"

From this moment begins the life of victory over sin and death. How? Sin both manifested itself and manifests itself, the only difference is that earlier this sin had power and took precedence over the spirit, but now it manifests itself in order to expose itself and its presence. Now the manifestation of sin becomes a reason to consciously repent of it, renounce it and give it to the cross, where it has long been nailed by Jesus Christ. Now the Christian's task is to, as soon as another sinner pops out of the "bag", then immediately put it on the cross! First, the biggest sins will peep out, then smaller ones, then even smaller ones. And so all my life. It may happen that God will lead us to something that will begin to point out such a trifle that none of the Christians pays attention to. It shouldn't matter, because God works with each individual, and the further we go with Him in our sanctification, the more He can use us for His service. nine0003

A pastor is a person whom the devil has not caught in his nets

Jer. 18, 22 ... for they are digging a hole to catch me, and secretly they have set nets for my feet.

One of the main tasks of a pastor is to be an intercessor before God, or more precisely, to stand in the gap for the people of God. All the forces of hell fall upon him, the devil wants to destroy him first.

Matt. 26:31 "I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered. "

If the devil cannot destroy him, then at least hook him with something! The devil has a well-established mechanism for attacking a servant. This is:

1In. 2:16 "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life"

In all three of these ways, he tries to break the minister.

The lust of the flesh is usually the sphere of family life. And here the attacks of the devil are the most painful. He attacks family relationships, seduces one or the other spouse, adjusts moments when it is almost impossible to resist. And if it were not for the power of God, then not a single person could stand. How many capable ministers have been neutralized by the devil through this sin! nine0003

Lust of the eyes. Here it is appropriate to recall the root of all evil, the love of money, when a person wants to have everything. The devil will try to buy the minister with money. This is a very difficult test, but coming out of it as a winner, God will reward a hundredfold.

There is almost no need to talk about pride. Everyone knows, especially ministers, that God opposes the proud. (James 4:6) If the devil resists, then this can be overcome by the power of God, but if God resists us, then who will help us? The devil knows this too, and therefore, with incredible force, he tries to impose pride on those who sincerely want to serve God. The devil wants to put man and God on different sides of the barricade, so that they do not cooperate, but oppose, that is, they fight with each other. He whispers in his ear in a sweet voice: “Yes, you are not like everyone else! They don't deserve you! You are better than them, more capable, holier, stronger,” etc. If the minister agrees with this voice, then he loses the ability to stand before God for the people of God. The result of this is strong and persistent problems in the church. The church does not yet see the fall of the pastor, but the destruction has already begun, since the primate is smitten and access is open to the enemy. nine0003

If, in spite of everything, he remains faithful to God and continues to stand before Him, then God will bless the church for his sake.


One of the signs of the spiritual age of a minister is fidelity. God teaches him to cope with different loads, tests him in different circumstances, and if he finds him faithful, he will bless him.

1 Tim. 1.12. “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who gave me strength, that He recognized me as faithful, appointing me to the ministry.” nine0003

A faithful person is a person who does not step back, does not shy away from side to side. God does not entrust His ministry to those who are pure and sinless, but to those who are faithful to Him. If He sees shortcomings in His angels (Job 4:8), then what can we say about us people? If God had used only people without flaws, He would not have found any such on earth. What is the difference between a faithful person and an unfaithful one? The fact that the unfaithful at the first load throws it off himself, and the faithful one will carry it as long as necessary, regardless of the severity and pain. An unfaithful person can be compared to an unbroken horse who is not used to and does not like to carry burdens and does everything to throw off the burden. It is impossible to cooperate with a person who, at the first sign of difficulty, abandons everything. You cannot rely on him, you cannot trust or entrust anything, and so on. Therefore, before entrusting anyone with service, God tests him for fidelity. If a person could not stand it, then He can arrange such a school, where there will be training through such hardships that later the hardships of service will seem relatively light! nine0003

A pastor is both a lamb on the altar and a brave warrior

1King 17:34-35 And David said to Saul, Your servant was tending his father's sheep, and when a lion or a bear came and carried away a sheep from the flock, I pursued him and attacked him and took him from his pasture; and if he rushed at me, then I took him by the braids and struck him and killed him.

A pastor, like any shepherd, must do two things: take care of the sheep and protect them from predators. His care is manifested in the fact that in time to feed, drink, so that the food is good, and so on. He shows love for his lambs, treats them gently and affectionately. But he treats wolves in a completely different way. There is no place for caresses and love, here he is a warrior, ready to repulse everyone who came to destroy his sheep. nine0003

Titus 1:9-11 “For the bishop must be…holding the true word, according to the doctrine, so that he may be strong and instruct in sound doctrine and reprove those who resist. For there are many disobedient, idle talkers and deceivers, especially among the circumcised, with whom the mouth should be blocked: they corrupt whole houses, teaching what they should not, out of shameful self-interest ”

Sometimes our ministers get confused in their relationship with the grazing and do the opposite. Seeing a wounded sheep, they beat it with a stick so that it no longer lags behind the herd, but they treat wolves courteously and correctly - you can’t offend anyone! nine0003

David did what any shepherd should do: he cherished the sheep, but he took the wolves by their braids and slew them. A good pastor must be able to fight wolves and lay down his life for the sheep entrusted to him.

John 10:11. "The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

The only question the pastor has to decide is who are the sheep and who are the wolves. In order not to confuse and not to do the opposite.

At the beginning of my pastoral ministry in the church, there was one big problem. And it consisted in the fact that one brother - a minister constantly provoked scandals in the church. How much we suffered with him! For almost 2 years we tolerated his antics. Already the church began to moan and demand that he be excommunicated, but I was afraid to stain my conscience, because I did not want to stand before God and see on my hands the blood of someone who was entrusted to my care. nine0003

Acts. 20:26 Therefore I testify to you this day that I am pure from the blood of all...

I began to pray and think about what to do. A thought arose, or rather a question: who is this man, a weak child of God or a wolf in sheep's clothing? If a weak child of God, then it is worth carrying him to death, no matter what the cost. And if this is a wolf in sheep's clothing, then this cannot be tolerated any longer, otherwise the whole church will suffer. I said this to the church and the church agreed to dedicate one day of fasting and prayer to find out who this person is before God. Literally the next day, God answered that prayer. As soon as this man found out that they were praying for him, he burst into such abuse that everything became clear to everyone. But what to do next - look for compromising evidence on him in order to excommunicate him? Wouldn't that be unclean in the eyes of God? Is it possible to do the holy work of God by unholy methods? nine0003

We went the other way. They began to pray that God Himself would deliver us from him, because now we knew who he was, and not a single shepherd would voluntarily tolerate a predatory wolf in his herd. And God Himself made it so that we did not have to invent anything. This man himself did such a thing, for which the church unanimously excommunicated him.

There was peace and quiet in the church, there was no more shame in front of unbelievers for the actions of our members.

nine0182 77. The myth that only an ordained minister can perform baptism and communion

77. The myth that only an ordained minister can perform baptism and communion Continuing the hard work of destroying myths, it would be necessary to destroy another modern Baptist institution.

Chapter 1 Fight for Identity

Chapter 1 Man has been too underestimated and too overestimated. Underestimated to hopelessness, overestimated to horror. Overestimated so much that they idolized, but also underestimated so much that they deified. Humanitarians reach


1. THE GREAT SERVANT OF THE LITURGY As far as we know the history of the Church, even in the person of her Saints, it seems that there has never been such an enthusiastic performer, lover, admirer and praiser of the Divine Liturgy as “father” Fr. John "Kronstadt" (Sergiev). True

4. One Person: true God and true man

4. One Person: true God and true man Although the New Testament unequivocally teaches that Jesus of Nazareth is both fully God and fully human, this is one of the most complex and extremely important Christological issues.

Chapter 7 Work and Personality

Chapter 7 Work and personality Few troubles can compare with the loss of a job. Sociologist Ronald Inglehart conducted the largest survey on this topic - he interviewed 169,776 people from sixteen countries - and found that this is one of several reasons that dramatically reduce

Chapter IX.

Mani as a person

Chapter IX. Mani as a person The German orientalist Hans Heinrich Scheder, who in the twenties and thirties was seriously engaged in the study of Manichaeism, based his work “The Initial Form and Further Development of the Manichean System” on the question: “At what stage

Chapter 10. The Person of Jesus

Chapter 10. The Person of Jesus Now, as we approach the climax of the drama, it is worth considering in more detail the question: Who did Jesus claim to be and publicly declare himself to be? Did he consider and declare himself, for example, the Messiah, the Son of God, the Son of Man, etc.? And did they think about him in this

Chapter 17 Personality of Paul

nine0002 Chapter 17 Personality of Paul In the previous two chapters, general information can be found to help you study the Pauline letters. And yet, when I wrote them, I did not leave that feeling of awkwardness that I experienced even when I was a student. We had to memorize plans

Man as personality and subject[426]

Man as personality and subject[426] Personality as a Prerequisite for the Christian Message The first thing we must say about the prerequisites for a person to receive the message of Christian revelation is that he is a person, a subject.0003

Chapter III. The Great Mystery of Christ (1-6). Ap. Paul as minister of this mystery (7). What is the ministry of the Apostle and what is the purpose of this ministry (8-12). Exhortation to the Ephesians (13) and the Apostle's prayer for them (14-21)

Chapter III. The Great Mystery of Christ (1-6). Ap. Paul as minister of this mystery (7). What is the ministry of the Apostle and what is the purpose of this ministry (8-12). Exhortation to the Ephesians (13) and the Apostle's prayer for them (14-21) 1-6 Ap. Paul here goes on to prove the greatness of Christianity. He personally

Paul - minister of Isa Masih for the Gentiles

Paul is a minister of Isa Masih for the Gentiles 14 My brethren, I am convinced that you are full of goodness, full of knowledge, and able to teach one another. 15 However, in this letter, I boldly remind you of certain things, because the Almighty, by His grace, instructed me 16 to be

Worthy Servant of the Almighty

Worthy Servant of God 14 Remind everyone there about it. Warn them before the Almighty so that they do not engage in discussion of meaningless matters. It does no good, but only harms those who listen. 15 Seek that the Almighty sees in you a tested person,

Worthy servant of God

Worthy Servant of God 14 Remind them of this. Warn them before God not to engage in discussion of meaningless matters. It does no good, but only harms those who listen. 15 Strive to present yourself to God as a tested person, a worker who

CHAPTER 23 Personality of Krishna

CHAPTER 23 Personality of Krishna Srila Rupa Gosvami states that although Lord Krishna is the source of unlimited pleasure and the supreme controller, He is still dependent on His devotees in three ways. Depending on their emotional state, devotees

To what was said: Who knows, as if the city of Ephesus is a servant of the great Artemis (Acts 19, 35)

To what has been said: who does not know, as if the city of Ephesus is a servant of the great Artemis (Acts 19, 35) St. Isidore Peluciot. These are not the words of Scripture, but of the Ephesian scribe. Among the Hellenes, those who prepared idols, with the intention of instilling fear in the audience, said that the idols were sent by Diem or

90,000 7 Personality Types of Sick Churches 90,001 90,002 90,245 07/16/2017 90,245 Tom Rainer Community and Church Articles Top

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Sick churches become dying churches.

Dying churches become closed churches.

These statements are a fait accompli unless there is some change or some intervention. But change or intervention is unlikely unless the church has acknowledged that it is sick.

In simple terms, the first thing to understand is that many of our churches are sick. nine0003

For better understanding, I have illustratively described the seven types of sick churches as seven personality types. Of course, no church is a perfect illustration of any of these types. But I'm sure you'll recognize churches with characteristics closest to one of these types.

1. Negative. Seven years ago, I was counseling at a church in the Middle East. Church worship attendance has dropped 60 percent in the last ten years, but most of the church members I have counseled told me that the church is fine. The church can be “all right” until it closes. nine0003

2. Reflector. In churches like this you hear constant complaints about what other people outside the church are doing wrong. These are the faults of other denominations. These are the failings of society. These are the shortcomings of youth. And very often it is the fault of the pastor. Therefore, the life of such a church is a series of short-term contracts for a number of pastors.

3. Cool guy. Such churches rarely look unhealthy. They are usually fast growing and look like the coolest in town. But most of their growth is tied to a single ministry, like the bus ministries of the past, or some kind of charismatic leader. When a charismatic leader or passionate ministry disappears, the church shrinks dramatically. This disease is especially dangerous because of the outward appearance of good health. nine0003

4. Nostalgic. Nostalgic churches live in the past. They miss "Brother Bill" who was a pastor thirty years ago. Church members are convinced that if they just return to the style of music or programs of the past, everything will immediately work out. These churches are getting sicker and sicker because they are putting so much effort into resisting change.

5. Street fighter. These churches are frankly unpleasant. Their work meetings are more like street fights. The Church is often controlled by boasters and critics while most of its members remain silent in fear. Healthier members quickly leave, thus aggravating the disease. nine0003

6. Autopilot. These churches are doing what they've always done because they don't know any other way. They don't necessarily resist change because they don't even see the need for change. As long as we do everything the way we did in 1974, everything will be all right.

7. The walking dead. Only a few active members remain in this church. Most members of the church admit that she is unwell because 83% of the seats are empty during worship. Often the remaining church members are desperate to make a difference. Unfortunately, it's usually too late to do anything.

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